This video series follows my adventure in Sept-Oct 2023, along with 19 other cyclist friends, old and new, with Pedal Britain & Europe cycling from the English Channel at Saint Malo in France, across the entire country to the Mediterranean at Nice 14 days later, visiting the “Beast Of Provence” Mont Ventoux along the way.
    A Spine injury has meant my preparation was almost non existent for the preceding 3 months and with Surgery booked for my return to the UK, I was at the start line full of Nerve Blocking medication and full of doubt as to the possibility of completing the full trip and certainly the ascent of Ventoux seemed a forlorn hope when we set off

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    [Music] day 14 the final leg of our epic cycle across France shrouded in Mist it’s a cool morning and extra layers are required to begin with it’s been such a great adventure with these guys I couldn’t help comparing my day one thoughts will I make it to the end to my thoughts right now I just don’t want it to end a grand depart oh and away we go Misty [Music] day we have not this for a few days have we the Mist in the morning clear right clear [Applause] left yeah oh you can still see the church just [Music] anyone’s legs woken up yet no war hard to believe it will be almost 30° when we get to theath because it is very cool in castan and Misty I think this 8 Mile climb or soon warm is [Music] up wow how beautiful is that off to the [Music] rightful Here Comes the Sun Here Comes the Sun and I say it’s all right after this descent and before the next climb I’m taking my jacket off I’m already too hot finally a decent descent [Music] qu that was cold that descent so the decision to take the layer off is been delayed nearly at the end of this long mainly uphill 8 Mile [Music] stint [Music] B I’m so glad I left my jacket on yeah I’m cold this is cold oh says it’s hot in KN oh good hot in N is good it’s nice in nice look at this lot I love the bells there’s a goat in amongst the Sheep you’re in the wrong [Music] field there we go [Music] like the last serer the last Brew Stu it is right then off to nice let’s do [Music] it got that last boost up was like a garage sale everything must go if it’s open it’s got to be eaten oh okay then I’ll have another Apple chart B we have 30 miles mainly [Music] downhill more Hills after the oh is is this a hill or just a bum [Music] it’s like every vehicle is either somebody on a bike or a bloody Ferrari I [Applause] know money money money must be funny in a rich man’s world [Music] wow oh look at this wo [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s the one that overtook me [Music] earlier my God there’s some money around here [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember you’re saying you’ve never done an 8 Mile descent before and now we got a bloody 25 mile descent this is crazy is [Music] it also our long long climb for people coming the other way well considering I have found personally this a fairly tough 14 days massively enjoyable though I couldn’t wish for an easier finish for it it’s been a brilliant 14 days thank you to everybody who sponsored me for Zoe’s Place baby hospice we hit the seven ,000 barrier a few days and I’m really really grateful for that um and all the guys I’ve ridden with have made this a much easier event me than it otherwise would have been given my back issue so it’s been brilliant and absolutely fantastic bubble that we’ve been in for 14 days [Music] wow wow wow [Music] wow how good is that that was floody marvelous [Applause] how good was that that little stretch there is Georgie arrived yet there he is how good was that bit bik behind you bike behind you one way [Music] down God you’re stopping every five yards what we got got here now oh look at this Cascade the cors I think C of them just went past [Music] it woohoo Al sh how childish shouting in tunel [Music] wow wow well well well how good was [Music] that this is another wild day you feel that yeah you never thought you were freezing when we first started little uh emergency Snickers from the van give me all the energy I need for this very gruelling right we’re spending more energy eating Snickers and I am riding the bike at the moment I don’t know what day it was they say 8 m just set I’ve never done an 8 m just set this is nearly 30 miles just mad I almost resent having to Pedal now and again oh mate this is wonderful finally we reached civilization via an unexpected climb into Kang Samir oh amazing how tough it is when you’ve been downhill for 20 odd miles Jesus good God feels harder than it should be that was unexpected the plan was to regroup on the prominade and ride the final 7 miles together to the I love n sign which marks the end of our adventure oh I not Bry boat down yeah she brought the boat yeah I told him to leave it at home oh God over the zebra how many hours have you been here Cliff hours there was an additional delay as Berlin Steve joined Lou for the inevitable paddle in the med on the airport now for the private jets the Rich and Famous quite significance of a pole the Bear in a place like [Music] this a PO the bear what’s the significance was weird see the sign up there on the right as the Finish Drew closer Richard was anticipating the welcome of his family who’d made the trip to see him at the Finish but on guys wow it is I can see is distinctive blue bike and cycle helmet [Music] combo coming up now great effort from samalo T in 14 days good on dad you’re nearly there few more meters dad so when I heard someone shouting keep going dad I assumed this was for him at first I caught sight of someone familiar though out the corner of my eye and from then on I was a mess what the overcome with emotion I completely missed Richard offering his congratulations and left him hanging really sorry mate [Music] [Music] I didn’t even know know wow done really well over the last two weeks we all cured for the obligatory Victory shot before finishing the ride with a cycle beside the marina to the hotel and I was still blubbing that was already going to be an emotional moment seeing miss on there at the finish I wasn’t expecting it it’s [Music] wonderful just arrived back to the hotel now I believe it you’ve definitely got the right name for this place Mr Wheeler Rich yeah have I oh God I’m empty now emotionally weren’t you expecting him here no I did nothing think oh wow out of the four of us only Richard has downloaded the route to the hotel and we’re lost it’s a nice area but is it the right area we finally arrived in garabaldi square right by the hotel and just a spot to sit and reminisce later about what was an absolutely amazing 14 days setting off in samalo as a hopeful group of cyclists and finishing here in n as a Victorious group of friends which is what these pedal Britain multi-day tours do and I’d recommend it to any cyclist seeking to push the envelope and have a bit of Adventure the entire set of 14 films is in this playlist on your screen now there’s plenty more on the channel like this one too and you can subscribe to the channel to see all by hitting this yellow icon AOA from nce and happy recyc into you all


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