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    Inside The Brutal Life Of Irelands Evil Mob Boss Cornelius Price

    Explore the tumultuous life of Cornelius Price, known as ‘Naily Boy,’ a feared mobster in Ireland’s underworld. This video delves into his violent pursuits, key criminal operations, and his unexpected demise. From his rise as a crime boss to his involvement in the notorious Drogheda feud, and ultimately his death in a Welsh hospital, we uncover the chilling details of his life and the impact of his criminal activities.

    – **The Rise of ‘Naily Boy’**: Tracing Cornelius Price’s journey from a narcotics dealer to a mob boss, notorious for his brutal methods.
    – **Key Criminal Activities**: Discussing his alleged roles in various crimes, including charges of imprisonment, blackmail, and murder.
    – **Drogheda Feud Insights**: An overview of the infamous feud, including the involvement of hitmen and the operations under Gardai’s Operation Stratus.
    – **Tragic End**: How health issues and a diagnosis of limbic encephalitis led to his demise, escaping the clutches of justice.

    Explore the life of one of Ireland’s most feared gangsters and the brutal reality of gang feuds that shake the foundations of public safety and order. Join us as we dissect the life and crimes of Cornelius Price, revealing the harsh truths behind his fearsome reputation.

    #crime #corneliusprice#gangster #documentary #crimedocumentary #truecrime #underworld #mafia #ireland #crimeinvestigation

    ▶This video shares theories and information sourced from the internet and various news outlets. Narcotics Underworld does not claim these as absolute truth and aims not to defame any individuals mentioned. We neither condone nor promote any violent actions discussed; the content is purely educational.
    ▶All images and content are used in alignment with YouTube’s Fair Use copyright
    ▶ All of these videos are licensed or used with permission from the original video owner. For any inquiries, please contact us : narcoticunderworld@gmail.com

    how brutal was the life of Ireland’s Evil mob Cornelius price Cornelius price once a feared mobster in Ireland is dead his life filled with violence and power ended not in a battle but in silence taken by something else he was on the run from both his Rivals and the guardi but Mother Nature had other plans the underworld is shocked let’s delve into the enigmatic life of the infamous NY boy of the underworld known for his violent activities his life took a surreal twist with a diagnosis that brought him to the brink of Oblivion as we rewind his life we see a man known for brutality Price’s Journey from violence to a sudden twist of fate is intriguing his story is more than just his crimes it’s about the unexpected end of a life lived on the edge we dive into his past exploring how he became n boy his actions once commanding respect and fear and now just memory of a bygone era the rise of n boy what’s the story of Cornelius price a Narcotics dealer and a Crime Boss who did not hesitate to use violence known as n boy within underworld circles Cornelius price was often portrayed by the media as a volatile criminal with a fierce reputation for violence price had faced charges for conspiring to falsely imprison and blackmail two individuals in 2020 while he was slated to stand trial in the UK alongside five alleged Associates his deteriorating Health spared him from facing the justice system despite his Central role in the infamous Droid a Feud He nevertheless evaded both law and his Rivals with his death fate intervene before he could be held accountable for his crimes keep your spot as we delve into the Droid of Feud shortly price was well known for his alleged involvement in criminal Acts including hiring individuals from the UK to escalate violence in Ireland shockingly this Hitman who was also involved in smuggling stolen cars into the country was just one of several individuals contracted for eliminations under the aices of price and Owen Maguire this fact alone demonstrates the extent of their reign of terror these activities came to light following the guard’s operation Stratus a remarkable law enforcement effort among Price’s many eliminations the assassinations of Benny White House and a pregnant C coup stand out as particularly shocking price and White House had once been close friends but paranoia and greed ultimately drove price to sanction White House’s elimination but that’s not something unusual in the Underworld it takes a minute to turn friends into sworn enemies the Irish Times reported that price believed White House had planted a pipe explosive at his Caravan which led to his decision to eliminate him despite his involvement in such acts Price’s criminal operations were dealt a blow when his contract hit hit man was incarcerated in 2016 moreover the threats to life grew immensely as a result of a gang Feud the details of which we will disclose later prompting price to flee Island as the risk to his life escalated how did he Ascend the criminal ladder price rose up to the top of the elicit trade in the northeast of Ireland in the mid 2000s his Allegiance with Gangster Owen Maguire proved to be instrumental in this regard but it