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    10:16 Recommended Video To Watch Next

    Executive Producer: Dhar Mann
    Idea: Ruben Ortiz
    Writer: Greg Ernstrom
    Director / Cinematographer: Samuel Delfavero
    Senior Managers: Ruben Ortiz, Tony Corsini, Christopher M. Brown
    Assistant Director: Anish Saini
    Editor: Antonio Cedillo
    Assistant Editor: Fiza Rubbab
    Composer: Trimor Dhomi
    Colorist: Mario Pantin
    Sound Editor: Leo Trejo
    VFX Editor: Ian Kursakov
    Office PA: Presley Burgess
    Casting Associate: Maral Manesh
    Casting Manager: Kevin Svec
    Pre Production Managers: Hope Mueller, Luz Ortiz, AJ Vargas
    Post Production Manager: Brian Nelson, Allan Dave Castro
    Breakdown Associate: Ren Lathbury
    Bookings Manager: Kevin Acciani
    Bookings Associates: Nix Villarubin, Sherri Salazar, Khai Almendrala, Lea Leysis, Andro Cadapan
    Gaffer: Curtis Yap
    Key Production Assistant: Hayden Rusk
    Production Assistant: Audrey O’Bryon
    Makeup/Hair: Brittany Fontaine, Bunny Armendariz
    Wardrobe: Nadia Tulin
    Sound Mixer / Boom Operator: Seth Garrett
    Production Designer: Marco Chiong
    Set Dresser: Cory Maracle, Emmett Lee Merritt
    Props and Inventory Manager: Manuel Alcaraz
    Props Associate: Armand Bashar
    Art PA: Jillian Fudali
    Inventory Associate: Joshua Bogert

    Grace – Megan Rees
    Grandma Doris – Christopher Callen
    Mark – Chris Ready
    Pete – Ethan Harris
    Therapist – Oscar Jordan
    Young Mark – Davyd Rusiak-Mylymuk
    Younger Doris – Albina Linkhterman
    Mark’s Father – Christopher Robert Smith

    why are you trying to ruin the only good part of my day sorry I thought it was on silence oh well you thought wrong give me that thing no don’t don’t be such a wimp you know I don’t know where you get this from cuz it’s hard to believe that you’re my [Music] blood great are you happy now huh everyone’s mood is ruined such a [Music] disappointment I’m headed out it’s okay baby he’s gone it’s over you’re going to be okay why don’t we continue watching our program I just want to be alone for a little bit [Music] [Music] we can’t go on like this I know I know we can’t he’s only getting worse something has to change and with the baby coming he’s only getting more stressed out and looking for somebody to take it out on on on py for more information call 13555 238 once again that’s maybe there’s a way then we can get through to him but I’m going to need your help are you sure this is a good idea trust me it’ll be okay what is this I thought that we were going to check on how the baby’s doing thank you for coming look if this is another intervention about my drinking it’s not what is this about it’s um family therapy therapy you think that I need therapy I mean that that stuff is for po wimps please mark just give it a no no I am not doing it all right and don’t don’t waste my time ever again with this stuff Mark just give me a moment with my son it’s going to be okay Mark stop save it Mom I don’t need therapy son your wife is scared don’t you see that that’s not your son too it’s not my fault they need to toughen up oh please just give it 10 minutes listen to what the doctor says if you don’t like it you can leave please do it for [Music] me fine with 10 minutes so Mark Mark why don’t you tell us about your childhood what about it well uh have you ever experienced any trauma or issues growing up no I’m not a wuss hey what are you writing down there huh I think actually um Mark had very terrible nightmares when he was younger almost every night you know first of all I haven’t had one of them in a long time and I wouldn’t even remember what it was about anyway so well you know it might be a good idea to revisit these nightmares Dreams and Nightmares are the subconscious trying to work through unresolved trauma what you tell us about it I already told you that I don’t have any subconscious trauma please just try to remember it’s always the same dream I’d be in bed trying to hide from a monster like a coward but no matter where I hid who or what represented the monster in these nightmares no one no one did it was just a dream all right you know maybe I was just watching too many horror movies or something like that what are you doing now you know what that’s it I’m done I don’t need this I’m done I’m done this whole thing has been a complete waste of time I know who the monster [Music] was I never told you because I was trying to protect you but I think now is the time to tell the truth you see the dreams started when Mark was just 10 years old Mark’s father had a temper especially when he drank every day was like living in a Minefield when I tried to protect mark it would only make his father more upset and it always take it out on Mark I just couldn’t take s Mark as sad as he [Music] was so we left and we never turned back so you see your father was the monster I’m sorry I never told you you’re lying that never happened it’s the truth you were so little you probably don’t remember or maybe the trauma just blocked it out so you see son that’s why you need to get some help because if you don’t you’re going to be stuck in this same cycle and so is py [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you Marley kind of bearded that drink the kind you’re holding in your hand you get really angry if his uh drinking time was interrupted didn’t he it’ll be okay I remember everything every moment J to scare me I hated being in the same room with him and I hated him I hated him so much I know I know it wasn’t your fault hm but what’s happening to your family now is and if you don’t change your ways you’re going to be doomed to repeat the cycle what happened to you he got into a fight at school he got suspended for a week I don’t know what’s gotten to him I got him good dad I wasn’t a wussy that is nothing to be proud of you get into your room right now young man you are grounded come on let’s [Music] [Laughter] [Music] go why is everyone so quiet hey py how was your day man great actually I made the basketball team what that’s awesome I’m proud of you bud go I’m going to squeeze on in here [Music] [Music]


    1. Even after you decide to change, you must take responsibility for the utter damage you have caused to those around you. You must apologize – several times and in a heartfelt way. That apology must be backed up by tangible action. If your victim wants nothing to do with you still, they have the full right to think that way, and you must respect that decision.

    2. I heard that if you're disabled you shouldn't go to family therapy because they'll think you're unfit to take care of your kids and they'll be taken away.

    3. I find it terrible how the mother of the abusive guy saw how bad he was treating his wife and didn’t say or do anything. She let the same thing that happened to her, happen to her daughter in law and grandson but yet never spoke up to him about it

    4. Now I was about to hate on the dad but then I remembered that video where his daughter had cancer and I was like king ate the role that video had me in tears he's so good can't get mad at him ateπŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰

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