why doesn’t a cast saw hurt the skin underneath the cast but you might think the doctor is just extra careful during this process but the answer actually lies within the saw you see this saw doesn’t spin it actually vibrates and these vibrations are able to cut through hard materials like the plaster in a cast but when it comes to softer more elastic materials like skin the small teeth of the blade can’t get a grip while it’s vibrating instead it sort of just pushes the skin back and forth


  1. It's not true for me I believe this video is fake so I fractured my thumb so when I got gas I was getting it taken off they did that thing I was really scared so I did not move I stay still was just crying not moving and the guy hit my skin and I got a scratch

  2. Movies:

    Serial Killer as Doctor is using cast saws to kill innocent ppl and dies in bloody things


    The doctor is using cast saws to remove cast but not skin due to vibrations and soft skin and break hard materials insteads

  3. The explanation that the saw teeth “can’t get a grip” is wrong. They don’t gut because the get a good grip and move the skin instead of cutting it

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