Body: Alexander Dennis Enviro400
Chassis: Scania N230UD
Livery: South Notts Route 1 Navy Line
Company: Nottingham City Transport
Route: 1 Loughborough — Nottingham
Fleet number: 646/ YN15EJJ
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Detailed stop list: (00:00)
1. Loughborough, Baxter Gate (01:20)
2. Stanford On Soar, Church (08:19)
3. East Leake, Kirk Ley Road (14:11)
4. East Leake, Shops (16:56)
5. Gotham, Leake Road (24:18)
6. Clifton, The Dip (31:03)
7. Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Campus (34:18)
8. Clifton, Fabis Drive (35:53)
9. Wilford Green (39:15)
10. Wilford, ROKO (40:45)
11. Trent Bridge, Victoria Embankment (47:37)
12. Nottingham Railway Station (52:00)
13. Nottingham City Centre, Beastmarket Hill (55:48)
Nottingham to Loughborough:–5MhCEY
#AlexanderDennisEnviro400 #ScaniaN230UD #SouthNotts #NottinghamCityTransport #NavyLine
#Loughborough #Stanford #StanfordOnSoar #EastLeake #Gotham #Clifton #NottinghamTrentUniversity #Wilford #TrentBridge #Nottingham #NottinghamRailwayStation #NottinghamCityCentre #Leicestershire #Nottinghamshire #UnitedKingdom🇬🇧
An incredible trip! Totally enjoyed it 100%! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
It always makes me smile when I see that place name, Gotham.
Up until recent months I never would have guessed that there was a real place in the UK by that name – just makes me think immediately of the Batman movies.
Is there any chance of you doing any bus routes in Plymouth and South Devon
حافلات الركاب جميلة ومريحة للغاية 🏕️🌍🌟
There's a couple of Loughborough to Leicester bus services 126 & 127 run by Arriva East Midlands.
Take about an hour and 10 minutes.
It's actually a place called Shepshed that the bus coming from Leicester terminates at and I am guessing that is also where the service TO Leicester will start.
Anyway there's the information, don't really know how suitable a route it is for filming.
Another beautiful flawless Scania