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    Dr.Nikita is a Radiologist by profession, a passionate teacher, youtuber, mentor, guide to NEET PG students. Her channel Dr.Nikita’s Radsynapse is the ULTIMATE channel for NEETPG/AIIMS/DNB/FMGE preparation. It gives you a holistic approach to your preparation, self help, self improvement & lifestyle.

    Hello friends this is Dr Nikita here your educator mentor and friend and here we are in the microbiology bench division part two the bench part one has been there on the Met syapse app where we discussed uh the pneumonics for biot terrorism bios safety levels incubation period then we discuss bacteriology immunology micology and part one of virology where we have already discussed virology classification DNA RNA the Symmetry envelop non- envelop and we have seen the various structures how do you identify viruses from the image which is given this is the next part of virology where we are going to see the important life cycles in virology how do you identify a virus from the life cycle this is very very frequently Asked in the exam like the life cycle of Ebola nippa West Nile right Japanese analitis yellow fever all of this is very frequently asked so in this video I’m going to tell you some quick tricks cheat codes and nickm monics on how do you identify the life cycles easily so first one when you see a rodent that is rat which is shown in the image and this is inhalation which is shown in the image what virus is this where you have the rat and inhalation remember this is Hun virus okay this is Hun virus so remember for hun it is hat that is rat and it is ha that is inhalation okay H is hat rat inhalation and H is bun so remember this is a bu virus bu V which has segmented genome so so rodent rat inhalation that is Hun virus okay next is the Nipa virus so remember for Nipa virus PP you would see the Pig and the date palm sap which is shown in the image so Pig and date palm sap this is Nipa remember PA a this belongs to paramix virus PA and ni is Nikita loves to eat fruits right so remember Nikita loves to eat fruits so NEPA will also have here fruit bat okay so this is fruit bat so by this the fruit bat contaminating the fruit the date palm sap consumption of that leads to outbreak okay the Nipa virus outbreak next one that you have here another cycle where you can have bat right but you don’t have the pig here okay don’t have the pig shown here or the fruit shown here so remember this is batra is B for Ebola and bat so bats will be shown here in the Ebola also and remember Ebola e f e f it is a filamentous virus like this similar to Marburg virus which is also filamentous filow virus okay so Ebola is a filow virus filamentous virus so from our pneumonics that we have discussed in the binge revision part one of microbiology biot terrorism category what does Ebola belong to filamentous fow fill shoes pen a plays with a small bag in with wearing fill shoes in France remember a so this is category a bioterrorism why uh Nipa and Hunter right Nipa and Hunter is C I hope you remember the pneumonic Nipa and Hunter Niha is category C okay that is category C uh in the biot terrorism Nipa and Hunter right so we are done with these three going to the next one where you are shown that there is a mosquito this is not ads mosquito so clex mosquito clex mosquito and you have the bird so how do you differentiate West Nile from Japanese entis life cycle so remember in Japanese entis okay Japanese entis again P here we have the pigs similar to Nipa so Nipa Japanese PP remember Nipa Japanese P they will have pig in their life cycle okay so this is where you have the pig here so Japanese entis pig is PP remember this is the amplifier host in the Japanese entis the normal cycle goes between the culex mosquito and the water Bird right the water bird or the aded bird that is shown here humans and horses they are the dead host there okay dead end host similarly for West Nile also humans and horses they are accidental host here the cycle goes between the mosquito and the bird this is not the water bird this could be any bird like it could be thow it could be Sparrow so remember bird and mosquito the clex mosquito this is that there is no Pig here in the West Nile this is going to be West Nile is west Nile endemic in India yes West Nile creian Congo these are endemic in India okay so that’s how you’re going to differentiate remember Japanese cute Japanese on the banks of West Nile River so remember these are cute clex mosquito for westn and Japanese en spilite is okay West Nile and Japanese entis clex mosquito next you have the Cycles where you will see the tech as the vector right so remember kfd I hope you remember our rhyme of the uh Tech where you know we’re playing the Congo we are singing the rhyme which is baby to a hard tick tick tick hard like a rock tick tick tick and the baby says right so I hope you remember calu is kfd right and Congo playing the Congo is to remember the premian Congo hemorragic fever so remember this is seen in India and kfd also is seen in India right so remember uh so when you have the tick as the vector okay the tick as the vector look at the four pairs of legs in the tick so tick as the vector along with you have monkey here okay you have the monkey the rodent and the monkey this is going to be this is going to be kfd okay the rodent and the