“One has not fully observed Passover until they have observed Shavuot.” What is it that rings true about this statement? Is this season just meals and different foods or is it a season to reflect and ponder? What happens when after 25 yeards you look and find a verse that changes it all?

    [Music] hamea because we are still in the Spring Festival season remember the saying that says uh you have not fully observe Passover until you have observed Shava so what is Passover if we don’t have Shava shavod is of course the instructions that were given on Mount Si instructions for Freedom so Passover without that is well moving from one destination or from one place to another and keeping the same old lifestyle we’ve probably all done that along the way I pray you had a great Passover uh get into more of that and just a few moments uh this morning it’s a little still dark outside for me it’s Wednesday morning as we celebrated Passover on Monday night which means yesterday was a Shabbat and uh to this morning I have two more videos to do one with un Oak young one with Perry Phillips so uh full day and uh planned coma sometime tonight maybe or something’s close to that um I the the reason another reason is because I am planning for a wedding next week and uh it is the the uh I believe from what I’ve been able to gather there are two weddings that have that are happening uh because of revive last year and one of those will be next Wednesday I’ll be up in Gloucester Virginia with Barry Phillips and uh doing a wedding for uh for Jared and LEL looking forward to that so I’m not sure what my video schedule recording uh teaching schedule will be next week I’ve got some travel time uh rehearsal time wedding time and well maybe a golf game with Barry uh we we still got to got to see if I can beat him once again or he would say for the first time probably uh okay backing up to uh uh Passover of course in Israel it began with a barrage of rockets coming out of the North what an insult but should should we expect anything different I really should we expect anything different a group of um again I don’t want to call them animals because I don’t want to insult animals like that but uh a group of demonically influenced beings how’s that that uh began these horrific attacks 2011 days ago on October 7th uh taking hostages the killing of of hundreds of people some of those hostages that have maybe not seen light for 2011 days now they didn’t know it was Passover they all they have heard is a constant barrage of rockets and and and various explosions through this uh this time period And so another barrage of rockets coming out of the North into Israel yeah we could have expected that I’m sure that they did but uh then then of course what we’ve seen in the last few days that has been ramped up during Passover with the college campuses uh the the the news media is trying to spin this in so many different ways but let’s let’s face it folks the vast majority of these people young people now how how is a a 27 28y old person uh you know oh they’re just in college no they’re there these people are being busted in there’s all kinds of things that are going on with this and um who’s behind it I’m not going into those issues but these most of these mental midgets uh would not be able to find Israel on a map they don’t know they did not know that uh that you know they don’t know the history of the Palestinians they don’t know about yaser Arafat uh most of them don’t know anything really they’re just out there for some kind of a cause and not knowing what they’re what they’re doing this does not excuse the fact of what they are doing though uh their chance of death to America are followed by pay my college debt off really which which one do you want which one is it um this is not going to change and we see the as as this all continues we see the political structure of America falling apart we see the political structure of uh of of where we see where that political structure stands today and um I’m I’m I I could go into much more uh political uh issues right there I’m not going to go to that today but anti-Semitism is on the rise let’s call anti-Semitism what it really is is Jew hatred uh people can can try to cover this up into uh a word that they don’t know what it means but it’s Jew hatred that’s not going to change that’s going to get worse and worse uh what most people have not realized I think is that there’s coming a time in which those of us who stand with Israel who stand with uh the Tor with our our uh our belief in Messiah and as Revelation says those who the dragon was infuriated and went to uh to uh to make war with the woman and the children and defining this children as those who have a testimony of Yeshua and are guarding the Commandments of the Torah so don’t be surprised when uh when you know those of you that have been ostracized by family and friends through the years it’s not going to get better it’s going to get worse and the scripture is very clear he who endures to the end will be redeemed that that brings me to another place um I I had a i and Kathy by default I guess had a a very difficult day yesterday this was the Shabbat after Passover and I did not realize it I mean she knew that something was bothering me I knew something was bothering me and I just couldn’t quite figure it out and it wasn’t until late last evening and and very early this morning that it really started to to to to uh to come to light and and I I I guess I gave a