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    seconds live hello hello everybody we’re uh we’re back aren’t we I suppose we are yes we are inde we are back and we’re not alone either we have company yes we we brought company we we brought friends say hello M mrad we are so to speak back we are indeed so to speak back indeed so you speak yes it’s good to be back how’s the uh how’s the weather where you are Mr hats we can get two weather reports in for people as it turns out it is a lovely evening here in Wales um which is a rare thing still blue still clear You Can See For Miles um you can see all the mountains and coal mines and things all the um yes um so other than the fact that we didn’t have any water today um because somebody drove a plow over the water M apparently that’s just very whels yeah that’s verys is RI the bloody plow bloody D plow was got over the man man um yes and there was a there was a 50 foot geaser of water um spraying up that you could see from quite quite a far distance um till about midday and then they managed to get it under control so we now have water again that’s good yes yeah there was a there was a very tense moment where the entire town realized that they had one flush of their toilets yes oh no the one flush moment choose carefully it starts with one flush yes I’m I’m afraid the weather in Northland is a touch D there’s not really much to speak of no I’m afraid the uh the weather is not the best here at the moment but we’re not here to talk about the weather purely we’re here to talk about smoking yes and the power of smoking we are unfortunately not smoking during this uh during this stream but I I believe I heard you like something there Mr had I believe you’re smoking some form of pipe mhm I’m smoking a very stubborn a very stubborn um bowl of Sutliff creme brulee in a small pet and pipe um and it is very good but as I say it’s rather stubborn because even though I’ve had it for uh year and a half at this point I’ve kept it well well stocked away well sealed away in a jar um so still you know soing wet as uh Suli tobacco tends to be so so it it does take quite a bit of fire to get to get smoking but yes oh nice to hear that the Giza in chat says I got some s GN 1792 flake in my P Samuel goth I say Samuel goth sorry I’m so dislexic Samuel go 19 uh yeah 1792 not 1972 ah again I have been neglecting my pipe as of late but I’ve just sort of made a bit of a habit of having a kind of Friday cigar and that is I’ve been seeing your cigar posts uh yes I’ve I’ve managed to sort of find my way into what I think is like uh like just top five reasonably priced cigars yes yeah sort of you I don’t know if you’ve tried any of the new uh Drew Estate Shades at all yes cuz there is sort of an art to making cigar smoking affordable in the UK yes and yes um so I I do tend to snap those up whenever the local toist has them yes I those are very much a recent favorite of mine uh the uh is it the cassa to rent as well the uh Miami version of that it’s not a bad shout and then of course the ones that uh you and AA got us into was the brick houses I think those are amazing value cuz you get the little short torpedo ones for about like and it’s still like a good hour and 20 minute smoke and you also get the great big Stoners oh yes which is still pretty cheap I don’t I haven’t bought them for a bit so I don’t remember but they’re still pretty cheap well I think we got the we got the sampler pack of four of them all the different mighty mighty ones uh and obviously the whole time having them I’m thinking of mighty mighty M van Garin two two two streams in two days with two dark references uh if you like to help take I take it you’ll still uh smoking the roles as well oh of course I have to I’ve H I’ve had to go off the drum it’s getting too expensive drum yeah unless unless you want to go on the Kofi and give me exactly like 2450 or something for a 30 gr of drum that’s how much drum costs now yeah it’s got ridiculous but yeah I thought I thought the whole point was it was like you know it was the looking man smoke no drum drum’s quite a premium tobacco so I’m now unlike the the Polish 50 g Amber Leaf for about 18 quad yeah I’m afraid the the gray Market is where everyone has to go in most of England at the moment um and speaking ofs if you’d like to help us with our tobacco habits uh and we’ll get into why we smoke and the uh we will do a little bit of foundations of smoking stuff as well don’t worry if you want to help support us uh Cony current years just put a a super chat in but yes there are Super Chat super stickers and all that stuff but you don’t to pay the YouTube tax you can support us through the GOI if you’d rather have some written content or you want these as uh adree audio podcast you can support us over on the anti-politics substack I just put out a big piece over there called The Sea of worry which people seem to have rather liked so uh yes that that is our kind of Shilling out of the way but there has been quite a big story in the UK we’re not get into that quite yet I just thought I thought it was really funny that I’ve used the swind Advertiser swinden reacts to plans for sorry sorry swind and reacts like that’s is that sorry is that lotus’s next brand react snd reacts is the secret active Club do you remember that channel from about 10 years ago that used to do like um old people reacts Kids React reacts but thank you for the 2 PS there cury current year Cy current year says happy St George’s day everyone um oh what time to enjoy point oh I was going to sneeze then yes happy St George’s day yes happy St George’s day we put out a nice St George’s Day post for everybody but we thought we’d do a nice stream about smoking which is a quintessentially kind of European and English I have a question about this straight away how are they going to adjust the whole like think 25 thing are they going to have to have you know like let’s see let’s see the year is 2069 and a 70y old goes for a packet of [ __ ] and the guy behind him also wants 20 Bens and hedges but he was born in 2009 and he’s you know the the implication is that then when these people hit smoking age they’re just going to ban tobacco anyway I believe this is an intermediate step this is where this is where I was going to get I thought I thought for a second we might play with the absurdity of like 19yearold shop assistant like Corner shops having to discern whether you know b or 2069 if someone is 60 or 59 or whatever as to whether or not they can sell them [ __ ] it’s a bit of a hard guess that I think I think it’s a very hard I I have two thoughts on this one is it’s just yet another Domino being set up for digital ID or some form of like you know national ID where when you buy any kind of tobacco or and you know alcohol product or you know a [ __ ] Kinder egg or a Red Bull or you know whatever cuz you know we we have a ID for those as well you’ll just be asked to show ID on demand like regardless of how old you look you’ll just be asked to bring out your your your your Blair ID uh they’ll stop crime by demanding you see the they see the digital ID before you come into the shop yeah you’ll have to SC it on the way in and it’ll scan on the way out and then if you got any items that you’re not allowed to buy they’ll be that’s probably true very Amazon future the other thing this is slightly more white pilled um and I I was think I was thinking this but something that that tip me off to it a bit further is was something I saw in a paper in a shop um which is that apparently all of the Tory hups in the party I mean almost to a man or to a sort of you know um unappealing woman um decide they all voted against it so a large mass of the Tory party voted for it but almost all of sunak kind of deputies voted against it so I do wonder if this will go the way of the jinda Arden thing in New Zealand where the this kind of got rushed in for whatever whatever reason and it’s it’s something that’s designed to fail it’s something that is designed to get repealed later as part of a populist thing I I mean it depends how deep the kayfabe really goes because it