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    00:00 – Zodiac Killer
    1:18 – The Killer Clown
    2:27 – Ted Bundy
    4:14 – Milwaukee Cannibal
    5:35 – Jack the Ripper
    7:15 – Charles Manson
    8:26 – The Butcher of Plainfield
    9:41 – The Night Stalker
    11:39 – The Rostov Ripper

    We cover interesting topics that you might not know about!

    Zodiac Killer the Zodiac killer was a murderer who seemed to not only kill for the sake of it but rather the media attention that would come with it to him at the end of the day it was all just a game of Catch Me If You Can he seemed to love the idea of this game between him and the police and enjoyed the fear he caused he would send very detailed letters to the police and the media telling them information about the murderers that only the killer would know he also added a sense of mockery to the police as he sent letters with secret codes saying they could show who he was if solved the Zodiac’s crimes began with the shooting of two teenagers in a Lover’s Lane in benia in December 1968 over the next year he claimed several more victims taunting authorities with messages he would choose young couples in quiet places as victims and carefully planned these actions to make sure he got as much attention as possible to attract the police despite an intense investigation and hundreds of potential suspects the Zodiac Killer only had DNA evidence pointing to different suspects but he was never identified his letters claimed he had killed as many as 37 people though authorities could only link him to five confirmed murders the Killer Clown John Wayne gasey would be Pogo the clown during local community events and Charities but in private he would go on to be the mass murderer who would go on to kill 33 young men in his home in Norwood Park Township Illinois between 1972 and 1978 gasy lured at least 33 young men and boys to his home after advertising jobs in public areas once they were inside he would them before eventually strangling or suffocating them to death his Killing Spree came to an end in 1978 when the police discovered a significant number of human remains buried in the crawl space of his home and the surrounding area the iceberg went deeper as the investigation revealed that he had been carefully recording his crimes in journals and keeping motos from his victims all this had been a game to him and it said that it brought him so much happiness in 1980 gasy was found guilty of 33 counts of murder and was sentenced to death but even with the fact that his life was coming to an end his final words were kiss my a Ted Bundy on the surface like many serial killers Ted Bundy was said to be a charming and charismatic guy and Bundy would almost always use his Charisma to gain the next victim’s trust Bundy was good at talking and seemed nice which made people trust him this was a trick to make it easier for him to find a victim for almost 4 years he would go on to commit over 30 murders with no one suspecting anything because of how nice he was and with this between 1974 and 197 78 Bundy went on a multi-state killing spree primarily targeting young women and girls he would lure his victims by posing as an authority figure or pretending to need help using things like pretending to be hurt and using crutches or a sling to manipulate victims into helping him this not only made him seem less threatening but also provided an opportunity to get them close to his vehicle only to brutally and murder them Bundy’s killing methods were particularly gruesome as he often revisits the crime scenes to engage in Acts of necrofilia what’s worse is that he would decapitate at least 12 of his victims and keep their severed heads to remember them even though he would do these murders almost regularly Bundy was able to evade capture for years due to his ability to blend in with society when he was a mass murderer he outwardly seemed like a regular guy he dated women had a job and wasn’t socially awkward during his eventual trial in Florida Bundy became his own lawyer and attempted to portray himself as a victim of cornography and dysfunctional family life however the evidence against him was overwhelming and he was eventually convicted and sentenced to death Milwaukee cannibal from necrofilia cannibalism and permanent preservation of body parts from his victims Jeffrey dmer nearly got away with it all had it not been for one victim who managed to get away Jeffrey dmer would usually lure were men primarily young African-American men and boys back to his apartment where he would put drugs in their drinks and afterward he would do what he pleased with them after killing his victims he would dismember their bodies and keep various body parts such as skulls hands and genitalia with him even eating some of the body parts he tried different experiments on some victims hoping it would put them in a sort of zombie-like state by using a drill and harmful chemicals thinking this would make them stay forever in total D was convicted of killing 15 men and boys although he confessed to additional murders perhaps the worst part is that the number might have been lower as one of his victims who was an underage boy from La managed to escape his house even though D had drilled a hole in his head still the police returned to D’s house as Jeffrey would lie that he was his drunk boyfriend dmer was eventually caught in 1991 and sentenced to life in prison but would later die after an inmate beat him to death Jack the Ripper with five victims and five throats cut with almost surgeon-like Precision Jack the Ripper’s death toll wasn’t as high per se as other serial killers but he did do one thing the others couldn’t he got away the murders took place in the poor White Chapel District of London in 1888 where the victims were old prostitutes who he most likely paid for their services but unknown to them they had been paid to die unlike these days where killings like these would be everywhere on either social media or the news in the 19th century everyone had to rely on the newspaper or rumors going around which made everything all the much worse the newspapers would talk about how the Ripper would remove the internal organs of his victims carefully keeping everything intact at the time education on things like human anatomy was only reserved for the richest in Society meaning the public thought they had not only a murderer but one who was bright and possibly quite rich and in 1888 after the first body was discovered more kept coming you can imagine the terror everyone was in at the time rumors going about that he could be a vampire who drank the victim’s blood or that he was a sort of vengeful Spirit killing the immoral people in society with most of the victims being poor prostitutes who were forced into that life to make ends meet most of the authorities at the time thought they had it coming and barely protected them but