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    00:00 NTD News Today—4/29/2024
    00:58 Kirby: Israel Will Hold on Rafah to Hear U.S. Concerns
    03:23 Ceasefire and Hostage Talks at a Turning Point?
    08:31 Pro-Palestine and Pro-Israel Protesters Clash at UCLA
    11:05 Twisters Slam Midwest, 5 Dead Including Baby
    17:55 Eric Trump Praises Dad for Juggling Court, Campaigning
    18:56 Biden Jabs Trump at White House Correspondents’ Dinner
    20:47 Anti-Israel Protest at White House Correspondents’ Dinner
    21:39 Biden Wins Democratic Primary in Puerto Rico
    22:14 Biden’s Approval Rating Lowest Among Past 10 Presidents
    23:03 Gov. Hochul Wants Upstate da Investigated
    23:51 Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Testify Before Congress
    24:47 Emergency Slide Falls Off Delta Plane After Takeoff
    29:37 Report: Putin Likely Didn’t Order Navalny’s Death
    30:22 Moscow May Seize Private U.S. Assets in Russia
    31:00 Report: EU to Probe Meta Over Handling Disinfo
    31:22 Coup Suspects Go on Trial in Germany
    32:05 Spain: Prime Minister Sanchez Says He Will Not Resign
    32:33 Georgia Protesters Rally Against ‘Foreign Agent’ Bill
    33:05 CCP Military Near Taiwan After Blinken Leaves Beijing
    28. How the ‘Bengaluru Dream’ Turned Into a Nightmare
    33:45 Floods Kill Dozens in Kenya After Dam Bursts
    38:43 Plantable Cutlery: Spoons Turn Into Veggies
    40:34 4 Essential Factors for Good Health
    42:56 Berlin Veterinarian Has a Heart for Racoons
    45:18 Tornado Hinders Wedding, but Couple Doesn’t Quit
    58:02 U.S. Team Aims to Counter China’s Coercive Tactics
    58:48 FBI: U.S. Critical Infrastructure at Risk From CCP
    1:04:13 Ga: Cyberattack Cuts Link to Voter Registration System
    1:29:56 Japanese Yen Briefly Plummets to 160 Against US Dollar
    1:32:29 Growing Solar Capacity Putting Us Farmland at Risk
    1:34:00 Elon Musk Visits China to Talk Self-Driving Tech
    1:35:20 IRS: 140K Taxpayers Used New Pilot Direct File System
    1:36:02 FL: Protesters March Against Law Banning Worker Heat Break
    1:37:36 Congress Hashes Out Details for Five-Year FAA Funding Deal
    1:42:55 Video: Parts of China Hit With Extreme Weather
    1:43:53 How the ‘Bengaluru Dream’ Turned Into a Nightmare
    1:46:15 Students Suffer in the Philippines’ Scorching Heat
    1:56:41 Scotus Rejects Peter Navarro’s Request To Leave Prison
    2:02:53 Democrats To Contest All 28 Congressional Districts In Florida
    2:04:57 Mcconnell Wants To Combat ‘Isolationism’ In Gop
    2:10:08 Gaza Ceasefire Talks Underway In Egypt
    2:12:22 Gop Representative: Ban Foreign Flags From House Sessions
    2:17:33 Scotus Declines To Hear Musk Sec Settlement Challenge
    2:18:26 Feds Investigate Ford’s Hands Free Driving Tech
    2:25:17 US, Philippines Drill Navy In South China Sea
    2:38:22 Shen Yun Revels ‘Message Of Divinity’

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    his trip in the Middle East dramatic scenes across the Midwest as powerful tornadoes wreak havoc and uproot lives at least five people were killed including a baby we have the footage of the aftermath a New York’s Governor wants a district attorney investigated for refusing a traffic stop Governor says the da undermined her ability to hold others accountable and a veterinarian in Berlin has a heart for the city’s growing raccoon population but her plan for rescuing them isn’t popular with [Music] everyone this is NTD news today live from our NTD Global headquarters here are Stephania Cox and Chris beers the US says Israel won’t in Rafa without further discussion the US is hoping for a temporary 6- we ceasefire hostage and ceasefire talks are currently underway in Egypt a Hamas delegation is expected in Cairo today President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu reviewed the ongoing talks in a call yesterday the White House says Biden also talked about getting more Aid into Gaza and reaffirmed his commitment to Israel’s security meanwhile Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is expanding his trip to the Middle East he’s visiting Saudi Arabia Israel and Jordan this week the state department says blinkin will emphasize two issues stopping the Israel Hamas war from spreading and creating a pathway to an independent Palestinian State this comes after Hamas released a video of another American hostage over the weekend the terrorist group is still holding around 130 hostages Israel believes around 100 are still alive entity’s Jeremy Samberg has the latest on the Israel MOS War the White House says President Biden and Israel’s prime minister reviewed ongoing hostage ceasefire talks on Sunday Biden also reaffirmed ironcloud commitment to Israel and reiterated his position on Rafa NSC adviser John Kirby says Israel will not launch a military offensive where over 1 million people are Sheltering until hearing us thoughts and concerns the Biden Administration says it wants to see a clear and actionable plan on protecting civilians Kirby told ABC on Sunday the US needs to have a better understanding into Israel potential approach Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is extending his trip to the Middle East this week until Wednesday to discuss hostage and ceasefire talks with leaders blinkin will head to Jordan and Israel after visiting Saudi Arabia negotiations have been stalled for months under mediation by Egypt and Qatar the terrorist group Hamas released another video of an American Israeli hostage over the weekend Keith seagull appears alongside another hostage for the first time since his kidnapping on October 7th the two men appear to be speaking under duress pleading for Israel to negotiate a deal Israel has condemned hostage videos as psychological terrorism protesters in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem called for a hostage release deal on Saturday police say at least seven people were arrested some gathered near netanyahu’s private home calling for new elections a Hamas delegation is expected for talks in Cairo Monday Jeremy Sandberg NTD [Music] news the food charity World Central Kitchen says it will resume operations in Gaza today this comes four weeks and after an Israeli military strike killed wck Aid workers in the Gaza Strip and joining us to discuss the phone call between Biden and Netanyahu is and more is Gerard fi senior and civil and human rights attorney and Senior counsel at the lawfare project and political strategist Gerard welcome and to begin with could this conversation do you think Mark a turning point I think this conversation is marking a turning point in to some extent Biden is tempering his rhetoric when it comes to Israel defending itself I think the United States has come to see that Israel does have a pressing need to eliminate the last Hamas stronghold in Rafa and the discussion is now Center on how Israel will achieve that objective not whether it will do so so this marks a subtle change in American policy perspective from the last few weeks where the Biden Administration was previously completely opposed to a grand invasion of Rafa and now they’re discussing with Netanyahu the terms under which this will happen so as a human rights attorney how do you see the negotiations with Hamas for hostages you know they are terrorists what do you think will get them back it it’s very hard to say what will get them back other than concerted military effort to liberate them we’ve seen this crisis drag on for nearly eight months now without any end in sight Hamas has been playing games with kidnapped hostages they have not released all of them in violation of international law even now they’ve rejected a very generous offer by the Israeli government to to exchange hostages in exchange for a prolonged period of of non-conflict and the release of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails Hamas is essentially using these hostages as a bargaining chip to bring World opinion against Israel for its continued efforts in Gaza and Hamas is not likely to give up these hostages because it has no reason to do so now I just want to look at this issue like within the US of course anti-israel protests are continuing and even ramping up on college campuses across the US in your view how are these schools doing and upholding the civil rights of students and what legal protections exist for both protesters and you know Jewish students on campus these schools are categorically failing not just their Jewish students but all of their students they’re failing to uphold their policies and rules about protests and demonstrations they’re not doing anything about the continued harassment targeting discrimination and violence against Jewish and other students this is violating these students civil rights which is actionable in a court of law this can result in the US government cutting funding to these schools but more importantly this is spreading the conflict beyond the campus we have seen physical attacks outside of Campus we’ve seen an ex escalation and rhetoric and violence outside of Campus by these pramas demonstrators and the failure of these universities to do anything about it is just creating a system where the campus space is occupied by terrorist supporters and everyone else whether it’s Jewish other minority students or American students have to coward and fear and avoid campus this is unacceptable these colleges have failed and action needs to be taken now and these impacts are broadening as you mentioned but looking even further abroad do you think that they could impact the negotiations somehow or the US’s stance in relation to Israel’s negotiations they absolutely do impact the negotiations and that Hamas sees what they perceive as support in the United States on college campuses they see that their strategy of being violent and and terrorist attacks terrorist aggression against civilians is working that they’re getting bu In from from students in America who should know better but don’t and that this is changing the calculus in America it’s creating Anarchy In America and Hamas sees no reason to deviate from its strategy of continuing to attack Israel to continue taking hostages to continue terrorism because they see the destabilization of the American democratic system by our failure to address what’s happening on college campuses in city streets and do you think that it could actually have an impact on the upcoming US election I I think the impact on the US election will be profound I think that many Democrats are dissatisfied that President Biden is not doing more for the Palestinians but many Americans Independents Republicans and even Democrats are disgusted by the lack of Law and Order and by the aggression that’s taking place targeting our students this will not bode well for the Biden Administration unless decisive action is taken to deal with this lawlessness okay and um just finally Gerard do you have any thoughts on this that you want to add for our viewers before we finish up I I I think that we all need to ask the government to step in and do what it means to do the law law enforcement needs to enforce the laws and stop these protests from escalating into violence and from infringing on the civil rights of Jewish students and all Americans and ultimately just like we did in the civil rights movement of 1950s and 60s the National Guard May well have to come out to preserve order and help the American people uphold all of our rights to be free from this violence all right Gerard feli civil and human rights attorney and Senior councel at the law fair project thank you so much thank you and we have more on the college protests across the country Pro Palestine and pro-israel demonstrators clashed on the campus of UCLA in Los Angeles yesterday here’s the story as the size of the pro Palestinian encampment at UCLA expanded in recent Days Counter protesters have become increasingly vocal and visible on the campus a university spokesperson said demonstrators knocked over a barrier used to separate the two groups leading to Violent clashes on Sunday members of both factions traded punches and shouted slogans until campus police eventually separated them Los Angeles police were not involved in quelling the disturbance a representative of the campus police said and no arrests were made UCLA said the demonstrations involved at least some people from outside the university in a statement the University Administration said quote UCLA has a long history of being a place of peaceful protest and we are heartbroken about the violence that broke out Los Angeles mayor Karen bass spoke to the media on Sunday well I mean as mayor people have the right uh to for Free Speech but you know hate speech uh anti-Semitism all of that is just is unacceptable all students on the campus need to feel safe in the past two weeks anti-israel protest has spread to college campuses across the US they were triggered in part by the mass arrest of over a 100 People at Columbia University in New York over a week ago in the nation’s capit anti-israel protesters spent a fourth day demonstrating at George Washington University demonstrators there have built an encampment containing dozens of tents they say they do not plan to move until their demands are met they want the university to divest from any business that financially supports Israel the University of Southern California reported property damage by protesters Saturday administrators said demonstrators vandalized a statue in a fountain on campus they also report that protesters declined offers that the University City president May to meet with them officials at USC cancel their mainstage graduation they say there isn’t enough time to process guests with their new safety measures in place administrators of various schools have said the protest breaks school rules disrupt learning and have fostered harassment and anti-Semitism student leaders have acknowledged isolated incidents of anti-Semitism and harassment have occurred but they blame Outsiders who they say Seek to hijack their movement in St Louis presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested at a pro Palestine rally on Saturday she was at Washington University devastating weather in the midwest over the weekend at least five people died in Oklahoma including a four-month-old baby after dozens of Twisters swept the Southern Plains nd’s Daniel Monahan has more on the storms which also injured over a 100 people Oklahomans were left to pick up the pieces after Nature’s Fury was Unleashed on the tornado prone state up rooted trees were ripped out of the ground and launched into houses an eerie picture as a large truck can be seen lying unnaturally across a bed of vehicles a storm caused this house in Oklahoma to catch fire here a wall of one home is lying on the ground an unsettling image the now walless house rendered uninhabitable by The Tempest flooded streets in Oklahoma after massive storms hit the area left Vehicles stranded this gas station in Marietta was right in the path of a tornado a tractor trailer here is caught up in the power lines Oklahoma governor Kevin stit declared a disaster emergency for the state on Sunday President Biden offered the federal government’s support to help with the recovery efforts oh no communities in Nebraska and Iowa were left reeling after powerful storm struck on Friday a tornado plowed through Suburban Omaha de demolishing homes and businesses as it moved for Miles through farmland and into subdivisions residents are left to try to put things back together James stennis says they’re just taking it day by day you come upstairs um and see that you have no house emerging from the basement you know you’re home but you’re actually homeless but stennis says their faith will help them travel down the Hard Road Ahead a tornado also slammed into the Iowa town of Minden completely destroying over 40 homes storm warnings for high winds heavy rain and hail were in effect on Sunday for more than 47 million people stretching from East Texas North through Illinois and Wisconsin the National Weather Service reported 38 possible Twisters hit the area the worst of the storms rolled through central Oklahoma on Saturday into early Sunday morning spreading into Northwest Texas Western Missouri in Kansas the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management said area hospitals reported around 100 injuries Twisters destroyed or damaged dozens of structures including the hospital in the town of Marietta although no injuries were reported there more than 20,000 customers in the state remained without power as of Sunday evening Daniel Mahan NTD news coming up Eric Trump is taking issue with New