could be that this is literally setting up labor like populace re-entry where they you know where they make smoking legal again for people born after 2009 I mean if St sorry starma makes it legal to smoke on smok in pubs again I’m getting my Jack Boots on I don’t give a [Laughter] [ __ ] yeah I mean I would be surprised because they are obviously very a very technocratic party this is a sort of thing they would love to support I’m sure but it could also just be kayfabe I mean it could also be a future Tory plan like the idea is that they’re deliberately making things worse they can come in and like you know superficially make things slightly better in 13 years when labor gets clapped out you know I don’t know possibly it does feel like something they don’t particularly heavily it’s it’s just to have a policy it seems like and that was the kind of thing in New Zealand it’s just to have a progressive policy in quotes and it’s weird it’s coming it’s really kind of naked technocrat Confluence it’s coming from sunak and the conservative party basically because the sh AR and it was sold as like a looney lefties thing no no no I think they’re entirely doing this to [ __ ] with Peter Hitchin they’re going to get rid of tobacco they’re going to make weed legal and he’s going to lose his mind he why have they done this well he’s he’s massively in favor of this isn’t he yes well he’s been he’s been he was take I mean I’ve never seen a man take so many L’s in like six hours it was insane because because not only was was he there going no no smoking killed my brother I I don’t I don’t you got to stop smoking cigarettes um you know I support the state Banning this and then somebody said kind of whimsically oh Peter you know what about the kind of you know good old English you know Hobbit folk you know aren’t they allowed to have a pipe by the fire and he went the worst thing in Lord of the rigs is all the pipe smoking other than the Tom Bombadil and of course then it was just over I mean yeah that was the end of his career among young dissident writers as I I think he must have cottoned onto the fact that uh the halflings leaf isn’t necessarily tobacco which is one of the funnier things about Lord of the Rings espe considering that bomb bomber Tom bomber does basically some sort of like weed elf I don’t know about that I don’t know I it’s it’s very hard for me to imagine uh Middle Earth cloaked in the in the in the odor of marijuana I don’t know it’s h that’s what the Shia smells like it smells like really good chronic no it’s actually it’s they’re all just smoking crack The Hobbit it’s my Hobbit Crack Pie no it’s by bad times have be fallen upon the sh and they’ve got to go back to space sh spice zombies the spicing of the sh Frodo’s Frodo’s shooting needles in his room again Bill he’s a Young Rich Bachelor but let’s have a look at here um it’s such a simple question why do they hate us why do they hate all the all the things that we enjoy there is nothing there’s nothing more simpler in my life yes I go to the pub I get my nice crispy paint I stand out of the back pull out my tin hold up a skin yeah stick a filter in it nice little strip of rich brown tobacco stick it my gub spark it and have a su in my pip and it’s Bliss what more what more could an individual really want at the end of the day and they hate you for doing think of the NHS you’re you’re going to get lung cancer and we’re going to have to pay five million to to you know treat you that’s that’s normally the argument that’s normally it apparently since we’ve been doing this since like 20 2021 we’re apparently accidentally cool now yes like the it’s one of the things that because smoking has become so like stigmatized by the really boring parts of the state it’s really cool and it’s especially cool the smoke pipes and cigars again and not just people talk about being an Andrew Tate thing but that’s stupid oh that’s gay it’s not Andrew Tate it’s not Andre people don’t even remember I played a part in it yeah I I think we had some influence however the the one that got me the other day was the video of Bloody Lawrence Fox and the father Calvin Robinson smoking big buddy dogies but they just look like utter wankers they do look like utter wankers you are correct they did look like they were taking other conical shaped objects in their mouths um when they when they did it you know they they look they looked bad um but yeah I I noticed that yeah there there’s been a bunch of articles about how Jen Z likes cigar and now I mean um I I have a friend who is convinced that it’s because anybody who grew up older than zumas remembers Jimmy savell and how he always had a cigar and he said that like killed cigars as a as like a cool object for about 20 years but they’ve come back now because the Zoomers don’t really know who Jimmy Saville is oh God yeah yeah Jimmy Saville the Jimmy Saville cigar thing was uh was was quite the trip well he was the only public sort of smoker of cigars you know since Churchill basically wasn’t he I mean I I do wonder if part of this is also may like a a class thing that people are just a bit more slightly hard done by these days and some of the substances they may or may have not considered on a night out before are not as available and not as affordable as they used to yeah I I think it’s if you’re going to smoke you might as well have a fancy smoke because it costs a [ __ ] fortune anyway I think that’s kind of the point of it is that smoking has become such a luxury that higher end smoking has become a lot more fashionable um and you’re right it’s it’s a it’s not it’s almost a way of signaling Rebellion now yeah in a little bit just because tobacco is is so it’s so demonized in the culture there’s there’s nobody more viable maybe apart from the drink driver The Proud drink driver the smoker is the most hated um it is that the British State uh really portrays the smoker like the Peter fall especially like the second and smoke stuff oh they’re arming kids cuz they’re selfish it’s uh there was really aggressive stuff in the mid 2000s about that I remember it was egregious no I can remember just you got like the video the video sorry the adverts like there be some mother smoking at the front door of her house with her baby there and like flash cut the baby being an old person to D or some [ __ ] that’s that’s just awful what do I have to say about pipe smoking here cigars are often seen as a bit of a by habit of a bygone era associated with elder Statesmen such as Winston Churchill Bo another man who ruined cigars yes or glamour of early Hollywood stars but new research shows they are staging a Resurgence as Generations in increasingly opt to smoke tobacco in cigars and even pipes rten cigarettes the adults have driven a five-fold increase in non-cigarette tobacco smoking over the past decade some 77,78 7 72,800 people exclusively smoked cigars um or pipes in England in September 2023 up from 151,000 in September that’s a 2013 big increase that’s a massive increase I had no idea it was I mean I assumed it was like you know a few per more signicant I’m gonna have to deliver a black pill though yeah a large part of this will just be like pis buying like blunt wraps and back or PES partially partially a lot of that’s going to be Stoners as well buying hamlets that’s I mean like blunt WPS and things like that oh so many deaths what do I have to say about pipes in here where’s where’s the where’s my where’s my pipe stuff the uh there actually have any stuff yeah oh just lumping or pipes or shisha yeah yeah I guess shisha is kind of a thing now like shisha bars are kind of popular I don’t know if you could accurately measure that though could you also in order to circumvent the rules um a lot of those Shisha bars in Muslim areas don’t use real tobacco it’s fake shisha yes yeah um you’re because otherwise you would be able to do it inside so it’s purely for effect you’re basically just it’s one massive like you know stage pantomim smoke machine there’s not any actual tobacco or any good it’s it’s all just like you know smelly smoke that smells of you know raspberry or something it’s