tell me what you think tell me what you think special as rock uper sport I don’t know where we are however we’re just in a park somewhere near brickton I don’t know the name of this park however you know the name of this park you could drop the name of the park in the comments below so coming back you can see that the bike looks pretty impressive pretty impressive so this is how the bik’s going to be so don’t worry that’s only them little fluffing on the wheel fluffing on the wheel so you got my lights was on 1600 XXL yeah garment’s off at the moment it has a it’s all um off but one thing I can say about that that computer the battery life is just so much better so much better compared to the edge 130 plus if you’re looking the buy the edge H 130 plus you ain’t really going to like that computer because it doesn’t live up to it battery claims I’m telling you it’s don’t live up to battery claims when I run that computer I tell you straight the moment I got this computer this says up to six this says 16 hours of demanding use if I turn it into um battery saver I get 32 hours out of my computer so far having this on on the demanding use the screen backl is always on how it was how it came up the box um one thing I can say it pretty good pretty good so I haven’t had no no issues or any problems with it so this thing has worked so this tells me I’m in a place called Loft B Park so that’s where we are Loft B Park so that’s where we are thanks G me maps so this is what you have yo this is what you have so this thing works and it lasts yo it last if you have the like the edge 1040 I think that say something about was it was it 42 hours upwards like the mind is it 42 hours I said yeah that that’s I think I don’t know what that demanding mode but that runs for a long time yo but this computer is all designed for if I want to explore as I showed in my last video so if I tap out here let’s say example navigation uh search I’m looking for a um what’s this helicopter let’s say I’m looking for a park I’m really here in L B Park look you got Park of the garden C Lane milkwood so you got all these type of parks that you got and I was like okay let let me try s a little bit more further away from me let’s try over o over triangle now that show me what I’m going to have to ride to over triangle over there now once I hit ride boom that’s it it’s straight in to on it was just go in so let’s say example okay cool um back shops all bike sh and repairs this who sees neighor Harbor Cycles i r past them not that long ago they just down the just down the road um so brickton Cycles um heill bicycle Apex cycles look Edwards look all these places so yeah man pretty damn good so that’s it right there yo that’s it right there so hit this one button yeah man yeah man back in my maps back in my maps Y when you have like the gar the computer makes you makes you feel nice it feeles you feel nice because when you’re cycling and you see you see that screen you feel good remember those times I used to sit there sitting in the car like sit there like in the like in the Volkswagen Golf and whatever cars are sitting in and you see that nice dashboard it just looks so nice like and when you jump into a basic car what got a basic dial got no dashboard no no no LC no no that LCD screen or nothing in there it just looks different it just looks different but when you’re riding at night and you you see the screen on your bike you scroll down you got the weather there it shows you your notifications you miss it shows you Sunset one hour 80 minutes before it gets dark Fitness age intensity minutes 302 Max recovery time when you’re in a group R some you enter the code and if I touch here boom I’m ready over here Swip over I got my I got my 10 dated Fields I got timer distance and if you hold it you could change it to whatever you want to change it to if I want to change it you just hold this one tap tap tap tap tap tap anyway and it rearranges so easy so let’s say I this I want to put grade there and this timer now grade is highlighted I tap grade tap timer and grade it become timer timer become grade like good like good like good so shows you your elevation your grade heading Southeast 249 when I press this button down here or I hold this one here it will show your average speed your average Cadence this is your speed your Cadence your distance that’s your timer how long you’ve been riding for it’s mad like it’s mad what you could do with this and when you turn it over look total Ascent Ascent remaining this is when you climb up places like mway Hill Alexandre Palace or you got Gren them places with them big steep steep steep hills like You Got High Gate dude when you got high gate dude you see this gray St guy up like that yo up like that that numbers starting to get big Rude Boy big Rude Boy and when you coming down oh God it’s dangerous look it says your location this is campus so if you’re a person that knows about coordinates and go by coordinates then people know exactly where this location is if you told someone n51 that that little Celsius button 27 2790 with a w00 celsus 0634 one is just touch us now people that does coord would go yeah I know the location that’s l barall park so yeah man yeah man so it’s pretty damn good pretty damn good yo it’s really nice you kind of like it I really appreciate really good really nice now really good good good good um yeah man Samsung’s going to have their unpacked on January the 17th and on that same day I really see that they tease the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra however to be honest with you I don’t see what the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra can really bring to the table I don’t see what they can really bring I don’t don’t see can he really bring anything to the table like that yeah Snapdragon 8 gen 3 but in terms of performance it don’t look like it was like a like major major buff by the benchmarks I’ve seen so far it’s good it’s nice but even when I jumped onto 3D mark my phone only went down to like eighth place like eighth place and that’s only because of the new Snapdragon 8 um gen 3 and smartphones what’s out there so end the day nothing for me to worry about nothing for me worry about cuz end of the