Adam Catterall, Nick Peet and special guest Tom Aspinall review a great #UFC301 card where Jose Aldo returned to the octagon defeating Jonathan Martinez while Alexandre Pantoja defeated Steve Erceg.

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    [Music] [Applause] the UFC landed in Brazil on Saturday night and what a night it was from the pharmasi arena in Rio di Janeiro in the co- event the UFC Hall of fer himself Jose Aldo wound back the clock and proved he still has something left to give in the UFC defea again Jonathan Martinez over three rounds and in the main event a valiant showing from Australia Steve ersc saw reigning champ Alexandre panto had to dig deep for victory in a five round flyweight War welcome back to fight week on TNT Sports and Discovery plus this is your review of UFC 301 I’m Adam catell it is a pleasure as always to be in your company it’s always a pleasure to be in the company of the one and only the Mr Nick Pete and check this out little bit of something different because the main man Michael bisin is in transit at the moment and he’s not on the program so who did we call we threw up the signal that’s right check that cheesy grin out here he is the interim heavyweight champion of the world the one the only Mr Tom aspino welcome my friend how are you thank you brought in the B team I see the uh well uglier version and let me just add I know you Lads have got your fancy setups I see a lot of Fighters they’ve all got the good settup these days they’ve got the merch in the background and all that stuff I ain’t got any of that but I’ll show show you what I do Al just wait a sec he’s UFC 300 Bucket look at that that’s all I’ve got that’s all I’ve got to offer bit of banter and a bad looking hat listen Nick he knows the real reason why we put him on the show obviously he’s going to give us a full rundown of USC 301 give us the runners and Riders and hopefully make some matchups for the not too distant future we’re also going to get stuck into his latest Twitter exchange where you know who mate over you know what it’s got to be asked it pal we got to stick him on the spot at some point in the show later on absolutely we’re not having this talk of Alex Pereira when there’s a real fight out there for Jon Jones come on that’s how we’re going to get down all right that’s coming up a little bit later on in the program so make sure you stick around uh as we said in the buildup there Rio de Janeiro was the destination for UFC 301 great night for Brazilian Fighters especially on that main card they went four and one the one being Anthony Smith we’ll come back to you later on Sunshine won’t we wo what a performance that was we will start with the main event Tom flyweight Championship was on the line as Alexandri panto for the first time in a decade was back in Brazil defending his crown yes he was defending it against the number 10 ranked Steve EG that seemed to be the narrative throughout the whole course of the week did Steve EG deserve his shot he’s only had three fights he’s only been here 11 months but panto kind of wiped out the division and IG was first up and boy did he stand up what a fight this was he lost out but he comes out with a lot of credit Tom oh absolutely you know Steve come in number 10 ranked in the world which is pretty rare to get a title shot being ranked number 10 and he really just showed what level he’s at you know he’s not too far behind that title level because maybe a little bit more experienced and somewhere else some other location in the world and he could have took that fight you know he was on the back foot a lot obviously panta brings a lot of pressure class panta performance coming forward he’ll take a bit of damage here and there is he bothered not really he’s just walking you down he’s throwing the hands on you he’s closing the distance doing his trips that he does great Ground Control just an ugly miserable night for anybody who he fights you know what I mean you’ve got to be on your game when you fight him otherwise it’s just going to be a miserable time he just gets in your face grinds you down and he just a horrible horrible night for anybody in that division ni come no doubt that you’ve been online the fans are out there they’ve all got their thought process as to whether it was panto that should have had his hand raged how did you score it and did you agree with what came back are we yeah I’m I’m glad you went down that route because that’s exactly what I wanted to talk about more than anything else it was 25 to engage a minutes you couldn’t take your eyes off it but there was for me there was only two clear rounds the first round was a clear round for the champion and round number four was a clear round for the Challenger other than that two three and even five I thought was certainly open for debate a lot of a lot of things happened in those rounds but when you think about the criteria when you think about the damage the dominance the genation that’s when you really got to kind of Judge this and go okay well if that guy’s had more in this area for a longer period but he ends the fight through a veil of blood then surely you go back to the damage so I I understand why there’s a big conversation going on here I’ll got to be honest we a lot of the commentary Jordan fight and from the corners as well had p soia three up after three rounds both Corners said it the commentary team challenged it I agree with that I didn’t have it three three up I had it 2-1 I had it 22 after four rounds I had it all to play for deep into the fifth round in fact but I’ve got to be honest I thought Pantoja just did enough down the stretch to keep hold of his belt but I tell you what it was this close we got two rounds of 48 47 didn’t we in favor of panto and one was a little bit wider at 4946 scoring four of those rounds in his favor the other round that that judge has gone with is round number two round number two is tight and I suppose it is that question as to whether Steve IG does does he close the gap or does he win it out right I agree with what you just said Nick how did you see it Tom were you happy with it being 3-2 in favor of Pantoja or did you see 3-2 the other way I’m okay with that I’m okay with it and I think to beat a champion especially in his home country you really have to put in that them extra miles to get the to get the nod but I think especially with these smaller weights especially fly weights Bantam weights around that area it’s very very difficult to score in terms of one damage because they don’t damage let’s be honest they don’t have the power to damage