clue to this to Kathy last night as I asked her uh do you ever think about all those people that have been that we have left behind um you know I I saw Facebook posts and I probably unfriended or unfollowed or UNS something more people yesterday than I have combined in the last year I got so tired of people arguing over when Passover is and and and how to to do this and you know one person posted something and it’s like wait a minute excuse me uh five years ago or or maybe it was four years ago uh you were trying to decide which corner of your house to put the Christmas tree and and and now you’re posting that you that you’re the expert in everything um and it it’s not that and this person wasn’t doing that but others it was it was so condemning that if you’re not doing if you don’t see it the way that I do that uh that that you’re you know you’re whatever um and I just I just decided that I was I didn’t want to I didn’t want to if that’s the way PE these people are why should I want to see their posts I don’t care but um I did spend quite a bit of time uh thinking about and I just I guess all through the day as I as I think about it now all through the day I started remembering people that uh not just not just over the these years since Kathy and I have been following this walk of Torah uh but in in the years of ministry how many people that uh that I’ve prayed with that I’ve I’ve cried with I’ve laughed with and where are they they’re they’re nowhere to be found uh uh for some of them I I know where they are and they’ve they’ve walked away uh I know people that have converted to Judaism walked away from from Messiah um I I know people that have that have gone back to church uh I know people that have have just gone to nothing uh and it Grieves me I I I thought late last night I guess it was about about Moses um if the if the rabbi writers are correct and only about uh 20% of the Hebrews came out of Egypt what was his next day I mean his life his his days were pretty busy right after the you know right after Passover but there there had to be he he wasn’t walking out into the Wilderness with the Hebrews with an iPhone uh or his Android or whatever and you know checking his Facebook account and checking the texts of people he but he he did walk out with the faces with the memories of maybe people he had grown up with and had decided that they were going to stay in make Egypt great again instead of leaving and then my my thoughts turned to Messiah himself hanging upon that execution stake you know the the scripture records that he was placed upon that steak somewhere around noon uh and and you know consider that they didn’t have a watch they didn’t have a phone to look at they’re they’re going by the Sun so when it says about this time you know it’s it could it could be a little bit either way uh I I can look up at the Sun and I can get a pretty good uh within reason I can figure out what time it is but I’m going to be usually about 30 minutes or so one way or the other so around noon uh he was placed upon that execution stake but what about the night before when he is in prison what were his thoughts as the as the Roman guards are are jering him as the the Roman guards are spitting upon Him of is they’re they’re they’re playing this King for the Day game that they would have played in that day and Yeshua happened to be there the you know the night for that and uh this a it’s a kind of a I’m not going to go down that trail I can but I’m not going to but uh there was another person besides uh Barabas that that was set free that night that should have died put it that way maybe I’ll I’ll teach that sometime but he he must have in the quiet of that evening thought about where where’s the 15,000 that that were with him on the North Shore of Galilee uh where where’s the where’s the beggar the the lame man where where’s the people that had seen the miracle where’s the man that was that was laying there on his mat the pools of Shalom where are all these people as he as he hung there then later on in that day and then 3 hours I I I guess what what got me and and for for Life Assembly what I did is I I sent a tech I sent multiple texts out during the day day uh trying to just have people stop and think about is the their preparation for Passover was going on and they you know you’re trying to get your table set and all of those things and the you know the lamb and the the The Roaster and whatever you’re doing um as Kathy was doing so much trying to get everything together uh and we had a beautiful dinner the other night but those I I I sent out the the text of when he was placed upon the execution stake and and then at noon it says that the that Darkness Came Upon the Earth there were three hours there between 3:00 or between noon and 3: when he died Darkness total and complete darkness with darkness comes silence that gave Yeshua three hours in his Agony to just consider his three and a half years of ministry his time 33 years approximately we think upon this earth and the only ones that are there in front of him are John oh Peter’s out in the distance somewhere the disciples are are following from a further distance Judas is uh contemplating his his own death uh but there in the whatever light there was probably in the the fires Yeshua can see John his mother Mary a couple of other ladies that are there that’s it that’s it he’s pretty much alone I wonder how much what the if maybe the the the greater grief of that execution stake was