Join Marc Lobliner, IFBB Pro, as he breaks down the secrets to achieving an extreme muscle pump often seen in professional bodybuilding. In “How to Get a Roided Out Pump! IFBB Pro Reacts,” Marc shares his expert insights on the techniques and supplements that can help you maximize your pump in the gym.

    💪 What You’ll Discover:

    Effective Techniques: Learn the training strategies that Marc recommends for an intense pump.
    Supplement Advice: Marc discusses the supplements that can enhance blood flow and muscle fullness.
    Professional Tips: Get insider tips from an IFBB Pro on how to safely and effectively increase your muscle pump.
    🏋️‍♂️ Video Highlights:

    Step-by-step guide on exercises that contribute to a superior muscle pump.
    Insights into the role of nutrition and hydration in achieving optimal vascularity.
    Honest reaction and commentary from Marc on common myths and mistakes in pump training.
    Whether you’re looking to enhance your workout results or just curious about bodybuilding techniques, this video will provide you with all the information you need to know about getting that “roided out” look safely and effectively. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more professional bodybuilding advice from Marc Lobliner!

    this is everything that you guys need to be using pre-workout to ensure that you’re getting the best pump every single time you train the most important thing when it Bo boom what’s up everyone Mark lowliner oh I love doing lives lives are the way to go cuz I don’t have to edit anything but I dig I digress today I want to talk about this cool video that I saw about basically a roed out pre-workout stack so I want to kind of go over this I want to kind of talk about it I want to talk about the good the bad the ugly because he said some things that make sense but I also want to go over how we’re in this drug culture and it just seems that the more drugs one takes the more people it influence and the more damage we can do to young people long term you look at these kids who emulate the Sam selects and the trend Twins and I’m not throwing shade at them but let’s be honest they see these guys prospering making millions and millions of dollars by being out there getting huge and doing tons of drugs I know Sam doesn’t talk about drugs but let’s just assume that he didn’t get big on cereal okay it just gets that drug culture in there and I’m not saying they shouldn’t do it I’m saying that we just need a counter opinion to talk about rational things okay and also to go over what they’re doing is it dangerous is it dumb doesn’t make sense and this is why this video I thought would be something that we could talk about together that we can learn from together and that hopefully would come to some understanding as to what these guys are doing so let’s bring uh let’s bring this kid back on stage and let’s watch the video stopping it to go over what it is he’s doing to go over um you know basically if it’s good if it’s bad if it’s indifferent whatever it may be so with that being said let’s com getting a good pump is going to be your blood let’s start it over this is everything that you guys need to be using pre-workout to ensure that you’re getting the best pump every single time so you need to be using it to get the best pump every single time train the most important thing when it comes to getting a good pump is going to be your blood flow and the blood flow he’s got a good point there that’s one of the most important things how do you get that nutrition hydration I wonder what he has to say about how to get it the best thing for increasing blood flow is going to be Cialis Calis so we’re not talking about maybe some carbohydrate we’re not talking about maybe some citrine malate we’re not talking about I don’t know maybe a little sa no no we’re going straight for the dick stuff we’re going straight in for the boner pills and that’s okay I think he has a little uh Calis now see why he says CIS let’s go over thisis is GNA beat Pre-Workout in this aspect 10 times out of 10 the next Calis so here’s how Calis works so Calis originally was being researched as a heart medication it increases blood flow it increases vasod dilation that’s what happens when you get a pump there’s a lot of parallel between the pump and the boner okay there’s a lot of parallel when you speed up blood flow when you increase the blood flow your pump and your erection come from a very similar spot I was just talking about this on a video the other day that if you’re in good cardiovascular shape that you’re actually going to have stronger better reactions better erections so I have this anecdotal story so when I was in my mid to late 20s I had very low testosterone very low to the point where I was put on trt now with that being said I never had trouble with erections the reason being is that I was in tremendous shape I always make sure that I’m so efficient cardiovascularly right now my heart rate my resting heart rate is 48 my blood pressure at the doctor where I usually have white coat syndrome is when I went yesterday I had I have to get thumb a thumb never mind I have a hurt thumb that I hopefully I’m getting fixed if not