each other as much as the biger weight divisions and also they don’t get tired either so it’s hard to tell who’s got the upper hand a lot of the time who scores it because both guys are fresh neither neither guy most of the time have really hurt each other a whole lot and for for the naked I watch it unless you’re really really going to get into the intricacies of who wins the round and how the judges score it it’s very very difficult to score in my opinion on the smaller weake losses listen I think every single one of us that watched that fight would agree it was an incredibly tight and close fight and Steve IG his stock going from number 10 is absolutely risen he’s a top five fighter and have no doubt he’ll be fighting uh for a championship sometime soon just just on the fight still Tom you think experience maybe cost him a couple of times in this fight because he seemed to just maybe do things in certain moments that maybe he didn’t necessarily need to do which then panto you could take advantage of oh absolutely absolutely um and that experiened cancer a lot do you know what I mean like I’ve been there myself and they fighting these veterans especially title holders and stuff like that like it’s a different ball game than fighting your average you know guy who’s just been ranked you’re fighting a guy who’s won multiple titles there and he’s he’s been under the pressure multiple times he knows how to grind out different positions knows how to score the points and win the rounds and he was just a great fight all around the the flyweights they hurt my eyes I’ll be honest with you watching them it’s a workout for my eyes a lot of the time but while we’re on the subject of the flyways who doesn’t want to see Steve ersc versus muhamd MV next come on fantastic fight listen look at him he’s getting Ahad of himself is he that’s my that’s my pitch but I I normally at the end of this when we wrapping up I said right which what direction are we going in oh youo we’ll come back to that and that’s all I was thinking about you know I just thought how are these guys going to match up stylistically because obviously Muhammad brings a lot of pressure as does bosia Steve ERS on the back foot long Striker it’s just a it’s just a fantastic match up all around yeah well I think the first thing that the UFC absolutely have to do Nick Steve ersc has to be on UFC 30 or5 in per doesn’t he I think they have to take him home and stick him in front of his home fans 100% you know and and you’ve got to give him a MV or a royal or a Moreno you know he deserves somebody of that caliber now you know we’re recording this Sunday evening guaranteed by Monday when the rankings come out he ain’t ranked number 10 no more I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d even sneak sneaked his way into the top three because he was outstanding he really was and I think he’ll he’ll look back on this fight kick himself that he started a bit slowly in the face round probably gave Pantoja a little bit too much respect in his Hometown but when he came alive in round number two when he landed that big elbow counter round number three which cut the head open you know these these were moments where if he’ stayed on his feet cly in the fifth round what you’re alluding to there the mistake he made in the fifth round which allowed Ponto to St to take down when you’re a noice of 13 fights you’re going to make these mistakes that’s why experience is so important but that those 25 minutes in real last night will have given Steve Asing so much to work on so much more confidence and if he can stay a flyweight and that’s a big ass cuz he’s massive but if he can stay a flyweight this guy will have the belt one day I guarantee it 11 months in the UFC he’s had three fights leading into this and then last night was his fourth and what a performance he put in what about this Nick right see is that we’re doing matchmaking and our man’s already got ahead of it and he’s gone for a more MV personally I would love to see Mohamed MV on three or four in Manchester maybe against Roy Val all right I want to stick Steve ver God Perth where’s Kar France at is he fit let’s have a battle of Australia let’s do it man let’s have a battle of down under and get K car France out or maybe even Amir albazi because a winner of that fight absolutely propels himself forward for another title shot yeah that’ be a brilliant fight for Australia you know Kira France and these are all guys now that realistically have to be spoken about as future opponents never mind for the champion but now for Steve asig after that kind of performance coming in as number 10 guy just 11 months in the Big Show to to perform the way he did in rio He was just outstanding and you’re right Kira France albazi the list goes on they’re all they’re all open now for a and guess what next time he’s out he gets home Advantage as well and don’t be surprised if he’s at least co- Main Event now listen we are talking about the man that didn’t have his hand raised the champion he’s still the champion with with all due respect I think most people would conclude that muhamed M would be next he’s got six undefeated as as panto you it’s the longest active streak at the moment in the flyweight division those two have got that com binded it makes an awful lot of sense personally Mo versus Roy Val an Eliminator also makes a lot of sense but if panoi wants to turn it around let’s do it man let’s get it in Manchester Nick he’s gonna have to let that coal obviously first and he he’ll have put this way he’ll have enjoyed a beer or a coffee or whatever is poison is afterwards because he ain’t it you’re right he had to dig it out he had to do it the hard way and sometimes that’s that’s the case you know when the guy comes in you know not wouldn’t say late notice but kind of last minute kind of kind of expected you know he wasn’t expecting to fight Steve asig this year first time he probably seen asig was when he seen a replay of the Le left H one punch knockout of U of matchell that’s probably the first time he he even registered on the radar of the champion but he’s gotten the a is absolutely turned up he’s been absolutely massive inside that octagon he’s been more than talented on the feet more than a challenge on the feet and very game on the ground as well and I think the pantoes had to do it the hard way he’s had to come through but he did it he proved once again he’s got a terrific chin and when you get him on the ground as Thomas pointed out the dude’s a concrete blanket man doesn’t matter how good a Scrambler you are doesn’t matter how good