It’s becoming the norm in Bristol now… Palestine protesters disrupting public and traffic ..Angry members of public .Police rarely seen . When and how will it all end ?

    testing went to [Music] free hello everyone welcome back BBC [Music] Bristol there’s a protest coming here later so I’m just here to document what happens okay I’ll get back to you [Music] security let’s get that going let’s have a look yeah so here is BBC Bristol just off of white ladies Road in Clifton BBC Bristol reception that we just walk into reception see if they know that anyone’s coming today [Music] [Music] to security [Music] it’s open anyway so we just going [Music] in yeah so the gate was open anyway I did press inter come no one answered it so I’ve just walked in while I’ve opened the gate and walked through see if anyone’s in here pull door to open hello mate yeah I just I tried getting you on the intercom I didn’t want to come in are you aware there’s a protest coming down later you oh you are yeah I just want to let you know oh no that’s but if you already know anyway I’m going to be outside and just going to film what happens so if you see me hanging right outside that’s what I’m doing okay just fil me all right Co thank you the police the police aware of it yeah the police are aware of it okay cool thank you cheers [Music] cheers yeah so two guys in there very polite they are aware there is a protest coming this way and they said that the the police are aware as well so let’s get it up lock lock that gate every time the media the neighborhood goes a DI every time the media Li the neighborhood goes a d every time the media Li neighborhood every time the media lies neighborhood Li BDC on you BBC shame on you BBC sh on you BBC shame on you BBC shame on you BBC shame on you BC shame on you BBC shame on you every time the media every time [Music] every every time the med BBC BR sh on you BBC shame on you BBC shame on you BC shame on youc shame on you every every time the med sidec on BBC shame on you BBC shame on you BBC shame on you BBC shame on you BBC shame on you free free free free b b BBC You Can’t Hide we charge you with Geno BBC you hide we charge you with genocide BC you got we you in Geno you got we you in genocide palde genocide free freee and Theo and the genocide BC you got H we you with genocide BC you got we you with genocide BC you got we you with genocide BC you can hide most of them stay outs to be fair so I’m going to go back out over therec sh on youc on youc sh on you yeah she’s good gotot you not how many people [Music] here I reckon there’s about 200 people maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] W has by 200cc on youing hiding no genocide is Crystal Clear genocide is Crystal Clear in a Mil in a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] [Music] forever [Music] Wheels Memorial Building there it’s Beauty in it look at the size of that lovely building [Music] [Music] the angry we can sh on you shame on you shame on you sh on shame on you shame on shame on you shame on you shame on you shame on you I know got the right to do just got the right to protest as Wellen I think you should must love you intine mate you this is no this is and he’s G that’s what happens isn’t it start blocking the roads up people need to get places to who’s got nowhere to go you haven’t warmed up coer is top down nice are your PCS are your pcso staying around we’ve got I’ve got a few officers ask attention why is that there it’s because two weeks ago when we had the March went around broad me and back here uhhuh I was assaulted down the far end there as a tailing of the March was coming in I was filming and I got assaulted put on the floor I think I saw that footage and I’m not sure who’s um yeah I’ve got someone’s dealing with it but it’s has to make me feel safer and know that at least there’s some police around there was no police around that day at all I think the yeah cuz I it was a a a family I say a family it was a a male and female and baby yeah yeah so I’ve got a video of it and everything but it doesn’t it shows enough I think no I saw the images so um I think we are well my understanding is we’re trying to identify the person involved okay cuz they haven’t asked me for the original footage yet I’ve got I’ve got to go and see someone on the 8 may it Tes takes a while but I’ve got the the only footage what the police have seen so far has been my Youtube footage yeah and is there is there more is there oh um I got a different I had two cameras I had this camera going yeah which the one he grabbed he didn’t realize this one was here as well okay I’ve got everything on that one what’s on what’s on YouTube uh a bit of both oh is it that’s what I mean yeah but the best one is everything on there but the the the fact that he was holding me down right he didn’t hurt I wasn’t hurt I got a bit of a pain here but I think that’s where I was trying to keep holding my camera he had me on the ground and I was trying to hold all my stuff he was trying to rip it watch the footage on YouTube and he wouldn’t let me go for about at least one and a half minutes I think so know and I think we’ve got a good it looks like at the very start there’s a quite a good facial shot of it yeah he didn’t like that I I put them on YouTube and um it’s been taken off YouTube now oh is it cuz they put in a privacy complaint yeah but um yeah but there’s only one CCTV camera is halfway down and it’s just in in amongst the trees so it’s not going to show anything I know we and CCTV is not as great as it used to be I’m it’s not so I’m totally reliant on this really whether we could do anything about it cuz I I don’t feel safe if there’s no police around well no like I say I’ve got some officers the main issue we had was the actual March and now that people have arrived here I think the the risk is a little bit lesser what what happened to the risk assessment two weeks ago then because there was a march three times bigger than this going around the city center around BR me did you was it you or someone else put a complaint to that I did yeah I think only because I got assaulted at theend someone someone looking at there yeah they are yeah okay so it wouldn’t it wouldn’t probably been right for me to it’s the first time I’ve ever ever complained about they might they might even come and ask me about it I wasn’t working there well I was working I think I was in bath I think they had an Extinction Rebellion oh right the same day so there may have been a few officers there because there was there no officers available cuz I found 999 here to try and get a officer I wasn’t happy with what the police staff was telling me either they were telling me to leave the area I was still on the floor waiting for an ambulance telling me to leave the area well I think that’s that’s just kind of generic information they normally give people they don’t want you in the same location as yeah I understand that but they try and keep you apart but when you’ve been put on the floor and waiting for an ambulance you can’t really move can here anyways it’s all in the past now but okay well no I think we it’s just a whole day the reason I put a complaint in is because I was talking about it as I was going around filming the whole March I filmed the whole March didn’t see one police officer not one lers L on officer that one pcso nothing on the whole day the whole March and and it nearly kicked off on the city center where some England um some English Lads shouting at England England and they was throwing stuff at us and nearly kicked off there as well by the Sena okay and it was very it was volatile they was a lot of people out they the the drug um thing on Castle green that day yeah there’s a lot of things happening there was I think there was a few things happening but obviously this March was bottom of your list that day well I wouldn’t like to comment sir but hopefully you’ll get some sort of satisfaction from the Professional Standards well they they will get back to you okay yeah okay yeah thank you I’m going to go and have a drink cuz I’m a B I don’t blame you P that pedal in on your ebike thank you take care m name to put the got press jacket table here different leaflets and that on it for the public to look at I would imagine but at the same time in that plastic um container there is leaflets but there also names an email and address and phone number of somebody breaking gdpr be careful a doublesided bit of sticky stuff that you can just get all your opinion guys over on the right y want to show you something a minute okay yeah sure you got you got a table just here for um leaflets and everything yeah which is uh on view to the public yeah yeah but I want you to be aware of that you see anything wrong with that I haven’t filmed it or anything but it’s given out people’s information I’m yeah it’s not very just turn it around that’s all it’s just it’s right in sight for everyone to see no problem thank you than gdpr and everything is that’s it’s cool all right cheers so there we are done very good St I well just going to hang around now and enjoy enjoy the sunshine I think nice sunny day is it [Music] [Music] right over the yeah I’ll get the number hello can you hear me okay we’re going to start now okay you [Music] um me you [Music] nice sunny day some flowers left