we’re just got to cortisone it up now and then so I generally speaking when I’m not at the doctor my blood pressure is generally around 110 over 70 105 over 65 I am a freak when it comes to keeping my heart rate good I do 30 to 90 minutes of cardio a day I weight train intensely I boxed for years so I always keep that in check so even when my testosterone was low my blood flow was so good that I never had a problem getting erection the problem with me was libido I really didn’t care about anerection because I didn’t have that sex drive that testosterone gives you but I guarantee you this if you have good blood flow and you are in good shape and you are not obese you’re GNA get pretty good boners unless you’re with ugly chicks then that’s a bad thing however I will say this you know one of the most prescribed drugs to obese people are in addition to blood pressure medication blood thinners um statins you know what it is Viagra Calis because when your blood flow is impeded when you’re fat and you’re unhealthy you have trouble getting boners so yeah let’s go let’s go on let’s see what he that needs to be okay he’s he’s already done with sis so absolutely Calis will help with the pump in fact I see that some uh of these uh clinics and pharmacies are selling prescription yes they are they’re selling prescription preworkout with Calis in it you can’t make this [ __ ] up you just can’t but here we are here we are okay let’s move on covered is hydration hydration yes yes Nate udy Nate udy judge nudy yes let’s [ __ ] go hydration plenty of water before you plenty of water you train if you drink all the water if drink all the water in the world the world but you’re getting no electrolyte oh man Nate Nate Nate so far Nate’s batting a thousand Nate Nate I love you Nate Nate is [ __ ] batting a thousand electrolytes I say this all the time in this cup right now I have MTS nutrition naturalyte um which is electrolyte I I normally have hydrog glyph Ambrosia hydrog glyph machine fuel I never drink plain water I always have electrolytes in it because you can actually dehydrate Yourself by drinking too much water you can actually die from it hyperia where you drink so much water it floods all the electrolytes out your muscles can’t contract your heart can’t beat the electorates to look for are calcium magnesium sodium and potassium those are the four you need to look at and a lot of my products I also put in um coconut water powder I put that in machine fuel I put that in naturalite because it has health benefits it also add some natural electrolytes to it okay let’s go on Nate Judge Judy you’re not going to be hydrated for the electrolytes I’m taking a teaspoon of pink himay and yes sea salt before each time [ __ ] yeah Nate let’s [ __ ] go my train the third thing that okay so Himalayan sea salt is a great start I’m assuming that you have electrolytes in your diet however I like to see a more well-rounded supplement Ambrosia hydrog glyph MTS nutrition naturalite those are two that have it there are others on the market even if you want to get it from Costco I’m not going to be that guy I want you to buy from uh Tiger Fitness because I have bills to pay but if you want to take LMN that’s fine too I think that whole gram of sodium in there however it’s different if you’re hypertensive again talk to your doctor talk to your doctor talk to your doctor if you are hypertensive or you’re fat and [ __ ] lazy you probably don’t want to just load yourself up with sodium but if you’re like me this is my off day from training I’ve already done an hour of cardio I’m G to go coach and later on I’m I might go on a long walk so like if you’re like me and usually weight train five to six days a week you’re sweating did the sauna this morning dude I’m guessing a lot of y’all are like me or at least near me I’m just an old guy who sits at a desk okay so at the end of I’m guessing a lot of you are like me you do need that those electrolytes maybe not as much as me because I have so much output as a coach however he’s right you need to cover is fuel fuel so how are you going to fuel your workout I don’t know Nate how are we going to fuel our workouts you’re going to fuel your workouts with carbohydrates yeah so incorporating an inra carb supplement into your pre-workout regimen is going to be one of the most effective ways to get those carbs in Pre he’s not wrong however I would add some amino acids to it I know it’s it’s a huge debate um I don’t I’m torn on the int workout carbs if I’m bulking and I have trouble getting in calories and also with my kids since they have trouble eating enough both my kids have extremely fast metabolism Thomas and and Preston Thomas I literally have him Downing uh carbohydrate powder like it’s going out of style and it seems like the more calories we give the kid the more jacked and lean he becomes the kid’s just an absolute monster monster but like Preston will give him those int workout carbs and stuff and he will start to Pudge up a little bit so then we pull back a little um I agree with this and I and the dosing is up to what you need uh it also depends since we’re talking about drugs if you’re injecting insulin which this guy seems to inject everything