wouldn’t been possible without another major development of that time in 2006 the Power Balance of the local Gangland changed a void was created by the elimination of notorious dealer Paul Ray Ray was taken out by a hit through a car window when he was going to court to face charges over a major Coke seizure this was an opportunity for the young criminals to step into the big leagues price filled the void by taking up the open space in illicit trade he became acquainted with Maguire and struck in Alliance which proved to be fruitful for both gangs price had connections to Bal brigan and agreed to supply Maguire in that area whereas Maguire took over the droida and dandul area their organized crime syndicate came to be known as the price Maguire group notably price also enjoyed close ties with other organized crime groups such as McCarthy Dundon gang these alliances made him rise through the ranks of the narcotics underworld the other thing being his use of extreme violence to get his way price first came to the attention of law enforcement in 2010 in B Brian prompting his relocation to gormanston he built up a Fortified Compound there with only one entrance leading to a narrow road it was hard to penetrate for the guardy this was an ideal place for elicit activities as it was surrounded by a few mobile homes ditches and quaries price utilized this isolated area for storing elic Goods in ditches and quarries ultimately he solidified his position as a major player in the elicit trade sourcing supplies from notorious English gangs including Mr Bigs Mr big was allegedly involved in the elimination of real Ira Terror boss Alan Ryan in 2012 you can imagine the kind of gangsters he was rubbing shoulders with at that time following scrutiny for White House’s elimination in 2014 price orchestrated the killings of Willie mour and his pregnant partner Anna Lan in 2015 this was a shocking event that reverberated in and out of the underworld subsequently the executions of Richard carbury in 2019 and psychopath assassin Robbie Lawler in 2020 followed in Pursuit Of The Deadly drow of Feud Lawless demise months after his involvement in the elimination of teenager Keen M ready Woods reportedly occurred at Price’s behest the tragic elimination of M woods stemm from a false belief that he supported CBRE as salance we will delve into these eliminations in detail later in this video it’s notable that Lawler and price were implicated in serious crimes reflecting a pattern of behavior linked to their alleged activities not only that price was a friend of white house but he also knew his family and yet this relationship did not deter him from arranging White House’s elimination Laura was even a step ahead in manifesting such psychopath Behavior his brutal assassinations showed that he enjoyed the pain of his victims the series of events surrounding Cornelius price offers a heroin glimpse into the intricacies of organized crime within Islands underworld such incidents driven by a complex web of alliances vendettas and power struggles underscores the dark reality of this shadowy world Price’s trajectory from his emergence on the police RAR to his involvement in a network of English gangs exemplifies the transnational nature of criminal Enterprises these allian provide access to resources but they also expose individuals to heightened risks as evidenced by Price’s entanglement in a cycle of violence and retribution the orchestrated eliminations linked to price marked by their brutality and their reverberations throughout the criminal underworld demonstrate the ruthlessness and calculated nature of his operations each elimination serves as a start reminder of the human cost of involvement in organized crime from the shocking killings of Willie mour and and Anna vas Lan to the targeted assassinations of Richard carbury and Robbie Lawler these events underscore the tragic consequences of a world driven by power greed and Vengeance moreover the tragic demise of teenager Keen M ready Woods highlights the collateral damage inflicted by feuds fueled by false beliefs and vendettas the cycle of Violence perpetuated by individuals like price reveals the Deep rooted challenges faced by law enforcement in combating organized crime in underscores the need for comprehensive strategies that address not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes driving such Behavior did Cornelius Price’s run-ins shape his criminal path Cornelius price a native of gormanston County meat and a father of two was known for his violent Behavior which extended even to confrontations with gardi in January 2014 he deliberately drove his van at high speed towards a uniformed officer 3 years later he was convicted of endangering a Garder at a Garder station the court heard that price had a history of 18 previous convictions including careless driving public order offenses and assaults he received a 3-year sentence in 2017 but his criminal activities persisted even Behind Bars during his time at weatfield prison price allegedly attempted to smuggle the dangerous psychoactive acve substance spice into the facility the scheme was foiled when officers observed a drone hovering outside the Prison Walls revealing the smuggling attempt in 2018 price