not the physical pain but the the emotional pain the spiritual pain of of where are these people that I gave my life unto and and I I kind of entered into a little bit of that not not to the extent that that Yeshua would in any way but uh just thinking back over all of the people and then to go to Passover uh the other night and you know I mean it’s like I I talked to a friend of mine not too long ago one of the young adults and and they said to me you know so many have left so many of the young adults have have just walked away he said people that we thought would be with us till the end and now they’re they’re just nowhere to be found they’re gone you probably have a list of people in your own mind family friends that uh it’s the same way and we pray we pray that they would somewhere along the way uh find their their way um another and get a little lighter on the subject here don’t want to send us all into deep depression during these days but as I as I said to Kathy um you know the the these days of Passover especially these times these days of unleavened bread they they should be a somber time for us as we consider back to the days of the disciples they they did not they did not remember oh yeah three hey guys it’s no problem you know I I know we saw him die and you know we were there with Joseph and uh you know he’s he’s going to be resurrected here and well you know according to my watch uh we’ve got 26 hours and 32 minutes before he’s going to be resurrected um it’s it’s their their their emotions are are kind of crazy so if you find yourself into that emotional upheaval at times during these few days it’s okay in fact if you don’t find yourself there it may not be okay because it it may be that you’ve I’m not saying this to anybody specifically but you know if if what I’m saying I didn’t plan this is not my notes I mean you know here here’s my notes today guys okay if you probably can’t see that anyway but it’s like four lines five lines um if you you know if you find yourself just kind of going through life and oh well oh I got to eat my matah you know what am I going to put on my matah now I got my my my my M my mat of pizza and by the way we found out last night that Kathy found out that matah pizza in an air fryer is really the best way to go okay so see I’m I’m not all total despair here but if you don’t find yourself along the way thinking through some of these things uh maybe it’s time to ask him questions about really the depth of your own spirituality um these are the times to ask those questions not later because later is probably going to be too late we need to we need to become we need to embrace this walk today in a in a way that we we haven’t I mean uh I got to get back to Passover I guess but the other night we U we came to the time and I know it’s tradition to to go to the door you know we didn’t set a plate for Elijah this year we set a place for messiah himself we set a place I I put a a stone from from Jerusalem there on the pl um and this was this was it was a beautiful time but we we see from a from Malachi I will send Elijah before the great incoming and terrible day of UD vave um so uh we sent the some of the boy two of our boys to the to the door and I have to tell you as they were walking to that door uh there was there was something just stirring in me I I when when they open that door and there’s nobody standing there it it was like it was like my just my countenance just fell that I thought about it that we probably have now another year where will this world be in another year yeah well oh yeah we’re going to have an election and and that’s going yeah uh look at the news of where uh the former president uh former first lady was speaking yesterday I’ll just just let you figure that one out on your own okay and and then you know people just want to say oh it’s going to get back to normal right I don’t think so okay so uh get try to get on track here um random thoughts here so my my afternoon on Passover on the 14th uh this this Monday was with Daniel sending me a text where Daniel and and case had some friends and family and so we did different Passover this year and he sent me a text he said dad have you ever read this that uh about unleaving bread how we’re not supposed to take the bread out until the till the 15th and I’m like no I haven’t that’s interesting and so I was doing some things final things on the computer and a video came up and it’s talked about taking the unleavened bread out on the 15th and I would not have excuse me I I would normally not have watched that video I don’t watch many videos that come up on Facebook because it’s normally just stupidity but since I I saw that title and it was like wait a minute Daniel just text me about this and so I started listening and I’m like wait wait stop stop the bus I put this on pause for a minute because aren’t we supposed to clean the leevan out of the house prior to Passover I’ve been do Kathy and I have been doing this for 25 years now all right our first Passover was like 1998 97 998 something like that I’ve been reading this I’ve been teaching through the Torah for over 20 years I’ve read these verses I don’t know how many hundreds of times and and of course it says that we are to clean the leaven out prior to Passover right well let’s read the verse what an interesting idea that would be Exodus chapter 12 you want to get a bible make sure that I’m reading it the right way you check it in Hebrew make sure it’s not a trick but in uh