who’s to assume he isn’t if you’re taking insulin and you don’t take carbs you kind of die so not dying is also a a a very important part of this scenario so like to avoid dying if you are injecting that stuff uh yeah you probably want to have carbohydrate but even if you don’t inject insulin yeah another thing you could add is a good insulin medic like um Ambrosia Alchemy is one of them MTS nutrition nutrient driver those help as well you don’t need them you don’t need them they just help your body deal with the carbs better for me it gives me a better pump for you it might not but um the the health effects the anti-diabetic properties uh berberine has many good effects including bre blood pressure uh yeah you can’t really go wrong with berberine anything containing of berberine dihydro berberine something like that would be great okay let’s go on let’s go on Nate workout the fourth thing is going to be what do you guys think it is you think it’s um what do you think it is you think it’s staying warm think it might be some pre-workout love making think it might be what do you think it is what do you think it is I’m perplexed the energy most people are using caffeine for oo caffeine I like caffeine so caffeine before he gets into what he says caffeine is an ergogenic okay caffeine is actually the most studied supplement we have caffeine not only helps Propel through workouts but it also has some some implications in pain tolerance so caffeine is a wonderful choice is he gonna say caffeine this as I’m someone that trains later in the he trains later I get it he trains later he can’t have caffeine dude needs to sleep sleep is important if you don’t sleep you increase your risk of heart attacks that’s right the American Heart Association guys I have no notes I’m just [ __ ] ranting here um speaking of ranting I’m going to play you in a minute our new ad for evening Rants and tell me what you think by the way guys the comments are open when I’m done with this video I will answer every single comment Eli I see you ronstoppable I see you guys comment away so I get it for that I make a pre-workout called vasy it is a non-stimulant pre-workout um but let’s see what Nate has to say day and I drink my cup of coffee in the so drinks his coffee in the morning I like coffee in the morning you know have you guys ever used an espresso so my wife is cheap and so am I Nespresso will defeat a cup of coffee any day of the week but we end up brewing a pot because Nespresso is expensive and you could you could get like 10 cups of coffee for one espresso if you brew it but if you have an espresso man it’s okay so what does he do morning I like to inject alarn oh [ __ ] we’re injecting stuff now woo he straight has the needle in his arm damn Nate straight put a needle in your arm on YouTube wait I’ve done that before never mind every day before I train and then lastly okay injectable ELC carnitine what do you guys think I’m gonna say about that anyone anyone I like it I like it of course I’m going to recommend you go to a doctor they can prescribe it’s called leoc carnitine Leo carnitine it is prescribable however carnitine has so many implications in fact one time I posted my blood work my testosterone stays between 900 and 1100 but my free test was through the roof and there’s only one reason I think so it’s because I I was injecting carnitine and carnitine has this wonderful effect now you’re gonna say well I take I take the pills I take the pills pills are fine it’s about 10% absorption so by the time you take enough pills you have many issues one could be digestive issues another could be [ __ ] I don’t want to take that many pills or drink that much cartine liquid another could be I believe it’s called Tao which is something that does affect you negatively in the health department and when you inject it you don’t get that concurrent rise in that so injecting it you get obviously great absorption because you’re injecting it the key is I can’t now now there have been channels including Mark Bell’s um my my good friend who’s a a professional uh uh Fitness athlete female and they posted peptide sites so I’m not going to tell you to get a peptide site because YouTube will nuke this channel they will nuke this Channel and I do not want this channel nuked however cartine injectable is the real deal it is I believe in it uh doing man I’ve seen anywhere from 200 milligrams Alex kickle has people taken like 1500 look here’s the deal it hurts carnitine hurts more than any drug you can inject into yourself and it stays hurting so if you’re injecting in your delts you have your your your your head here your head here and your head here your posterior anterior medial so even if you rotate all six heads all six you know muscle groups of your shoulder you’re still G to be sore by the way Western way thank you 80 to 90% I’ll take it so what the hell is up with your picture there is that a booby bro you straight out porn for your ex well I guess it is X I guess you’re triple X good job Western way that is the Western Way We like boobies here love boobies so yeah cartine is legit Nate I like you for saying that um cartine in rap models hear me out that’s why I love doing lives because