you are your your uh submission defense try and get back to your feet he is just absolutely horrific when he’s on top of you as he proved in the fifth round which for me earned him the title and kept hold of the belt the UFC consistently serving up Banger after Banger after Banger a fight of the Year Contender there from Brazil where Alexandri pantos you came through got the job done on the cards but Steve IG stock absolutely Rises and we can’t wait to see him do his thing again now with all due respect to those flyweights not about you it ain’t about you it’s about the man that was drinking from the Fountain of Youth that’s right the Benjamin Button of UFC himself the one the only king of Rio Jose Aldo two years outside of the Octagon he bursts back onto the scene and he throws down ladies and gentlemen we all thought maybe his work might be cut out will there be rust on those limbs as he takes on the number 13 ranked Jonathan Martinez who was looking to get a massive scalp on his resume Tom Jose was having none of it oh the king of Rio’s back in he the king of Rio back in the game oh my God I mean it was just vintage retro H Alo Wen it like the forward pressure standing in the pocket maybe a little bit more so I thought this time more than usual he wasn’t throwing as many leg kicks but I guess this point of his career his opponent start to get onto that so what he was doing a lot was faking the leg kicks absolutely RI to the Body Beautiful to see I love all that and you don’t see it a lot in MMA he was sending his feet in first offset into the side and throwing the left up right right up to the body absolute body snatching performance and Mar he just completely shut Martinez down you can just see that Martinez doesn’t quite have the experience that has as the skill level of of Jose Aldo and yeah Ju Just a complete just a complete shutdown from from Aldo vintage performance how many of these Lads on the UFC roster are going to take a break now from the UFC go and do a bit of boxing for a bit and come back and put in a performance like that outstanding I’m thinking of of it myself to be honest with you the things that the experience just it’s so big and I think a lot of people from the outside looking in you don’t realize but when you start getting these kind of upand cominging prospects like a Martinez and people like that they look from the outside and think ah this guy’s a bit finished he’s a little bit over the hill and you get in there with them and they do little subtle things that you you’re not used to because they’ve been in there for so long the C time the Octon time that they’ve got way surpasses a lot of the time the time that these other guys have spent in the gym do you know what I mean they spent more time in the oticon fighting under the lights then guys like Martinez are probably spent in the gym so these things just like as I said from the outside looking in it’s difficult to see but I’ve been in there myself with a couple of these veterans and they are sneaky and they will do little things that you’re not quite used to it was just so crisp Nick so crisp it was beautiful it just he just didn’t look 37 years of age he just didn’t look like the Jose Aldo that we’ve seen you know back end of his career where listen he’s losing to the best guys in the division a phantom weight but you know he doesn’t seem to fit in a bant talk about arguably the greatest featherweight of all time a guy that went undefeated for 10 years and you know was was one of the remains one of the alltime greats he wasn’t supposed to perform like he did last night he turned back the clock Tom is absolutely right that was a vintage Jose Aldo performance that’s as good as any Aldo performance from 10 15 years ago that’s how outstanding it was he was so crisp he was so precise he was absolutely dialed in you know he’s had a couple of he’s had a couple of hits in Rio recently back end of his career to have the ultimate sign off lost to vul Lost to Max no shame in that Father Time catches up with everyone it was like last night he went right the Kingo Rio ain’t losing in Rio again watch this and he just put on a complete and utter master class he was outstanding that ladies and gentlemen is what one of the greatest of all time looks like when he’s dialed in brilliant I loved it but all that well and said and done my friend yes he’s not putting them gloves down I’m s there at the end of the fight and I’m going oh yeah go on Jose do it now man the people are here they came for you you’re wearing a goddamn crown for crying out loud man do it nah it’s not over it’s a over I ain’t going anywhere the fell wants it more he just can’t let it go Tom he wants more as you said it’s the perfect time to do it but also in his head it’s the perfect time to carry on as well I’m riding this thing to the wheels fall off here lots I’ve got the crown on I’m the kinger there’s 30,000 people screening me name I’m doing this again B me B me for the next one come on Lads B me in what do we do with him right because a performance like he’s just beating a number 13 top ranked lad he’s not he’s not take it’s a it’s an unbelievable Victory and the style of which he’s done it has been top class as well you’ve got to give him a rank guy what do you do where does he go next Nick we go International fight week Dominic Cruz main card let’s go yes completely agree yeah I I don’t think you give him a rank guy I think you give him a leg another quote unquote Legend back end of the career couple of big names let let’s have let’s have a Throwdown do you know what I mean let’s let’s make it entertaining don’t be throwing these Young Guns to him who are going to wipe him out I don’t want to see that I would like kind of similar to what Shogun did later in his career people like that Dan Henderson you know what I mean give give him someone from their era who’s going to come in and have a scrap with them throw back the clock a little bit and and let’s see what happens don’t throw into one of these top 10 top five Young Guns we don’t want to see that we want to see two legends battling out with a massive crowd everyone’s screaming everyone goes home Happy do you know what the the Highlight as well like the it was 50 minutes of just vintage Aldo it was brilliant made me want to get me Al Jose Aldo t-shirt out the wash and put it on especially for him but you know what it was the end as well it was the fact that the king of Rio’s back third time of asking he’s finally got a big win in Rio it’s finally two-year layoff everything else it was all about him the arena lost its mind everyone was