Today we take a look at Film & TV Services, 86-87 Bestobell Rd, Slough SL1 4SZ.

    We speak to many of the staff who are all great guys!

    Google Maps Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    obviously at the moment we’d rather you not fly the the drone over this area cuz obviously of the hydrogen we’ve got here at the moment so what in the red cylinders yeah obviously we’ve got an exclusion Zone set up so we’d rather not at the moment have anything flying over the top [Music] TV services yeah yeah I’m just going to um I’m not going to interfere or anything I’ll be outside for 20 minutes let’s make a little video for YouTube Fly the Drone I didn’t know this place was here right okay what four just accuracy uh just for entertainment purposes right as in what just to to do on YouTube yeah I’ll say a few funny things about it as I fly the Drone and do some photography obviously at the moment we’d rather you not fly the the Drone over this area because obviously of the hydrogen we’ve got here at the moment so what in the red cylinders yeah obviously we’ve got an exclusion Zone set up so we’d rather not at the moment have anything flying over the top I won’t go over the um the exclusion Zone okay I’ll just go uh around youve got your shutters open haven’t you yes so the Drone will be able to see in there well it is again it is what it is so but yeah obviously if we can uh at least just not fly over this section that would be great if you wouldn’t mind what’s the hydrogen used for uh it’s basically fuel cell so power wise for these generators for these generators yeah that’s what they are they hydrogen power generators I’ve never heard of them before yeah yeah yeah it’s uh it’s definitely out there at the present moment so they they still have an exhaust at the top but obviously it’s water vapor Vapor yeah right so so that was pretty good pretty good technology to be fair and are they loud no not at all more quieter than diesel um an engine at the end of the day so it’s still the same so it’s probably about 60 to 70 DB and Diesel is what 12 yeah and Diesel so effectively it’s it’s louder than you and me talking yeah compared to diesel though DB is what 120 no no no no they they’re a lot less I mean our sets are super silent so our a 68 DB at 3 m wow so you can stick them outside someone’s house but we don’t run on diesel anyway none of our Fleet runs on diesel PL in where possible plug it into electric where possible as much as possible but we run it predominantly uh on the hvo fuel what this Fleet here everything’s run on H where’s the refueling station for that we’ve got it here you’ve got your own yeah oh right is that that tank there yeah so you’re self-sufficient then oh yeah 100% right so we’re very uh extremely eco-friendly should we say oh even all your reges have got FTV on haven’t they yeah entire fleet who makes that decision are you one of the big bosses no no no no not at all no I just work here so someone’s obviously passionate who’s in charge yeah we’ve we’ve been going for what 48 years what in this location no no not in this right it’s very secure isn’t it yeah we do try do you do some uh top end films as well we literally we do loads of different bits and pieces so everything from films outside broadcast football rugby cricket everything everything sport wise everything sport wise you special in sport do yeah right okay all right brilliant yeah it’s uh it’ll be a nice nice little place to film you don’t often see all these uh specialist vehicles in one place so fly around with the Drone for 10 minutes and no problems yeah thank you thank you so yes film and TV services electrical facilities they didn’t object to to film in from the outside did they and they even spent a few moments telling us all about it got some hydrogen cells in the Cordon do area in there and the generators are powered by hydrogen wow but look at these vehicles you don’t often when I saw it from down there I thought G4S caching Transit yes they all have these FTV number plates so as they buy more Vehicles somebody’s buying more plates got a little trailer there as well and yes all the shutters are open so when the Drone goes up we might be able to see a little bit of what’s inside let’s get David up and let’s see what this place looks like from the above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area at all hi how we doing oh you’re a different guy I am I can’t tell through the fence how we doing yeah I’m okay good good good thought we see you here one day oh you know who I am yeah of course all right PR stuff thank you very much there’s a key R can I get it through there proba yeah there you go what we doing in s then lots of interesting data centers to look at here that’s it yeah cuz it’s supposed to be a trading estate for businesses and it’s being taken over by data centers and the word trading is we’re all um television I know yeah he said live sporting events mainly yeah we do lots of outside broadcast so um we we provide the power come on a good day we’re doing some testing with some new hydrogen gen sets yeah I just learned a little bit about them I’ve not seen them before it’s good how you’ve got an exclusion Zone it’s very new to us yeah so yeah you need a big exclusion Zone around the gas packs so um yeah you think it’s going to be cheaper don’t know too much about it at the moment but it’s certainly move in the right direction yeah it’s certainly giving the message as a company being responsible and it and thoughtful about uh the environment yeah yeah well so driving forward Battery Technology all of our gen sets run on hoo don’t use diesel at all anymore you got to try and do these things you yeah and you’ve got your own refueling station there as well so amazing things yeah I was just going to do the Drone and say