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    what’s up this your boy Rampage Jackson I’m here with the best co-host bear Deo we’re here we got another amazing guest but Rampage before we go into this guest we are having the biggest sale of the Year jackson.com up to 50% off sitewide the bestselling chain Stacks our bestselling Iced Out chains sweatproof custom class durable made to be worn every day and styles for everybody from bracelets to chains make sure you guys go check out jackson.com up to 50% off sitewide right now and don’t forget if you’re looking for all the limited edition clothing you can go to Jackson . you can use promo code yt15 for 15% off and you can catch the shorts that we’ve been training in the jackets the eyewear everything that the guests have been wearing we appreciate everybody’s support before we jump right into this podcast with this amazing guest we just want to say thank you for everything you guys have been doing leave comments and make sure you guys tag us on Instagram if you’ve been picking up some [Music] pieces what’s up it’s your boy Rampage Jackson and bear again with another podcast by Jackson and one of my favorite people in MMA Dan hendo Henderson how you doing I’m good how you doing good I haven’t seen you in since the MMA Awards yeah it’s been a while that was last year right that was last year yeah yeah it’s been a while yeah I I don’t get to many fights anymore why why why you laying low I don’t know just got too much other [ __ ] going on and there’s too many fights that catch them all I know you training a lot of people too huh uh training some I mean a decent amount but not a ton no okay I thought you had like a lot of fighters in in to make we got we got a pretty good crew amateurs and and Pros so you know we got got our Pro practice every day during the middle of the day and the amateurs training in the evening I wonder do you do you miss fighting do you miss it do you miss being in there and fighting and stuff not really you sick of it I I wasn’t sick of it but you know it was uh I missed the competition a little bit occasionally when I get when I see somebody that’s got a different style that would have been fun to fight that’s when I I’ll miss it but I don’t miss the preparation at all I know the training and and how tough that that was doesn’t make me miss it at all no no I remember I remember um I used to train with you and uh Matt Lyon and stuff back in the day and Tula man you guys go hard man you guys train pretty hard I remember those days yeah we we we go pretty hard you know but I I think at the same time we were pretty careful with certain things like we didn’t Spar too much so you can beat up your your your brain too much but one hard sparring day a week and then Hard MMA but light strikes yeah you guys wrestle hard that was the hard part for me all that wrestling that wears you out more it taxes your cardio a little bit more I think yeah yeah it’s hard to get that restling cardio you get the um boxing cardio faster than the wrestling cardio you get you guys trained for a long time together we trained for a couple fights we we uh I used to live in Huntington out here and and uh that’s when I think I first started training with him where where he was at at Tiki’s gym yeah yeah Tiki’s gym Tito was over there yeah and him and and Tito you and I don’t know there was a couple other guys Tonio mcke there at that time no oh okay no but there was and this it was before you were m in Pride and then I remember I was there when you you kind of got into Pride I think yeah yeah I remember Mayhem Miller used to train with us yeah and then he was at out in Tula for a while too yeah yeah that a a unique time a unique era I feel like he is the second guest we’ve ever had on the podcast that has actually fought like you guys have actually fought each other oh for real yeah Chuck Chuck and yeah and it was during a a unification kind of that was two fights in a row for you yeah yeah that’s right I was had the fight I was going to fight the winner you and Chuck oh yeah I didn’t know that well yeah well I came into the cage afterwards with the pride belt oh yeah okay okay you UFC had just bought pride and I think you guys were like one of the first unification fights where they brought the organization we was the first we was the first but they gave that that that they gave that to to Anderson Silva but me and you we did it first before before you Anderson Cil well yeah and and I think they they didn’t know how to make it to where cuz the rule differences and and everything you know and the time change time for the for the rounds are a little bit different they uh they didn’t know how to say it was unification because it’s different rules but either way it it did take me a little bit to get used to the cage again that and I hadn’t I had only trained like in a cage for like the last two weeks in my Camp before I fought you in oh for real there was a couple times I think that that uh I think I tripped over the cage once you know that bar along the bottom yeah not used to yeah and then I remember I had you on your back in a like a almost a crucifix position you walked up the cage I’m like God damn it bro that was one of my toughest fights to date yeah yeah that that that fight was tough you know I’m going tell you something I said I said I’ve trained with you before and I know how tough you are I know how hard you hit and I told my my training Partners I said look look tell me the last 30 seconds of each round and and then remind me again the last 15 seconds and I’m going try to just go as hard as I can and I think that’s the only way I got the decision cuz I did that yeah it was close super close it was pretty close I did that the whole Camp that’s how that’s I think that’s the only way I wanton that fight cuz and and I’ll tell you what I mean I feel like that might have been the best shape you were ever in for a fight yeah which makes me feel good that you know you you people bother to get in the shape just because of me oh no I knew I knew I knew that was going to be a tough fight I knew that was going to be a tough fight i’ I’ve I’ve seen him like I said Dan has been one of my favorite Fighters for a long time him and Fedor and and I’ve seen him I seen him and once he knocked out Fedor I was like damn you know it’s a it’s a unique thing though right like when you guys are training with each other and then you know have to have to kind of Face Off with each other in the ring like is that play into the psyche of getting ready at all prepping for the fight I mean not not for me because my background with wrestling and I’ll compete against the guys I train with all the time you know and and being on the national team Olympic team for wrestling we have training camps every year where all the top guys are at and you’re training with them twice a year and then you’re competing against them yeah you know a couple times a year also so now for me I had to Psy myself out that I had to get mad at Dan because that he had that belt and them you had a belt too I know but you guys teabag your belt and I kissed the belt he didn’t tell me I didn’t do that he didn’t tell me my boy guys but he didn’t tell me that I’m kissing a teabags belt who teabag the belt my corner guys from you know that like right after I won it the one time they they took it into the bathroom I was doing whatever I was doing after the fights and they took pictures of it and then and he let me and he let me kiss the belt didn’t tell me oh whoa whoa whoa don’t do that my my teammates teabag that belt and he let me kiss the damn belt I was like making out with the damn belt all happy I’m like oh I’m GNA win his belt he watching that was Ryan Parson’s uh nut sack that’s deep that’s deep I guess you didn’t have to actually kiss the nut sack you got to just kiss the belt I guess that plays into it you won UFC uh 17 right the middleweight tournament yeah how did you even get into the UFC uh well I just got a call cuz I was training partners with Randy for a while and and for wrestling for 5 years and then uh Randy gave me a call and say hey I’m doing this Tournament down in Brazil so then I ended up fighting but he ended up getting into the UFC in the meantime and not fighting down in Brazil so yeah he he just uh because he was