there everyone on the planet outside of Martinez’s family home was cheering on their feet screaming at the TV screaming in the arena what did Jose Aldo do did he celebrate did he climb the fence did he run in the audience not a second of it he got down on his hands and knees and he comforted martinz for a good five minutes who was devastated and you know what Martinez turned up in shape and he didn’t do anything wrong he did a brilliant performance he just got caught up in the fairy tale finish of a legend and that Legend spent his time comforting the Challenger rather than celebrating for me that spoke volumes about Joe Aldo as the individual as well man you got to commend that but I’m goingon to be honest Nick if that was me I would have been milking it to death I would have been all over that ging it that one exact King back I would have been doing any of that but thir Place third place exactly big to would have been Crow surfing he’d have been off uh listen Sensational victory for Jose Aldo if you’ve missed the main and co-main event at UFC 301 why don’t you check out the discovery Plus app we’ve got time stamps in there time markers so you can actually go back to specific fights and relive these fantastic moments what you got to do download it get it on your phone get it on your tablet get it on your laptop and go and enjoy The Spoils of UFC 301 before we go any further talking about fights youve just been talking about Jose Aldo who is a Hall of Famer who is a legend of this of the game and we got another legend of the game inducted into the Hall of Fame Midway through the night the one the only Shogun who himself Tom just a few words on Shogun and a fantastic career that he had in MMA oh phenomenal even from the pride days the guy’s done it all there’s there’s literally nothing else that you can do in the sport than what that guy’s done uh been looking enough to see him fight live a couple of times met him really nice human being as well and for me personally involved in the best fight that I’ve ever seen in my opinion which was him against Dan enderson the first one absolutely incredible fight but again he’s just fought everyone done everything and signing off on that is uh it’s just amazing is it what an amazing career a fair play to him that’s what other Fighters that’s what we aspire to do is is similar to what that guy’s done he’s going into the Pioneer Wing in the the international um International fight week Hall of Fame in duct um he did it all as well in them really tight cycling shots Nick which I’m a huge fan of man can anybody you know what I mean he rocked it out you listen you’ve been on a beach with me you know I like to rock the valley tudo shorts and the reason is that if Shogun H isn’t afraid of letting his belly hang over the top of his Valley tudo shorts who am I to to address a different way so but you’re right listen an absolute icon it was beautiful and he was in the room last night and it’s incredible when these guys get inducted in a Hall of Fame these are some of the greatest Fighters the planet seen in modern day history you know these this are real Gladiator stuff and every time they get inducted in the Hall of Fame doesn’t matter who it is even Shogun who the tears aren’t far away are they man they know the emotion of that moment catches up with them I thought it was brilliant absolutely brilliant first time I seen Shogun was on a VHS tape like a lot of fans he was truly one of the pioneers and very much deserves a spot in there in the Hall of Fame absolutely it’s going to be some celebration that night uh on International fight week right back to the fights we’ve done the men we’ve done the Coen let’s get stuck into this the whole world not just me not just him not just the MMA Community the whole world owes a little apology to Anthony Smith we didn’t think that maybe this was going to go in this particular way but my word Anthony Smith was having none of it he talked a great game throughout the whole course of the week said listen everybody keeps calling me a gatekeeper of this division never mind this Petrino guy who’s doing bits coming through undefeated yeah I know what he is but I’m here to get a victory on my belt because I’m heading back towards the title and Anthony Smith Tom absolutely turned up what a victory this is oh yeah massive massive for Anthony because as we know Anthony and this is I’m not saying anything bad about anony this these are the facts of it he has been on a bit of a slide lately with the way he career has been going and I think a lot of people myself included were looking at anony going is this the end or is it just a bit of is he just having a blip in his career and last night started off the fight quite tentatively I I think he’ll agreed to that himself you know feeling out the process rightly so he’s fighting a dangerous opponent patrino went for the Tak down you know goodlooking fell big arms on him big cheese boms on him and he bet know there he thought right I’m going to pick him up and slam him here in front of all the Brazilian fans absolutely the wrong thing to do against a high level Grappler like Anthony Smith Anthony Smith massively underrated grappling game readjusted the guillotine patrino tighten it up himself almost by the big slam as soon as he back touch the floor he cranks it on a bit more readjusted Anthony Smith again veteran of the game 50 plus pro fights you know what I mean you can’t buy the experience and he’s not going to be phased against the big guy with big arms slamming him in Brazil in front of everybody doesn’t matter to Anthony Smith stuff like that he just saying yep here we go nice and Cal I’ve got all of his neck I’ll readjust as he slams me and that’s exactly what he did high level Grappler finish the fight unbelievable Victory 35 of his 38 career wins coming by the way of stoppage in some way shap or form 12 out of his 14 in the UFC he is a veteran he is the legend of the game as you just said and it wasn’t just do Anthony I know that you watched the show it wasn’t just do that had maybe a few doubts even buffer announced patrino as the Victor because he thought he was going in that particular direction my friend great to see that you saw the funny side of that but listen we can’t take away from an unbelievable Victory this guy was undefeated coming into it foro he was the hot ticket he was there to take Anthony Smith’s scalp Nick and pro and and and and boost his own career going forward but Smith was having none of it and now we’re talking about getting him back in with the top FES and top 10 of this division yeah and