even despite the Intensive investigation at the time and the numerous suspects proposed throughout the years Jack the Ripper’s identity remains one of the biggest mysteries to this day Charles Manson Manson was essentially a cult leader who formed a commune known as the Manson family in the late 1960s which attracted a devoted group of followers mostly young women with his IDE I Oles and charismatic personality he preached a darker philosophy that involved starting a race war he called Helter Skelter with the plan being to commit murders against celebrities and blame it on particular black gangs in August 1969 under Manson’s orders members of his cult murdered pregnant actress Sharon Tate along with four others at her home in Los Angeles the following night they killed couple Leno and rosemary Lanka in their home leaving messages written in blood at both crime scenes that read death to pigs pigs referring to the police officers to make it seem that this was committed by gangs instead you see Manson didn’t even physically commit the murders himself but instead manipulated his followers into carrying out the AXS for him Manson was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and received the death penalty which was later changed to life in prison the Butcher of Plainsfield Ed gain lived in isolated life with his harsh mother on their family farm in the small town of Plainsfield Wisconsin after his mother died in 1945 gain’s already fragile mental state deteriorated further leading him down a dark path of necrofilia grave robbery and finally murder in 1957 when local authorities investigating a local woman’s disappearance had to search his property the quiet Farmer’s house turned out to be among the worst things in Murder history gain had made household items and clothing from human skin and body parts including skulls used as bows and human skin Furniture further investigation revealed that gain had removed numerous corpses from local graveyards collecting body parts and preserving them in a bizarre obsession with his dead mother his obsession eventually led to the murder of two women whose bodies were found mutilated and dismembered on his property gain was eventually diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and ruled legally insane however his crimes were still so disturbing that to the point where the horror films psycho and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre were made from this insane story The nightstalker through June 1984 a series of murders would be committed in the form of home invasions and murders across California the murder methods were particularly evil as he would break into homes late at night brutalize his victims with beatings and S assaults and often commit satanic rituals before murdering them the police were possibly dealing with a lunatic who was looking for his victims every night he was known to leave satanic symbols at the crime scenes leading to his nightstalker name his crimes weren’t just murders but Extreme violence sadism and a seeming lack of remorse or empathy for his victims in some of the victim’s bodies it was seen that they had been involved in prolonged acts of torture against their victims he would inflict a lot of physical pain and psychological torment it was pretty clear that The Killers simply enjoyed torture the hunt for the nightstalker became one of the largest manh hunts in California history with over 200 detectives working the case in August 1985 the killer was recognized and beaten by a group of residents in East Los Angeles before being arrested and with that Richard Ramirez the nightstalker had been caught during his trial Ramirez embraced his nightstalker Persona often flashing a pentagram to the cameras and taunting the families of his victims what is even more insane is that during Richard Ramirez’s trial in 1989 one of the jurors Phyllis single ter unexpectedly passed away single ter was found dead in her apartment her death was attributed to a lethal combination of alcohol and prescription drugs specifically Valium and the painkiller codin single’s death occurred during the penalty phase of Ramirez’s trial and because of this a lot of the people at the time thought r mirez had caused the death he was eventually convicted of 13 counts of murder five attempted murders 11 and 14 burglaries the rostov Ripper partially due to the incompetence of the investigators and the lack of modern forensic techniques at the time the rostov Ripper would go on to murder and at least 53 women and children in the Russian towns of rostov Shakti and noo cheras between 1973 and 1990 his victims ranged from 7 to 36 and he would often engage in Acts of necrofilia and cannibalism after the killings Andre chikatilo prayed upon vulnerable individuals by exploiting their trust or desperation he would often approach his victims in public places such as bus or train stations markets or Parks offering them money food or assistance he presented himself as a friendly and helpful figure gaining the confidence of his victims before leading them to isolated locations where he could carry out his heinous acts without interruption chickillo would also promise financial assistance or Aid to women who were struggling financially or in need of assistance in fact the Soviet Union during the 1980s was bad to live the victims were desperate he would do this before subjecting them to acts of violence including and even biting off their tongues and other body parts despite an investigation by Soviet authorities chillo remained at large for over a decade his Killing Spree finally came to an end in 1990 when he was arrested after a routine document check revealed his connection to the murders during his trial chillo confessed to the murders and described in chilling detail the pleasure he derived from the acts of violence and mutilation he was eventually found guilty of 52 murders and sentenced to death by firing squad in 1994


    1. born and raised in benicia and i remember growing up terrified of the zodiac killer. whole time he was already dead and gone bit walking down the road where he made his first kills still sketches me out, especially with the graffiti marking the approximate spot

    2. I think you are talking with no respect to the situations and people involved, this monsters tortured and massacrated inocent people and you are portraying a relaxed almost humoristic vibe. This is a serious topic man, it deserves to be treated as such.

    3. The Evaluator It’s bad to use Gods name in vain for an example OMG! OMFG! OH GOD! MY GOD! JESUS! JESUS CHRIST! GOD DAMN! It’s bad to swear an oath saying I SWEAR TO GOD! ON GOD! ON GANG ON MY MAMA! ON BRO! Is bad.

    4. "He was eventually found guilty of 52 murders and sentenced to death by firing squad in 1994"
      cuts to goofy and happy outro music

      that caught me off guard lmao

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