in the UFC I was his training partner and cornering them yeah they just wanted me to fight what what was your relationship with Randy like just from wrestling or friends or yeah we were we were really good friends and had trained together it’s hard to find good training Partners in Greco wrestling so we we were our main training partners for like five years you know he was one weight class above me in in wrestling yeah in in terms of like fighting because I feel like you have such a diverse background right like not too many fighters get to say they were so Elite in all the different organizations and obviously you had a belt in two of them and who was like one of the hardest hitters you ever had a face uh well I mean he hits pretty hard Fedor maybe he knocked me on my ass once during the fight You’ never been knocked out before have you knocked not knocked out I’ve been knocked silly a number of times uh vanderlay was yeah I mean probably you know Rampage Fedor and vanderlay are the top three for sure man my fist was was I it was injured after fighting then I remember he had had never been knocked out and I knew I wasn’t going to knock him out I just knew I said no one’s knocked him out I’m not going to knock him out he’s one I don’t think I don’t think either one of us knocked each other silly or I don’t know if he got KN CH yeah yeah yeah you rock you rocked me a couple times if I can remember like prepping for that fight though was it was it something unique in terms of the fact that like you know he’s coming from like a different organization so he obviously has to adapt to the new rules set like did that play into anything no that that didn’t play that didn’t play into anything um cuz you know I was over there in Pride and the weird thing about me when I was fighting in Pride I was training in a cage and uh cuz there was no rings nobody was training in rings and stuff out here and for some strange reason when I finally came over to the UFC then I had to go train in the ring cuz nobody the gym didn’t have a cage it was just one of it just one of those things so I I wasn’t even thinking about that I just knew that he was tough and he was smaller than me and he always had good good cardio and I I don’t really like fighting guys that’s smaller than me because they’re they’re normally faster a little bit more quicker more Dynamic yeah did do does the ring compared to the cage make that big of a difference uh I mean it makes a difference more when you’re on the ground but you know you can cut somebody off and Corner them easier in the ring uh the cage you know using the cage to get up and and and when you’re on top controlling the GU is easier I feel like you got to be more technical to finish a fight in a ring than than in the cage yeah because you you can’t use the ring too too much to trap somebody did you like the rules in Pride better than UFC I like most of the rules uh you know I felt like the like the rules here they could easily add knees to the head on the ground yeah and and not not Soccer Kicks or head Stomps but he’s you know but Pride didn’t have elbows that which I like also yeah cuz they just cut you up yeah yeah people rarely get knocked out in MMA from elbows right I I don’t see a lot though I mean it could do damage but I don’t see a lot of my very first event that I fought down in Brazil you remember Tom Erikson yeah big big yeah he fought randan and Tom took him down was on top and just knocked him out with the nastiest elbow oh yeah I forgot about the ground and pound elbows okay yeah I forgot about those yeah I mean just hit him square and he was just out I but it’s rare that you see that I don’t think I’ve seen it very often yeah you don’t see it that often but I forgot about the ground pound you can get knocked out from the but standing I see like guys in and and mu tide do it like mu mu and TI fights they knock him out with elbows but or the spinning elbow you can get knock that from there yeah I forgot about those keep keep catch them off guard did you ever give uh any thought to boxing after MMA cuz you had such such a glorious MMA career not really I mean I wouldn’t want to fight against a boxer in boxing I’d want to fight against a boxer in MMA yeah but yeah I mean I i’ use my wrestling a lot in MMA to set up my strikes and threaten with takedowns and wear them out in the clinch yeah but standing right in front of somebody I mean I would be okay but it’s it’s that big of a difference a lot of people don’t get yeah it limits what I could do you trained a lot of boxing though didn’t you throughout your career right I mean I I sparred a lot I I sparred with straight boxers a decent amount but I think that made me more tired than doing MMA sometimes with these guys just with all the volume they do and just yeah sport yeah in terms of like uh boxing what what we see going on right now like we’ seen so much new forms of Combat Sports like bare knuckle for example is coming up big we just had that big fight this week and we watched Mike Perry you know and obviously like these guys are going crazy it’s more of like a it’s more of like a Full Assault fight than it is like a hand toand like boxing fight yeah I’ve only watched a couple of the be knuckle shows both of them were Chad Mendes had fought yeah and uh the first time I watched it I’m like holy [ __ ] I wish that was here earlier cuz that’s right up my alley being able to dirty box is like if that was legal in boxing I would 100% do that being able to clench a little bit and grab a hold of them uppercut them and but you don’t mind doing it with no gloves on I I’ve never done it but I mean I don’t never hardly straight fight so I I don’t know I probably would hurt my hand a little bit or have to be real careful but did you see the fight this week what my I didn’t did you see it heard I saw the I saw some highlights I missed it it was it was so many on this week oh my God it was insane I mean just watching these guys go to war though with no gloves on like do you think training for a fight with no gloves on is a lot different than training for boxing with gloves on uh you know I I think I think it’d be a little tougher to on your hands and and the guy’s face I don’t think they train with no gloves on though I think they still train with boxing gloves or MMA gloves yeah if if I was going to do it I probably would just train with MMA gloves spar with them a little more just to protect your hands yeah when they first started putting gloves on people in MMA I mean I was fighting back then I don’t know if you fought no I wasn’t fighting yeah with those rules or gloves were optional I mean it was more about protecting your hand than the guy’s face when did you come to uh MMA when did you start fighting what year uh 1997 damn that’s that’s I I think I graduated high school in 98 born I just turned like five or something I was B I was I was Bor in 78 I think um I went to college I start I I actually didn’t graduate high school I I skipped 12th grade and went straight to um junior college cuz I was I was already like 17 years old in the ninth grade by the time I changed my [ __ ] around 17 years old in ninth grade wow yeah that’s when I started wrestling and I and would you just get a GED and no uh no I didn’t I didn’t even get a you didn’t get a dipl cuz I went to um Junior College you didn’t need that oh you didn’t I was taking it and did you go to what junior college did you go to lasson you heard of that one oh yeah yeah I went up there to wrest I think the the coach recruited me um cuz I thought cuz I was getting better at wrestling but I found out cuz I can make his the other wresters tough I just just recruited me as a as a as a as a training partner what yeah I sucked in college yeah that’s a thing I guess cuz I was tough but I started getting better I started getting good at wrestling in junior college it was number but monsters on my team and then I got injured yeah speaking of wrestling did you hear DC on the on the broadcast this week this weekend uh I did hear it I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about but he was talking during the fight how the how the control of the fight was going and how he said you know being a few steps ahead of his opponent then he mentioned yeah you know when I was fighting Dan is kind of the same concept