Pino looked good for the first minute and a half or whatever that we got from him he was talking Anthony Smith he was pushing him backwards he had a nice crisp sharp boxing you can see where the powers there but when you’re A2 fight novice and you’ve been doing this for a minute and you’re taking on a guy that’s ranked and has been ranked an awful long time in his 57th professional fight who’s been a pro for 26 years you can’t afford to make silly mistakes like that you can’t afford to get caught up in the moment would picking aty Smith up and slamming him to the ground of brought that roof off the place absolutely is Anthony Smith waiting for you to make that kind of mistake and then pounce all over it you better believe it and I think Anthony Smith in that moment just kind of ends lovely perfect okay take me for the ride son brilliant and and that’s again kind of like the main event and the co-main event there’s no substitute for experience and when it mattered when there’s an opportunity literally raised its head Anthony Smith snatched that neck and claimed himself a massive win that puts him right back in the mix again as Tom said he’s been on a little bit of a downward spiral recently that put him right no one wanted a face Pino certainly not in Brazil anon’s back on the map and you know what he’ll probably get himself at Apex main event next yeah absolutely fantastic victory for Anthony Smith um now Tom what are your back flips like mate uh nonexistent non-existent my back flips you don’t fancy implementing it maybe a bit of cap awara into your next f absolutely not absolutely not I’m of course referring to Michelle Pereira who was taking on iO Pia he was a last minute replacement opponent obious murov ended up falling out of this particular fight Pia put his hand up he was supposed to be fighting on the next card in New Jersey but he said no I’ll go to Brazil because I’ve got a bit of history with Brazil so let me get in there with Michelle Pereira and get a nice rank opponent on my ledger was not meant to be it’s crazy from start to finish in fact it’s it’s crazy from the dressing room right to the end of the fight there’s a few talking points about the Finish which I’m going to bring up in a minute but a fantastic victory for Michel perea Tom and that’s now eight on the spin in the division he’s one of them guys that’s just bubbling nicely under the radar absolutely and he is a wacky guy to watch do you know what I mean he he goes right fundamentals we’re just leaving them out Lads we’re forgetting about them we’re for getting about him we’re just going to spin and do back flips and and I’m going to be the most dangerous man to fight ever like how do you prepare for that let’s be honest I was watching him last night thinking what would I do against this fell because I’ve been training since I was seven years old and I have no idea what I’d do against him because as I said the fundamentals they just he just forgot about them he’s just going in I’m going to throw a spinning back kick to the face followed by a taked down followed by a back flip guard pass to a knee to the body it’s like what is going on here lad what are we supposed to do what do you do with that I have no idea the GU athleticism is like Way Beyond anybody in in the MMA space that I’ve seen it’s ridiculous what does that look like over five rounds no idea but do I want to watch him fight I’ll tune in every time absolutely and then he drops a standing Guillotine to finish the fight as well man you know what I mean it’s just absolutely Bonk isn’t it yeah and and you know what he know exactly what he’s doing there as well he just left Bia up and stand straight into it you know but the as Tom said you when this guy fights you just can’t take your eyes off him you know when he first come into the UFC he was matching my good mate Danny Roberts and he did this to Danny Roberts he was completely wacky unorthodox got himself a massive finish then he kind of lost his way for a little while and he kind of fell off the scene he was out for a long time with injuries but he’s just slowly been ticking away those wins win wi the weight change exactly it’s just absolutely Breathe new life into him and up at middleweight this guy is legit because as Tom says he’s probably more athletic than anybody there he’s certainly a lot more creative than a lot of these middleweights as well he just looked phenomenal again and now you’ve got to start seriously talking about him as a contender at 185 eight wins on the bounce four bonuses along the way as well and he’s doing crazy stuff like that listen I I watched the replay again this morning and I to call my kids and I said come and look what this guy does and they were enamored by it that is a sport center viral replay right there and in a business that lives and breeds on pay-per-view buys this guy’s a pay-per-view star yeah now listen I’m probably going to start an argument with a few people online here because I’ve seen the uh reaction to well I’ve seen the reaction to the back flip no I’m not I’m going the other way mate because I I don’t think it does land properly and flush what I’m basically referring to is you you’re not allowed to strike the grounded opponent are you with a knee or a foot or a or or some shot your leg right and as he’s back flipped there is an argument that his leg his knee does catch pilia a grounded opponent at the time in the face and there’s people online who love to get it get amongst it don’t they and say that should be a no contest it should be a disqualification no it shouldn’t as uh Tom creatively said a moment or two ago it was a a guard pass which which which okay it was a creative guard pass but I don’t class that as an illegal strike Nick do you no no I don’t because listen it’s it’s a fight is it there’s you’re going to you’re going to you’re going to get clipped with certain things okay it wasn’t a deliberate strike is what I would say and that’s what takes him away from being a strike to a grounded opponent in my opinion Tom well by the book it’s illegal yeah he’s need he’s need a grounded opponent to the face on the other hand as Nick said he didn’t intentionally do it surely like that comes with a territory don’t it if you’re going to backflip in a cage yeah it’s I would as as as a non-experienced back flipper here it seems quite hard to realize where you going to land yeah I don’t I don’t know it might not be true but if you’re going to back flip over somebody’s legs surely that okay so it’s not has it difficulties so we all agree that it’s not on purpose he’s not doing it on purpose