York City accusing the Big Apple of focusing on getting his dad instead of fixing problems like crime and former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will testify before a house panel on the covid pandemic lawmakers want to know why nursing homes were advised to take in highly contagious patients more when we return a performance that truly matters for each and every one of us this is what you’ve been waiting for coming to Lincoln Center NJ Pack State Theater purchase and Stamford starting March 28th tickets at genuine.com [Music] one in five children worldwide are faced with the reality of living without food no family dinners no special treats not enough energy to play all around the world hunger is affecting children’s physical and mental health toddlers are suffering from acute malnutrition which stunts their growth kids are forced to drop out of school so they can help support their families conflict inflation and climate have ignited the worst famine In Our Lifetime and we are fed up fed up that hunger devours dreams fed up that hunger destroys Joy fed up with the fact that hunger eats childhood help us feed the futures of children all over the world by visiting getfed UPN now. org for as little as $10 a month you can join save the children as we support children and families in desperate need of our help now is the time to get fed up and give back when you join the cause your $10 monthly donation can help communities in need of life-saving treatments and nutrients prevent children from dropping out of school support our work with communities and governments to help children go from short-term surviving to long-term thriving and now thanks to special government grants every dollar you give can multiply up to 10 times the impact that means more food water medicine and help for kids around the world you’ll also receive a free tote bag to share your support for children in need having your childhood eaten Away by hunger is unimaginable get fed up call us now or visit getfed UPN now.org freedom is not free and neither is the truth in order to bring you the facts our reporters are out there on the front lines getting the true story some of them served 10 years of prison in China we’ve been censored on social media our Hong Kong printing offices were set on fire and we’ve been repeatedly attacked by the Chinese Communist party but no matter what we believe that you deserve the truth and so we continue to bring the truth to light head on over to getepic.com and try honor journalism that is based in truth and tradition we’d love to have you on board join us on NTD good morning because we want you to stay informed Kickstart your morning with a latest you missed overnight right and don’t forget that inspiration absolutely so let’s shine some light on the good news too tune in every weekday morning to NTD [Music] news Eric Trump son of former president Trump praised his father’s ability to manage legal battles alongside election campaign events yesterday the former first son speaking in a Fox news interview also criticized Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg for focusing on his father amid what he sees as troubles with crime in the Big Apple New York is falling right you have homelessness through the roof you have women being pushed in front of trains you have cops that are being assassinated assassinated in their squad cars you have little kids that are being shot in Time Square and they’re going after a guy for $130,000 payment last week Trump was busy with the so-called hush money trial which is set to resume tomorrow with more witness testimony Eric Trump was asked about his father’s busy schedule and whether he’d have time to campaign with his multiple legal battles the former first son praised his father’s stamina calling him a remarkable human being who he loves to death and is proud of and President Biden hosted journalist at the ual White House correspondent dinner Saturday night where he took swipes at his rival former president Trump outside the event Pro Palestine demonstrators greeted guests with chance accusing Biden of being complicit in genocide nd’s Jeremy Samberg has more Joe Biden President Biden used humor to alleviate concerns about his age at the White House correspondence dinner Saturday night it’s been a year since I delivered this speech and my wife Jill was with me tonight was worried how I do I told her don’t worry just like riding a bike she that’s what I’m worried about Biden is on course to face former president Trump once again this November polls show one of Voters top worries is Biden’s age the 81-year-old is the oldest president in US history Biden brushed off these concerns calling Trump immature in comparison and yes age is an issue I’m a grown man running against a six-year-old Trump reacted on Truth social by calling President Biden crooked Joe and saying the event was quote an absolute disaster Biden’s tone changed when speaking about what’s at stake in this year’s election he highlighted the role of the press at a time he said is rif with sensationalism I’m sincerely not asking of you to take sides but I’m asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment move past the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments and the distractions the sides shows Biden also mentioned Russian President Vladimir Putin urging him to release American journalist Deon gershkovich who has been imprisoned in Russia for over a year the event was hosted by Saturday Night Live cast member Colin Jo he poked fun at the attendees including correspondents from The New York Times and Fox News several celebrities including actresses Scarlett Johansson and Rachel Brosnahan and rapper quo were also in attendance but outside the Hilton Hotel the scene was far from light-hearted hundreds of demonstrators held banners en chanted both the journalists killed in Gaza they encouraged journalists to boycott the event and shouted down Administration officials as they entered every time the media lies every time the media lies guys that die Biden avoided the large protest at the front of the hotel by arriving through a back entrance where he was greeted by smaller groups of protesters calling for a ceasefire Biden’s campaign has been plagued by protests against his support of Israel a high-profile fundraiser in New York’s Radio City Music Hall in March was disrupted by protesters along with his State of the Union Address the White House Correspondents Association was founded in 1914 and has held a dinner nearly every year since 1921 to celebrate the reporters who cover the presidency Jeremy Samberg andd news President Biden won the Democratic presidential primary in Puerto Rico yesterday Puerto Rico’s Democrats also chose some of their delegates for the Democratic Convention that will be held in Chicago in August Puerto Rico one was was authorized to open only a dozen voting centers this year compared to the hundred in Pre years that’s due to new rules by a federal control board that oversees the Island’s finances Puerto Ricans don’t vote in the general election but campaigns are still active on the island since many Puerto Ricans have friends and family in the 50 states and Biden’s job approval rating for the 13th quarter of his presidency is the lowest of his term right now it’s also the worst among all presidents in modern history according to a recent Gallop poll Biden averaged 38.7% job approval from January 20th to April TW April 19th at the same point in his presidency former president Trump had an approval rating of 46.8% and former president Barack Obama was close behind at 45.9% the previous lowest rating before President Biden was President George W HW Bush at 41.8% presidents with 13th quarter approval averages below 50% mostly lose their re-election bids with Obama being the exception New York Governor Kathy hokel is asking foreign investigation into an Upstate district attorney who refused A traffic stop last week hokel yesterday said she referred Monroe County DA Sandra dorly to the commission on prosecutorial conduct that’s after dly pleaded guilty to speeding and police body cam of the interaction was released Governor hokel says d undermined her ability to as a DA to hold others accountable for violating the law hok says the footage shows dly trying to evade responsibility in claiming to be above the law she also said the da acted unprofessionally toward the police officer this comes after the Rochester city council asked attorney general Leticia James to investigate durly on Saturday in Co pandemic management coming to light years later former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has agreed to testify before for congress chairman of the subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic Brad wstr says the transcribed interview will take place June 11th when Str says lawmakers want to ask Cuomo about his administration’s March 2020 advisory it barred nursing homes from rejecting patients on the basis of a covid-19 diagnosis the congressman says he’s trying to learn why someone would go against medical common sense and put someone highly contagious among the most vulnerable cu insisted The Advisory was consistent with guidance from the CDC and the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services wiri sent to subpoena to Cuomo early last month he says the the panel will also hear from Cuomo’s former secretary and the former commissioner of the New York State Department of Health and get this another Boeing jet mishap the emergency exit slide fell off a Boeing 767 aircraft operated by Delta Airlines the incident happened after the plane took off from New York on route to Los Angeles on Friday about 180 people were on board the flight the the crew declared an emergency and returned to JFK International Airport Delta says the Boeing jet has been removed from service and will be thoroughly evaluated the incident is under investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration Delta said it will cooperate Boeing has been under scrutiny since January when the door plug of a commercial Boeing 737 Max 9 broke off mid-flight coming up Russian President Vladimir pu Putin reportedly didn’t order the death of opposition leader Alexi naali what the new report says and how naali rallies allies respond and hundreds of weapons ammunitions loads of cash and more nine men are on trial for allegedly planning a violent coup against the German government we’ll have the details soon when we return [Music] hi I’m Susan Luchi you may know me from my many years on television I never thought about heart disease until I had my own heart event I felt this slight pressure on my chest just slight I thought oh it’s nothing it’ll go away I didn’t get it I did not get it a few days later while shopping at a boutique that pressure returned much stronger it felt like an elephant pressing on my chest I had a 90% blockage in my main artery and a 75% blockage in the adjacent artery I was rushed into surgery where I received two stance in my arteries Sten developed through research funded by the American Heart Association those stents saved my life that’s why I’m in front of you today asking you to join me in supporting the American Heart Association by becoming a 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roasted coffee home to North America’s first enzyme fermented coffee we Source a wide selection of specialty GR gr coffee beans from around the world and our Baristas are ready to craft your customized [Music] Brew visit DA’s coffee at 28 North Street Middletown New York come experience a Bru like no [Music] other life doesn’t always give you time to change the outcome pre-diabetes does with early diagnosis pre-diabetes can be reversed first take the one minute pre-diabetes risk test today go to do ihav prediabetes.org hi I’m Kelly Wright we thank you for joining us and watching America’s hope here on NTD news bottom line is I know you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired but let’s give you some good news in the midst of the bad news watch us nightly right here on ND news for a full dose of America’s hope [Music] new information about the death of Russian opposition leader Alexi naali a report now says that President Vladimir Putin didn’t directly order nal’s death a senior us intelligence official shared the new information with the Wall Street Journal the reported sessment doesn’t clear Putin of all wrongdoing but it says Putin probably didn’t order it at that exact time some still believe the Kremlin planned the alleged killing a longtime nval the Ally told the journal that he thinks the idea of Putin not being involved in nal’s death is ridiculous naly died in a penal colony north of the Arctic Circle in February he was detained after returning from Exile in Germany the Kremlin allegedly tried killing Nali while he was abroad and staying in Europe we have some short headlines from Germany Spain and other countries the Kremlin might sees the assets of US citizens and investors in Russia that’s if the US confiscates Russian currency reserves Frozen in the west a Russian security official says the country would retaliate by seizing Americans properties cash and more adding Russia could change laws to allow it this comes after the US House of Representatives passed a bill to confiscate Russian assets in American Banks and transfer them to Ukraine the Kremlin argues this would be illegal and trigger a response the European Union is expected to open a probe into Facebook and Instagram that’s over concerns that meta isn’t countering disinformation from foreign actors like Russia the financial times reports that the main concern is political advertising which could hurt the electoral process meta responded that they have a wellestablished process for identifying and mitigating risks nine men are on trial in Germany today they’re charged with high treason attempted murder and plotting a violent Cuda the men allegedly wanted to install an aristocrat as national leader and impose martial law prosecutors say that the suspect’s planning in stocks of firearms and cash show they were a real danger the nine men stored half a million dollar in cash almost 400 guns over 300 bladed weapons and more one of them allegedly shot and seriously injured a police officer while resisting arrest the suspects are members of a group called citizens of the right they do not recognize modern-day Germany as a legitimate State the group’s leadership will appear in court next month Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez said today he will not resign the announcement comes five days after he canel public duties to reflect on whether to continue in the job that followed the news that a court opened a probe into allegations of influencing influence petting pedaling and Corruption by his wife Sanchez has insisted his wife is innocent he made the announcement in a nationally televised address and the prime minister’s compound in Madrid and in the country of Georgia thousands of people protested on Sunday they’re against a draft of a law on foreign agents the country’s opposition says the law is authoritarian and Russian inspired the law would require some media organizations who receive funding from abroad to register as foreign agents Russia uses similar legislation to stigmatize Independent Media who are at odds with the Kremlin Georgia’s president is against the bill and is expected to veto it but the ruling party can override The veto if they collect enough votes Taiwan reported more Chinese military near the island over the weekend that came just a day after Secretary of State Anthony blinkin ended his visit to China taiwan’s defense Ministry says it detected 22 Chinese aircraft including fighter jets on Saturday the defense Ministry said 12 aircraft crossed taiwan’s North and Cent median line the median line has served as an unofficial border but the Chinese regime says it doesn’t recognize it the CCP now regularly sends aircraft over that line Lincoln while in Beijing said he stressed the critical importance of maintaining peace and stability across the street turning now to deadly flooding in Kenya at least 42 people were killed after a damn burst early this morning police say the death toll could rise here’s that story earlier on Monday the Kenya r cross said it had taken several people to a health facility in mahu due to flash flooding the latest deaths bring the total number to have died amid heavy rains and flooding since last month to more than 140 government figures show that more than 185,000 have been displaced dozens more have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced by intense downpours in other East African