some nice things about you are you one of big bosses uh I head of technical right okay so uh yeah I look forward to watching it who’s in charge of getting the number plates uh that’s a probably Legacy thing we’ve had them since probably about the last 25 years it’s a nice touch isn’t it so yeah it’s easy to when the guys get tasked with a particular unit it’s done by the red rather than number yeah I like that yeah all right nice talking to you what was your name by the way Chris Chris thank you Chris there you go Chris just echoing the excellent things that the company is doing I didn’t get the first guy’s name anyway let’s get some Drone footage shall we and let’s see takeoff what we can see through the shutters home Point updated I don’t want to go over there look at the exclusion Zone on that hydrogen hydrogen cells generators that are powered by this new fuel well probably not new but a new Option basically a new Option yeah that’ll do so the large Vehicles here the trailers behind and they even got little ones look little Vans container in the corner and let’s come a bit lower we’ll stay above roof height yeah we’re above roof fight and they’ve even got more vehicles in there look more FTV number plates on display so I don’t want to take the mick at all and go near that so we’ll go over here we’ll make sure we’re above this building and we’ll look at it from around here somewhere there we go so not going to go any nearer I’ll keep to my word and are the shutters down now no it’s still open but all we can see is more vehicles with FTV number plates that’s so weird to see in it so many ftvs great advertisement and the hvo fuel now hvo stands or HBO fuel is hydr treated vegetable oil it’s a fossil free paren diesel meaning it can be used as a direct replacement for mineral diesel fuel but we know it’s more expensive but it gives people another reason to use you cuz you are going above and beyond to deliver that green message and as a company it can only be good for PR can’t it so we’re not going to get anywhere near the hydrogen area we’ve seen all we can see we’ll just show you what the building looks like from this side where they’ve got a normal car park right next to a McDonald’s look there we go and if we have a a little look around the local area we have done one of these shots on a previous video in allow but we’re slightly in a different area now so we’ll move around from left to right and we’ll show you how this trading estate is being overtaken by data centers look there we go and the Sun the clouds are just moving over look that’s good to see some areas have sun and some don’t thanks to the clouds that are moving over you don’t very often see that do you but there we have it we don’t want to make this one too long let’s get David back and wrap this one up and that was film and TV services ftvs they say they are your One-Stop National supplier of broadcast silent twin power generators and TV lighting higher we provide these services for outside broadcast televised Live Events sports broadcast reality TV entertainment shows and television Studio Productions so they’re actually specializing in the generators which is why they’re testing the generators yeah makes sense they’re trying to lead the way they’re involved in the boat race 2024 they provide a comprehensive range of broadcast services for BBC 1’s coverage of this great sporting occasion TV lighting higher but mainly power and very very quiet power supplier of broadcast silent power generators TV lighting higher there we go so if you ever need a professional company to do that type of thing give them a call so the location of the DJ audits keying on this video is uh yeah just there if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want to keying good luck with that and we’ll leave these guys to carry on with their testing without being watched so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now thank you yeah thank you I’m off now you just cycle around and see interesting it’s just no one I saw the vehicles that’s what stood out well if you look at any of the football BRS you’ll see these with the outside broadcast right so yeah I didn’t even look on your website so you actually do specialize in power and the lighting side of things the higher of those so we’re doing the snooker in Sheffield at the moment lighting yeah so yeah just saw and you s do the um you did the uh what was it boat race that was it uh Marathon we just there’s your vehicles y that’s it I won’t miss them now yeah I will now yeah Thea it green everywhere that’s it yeah tell you what the one you want to look at there a data center they’ve just built right and down bucking Road there you got Costa right if you stand at the Coster and look at the back end of it you see three rows of generators it’s got something like 18 one me one Mega sets across three levels right that must be a big one then yeah some of these I do feel like they’re um they’re putting all their eggs in one basket aren’t they cuz if something goes down in one of these data centers it ruins such a big infrastructure that’s why there’s so many generators and UPS systems in these data centers fire or there so much backup so much redundancy stuff a bit if a bit goes another bit kicks in so it doesn’t fail you know what I mean they got back they’re building that’s a new biomass Power Station down the road there s are doing what’s that there see where the chimney is right uh they they burned biomass down there so sl’s got his own na station which is run by S but that’s worth a yeah I’ve seen that down there yeah yeah there’s loads here oh yeah but the one opposite Coster you’ll see the back ends of the radiators I’ll go have a look Mega yeah I’ll go have a look thank you right right nice one guys take care thank you see [Music]