basically vaping aw without the nicotine G incredibly gay they are very gay I also noticed um when I briefly worked for a tobacconist that there was a lot well I mean there was a lot of like young British men who were coming in to buy a cigar CU they’d never tried one and they wanted to see what it was like or or and I think there’s a lot of men that actually smoke cigars and pipes just purely in their private time like they don’t they don’t do it socially they don’t no one really knows about it they just they just occasionally buy a cigar or or some pipe tobacco to kind of you know sit and relax or something um and I that there kind of it’s become an underground thing but there were also a lot of young Arabs buying um uh DOA which is like a which is like a tobacco you smoke in a little pipe um yes so there’s probably that as you say putting the sales up uh well I was going to say I get the feel sometimes when I’m smoking a cigar in the pub but other people look at you not so much saying like oh I couldn’t do that CU it would make me feel sick or anything like that but more so that they wouldn’t want to do it because they would feel self-conscious it is kind a confidence thing it’s being too visible cuz I have to admit as much as it’s not you know you can’t smoke in pubs anymore and blah blah blah I kind of enjoy the fact that it’s a bit of a ritual though you’ve got to find the time to do it got find the conditions that are right you know you get you get a fresh drink you make sure you’ve been to the L you make sure you’re comfortable and then mhm proceed uh you hold on to that moment to light up couple quick donations here uh oh a few donations I should get through some of these uh are tobacco companies not lobbying against this uh yes in B I can’t say that but yeah I think tobacco companies have most been put in the pocket especially with Vape stuff and some of weed stuff the big American Tobacco companies are not the for as they used to be they have quite Diversified businesses so quite honestly big tobacco has been one of the biggest pushes for making a lot of tobacco smoking worse because they’ve been given sweetheart deals in many cases well you’ve also got to remember and it’s something we’ll get to in a little bit that we aren’t necessarily the biggest market for cigarettes in the world no no no we’ll we’ll we’ll get into that too in the past 50 uh 30 years there’s been a war on Tobacco when it’s been found that it’s a lot of the added chemicals and cigarettes that cause cancer not tobacco itself yeah we we talked about a little bit that a little bit that there and we’ll get into that smidge about the about tobacco as an industry and about the idea of kind of the revolution of mass and scaling tobacco uh the analogy we made and I’ll make it here is it’s like hating the entire chemical industry because of buer and people like that and all the all the Shady chemical people you can tobacco has a much longer history than simply you know uh cigarettes yes um hats are you a daily pipe smoker or uh yeah and F so what can I blend yes uh forense purposes yes um mainly because it’s a lot cheaper in the long run than cigars um and you know you can kind of stock up on pipe tobacco and um it’s easy to keep and you can just bring it on a small amount so yes normally um as for a daily blend no I tend to vary quite a lot um I have a big stock of Suli Creme Brule but I bought in in I bought several pounds of it years ago um and got it in some huge jars um so sometimes I dip into that but it’s whatever I happen to have around um I like to try new things if I haven’t tried them before if I see them so occasionally there’ll be a a pizon blend or something I haven’t tried before I might get that or I might be something you know that you have to get in a you know bagged from a local tobacconist um that comes in a in the big in the big tins um so no um I do quite like American tobaccos that you have to import um I quite I quite like um Seattle pipe club’s Plum Pudding which is a uh which is I mean that’s very popular in in America anyway so I mean I’m sure that any Americans who pipe smokers have probably tried that um doesn’t actually taste like plums at all it’s just a really nice kind of mellow lakia heavy um pipe tobacco I’ve talked previously about how much I like Presbyterian mixture um which Presbyterian which is is uh which is hard to get here um but it’s but you don’t have to import it from America you can get it in Europe um half and half is good I mean yeah really yeah you actually answer the question no there isn’t a daily blend I just smoke whatever I’ve got yeah and anything Peter sin was a good show um yeah very solid thank you for the $2 Professor DOA yes secondhand smoke is complete fabrication and poopy doopy 546 says all right mate G GB smooth plate cheers lad smooth PL cheers lad uh uh your pal here NE but there’s another article here from the Independent saying that uh smoking is back and fash for Gen Z we went over that part and a rishy sunak ban could make it even cooler what do you think it will have a big uh for one the term cooling effect effect on SM everything’s K everything’s wrestling yeah it’s it’s very I I think your theory might be right about giving it back at some point put put taxes up on cigarettes to record levels then make people think they’re going to go away seems like a decent strategy to me I was I also just like to bring up quickly that I mean I’m not really an expert because i’ I’ve never really been into cigarettes that much but cigarettes that that are mass-produced that you get in the UK now are Dreadful I mean they’re bad cigarettes the the the the sort of mass produced machine rolled ones they’re not particularly Pleasant to smoke and I I really caught the difference when I was in Italy recently um and they’ve got these wonderful cigarette vending machines everywhere which is great so I I went and you know they cost like4 a pack or something so I so I went and bought uh and there of course it’s full of English Blends that you can’t get in England anymore you know camel Chesterfield Parliament Winston’s marbor I mean just all these wonderful Blends that still have the original um uh logos and everything so I bought a load of these and smoked them quite hardily all through the trip and I mean the camel especially is fantastic because it’s still got proper Turkish tobacco whereas most of what you get in the UK is really cheap Virginia stuff um that is not grown with much care I mean that’s that is not a slight against Virginia um tobacco as a blend by the way but we we get really shoddy Mass produced Virginia to Tobacco in all of our in all of our um cigarettes which I think is one of the regulation laws kind of basically designed to make the Habit less appealing yes it also stems from the fact that right after the war America basically passed a law by Fiat which meant that which basically banned anybody importing Turkish tobacco if you if you if you were in NATO you were forced to have American Virginia tobacco and everything you could no longer get Turkish um you know evil Yanks I I was going to say that there are some cigarettes out there that are all right but it is you’ve got to be very careful these days a frozen I think 2 set there and asked if Vapes are gay this is our thought on VAP we’ll we’ll get that get that back up there again smer inag is that going to play the audio through yeah he’s going to play the audio through the stream it’s fine that’s a bit of Hardy bck posting for those who know little bit of the old y oldi Hardy bugs posting there one more time smer fny smoke a real F fny VAP vaping is gay and I would rather that you you know smoke pretty much any form of tobacco other than a [ __ ] Vape everyone should smoke rollups I think I think rollups are the best but it is nice that the uh that the pipe smoking has come back yes if you if you smoke a vape and you’re listening to this stream kill yourself hard hard but fair words there from Mr Hat I heartily endorse this message total TV TVD can we get some TVs in the chat please total vape death I mean I’ve complained about it before but I’m