it’s not on purpose accidentally then he has kind of I don’t think he’s caught in flush I think it’s kind of grazed him I don’t think it’s fight altering if I’m dead honest with that particular moment but it can be claimed as an accidental thing so therefore should the result be overturned to a no contest no no absolutely not no chance we’re all in agreement geez we’re GNA get some backlash here on on social media boys with that bad boy but I agree I think Michelle Pereira um is as creative as they come he’s mad as a box of frogs and you just can’t take your eyes of him I would love now to see him in with someone in that top five top eight of this particular division because he’s bubbled along nicely he’s on a eight fight streak there’s some lovely fights out there that you could make in this middleweight division for him and they all match up nicely what about um well maybe I’m going to take this fight away from uh Kyle Baro in a minute but there’s Paulo Costa that you could start talking about there’s Brandon Allen that you could start talking about the matchups for for these two guys there’s a lot of possible matchups in this division Nick yeah the Brendon Allen matchup sounds really interesting because he’s a guy that really does need to jump off the page he’s got that good stoppage win over Paul Craig of course but I think he just needs another another real scalp and right now the momentum is with Pereira um so yeah I could see that I could see that Main Event in The Fight Night for sure kicking off this main card it was arm Paul Craig taking on Kaio bajayo um and it wasn’t to be for Paul crra because Kyle managed to get the stoppage victory in that second round with some clean effective work on the feet he’s another fighter Tom that’s been going under the radar and has really announced himself at UFC 301 as a as a as a guy that should be now fighting the top five top 10 in the division yeah definitely and I I’ve watched him for a while I know what Kyle’s all about like the guy is really stylish he’s got great unorthodox mov his foot Works brilliant he’s Dynamite on his feet this guy and Paul Craig this is not me having a job at Paul Craig cuz I never would Paul Craig’s a friend of mine but to walk at him flat footed like that for for over a round against a guy who’s really really Fleet footed in and out movement super athletic super unorthodox with his attacks it’s the wrong game plan and it’s as simple as that you can’t walk at someone with your head straight up in the air no head movement hand low pling forward it’s just not going to end well against the guy with that style Paul’s Paul he can always pull out the back he can always pull that he’s done it mult on multiple occasions he is getting battered in the fight and he’ll just pull out an armar pull out a triangle he’ll be almost unconscious next minute he’s finished the fight his hands getting raised that can always happen with Paul but at this point in his career it’s getting to the point where it’s like people are getting onto it a little bit Yeah and in my opinion from the outside looking in he needs to make a few tweaks in his style in my opinion it’s tough to watch especially knowing him as we do and obviously he’s a fantastic guy but it is tough to watch the that performance and that style of performance against Kyle last night yeah the the thing with Paul is he’s not a boxer he’s never going to be a boxer he’s never going to have the confidence in his hands enough to throw hands and he and he probably shouldn’t with someone as talented as boo what he is is kicker so he’s got to use his extra length he’s got to use those kicks in a correct way to land the type of strikes to push B back to keep him at range stay out of the strike range and then when the distance does get closed score those takedowns and take him to the ground ultimately where he wants to be I only want great things with Paul Craig we all the three of us know him personally and we know how what a terrific lad he is and what he loves the sport what what he brings to the sport the high energy and he’s there’s so many Department of his game which a elite elite level but I just thought last night you know Tom’s obviously got a much shter mind than mine it was it was just wrong from the start and as Thomas pointed out the game plan it it just it was the wrong approach for this opponent from the very beginning and that’s something Paul’s going to have to take away speak to his team about I know this is a a new team anyway but look at Jose Aldo man Jose Aldo is older than Paul Craig he’s had two years out and he comes back and he looks Sensational maybe a break away maybe time away just a refresh might be the right thing for Paul Craig completely agree with you Nick on that and also as you said he’s fighting an unpredictable fighter Paul Craig has one one of the best guards if not the best guard attack back in MMA in the UFC in MMA period like the guys especially for a bigger guy like the the guy grappling game off back is absolutely incredible as someone who’s rolled with him and trained with him a lot absolutely phenomenal guard but that doesn’t warrant putting your trying to walk your opponent down putting them on the back foot and then trying to pull guard when they’re going backwards against a high level opponent it’s just and and something else that you touched on he’s fighting someone unpredictable how about trying to be a try and be a bit unpredictable back yeah walking at him plooding at him with your feet flat on the floor and your head straight up in the air with with someone who’s really Fleet footed and unpredictable like Kyo is it’s just it’s it’s a tough cell do you know what I mean it’s a really really tough sell against someone that athletic and that smart and that explosive it’s a really really sub cell as you said we all know Paul we all love Paul we all want what’s best for Paul and it’s tough to watch yeah at this stage in his career from a Kyo bajo uh point of view though signature win against the guy that’s got signature wins on his Ledger in the weight division above as well big coming out party in front of uh the Rio de janiro fans on a numbered card for me he’s got to be man event in a fight night get get let’s give him five rounds let’s give him someone like a I know I’ve just mentioned Brendan Allen but that would make perfect sense someone like a Roman deled Nick or something like that for Kyle to get his teeth stuck into and really start moving up this this ranking yeah because he’s a superstar you know he looks the part he fights the that’s 15 straight wins now six