was a victim of a violent attack which left him with severe injuries sources within the prison suspected it was a retaliatory strike following a dispute with an Associate of imprisoned assassin Warren dumbell additionally there were reports of Alex willing to go to Great Lengths to obtain narcotics from Price’s gang leading him to believe he held sway within the prison however his isolation grew as former allies formed new alliances with rival gangs consequently he was placed on a 23-hour lockdown to safeguard him from other inmates released from prison in 2019 Price’s return to Freedom was met with vigilance from law enforcement the guardi conducted various searches in droa for arms and weapons amid fears that he would immediately indulge in the Raging gang Feud of which he was a key player price subsequently filed a lawsuit against the state alleging his prolonged detention in Wheatfield prison however the court of appeal ultimately rejected his claim 2 days after his release from prison he took his family and fled to the UK on a ferry he spent some time in Bulgaria as well before returning to Ireland after a month he kept staying in different locations and made warnings from cops that his life was in danger before moving to the UK again how brutal was was Cornelius price what were the harrowing eliminations associated with Cornelius price price was linked to the elimination of Benny White House White House was attacked right after dropping his daughters at school price and White House were friends turned foes and if you’re following us for some time now you would know that this is another permanent feature of the underworld it doesn’t take long for brother-like friends to turn into to fatal enemies price and White House had engaged in a violent Feud over the supply of Narcotics in lath and North County Dublin in 2013 price was attacked by White House and another man this was followed by elimination of white house while his partner was hit in the leg later Price’s gang was involved in the elimination of a couple Willie mour and his partner Anna VLAN in 2015 the couple had vanished and their bodies couldn’t be located to date despite the extensive Garder searches they were last seen in Price’s fortifying compound the couple was living there but had been planning to move to tala where the MS lived this was a sign that they wanted out from this crime World they were about to meet Wily’s mother when they disappeared up till now no concrete information about their whereabouts have been found the guardi investigation for this disappearance is still open on learning about Price’s death father of Willie mour said this man was a monster who killed my boy and his girlfriend he ruled through fear and had evil pumping through his veins there are people who were terrified of him because they knew what he was capable of we can only pray now that someone will have the courage to tell us where William and Anna are buried the police believed that price feared the couple had information about the elimination of Benny White House that’s why he ordered their execution but he wasn’t in the frame for both eliminations then came an elimination that turned the Gangland upside down the feud gained renewed momentum following the brutal assassination of teenager Keen M Woods prompting questions about the unfortunate teens’s involvement in the Underworld despite his young age M ready Woods had already garnered attention from both law enforcement and criminal circles his past actions including threats to burn down a family’s house and defrauding an innocent woman showcased a propensity for criminal behavior that didn’t Escape judicial notice moreover M ready Woods alleged double dealings in the further fuel tensions particularly with the faction led by Robbie Lawler another incident involving Lawler’s assault shortly after his release from jail where his sports bag in distinctive black and white flip-flops was stolen escalated hostilities shockingly these same flip-flops were later discovered with M ready Woods’s Remains underscoring the viciousness of the conflict in retaliation from M ready woods’ elimination price enlisted additional muscle from the UK however the threat to to his life prompted him to flee Island amidst fear of reprisals yet this didn’t deter him from ordering the hit on Laura the alleged Mastermind behind M Woods’s demise price returned to Ireland but before that he shared a provocative viral video on YouTube where he toasted Lawler’s passing in the short video price was seen saying cheers to Robbie Lawler rest in peace he’s not even meant to rest in peace but fair play to you there you go boy what sparked the dro Feud after feuding with White House Price’s gang embroiled in another lethal Feud with another gang that the media labeled as anti- Maguire gang due to legal reasons it included the psychopath gangster Robbie Lawler amongst others this lengthy Feud became known as the drowa feud it involved over 200 people and included assaults kidnappings explosions burning houses and elimination to address this escalating threat to Public Safety the guardi launched operation Stratus a concerted effort aimed at dismantling The Gangs involved over 150 suspects were pursued leading to significant