countries including Tanzania and Bundi the floods have also caused widespread damage to infrastructure such as roads and bridges a Kenyon government spokesperson said hydroelectric dams were filled to capacity which could lead to a massive overflow Downstream on Monday the education Ministry postponed the start of a new school term by a week East Africa was also hit by record floods during the last rainy season in late 2023 coming up Cutlery that can grow vegetables instead of ending up in the trash find out just how these recyclable spoons and forks work and a tornado ripped through Nebraska knocking out power but one couple didn’t let that stop their wedding he their story after the break genune Creations the streaming platform from shenyun featuring worldclass dance past programs and all original [Music] music master classes behind the scenes comedy and more explore Shen yunc creations.com I’m Jonathan Lawson if you’re 50 to 85 I have an important message about security write down the number on your screen so you can call when I finish the lock I want to talk to you about isn’t the one on your door this is a lock for your life insurance a rate lock that guarantees that once you’re insured your rate can never go up at any time for any reason but be careful many policies you see do not have one but you can get a lifetime rate lock from Colonial pen call this number to learn more this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want life insurance that fits their budget and is simple to get coverage options start at $9.95 a month 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history there more than 1100 arrests I sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the American people those involved must be held accountable he’s an innocent man it’s going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is I’m Irish to at the White House and we are [Music] ND imagine if the fork you were eating off of could later turn into a carrot itself That’s The Surreal idea behind a Dubai based startup here’s how it works this spoon can be planted and could one day blossom into an herb or vegetable that’s because it’s not made from plastic but wheat straw and has seeds nestled inside its creator says the concept is a way to combat single-use Plastics and promote a sustainable habit duby based Bloom spoon is behind the plantable cutlery and then within um 10 to 20 days you’ll be having Sprouts Mustafa katab is the startup’s founder and managing director our main consumers are the and the cafes uh for the delivery services and the takeaways and instead of just giving them uh normal plastic Cutlery that will just end up in a landfill or maybe like a normal sustainable alternative but we would like also to promote a sustainable habit or an eco-friendly Behavior like planting so I want them to be engaged or make it more interactive The Cutlery is reusable for up to 5 years katab says when it comes time to plant either the entire utensil can be tossed in soil oil or just the grains in the tip in there it’s a concept that aligns with the ethos of low restaurant in Dubai says manager Zachary Roy and it’s not necessarily just recycling it’s about reusing everything and making sure that little things that lead to food waste whether it be the actual food waste or the items that we use uh we just better ourselves and better it along the way as we go we’ve got Mandarin we’ve got oine we’ve got chilies and now I’m going to be happy to put bloom spone in and get some basil some more mints some chili some chives I think it’s fantastic waiting through Health advice isn’t easy fortunately today we have Gina Marie to break down four essential factors that impact your long-term Health here’s strong mind and [Music] body a preventative health mindset can keep minor issues from becoming chronic health problems paying attention to the following four healthy practi es can majorly affect your long-term Health let’s start with number one hydration dehydration occurs when we use more body fluids than we take in our bodies are then able to carry out normal functions dehydration can lead to many different problems including decreased kidney function and kidney damage skin problems infections increase severity of arthritis decreased motivation and decreased overall living skills keep water handy at all times and even treat it like a prescription to ensure adequate consumption number two posture one issue is kyphosis or the forward rounding or curvature of the upper back muscular weakness and bad posture habits are common causes forward head postures can cause stiff muscles and back pain which could even require surgery exercises designed to strengthen postural muscles can help to prevent it number three on the list sleep good sleep is essential but millions of people don’t get enough of it technology is ruining the Sleep patterns of many especially children going without enough sleep contributes to Chronic health problems including high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes metabolic syndrome kidney disease heart disease stroke obesity color cancer and depression and finally number four stress chronic stress is a killer it can raise blood pressure and Trigger strokes and heart attacks it can undermine our base metabolism and overa activate the sympathetic nervous system to get a handle on stress consider counseling exercise and movement breathing outings practicing gratitude and workplace Employee Assistance programs take time to identify the causes of your stress and determine a course of action to deal with it on our next episode of strong mind and body we will look at four more ways to strengthen your health remember prevention is better than cure another unusual story a veterinarian in Berlin has a big heart for raccoons her nonprofit company has launched a pilot program to help control Berlin’s growing raccoon population veterinarians in Berlin are often the first point of contact for police and fire departments when it comes to caring for injured or orphaned animals Matilda Lininger’s raccoon friendly project is backed by the Berlin Senate the habitat she provides is usually necessary for the raccoon survival the raccoons that end up with us are taken from nature without exception these are raccoons in need of help mostly puppies the youngest ones we have right now are 3 days old so we know the story of almost all of them the little ones that came just yesterday will lay in an incubator for 2 days we don’t know yet whether they will survive the mother had five puppies she carried three away and left two behind once the raccoons are deemed healthy they are neutered and released back into the wild as part of the project we are allowed to release the Neutered raccoons again and that is also important because we want to count whether the neutering is successful we want to count The Offspring and of course we can only do that if we let the raccoons out again she realizes her program may be controversial to some it’s always said that the raccoon polarizes that’s really true I don’t like hearing that but it’s really true on the one hand there are those who say this is an animal it has a right to life it is very very intelligent it is very capable of suffering we cannot kill it we brought it here we have to learn to live with it because we can’t get rid of it anyway we have to find options and there are others who say he doesn’t belong here and has to go the raccoon is a North American animal originally brought to Central Europe for fur farming they were initially kept on fur Farms but later reproduced in the wild due to factors like a lack of natural enemies and their adaptability they’ve also spread significantly in Germany lingers Association estimates there are over 1 million raccoons in Germany and raccoons in Germany have been officially named an invasive species they’re seen as a threat to the diversity of native species and may be hunted a Nebraska couple didn’t let a tornado cancel their wedding plans when a tornado tore through their town Saturday it left their venue without power but Jessica and Austin bracker decided to go ahead with their plans and move their entire setup indoors they said the guests all rolled with the punches and helped celebrate their special moment the couple said overall the day was perfect and they had a great time well for Around the Clock original news coverage visit us at ntd.com or download our NTD app stay with us and we’ll bring you more news in the next two hours what’s happened to this world we’re living in why for the four years he has been on this Earth he has known nothing but War Wherever I Go the things I see I just want to turn away the dreams I have the stories I could tell will they still be [Music] possible this year more than ever I need a brand new world a clean world [Music] where I can improve myself and be [Music] inspired my stage can be anywhere and everywhere but it begins here [Music] ganing World a brighter way of [Music] life it was spectacular so beautiful I I thought I was going to hell oh it was electric I’m getting chills talking about it it gets a 10 from me that’s for sure it was that good absolutely marvelous hands down the best show I’ve ever seen it’s emotional it’s captivating it’s visual every single bit of your senses is engaged oh my gosh it was a riot I didn’t expect to laugh so much and also be touched so much I was literally looking for something which was magical uplifting and it was way more than that the music was just so beautiful and it and it really lit up the room there’s nothing like live music the combination of the music and the dancing was at sometimes uplifting you know my toes are tapping and I want to get out of my seat but it was also very calming I think it’s magnificent it’s magnificent to see another part of Chinese culture that a lot of people don’t get to see and the stories are amazing the execution of the dance is amazing the flips the aerial movement it was amazing it wasn’t anything I’ve ever seen before absolutely absolutely Perfection I there wasn’t even one flaw I must say I’m so highly impressed with the level of the dancers their technique just all the concepts are absolutely wonderful the costumes they were works of art the way they used the costumes to create part of the image it was just absolutely mind-blowing I thought I was going to come to see some amazing dancing but I learned so much about the Chinese culture they’re actually telling you the story of their life of their culture of their history and bringing it full circle so that we could see and enjoy it there was an encouragement to go back to that divine nature and those Divine values this experience for me is transcendent it was a communication to the soul and the spirit and I cried I think the whole time cuz it was so amazing it was powerful and it is something that’s needed in today’s society people nowadays go to the doctors the psychiatrist for pills for anti-depressants this this is the anti-depressant the best I knew it was going to be good it’s a billion times better than I even thought it would be I’ve heard people say you don’t want to miss this and I would fully agree I’m going to tell everyone to come see it you have to definitely going to come back next year totally inspirational you have to go see this everyone needs to see this don’t miss it it’s a Once in a-lifetime must SE that will change their lives forever [Music] hey everyone it’s me Sebastian and it is a beautiful day today we have so much to be grateful for so just remember if you see someone without a smile give them one of yours I just love inspiring people to be the best they can be and the reason I’m able to inspire so many people is because people like you who inspired me with your support of shiners hospitals for children since I was little I I’ve broken a 100 bones and I’ve had 19 surgeries Shiner hospitals for children was with me every step of the way but more than that they’ve given me the confidence to know I can do whatever I set my mind to like right now I’ve set my mind to sharing my smile with you did you get it because of people like you I can play the violin I can play piano I can understand the help I get is only possible because of carrying people like you who pick up the phone and call the number on your screen to make your monthly gift and when you call or go online right now to donate $19 a month or more we’ll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of all the smiles you’re bringing to kids’ faces every day kids like me and me and me and me so what are you waiting for you can Inspire kids like me by visiting love shin.org after all you can’t help everyone but you can help someone so let’s go thank you thank you thank you for giving join me and bring a smile to the world with your monthly gift today please call now if operators are busy please call again or go to L shriners.org right away join me and bring a smell to the world when I drink it the first thing was it I feel the warmth in my in my tummy is kind of like gently radiating out you know a kind of a very comforting warm and it was really good actually I felt uh uh much better I did feel actually a effect and I find that it is actually better when I take it regularly it’s actually steamed and dried nine times and so it’s really the essence is really extracted then the second time I tried it really like on a empty stomach and just just two two teaspoon of it and over a few times and wow that was a big difference because suddenly I could feel why I was very good energized I didn’t have to eat I could work outside in the garden for a couple of hours and I still felt very well and I was impressed by that so I think it’s a good product [Music] [Music] oh [Music] welcome to NTD news today here are today’s top stories how close are we to lights out on us critical infrastructure FBI director Christopher Ray warns the Chinese Communist party is a threat to the systems we all rely on every day we’ll hear from a cyber security expert Israel delivers a ceasefire proposal to Hamas and here Secretary of State Anthony blinkin messaged to the terrorist group police arrest more protesters at anti-israel protests on college campuses find out more about the latest situation at Columbia University Democrats are feeling ambitious about their chances in Florida they’re going after all of Florida’s 28 congressional districts for the first time since 2018 more on their strategy Japan’s Yen sank to a 34-year low against the US dollar for a brief moment moment and officials are concerned about the negative effects of the weekend nd’s Don Ma has the details extreme weather batters China with hail and heavy snow over the weekend and the footage of Devastation left by a deadly tornado that hit a major city there [Music] this is NTD news today live from our NTD Global headquarters here are Stephania Cox and Chris beers we have more updates on the Israel Hamas War mediators are stepping up efforts to reach a ceasefire deal and a delegation from the Hamas terror group will visit Cairo today for talks Hamas has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily extraordinarily generous uh on the part of Israel and In This Moment the only thing standing between the people of Gaza and a ceasefire is Hamas they have to decide and they have to decide quickly uh so we’re we’re looking to that um and I’m hopeful that they will make the right decision Hamas negotiators are expected to deliver a response to the phased truth truth proposal Israel presented over the weekend Hamas will also discuss its own ceasefire proposal to mediators from Qatar and Egypt the US and allies are calling on Hamas to accept Israel’s proposal this comes as Anthony blinkin begins his Middle East trip with a meeting in Saudi Arabia today he will visit Jordan and Israel later Israel on the other hand is voicing concern over the international criminal court it says the court could be preparing arrest warrants for Israeli officials for alleged violations of international law Israel’s foreign minister said the country will not be deterred and will continue to fight and inside Gaza World Central Kitchen is resuming operations while the US and Jordan Air dropped another round of Aid standing up to the Chinese Communist Regime can have serious economic consequences for some countries but the US is providing guidance to Nations under pressure from China according to a Bloomberg report the report says it all started in 2021 when Beijing tried to retaliate against Lithuania which had just opened a diplomatic office with Taiwan Washington decided to intervene at that point it Formed an eight member team called the firm inside the state department now the group helps