straight wins in the UFC critically though with this was the this what we said in the preview show he’s got to start putting people away he needs finishes he needs viral moments he’s got to start catching the eye well guess what he’s just done that to a guy that was a contended in the weight division Above This is a massive win for boy hayo and he has to kick on from here and I think the UFC will they know they’ve got a star this guy speaks English really well Portuguese obviously he connects with the Brazilian audience he translates the world over I think he’s a superstar and I I I think you’re right I think a five round Main Event could absolutely be next for him yeah I say let’s stick him in with the loser of Paulo Costa and Shan Strickland Bo think that’s great both big names yep big fight coming up and uh I think that’s it he matches up well with both of them I think I’d love to see I would absolutely love to see that fight I think that’s a top top fight for him in terms of names in terms of level in terms of what he’s going to do for his career ter terms of ranking I think uh something along them lines one of them kind of names would be perfect for him right now at this guy matchmaking absolutely flying is he great stuff it’s what we like to see uh the featured uh prelim at UFC 301 was Joan and Brito and Jack sh Anderson Brito getting the job done TKO or Victory but the ending of this fight is going to leave us all a little bit sour and I’m sure there’s a plenty of debate going to come our way off the back of this I’ve never seen anything like this in the UFC previously and obviously the Fallout afterwards where we’ve had loads of bits of social media interaction with Jack Shaw and his dad and what have you to kind of confirm various things that happened in that particular moment just leaves a little bit of a sour taste H in the mouth disappointing night for Jack congratulations Joanna and Brito but the big talking point Tom is the way that the fight ended yeah and like I said I’ve seen a lot of stuff on social media we all know Jack’s dad as well Richard Shaw AKA shaky uh Shaky’s putting a lot out there on Instagram I seen today about he want he wanted the fight to continue Jack wanted the fight to continue and rightly so the fight should have continued in my opinion and the referee the doctor whoever it was went about this in my opinion completely the wrong way he’s got it he’s obviously his opponent’s kicked his his leg to death let’s be honest from the first second yeah what out there Shin on Shin straight away his opponent said yep that one hurt let’s do it again and let’s do it again and let’s do it again for around the next sevenish minutes until his leg splits right open disgusting injury but Gru some injury but could jack CH carried on absolutely in my opinion it wasn’t hindering his performance he could walk on it yeah it was bleeding a lot and it’s it’s something that we don’t see a lot what did the referee and doctor do is let’s have a look at that I know what I’ll do I’ll stick my fingers straight in your cut and then I’ll call the fight off brilliant what is that like ask the GU you all right first I know I’ll shove me two fingers as deep as I can in this big open wound and then I’ll call it off that’s ridiculous there should be way more protocol to it than that he’s also guested and and that’s the key thing for me Nick yeah listen it’s an aesthetic injury it looks bad doesn’t it there’s there’s clar everywhere I I completely get all of these things mhm but when you are guessing over a fracture when you’re guessing over a break I think then we’re leading to a really dangerous place aren’t we like Tom just said the conversation should have been with the fighter listen we can see this are you fit to continue he’s walking on it sound get on with it’s a fight yeah I think this is the I think the situation we’ve have here is inexperienced officials you know I think shaky pointed that out uh in a message yesterday saying the doctor was just raw and he and he obviously hasn’t got enough experience around this sticking his fingers in the cup was the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen never seen anything like that before people are saying he’s maybe he’s feeling for the fracture listen I’ve been there when Fighters have had a a broken leg Inside the Cage I was there when it happened to Anderson do you know what I was there when Tom aspel did it to an unlucky guy in his early days before the UFC when he broke a guy’s leg when you get a broken leg inside that cage when you get a fracture believe me you don’t dance around on your feet Jack Shaw didn’t even Jack didn’t even switch stances he didn’t even go Southport to try and protect it okay it was saw okay it was getting a good kicking but we were halfway through a fight that Jack Shaw was he was behind and no one’s going to deny that Brito started on fire and was setting a real Pace but Jack Shaw was 100% still in the fight he didn’t say I want a fight to be stopped he didn’t ask for it to be stopped he didn’t even get dropped not one of those leg kicks made him drop to the seat of his pants stayed on his feet the entire time it was a horrific decision I’m not surprised shak’s upset they should be calling for a no contest and a rematch that’s how bad it was yeah yeah and I think that the the earlier kicks in my opinion you could see both Fighters were called Jack shw got his leg blasted a couple of times and the earlier ones hurt him more than the later ones did in my opinion by that point as a person who who’s been in there in combat the adrenaline’s pumping all that stuff you you are doing everything you can to show The Ref and the officials that whatever’s hurting isn’t hurting yeah whether Jack’s leg was hurting or not he was showing to the officials and the referee that he had no problem with his leg he wasn’t limping on it he wasn’t stepping gingerly on it he didn’t switch dances he was still actively attacking yeah it looked gruesome it it definitely looked gruesome was it in his eyes no was it affecting his hearing his vision his equilibrium none of that was going on his leg was bleeding and he was moving around fine on it should the fight be stopped should should he be getting his fingers p in his leg in front of millions of people no absolutely not communicate with the fighter communicate with the corner and go from there you can’t just stop a fight because someone’s legs bleeding and and assuming as Nick said unfortunately I’ve been on the receiving end of a leg injury where I blooming out and someone’s snapped the leg on my shin pre