I’m able to go all over the place and hopefully you guys stay with me so cartine is also brilliant in that in rat in rodent models it has been shown to have a remodeling effect or a heart health benefit it helps to remodel the heart helps to heal the heart um in rap models I don’t know if that sh’ll work in humans but hey you know what it is what it is I’m gonna go with there’s enough data and and as someone who’s used carnitine it does help with energy it does help with the pump it just hurts like a [ __ ] it just does maybe I’m a [ __ ] but it hurts but most importantly taking some pre-workout a [Music] bombs I’ve done videos on this kid before man C he he does some wacky [ __ ] so AB bombs I believe that’s Anadrol if I’m not mistaken someone uh correct me if I’m wrong in the uh in the uh the chat um AB bombs are are they they H it has to be Anadrol right I know I’m 43 been around the block but I thought I knew my steroids Anadrol is a harsh drug I think he’s joking because he did a whole I don’t know but I I um Anadrol will help your workout but it’s a very harsh drug very hepatoxic drug I’m not a huge fan I’ve tried an there’s videos on here about me trying Anadrol for me it just made me really lethargic and again it’s a very potent drug I wouldn’t [ __ ] with it but hey this kid’s doing his thing it’s watch this the rest you think with all those drugs you’d be a little bit bigger though right sorry Nate like honestly I’m not be I’m not lying here though like you take Matthew Liller you take even Ron pariter Kurt Winer Brian Whitaker all the great Naturals from the mid 2000s they have a better physique than this guy I’m just saying like I’m not saying that to [ __ ] on him not entirely but what I’m saying is like what that shows you is genetics are a [ __ ] you can’t out drug genetics like I think I was listening to um the [ __ ] why am I Trevor um what’s his face why why am I blanking I have a picture of my phone Mike iser tell’s boy um he was doing a talk about and he was saying that genetics are number one then you got you know all the rest of the [ __ ] with steroids and food Etc so you can’t out drug genetics you just can’t do it you have to have genetics you have to have genetics you just do I mean he’s in great shape don’t get me wrong but if you saw this guy at your gym would you think he’s on drugs I don’t know I wouldn’t I wouldn’t because I got dude there’s Natty guys at my gym right now who are bigger than this like H all right yeah we’re not we’re not going to judge people by their physiques I just did [ __ ] never mind Hey guys hey so we got a bunch of people on here now so let’s go ahead I’m gonna play an ad I want to get your thoughts on it so evening rant is a program I have with Alan Roberts Monday through Thursday from 800 PM Eastern Standard and we end at about 9:30 Eastern Standard p.m. Monday through Thursday we have amazing guests we are the biggest Prime Time Podcast exclusively on X and Rumble so I want to show you this new uh video we had done also we have something really special if you go to the download the app right now it’s called spreely s p l y spry and we are channel to at that time so you can watch it on your TV and stream it there let’s watch this ad [Music] [Music] [Music] that add sick isn’t it hell yeah anyway guys so that’s my opinion on that video so looking at my pre workout you know I I have a couple pre-workouts that I range through but yeah I will do the injectable carnitine in the morning um whether I work out or not I’ll do it every single day um don’t do the a bombs although the internet thinks I do a bombs H bombs t- bombs Trend bombs whatever bombs you want me to do I just don’t I love my liver I want to keep it that way and let’s be honest I’m 43 this guy’s young he has a lot of growth to happen me I’m just happy having all these veins and [ __ ] you know I’m good with it you know I look good at at the Beach compared to other old fuddy Duds I’m good right so putting it all into perspective I like to have a pre I like to basically have my I’m I’m simple so I have my breakfast it’s usually egg whites mixed with chicken breast I took a picture of it this morning two slices sourdough bread because I train in the morning and then on the way out pre-workout I’ll have two scoops of sniper or a scoop of ruckus or a scoop of kinetic I’ll mix that with a scoop of asasi and I think that’s it and then I go to the gym during train I have your hydrog glyph or machine Fuel and then post workout I just start eating my meals I mean that’s pretty much it so it’s nothing crazy nothing over the top there’s no a bombs involved I don’t do carbohydrate drinks because they they really for me they don’t do much I get a great pump to begin with I take the carnitine a lot for the health benefits a lot because it’s potentiates my trt so I found that doing the carnitine allows me to have free test higher than I would if I didn’t do the carnitine taking 150 milligrams a test versus 200 milligrams a test so for me carnitine allows me to take less testosterone less strain on my body it’s all about longevity now okay so let’s get to y’all’s questions and hopefully I can um you know hopefully I can go ahead and uh get get some answers