in chapter uh Exodus 12: 15 for seven days you’re to eat matah okay so for seven days you’re to eat matah that’s a commandment it is it is not a suggestion so every single day including the last day which I will be um I I will be doing a wedding rehearsal that day every sing single day I I’ll beating matah on the first day remove the leaven from your houses for whoever eats leaven bread from the first to the seventh days will be cut off from Israel W that’s pretty uh uh that’s pretty stout okay that if you’re sneaking a you know a a Crispy Cream during the week you’re going to be cut off from the people of Israel is it really worth that I don’t I don’t think so so on the first day removed the leaven from your houses what does that say it says on the first day uh the first day of what the first day of Leaven bread of unleavened bread which is the 15th so it does not tell us to and I’m still thinking through this thankfully I have another year in order to think through it the rest of the way it does not tell us to clean the leev out prior to Passover it tells us to clean the leev out starting after the Passover meal in the way that I’m reading this if you have a different interpretation please text me email me or send me call me or send me a carrier pigeon something so what’s the point what what well does it really make any difference if a person’s asking that question they should ask some different questions because when we read the scripture and it states something clearly and then we have a response of well does it really matter the response reveals an issue an issue of our attitude toward the scripture which is our attitude toward the one who gave us the scripture so what it says is what it says this this brings me to a point and then I’ll get back to this someone asked me a few weeks ago what commentaries I use truth is I don’t use any okay I I have a a pretty good Library I have some very good commentaries I have on Psalms I have the treasury of David uh I have a Matthew Henry commentary sitting over on the table in front of me there that’s uh signed by no other than Charles Spurgeon it was a gift to me a number of years ago uh it I have I have numerous commentaries on all kind but I don’t use them why what it comes down to this basically is if I look at a Christian commentary which I tried I did the other day I was looking at a Psalm and I went to my my treasury of David and and it was th those commentaries Christian commentaries are void of the Torah and so I can’t find my answer in there because they’re void of a basis that the Torah is the foundation for everything that I I am and believe and do uh I have numerous Jewish you books by by Jewish authors uh I’ve I’ve read many of them love the writings I read three commentaries uh of the parisha every week from different Jewish uh authors uh some some dead some alive but in the end the Messiah they’re looking for and and this is please listen to what I’m saying please TR ple sometimes in trying to say something communication is a is a tricky business because it’s very easy to be misunderstood and if some somewhere along the way that you’re listening to me your phone rings the baby cries uh the dog you know bites the cat or something you know it’s it’s easy to oh wait wait back and then so it’s easy to be misunderstood here hopefully your dog doesn’t bite the cat we know that the cat will bite the dog though okay back to it um Judaism though Judaism is looking for messiah what is the Messiah that that overall this is modern Judaism this statement does not go back to ancient Judaism does not go back to the Dead Sea seen Community but Judaism is looking for a messiah that’s more of a political figure very similar in many ways to uh the the king the British Monarchy okay a political figure that will be from the line of David the lineage of David he will be human will uh Will Rule and Reign and the Torah will go forth from Jerusalem which is I mean basically it’s it’s the statement the uh the regarding the the British Empire the Sun never set on the British Empire because it had covered the whole world the British EMP Empire had influenced the complete world this is this was a a prototype this was could it be an anti-type or I’m not going to go there but Judaism is looking for a messiah that’s more in line with a human that is going to be uh a king a a a politician that will bring forth peace that will bring forth the the Torah from yusal the word from zon and the knowledge of UT V will will fill the whole earth uh I just don’t have faith that any human’s able to do that okay so when I’m considering Messiah I’m looking I said to our group the other day that the the the scripture that’s becoming more and more important and relevant in my think today is Psalm uh 40:7 behold I am coming in the scroll of the book it is written of me the the Torah reveals Messiah and so if I’m looking at a commentary that’s not trying to to that’s not seeking messiah in the words of the Torah but is only seeking a lifestyle in the words of the Torah then I’m missing something when I Tau last week on the the two little birds out of uh VRA Leviticus I didn’t read that in a commentary uh I I sat down and I looked and I thought why is this here you know why why did Moses the people come to Moses and say regarding Passover we touched a dead body last night so you know yes so we can’t eat the Passover we’re unclean and he said we’ll do it 30 days later which why is that there but when we when we’re trying