going to get up my soap box and play back again I absolutely hate when people have a cheeky Vape inside the pub as if they think like no one’s going to notice it all stinks on [ __ ] strawberries and toffee and whatever other [ __ ] in steamy liquid plastic I’ll honestly I’ll even say it to folk but well I can’t really sit there and have a cheeky [ __ ] cigarette can I uh I hate to see it that’s the stigma that’s the stigma with smoking rather than it’s not really about tobacco or nicotine it’s just about like weird smoking propaganda um for those of you who don’t know um tobacco was introduced into England possibly as early as the 1860s but the definitive dat is 1856 with s Walter Raleigh um returning with the colonists from uh where was that again he’s the Virginia colonist anyway and he came back with potatoes he came back with the corn and he came back with tobacco from the new world but that’s how long tobacco has been in Britain um and again possibly even longer but it is definitely more than 400 years which gives it a huge huge place has really kind of an an English and European because a lot of the tobacco even though it was smoked a little bit by the natives the modern varieties all modern varieties of tobacco like all modern varieties of vegetables or kind of produce plants in general are W and created under and things like cigars were not made up by the natives cigar is an invention of of of Europe really and it is a something tailored to European tastes um so smoking is really part of our culture it is it’s a huge part of European culture at this point and it’s it’s kind of it’s attempted removal from public life as you talked about a little bit off air as well it’s it’s almost like all the ceremony associated with it has gone away yes it’s not it’s not a social ret anymore never mind something that could almost even be considered part of something spiritual I mean Sir Walter rally as prompted as the man who brought it here was not a man who didn’t see the esoteric side in things no to to burn something and furthermore to consume the smoke of it is it’s almost one of your sort of prime elements of some kind of ritual it’s it’s a whole sort of transubstantiation or or something of the the material you’re actually smoking and the effect it has upon you then laterally is some sort of evidence of it Divinity but no we can’t have that anymore well that’s why CU it’s it’s robbing you of a of a vital Pastime which um which this is the thing they they they love to promote like shitty ipas and like weed and crap drugs that sort of slow you down but they want you off of something like tobacco and like you know especially cigarettes which sharpen you up with that big nicotine hit yeah it is it’s it’s really they love the docility well the big thing is that cigarettes were an integral part of World War II rations oh yeah here’s a World War II pack of Lucky Strikes from a k ration I believe those taste lovely and mean really really good find tobacco in those well also just just sorry just on the point of s Walter Raley when he came back from the new world with tobacco he was sat um wherever it was he sat with this great long pipe smoking and his servant came running around the corner with a bucket of water and threw it all over him cuz he thought he was on fire see the smoke the smoke rising up well that’s the that’s the folk tale a lot of um actor people will come out and tell you that isn’t real but those people can shut up we all we all know what we think of them especially especially on St George’s day especially on St George’s day yes this is the famous flish painting The Smokers just on the screen by the way yes um very and of course you noticed the clay pipes there yes um which which were actually they often belong to the tavern um and they would be kept in a big metal tray which would be placed into the fire which is how they clean them between uses um it would put them in the fire and of course it would get hot enough that it would supposedly kill the back any bacteria no not that they you know would have would have known that process just clean them you know what if it’s been in the fire for a [ __ ] hour fair enough mate it’s clean easiest way to get all the tire out of them yeah just burn it all the way burn it out um Thomas carile was a great smoker of clay pipes he often seen with a big clay pipe um there’s a one of one of his archived papers that survives I’ve seen is uh a letter he wrote to a pipe supplier up in Scotland because he he obviously as a young man living up in up in the Loland he had found a particular firm of clay pipe makers near him and he always went to them for pipes and he was he was staying in northern France sometime in the 1860s I think and he’d sent back for a shipment and it goes to show how awful the modern Royal Mail is when in the age of in the age of you know basic steam trains and horses he could send a letter up to Scotland and have a fresh box of clay pipes dispatched within three days yes that’s uh that’s quite the service I I’d be happy with that though Unfortunately they they did arrive uh battered in transport and cracked and broken oh well you know so he did he did send a letter basically saying I’m not paying K I’m not using these I bet you they weren’t at least delivered by an Albanian that’s true on on a small motorcycle yes 3 in the morning I’ve just got some early art depicting smoking here although there’s some controversy whether or not some of these might also uh depict certain hash smoking but no one’s actually quite sure so because there wasn’t there wasn’t actually in those days uh much differentiation it depended on what your local suppliers had it depended on what you were actually smoking so it it the early history of smoking and the early history of uh of of smoking to Herb are actually very well intertwined but that’s that’s a different one um especially in certain parts of Continental Europe um Holland which is true it is they were quite big on their own but yeah just we can we can all come to the fact that smoking’s just cool smoking oh that’s right I’ll tell you what I’ll put this on first sorry sorry uh an important message do you know the 100% of nonsmokers [ __ ] die good old burnard Manning yeah there’s a there’s a fuller section to that where he he he talks in detail for maybe a minute or two while smoking a cigarette just about how that’s that’s like the Crux of life it’s almost like his version of that whole TSL thing about a cigarette being the the perfect complement to human desire because as soon as you finish one you want to have another the there’s the whole thing we’re kind of getting here from into the modern history of cigarettes a little bit we’re not going to go over too much of it but with the machine manufactured cigarette and it’s real explosion in the 1910s right through into the 20s into the 30s with with obviously the 30s being the era of female smoking and the marketing of that it’s often put forward as one of the ills of marketing but the problem was that tobacco advertisement and culture as it were was just so cool malb branded race car I’m going to be marketed to I’m be marketed to by a cigarette company cuz that shit’s cool as [ __ ] yeah I kind of I kind of hate to sound like such a consumer but genuinely it’s like when I look at those old old adverts I just think it would have been an honor to be marketed to this is just they just make it so glorious to be marketed too as if as if you were understood well the whole the whole it’s all very come on you want a cigarette you would be cool like everyone else but it just had such had such Prestige and such cach you know oh Embassy sponsors the you know World Snicker championships and rothans and Porche do all this racing stuff and they’re sponsoring all these Adventure sort of Tours and you know happiness is a cigar called Hamlet exactly I mean if I if I send you the real sorry would you would you be able to play it at all there’s a couple of really good yes if you send it to us on the Discord we’re in I think well I should be to play that get up just play a real just to get just so people know how