that’ll help you pump and boner from ronstoppable yep um Mark could beatroot possibly do a better pump when increased blood flow so here’s the thing um people selling beetroot powder with claims on it were actually getting sued due to the claims um because they actually are are violating what is uh what is patented by no3t um that would be the nitrate technology patented by thermolife Ron Kramer we use the no3t betane nitrate in Ruckus and and yeah um the nitrates are great I wouldn’t recommend the beetroot powder because it’s not standardized So when you buy a standardized nitrate like you find in Ruckus you’re getting a much much better result because you actually know how many nitrates are in there and it’s also bonded with the betane or with they have betane nitrate they have um Arginine nitrate they have creatine nitrate I like the betane because you have the nitrate then you have the strength and all the benefits the strength potential benefit from betane so for me I really like the betane nitrate but I absolutely love love nitrates and that’s why we put it in Ruckus I’ve us Calis as well um I look man um if you’re married and and and you you and and silus lasts a while you know or you have a sexual partner right like you take the syalis in the morning pre-workout let’s say I’m assuming it’s prescribed or whatever and then it’s still working and you really lay it down that night with your partner I mean and and you’re taking a healthy dose in fact I believe for heart health don’t quote me quot check with your doctor I believe it’s 5 milligrams a day is the um cardio protective dose and correct me if I’m wrong fact check me please good good evening what’s up Matthew Bell how you doing sir so my man goes to the gym at 2 am Matt you my friend are a [ __ ] G that is awesome I appreciate your um I appreciate you being here number one number two is I really respect the fact that you’re going to the gy at 2 a. vasy is the best pump producer thank you ronstoppable I tried it for two B went buy another one don’t want to be out of it when it sells out it happens like we sell out of [ __ ] uh we’re trying to figure out the whole like [ __ ] turns rate right what would be your idea pre-enter and post-workout subry for someone who trains bodybuilding stuff for the most effici I think I answered that before but again like I like to have a meal about you know one and a half to two hours out then I like to have either sniper Ruckus or kinetic mixed with vasy and then intra I either have hydrog glyph or machine fuel uh post-workout I’ve already done the pre and intra unless you’re on insulin I don’t think it really matters so post-workout I just I eat I eat and that could be that could be um a protein shake if that’s what I feel like or it could be chicken and veggies it’s whatever I need to eat like I’m not I’m not really worried about that that phase uh liposomal ALC carnitine is still going to be weak as [ __ ] I would um unless you’re injecting it you’re just not I don’t think liposomal is 80 to 90 I’ve seen no data to suggest that liposomal is going to get it that high I’ve started mixing collagen peptides and in for workout drink with EAS and payan sea salt Seas work well the intake a fish so collagen is a [ __ ] shitty protein like yeah does have some benefits for joints ligaments Hair Etc but it is literally the it’s it’s the [ __ ] like catfish of the [ __ ] protein it is such a [ __ ] protein as far as muscle growth and all that good stuff I wouldn’t even add that in there just say you take collagen for your hair and your teeth and your nails and whatever else teeth I don’t even think it does [ __ ] for teeth Hair Skin and Nails um [ __ ] teeth eaas are great Himalayan salts are great fish oil I don’t care when you take them you could take them pre-workout intw workout so fat builds up in your system it’s not something that’s acute so it’s not like I’m when to take fish oil be like man I feel [ __ ] great you know fish oil is a buildup effect um but it has beneficial effects on your insulin sensitivity your your your glucose uptake many benefits to fish oil inflammation I don’t like things that would affect the liver too much we all shouldn’t you can’t out drug genetics you’re absolutely right fire ad thank you so much any discount codes for any supplements Mark I do not have one on me um if you ever need something you could always DM me on Instagram I either have one or I don’t but generally speaking if we’re not running a sale we can’t run sales all the time or we never make money we just never make money and then we go out of business so if everybody’s buying on sale all the time I can’t keep my life lights on I have to shut down the warehouse and everybody’s everybody gets fired so I formulated kinetic alongside my team at Ambrosia generally speaking I don’t formulate things I don’t like kinetic is stimulant it is it’s a mental focus it’s mushroom based it has stimulants in it yes it does Super beats are not good to use didn’t say that I said you can’t measure it and um I’m not going to [ __ ] on a product but I also just [ __ ] get the nitrates get Ruckus uh where did you find the heart remodeling data on ALC cartine well in PubMed it’s there