breakthroughs in law enforcement efforts the operation resulted in the seizure of various weapons including Firearms pipe explosives narcotics and a substantial sum of over €230,000 in cash furthermore operation Strat has resulted in the apprehension and incarceration of numerous dangerous criminals among them Paul Crosby the arrest of Paul Crosby serves as a compelling narrative offering insight into the complex dynamics of criminal life raised in droa Crosby was drawn into a life of crime during his formative years initially aligned with the Maguire faction Crosby’s resentment grew as he felt relegated to a subordinate role within the organization tensions between Crosby and Maguire reached a boiling point leading to a better rft and ultimately sparking the deadly drow of feud in 2018 there was an attempt on Maguire’s life leaving him paralyzed in a wheelchair Crosby was one of the main protagonists in the feud height he mocked Maguire after the elimination attempt on one occasion Crosby recorded a phone conversation with Maguire jering mocking and antagonizing him calling him a [ __ ] and telling him you can’t walk bro as Paul Crosby belonged to the Robbie Lawless side of the Feud He facilitated an elimin ation which surged the war into New Heights it was on The Hit List of price Maguire group for luring M ready Woods to a house where he was eliminated the details of this elimination would shock you to the core but YouTube doesn’t allow us to disclose this kind of information nevertheless after facilitating one of the most gruesome eliminations of Ireland Crosby faced an attempt on his life and he came running to the nearby Garder station to seek protection notably when things turned nasty he came running back to the very people he hated for protection imagine that after all the trouble he gave the police he went to them when he needed help he was sentenced to 10 years for his role in the elimination of M ready Woods what do you think of Crosby’s actions let us know in the comments coming back to Cornelius price he was suspected of being involved in another Feud elimination this time of Lawless associate Keith branagan in 2019 this happened a few months after Price’s release in prison as for Robbie Lawler’s elimination Cornelius price paid a Hitman over € 100,000 to take him out and that’s not it he lured Laura to his demise by hiring him for a fake hit he used his contacts in Mount Joy prison to use a rival crime group who hired laa to conduct a hit in Belfast it was a setup when Laura came to execute someone as a stroke of irony an assassin was awaiting for him for the same purpose as the intended Target hid in safety according to G of sources the elaborate hoax took weeks to orchestrate notably Laura was furious with price for orchestrating the assassination of his brother-in-law Richie carbury he suspected teenager M ready Woods’s involvement in it the teenager’s demise was widely regarded as one of the most appalling assassinations in Ireland’s history price believed that laa had crossed a line here despite relocating his family to Rochdale in the UK price was determined to seek revenge for the teenager’s death regardless of the cost and the length he went to accomplish that are indicative of that while price had committed numerous vile acts he was shocked at the brutality of the Minor’s elimination moreover he recognized the necessity of neutralizing laa before he or his family became targets after neutralizing the threat and avenging Woods’s death price celebrated by posting a video of himself drinking Captain Morgan’s rum as a response to Robbie demise Price’s gang also targeted other members of the laa mob these retaliatory strikes placed price in imminent danger with reports suggesting a € 100,000 Bounty placed on his head by the rival gang isn’t this like a scene straight from a Netflix Naros movie according to gardi price did the world a big favor by getting rid of laa who was a madman and executed people for fun nevertheless this act couldn’t vindicate him for the vile Act he had committed at the time of his release the father of Willie Price’s victim called for the thug to be banned from droa and Bal brigan I think if the guardi have evidence of him associating with known criminals involved in organized crime he should be arrested these are people who have been banned from towns because of antisocial Behavior so why can’t price be banned if his presence will lead to further outbreaks of violence in which innocent people could be killed his release put the Guardia on high alert as part of operation Stratus officers from the armed support unit and local detectives increased patrols to Cil potential strikes by the feuding mobs it seems that wherever price went at that time be it in prison or out chaos followed his timey prison wasn’t free of violent incidents either as he was the recipient of a brutal attack himself Dro AA Chief superintendent Christy Mangan commented on the feud the feud in droa like all other feuds is about Turf and money and that is fueled by the demand for cocaine which knows no social divide this is a national problem and if we don’t act as a group with health practitioners and reduced demand we will lose a generation of young people following his release from