Hi welcome back to After Long Flights Where Did I End Up?. This decision was as random to me as it probably is to you, two weeks ago this thought had never crossed my mind. In Today’s vlog i take a walk through the denes(parks) and then into Cockerton Village where i was brought up in Darlington UK.

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    good morning and welcome back where am I this will give you a clue there’s my little boy and there’s Kathy hi yep I’m back in blighty good old Darlington back in England for two weeks need a bit of time out people worried about me so yeah come back for two weeks I’ve got me return fight ready for a week on in two weeks it was a nightmare come it was a nightmare uh trip back I vlogged half of it and the other half I just thought I can’t do it anymore I went bya Bangkok and then into uh uh Al Alim what was it called C Aman Aman that was it Aman Queen Al Aman in in Jordan Queen aler airport so it was a 9-hour flight from Bangkok to there and then from a man it was a 6 hour work in the airport which was like the hills of eyes I was there very early and just felt like you were getting followed about wherever you went especially when I C beond and then it was a 6 hour flight there 6 hour W sorry and then it was a 6 and half hour flight from Queen aler airport in Jordan to stanstead and altogether it was 3 387 yeah it was a bit of a nightmare then I was was in London and obviously I live up north I was going to get the bus just missed it by 15 minutes had big massive Rock sack on me back and the big army one on the front and I was struggling so uh I just went and bu it um uh train line and I got the train it was 65 on the 2 and half train from King’s cross straight into D and Kathy was there on the platform ready to meet me which is really nice so today we’re just going to walk through the parks and then uh into the where I live on in the edge of Darlington cockton Village of little walk in Village cute little place just a nice rock little Vlog telling you why I’m back in England and how long far and I’ll be doing a few Vlogs obviously while I’m here I’ll be doing going on a little day trips in and around darling and there’s a big Market on this whe I say a big Market there’s a market on a food market on over the weekend so we go and see that as well I’m looking forward to it it’s nice to be back from 45° to 10° it’s a nice change when we went to close on we love getting walked by Ren so we do he tells us where to go not the other way around have you ever tried train this H to Impossible well that dog is anyway little R Bo so just well right near where I live or where I lived in daring you got five Deans in a in a raw they like little Parks this is what this is here this is when when we were kids used to come climb all the trees and everybody comes to walk the dogs through here and go running so then we’re going to walk through a couple of these and then into ccken Village to my favorite butchers have you ever seen a cter dog in your life hey anybody hey he is too cute and he’s a little Menace AR you go running what so you see that tree there I spent over to the side me and your friend climbed that when we were 10 years old and the fire engines had to come down and get us back down cuz we couldn’t get back down down from the tree very richy history for you it’s lovely listen to The Wildlife good old Green Grass of England so yes I come back to England because of the bike accident they said me parents and friends were worried about me Kathy especially so yeah said i’ come back for a couple of weeks just recuperate rest recharge the batteries and go back with a new invigoration I’m enjoying being back it’s been nice it’s been nearly 12 months since i’ been well 10 months since I’ve been away just over so it’s just nice to come back for a couple of weeks back to me old stomping ground just all the way through these D or Parks whatever you want to call them there’s a a stream that goes all the way through it’s really nice very well kept some of the time well I’ve got some plans while I’m back here I want to go over the aues maybe he’s over the Lakes show you a few different places go the seaside going get some fishing chips even though I’ve already had some that’s where I was born at that street there homand Road many years I lived there until I got the own place when I was 16 lovely nice quiet area This is the End one the end the end de next to cockton so this is the Tenny Dean obviously why it’s got tennis courts and all the Deans have got different names shy Dean I’m not sure why it’s called that I’m sure one day it must have had loads of sheds on it uh then the swingy D because it’s got the swings in even though this has got the same the baly D used to have the balls in but now no more and the footy could play football there yeah there wasn’t a lot of imagination went there lovely Parks all the same all the different trees see the conquers just ready to come out ready to start blooming it’s been very cold here considering we’re coming coming into May well we are in May very cold right SE basketball court tennis courts right let’s get into the village cuz I am starving here we are cck Village little Library Poland station must be ping boting for something toy small it’s got everything you need Gregs Greg’s charging these days Margarita the pizza was that a big one pepperoni 10 L 10 L for a pizza half and half I don’t want to go in cuz I’m not buying anything little Charity shop this is supposed to be nice jat or toti and pizza pocket and Chippy it’s a bit greasy for me we went to awardwinning one my first night back yesterday actually it was very good well worth the drive it’s a nice nice t- room tea room and Cafe that’s really good cor corops are everywhere in England yeah everything you need as we met doggy hardware shop yeah we all know each other hello and he’s are the best butchers best butchers in or in dal anywhere and the surrounding areas famous just off all right Albert how you doing how you doing you’re all right nice see you just uh doing YouTu for a while have you yeah the col I know my favorite butcher you got everything in here a water R sausages the best kebabs pies pasties I was already in yesterday I got a carnish pasty Burgers lamama mint Park apple chicken truffle paramos honestly this butchers is amazing that the organic milk all fresh vegge it is unbelievable place where I call home other than Thailand Me original home there it is just a little Vlog just to say why I’m back in England just to get away just up a couple weeks out recharge the batteries I’ve got some good plans already when I get back to Thailand and Beyond thanks for joining me please like subscribe I will be back in Thailand in 2 weeks time I can’t wait I’ll show you the trip back as well it’s not going to be as uous as a trip here have an amazing day guys please share with your friends as well if you think they like the content coming up Lake District Yorkshire DS and we to walk into town darling Town Center we’ll go and see um see what the Thai restaurant like there Street Food