um I have it somewhere but I’m not going to like take time to get it out of my notes now if you just Google search it um and I I hate to be that guy Google it but if you type into Google Scholar if you type in El carnitine heart remodeling it’ll probably come up I have it somewhere in my notes I just don’t [ __ ] remember where and we’re in a live so I found it by doing research so I’m not that guy like Google it I hate those [ __ ] but like yeah yeah you you you it’s easy to find it’s not that hard to find uh you got me cracking up on the Cali disc yeah C Cali um man you know what’s funny I I’m doing a live about this one of these days or a video it’s like he’s literally selling people on how to make money on social media and then he does a video complaining about how he’s not making money on social media does he understand how bad that looks on him um is two scoops of MTS way cookies and cream on sweet milk a good late night meal replacement yeah yeah I mean I would it’s not really a meal replacement you’re getting mostly protein I would either add in some fatter or carbs to really call a meal replacement but I mean it’s a good protein only meal replacement it replaces like just eating chicken but if you want the benefits like chicken and rice you’re gonna add like a banana to it hi Mark love the vasy long both other MTS products UK based here put an order together for delivery and hit a wall deliver your way to UK what situation it usually goes through fine but like dude like your country sucks like it’s just really hard to ship in there and we ship it it’s just a matter of if Customs will let it in and um it it’s not the easiest scenario to ship to I miss Insurgent it will be back I believe next week how come they don’t make n explode any more well generally speaking people don’t discontinue products because they do well they discontinued it because it stopped selling it ran through it product cycle so like I like when people go like you shouldn’t have discontinued keyline pway I’m like okay let me explain this to you let’s say we have 2,000 units and 12 people really like it so we sold 24 units I’m stuck with like $800,000 of inventory for 12 people so the reason it doesn’t get made is because no one bought it from Adam YouTube just don’t want him making money is going to be what he says yeah obviously YouTube’s probably racist that’s that’s what’s happening YouTube doesn’t like black people now yeah good job Cali um oh oh somebody posted a study um I can’t link this [ __ ] here but yeah there there’s a study here I don’t know what it says because I just see a link uh liposomal carnitine I doubt it’s 80 to 90% have you ever chatted with the anabolic doc I’ve never talked to him actually I’ve never talked to him all right I think that’s all the questions guys if we get any more questions next couple seconds go ahead and answer them but other than that it’s been a good 30 minutes good 30 minute chat very Interactive Group we had here it’s good to be back doing lives on YouTube it’s good to be back doing lives on Facebook it’s good to be here talking to y’all you know I love y’all absolutely do but anyway do me a favor guys please go to we actually have these are awesome if you haven’t tried these the outright Chris bar in stock now at 20 grams of protein another thing I’d like to take a look at this go to billionaires andbody that’s billionaires andbody this is my book I wrote with Matt white it’s under 10 bucks and this will not only change your mindset but hopefully it’ll help change your life B billionaires and that’s billionaires andbody again you support me by going to oh you just ordered the book thank you Richard tell us how you love it it’s an ebook um but we will have these these should be at all your bookstores Barnes and Noble everything but they will cost more than 9.99 so get it now on the link billionaires andbody for $9.99 99.99 it’s a great book guys like it is a substantive great book a lot of research went into this a lot of time writing it it’s all substance all substance oh the hour bar [ __ ] order the book then how long should you take a pre-workout like what would a psycho look like you don’t psych so pre-workouts aren’t steroids I’ve been taking a pre-workout every day for the last probably 10 years it it’s not hormonal you don’t Psy so you don’t cycle things like there’s no need to cycle it there’s no need to cycle pre-workouts you don’t not not trying to belittle you but don’t you it’s just it’s just like think of it as Starbucks like do you see these [ __ ] 40-year-old Housewives like cycling their [ __ ] lattes it it’s just it’s just a little bit of caffeine some other goodies you don’t cycle pre-workouts you cycle Anadrol unless you’re a Nate udy oh you bought the outright bar I’m good with that as long as you buy something yep every day is cool anyway guys thank you so much for watching again support us I’m mark gliner thank you so much for watching that’s not a game


    1. I am in very good shape year round with very similar HR and Blood presure and tried nearly every preworkout on the face of the planet (Preworkout freak) but nothing compares to cialis. Simple as

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