countries when China deploys economic and trade tactics to solve political disputes the report says since then countries across Asia Africa Latin America and Europe have requested advice on how to deal with or ready themselves for economic strains caused by China threats to us infrastructure FBI director Christopher Ray said last week that the Chinese Communist Party poses a broad an unrelenting threat to us Telecom energy and water infrastructure to help us understand the severity of his statements we’re joined by Casey Fleming CEO of Black Ops Partners good to have you Casey how serious were Ray’s remarks last week very serious you’ve never heard the FBI come out and make comments uh about security but Christopher Ray has been coming out for the past four years and the most recent comments are uh Code Red they’re level red at this point you’re talking about shutting down infrastructure to put fear into Americans and kill their ability to want to fight and defend their country so this is a wartime situation and people need to be aware of it can you say a little bit more about this risk I mean what how how are they targeting US national infrastructure they’re targeting water supply uh Wastewater Supply uh telecommunications you name it it’s uh entire infrastructure that we’re powered by our entire economy is powered by computers electricity and so on so your your electricity your water all that is uh is being targeted they’ve been in our networks for a very long period of time uh to engage at a time and place of their choosing not ours wow and and Casey what can be done uh both publicly and in the private sector to deal with this well number one we need a private and public partnership with companies most of our of our infrastructure is managed and driven by uh private companies they need to work with the federal government we all have to understand that the threat is absolutely real this is what World War II looks like it’s at the speed of technology and the stealth of unrestricted Warfare which is the CCP strategy so we have to have a whole of nation response to a whole of nation attack and it’s not just uh China Russia’s behind it they’re in partnership with Russia Iran North Korea and Pakistan is anything being done to facilitate this kind of partnership you’re talking about uh yes it’s it’s preliminary there is not a solid thread we’re on different pages from the private side and the public side uh it’s it’s got to be more of a governmental directive uh putting everybody on the same page it’s a call to action and it has not been a call to action up until this point how close are we to any kind of major Cyber attack on us infrastructure we’re already there they’re doing dry runs now with different parts of our infrastructure again it’s in conjunction with Russia and China uh and remember the China there’s only one China and it’s completely controlled by the CCP so again this is what war looks like uh I can’t tell you if it’s going to be next week or next month or within the next year but it’s coming it’s here and it’s here now now it seems like almost every story we do is somehow affected by artificial intelligence these days with the technology ramping up uh very quickly um how is artificial intelligence or is artificial intelligence at play in this cyber threat to our infrastructure 100% on the defensive side we’re using artificial intelligence and it gets better every day but on the offensive side the attack side it’s getting better every day as well so it’s very difficult to protect an infrastructure because all you need is one attack to get through and then you’re down so we have to protect against thousands of attacks and again one can take you down and Casey just in closing the DHS announced Friday it’s creating a uh a cross industry panel to deal with the hacking threats to us infrastructure like we’re talking about how is this panel shaping up so far in your opinion too little too late should have been done 10 years ago and we should have been much more prepared for where we are today and on top of that we’ve got to clean up our government our business and get everybody aligned on this wartime footing that the CCP has absolutely leveled on the rest of the world and what else would you recommend no foreign influence ban all types of foreign influence any type of monetary transactions any type of Technology you must assume that all technology from China is weaponized against the free world and it and uh uh it’s it could not be worse at this point I think as a country we’re waking up way too late which we always do in a wartime situation but we always rally and come back but every American needs to understand that this is very serious especially when Christopher Ray the director of the FBI comes out uh and says hey in his entire career he’s never seen all every Silo lit up and extremely active and at the level the red level and the the predominant one is the Chinese Communist party and the Chinese uh offensive measures that they’re taking against the us all right Casey Fleming CEO of Black Ops Partners good to have you back on the show have a great day you too thank you officials in one Georgia County are using laptops and cellular networks to connect to the state’s voter registration system that’s because last week a Cyber attack struck coffee County’s computer Network the hackers are not believed to have gotten into Georgia’s voter registration system but the county cut off its connection to it as a precaution for now officials are using backup systems that aren’t part of the network that was hacked investigators believe the incident was a ransomware attack Coffee County is a small mostly rural County in South uh southeastern Georgia with only 43,000 people devastating weather in the midwest over the weekend at least five people died including a four-month-old baby after dozens of Twisters swept the Southern Plains entities’s Daniel Monahan has more on the storms which also injured over a 100 people Oklahomans were left to pick up the pieces after Nature’s Fury was Unleashed on the tornado prone state uprooted trees were ripped out of the ground and launched into houses an eerie picture as a large truck can be seen lying unnaturally across a bed of vehicles a storm caused this house in Oklahoma to catch fire here a wall of one home is lying on the ground an unsettling image the now walless house rendered uninhabitable by The Tempest flooded streets in Oklahoma after massive storms hit the area left Vehicles stranded this gas station in Marietta was right in the path of a tornado a tractor trailer here is caught up in the power lines Oklahoma governor Kevin stick declared a disaster emergency for the state on Sunday President Biden offered the federal government’s support to help with the recovery efforts oh no communities in Nebraska and Iowa were left reeling after powerful storm struck on Friday a tornado plowed through Suburban Omaha demolishing homes and businesses as it moved for Miles through farmland and into subdivisions residents are left to try to put things back together James stennis says they’re just taking it day by day you come upstairs um and see that you have no house you from the basement you know you’re home but you’re actually homeless but stennis says their faith will help them travel down the Hard Road Ahead a tornado also slammed into the Iowa town of Minden completely destroying over 40 homes storm warnings for high winds heavy rain and hail were in effect on Sunday for more than 47 million people stretching from East Texas North through Illinois and Wisconsin the National Weather Service reported 38 possible Twisters hit the area the worst of the storms rolled through central Oklahoma on Saturday into early Sunday morning spreading into Northwest Texas Western Missouri and Kansas the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management said area hospitals reported around 100 injuries Twisters destroyed or damaged dozens of structures including the hospital in the town of Marietta although no injuries were reported there more than 20,000 customers in the state remained without power as of Sunday evening Daniel Monahan NTD news up next Senator Mitch McConnell talks about his priorities after stepping down as the leader of the Senate GOP what he says about isolation within the Republican party and a republican congresswoman introduces a resolution to prohibit foreign flags of any size during a house session more in just a moment here on NTD news today we are only 80 years removed from countries that killed 60 to 70 million people intentionally and we have people been like oh it can’t happen here yeah it can and it might these people they’re not interested in the facts they’re not interested in anything except Crush ing people that are in their way there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members a strong church can stop [Music] this the tempting online world is encroaching on our campus is unplugging cables and confiscating phones the solution to protect our children no we just need a clean multimedia platform join ganging campus to leverage premium channel features professional development courses and kindness event toolkits tailored for teachers build a truly positive and interactive classroom Community Foster a pure and delightful learning environment for children a performance that truly matters for each and every one of us this is what you’ve been waiting for coming to Lincoln Center NJ Pack State Theater purchase and Stamford starting March 28th tickets at genuine.com do you believe in Jesus Peter low the onetime drug dealer turned Pastor along with two others will be executed at 12 midnight time I thought this would be our final run ever we had made millions and millions of dollars but God had other plans we going to walk straight out of here pretend to be the media this pathetic maggot got caught tried to escape my prison he’s a changed person he’s a new man F I found Christ in here I found Christ too my name is Peter lone and I will be executed in two hours why am I being executed you [Music] ask salvation is a [Music] gift hi I’m Tim Chay the director and writer of the firing squad you can participate in our million Souls campaign inviting everyone you know to Jesus listen we all face some kind of firing squad in our lives and yet faith in the Lord that challenge can lead us to two peace in this insane world we can’t do it without you we’re competing with big Hollywood movies so we’re relying on your voice to spread the word thank you again for supporting this important movie join us on NTD good morning because we want you to stay informed kick start your morning with the latest you missed overnight right and don’t forget that inspiration absolutely so let shine some light on the good news too tune in every weekday morning to NTD [Music] news welcome back now to the anti-israel protests that are spreading across college campuses Across the Nation at Columbia University where the first encampment started the school says negotiations with protesters have stalled in a statement today Colombia asked student protesters to voluntarily disperse the school said it’s exploring alternative options to quote end this crisis as soon as possible the university also said it will hold the commencement and will not divest from Israel which is what protesters are demanding also today a group of 21 house Democrats wrote to Colombia’s Board of Trustees and demanded they disband the encampment or step down hundreds of anti-israel protesters have been arrested at college campuses across the US from UCLA to Virginia Tech the food charity World Central Kitchen says it will resume operations in Gaza today this comes four weeks after an Israeli military strike killed wck Aid workers in the Gaza Strip and joining us to discuss the phone call between Biden and Netanyahu is and more is Gerard F senior and civil and human rights attorney and Senior counsel at the law fair project and political strategist jard welcome and to begin with could this conversation do you think Mark a turning point I think this conversation is marking a turning point in to some extent Biden is tempering his rhetoric when it comes to Israel defending itself I think the United States has come to see that Israel does have a pressing need to eliminate the last Hamas stronghold in Rafa and the discussions now Center on how Israel will achieve that objective not whether it will do so so this marks a subtle change in American policy perspective from the last few weeks where the Biden Administration was previously completely opposed to a grand invasion of Rafa and now there discussing with Netanyahu the terms under which this will happen so as a human rights attorney how do you see the negotiations with Hamas for hostages you know they are terrorists what do you think will get them back it’s very hard to say what will get them back other than concerted military effort to liberate them we’ve seen this crisis drag on for nearly eight months now without any end in sight Hamas has been playing games with kidnapped hostages they have not released all of them in violation of international law even now they’ve rejected a very generous offer by the Israeli government to to exchange hostages in exchange for a prolonged period of of non-conflict and the release of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails Hamas is essentially using these hostages as a bargaining chip to bring World opinion against Israel for its continued efforts in Gaza and Hamas is not likely to give up these hostages because it has no reason to do so now I just want to look at this issue like within the US of course anti-israel protests are continuing and even ramping up on college campuses across the US in your view how are these schools doing and upholding the civil rights of students and what legal protections exist for both protesters and you know Jewish students on campus these schools are categorically failing not just their Jewish students but all of their students they’re failing to uphold their policies and rules about protests and demonstrations they’re not doing anything about the continued harassment Target in discrimination and violence against Jewish and other students this is violating these students civil rights which is actionable in a court of law this can result in the US government cutting funding to these schools but more importantly this is spreading the conflict beyond the campus we have seen physical attacks outside of Campus we’ve seen an ex escalation and rhetoric and violence outside of Campus by these pramas demonstrators and the failure of these universities to do anything about it is just creating a system where the campus space is occupied by terrorist supporters and everyone else whether it’s Jewish and other minority students or American students have to cower and fear and avoid campus this is unacceptable these colleges have failed and action needs to be taken now and these impacts are broadening as you mentioned but looking even further abroad do you think that they could impact the negotiations somehow or the US’s stance in relation to Israel’s negotiations they absolutely do impact the negotiations and that Hamas sees what they perceive as support in the United States on college campuses they see that their strategy of being violent and and terrorist attacks terrorist aggression against civilians is working that they’re getting by In from from students in America who should know better but don’t and that this is changing the calculus in America it’s creating Anarchy In America and Hamas sees no reason to deviate from its strategy of continuing to attack Israel to continue taking hostages to continue terrorism because they see the destabilization of the American democratic system by our failure to address what’s happening on college campuses in city streets and do you think that it could actually have an impact on the upcoming US election I I think the impact on the US election will be profound I think that many Democrats are dissatisfied that President Biden is not doing more for the Palestinians but many Americans Independents Republicans and even Democrats are disgusted by the lack of Law and Order and by the aggression that’s taking place targeting our students this will not bode well for the Biden Administration unless decisive action is taken to deal with this lawlessness okay and um just finally Gerard do you have any thoughts on this that you want to add for our viewers before we finish up I I think that we all need to ask the government to step in and do what it means to do the law law enforcement needs to enforce the laws and stop these protests from escalating into violence and from