amazing these things are I say a cigarette pairs well with legs we know this you are proof of this that’s that’s slightly I’m not I’m not 100% sure about that one just excuse me that’s just Germanic woman for you John uh that’s that’s a little bit um again the the the 30s were bit bit tomboyish weren’t they not sure about you 30s you’re a bit dirty oh that’s very screen siren though that’s very film Noir it’s the it’s the classic fem FAL with the cigarette and the long holder you know I believe this is what the the people online call goals there we go what do you think that oh the vertical hold the saxophone holder I’ve never seen one of those before that’s kind Co that is quite exotic isn’t I saw that one and I had to put it on what annoys me though nowadays is all cigarette holders are made for pre-made cigarettes so you can’t get ones for like roles unless you use like the massive filters which then make them look awful uh a is that snoo is that SN SN is the one that goes up your no are Sno vaping snuff snuff sorry SN SN is the little pouch that you put in your gum packing packing some serous dip a dip oh my God [ __ ] Bubba used to taking my dip I used to know someone called Bubba who had dip uh snos isn’t gay but it is it is genuinely very bad for your mouth so uh yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s also got the nicotine equivalent of like eight eight cigarettes it’s a bit it’s a bit much in one go um I I I do think that um snuff should make a comeback you know if if if if Zuma is going to get into pipes and cigars wasn’t that what these like Zen captal things or something are meant going to be kind of uh those those have had a comeback because lots of Brits like to smoke but of course with the smoking ban you know if you were a long shift at work so they just put a snst capsule in their mouth um to get the nicotine hit while at work so it is basically Snus then yeah I would also like to point out out that snuff actually isn’t taxed at all no or essentially n so you can get like 6 months worth of snuff for about 10 quid it’s very cost effective as a source of uhe source of tobacco oh that’s pretty good that’s good to know your pro tip here your pro tip uh thoughts on cigarellos Professor do again thank you H I don’t know they’re like a sort of weird in between some of the flavored ones can be all right I quite like the flavor cigarette I know but then at that point I’m like well not just buy a small pack of principes or some of the little uh like coffee and uh maple syrup Tob backs or something you cigarillos I think you’re better stretch into a small cigar yes um that’s my thoughts what what do you think Mr head um I like I like uh cigarillos partly CU they’re cheap partly cuz they’re kind of um well you know I mean they’re they’re they like the quicker alternative to the cigar you know it’s like a quicker more more active kind of smoke um I quite like a cigarett if I ever go for a walk um just a tape with me um cuz they’re quite good and um no I mean you know and you can you can get really sort of like highend ones um as well that are basically you know like they’re sort of like just small Monti kristos um or or invictor um no they’re per I mean it’s just it’s just a cigar but smaller you know it’s all good to me that’s pretty good um um leis sha says hobgoblin Stouts or Le and a cigar simple as I’d agree with you uh thank you Lewis for the 1010 pound he says ugab Booga over on Kofi anaba to you yes booger boogers all round uh poopy doy says uh it’s toasted and yes it was indeed toasted isn’t that isn’t that um what they come up with on um on on Madmen where they’re like we need a we need a new angle cigarettes and they’re like we’ll just say it’s toasted well that was a real advert campaign was someone in chat Evelyn is Germanic confirmed excuse me that’s Norman to you that’s Norman to you but have I have I even got I don’t know I even got the uh the cigarette adverts up right now but they are over there in Yi I’ll quickly see I have not put this on screen yet have I the uh oh I post I posted a YouTube link in general there it is there’s a there’s a link in general as well for the advert that hat was talking oh yes yes of course I’ll put that up in a second but here’s here’s the uh the its toasted one yes love it it’s a lucky St I like that I like that they never actually specify what difference it makes because I don’t think it actually has any effect whatsoever it’s just purely a marketing gimmick um Let me let me quickly have a is this like a uh vintage o we we’ll see we’ll see what we can get away with here I keep keep it picture in picture but um I don’t think any of these would be copyrighted now we’ll see as more just playing it through YouTube anyway father is in Castell mode today more pocket money certainly orar again keep it keep it have a good time son there’s nothing like a Castell when you’re in the right mood so cool calm and generous guess what mom’s coming to stay fine lovely for a month great are you in a castella mood tonight how much better was it when you not when you used to get a 10 that’s one of the things I think I I feel like I’ve missed out on some regards is fair enough when you buy pipe tobacco you get a 10 and I always find another purpose for those but I so useful isn’t it yeah yeah there it is I miss not I mess but I wish if you know I bought say two or three of decent sized robusto cigars that I might get some sort of 10 with them as a sort of complimentary item or there we go there a good image there we go now that that’s that’s what I call a Friday night well this is this is what you’ll be joining us for in a few weeks time when you come to visit can wait I cannot wait I will I will make bring many cigars and uh here’s Evelyn’s pipe of course yes with my of course fitting and matching nail polish and feast and th of course don’t forget th I I also was was this taken in a weather SPO no they taken in the pub this was taken in Pub in I was going to say cuz cuz it’s got those those Pub ashtrays you see oh yeah yeah well there was a a variety of different ashtray types at one point where we were yes I just it’s a our local pub is a Pub full of a lot of quite heavy smokers so they just become sh look at the look look look how full that ashtray is behind the it’s a proper Northern po people that’s probably an hour or two is worth though most people will cycle in and out the pub and smoke oh yes un unlike me of course where I just hang out there all the time you do kind of just sit in the smoking area something yes she do be oh look at that oh we can see what man you blood man takes a good picture doesn’t it I was going to say that’s crisp also look at the cream on the Thon oh yeah look look at that t full of iron full of vitamin oh that’s a good point that is look at look at that point guys look at it that’s greatt drink oh I’m going to take that off screen that’s po graphic um s here drooling Yes actually iemp to get back to uh the subject we were kind of talking about the start a little bit soon as we got the picture again of the the shades up there what what do you recommend for New World cigars I mean we’ve all we all know about Cubans old do you want a do you want an upman or a Romeo and Julieta or a a Cubanos or something like and don’t get me wrong these are all very fine uh cigars but we can’t sometimes all afford 40 or 50 Quid of Pop yeah that’s true I think I’ve found anywhere between 18 maybe stretch to 25 is like the absolute kind of Sweet Spot H I think someone was asking in chat what pipe I have yes I believe it’s just a cheap not cheap but one of the cheaper uh Falcon Brier pipes you can see it’s the Falcon head there yeah but it’s a nice Redwood one it’s a nice starter kind of thing it’s a good little pipe that is good good brand oh yes they do good pipes uh but yes on New World cigars someone saying the Olivia ones H I think I have tried those and they’re not too bad I don’t know I just you’re right yeah I mean they I think I think they’re one of those cigars that people people hype them a lot um which is not to say they’re bad but they but they’re you know they’re