    1. Enjoy the fresh air and your friends and loved ones , maybe it’s time to call it a day in Thailand.
      I don’t know how anyone can walk around daily in this heat .
      I haven’t got one taxi , bus or motorcycle since I been here

    2. I hope you have an amazing stay back in the hometown my friend. I know everybody is loving the fact they get to see you!! Can't wait to see more of your hometown 😎🙌 🇬🇪

    3. Enjoy the Time with your love ones Richie and hope I see you eating a lovely Bacon pudding we call it rasher pudding in Romany been lovely watching your Thailand vlogs Richie

    4. Nice to see you back home for abit I can understand why your family and friends was worried about you after the bike accident. Now rest up my friend and chill with your boy and friends family

    5. They use to be so cheap I am 61 soon and it use to cost me thirty Bob a week Richie looks a lovely butchers we have a dish called Joey grey it’s sausages bacon 🥓 tatters onions 🧅 tomatoes 🍅 oxos Richie it’s a British romany dish you will love it. I watch how you love your food in Thailand . Cook sausages bacon onion 🧅 then put in pot with oxo tatters fresh thyme if you have it and fresh tomatoes 🍅 it thickens it you will love it and a bit of Moro bread to clean plate Romany style God bless

    6. Nice to see ya back in good owld Darlo Richy 👍 only just an hr ago I walked through the denes parks with my dog , I bump into you before you back on your travels if not take care as always my old mate 👍👍

    7. You have copped out Richy – look it up.
      Your excuse: they were worried about me is weak.
      I thought you were a trooper. I thought you could take the heat, the frugal life. Seems not.
      I am not interested in the tree you climbed as a kid.
      I'm still here. I do not: cop out when there's danger all about. SHAFT!
      Or in your case, uncomfortable.
      You were entertaining, but I could see you were secretly suffering.
      Don't come back.

    8. Englad have a same Governmet what in a Netherlands – hope people will get back they property, sorry but i see this mate, better travel around a world.

    9. 9:18 Show us what you can get for a tenner in Darlington no health insurance in thailand my freind pays £120 a month for decent health insurance in thailand way out of your budget of course that chippy you walked passed was a bit pricey for you not greasy let's be honest now

    10. Welcome back home, Richy!

      Two weeks, Richy…how will you cope with the price differences back home?! Not to mention the cold…and hiw is the WiFi 🤣

      It's so lush and green, looks so lovely. Thanks for taking us home with you too, and great to see Ren and Cathy.

      The butcher is such a change from the meat markets in Thailand, that's for sure!

    11. Hello Richy
      glad you are keeping safe and well.
      While you are here maybe you can have a word with those naughty boys at Leeds United and tell them to pull their socks up, I'm a supporter too talk about fickleness.

    12. Welcome back Richie. Cathy knows more than you do about the world map lol. Get fed and recharge them batteries fella and keep keep on mooching 👍

    13. richy there is an unreal Thai place up near the airport. thai terminal 1 its called. bit priceier than what you'll be used to paying in Thailand like(!!) but great value for uk/darlo prices

    14. Long haul flights back home are always horrible, then you've got the jetlag to deal with! Looks a nice neck of the woods there mate. Met you briefly one night in koh phayam. Good times

    15. That’s brutal time flights I always pay extra for direct flights at night and they nearly kill me 😂😂every time I come back I am depressed right away and want to leave and the price of everything 😂😂

    16. Looks like the public toilets have been demolished outside what was once a Lloyds Bank branch on that parade of shops in Cockerton?

    17. The Last Denes the Paddly Dene not the Footy dene 😂😂 nice surprise to see your home mate, give me a shout if your going over the lakes for a look up the fells ⛰️ ill have a drive over

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