infringing on the civil rights of Jewish students and all Americans and ultimately just like we did in the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s the National Guard May well have to come out to preserve order and help the American people uphold all of rights to be free from this violence all right Gerard felii civil and human rights attorney and Senior council at the law fair project thank you so much thank you President Biden hosted journalists at the annual White House correspondent dinner Saturday night where he took swipes at his rival former president Trump outside the event Pro Palestine demonstrators greeted guests with chance accusing Biden of being complicit in genocide entities’s Jeremy Sandberg has more Joe Biden President Biden used humor to alleviate concerns about his age at the White House correspondence dinner Saturday night it’s been a year since I delivered this speech and my wife Jill was with me tonight was worried how I do I told her don’t worry just like riding a bike she said that’s what I’m worried about Biden is on course to face former president Trump once again this November polls show one of Voters top worries is Biden’s age the 81-year-old is the oldest president in US history Biden brushed off these concerns calling Trump immature and comparison and yes age is an issue I’m a grown man running against a six-year-old Trump reacted on Truth social by calling President Biden crooked Joe and saying the event was quote an absolute disaster Biden’s tone changed when speaking about what’s at stake in this year’s election he highlighted the role of the press at a time he said is rif with sensationalism I’m sincerely not asking of you to take sides but I’m asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment move past the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments and the distractions the sides shows Biden also mentioned Russian President Vladimir Putin urging him to release American journalist Evan gershkovich who has been imprisoned in Russia for over a year the event was hosted by Saturday Night Live cast member Colin Joost he poked fun at the attendees including correspondents from The New York Times and Fox News several celebrities including actresses Scarlett Johansson and Rachel Brosnahan and rapper quo were also in attendance but outside the Hilton Hotel the scene was far from light-hearted hundreds of demonstrators held banners en chanted about the journalists killed in Gaza they encouraged journalists to boycott the event and shouted down Administration officials as they entered every time the media Li children die Biden avoided the large protest at the front of the hotel by arriving through a back entrance where he was greeted by smaller groups of protesters calling for a ceasefire Biden’s campaign has been plagued by protests against his support of Israel a high-profile fundraiser in New York’s Radio City Music Hall in March was disrupted by protesters along with his State of the Union Address the White House correspondence Association was founded in 1914 and has held a dinner nearly every year since 1921 to celebrate the reporters who cover the presidency Jeremy Sandberg NTD news Eric Trump son of former president Trump appraised his father’s ability to manage legal battles alongside election campaign events yesterday the former first son speaking in a Fox news interview also criticized Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg for focusing on his father amid what he sees as troubles with crime in the Big Apple New York is falling right you have homelessness through the roof you have women being pushed in front of trains you have cops that are being assassinated assassinated in their squad cars you have little kids that are being shot in Time Square and they’re going after a guy for $130,000 payment last week Trump was busy with the so-called hush money trial which is set to resume tomorrow with more witness testimony Eric Trump was asked about his father’s busy schedule and whether he’d have time to campaign with his multiple legal battles the former first son praised his father’s stamina calling him a remarkable human being who he loves to death and is proud of and turning to the senate race Trump has endorsed a replacement for Utah senator Mitt Romney Riverton mayor Trent Stags on Saturday Trump called Stags 100% Maga Stags emerged as the winner of the Utah GOP convention this weekend he said in a post on X he was honored to have Trump’s endorsement Trump said he was endorsing Stags for his policies on job creation securing the border and protecting the Second Amendment Senator Romney announced last September that he isn’t seeking re-election this year stag said in may he intended to run for the seat Stags previously criticized Romney for voting to impeach Trump and the Florida Democratic party is contesting all of Florida’s 28 congressional districts for the first time since 2018 the state has become increasingly Republican over the last 25 years but the Biden Harris campaign believes Florida is in play the party launched a targeted candidate recruitment campaign earlier in April using Billboards and digital ads one of the Billboards says you’re already a leader run for office go to floridad dams.org Democrats face an uphill battle trying to compete in the Sunshine State Republicans currently have around 850,000 person advantage in voter registration and Democratic Congressman Jared moscowitz hinted at the possibility of running for governor in Florida in 2026 speaking on msnbc’s the weekend moscowitz previously served as director of Emergency Management under Governor Ronda santis he says that will help him appeal to a broad spectrum of Voters including Independents and Republicans mosit said his team will have to analyze the data and then make a decision Des santis won’t be eligible to run again due to the state’s term limits outgoing Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell plans to focus on isolationism within the Republican Party The Senator made the remarks while talking about foreign policy with NBC’s Meet the Press what is your message to the isolationists in the Republican Party that Ronald Reagan had it right you get peace through strength and I but say to the Democrats they’ve got a problem on the left so it’s not just us having kind of an isolationist discussion McConnell says the issue within the Democratic party is that some party members are being anti-semitic earlier this year the senator announced that he would step down as the Republican leader at the end of this Congress he says his main focus after that that will be to tackle isolationism he wants to bring his colleagues around to his way of thinking about foreign policy McConnell’s comments come after the Senate voted to pass a $95 billion foreign aid bill the bill passed after months of delays many House Republicans criticize the senate for allowing the bill to pass that’s because it doesn’t allocate any money to the southern border and one of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former president Trump has dropped his bid for a senate seat former representative Peter Meyer entered the Michigan Senate race a year ago on Friday he said that continuing his campaign would quote only increase the likelihood of a divisive primary Florida’s six-week abortion ban is set to take effect Wednesday the new law overrides the state’s current 15 week B this will likely affect thousands of women in and out of state seeking an abortion Florida has become a destination for abortion and the sou South since Row versus Wade was overturned in 2022 according to the state health agency so far this year more than 1300 people have traveled to Florida for an abortion there’s a possibility the law could be overturned in November an amendment to en ensure abortion access up to the point of viability is on the 2024 election ballot a republican congresswoman wants foreign Flags to be banned from house sessions the house sergeant-at-arms would be responsible to enforce the proposed ban Florida representative Kat kamak announced the introduced the bill arguing House business should be conducted beneath the American flag last week house Democrats and some GOP members waved Ukrainian Flags after the chamber passed a $95 billion F Aid package the proposed ban has two exceptions lapel pins and flags that are part of an exhibit during a speech or debate coming up workers March in Florida to protest against a new state law that baned local governments from requiring heat and water breaks for outdoor workers and House and Senate negotiators reach deal to boost air traffic controller Staffing and funding to avert close call incidents on runways the airline pilot retirement age will not go up we’ll have the details soon when we return my graduation was something I would never forget people like you and me sometimes may have doubts in your C but I feel that everything’s possible find free adult education classes near you at finish your diploma.org say goodbye to harsh bitter coffee and hello to a delicious smooth Brew with specialty quality beans expertly roasted inhouse you’ll taste the difference with every s fermented with a blend of 50 enzymes da coffee delivers a rich fruit like no other made with the highest grade specialty beans available you’re sure to taste the difference elevate your morning with days enzyme fermented [Music] coffee hi I’m Caleb and this is my story I was born with osteogenic imperfecta or R Bor disease I have broken my bones almost 200 times and I have had 11 surgeries but I do let that stop me I love to bike ride climb race and I’m learning how to stand and walk but I can only do all of this because of generous people like you and Shriners hospitals for children because of people like you Shriner’s hospitals for children has helped more than 1.3 million kids just like me regardless of their family’s ability to pay Shriner’s hospitals for children is only able to provide this worldclass lifechanging medical care because of the generous Gifts of people just like you because of you I can ride my bike I can play basketball because of people like you I can run [Applause] I can smile will you send your love to the rescue today when you go to love shriners.org right now and give just 63 cents a day you’re helping kids just like me like me like me when you give today we’ll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the love you gave to a kid just like me your gift no matter how small can help a child today this is you your moment to make a difference when you pick up your phone I know you have it right there and call to give your helping kids like me thank you thank you gracias thank you please call or go online now if operators are busy please call again or give right away at L shriners.org your gift makes a difference thank you for giving we’re in the nation’s capital asking the important questions so that you’re in the know join us daily Monday through Friday on the capital report on NTD [Music] [Music] news and joining us now as nd’s business matters host Don M to give us the latest updates from the tech and business World Don hey good to see you Chris as well of course Don ma what’s happening out there in the business world today well Chris guess what the Japanese Yen plummeting uh to 160 yen versus uh the US dollar here so this was for the first time in 34 years and uh it happened today for a brief period uh it started last week actually but uh the the the story is that today the Yen jumped back to around the 150s uh this is on suspected intervention from from Tokyo so Traders had been on edge for any signs of action uh from Japan to prop up their currency that has fallen by the way 11% against the dollar so far this year um this is even as a historic exit uh from negative rates of Japan’s Central Bank if you remember that uh it has failed to lift the currency so you know a weaker yen is a boon for Japanese exporters uh so that’s important but on the other hand it’s a headache for policy makers because it increases import costs and think about that if Imports are more expensive that’s going to add to inflationary pressures and it’s going to squeeze Japanese household so you know this is not a very good sign but you know the bank of Japan is not mandated mandated to manage the currency but uh weekend does uh complicate its objective of achieving sustainable inflation uh it can’t really raise rates quickly either for the fear that uh potentially destabilizing Japan’s heavily indebted government and economy economy just like the US doesn’t want to keep its interest rates higher for too long because of our national debt yeah Don we were talking a moment ago before we came live about you know why this brief drop in the value of the Yen can you say a bit about that well it could be due to a number of factors here right so a lot of moving Parts here and I wouldn’t assign to this drop to any particular one but I’ll mention some of them here so we have uh some are arguing the weakness of the Japanese economy could be a contrib contributing factor right here uh the strength of the US economy could be another Factor uh High interest rates in the United States and talk from Central Bankers that interest rates could stay higher for longer so all these factors potentially more that I haven’t mentioned just now all playing into uh into this uh what’s happening now of the plum taking of the Japanese Yan yeah it’s a complex picture um but you also have something for us about the uh energy industry and this transition to solar which of course could potentially impact a lot of things as well what can you tell us about Farmland yeah so switching topics here to uh to the green energy transition so what what’s happening apparently is that uh as solar capacity grows some of America’s most productive Farmland is at risk um and this this is due to a renewable energy boom uh and that risks damaging some of America’s richest soil in key key Farm States like Indiana for example uh and all this is according to a Reuters investigation uh and what this looked at it was pretty comprehensive it was through analysis of federal state and local data uh and as well as hundreds of pages of Court records and interviews with more than 100 energy and soil scientists agriculture economists as well as Farmers farmland owners local state and federal lawmakers pretty comprehensive uh so it found that around .2% of all crop land in the US in some capacity intersected uh in some way with solar panel sites um so some agricultural economists because of that are saying that even small amounts of best crop land out of production um or for example damaging valuable top soil will impact for future crop uh potential in the United States all right Don ma thank you as always thank you thanks Don Elon Musk made an unannounced visit to Beijing over the weekend the visit was to discuss the roll out of full self-driving software and permission to transfer data overseas that’s according to Reuters citing a person with knowledge of the matter full self-driving software or FSD is the most autonomous version of Tesla’s autopilot software launched four years ago however the US Electric Vehicle maker has yet to make it available in China its second largest market globally musk said this month Tesla may make FSD available to customers in China very soon industry experts say the complicated and busy traffic conditions in China provide more scenarios that are key for training autonomous driving algorithms at a faster Pace but Tesla is grappling with falling sales and an intensifying price War for EVS led by Chinese Brands there are also safety concerns Tesla recalled more than 2 million vehicles in the United States in December to install new autopilot safeguards US Auto Safety Regulators said on Friday they’d opened an investigation into whether that was adequate following a series of crashes Tesla Shares are down almost a third since the start of the year as concerns have grown about the EV Maker’s growth trajectory over 140,000 taxpayers successfully fired this year using IRS direct file that’s a free tax filing pilot program rolled out this year yeah the agency reported those taxpayers claimed over $90 million in tax refunds and reported $35 million in tax balances due and an estimated $5.6 million in tax preparation fees were saved on federal returns alone the program’s future is unclear the IRS says over the next several weeks data will be reviewed and discussions will be be made with partners and stakeholders the IRS expects to announce a decision later this spring about the fate of its direct e filing system workers held a a March in Homestead Florida yesterday to protest against a new state law the