they’re okay you know they they’ll they’ll do I think um I mean this is a pretty big topic um especially because in recent times Cuban cigars have been kind of coasting on their reputation as Cuban cigars yes um I’m not entirely sure where where the whole Cuban cigars are the most premium cigars come from where where that comes from because well I mean it’s just it’s just cigars from the island of Cuba that’s all it is it doesn’t actually sort of you know it’s it’s not necessarily a guarantee of quality no not always but I think there is like a you know whiskey from Scotland is a bit different from all other whiskey there be it the be it the people either working with materials or what soil they’re growing them in or whatever it is there’s obviously some kind of element I mean you know you go to aston’s tobacconists and Manchester and you pick out a ho de monter Epicure number two or something out of there and you you you you stick with the fact that uh you know it’s going to cost you like nearly 40 odd quid but it is a crisp you it’s a lovar regret it either I mean the so uh as someone in the chats mentioned there’s been several years of quite bad harvests in Cuba um and there’s also uh covid through their supply chain into chaos and they’re still not entirely back from that there’s hu there’s huge issues in the factories not to do with actually growing and rolling the cigars but to do with packaging them um ah and actually moving them out of the country that’s been the big issue they’ve had strikes and and you know breakdowns in the chains and so forth um and I do think that on the whole especially when you factor in UK levels of tax Cuban cigars have have priced themselves very uncompetitively for what they are in most cases yeah um it’s not universally true I mean I will still stick up for um Romeo and Julieta those are those are pretty much universally good mon Christo tends to be very hit hit and miss these days um they they’ve slipped in quality but they’ve upped in price which is unfortunate um though I have to say on the whole assuming you know especially when you take the prices into account I am more of a fan of New World cigars these days because they are actively trying more ambitious things they are actively they’re putting more effort into ensuring that what they’re sending out is quality and they’re pricing very aggressively yes because of course they have to compete with the monolith that is cigars and to be fair I I do think that most of that is not necessarily from experienced cigar smokers it’s from people just buying Cuban cigars because they think you know it’s like buying an Apple computer right it’s just the it’s it’s got the name so so there’s a huge amount of sort of uh trade that doesn’t exactly you know they they don’t really know know what they’re what they’re buying you know as no first time cigar smoker does um so but yes I think that’s what’s happened but I mean pretty much there hasn’t been a new world brand I’ve tried that I’ve thought was really terrible um on the the the cheapest one that you can get sort of a proper rooll cigar here is invictor which is which is wonderful I love invictor star they they started doing Miniatures as well which fantastic yes I found the is it the half Coronas they do the packs of five sometimes you get a pack of those and for for absolutely no reason that I can figure out myself they’re all like 40 minutes cigars even though they’re only like five or six Sid eaches wow what are they done with this and invict cigar has the cost of like a cheap tin of cigarillos but will last you like an hour and a half it’s insanely well packed no you were you were saying there about uh people who come into cigars and I think it’s just a lot of them have almost kind of too much money I mean I’m I mean it’s no insult to a friend of mine but when he get into cigars the first thing he did was went and bought like some 45 pound Monte Crystal now he sat there and enjoyed it but I don’t think that’s really the the way to go about it you’ve got I think you got to kind of build your pallet up know what you’re kind of what you’re actually shooting for and really I think to a certain extent you’ve kind of got to admit to where your your range ends yes do you do you really need to be someone who’s smoking like the the most expensive or the most prestige cigars where if you actually knew what you were going for and you knew what you liked you’d probably get something more enjoyable yes better priced and possibly even more consistent quality but as you say people aren’t willing to maybe experiment as much yeah um I may also get Flack for this but I do think that a lot of the really big end Prestige um cigars are a complete meme yes um you’re just you’re just being given a slightly longer Monti Christo number one and you’re being made to pay like 400 quid for it I mean it’s that’s that’s a nonsense that yeah it’s it’s just silly I mean um actually I funnily enough you mentioned Epicure number two um which is a very very good cigar I mean it’s it’s often said in the in sort of cigar press there isn’t really anything like it and there isn’t it’s just a fantastic Cuban cigar which you can get in the UK quite quite quite freely um however um there is an American cigar website which um myself and Friends uh frequent yes um yes I think you know the one I’m talking about um because it’s based uh down in the south of America I think in either South Carolina or Mississippi um where tobacco tax is exceedingly low and of course um because if you buy online you are actually buying in the US technically um you you you basically are paying you know you’re paying in because of course there’s a conversion from pound to dollar dollar so you’re paying basically nothing um for for you’re paying what a cigar should cost um when it’s not being taxed by um Babu sunak and Co um but the um what but I so I ordered a box of these and I noticed they looked and and were colored and smelled quite quite different to the normal epicures but they were exceeding they were perfect they were fantastic they were absolutely brilliant cigars and it only occurred to me quite later that what I’d actually ordered was not a Cuban hoyo de montere it was a huran Hoo de monter made specially because of course you can’t buy Cuban cigars in America the Bargo is still in effect so but annoyingly I actually found the Honduran ones superior to the Cuban ones you got in the UK so I have to go through this Securus um process to get hold of them because you because they they only ship them to the US because because their their logic is well we need something to to to fill the Gap we’ll make these send to America but I don’t think they realize other places would want them because they assume they can just buy the Cuban one yes I mean I’m pretty sure we have got the same ones before and I found them I have to admit very hit and miss I’m not sure if maybe we just got some bad ones but they were I have to admit for the for the price of them I was not expecting them to be as of the same quality as the ones I buy in a local store that are the the quotequote proper Cubans but I don’t know some of them were all right some of them were not cigars that I felt I needed to smoke let’s put it that way well the other aspect is that uh smoking is of course based yes it just is the more you smoke the more based you are yes that that’s the rules of being based um do you think do you think pipes at the top of the hierarchy then would you consider pipe the ultimate form of smoking or no I think I think cigars are the ultimate te cigar I’m that’s a difficult question because I mean pipes and cigars are both very pure yeah you know you you’re ju you’re just taking in tobacco in other tobacco um I think I think pipe is like the Trad Supreme method yes and scars are like the more modern you know like there’s there’s there’s some I think a pipe is quite gentlemanly and quite friendly there’s something so in your face about a cigar like when you see pictures of like bertal bre or Groucho Marx or something with a bit like we’re just talking to people with this big cigar there’s something