that was always a few steps ahead what do you think he was trying to mean by that was what’s the point uh well he did control me on top pretty well but I don’t I don’t know if he was a few steps ahead I think he was just a few pounds heavy for me he was he was heavy and and he knows how to put his weight on you yeah you know but and and guys like him that when they all they want to do is take you down and they’re capable of doing that those are the probably the toughest fights for me style-wise not not necessarily because it was a tough fight but just because of the style yeah it it was hard for me to punch him in the face when that’s all they want to do is take you down yeah yeah he was way big than you in that fight it was like um I in at 199 for for light heavyweight yeah yeah I mean speaking of styles though like you have a guy like Israel ad asagna for example you know the 185 title run do you think he did enough with his style and the way he like competed to kind of surpass Anderson Silva like in terms of like greatness in that in that division um well I I think he did a lot I don’t think he did as much as Anderson Silva did but he also didn’t test positive like Anderson Silva did what I didn’t know that Anderson he tested positive like twice I think in the UFC yeah one was I don’t know when the first one was one was after he was coming back from his leg being broke on his comeback he might have been doing some stuff but I think he tested positive one other time also yeah I didn’t even know that so that yeah that it I I just put a check mark on him an aster whatever you want to call it but there some does something like that you never know put the same thing on like a guy like Jon Jones that same ashri for in my mind yeah really so you you wouldn’t give Jon Jones a goat title because of that it would be tough too I mean yeah I mean it’d be like Lance Armstrong and cycling you know we us coming from prod I mean makes sense and Jon Jones tested positive more than once also like two or three that was for recreational recreational yes what do you think of like UFC any in their relationship with usada you think that has anything to do with anything uh I think they didn’t have enough control to overlook certain things maybe I don’t know I have no idea why but it it I think it’s not a good look to do that I mean to have a third party doing that for you is is a lot better than doing it inh house his room was that um they want uh Conor McGregor to come back and they didn’t think that he was going to pass uh yeah and I what do they have to have four or six months or something of drug testing before he could fight something like that yeah something like that yeah do you find it um funny that um you know in Pride they didn’t test for um steroids so all the fans think that we we all was juicing over there they think every every fight in Pride was juicing yeah it it was the way they did their drug testing because I came from being in two Olympics and and and USA wrestling always had no advanced notice droke testing kind of like what they’ve been doing the last few years in the UFC but I came from that so when I went to Pride and and they hand you a paper cup with some Japanese words on it and say go ahead and go to the bathroom bring it back when you’re done you know and you just set it on the table not even sealed or anything they didn’t watch you it’s 100% different than the way that the regulations are with you saw and water yeah so was everybody juicing and briide not everybody but um uh I’m sure a lot of people were I’m sure a lot of people were yeah I never I never touched the steroids I’ve done like testosterone after I fought Jon Jones when it when it was okay by the UFC to do it I was one of the first to start that I asked him really I was like oh I don’t I don’t want to do that that’s like steroids isn’t it and found out more about it it’s just replacing your hormones and then I asked the athletic commission and they said yeah so I think I was was the first one to open that can of worms but then everybody else kind of abused it [ __ ] it up for shanan Abused it I keep real VOR B for’s labeled as like the trt era right like I mean he kind of really brought that to he’s a legend he’s the epitome of the poster child of what stero what testosterone can do to your body I think he was doing it I think he was doing it right though he was doing it smart like when I first took it with J Jones i i i i after JN Jones fight I felt um effects immediately you know what I’m saying I got injured in that fight and it h healed me up and I felt good but after that when I was taking I didn’t I didn’t feel anything i i g started gaining weight so I guess I was doing it wrong then I just I just [ __ ] it off I just stopped doing it yeah I wasn’t doing a lot just enough to keep me in the normal range yeah I mean you were fighting for a long time though I mean your career span over the course of so many years and at that age you were still Elite do you think well and they cut it out too they just made us quick cold turkey and I didn’t have a problem when I did that I didn’t start feeling my age until I was probably the last couple years I fought I was like 44 maybe and I was uh just feeling a little bit where I wasn’t recovering fast enough after practice I’d be laying on the couch and not hanging out with the kids or doing those kind of things yeah did your training um change though when you got older cuz I I still want to do some boxing before I get too old did you train like um less harder or did you uh I trained as intense but I didn’t have to do a lot of the other things that you would do to learn stuff to wear you out too like a lot of drills and a lot of you know just repetitive stuff I didn’t do as much as that I I just did and I I cut back on certain things but I did my cross training cardio a couple times a week and then my five days a week i’ I’d have hard practices but that was it did you run did you keep running and so I did I I couldn’t run because of my back very much but I did a versa climber and uh aerodine it just as good huh yeah I mean for me it was the love hate thing I what it did to me but the Versa climber especially oh man that thing that’s the hardest thing I hated it that’s the hardest thing have you ever done that no I’ve seen it in the gym oh my God that’s the hardest thing that’s harder than running I rather just run it would do nothing for me what really what it’s just like going like this man I want to see you do that for five minutes I do the assault bike in here that thing no div Vera clam is probably the hardest thing in the gym yeah for sure really that’s crazy I mean did your training did your training regiment kind of have to adapt over the years because you went UFC Pride Strike Force yeah I mean I would uh I would make my training camps longer so I could ease into it for a couple weeks and then I’d stay kind of peek it up and and you know towards the end and then kind of taper off a little bit better um yeah but it’s it’s it’s a unique it’s a unique thing to be able to say you know like UFC then Pride then Strikeforce then you like you bounced around so much did it have to do mainly with money or the fights or the organizations uh well I mean I probably would have done my whole career in Pride if UFC didn’t buy him and then I was back there really and I left the UFC just because that was a money thing that you know they uh I asked them for a certain amount and they said no and I said okay thanks and then went to stri force and asked them for the same amount and they said okay and got the strap were you were you your own manager throughout your career uh part of it but I had a manager during that time but I was his only MMA guy he kind of came from the uh lot of baseball football guys that he managed talk about Pride you um you remember when they used to give us cash money oh yeah oh man I missed that you guys both light up oh yeah no that’s what that’s why I say I really myself to a stripper cuz when I first started fighting in Pride I was I was thinking I was only going to do it for a year because I just finished wrestling and I was going to go to chiropractic school actually I was accepted then put it off for four years but then I started fighting so then I was like well you know I’ll fight and make some money