to find Messiah in the Passover then I I relate that to the time of of the disciples who would have after the res after the crucifixion there was the Passover meal I know that brings in controversial things but I’m just going to run with that one uh they they wouldn’t have been able to go they they had been in contact with the dead body and so 30 days later Messiah leads them in the Passover wow that was that would have been a great time so I I’m looking into so what what does that got to do with Exodus chapter 12 everything and this is this is what Daniel originally brought out and got me going on this that we we prepare for Passover which is a revelation of the death of Yeshua the atonement for our sin what’s the sin of the Hebrews in Egypt they forgot who they were they they had forgotten they they had forgotten their redeemer they had forgotten the Passover Lamb Of The Garden they had forgotten the the ram caught in the thicket at the time of Abraham they had forgotten Abraham isach yakob they’ had forgotten who they were they’ forgotten where they where home was they’d forgotten the the lamb they’d forgotten the coats the garments slain for to give to Adam and Eve for the the atonement of their sin and because of that they were in slavery so the P the slaying of the Lamb was to to remind them of who they were the the first the first repentance to shua the first repentance of of sin is is remembering who died for you who was slain for you which brings us back into who we are and so Passover is about remembering the the blood on the doorpost the blood that was shed the blood that was shed by Messiah for our Redemption and then we begin to clean out you know sha said I I if if it were not for the Torah I wouldn’t know what sin was so if the Torah is about the revelation of Messiah then then the tor teaches us how to get the leaven out of our lives but it is only when we come back to the Torah which is which is when we come to Messiah when we receive him as who he is we receive him as who he is the word the living Torah the written Torah and so it’s at that point that I can look into the scripture and figure out what what sin actually is so if if I have not acknowledged who Messiah is I don’t know what to clean out of my life think about that it is only as I as I look unto him that I can figure out and have the discernment because I now have his mind I now have his Spirit flowing through me that I can figure out what to clean out of my house up until then it’s just well you know I mean uh my grandparents told me this was was a sin so I guess I better take that out and uh you know my neighbor said this is a sin so I guess I better take that out what’s the word say what does the word say sin is so that’s that’s a change that’s going to happen bezem God willing and with his help Passover 20125 here we come it’s going to be different next year than it is this year unless I mean unless I get to studying it more and figure out that I’ve got it wrong again which takes us to another subject none of us are do any of this right we’re we’re doing the best we can it’s like moving forward okay uh when when is the when is first fruits well it’s it begins the day after the Shabbat which which Shabbat is it the Shabbat of the uh after Passover or is it the Shabbat after the Shabbat the weekly Shabbat here again I I think that this may sound judgmental but Christianity is salt to hide the that which would point us to the written Torah think about it Christianity has sought to hide I’m talking about the roots here Catholicism Constantine Marion me the church fathers have sought to to to Veil us from the written Torah Judaism on the other hand has sought to put a veil over who I believe to be mesia Ben yosf Messiah the Son of Joseph who I believe will return as mesiah B David the Conquering King so both sides are guilty and so has Christianity I mean I got a question I’ve been thinking about posting on Facebook but I don’t want the results if the scripture says that that that Yeshua was slain was executed on Passover then how is it that why is it that people celebrated his resurrection a month earlier consider that consider it right and and and here’s the next question why why are people not asking asking the question why are people not asking that question how how could he possibly have been SL have been resurrected a month prior to being being killed and people don’t ask that question because they don’t care folks the average person doesn’t care you and I hopefully we care so that’s veiled and is it possible that Judaism used the word Shabbat of the day after Passover because that would not coincide with the three days and three nights that Yeshua said he would be in a tomb I I don’t know I’m just kind of floating those things to you okay something for you to think about so for me I go by the the the uh Feast of first fruits is the day after the weekly Shabbat so for this week it’s not three days and three nights it’s like six okay um but this would be Sunday would be day one which would then mean that shabot would be you know 50 days later which would be on a Sunday is it and I talked to a friend of mine last night about this so is it possible that the that somewhere along the way Christianity H kind of got this one sort of right but in looking to the book of Acts they didn’t look to where the book of Acts originated which is at Mount Si so many Pentecostal churches including the Church of Assembly of God that I attended will would have