pre UFC that’s happened I’ve been on both sides of the fence I’ve been injured someone else has been injured fighting me trust me if you’re not injured enough to stop like if the injur is not bad enough to stop you’ll be doing everything you can to carry on and you’ll want to continue and that’s exactly what Jack Shaw did and the fight shouldn’t have been stopped no yeah I would say the cutting the main event pantoja’s cutting the main event across his head which was leaking into his into his left eye and that was that was more but for me they’re both superficial Cuts because ultimately Jack goes to the hospital they scan him there is no leg break whatsoever it was just a cut it was a buildup of pressure the skin broke and the blood came out the cut on panoi was worse and nobody was going to stop that fight so I I just think that’s what happens when you have inexperienced officials and it was just a really disappointing moments for Jack Shaw because yes he was up against it and you know what it’s disappointing for joanderson bro as well because in all due respect we should be sitting here saying wow how good was Brito cuz we know how good Jack Shaw is to do that to Jack Shaw that was so impressive but instead we’re talking about a third party that ruined the fight that still had plenty of fight to go I’ve got a date in July if you want to run it back yes please I’m just trying to make fights for three4 here man that’s all I’m trying to do speaking of which see how I did that Nick you see I’ve Just sh I’ve gone from three or 301 there sh sheling around and then bang here we are ready to talk about it um how’s um how’s your social media game been over the last uh 24 48 Hours it seems to have gone off once again Mr aspel yeah I mean nothing to do with me mate I’ll uh if we can get old mate John to S ever sign a contract with my name on the other side of the contract I’ll I’ll talk about him for hours on this show hours but right now the guy’s playing games again trying to convince the public of what he wants and what he doesn’t want which he does really really well and as I said we can chat about John if he ever if and when he ever signs a contract with my name on the other side of it because right now let’s be honest it’s not looking very likely are you any closer to being able to announce what you’re doing and when you’re doing it next I wish I was the last I knew it was going to get announced this weekend and obious that’s been that’s been and gone now I just uh just come back from Vegas spoke about it a bit there uh did a bit was over there doing a bit of training and stuff um I don’t know right now I have no idea what’s going on and I wish I wish I could come on the show I wish I could announce it on social media I wish I could start you know drag dragging traffic that way but uh right now I have no idea I’m uh just getting myself prepared for that day as far as opponents and stuff like that I don’t know what’s going on right now it’s it’s not just opponents that we’re short of we’re short of an arena aren’t we the cor Arena can’t even get it attack together to open the doors at the moment stop cing bother you man listen we’ll sort it out in Manchester we’ll get it sorted if this was Liverpool you want to set up let me word you would You’ have been done by now we’d be in there by now that’s why listen all good fun uh I’m sure we’ll have an announcement on Tom’s next fight in the not too distant future thank you so much for filling in uh for King bisin uh today mate um with the using your analytical brain and I have no doubt you’ll we’ll be back to preview UFC 302 as well for Tom Aspen’s fight lab which is available on YouTube and on the Discovery Plus app you enjoying it oh very much so very much so and uh by no means I man trying to take the great the great Michael BisMan place on this show as we all know and love Mr Mikey B top guy all around but uh I’ve got my own stuff going on like this is Mike show this is you know guys I’ve got you know head over to Tom aso’s fight lab Discovery TNT all stuff it’s a great time me and Adam celebrity guest once a month we’re counting down there we’re doing all kinds of stuff over there head over there forget about this one on that one I haven’t actually I haven’t actually watched it yet Tom what you [Music] good I’m get head on camera on that I’m saving I’m saving them all up till the end of the year so I’ve got like a box set and then I’m just going to do them all one night after the other there you go uh listen there you go that’s concludes UFC 301 a fantastic night for Alexander panto you who came through and keeps his belt even though Steve IG ran him Incredibly Close it maybe have been a greater night for the one and only Jose Aldo the king of Rio lives on we’re going to be back for UFC 302 as I’ve just alluded to there there will be a Tom aspo fight lab building up towards that main event between Islan makev and Dustin puer and of course me Mr Pete and the main man Michael bisin will return for a full fight week preview and review of everything that comes to you from New Jersey make sure you’re across all the social media channels here at TNT Sports and Discovery plus we’ll catch you next time [Music]


    1. 34.03 Tom aspinall says Paul’s Paul he can always pull it out of the bag 😂😂😂😂,just as he gets flatlined,watch it guys had me in stitches for ages

    2. 34.03 Tom aspinall says Paul’s Paul he can always pull it out of the bag 😂😂😂😂,just as he gets flatlined,watch it guys had me in stitches for ages

    3. 34.03 Tom aspinall says Paul’s Paul he can always pull it out of the bag 😂😂😂😂,just as he gets flatlined,watch it guys had me in stitches for ages

    4. What are these guys on? That's clearly an illegal strike and Aspinall lets them know right away. Learn the sport fellas.
      Accidental or intentional, its still a foul and needs to be addressed in some way or form.

    5. Jon’s my favorite fighter ever lol, he got me into the sport when he first became champion. But I also absolutely love Tom and feel bad for the situation he’s in 😂 love the way he’s handling everything and he has a bright future

    6. Within his next couple of fights Pantoja's chin could get cracked. His strategy of having a great chin wont work forever. Someone who can crack a bit harder like Kai Kara France might get him.

    7. They need to do something about the doctors in these tinpot countries like Brazil, it’s clear corruption. Why don’t the UFC have their own doctors? The same happened in one of the Asian cards with a female doctor

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