Mike Graham and Fiona McAnena, director of campaigns at ‘Sex Matters’, debate the reintroduction of gender-neutral toilets, with Fiona arguing that it’s part of a larger trend of accommodating a minority at the expense of the majority, particularly women.

    She says Sport England’s decision to remove Stonewall from its list of National Governing Bodies (NGBs) will allow the organization to focus on making sport accessible for everyone.

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    as if we had to declare it to be news we do have to declare it to be news Single Sex toilets are back um incredibly um it doesn’t mean though however that you still can’t have an old um gender neutral toilet they’re going to leave those still where they are right well we have to see don’t we I mean this is just uh yet again returning to what was always considered normal and Common Sense yeah um a lot of people will be very pleased about this they’ll wonder why it took so long because yet again we’ve seen something that the majority of people wanted being swept aside in order to accommodate a very tiny minority exactly I think the worst one is when you walk into a theater and they have table they have toilets labeled gender neutral with urinals well we all know who uses those right all that happens is that the women get even less provision um and the cues get even longer well that’s the problem is it I mean it’s women who seemingly are always the ones um who suffer whenever these new you know fangled ideas get put into practice you know I said to somebody earlier on in the show today you’d never get anybody dreaming of saying I tell you what let’s just do away with disabled toilets and make the disabled people um just use the regular toilet because that would be more inclusive for everyone well you know they call it inclusive but it’s clearly not is it it’s about accommodating the feelings of some people who uh for whatever reason don’t want to go into the men’s toilets and everyone has to suffer as a consequence and I think it does affect I agree with you it’s worse for women um but I think most men don’t wanted either no of course not I mean you know one of the things that that we do in life is mostly we’re together you know there are very few places as a man you can be with just other men and there are very few places as a woman you can be just with other women and it would seem fairly normal and fairly rational for those places to to include lavatories yeah I mean this is the bottom line most of the time we want men and women boys and girls to have the same opportunities we don’t want St stereotypes we don’t want to say those are boys things and girls things but there are some occasions when we do want to be separate from the opposite sex and toilets are one of the most common occur commonly occurring ones it happens every day exactly right let me ask you about another story that I spotted over the weekend and it’s quite an interesting one this because I see I’m hoping anyway that I’m seeing a kind of a reversal of some of the stuff we’ve been seeing over the last few years Stonewall seemingly getting an incredible sort of grip on on corporate Britain uh and also on the public sector and also on all sorts of schooling as well but sport England has apparently cut ties with Stonewall um amid latest warnings from the government that they should cut their ties with sort of quangos and distancing themselves from from from that particular lobbying group they were in the past giving them you know not huge amounts of money but they were giving them money every single year uh to promote kind of you know gender neutral sport if you like so is this an encouraging sign as well yeah it’s good and I I think the issue is only partly about the money they were giving Stonewall the bigger problem is that they may have been taking advice from Stonewall on on policies now now um sport England have got women and girls as one of the groups that they really want to encourage more to be active they’ve also got ethnic minorities religious minorities and we know that those are all the people female people who uh will be deterred if there are males around when they go to do sport so it’s not compatible for sport England to be um promoting the The Stonewall idea of self-identification you know that anyone’s a woman if they say they are well the the point of of all of these organizations like sport England is that they’ve forgotten what they’re supposed to be doing you know they’re supposed to be promoting sport not promoting you know trans ideology you know surely if you want to call yourself trans ideology England then you can do that but if you want to promote sport uh between men and women um some of which is shared some of which is individually based on gender then you go ahead and promote it yeah I mean some people have said that it may be a problem that uh the lead on uh uh a senior employee at Stone at sport England is trans identified and um you know that that could get in the way I would not say that I think it depends how that person does their job but you very much hope that the The Disappearance of Stonewall from sport England will leave those people free to focus on their core job which is to make sport accessible for everyone and not to favor one group over another well isn’t that a bit like saying you know the head of sport England as a Manchester United supporter and so it’s only Manchester United to get promotion by sport England it’s nonsense isn’t it yeah and you hope that wouldn’t happen so uh let’s let’s wait and see but I think this is a good step forward I think sport England need to focus on providing malef free sport and male free uh changing rooms that’s we know that’s essential for the participation of women and girls in sport yes absolutely right good to talk to you once again Fiona thank you very much indeed Fiona minina their director of campaigns for sex matters could it be the return of common sense I me we’ve been talking about this for a long time and as long as we have been on the air Common Sense has prevailed of course um lots and lots of you uh talking about the cycling uh here’s one from Ben in Plymouth he says Mike I think cyclist should have insurance and a license plate of some kind uh fush says the cyclist who killed The Pedestrian in Regent Park could and should have been prosecuted under the road traffic Act of 1988 section 29 careless and inconsiderate cycling and section 30 racing well I think that’s right uh Mike Whitney says let’s face it grown many they’re Racing for fun or racing to deliver takeaways on pedal driven or motorized bikes basically a moped with no tax insurance or regulation plates are everywhere on the roads pavement pedestrianized areas and Parks Etc it’s just unrestricted Mayhem well of course this is what we keep being told is sadik Khan’s beautiful inclusive amazing safe London


    1. Men are not as hygienic as woman, who like clean , perfumed toilets. We do not like wee on the seat and all around the basin. Hooray! Thank God we are returning to the old common sense again.

    2. Stonewall became a homophobic organisation at the same moment that gay people gained equal rights.
      Their recent director, Nancy Kelly, referred to lesbians who didn't want sexual partners with male genitalia as "akin to racists".
      They encourage the castration of boys who might otherwise grow up to be gay.
      The sooner they all end up in jail, the better.

    3. Meanwhile in Victoria, Australia the Sate government is making single sex toilets law . Let that sink in , so let the Victorian government know what you think of this idiocy

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