have celebrated shaba without the root of shabot It’s just sometimes you just got to sit back and go hm so is it is it possible possible that religion is shrouded both of these of some of this just to to keep the the the the the person who doesn’t think and and let’s face it the world is filled with people today who don’t think much it’s not just common sense it’s just it’s just the the art of thinking through things that’s lost because everything’s about the I I I mean I was doing some uh some math this morning I I’m like looking at this number and thinking okay I need to what is half of this number and I had to use my calculator because I I’ve become stupid in that I can’t do something without you know I I used to could add 2 plus 2 now I got to use a calculator no I really don’t but you know you know what I’m talking about Siri how do you spell Siri how do you Siri where’s my bathroom I’ve lost it in the house when we stop and just think about things so is it possible that both Christianity and Judaism has shrouded some things I’m not I’m not casting a blame here I’m just I’m just looking at reality but it should be our desire to as R sha said study to to show yourself approved a Workman that’s worthy we should be studying these things out to the best of our ability not just accepting what somebody says so I I challenge you in these days that we have to to to rethink this I just accept that somebody you know well this is what somebody said so I’m going to do it no look for yourself find people in your life that are are are are trustworthy that you you can you can lean on you can you can ask questions you know do you have people in like that in your life don’t just go by empty tradition or because somebody said it study it out um this is this is why we have this this five-fold ministry Apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers um but if you’re if we’re following the wrong teacher we’re going to get taught wrong I mean look at these people the these these people in these these colleges today and who in the world put Mohammad somebody as a teacher there and what are they teaching these people and do do do does someone expect that something if you if you go somewhere that’s teaching uh that that you know that we came from monkeys is is there any wonder why people think we came from monkeys because that’s what what they’re taught so if you’re if the the you know people should be Discerning about who they’re listening me too okay but but you should be Discerning about who you listen to on on YouTube on the podcasts ask yourself a question do do these people really care about you you know if you uh if your your child child’s in the hospital are you going to call Joel oin first thing that they’re going to ask is how much money you’re going to give to get through to him it’s going to be in excess of a million dollars probably just to talk on the phone you know which television Ministry you’re going to call can can you really trust the people that you’re listening to to have your best interest that’s why there’s very few very few podcasts and internet teachers that I listen to because I don’t know if they have my best interested heart or theirs most of the time I figure it’s theirs and not mine okay I’ve gone a lot of places today of maybe rambled uh in some areas more than than what I should have but I I just want you to to take away from from this today and I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to do a recording next week I’m not sure just not sure my schedule um you know this is a very important wedding all all weddings should be important but this one is just very special to me so um I’ll we’ll try to do as I’ll try to do as many broadcast as I can but please understand when sometimes I can’t um but I how do I how do I close out my room rambling today I have no idea uh it’s just it’s just it’s my desire folks for us to to not try to do things perfect because we’re not going to uh after 25 years you’re going to open the scripture and as I said to Daniel the you know after all these years Angels got came into my home last night and put that in the I’d never read it yeah i’ had read it no I hadn’t I’d read over it was that that’s what we do sometimes is just read over things um we can’t we’re not going to do it perfect the first time that it will be done perfect is in the kingdom when Messiah oh so longing for the the the first Festival season from from peso to seot in the kingdom and Messiah leads it the first Torah cycle that we get to to listen and I’m going to be sitting the back going boy I got that wrong wow oh that was really bad I I hope not but I know there’s things that I’m going to I’m going be looking at and going wait a minute I yeah how did I not see that that’s going to be true for all of us but let’s be serious does he not what’s the word I’m trying to find does he not deserve us to be serious about our life in him and not just kind of flip it with it yeah I think so all right I’m going to quit shabbat shalom Shu have a blessed prosperous bz God willing I’ll do something next week I’m not really sure what so uh be praying for for uh the wedding next week I think it’s going to be an absolute beautiful time and for those that’ll be attending I suggest um probably not Kleenex but uh but you know crying towels would probably be better so until next week be [Music] [Music] strong [Laughter] [Music] for e s [Music] [Music] shalom [Music]

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