measure bans local governments from requiring heat and water breaks for outdoor workers Heat season in the State of Florida is incredibly deadly for outdoor workers we’re expected to see Triple digit temperatures where the heat index can reach up to 120 125° which is for many of these workers a death sentence workers rights organization we count organized the march in recent years the group has spearheaded a campaign to enact heat protections for workers in Miami Dade County Florida Governor Ronda santis signed the bill earlier this month the law is expected to go into effect on July 1st and get this another Boeing jet mishap the emergency exit slide fell off a Boeing 767 airplane operated by Delta Airlines the incident happened after the plane took off from New York on route to Los Angeles on Friday about 180 people were on board the flight the crew declared an emergency and returned to JFK International Airport Delta says the Boeing jet has been removed from service and will be thoroughly evaluated the incident is under investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration Delta said it will cooperate Boeing has been under scrutiny since January when the door plug of a commercial Boeing 737 Max 9 Jet broke off mid-flight and Congress taking measures to avert close calls on runways House and Senate negotiators have reached a deal to boost air traffic controller Staffing and funding lawmakers also said they won’t increase the airline pilot retirement age from 65 to 67 it’s part of an new $15 billion deal to fund the Federal Aviation Administration for 5 years the FAA is currently running on temporary funds that expire May 10th the Senate is set to vote this week on the more than 1,000 page proposal the bill also prohibits Airlines from charging fees for families to sit together and requires Airlines to accept vouchers and credits for at least 5 years coming up extreme weather batters China with hail and heavy snow over the weekend and footage of Devastation left by a deadly tornado in the country’s South and Road Condes and water shortages have become major problems in one Indian city a resident says his dream job opportunity has now become a nightmare more shortly here on ndd news [Music] today American medicine today featuring cutting Edge medical and science innovators and a medical professionals Insight on political and social issues plaguing our nation and Healthcare American medicine today Saturday 6 and Sundays at 9:00 on NTD television and other streaming platforms my graduation was something I will never forget people like you and me sometimes may have doubts in yourself but I feel that everything’s possible find free adult education classes near you at finish your diploma.org these are all Farmers maybe not this not a farm anymore but here is a farm right no there also not a farm anymore all these people shut down because of the government policies yeah the government wants to control the food so we don’t eat meat but we eat insects as the price of Staples goes through the roof people will say I can’t afford a steak anymore so all right I’ll just I’ll eat your stupid cricket [Music] no young person should ever have to worry about having a safe place to sleep at night or a warm meal to eat or whether anyone cares about them like I grew up um in poverty and I be actually became physically homeless uh right after I had turned 16 I didn’t have anywhere to sleep and I didn’t really have uh friends or family that could support me to be homeless as a teen I didn’t ask for that one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year and that’s unacceptable but the good news is there is an organization making a big difference Covenant House for the young people who didn’t ask to be put in Unthinkable situations Covenant House is there providing safety hope and a brighter future call or go online now for a gift of only $19 a month just 63 cents a day you can provide hot meals safe shelter medical care and love for over 50 years Covenant House has been helping youth in crisis and giving them the support and tools they need to succeed in life without the coven house I honestly could not tell you where I would be today call or go online right now to safl sleep.org with your gift of just $19 a month with your monthly donation you’ll receive this soft comforting blanket as a reminder of the warmth and safety your gift will provide a young person tonight I would not be here today if it weren’t for the kindness of strangers people who donated to covenant house so that they could support me when I couldn’t support myself I have no words to express how Covenant House change my life your monthly gift is urgently needed to reach young people in communities like yours who didn’t ask to be put in Unthinkable situations your support makes the work of Covenant House possible call or go online to safl sleep.org with your gift of just $19 a month want to know what’s really happening around the world join us for a deep dive discussion with our expert panel on International reporters Round [Music] [Music] Table the head of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping is set to visit France Serbia and Hungary next week the visit comes as tensions between China and the EU are on the rise it’s also she’s first trip to Europe in 5 years tensions are particularly due to cheap Chinese exports flooding into European markets and China supporting Russia in the Russia Ukraine war zooming in on she’s visit to France Beijing said China is looking to enhance cooperation with Paris that’s after Paris backed an EU probe into electric vehicles imported from China and after Beijing launched an investigation into an import French export Randy over the weekend extreme weather in China a tornado has resulted in at least five deaths and over a 100 factories were reportedly damaged China’s Northern Province Hub experienced a significant temperature drop about 23° the region was blanketed in heavy snow that’s say a heavy hail storm lashed another city in the South egg-sized hailston smashed car windows moving further south a deadly tornado has killed at least five people and injured three dozen more tearing apart a large warehouse and damaging factories on top of that floods have swamped the densely populated Pearl River river Delta following record-breaking rains over the past two weeks and this almost feels like a scene out of a movie a video posted on social media captured the moment when lightning struck a Chinese flag producing it to ashes the video is now making the rounds online and sparking commentary now to India where in one city gridlocked roads and water shortages have become major issues one resident explains how a dream job opportunity turned into a desire to run away as soon as possible here’s more 19-year-old cavia landed in bangaluru with dreams of getting a degree in English literature and an exciting job at a tech firm during a job interview cavia who hails from Kashmir was thought she would have amazing job opportunities in India’s Silicon Valley she was sold the bangaluru dream what was promised to me when I came here to work they were like listen the weather is going to be amazing you’re going to go get paid come work for us for 7 hours go home take a beer chill sleep after 3 years in the city the dream is falling apart and fast one problem is the traffic do you see the horn did you hear it this is my nightmare as it was transformed Med into India’s Tech Hub the city has struggled to keep up with a massive population influx cavia now spends up to five or 6 hours on her daily commutes in the 1990s bangaluru rapidly became India’s answer to Silicon Valley it attracted millions of workers and the regional headquarters of some of the world’s biggest it companies but unrestrained Urban expansion has affected bengaluru’s character as a livable city with the city voting in the second face of India’s national election on Friday cavia said she felt frustrated to see that these issues are rarely addressed by local politicians and candidates we are that sad now we don’t even think that this is something politicians can fix because they never talk about it traffic is our problem roads are our problem hospital is your problem so when I tell my boss that I can’t reach on time it’s my problem not the people who made the roads not the people who are responsible for the traffic and she struggles every morning warning to get water for her daily use we’s Southwest Monsoon rains last year failed to replenish depleted groundwater causing shortages this forced residents to Russian water use and pay a much higher price water rates at her apartment have gone up by almost four times from about $8 a month to more than $27 and sweltering heat in the Philippines can curb Farm production disrupt water and power and weigh on businesses but it all takes takes a toll on students hampering the Southeast Asian nation’s efforts to catch up to its neighbors in education here’s more on that heat indices says it felt like a whopping 122° F in parts of the Philippines in recent days as a result thousands of schools have suspended classes because of sweltering temperatures affecting more than 3.6 million students according to official data it’s another innoc series of obstacles facing children in the Philippines according to an international study of Education systems it scores among the lowest in the world in maths science and reading partly because of years of inadequate remote learning during the pandemic 23-year-old student Kurt mahusay is a senior in high school after his education stalled during lockdowns now he says the heat is unbearable here in the Philippines it’s extremely hot now the Heat burns my skin it’s not like the usual summer heat that is tolerable now I can barely stay long out in the heat according to Safe the children Philippines children are particularly vulnerable to heat related illnesses including dizziness vomiting and fainting when exposed to extreme heat for long periods and high school teacher media Santos says it’s become a struggle to get through the workday we are also affected for example me at my age when the temperature is really high my blood pressure shoots up I have to make sure that I take my medicine every day for my blood pressure and maintainance when teaching we are also affected because it is uncomfortable because of the extreme heat my back gets soaked with sweat and sometimes I get very dizzy local media say the Relentless heat is not expected to dissipate and has a 50% chance of intensifying this week students and teachers are worried about how much more learning they will lose out on especially in areas where access to gadgets and the internet is sporadic and sparse the state weather Agency on Monday forecasts that temperatures in the area around Mana could reach nearly 100° in the next 3 days while the heat index what the body actually feels is expected to remain higher at a record 113° in the range which it classifies as dangerous because conditions can trigger heat stroke from prolonged exposure before we head to break if you have any feedback please email us at news. toay nd.com and stay with us we’ll have more stories in just a moment there are real consequences to controlled [Music] media and entities’s Founders know know them firsthand our freedom of thought is the price this is the lesson that guides Us in everything we do yeah so there’s the tear gas there we know the value of a free society and we take seriously the responsibility to preserve it [Music] we are [Music] ND the tempting online world is encroaching on our campus is unplugging cables and confiscating phones the solution to protect our children no we just need a clean multimedia platform join ganging campus to leverage premium Channel features professional development courses and kindness event toolkits tailored for teachers build a truly positive and interactive classroom Community Foster a pure and delightful learning environment for children a performance that truly matters for each and every one of us this is what you’ve been waiting for coming to linkoln Center NJ Pack State Theater purchase and Stamford starting March 28th tickets at genuine.com when I started my pillow it was just a problem solution one Product Company well since them with the help of my dedicated employees we now have hundreds of products some you might not even know about to get the word out we’re having a $25 Extravaganza two pack multi-use my pillows $25 my pillow sandals $25 and for the first time ever our sixpack towel sets you guessed it just $25 our brand new four-pack dish towels $25 and I’ve never done this before premium my pillows with all new Giza fabric any size any Loft level even king size for only $25 and there’s so much more so go to mypillow.com or call the number on your screen use your promo code for our $25 Extravaganza order $75 and over your entire order ships absolutely free The Shining Gem of New England this delightful Seaside City of Newport is one of the most beautiful places in the state today we bring you here as we meet with our friends and fellow musicians from The Hermitage Piano Trio as a team they have gared multiple Grammy Award nominations with their breathtaking performances oh wow I did I think this instrument can make that sound the pandemic made this reunion even more special three of us we like it because we feel music the same way so don’t miss us on the next episode of piano talks [Music] [Music] n a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] from Biden’s age to Trump’s legal battles nothing was off limits at this year’s White House Correspondence Dinner nd’s Iris toow brings us the jokes and Jabs at the celebration and the latest duel between Trump and Biden and former first son Eric Trump is taking issue with New York City accusing the Big Apple of targeting his father instead of fixing problems like crime police arrest more protesters at anti-israel protests on college campuses find out more about the latest situation at Columbia University when the Chinese Communist Regime turns to economic bullying the US has a task force to step in according to a new Bloomberg report find out what the US can do Moscow May retaliate against the seizure of its frozen currency in the west by confiscating the of US citizens in Russia details on the move and in the NBA Playoffs the Phoenix Suns had High Hopes this season that were dashed on Sunday at the hands of Minnesota ngd’s Dave Martin joins us to discuss what went wrong traveling back to ancient China with New York based Dance Company shenyun Performing Arts one audience member in Newark New Jersey shares how the performance reveals a message of divinity [Music] this is NTD news today live from our NTD Global headquarters here are Stephania Cox and Chris beers we have some breaking news that the Supreme Court has rejected former White House adviser Peter Navarro’s request to leave prison an order from the court today said the request was denied without without further comments Navaro reported to a federal prison in Florida on March 19th after he was convicted of contempt of congress he refused to comply with subpoenas by the now disbanded house January 6th committee citing executive privilege Navaro had requested to be released from prison while his appeal makes its way through the DC circuit Chief Justice John Roberts previously denied Navarro’s emergency motion just before he reported to prison and Eric Trump son of former president Trump praised his father’s ability to manage legal battles alongside election campaign events yesterday the former first son speaking in a Fox news interview also criticized Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg for focusing on his father amid what he sees as troubles with crime in the Big Apple New York is falling right you have homelessness through the roof you have women being pushed in front of trains you have cops that are being assassinated assassinated in their squad cars you have little kids that are being shot in Time Square and they’re going after a for $130,000 payment last week Trump was busy with the so-called hush money trial which is set to resume tomorrow with more witness testimony Eric Trump was asked about his father’s business busy schedule and whether he’d have time to campaign with his multiple legal battles the former first son praised his father’s stamina calling him a remarkable human being who he loves to death and is proud of turning to the senate race Trump has endorsed a replacement for Utah senator Mitt Romney Riverton mayor Trent Stags on Saturday Trump called Stags 100% Maga Stags emerged is the winner of the Utah GOP convention this weekend he said in a post on X he’s honored to have