for about a year and that was when I first got the pride and then they you know they paid you in cash and I’m like man cash is kind of hard to walk away from so I’m like a a stripper that thinks she’s only going to do it for a year and she’s still doing it when she’s 46 that was me it’s it’s like the cash thing like you go overseas you beat someone up you get a bag full of cash you come back home like it must have been an insane feeling yeah man it’s but but but back then those guys they was making a grip and pride was ripping me off I I didn’t find out I was getting ripped though until I saw hanging around Heath Heron he told me like he asked me you know we couldn’t tell each other how much we got paid in contracts we wasn’t supposed to talk about our money and he there and ask me he said yo how much money you getting getting paid I’m like man you know I can’t tell you that he said come on man tell me tell me and I told him like you getting [ __ ] like I like how much you getting paid he he said I can’t tell you was it was it hard doing like the negotiations with UFC to get what you wanted because you were such a legendary name I’m surprised they would want to let you go back then uh they just have their you know their thoughts on certain things and don’t think people are worth what they think they are which happens a lot too and yeah but it was when I was NE my contract ended when I when I knocked out bisbing so that was with the last fight on my contract and so it was a good timing for me to have to negotiate and they said no and uh I said okay yeah I mean the I was asking them for the amount I was asking him for was combined with possible pay-per-views which is a a question mark on how much you’d make on that and it was an estimate of so much per fight I would get and I went to strike force and they just gave me win or lose that amount wow no matter what so I was like it’s a done deal yeah I think the fans and people don’t understand our first fight is with the promoter they they always want to get you for the cheapest they can get you and we want the most that we can get yeah of course without you guys there’s no fight right yeah without you guys there is no pay-per-view right and you guys had the you know the most legendary names back then now I don’t think too many of these guys can demand that type of money since there’s so many names and so many fights but back then like if you guys were fighting I mean the world stopped for the night you know everybody watched you guys were setting precedent and building the entire Empire for them you know obviously they did a great job with these Network deals and putting together organizational fights and structure but still without you guys they would have been nothing right I agree with that we we put on the show like it’s a whole new generation I I just feel like um right now they’re having way too many fights it’s just my personal opinion they’re having way too many fights and and a lot of people don’t you know they don’t take T they don’t take time to get to know these Fighters but what they’re doing now they doing a good job of promoting the fighters social medias and you know how people getting to know people through their social media so that part is good but back in our day social media was wasn’t really a big thing it wasn’t it a thing at all for a while yeah yeah you didn’t have one back then yeah we didn’t have was your uh was your Feud and kind of your relationship with bisbing was that real you guys hate each other what’s the deal with that I don’t hate him I just have no desire to hang out with him yeah but I mean it wasn’t like when I fought him it wasn’t like yeah I didn’t it wasn’t anything personal to me I never hung out with them so it wasn’t like I I had bet even though we coached Ultimate Fighter together I had to deal with them a little bit but it it wasn’t like we were face to face that often yeah and yeah he he was a bit of annoying and you know I think the word I used on the show was douchebag yeah but I I don’t know him personally and I don’t care to know him personally yeah but so it it wasn’t anything personal like it wasn’t the feud where if I see them you know it’s not one of those that that knockout that jump in the air slam knockout looked kind of personal though I did almost the same thing to vanderlay when I knocked him out before that what hold on what what no I mean I I didn’t want to say but I’m you did I can’t say yeah that looked personal I want to be honest it looked personal when when you when you shut him up after uh yeah I but I literally did the same thing to vanderlay I knocked him out down and jumped on top and hit him like one or two more times just I didn’t I didn’t get airborne was the difference but it was almost the same thing but In the Heat of the Moment it just happens yeah and and had I and I tried that the second time I fought him and knocked him down and I I I missed my [ __ ] half inch and and then the fight went on you never know you fought V twice no uh I did fight vanderlay twice but I’m talking about bisbing you fought him twice yeah my last fight of my career was against him in England in Manchester it was a brawl it was a brawl I didn’t I don’t know why I didn’t don’t remember that one the first one and then they did Ultimate Fighter and then his his like his retirement fight yeah was that was that corner in big bisbing when you knocked him out my m is really bad because I remember one time I don’t think you were but I never cry May were I never cry but me and bisban we we like brothers especially back then we’re not as close now because some [ __ ] happened between our managers and stuff but but you know like me Congo and bisb we all we was all like brothers and and and I never got cried when I got knocked out but when bis got got knocked out one time I thought it was him I cried in the locker room I felt he got knocked out that bad I felt really bad bro really and I’m almost ashamed to say I I never CED like I some of my family members die and don’t cry it’s weird you felt bad for him that he had to go through that or you felt bad that the world do see it what did you feel bad about he’s a fighter you know I felt I felt I think it’s something like felt bad I felt like um at the time maybe I didn’t help him um good enough in training or something it was something like that and I just felt bad for him and I remember crying in the locker room I’m like what the [ __ ] is wrong with me why I’m crying and I I never cry it’s weird yeah you ever cry when one of your boys get knocked out no I I wish I had a different answer for you come on dad two times now brother you let me kiss you let me kiss a teabag belt then you leave me hanging on the [ __ ] Crim he looked straight at you and he said absolutely not absolutely not no I mean I wish I I wish I could say something different but no I never I felt like I felt like DC when he cried in the ring like when he got knocked out that was unique that that was I’m sorry to be making fun of DC about that but you know he he he um like uh this weekend somebody power bumed somebody knocked like I never seen that before I’m like what you mean you ain’t never seen that before like I did that I did that [ __ ] first back in [ __ ] proud with Ricardo Arona like oh that happened this weekend yeah I think it happened twice oh I must have missed that one but yeah you you definitely did that bad didn’t you cut your head your eye open too yeah cuz his head bounced off the mat and and banged into year yeah yeah yeah they everybody think I head butt in them but for all these years I thought that he headbutted me but then I saw a picture recently and and I don’t know if the picture is is is when his head bounced back or it looks it does look like I headbutt in him though it does look like but I think I think he his head bounced off the mat and hit my right yeah it’s hard not to happen when you slam somebody like that in a triangle yeah but he was already knocked out so the headbutt don’t matter he was already KN knocked out he didn’t feel it no no no it’s it’s interesting though cuz there was a video it was like super viral I don’t have it but it’s uh it’s basically after the fight when you did beat bism and then you’re like yo that was basically to shut him up but it seemed like the whole internet was