day I will wait until the s27 ultra because in end of the day I have a SIM fre um SIM card by vone so basically I do like a um Sim only deal while only paying like £23 a month V phone 5 5G um unlimited so I’m getting the highest speed so the other day I was at what 850 plus megabits per second so that’s crazy so I’m like what that was like what 150 megabits from 1 gig internet so mad faster mad faster and I got the Samsung Galax s23 Ultra that has Wi-Fi 7 it has all the latest technology in it the latest of Bluetooth everything in the phone so it can utilize them the madness there the madness that it can do so I’m waiting for the Samsung Galaxy s27 Ultra the reason why cuz this phone I had this February 14th um 2023 right in 2023 we got Android 14 right now this year with the s24 is coming out we’re going to have um Android I’m going to have Android 15 so the year after that will’ll be Android 16 and we’re going to be on the like what the s25 so the time when s26 comes out I’ll be on Android 17 and my phone would have had it last update 17 and and my phone’s done so that means the time when it comes around about yeah Samsung Galaxy s27 Ultra I’ll buy that you know why because my phone at that moment is not going to get Android 18 it’s not going to get Android 18 it’d be very very very very very very lucky if it did it’s not going to get and 18 and I probably by then I’ll probably say we’re on what what’s the process I we have um we already got gen 3 uh let me see so we got Gen 4 what’s out now Gen 4 um I say we’ll be on like Snapdragon 8 Gen 6 I say Gen 6 or gen 7 so Snapdragon 8 Gen 6 or 7 is what I will have when I go for the the Samsung Galaxy S 27 Ultra so so once that phone comes I probably say then and that Hardware would be more worthy for me of going for at least that point yeah there’s a jump there’s a jump because guy s24 s25 s26 is not worth it man you can’t be paying you can’t be paying a contract or buying out a phone for that type of price it’s not realistic man it’s not realistic so I rather wait until I get to s27 Ultra and that’s want to upgrade if it’s not I’ll probably go for like the I’ll probably just wait for like the iPhone what 19 or the iPhone 20 Pro Max I’m going for that cuz really got the iPhone 15 Pro Max and I’m I’ll just skip 16 I’ll skip 17 I skip 18 and I’ll probably say like the two phones will have to be the iPhone 19 Pro Max or the Samsung Galaxy s27 Ultra it’s got to be one of those two phones that I’m definitely going to be going for so by then it’ll be good but I’m feel I’m leaning more towards Apple because in the end in the end of the day Apple just has that long support for the phone um I just like the operating system it just works all the apps available for it there’s certain apps that I wanted to use and they’re saying oh it’s only Apple only cuz when I was looking at certain um bike um accessories and stuff I was using and I wanted to um there’s I think I think there’s a certain um accessory I want for my bike and when I looked at it goes oh sorry Apple only like there’s certain apps that I need and it’s is like oh um iOS only iOS only iOS only so there’s certain companies out there they just don’t make apps for Android they just Apple only Apple only so that’s why again apple is just the best way because everybody supports apple and everything all apple and I noticed that all the best phone cases on Apple so like the case that I have from my phone is a brilliant case but if you got the the i iPhone 15 Pro Pro Max and downwards you get the best case you get the you get all the ultra bounce case you get the best of the best like even like Ral case offers some serious cases like so as long as you got iPhone trust me they always make the best case the most toughest highest uh protection case everything for iPhone so I’ll probably say iPhone 19 because I’ve never I’ve never actually owned a a a iOS phone before so I I truly feel that get ios is just the way to go now the one thing I Love About Android is the all the things you can do with it you could customize your phone the way you want it you could download any apps you want to you could do everything with Android everything of Android that there’s no limitation like like you could just the only limitation being on Android is just your imagination yo but you could do everything with Android so but one thing I like about iOS it just works it’s more secure it’s more safer everything like that so yeah man so I made a go I made just goore iOS because everything just works is just it just looks elegant everything just good like good like if it’s it’s nice like if is good so and I did hear the iPhone was meant to be making a phone size bigger I’m very interesting for that so I say what I would do by the 19 Pro Max I may just go for the 19 Pro Max and go for like like the 1 t storage just walk into like um into Apple Store boom and just go in there like probably was it 15 now so this year we’re going to have the 16 then 17 18 19 so I’m going to walk into Apple like four years from now and say you know what 4 years there now into Apple boom let me go let me go get that let me go get that let me go get that and it’s nice at here nice at here yo so yeah man been rambling long enough long enough yo long enough yo long enough yo let me just get myself out of this place and let me just go yo let me just go yo so yeah man so been here for quite some time I need to go home got to play Tom raer got to finish it off yo got to finish it off so that’s what I need to do right now they finish off two made them we’re pretty good so pretty good now know to worry about after that yo so pretty impressive y’all pretty impressive so big ass 3in screen yo when you see that at night time is it beautiful so the only thing I’m hoping for from the edge explore 3 that they they increase that screen from 3 in to like 3.5 in increase up to 3.5 in then we’re good we’re good we’re good just increased that to 3.5 in and I’m loving it I’m loving it I’m loving it I’m loving it yo so far I ain’t got no problems with this yo so let’s go to the maps connected all here we go we’re rolling out we’re rolling out yo rolling out we’re rolling out this place yo


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