Trump’s endorsement Trump said he was endorsing Stags for his policies on job creation securing the border and protecting the Second Amendment Senator Romney announced last September that he isn’t seeking reelection this year stag said in May that he intended to run for the seat Stacks previously criticized Romney for voting to impeach Trump some 2600 people attended this Saturday’s White House Correspondents association dinner but it really came down to two men Trump and Biden joining us now live for highlights at the annual Gathering is nd’s White House correspondent Iris ta who was there then good afternoon to you Iris first of all tell us what the big night was all about good afternoon to both of you so the white correspondence Association Center has a long tradition it’s been happening since 1921 and its purpose is to bring together journalists and politicians for a night of friendly Jabs and to raise money for student scholarships and of course there were a lot of Hollywood stars that we saw at Saturday night as well and but the point is really to celebrate the codependent relationship between reporters and politicians which of course includes the president himself yeah it’s been a year since I delivered this speech and my wife Jill was with me tonight was worried how I do I told her don’t worry just like riding a bike says that’s what I’m worried about I’m a grown man running against a [Applause] six-year-old so that was President Biden poking fun at his own age but also devoting a large part of his speech to targeting his 2024 rival former president Trump here’s a clip of that that we just saw but also the Saturday night LifeStar Coen Joe who hosted the dinner alongside with Biden also took several shots at Trump legal drama watch I’ll be honest with you I don’t have a lot of time uh I need to get back to New York because I’m juror number five on a big trial Trump’s lawyer took one look at me and he’s like he’s got to be on our side meanwhile former president Trump himself responded to to spe speech at the dinner at about 1:00 a.m. that even in calling it really bad he added that quote Coen Joe’s bombed and that Biden speech was and quote absolute disaster so definitely well not well received by the former president it’s notable though that Trump himself declined to participate at the correspondence Center during his years at the White House but also last night his daughter-in-law Laura Trump was there meanwhile this week both Biden and Trump will be returning to the campaign Trail and Trump will be campaigning and Wisconsin and in Michigan this Wednesday on the one day that he’s not needing to be sitting in the courthouse in New York and also Biden will be campaigning in Delaware on Tuesday tomorrow back to you both all right Iris to thank you so much and President Biden won the Democratic presidential primary in Puerto Rico yesterday Puerto Rico’s Democrats also chose some of their delegates for the Democratic Convention that will be held in Chicago in August Puerto Rico was authorized to open only a dozen voting centers this year compared with more than a 100 in previous years that’s due to new rules by a federal control board that oversees the Island’s finances Puerto Ricans don’t vote in the general election but campaigns are still active on the island since many Puerto Ricans have friends and family in the 50 states and President Biden’s job approval rating for the 13th quarter of his presidency is the lowest of his term it’s also the worst among all presidents in modern history according to a recent Gallop poll Biden averaged 38.7% job approval from January 20th to April 19 at the same point in this in the presidency of former president Trump had an approval rating of 46.8% and former president Barack Obama was close behind at 45.9% the previous lowest rating before President Biden was President George H W bush at 41.8% presidents with 13th quarter approval averages below 50% mostly lose their reelection bids with Obama the exception and the Florida Democratic party is contesting all of Florida’s 28 congressional districts for the first time since 2018 the state has become increasingly Republican over the last 25 years but the Biden Harris campaign believes Florida is in play the party launched a targeted candidate recruitment campaign earlier in April using Billboards and digital ads one of the Billboards says you’re already a leader run for office go to floridad dams.org Democrats face an uphill battle trying to compete in the Sunshine State Republicans currently have around 850,000 person advantage in voter registration and Democratic Congressman Jared moscowitz hinted at the possibility of running for governor in Florida in 2026 speaking on NBC msnbc’s The Weekend mosit previously served as director of Emergency Management under Governor Ronda santis he says that will help him appeal to a broad spectrum of Voters including Independents and Republicans m said his team will have to analyze the data and then make a decision the santis won’t be eligible to run again due to the state’s term limits and one of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former president Trump has dropped his bid for a senate seat former representative Peter Meyer entered the the Michigan Senate race a year ago on Friday he said that continuing his campaign would only quote increased the likelihood of a divisive primary officials in one Georgia County are using laptops and cellular networks to connect to the state’s voter registration system that’s because last week a Cyber attack struck coffee County’s computer network hackers are not believed to have gotten into Georgia’s voter registration system but the county cut off its connection to it as a precaution for now officials there are using backup systems that aren’t part of the network that was hacked investigators believe the incident was a ransomware attack Coffee County is a small mostly rural County in southeastern Georgia with only 43,000 people an outgoing Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell plans to focus on isolationism within the Republican Party The Senator made the remarks while talking about foreign policy with NBC’s Meet the Press what is your message to the isolationists in the Republican party that Ronald Reagan had it right you get peace through strength and I would say to the Democrats they’ve got a problem on the left so it’s not just us having kind of an isolationist discussion McConnell says the issue within the Democratic party is that some party members are being anti-semitic earlier this year the senator announced that he would step down as the Republican leader at the end of this Congress he says his main focus after that will be to tackle isolationism he wants to bring his colleagues around to his way of thinking about foreign policy M connell’s comments come after the Senate passed a vote vote uh a $95 billion foreign aid package the bill passed after months of delay many House Republicans criticize the senate for allowing the bill to pass that’s because it doesn’t allocate any money to the southern border coming up Israel delivers a ceasefire proposal to Hamas and here’s Secretary of State Anthony blinken’s message to the terrorist group and workers in Florida marched a protest against a new state law that bans local governments from requiring Heat and water breaks for outdoor workers House and Senate negotiators reach a deal to avert close calls on runways and the airline pilot retirement age won’t go up more in just a moment here on NTD news today Hillsdale College is reaching and teaching millions of Americans to pursue truth and defend Liberty but to do that in an even bigger way we need your help your generous support helps Ed at students from kindergarten to college all while refusing every penny of government funding even indirect funding like student loans or grants and your dedicated giving allows us to teach millions of Americans through our free online courses you make all the difference give a gift today just use this link looking for a healthy and smooth tasting Brew drop by day coffee roters today today and explore our wide selection of specialty grade small batch roasted coffee home to North America’s first enzyme fermented coffee we Source a wide selection of specialty grade coffee beans from around the world and our Baristas are ready to craft your customized [Music] Brew visit DA’s coffee at 28 North Street Middletown New York come experience a Bru like no [Music] other freedom is not free and neither is the truth in order to bring you the facts our reporters are out there on the front lines getting the true story some of them served 10 years of prison in China we’ve been censored on social media our Hong Kong printing offices were set on fire and we’ve been repeatedly attacked by the Chinese Communist party but no matter what we believe that you deserve the truth and so we continue to bring the truth to life head on over to getepic.com and try honor journalism that is based in truth and tradition we’d love to have you on board is deep sea fish oil really healthy due to pollution in the oceans most fish contain heavy metal elements and radioactive substances that’s why it’s so important to choose a pure source of Omega-3 ptin green vegetable omega-3 is made from percin and piles which are rich in nutrients and minerals especially vitamins a d e calcium and iron with natural processing and no harmful chemical additives it has more than 90% concentration of omegas 3 6 7 and 9 it effectively improves brain power and is beneficial to the heart’s Health purang omega-3 does not smell a fish and contains no pollutants so both adults and children can safely and easily consume it over a long period of time purtin green vegetable omega3 Greener healthier and more effective visit puritan.com to learn [Music] more life doesn’t always give you time to change the outcome pre-diabetes does with early diagnosis pre-diabetes can be reversed take the 1 minute pre-diabetes risk test today go to do I have pre-diabetes so that you’re in the know join us daily Monday through Friday on the capital report on NTD [Music] [Music] news and we have more updates on the Israel Hamas War mediators are stepping up efforts to reach a ceasefire deal and a delegation from the Hamas terror group will visit Cairo for talks today Hamas has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily extraordinarily generous uh on the part of Israel and In This Moment the only thing standing between the people of Gaza and a ceasefire is Hamas they have to decide and they have to decide quickly uh so we’re we’re looking to that um and I’m hopeful that they will make the right decision Hamas negotiators are expected to deliver a response to the face truth truth proposal Israel presented over the weekend Hamas will also discuss its own ceasefire proposal to mediators from Qatar and Egypt the US and allies are calling on Hamas to accept Israel’s proposal this comes as Anthony blinkin begins his Middle East trip with a meeting in Saudi Arabia today he will visit Jordan and Israel later Israel on the other hand is voicing concern over the international criminal court it says the court could be preparing arrest warrants for Israeli officials for alleged violation ations of international law Israel’s foreign minister said the country will not be deterred and will continue to fight and inside Gaza World Central Kitchen is resuming operations while the US and Jordan Air dropped another round of Aid now to the anti-israel protests that are spreading across college campuses uh Across the Nation at Columbia University where the first encampment started the school says negotiations with protesters have stalled in a statement today Columbia asked student protesters to voluntarily disperse the school said it’s exploring alternative options to quote end this crisis as soon as possible the university also said it will hold a commencement and will not divest from Israel which is what prop protesters are demanding also today a group of 21 house Democrats wrote to Colombia’s Board of Trustees and demanded they disband the encampment or step down hundreds of anti-israel protesters have been arrested at college campuses across the US from UCLA to Virginia Tech a republican congresswoman wants foreign Flags to be banned from house sessions the house Sergeant at Arms would be responsible to enforce the proposed ban Florida representative Kat kamak introduced the bill arguing House business should be conducted beneath the American flag last week house Democrats and some GOP members waved Ukrainian Flags after the chamber passed a 95 billion foreign aid package the proposed ban has two exceptions lapel pins and flags that are part of an ex IIT during a speech or debate New York Governor Kathy hokel is asking for an investigation into an Upstate New York district attorney who refused A traffic stop last week hok yesterday said she referred Monroe County DA Sandra dley to the commission on prosecutorial misconduct that’s after dley pleaded guilty to speeding and police body cam of the interaction was released Governor hokel said durly undermined her ability as a da to hold others accountable for violating the law hokel says the footage shows dly trying to evade responsibility and claiming to be above the law she also said the da acted unprofessionally towards the police officer this comes after the Rochester city council asked to turny General Laticia James to investigate Dy on Saturday in Co pandemic management coming to light years later former New York Governor C Andrew Cuomo has agreed to testify before Congress chairman of the subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic Brad wstr says a transcribed interview will take place June 11th winstrup says lawmakers want to ask Cuomo about his administration’s March 2020 advisory it barred nursing homes from rejecting patients on the basis of a covid-19 diagnosis the congressman says he’s trying to learn why someone would go against medical common sense and put someone highly contagious among the most vulnerable CUO has insisted The Advisory was consistent with guidance from the CDC and the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services when strip sent a subpoena to Cuomo early last month he says the panel will also hear from komo’s former secretary and the former commissioner of the New York State Department of Health in Florida’s six week abortion ban is set to take effect Wednesday the new law overrides the state’s current 15we ban this will likely affect thousands of women in and out of state seeking an abortion Florida has become a destination for abortion in the South since since roie Wade was overturned in 2022 according to the state health agency so far this year more than 1300 people have traveled to Florida for an abortion there’s a possibility the law could be overturned in November an amendment to ensure abortion access up to the point of viability is on the 2024 election ballot and staying in Florida workers held the march in Homestead yesterday to protest a new state law the measure bans local governments from requiring Heat and water breaks for outdoor workers Heat season in the State of Florida is incredibly deadly for outdoor workers we’re expected to see Triple digit temperatures where the heat index can reach up to 120 125° which is for many of these workers a death sentence workers rights organization we count to organize the march in recent years the group has spearheaded a campaign to Ana heat protections for workers in Miami Dade County Florida Governor Ronda Santa signed the bill earlier this month NBC reports that supporters of the bill say it will create uniform regulations across the state rather than inconsistent local regulations the law is expected to go into effect on July 1st and get this another Boeing jet mishap the emergency exit slide fell off Boeing 767 aircraft operated by Delta Airlines the incident happened after the plane took off from New York York on route to Los Angeles on Friday about 180 people were on board that flight the crew declared an emergency and returned to JFK International Airport Delta says the Boeing jet has been removed from service and will be thoroughly evaluated the incident is under investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration Delta said it will cooperate Boeing has been under scrutiny since January as you might remember when the door plug of a commercial Boeing 737 Max 9 Jet broke off in mid-flight Congress taking measures to avert close calls on runways House and Senate negotiators have reached a deal to boost air traffic controller Staffing and funding lawmakers also said they won’t increase the airline pilot