like going nuts about it I mean obviously this is years ago so the younger generation of MMA that hasn’t seen the video obviously has to go look at look it up but like was you know cuz I’m still I’m still intrigued cuz like you guys as these legendary Fighters had such amazing battles it seems like the feuds like the rivalries were so intense back then I mean we see a little bit of it now but it’s more of the McGregor St show and it’s more of like McGregor leading the way on that there’s not a lot of true authentic like rivalries was that really like a rivalry though for you like is that why you had to shut him up or because there’s got to be something deeper there I feel like the world wanted me to shut him up and literally I almost every day no matter where I go or whether it’s in my town or somewhere else somebody tells me thank you for doing that thanks for shutting him up thanks that was my favorite fight I mean somebody mentions that fight almost daily to me yeah wow all right that makes more sense I get it so I mean it was more about everybody was thinking the same thing it wasn’t just me and yeah I I didn’t like hearing him talk it’s t tough for me to watch fights sometimes when he’s commentating still still today well he’s just annoying sometimes and he says some dumb stuff in terms of like technique like the way I mean you know but whatever yeah no I get it he keeps it real think about it if you did Ultimate Fighter against somebody and they annoyed you for six weeks that’s that’s a six week show oh wow he annoyed you the whole show huh yeah I think ours was like closer to eight weeks but yeah it was I mean I didn’t have to be around him every like during the practices but he’d be coming and going you know and and I I remember my team always had the the morning workouts and and my guys didn’t care about getting up early and and I I managed to do it but you know in Vegas sometimes that’s a little tougher and and bising was out there partying a lot so you know so halfway through I was like Hey we’re going to switch practice times now we’re going to do the later one and I only did it more just to piss him off just to see if he could get up early so he get mad did he get mad oh he he [ __ ] threw a fit and and he ended up having to do it though so mind games oh yeah the whole time huh were you excited to to fight him after that show though yeah absolutely I mean I was like I said but it wasn’t like a personal thing it was just more about yeah I knew that he didn’t have that many tools at that time MH for my style yeah I mean your striking was very like aggressive but I also feel the way you like mold Fighters back then right like I feel like you have a a very unique sense of style because your Technique seems like you would attack attack attack but the minute you wanted to control them on the ground or the minute you wanted to take them down you had your way with these guys it seems like a guy like bising that I would have to fight you at the time would have to have some crazy technique to kind of like stop that right and I felt like he didn’t have the power yeah um to where it would make me nervous to you know where I would think about taking him down but I knew that after I hit him a couple times he would probably try to take me down and he did at Le you know one time I remember in the fight you know he he tried to shoot on me and and I kind of just stuffed it real and and smiled and I heard the crowd kind of giggle or laugh a little [Music] bit and I think that’s why I smiled also just cuz it was funny to me like he he tried and you know got I mean he shot from way too far away and and it wasn’t the best shot anyway but it was a h Mar shot yeah something just to get a little action going what what is like the the toughest opponent you think in terms of like understanding the the training that you would have to go through would have to be a lot different over your MMA career cuz you s you fought in so many different organizations was there ever one opponent that really not scared you but really had you on the fence a little bit when it came to training for the fight uh well the one guy that was a big question mark that I didn’t know a whole lot about him and nobody knew him that well uh and he had a lot of fights but not and I think it might have been his first UFC fight was Paul Harris he’s just one of those guys that was super dangerous and and kind of a leg lock specialist so you got to be real careful with certain things and uh so that was a guy that that I was a little nervous about but not not nervous in that way just knew that his style could you know could the fight could go the wrong way real quick you know so were you um surprised that you knocked out Fedor like that uh a little bit yeah I mean I I was expecting to kind of go two or three rounds at least before I’d maybe be able to wear them out I was going to get him in the clinch and try to wear him out a lot but he’s a heavyweight he was like bigger than you yeah were you um 205 at least for that one I had to weigh in uh over I had to weigh in over 206 to for them to call to because it was a heavyweight fight and the athletic Commission in Illinois was where we fought in Chicago was uh said you had to weigh in so I I drank some water and stuff before weigh in weighed in at 206 and2 yeah wow so I I walked around normally 203 204 probably mhm that’s a on average yeah so you just that camp you just ate whatever you want you didn’t almost every camp that I had except for when I fought 185 oh you didn’t have to go on any special diet except when you fought 85 no yeah must be nice yeah I know right that’s what I was telling them I’m trying to cut weight right now the hardest some of the fights that you you’ve been at heavyweight you look like you did the same [ __ ] hell yeah [ __ ] man I tell you when I every year I was getting fatter and fatter I know and there was a couple fights that I was like you know excited to see you fight and I’m like you know you get in there you’re out of shape looking you know and and you get a little tired in the fight and I was like I didn’t cry but I was pissed off you look good now though no you actually you do look yeah you look great I got tired of being fat man I got tired of being a fat ass I just one day just looked at myself in the mirror about to getting a shower I was like who is this guy well I’m I’m getting to that point right now I got to start my belly is getting a little bigger that comes with age how how old are you know uh I’m 53 he didn’t want to say no I had to think about it I’m 53 oh man he gotta fight Shannon Brigg soon he got like two months he’s going to do a big fight we’ve been doing the fight camp out of here I’ve been excited to watch him get awesome want to do some boxing and boxing yeah and you know Saudi Arabia they pay they paying good are they yeah yeah I want to try I want to try a couple fights out there then hang it up hang everything up yeah in terms of MMA like do you have like a like a top three that you kind of grew up or while you were fighting that you looked towards as like a Northstar like your top three of all time obviously it’s hard but well Fedor was one of them for sure especially being in Pride that that many years yeah uh yeah I don’t know I’m sure Randy was my training partner but you know I still looked up to him and I’m sure it was kind of a mutual thing that we were good friends and good training partners for so long um I don’t know I mean I’m sure there’s been a number of guys over the years that you know that M you look at and you try to Aspire to be or yeah you know he was in the beginning well it wasn’t that many people before him a lot of people don’t get to don’t get to have a top three when you’re setting the the Pioneer ground stages yeah in terms of wrestling was there someone that you looked after like in terms of like wow this guy’s like super Dynamic his technique was insane or someone schz Dave Schultz yeah yeah 100% he’s like a legend yeah yeah is is is he still alive is that the one that got killed by okay that’s the one yeah his brother is the one that’s still alive Mark you know him person Mark fought in uh UFC at least once oh for real yeah way back in terms of uh uh your book like you have a lot going on you just came out with this book I saw you were on Joe