prison price relocated the UK due to threats on his life and increasing pressure from law enforcement his compound had become a frequent Target of searches by not only operation strats but also the G’s National units and the crime assets Bureau this Relentless scrutiny extended to his relatives and Associates resulting in convictions and imprisonment amongst those ins snared was Steven gibons close associate of price and the husband of his aunt who served as Price’s trusted Aid and Confidant Gibbons used to do minor tasks for the gang he was previously arrested for the double mour vast Lan elimination this time he was arrested after getting caught with a weapon notably Gibbons is also reported to have been beaten up by Price many times before before getting locked up in his shed nevertheless when price was in the UK he continued his illicit activities he participated in a blackmail plot of kidnapping two brothers with a demand of £300,000 Ransom under threat of their lives the brothers endured harrowing conditions until their eventual Rescue by armed police price is demise an enigmatic end to an enigmatic start in 201 21 his life took a dramatic turn when he was diagnosed with lyic entis a debilitating brain condition that left him in a coma with slim chances of recovery price was hospitalized in the UK while facing kidnapping charges in Ireland hinded by his deteriorating health and electronic tag restrictions Price’s trial was indefinitely adjourned as his condition worsened his associates flooded on social media showing the loyalty and camaraderie prevalent in criminal C ultimately Price’s demise came not at the hands of his adversaries or the law but rather from an unexpected adversary cancer in his passing one of Ireland’s most feared gangsters met a fate perhaps unforeseen by both authorities and his Rivals alike Price died in a Welsh Hospital on February the 19th 2023 it was an unusual Gangland death especially for someone like him not merely violent gangsters evade the law due to some some disease just when his past life was catching up to him he was out of the game that’s how he evaded the eager chases of guardi and the UK law enforcement however his condition was a reason for celebrations for his Rivals they gloated over his final moments by posting a video of him lying in a hospital bed on a ventilator with the caption bye-bye n boy y [ __ ] mocking his death while using a video posted from his deathbed by a Christian preacher seems cruel but that’s a normal part of the callous world of Gangland after his death Price’s family and friends ran a sustained campaign to whitewash his criminal career they posted tributes and shared his last moments especially his last minute conversion at the hands of a Christian preacher like his tumultuous life Price’s funeral stirred significant attention both within the underworld and legal circles authorities in droa remained on high alert amid speculations that the funeral would be held in Bal Brian his longtime residence before acquiring his compound in gormanston the authorities closely monitored the arrangements anticipating the need for extensive policing measures to throt potential avenge attacks or violence from Price’s numerous enemies including Associates of his rival Robbie Lawler ultimately a private funeral service was conducted in the greater Manchester area drawing scores of attendees including extended family members and friends who made the journey some even traveling by f Ferry despite his daughter’s plea for privacy several videos capturing the ostentatious funeral rituals surfaced online nonetheless the funeral garnered significant media attention due to its extravagant displays and lavish tributes to the notorious gangster the scene unfolded in Grandeur as three top-of-the-line Lamborghinis led the funeral procession for the notorious mobster following closely with family and friends bearing Price’s wooden coffin while floral tributes adorned his grave with some dubbing him a legend and King two floral tributes included a golden weapon and black weapon with silver bullets a massive replica of Captain Morgan’s run bottle was also placed on his grave with photo montages of a thug Price’s supporters posted on social media after the service the posts included he really did have the best send off another one stated youve done him very proud another social Med media post included a photo of three bottles of Stellar artoa beer and two cans of Captain Morgan and Coke mixture on the Poster’s lap after the service with the caption Legend of a man rip Cornelius price yep yep later around 20 supporters gathered near the crime boss’s compound and placed a large Banner with the words back to home turf painted onto it the lane way to the compound was decorated with floral bouquet and balloons accompanied by bottles of champagne streams of tricolor Flags adorned the bushes bearing tributes to the gang boss ranging from rest in peace to see you in the next life and Captain Morgan meanwhile music resonated from a large speaker several supporters paid homage to the feared mobster by indulging in shots of Captain Morgan’s rum this apparently was a nod to price drinking the same rum in a widely circulated video celebrating the demise of his