monkey this is going to be the kfd okay the kazur forest disease while in the creian Congo remember CCC that is going to be cattle which is going to be shown in the creian Congo hemorrhagic fever okay so there is going to be cattle here right so remember in kfd there will be monkey so remember monkey is in the forest so Forest disease rodent and monkey in kfd while you have CCC cattle in the cremium Congo hemorrhagic fever okay so that is where you have this is creian Congo hemorrhagic fever both of these are seen in India going to next one where you given the cycle like this which is the uh a jungle whilea cycle silvatic cycle that is the jungle cycle and you have the urban cycle so this is related to your ads mosquito so remember ads is the tiger mosquito so in the jungle is the tiger so you will have the sylvatic or the jungle cycle here which is again going between the mosquito and the monkeys the non-human primates okay then you have the urban cycle between the mosquito and the humans right there’s going to be this Urban cycle so when you have in the image given here sexual transmission blood transfusion and it is showing an antinal a pregnant mother here transmitting to the baby so this ads while condition we are talking about zika remember zika affects the hofb cells in the placenta and it can cause cenital zika uh infection where the baby can have micral uh subcortical calcifications right these are seen commonly with zika virus while this one here which is in Africa yellow fever is not in India okay yellow fever is not in India so where you have again the 0s and you are just shown this cycle here without the uh without the vertical transmission right the pregnant mother there the child there the sexual transmission then it is going to be yellow fever okay so how do you differentiate yellow fever is no vertical transmission here while in zika there is going to be vertical vertical transmission there okay the placenta is affected yellow fever remember yellow yellow dirty fellow what is the strain for yellow fever vaccine it is 17d yellow is the egg yoke this is contraindicated in egg allergy and and remember this gives lifelong immunity once you give the yellow fever vaccine okay coming to next one parvo virus that was asked in the recent iicd exam so look at this one whenever you are shown a virus cycle which is affecting the bone marrow right it is affecting the bone marrow then there is lungs gut kidney liver multiple ones are affected especially when you see the bone marrow affected think of parvo virus b19 because P for p parvo virus binds to the p and antigen on the RBC and leads to Red cell aplasia or aplastic crisis okay it leads to aplastic crisis plus you can see it is affecting the joint so it leads to arthralgia right and causing the anemia it leads to non-immune hydrop fetalis very very important so it leads to fetal anemia as well non-immune hydrops falis fetal anemia it causes the fifth disease arema infectiosum with slabbed cheek appearance right with the slabbed cheek appearance all these are important points for parvo virus okay parvo virus so parvo virus again has this aerosol transmission the main target is the electroid progenitor cells in the bone marrow remember this receptor gb4 that is globoside okay the gb4 cerebroside or globoside this is your receptor for parvo virus so both B marrow for parvo virus p a paa remember like pancytopenia it causes anemia that is a plastic crisis it binds to the rbcs okay it binds to the rbcs progenitor cells and coming to this one when on the tongue you are giving this on the lateral border this white white lesion this is the oral hairy licop here and remember this lopia looks similar to the oral thrush caused by candida so oral thres is candida lopia is EBV Associated recent exam question remember this is nons scrapable while candida is scrapable candida oral thr is scrapable this is nons scrapable so lopia is Epstein bar virus right so those were the quick points related to the important virology Cycles remember all of this is very very important okay this is very very important remember West Nile and the CC F creian Congo they are endemic in India creian Congo conoa is hetic and West Nile is the CX okay westnile is a CX the other CX is the Japanese entis which will have the pig also shown in the image along with the water board that’s how you identify the life cycles so that was a quick revision of the very very important biology life cycles in the next video we are going to see important points important images and life cycles of parasytes the nickm monics thank you so much for watching this one do not forget to like this video and share it with all of your friends so that everybody gets benefited out of this for the part one of microbiology binge division do not watch do not forget to watch that on the Met signups app thank you goodbye take care and keep studying keep revising keep met synapsing and keep winning thank you


    1. Microbiology binge part 2 – Virology life cycles premiering at 9 pm tonight at 9pm . pdf has been made available in app to microbiology binge revision video for all subscribers . Try watchingthis premiere at 9pm tonight and make notes as you watch . its just 10 min wrap but covers most important tricks of virology life cycles …much expected q in upcoming exam

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