Rogan promoting it I had reached out to you I’m like yo we got to get you on the podcast with Rampage you bring the book with you I totally forgot to bring we ordered a bunch though it’s it’s a great book I we you got it it’s phenomenal what’s the name of your book so it’s called hendo the American athlete yeah so when we p in Pride I guess I had a lot of nicknames back then and half the time they’d call me Dan but the media I guess nicknamed me the American athlete oh that’s cool so I was like trying to figure out a name for the book I’m like you know I’m just going to use that oh that’s cool and what is about your career uh about growing up and how I became who I was and then you know a lot of it is you know kind of going through some of the fights a lot of it’s going through my wrestling life you sat down and you type the book up yourself and did all that no I had a co-writer oh yeah so I did a lot of talking and he did a lot lot of the writing yeah I’m going through that right now yeah yeah yeah it was I mean we we hammered it out pretty good and and uh yeah it the book is like me talking it’s good is it on Amazon can we order it’s on Amazon it’s on uh barnen noble.com I think MMA Premier Collectibles or something like that hey all you hardcore MMA fans y’all better go get this book 100% 100% you got show love we saw you on the Joe Rogan show promoting it did you get like The Joe Rogan effect did the book sales go nuts after that show uh it went quite a bit I mean he didn’t put it on his own social media just but but yeah I mean it definitely helped for sure and and it was uh I think they aired the the episode the day the book released happened yeah know it it the timing was great it was great catching up with Joe I hadn’t seen him in years so yeah it was uh it was fun to catch up with when we Eric can we put a link yeah yeah we we’ll have a popup and everybody watching this we’ll also have the link in the bio oh okay yeah right now we have the biggest sale of the Year our Jackson cell and jackson.com all that chains are up to 50% off sitewide so in the description we have that link and in this video we’ll make sure we put Dan’s book there so everybody watching this go in our description click on his book buy it leave a leave a comment on our video and let us know that you got it so we could show Dan some support yeah I would love to hear feedback on it too so what so what are you doing uh with your bck well um you know doing Co I wrote a a MMA book and when I and I talked to this this guy was going to help me getting published he when I told him I wrote a book he assumed that it was autobiography and I said no no no it’s a this is an MMA book cuz I get asked a lot of MMA questions and I had uh one of my sons was um going going to get into MMA and I didn’t know what was going to happen with Co and all this stuff I just said you know what let me write this so anything happened to me God forbid I can pass something down to my son that I want him to know about MMA and it turned into like uh like a MMA for dummies type of thing uh just uh learning what you need to do to learn how to do MMA or and the history of MMA like just like the stuff like uh how to choose a manager and what to look like and and the fans how to deal with the your family members and it’s just a whole bunch I just go over a whole bunch of stuff right and I give it to the guy he said no you need to do a autobiography and you can and you can do this book this wasn’t a big book and he was like you can use this as like a manual the guys can take it to the gym with them but you need to do autobiography so I said okay damn so now I started writing autobiography and I just you got a guy to help you with got a guy from my hometown Memphis uh one of my friends I wrestle with in high school he he hit me up recently and said hey I got this guy to write scripts and stuff he write books I said oh okay let me meet him and we get on the phone just started writing a book it’s a lot of work I didn’t know it was going to be a lot of work no it it’s tough yeah yeah it took I mean we we pumped it up pretty quick you know with Once once we got started on it we pumped it out like 3 four months so did you publish it yourself youself no it was uh we had a publisher oh okay that’s I got turned down from for a publisher that first book I tried because um they I guess they look me up and they saw a hump the reporter they was like they was like no we don’t want to publish a book you hump the reporter and I said all right OJ Simpson got a book [ __ ] yeah I do it myself that video is like a skit video for me see it’s like 10 years old and everybody knows what it was it was part of the game at the time yeah it’s I know we we’re going to be wrapping up soon and and I don’t want to take up too much of your time we appreciate you coming on but I’ve seen this photo of you guys like flipping each other or like fighting each other on set of a show I don’t know what show it is I don’t know what you guys were doing but you guys look like you were like car mechanics or something someone’s got to explain this show was that for for King of Queens yeah King of Queens we did it years ago yeah we had they were like delivery uniforms or whatever right yeah what was it for just you know you know you know the show King of Queens uh what’s his name James Kevin James Kevin James yeah yeah he he used to train with us we used to go out there and train him and we became friends with him your guy ran Parson trained him did yeah was like uh did his diet and his and Chiropractic and kind of personally trained him he’s a big fan of MMA Kevin James so he asked us to be on the show he also did that movie uh here comes the Comes the Boom Here Comes the Boom was you in that movie no no but I W I mean it was it was pretty good it’s a good movie yeah he was a big he’s a big fan of MMA so he had all us come on there and fight fight him like a see we got in a fight with him or something yeah I think it was uh it was like like his memory or Vis visualizing of how the fight’s going to go and he turns around and sees us in front of him and I took my teeth out did you guys actually he hit me I took my teeth out and then I I went with him and I had to I had to flip him over like over my back Kevin James yeah and he’s not a small guy he’s big yeah he’s big did you flip him yeah like onto a like a crash mat you know like like probably 10 times yeah yeah you had to do it a couple times for TV to get it right W yeah and all the different angles so yeah that was that’s what was most memorable of that to me it was uh Frank Trigg yeah you and Randy yeah it it was it was pretty funny it was it was a fun I think that was my first time doing thing in TV that was pretty it was pretty fun a good crew yeah that’s a unique crew Randy was on it with you too yeah yeah wow yeah you guys should go back and check it out on yoube speaking of that how’d you like doing uh was the the 18 right oh yeah that that was fun man it was that’s that’s a show that we probably all watched growing up bro that that was really fun just just doing that just being a part of that and and playing the same character Mr T play it it was like a dream come true it’s really hard to uh explain but it was a lot of work though bro yeah six months six months to film the 18 six months to film 18 it was good you worked with Bradley Cooper on that right yeah I work Bradley Cooper’s cool man he he’s funny he’s he reminds me of tiki him and Tiki like almost like the same person Tiki the manager yeah they they almost like the same same person Brad Bradley is super cool Liam niss uh he he’s he’s really dope I work with um Jessica Bill me and her used to she used to come to my my trailer and play C cod with me Call of Duty no yeah she’s man she’s like one of the coolit I met her on the set of uh one of Kevin james’ movies the the Here Comes Here Comes Chuck and Larry or oh Chuck and Larry yeah he did that with her huh yeah yeah uh memorable moments in your career is there one moment that just speaks out the most to you in terms of your your illustria you had a great career I don’t know I mean obviously one of the bigger tents of accomplishes was fighting vanderlay and getting the second Pride belt uh and then well Fedor of course cuz who he was but the toughest night of fighting I’ve