An active travel project is encouraging more people to walk and cycle between two coastal communities on Tayside.

    Some £18m has been spent upgrading a a continuous 2.5 mile off-road route between Broughty Ferry and Monifieth.

    The work was funded by the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme and has taken five years to complete.

    Councillor Steven Rome from Dundee City Council said: “It allows people of any age and any ability to get out and be active and socialise and I don’t think you can put a price on that.

    the new pathways are Absolut brilliant we use them every day walking the dog I’m out early every morning I think it’s good for the community and it’s they got a lot of tourists that come down here cuz Bry fair is a great place to come you know for shops and cafes and days out it allows people of any age and any ability to get out and be active and socialize uh and I don’t think you can really put a price on it well clearly you can but here you go I don’t think you can make a investment in capital than infrastructure and what we’ve got here is something that’s going to be here for Generations potentially and again as I say encourage people to go out and be active when we make walking wheeling and cycling easier it benefits everyone we hope it’ll achieve Community connectivity between Bry fery and the communities of Moni

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