really kind of masculine about it I mean I suppose if we want to get Freudian but um you know there’s there’s just something kind of Punchy about a cigar um so I’d probably have to go with the cigar it’s just as I as I was talking about earlier on it’s just it’s that it’s that hour or or such out of your day especially if it’s a good one it’s just it’s the the the consumption of the cigar transports you to somewhere else you weren’t where you were before the concerns that you had when you started are lingering and gone you contemplate something I don’t know you contemplate just things and a beautiful sense I I don’t like to actually do anything while I’m smoking especially if it’s a good cigar I I I I think of it as an activity on its own I mean I I also really if I’m not in the right mood or I think I’m going to be disturbed I just won’t light I can’t do it because it would it would feel like a betrayal you know it would feel like I’m wasting a cigar when I’m just not and it just wouldn’t I don’t know it’s it’s it’s like blasphemy just wouldn’t be right it just I just couldn’t do it I think the only sort of really appropriate activity for cigar smoking is conversation yeah the social aspect of it especially when you’ve got multiple on the go and it’s just the aroma even your sight is somewhat Rosen by the just the smoke in the air and the Amber burn off the end them it’s it’s Pleasant it’s comfortable people like you smoking it’s a novelty as well if you’re outside cuz smoking’s all outside now people don’t really mind and uh there’s a lot of curiosity it’s a great interest a Pipers as well but they’re both great interest pieces cigar and a pike especially if you’re not being a complete [ __ ] about it as well if you’re being subtle with it that’s a lot better you can if if people react well to you smoking pipes and cigars in public with them it means that you look good doing it normally suit you in some way um if they’re coming up and calling you a [ __ ] then you may need to to rethink your image somewhat the only thing I want to comment on is that actually a lot of the hubub around tobacco especially in the west is completely out of proportion considering that really if we think about the height of tobacco in quotes in Western Nations as being kind of the 40s 50s maybe the 60s whereas globally what we’ve seen is that actually cigarettes and mass-produced cigarettes are just something for the third world the third world is what smokes Africa is who smokes China is who smokes India is who smokes and why must our fine tobacco be taken away from us if some Indians smoke in 100 if it’s a global Health crisis why is there never a global solution why is it not well we’re not smoking very much Mr pet needs to go get down to 10 a day thank you very much there there’s never that argument there for the uh for the global Health crisis that is supposedly tobacco um because most people would be very surprised by this chart I’d say I just I just really like smoking you know I just love it I mean going to a country where more people smoke makes me happy like it just makes me H like just seeing people smoke and sitting and smoking with them and just having the smell of tobacco and just knowing that people are doing it and they’re happy doing it and it’s just pleasurable it’s just amazing I mean I just I genuinely I have yet to actually find words for how much I adore smoking just it’s just brilliant I mean like you say like sitting indoors in my little uh um like in the in the area that I I call the library with all the books and just paint nice paintings on the wall just not doing anything just sitting there smoking a Havana cigar is just amazing there is no there are few things in the world that are as good as that I I Adore it if I if I had the if I had the money I’d probably smoke cigars incessantly I probably would like it would just it would be insane you know assuming that nothing bad was happening at the time there we go yes there’s there is hat cigar and his little loafers and whatnot that is me we’ve got him that is me ladies and gentlemen that is literally me I don’t know where you found this picture he’s literally me literally me it’s a thingy from uh bloody Sopranos hey that’s me what the [ __ ] why am I on there tell you what before we go should we have one more vintage cigarette advert go on what is this happiness is a cigar called Hamlet the mild cigar yeah I don’t know so what what do what do we cap off here then I don’t know do we do we work our way around what what’s your what’s your three favorite things about smoking oh oh uh I’ll give you a second Mr hack I don’t mind straight away where do I be I mean just just I think one would have to be I suppose what we could call the chemical aspect right like the you know it’s like when you taste good food or drink good wine where there’s a kind of like a literal chemical satisfaction to what you’re doing right you’re you’re taking in this great wonderful breath of Rich plant smoke you know from these leaves that have been cured over so long and have been finally rolled and selected for quality and you know obviously you have a reaction to it and it’s just pleasurable there is a bit of a ni to be honest I’ve never really registered much nicotine in unless it’s too strong so I don’t really get so much of a hit from it but there is that obviously you are getting some nicotine um would be aspect one aspect two as we’ve said is just the the pleasure of just the social pleasure whether it’s alone or or in company you know where you’re talking to people and you know as you say like especially when you get like base friends around you know and Everyone likes up a cigar speaking of Bas friends hi there AA he says it’s not about money it’s about priorities which is true for those of us who can put priorities before money I mean I have I have sometimes spent myself into bankruptcy um because I saw a really good cigar in a shop and it just I just was like you know what that means more to me than than than meeting that financial obligation um so I mean yeah there is that it is it’s about priorities um but yeah I mean I mean to be honest I don’t think I could name three separate things I would just refer back to to you I would refer you back to what I said just now I [ __ ] love smoking I [ __ ] love smoking brilliant I just love smoking I adore it I could sit and do it all day and I hope someday soon when I have the money I probably will anyway what are your top three EV I mean I I I would say one’s got to be similar to you not necessar the chemical but the the sensation of actually you know deliberately breathing in holding Shing the taste and then slowly exhaling and enjoying the The Taste on the exhale it’s it feels like I’m eating food it’s like a meal it’s sustenance my body’s telling me that that this is good and I should do it more I supp prpe Corona oh that’s a meal oh the Principe Brown yeah that’s a meal right there one of those one of those were a big Stout cup of tea can’t beat it I mean number two the I think maybe the the technical parts of it getting to know how all the little different intricate bits of pipe smoking how how a Peterson system pipe is different from a normal pipe and different ways of stacking or you know do you use plugs or rolls or shag or is it more thine cut it’s ah yeah I could sit and Fascinate about those things all day uh I don’t know I’ll see if I can force a myself may I quickly inter seed and do a a quick blast against cigar wankery yeah sure and I’m not I’m not talking about the people paying like you know hundreds of quid for a you know a sort of meme premium cigar though that is bad I’m talking about like there’s a certain subculture where people get into people want to start smoking cigars so they kind of they think well it’s you know it’s a special thing there’s an art to it so they look up all these different rules about you know you have to do this you have to do that you know never smoke more than this and you you know I I hate this compulsion of people who refuse to smoke the last third or if you’re a real Swiss wanker the last half I mean it’s just