ever had in my career was when I fought in that that like the limited weight class tournament it was a 32-man tournament in rings called King of Kings so I had two fights in the first part of the tournament in one event and then we come back for the finals and it was three fights in a night how how long was it a break between those two fights in the three fights uh a couple months okay so they they they had 32 men in this tournament but they did it the first half of the bracket one night and then a month later the second half of the bracket and then a month later the finals but yeah I fought Gilbert ivil remember him yeah he’s a big dude fought him no big nog and Babaloo in the same night no way you beat all three of them yeah wow the Babaloo fight was crazy and big nog we were we were clinched you know in the first round and he pulls guard jumped to pull guard and his ass landed on my leg and just popped my knee and I was like oh my God so my pop my MCL so that was that was the toughest thing about that is I had one more fight and it was for a lot of the finals were worth a lot of money second place wasn’t worth that like I would have fought five times for about 30 grand if I took second the final was worth 200 Grand and back then it was a lot of money I’d never made anything in my life so that got me motivated to look past my knee and yeah tournament yeah yeah that was in Japan yeah so that was cash money too and that’s after that is when uh Pride hit me up oh damn that was right before Pride wow yeah and they paid me in cash I was like what the [ __ ] you flew home with all that cash yeah how how you how you do it back in the day you just you didn’t care well I I claimed it when I came in I didn’t know anything about okay so they took some I’ve always claimed my money yeah yeah that me too yeah you got to you got to claim it watching this we always claim we always claim you got you got always got to claim it you got and and I pay Texas and Japan as well good yeah and and as we as we wrap up is there someone you wish you could have fought that you never got to fight well I I’ve said it before I mean I was scheduled to fight Jon Jones yeah and my knee yeah got tweaked in practice Yeah that would have been a good fight and uh I was probably the best prepared of I’ve ever been in my life how do you think you would have done especially with his style yeah which is tough for some people but I think I would have been I I would have I think I would have [ __ ] him up but really yeah I mean I was so ready you remember big tall sirel diat diabat he uh he’s from France he’s a was a K1 guy it’s not F he fought in the UFC it’s not the guy that I fought I don’t think so I thought got ni abidi but it’s not the same okay okay I don’t know this no he’s just a he’s 6 fo6 and and uh from K1 so I had him so I was super prepared I had him and a couple other real tall long guys just to get used to that and you had a long Jiu-Jitsu guy uh I mean I had a couple long guys Vinnie was pretty tall that’s why I messed up at in in the training camp I didn’t have any long guys to do jiujitsu with what what do you think made you so prepared that you would have destroyed Jon Jones well my cardio was probably better than it ever had been at that point and and then just just the timing and and the style that I kind of was going to have for that fight was just you know staying in his face and not letting him the guys that have trouble against John is the guys that let him control the fight so you just got to stay in his face I think and obviously he’s he’s got a usually a pretty good game plan and I’m sure he would have been trying to take me down yeah a little bit but he I’m sure he would have been trying to stay on the outside he would have he would have definitely been if you would have fought him with that hurt knee he would definitely been kicking that knee back and poking you in your eye whenever whenever you got whenever you did anything good against him he’s poking you in the eye and kicking your knee backwards he’s he is one of the reasons why they they’re so strict now about having Open Hands yeah they changed the gloves because of him yeah Dana White came out with that video I remember when your knee and and what happened and they canceled the whole fight and it was like a big ordeal but like everybody was was talking crazy on the internet about that yeah well they offered Chael the fight and Jones said no he thought me and Cha were in on it I’m like how am I going to be in on it with him I did know that I was injured for a couple weeks but I was still trying to fight I still had in my mind that I was still going to fight and my team’s like so like one week before I you know and that’s when Chael found out a week before and he it would have been a lot better for JN to find him when jil’s not in shape yeah he Jon Jones thought you were in on it that’s why he didn’t want to fight well you thought yeah me and CH kind of but who who cares I mean take the training camp you’re in shape obviously you know for Jones but CH wasn’t in shape M so but they ended up fighting before was probably a little tougher for that’s when cha and John fought is when Jones like he broke his fo to to that was nasty that was gross yeah I love it I love it I mean the fact to to have you on this and to have you here and to share some moments with us I I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart I know we’re doing this for the MMA community and like I told you we’re doing boxing and Combat Sports and we’re really just trying to take this to the next level and kind of build a platform where guys like you Legends like yourself can sit here and talk with Rampage and myself and just kind of give back to the MMA World you’ve already done so much for them but I think people still love to hear you guys and you guys have the biggest names of sports we ever see so I appreciate you taking the time today well thank you I appreciate uh you guys having me and and obviously it’s good to see see Quinton it’s been a while everybody calls you Rampage but I’ve always usually called you Quinton yeah love it that’s fine that’s I don’t even know if you were rampaged when I met you yet I’ve been rampaged since I was eight years old okay so yeah yeah it’s but I met you as Quinton yeah yeah I now after all these years when when people when I first meet people they ask me what’s your name I say Quinton I don’t even really say yeah I don’t even really say rampage that much anymore you know what I’m weird it depends on which mood I’m in it’s it’s it’s tough having like a nickname yeah you don’t I’m most say Dan but but you go by hindo yeah half the time I go by h i mean everybody calls me half the people call me hindo half the people call me Dan the closer friends call me Danny they call you Danny yeah is that what your parents call you Danny yeah Y no I I love it and obviously it’s good to just watch you guys kind of go back and forth and hear a little bit about the the the good days I think a lot of people call the Glory Days but the good days I think still having you guys I miss those days I I wish Pride was still around me too I just said that like a week ago to somebody what do you think about ryen though it’s it’s almost I think it’s it’s you know pride and kw1 had that pissing contest and and they both kind of just went downhill from that and I don’t know why they you know once cuz Pride started uh or it wasn’t what did they do before risen it was dream did they do dream they tried they tried dream and I don’t I don’t know what happened to that but I don’t know why the fan base didn’t just come back the way it was because it was no matter their smallest their probably average size show was 45,000 people yeah I don’t know what they’re getting now but probably not that I think they lost their TV rights with that whole Yakuza stuff you know cuz um Japan was trying to get they were trying to get rid of the the the all the Yakuza but K1 was in a different Yak Yakuza too so it wasn’t like yeah K1 is gone too right I think I think they both kind of they each other they lost F TV just having a a pissing contest yeah they lost they both lost Fuji TV and that’s that’s how they lost everything that’s how UFC brought uh bought um Pride they lost their TV deal yeah it was the best show in the world no