    1. So 3 more police than when you were attacked, Bristol two tier police farce are just as comical as the rest of the country, weak, woke and a waste of tax payers money.

    2. Not sure why they are protesting outside the bbc to be honest. The Israeli supporters should be protesting instead. The bbc have been in the pocket of the Palestinians for the last 6 months

    3. So glad I was following the Jack in The Green around the back streets of Cotham (and the back street pubs) while this nonsense was going on. I was with MUCH nicer people, without a wokey in sight!

    4. This right out of hand now. Its every day and everywhere . Our Quality of life destroyed. Its getting on everybody's nerves and accomplishing nothing. Disgusting people disgusting behaviour..

    5. What was that old saying "empty vessels make most noise". That certainly apples to these mobs, a lot of volume but nothing meaningful to say. Average IQs, I'd guess less than 90

    6. This is probably a bit far out for most people but i think its perfectly OK to be against Israels actions in Gaza, whilst still respecting members of the public, and whilst still loving your country. ?

      Mad eh

    7. These people are mentally unwell, the BBC are clearly pro Palestinian but apparently not enough for these losers who seem to think the BBC has war planes that drop bombs on Gaza. This level of stupidity is both hilarious and terrifying.

    8. And as for the police looking for the person who committed the offence , isn’t that just a joke, if that was a British white guy with a union flag , guaranteed would be in custody now. How has it come to this and all over Europe…unreal.

    9. They’ve got no right to block the streets. The police should be doing their job, but instead they let them do what they like.

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