I mean it’s [ __ ] Zeno davidor for that that specifically smoke first to third the man knew about cigars but that’s just being a complete [ __ ] and it’s not it’s not it’s not Elite it’s just being a [ __ ] nvo re boura wanker I mean don’t do it just I mean I I was I was recently sat with a bunch of um like very spury but like you know Bas but spury Young Americans who took their cigar autism far too seriously and I was just like I I got to the very [ __ ] end of this gorgeous um huge Romeo Julieta Churchill which have only just recently been reintroduced in Britain um and and I was right at the end of it just [ __ ] loving it and one of them went oh you smoke you smoked past the third and I just I literally turned and just went I [ __ ] love smoking I’m not just going to stop if it’s still I’m just going to quit thir it I know I me yes there there are some cigars you know both cheap and expensive where past a certain point towards towards kind of where the rapper not the rapper sorry where the where the the brand label is they do get a bit rough you know they’re not really pleasurable anymore but I mean when it’s something that good I’m not just going to Chuck it away so I can look more learned you know to I hate that [ __ ] I don’t know I think there’s a there’s almost a tendency with it like some other subjects for people to want to one up one another I recently introduced one of my friends yeah it’s like wine or coffee wanker yeah to to Cigars sort of a couple of months ago and he’s kind of working his way in and he’s try he’s dabbling and trying different things and he’s found a few that he likes regularly and blah blah blah but we’re sitting on Friday and I as I normally always do I always peel all the cardboard wrappers off for a start the last thing I want to be doing when I’m smoking my cigar is get halfway down and realize that the outer skin is going to come off with a yeah yeah with a cardboard wopper I’m just very unhappy but I take it off and he’s oh well you know that’s there so you don’t stain your fingers it’s like do you think I really care yeah J B I’m going to smoke this you know decent size robusto cigar for the next hour outside the back of this Pub is like a big six foot tall [ __ ] with a shiny pair of boots on do you think I care about some nicotine stains on my fingers no I do not yes Louis sha M out there the 5 P thank you says I smoked the cigar all the way to theth or as close um as I can uh only look up how to smoke um correctly uh with the inhale and so on uh yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s really don’t inhale it got to look how you got to you got to learn how to smoke a cigar but really beyond that the wankery none of it worth anything really smoke them how you want that’s your cigar smoke them if you got them smoke them yeah exactly I think and never it’s it’s it’s like reading a book sorry to interrupt but yeah never ever smoke a cigar just to look cool or because you think it will make you look good smoke it because it’s pleasurable smoke it because you love it you know just that should be your motivation if if there are some people who smoking just genuinely doesn’t appeal to and if that’s you don’t don’t do it for the because you see some people who smoke and you can tell they don’t really like it like they’ll leave the cigar without saying anything at like the halfway point but it it isn’t like a wankery thing it’s just genuinely you can you can tell they can’t do it they just can’t you know just smoke cuz you like it or don’t smoke there’s no other reason to exactly exactly I think the only other thing yeah I think the only other thing that’s not been mentioned about why I like smoking is that people don’t like it these days if you like smoke in public people like judge you yes it pisses off Tony BL but also people think cuz less people smoke visibly as well so if you smoking outside I remember when I went to site and I just there was a little micro brunix door so I I got some of those were rotten but I got some little uh some little hamlets um that weren’t kept very well and I just had a quite a nice P of stout after work and a and a little cigarillo and people walking past either judging me or being like giving me the God I wish that was me face because I had a cigarillo and a pint on the go which is which is always very funny um apart from that I’ll just close out and say uh Panama Hat do you have anything to shill we’ve got your links down below but uh nothing to sh I think people know where my channel is um my Twitter and everything um nothing really to report at the minute but um do keep watching I I do have a cofi if people fancy buying a cigar I mean I wouldn’t recommend it prob going to it’s going to cost way too much but but if if if anyone is kind enough to do that then I would appreciate it or just a cup of coffee or whatever but yeah yeah there such bollocks about the stains thank you there AA um all I will say is that yes we’ve we had our donation our donation stuff’s down below the substack helps us out the Kofi helps us out Super Chat super all that stuff all super thanks help us out interact with the video I know it’s kind of YouTube game playing but you know do actually like comment if you want to um it does it’s the one of the few things you can actually do uh that doesn’t cost anything so yeah I I i’ just say interact with it give us some Alor rhythms this has been of a quiet stream I always suspected it would be being a a niche interest as it will yes but we we don’t care about views because do you know what we like smoking and [ __ ] you yes we we do love the smoking anyway thank you thank you for joining us we won’t make this is too much longer uh because like to have more brevity and quite honestly uh I out of things to talk about I think we’ve done quite a nice little round my head is fill of flame and I am of no use to anyone okay guys I guess that’s all that’s left for me to do is play the outro music and say good night smoking is cool good night everyone it’s been wonderful to be here [Music]


    1. The talk you had on @AcademicAgent was something else, when u talk to hi IQ good men it brings the best out of everyone. A very insightful back and fore.

    2. You alluded to tobacco being fine and that it is chemicals being put on during the mass production process that cause cancer. Where did you find this information because that would be interesting to read.

    3. I remember my mother talking about her grandmother or great grandmother that did snuff. Apparently she always had a handkerchief up her sleeve because the snuff would case her to have a runny nose. Apparently the hanky was smeared with blackish stains as a result. I'm not sure about snuff. I think I'll stick to my pipe and my lovely lovely rollies😋

    4. I remember when I first met my wife and because of our budget I gave up roll ups so she could have her 24 Royals. After a few years I said to her we have to start smoking roll ups because ciggeretes are no longer in our price range. Well I felt like I hadn't had a real good nicotine hit in those few years I was smoking Tailored cigarettes like Royals. I always used to like cigarettes as a treat and would get them when I would go to the snooker club so didn't waste time as you pay for the table per hour. My steady smoke was always roll up mostly golden Virginia back then. Thing is since then with my wife smoking roll ups, she now doesn't like cigarettes and prefers roll ups.

    5. Personally I can't stsnd smoking. You wanna smoke, go ahead, miles away from me. If you're near me and wanna smoke, okay but then you accept paying any medical subscriptions and treatment I need due to secondhsnd smoke, that's the deal. You are directly effecting my health so.I'll directly effect your finances, it's only fair.

    6. Did you know that smoking actually improves your eyesight? It also, improves the eyesight of everyone around you… because it makes you look cooler.

    7. My personal favorite cigar right now is the powstanie broadleaf. Out where I live they run about $10 per right now.

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