sworn enemy Robbie l however not everyone shared these sentiments as soon as news of his death broke videos of people toasting and celebrating the gangster’s demise emerged online Wily mn’s father Joe said I wish death on nobody but if there is one person in the world that deserves to die it’s him I hope he burns now in hell he done evil things evil has to be dealt with you don’t get away with evil I think he got the justice that he deserves it wasn’t God that took him it was the devil that took him he’ll be dancing on the devil’s fire for the rest of his life and that’s the truth if you didn’t know Price’s story you would wonder why anyone would wish such things for someone but after knowing what he did you cannot blame the unfortunate father former guarder assistant commissioner Michael O Sullivan who led the operation to bring price down called him without doubt one of the most evil people he had come across he just shows no mercy to anybody he just thrived on conflict and violence intimidation torture burning houses dare I say killing people he was certainly involved in several murders he just had to cause confrontation he just had to be vicious and violent he was a oneman serious crime wave said the Garder commissioner where does the dro of Feud stand today is the droa feud still raging how are Owen Maguire and other players fairing after the major deaths and incarcerations as for Owen Maguire Price’s demise dealt a severe blow to him he was already grappling with significant challenges prior to Price’s death Maguire had lost his assets to the criminal assets Bureau leaving him in a precarious position subsequently he retreated into seclusion plagued by paranoia and confined within the walls of his home as the primary force on his side Price’s passing left Maguire profoundly weakened and highly exposed Maguire narrowly escaped death in 2018 when Robbie Lawler disgruntled member of his gang made an attempt on his life he struck him six times leaving him paralyzed despite this harrowing ordeal Maguire managed to survive in 2023 the criminal assets Bureau dealt another blow to Maguire by confiscating his and his brother’s assets including two properties 304,000 in cash two vehicles and a Rolex watch The High Court ruled that these assets were acquired quired through criminal means and thus subject to seizure Justice Alexander Owens priding over the case remarked the evidence presented regarding financial affairs dating back to the early 2000s indicates minimal legitimate income while some may have originated from Owen’s scrap metal business a substantial portion is linked to his criminal activities as supported by Financial records following This legal setback Maguire has maintained a low profile choosing to stay out of the public guy as for the anti- Maguire group as the media calls it because many of their members couldn’t be named due to legal reasons two siblings have been leading the faction however recently it emerged that the siblings Duo had split up with one living in Dubai and the other in Thailand while both are suspected of supplying the narcotics in drowa from these hideaways both brothers are in their 20s and facing serious charges they have arrest warrants out for them in Ireland and were due to appear in trial however they did a runner and fled the country citing risk to their life in retaliation for the gruesome elimination of teen Keen M Woods while the brothers are said to be split up there doesn’t seem to be a falling out they just appear to be trying to make a go of it separately nevertheless it was considered Good News by the now low-key Thug Maguire who recently emerged in the media smiling on this development previously there were indications that the siblings had relocated to Dubai under the the protection of the kinan cartel according to reports from sources like Dublin live it’s speculated that the siblings have distant familial ties to the kenun however regardless of their activities overseas returning home poses a grave risk as they could either face elimination or be subject to imminent danger now with several key figures either removed from the equation deceased or imprisoned and the anti- Maguire faction disbanded the question arises can the resident of droa finally breathe a sigh of relief or will the Spectra of the feud resurface in the near future with Lawler and price out of the picture Maguire maintaining a low profile and The elusive sibling Duo evading capture the situation remains uncertain what are your thoughts on the potential outcomes


    1. Wrong Mr big , another video put out using Paul massey from Salford who also got named as Mr big by the coppers ,Cornelius price WASNT connected to Salford Mr big he was connected to the Mr big over in IRL ,Paul was a good guy ,he had changed & was trying to help the young teams quash their beefs in Salford & Manchester, But like most of us oldheads that have been in a life of crime & jail ,Sometimes our past catches up ,Like the so called iceman who took Paul's life ,Rest easy big yin ..

    2. All the big guys gone from manchester , Now its kids weigh about 8 stone wet but like jack russels they just bark loud, stink off weed , Primark big day out .

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