it was uh you know and I’m sure you got to ask that too you know who had the best fighters blah blah blah but I and I always said that I think the fighters are great in UFC and in Pride pretty comparable I I thought Pride had a little more death because they only had two weight classes at the time and then uh you know I felt that just the show that they put on was unmatched yeah they put on a show fights and a show yeah yeah the UFC wasn’t up on that they no and they still no nothing compares to that the The Opening Ceremonies was awesome I like the entrances yeah I like that they calling they call called everybody out all the fighters out I used to get nervous right then and there too yeah I I literally so I I do fights at my gym amateur fights at my gym like four times a year and I’ve done a couple weeks ago I did my last one and it was uh the 14th one that I’ve done and I did an opening ceremonies for the first time and just called them all out into the cage and introduced them all before the before the show yeah so and it brought back all the pride memories so it was I’m going to start doing that every time now yeah yeah one of my friends fighting in rizen so so I go and and rizen they trying to be like Pride they do all that stuff now I think that’s good isn’t the same announcer check that with the crazy voice still doing it yeah yeah she’s cool yeah yeah she’s yeah I’m I’m think I’m trying to get a couple of my smaller guys over there this next year so yeah you should I’ll probably be over there a couple shows yeah yeah and you should sakar he’s still the same he’s real nice I like him he was the only one I like liked over did you have to deal with yukino and Hadi yeah I can stand yeah they they were tough for sure especially her oh yeah she was the worst and he was her [ __ ] yeah so but yeah no I had to deal with them but yeah I didn’t like them at all they hated me they hated my guts oh really oh yeah they hated my guts cuz saki Kar he’s the one who um he the one who found me in in Pride I mean in um King in the cage he yeah he’s the one who walked up to me in King of the cage and what was his role cuz he wasn’t the president of pride when I first got there vice president it was the guy that he ended up killing himself in the hotel but so he was the vice president and he found you in uh and King of the cage cage and then shortly after that um I was supposed to fight um Ken Shamrock I was training for Ken Shamrock and then Terry trock was like hey um that fight with Ken Shamrock uh going to get postpone we got you um sakur robbert I I didn’t know who sakur Robert was I didn’t know much about pride and it was like a a two weeks notice fight and and um he said but we’re going to double your pay I’m like okay [ __ ] Ken I’m going over yeah I think I think I remember cuz I I think I was in Huntington during that time what year was that I’m bad with years that’s probably like um I would like to say it was like uh 2001 2002 around there 2001 and I I had just started training with with um I had just left that gym I started training with Chris Brennan you remember Chris brenn yeah yeah he lived in Taca for a while oh for real yeah yeah I stopped I stopped [ __ ] with him after that after that fight because uh I wasn’t supposed to leave the country because I got in trouble in college and um he he asked him right away he said hey if Rampage can’t make it for some strange reason can I fight oh really Sakura and then uh I guess he knew he trained some police officers I guess he looked up my background and I wasn’t supposed to leave the country so I got arrested as soon as I gave my passport to get on the airplane oh really they had airport police right there they arrested me took me you didn’t hear this story no yeah they took me to jail right away and and Terry trock and pride they had to bail me out and then I went to um Japan the next day and they didn’t tell him he didn’t know I was there he kept going and he had all his fight equipment and stuff there oh so he was he was going so you ended up having two fights one with him no you know I I believe in karma so I didn’t I I didn’t I didn’t say anything and plus uh ter told me not to not to do anything you know so I was like I whatever that’s kind of screwed up that was screwed up after that I didn’t I didn’t train with him no more I didn’t deal with him no more but the uh police that arrested me you know saying he I guess he felt kind of kind of bad for me CU again I was crying in the backseat of the car no but but I do cry when I get when I get real angry I can’t do nothing I do cry then and I was like crying like I was real mad tears coming out of my eyes cuz this was going to be the most money I ever made and I was broke at that time you know I’m saying I was I needed that money and uh he was like man I feel bad for you normally we don’t catch people until they come back into the country we have no we have no way of knowing that you’re going to leave the the country from my database he said somebody snitched on you and and everything came together I found out it was Chris Brennan who who set me up so he could fight sakuraba wow yeah that’s pretty dirty that was that was dirty so after that I didn’t I didn’t [ __ ] with him no more I didn’t see him no more after that I stopped training at that gym I think I went back to um training at Tito’s gym after that because the only reason I left because my friend who started me the fighting he left the gym when Tito came just trying to be lawyer and it and it bit me in the ass yeah that happens sometimes yeah yeah all right then I want to say I I want everybody to go and get Dan Henderson’s book what’s the name of it again hindo the American athlete get hindo the American athlete if you if you call yourself a true mma fan you should have that book and thank you for um joining us on on this Jackson podcast oh my pleasure thanks for having me yeah absolutely it’s an honor it’s an honor to watch you guys go back and forth too man we can see here all day it’s so many the stores and it was natural too you guys you guys laid the foundation and I and I’m glad that the MMA Community you know sees that especially for you A lot of people have requested you they wanted you on the show and it’s like it’s good to see that people still understand where the roots of the sport came from it’s always good to hear that yeah absolutely so and make sure you guys go check out jackson.com we’re having the biggest sale of the Year up to 50% off sitewide and if uh the sell’s over by the time this video comes out make sure you head over to club.jpg and pieces and show support leave a comment let us know who you guys want to see next much love much [Music] love


    1. I have so much respect for Quinton because he fought and beat Chuck, Dan, and Wanderlei. And Ricardo Aroma this guy was huge and ripped with a high level BJJ Black Belt, and leg kicks for dayssss….And Quinton powerbombed the shit out of him. Everybody remembers Quinton powerbombed somebody, but he powerbombed a pit bull of a human being with Hella skills.

      Dan Hendo definitely a savage too!

    2. It always fascinates how people that did steroids will say ahhhh I only did a little TrT bro common you are an elite athlete what do you mean your hormones weren’t right… get out here. You touched the sauce and you cheated like everyone else!

    3. Awesome podcast interview! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘You guys need to get Maurice Smith, Frank Shamrock, Tim Kennedy, Igor Vovchanchyn, Fedor Emelianenko, Brandon Wolff, Chad Robichaux, Brandon Magana. That would be great!!!! ☺

    4. Love the podcast, but Hendo is lying out his ass about β€œnot using steroids or abusing TRT”. He abused the hell out of TRT and fighters only ever really needed TRT due to steroid use. He’s still a goat of the sport though

    5. Just found out this channel exists and so far I've watched Bas Rutten, and now Hendo. You guys are getting some great old school guests. I'm about to watch BJ Penn now.

      Great job, Keep going, I'll be watching more interviews

    6. Brennan did the same to student going to Japan's Shooto fighting organization.
      Telling her to let shooto know that if there wasn't a fight for him as well she wouldn't go.

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