    1. As someone who has spent eight years working in the film and TV industry in the UK, I can say, this kind of professionalism is typical of people working in the sector. It’s been a real privilege to be a part of it.

    2. This is why this channel is great, not just for the agro that happens, but to show what great companies and technology is around, sometimes around the corner from where we live.

      Those that decide to go guns blazing for thoughts and feelings or their company in a bad light.

    3. Massive WELL DONE to those guys for not freaking out and demanding you not to film, yeah that first fella said he would rather you not fly your drone over that area but that was due to genuine safety reason, Full credit to them both.

    4. Absolutely brilliant a perfect interaction. Polite friendly informative. Couldn't ask for better. No problem you doing whatever you need to but we ask, not we dont want, your not doing it, your not allowed, we ask that for safety you dont fly inside or above the barrier. But feel free to go around. This is what we do. If there was such a thing id say that was a text book interaction. Other companies take note. None of the bull and messing about. Just politely ask what dj is doing why is he doing it and ok fine your no threat carry on. Just please avoid that area for safety. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Well done. Id give that a 10/10 what do you think dj? X

    5. As a Top 100 IMDB Contributor, I know all about these guys, sort of…
      …or at least I thought I did, as I'm sure I've added their company to way more productions than the 25 it currently contains.
      Their name, like many names, annoys me, because it's way way too common.
      Yes there might only be one company with this exact name, however there's many many more companies which include this name as part of their name.
      It's like setting up a Mechanics company and calling yourself Mechanics.

      I expected them to be based in Yorkshire, as 10 of the 25 productions it's currently added to are Yorkshire productions, plus as I said, I'm sure I've added them many many more times to other Yorkshire productions (in the scripted film TV, short etc categories, none of which were unscripted sport), which seem to have been removed incorrectly.

    6. All the "Woke" entertainment industry will love all that BS!!. While these so called "Celebrities" fly everywhere & tell you NOT TO!!. While China are opening 5 new coal fired power stations a week. Some people don't think & fall for the nonsense so the "Virtue signalers" win!, how pathetic & brain dead is the UK becoming?

    7. Diesel is horrible stuff to work with around generators, I recently did a show where the funfair guys rocked up with a HUGE diesel generator and planted it right next to our stage not only did it make the most terrible sound but the fumes just kept flooding our stage. it was disgusting. Good riddance to it.

    8. Decent bloke, but as a potential customer of those generators, I'd be a bit concerned that they're concerned about 249g of fragile plastic falling on them.

    9. β€œThe DJ Audits Key Ring is…… just…….”

      Zooming in onto the security camera on the side of the building, I’m thinking, surely not, he’s making us work for these key rings now. πŸ˜‚

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