retirement age from 65 to 67 it’s part of a new $1 105 billion deal to fund the Federal Aviation Administration for 5 years the FAA is currently running on temporary funds that expire May 10th the Senate is set to vote this week on the more than 1,000 page proposal the bill also prohibits Airlines from charging fees for families to sit together and requires Airlines to accept vouchers and credits for at least 5 years the Supreme Court has declined to hear a case from Elon Musk musk was hoping to throw out part of a fraud settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission the deal restricts the Billionaire’s public statements about Tesla in 2018 musk posted on social media that he had funded sec funding secured to take Tesla private the SEC called the statement false and misleading musk’s settlement resolve the agency’s lawsuit against him accusing him of defrauding investors under the agreement musk and Tesla each paid 20 million dollar in fines he also agreed to let a Tesla lawyer pre-approve some posts he made on Twitter before he bought the company and REM renamed it X musk lawyers in a court filing called the requirement a quot quot government imposed muzzle that violates his Free Speech rights and federal safety Regulators are investigating Ford’s handsfree diver driver assistance system the national highway traffic safety administration is looking into blue Cruise after two fatal crashes involving stationary Vehicles specifically they’re looking at the systems in the 2021 to 2024 Ford Mustang Mac e models blue Cru is only ailable on certain roads and uses a camera- based monitoring system to determine driver attentiveness and over 14,000 taxpayers successfully filed this year using IRS direct file that’s a free tax filing Pilots program rolled out this year the agency reported those taxpayers claimed over $90 million in tax refunds and reported 35 million in tax balances due at an estimated $5.6 million in tax preparation fee fees were saved on federal returns alone the program’s future though is unclear the IRS says over the next several weeks data will be reviewed and discussions will be made with partners and stakeholders the IRS expects to announce a decision later this spring about the fate of its direct e filing system and coming up extreme weather batters China with hail and heavy snow over the weekend and the footage of Devastation left by a deadly tornado that hit a major city there Russian president Vladimir Putin reportedly didn’t directly order the death of opposition leader Alexi naali with the new report says and how naal allies respond and European Union Regulators are reportedly expected to open a probe into meta platforms they’re concerned about political advertising that could hurt the elections more in just a moment here on NTD news today M go by Jackie I’m 4 4 years old I had three kids at the time and single mother I was working 60 hours a week still couldn’t pay the bills skip meals so that they could eat it’s been hard because one thing falls into place 10 Things fall out of place you know I just can’t do this alone and and make it work one in five children face hunger in America and food costs are rising but everyone needs nourishing food to thrive and they can when we work together so our neighbors can feed their families call or go online right now to join feeding America with your gift of just $19 a month only 63 cents a day together thanks to a Nationwide network of food banks dedicated volunteers and the monthly support of people like you we can fill plates with nutritious food for families Across America one day my mother came over to my house and said there’s a meeting at the pantry said okay and I went there were some ladies in there they were from the food bank they asked several questions some of those were about me and my story but it helped me to open up a little bit we’re getting closer to the day when no one in America faces hunger but we can’t do it without you call or go online now visit help feedingamerica.org and give $9 a month just 63 a day 98% of donations go directly to help millions of people facing hunger from coast to coast and in your own community and when you give my credit card we’ll send you this exclusive canvas grocery bag to show you are a part of a movement of supporters working together to help end Hunger I have people that I can trust I have I have hope please call now or make your monthly donation at help feedingamerica.org working together we can end Hunger in America thinking about retirement would you like to have retirement income that you can count on for the rest of your life how about up to 33% more income call this number to get this free book annuity dos and don’ts for Baby Boomers this book is filled with valuable information uncovering little known secrets to help you maximize your income in retirement and it’s free retirement income you can count on starts by calling for this free book as a bonus we’ll also Rush this annuity rate report also absolutely free annuity National researched numerous products and summarized the rates and benefits of annuities from Foremost Insurance companies like NASA life and annuity call for both these free books annuity National retirement income you can count on for the rest of your life call now for your free books call 800 8833 that’s 800 8833 800 8833 hi Kelly Wright we thank you for joining us and watching America’s hope here on NTD news bottom line is I know you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired but let’s give you some good news in the midst of the bad news watch us nightly right here on NTD news for a full dose of America’s [Music] [Music] hope welcome back standing up to the Chinese Communist Regime can have serious economic consequences for some countries but the US is providing guidance to Nations under pressure from China according to a Bloomberg report the report says it all started in 2021 when Beijing tried to retaliate against Lithuania which had just opened a diplomatic office with Taiwan Washington decided to intervene at that point it Formed an eight member team called the firm inside the state department now the group helps countries when China deploys economic and trade tactics to solve political disputes the report says since then countries across Asia Africa Latin America and Europe have requested advice on how to deal with or ready themselves for economic strains caused by China and Taiwan reported more Chinese military near the island over the weekend that came just a day after Secretary of State Anthony blinkin ended his visit to China taiwan’s defense Ministry says it detected 2 two Chinese aircraft including fighter jets on Saturday the defense Ministry said 12 aircraft crossed taiwan’s North and Center median line the median line has served as an unofficial border but the Chinese regime says it doesn’t recognize it CCP now regularly sends aircraft over that line Lincoln Wan Beijing said this he stressed the critical importance of maintaining peace and stability across the street warships from the US and Philippines are Drilling in the South China to see including with live fire target practice China is keeping a close eye on those exercises it’s part of annual war games between the two allies named balatan literally meaning shoulder Tosh shoulder more than 16,000 troops and a dozen ships including from France and Australia are taking part and for the first time activities are also taking place beyond the Philippines territorial Waters in an area contested by China Beijing has sent its own Navy to Shadow the drills a Chinese spy ship came within two nautical miles of a US Navy vessel causing the live fire drill to be cut short and the head of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping is set to visit France Serbia and Hungary next week the visit comes as tensions between China and the EU are on the rise it’s also she’s first trip to Europe in 5 years the tensions are partially due to cheap Chinese exports flooding into European markets and China supporting Russia in the Russia Ukraine war zooming in on she’s visit to France Beijing said China is looking to enhance cooperation with Paris that’s after Paris backed an EU propo an EU probe into electric vehicles imported from China and after Beijing launched an investigation into an import an important French export Randy over the weekend extreme weather in China a tornado has resulted in at least five deaths and over a 100 factories were reportedly damaged China’s Northern norn Province hubay experienced a significant temperature drop about 23° the region was blanketed in heavy snow that’s as a heavy hail storm lashed another city in the South egg-sized hailstones smashed car windows moving further south a deadly tornado has killed at least five people and injured three dozen more tearing apart a large warehouse and damaging factories on top of that floods have swamped densely populated Pearl River delta following record breaking rains over the past 2 weeks and this almost feels like a scene out of a movie a video posted on social media captured the moment when lightning struck a Chinese flag reducing it to ashes the video is now making the rounds online and sparking commentary new information about the death of Russian opposition leader Alexi Nali a report now says that President Vladimir Putin didn’t directly order nal’s death a senior us intelligence official shared the new information with the Wall Street Journal the report reped assessment doesn’t clear Putin of all wrongdoing but it says Putin probably didn’t order it at that exact time some still believe that the Kremlin plan the alleged killing a longtime nalni Ally told the journal that he thinks the idea of Putin not being involved in nal’s death is ridiculous the valy died in a penal colony north of the Arctic Circle in February he was detained after returning from Exile in Germany the Kremlin allegedly tried killing nalni while he was abroad in staying in Europe we have some short short headlines from Germany Spain and other countries the Kremlin might seize the assets of US citizens and investors in Russia that’s if the US confiscates Russian currency reserves Frozen in the west a Russian security official says the country would retaliate by seizing Americans properties cash and more adding Russia could change laws to allow it this comes after the US House of Representatives passed a bill to confiscate Russian assets in American Banks and transfer them to Ukraine the Kremlin argues this would be a legal and trigger a response the European Union is expected to open a probe into Facebook and Instagram that’s over concerns that meta isn’t countering disinformation from foreign actors like Russia the financial times reports that the main concern is political advertising which could hurt the electoral process meta responded that they have a wellestablished process for identifying and mitigating risks nine men are on trial in Germany today they’re charged with high treason attempted murder and plotting a violent cudata the men allegedly wanted to install an aristocrat as national leader and impose martial law prosecutors say that the suspect’s planning and stocks of firearms and cash showed they were a real danger the nine men stored half a million dollars in cash almost 400 guns over 300 bladed weapons and more one of them allegedly shot and seriously injured a police officer while resisting arrest the suspects are members of a group called citizens of the Reich they do not recognize modern-day Germany as a legitimate State the group’s leadership will appear in court next month Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez said today he will not resign the announcement comes 5 days after he canceled public duties to reflect on whether to continue in the job that followed news that a court opened a new a probe into allegations of influence pedaling and Corruption by his wife Sanchez was has insisted Ed that his wife is innocent he made the announcement in a nationally televised address in the prime minister’s compound in Madrid and in the country of Georgia thousands of people protested on Sunday they’re against a draft of a law on foreign agents the country’s opposition says the law is authoritarian and Russian inspired the law would require some media organizations who receive funding from abroad to register as foreign agents Russia uses similar legislation to stigmatize Independent Media who are at odds of the Kremlin Georgia’s president is against the bill and expected to veto it but the ruling party can override The veto if they collect enough votes still to come the Phoenix Suns had High Hopes this season but they were dashed in the playoffs at the hands of Minnesota nd’s Dave Martin joins us to discuss what went wrong and traveling back to ancient China with new york-based shenyun Performing Arts audiences in Newark New Jersey say the performance brings a mess message of divinity sumo wrestlers and crying babies a temple in Tokyo holds a traditional yet unique Sumo festival or in just a moment here on NTD news [Music] today I have never seen a production any better than this anywhere breathtaking it is absolutely St I feel better about the world I feel uplifted invigorating it was encouraging gave me hope this has just been therapy for the soul it’s a must sa must sa make sure you see it make sure you see it coming to Lincoln Center NJ Pack State Theater purchase and Stamford genuine.com what if you could whiten your teeth by simply brushing your teeth now you can with smile actives the teeth whitening breakthrough that safely gets your teeth white and keeps them white every day just by brushing your teeth I never thought that whitening my teeth could be so easy I just put the gel on the brush the toothpaste on it brush and I can see my white teeth simply add smile actives to any toothpaste and our patented polyclean technology activates into a powerful microfoam that penetrates into the enamel surface to safely lift and remove stains you need a simple way to whiten your teeth without strips without trays without going to the dentist and it was about time that a product was developed that you would be able to do that with just brushing and now smile actives is even better with new Pro Whitening Gel with 33% greater whitening power clinically shown to whiten teeth faster up to eight Shades 100% of 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now before the special buy one get one free offer goes away the biggest investigation in FBI history there more than 11 00 arrests I sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the American people those involved must be held accountable he’s an innocent man it’s going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is for the day’s top headlines in the news you need to know tune in right here to NTD evening [Music] news and now for your sports news we’re joined by nd’s very own Dave Martin Dave let’s start with the NBA uh the Phoenix Suns came the first team eliminated and uh they got swept by Minnesota they were expected to be able to compete for the title what happened here you know I wasn’t really a big fan of the movie M they made in the off season to begin with you know basically they traded Chris Paul for Bradley beill both are All-Star players Bill though is like eight years younger and carries a much bigger contract But Bill’s more of a shooter Paul’s more of a distributor with the ball and even though Paul’s getting up there in years he still makes a significant impact with his passing and his ball handling so I thought they needed to get someone to replace those skills I mean Phoenix already has two great Shooters and Kevin Durant and Devin Booker both had great games yes yesterday I think they combined for like 82 points it was not enough and now Minnesota’s into the second round I don’t know where Phoenix goes from here you know I don’t think you can run the same team back next year and expect better results um but they’ve got somewhat limited options with all that big contracts or carrying okay now Dave another series you’ve highlighted is between the Lakers and the nuggets the Lakers finally won Saturday to to force a game five does it seem like a foregone conclusion that the Nuggets close out this year tonight I mean you would think so they’re playing at home but you know and nobody’s ever come down from being in an 03 hole like the Lakers were after three games but you know the Lakers have actually LED more in this series than Denver has in whole I mean granted it only matters who has the lead at the end and that really only means that Denver has played better in the second half but these have not been blowout games really you know Anthony Davis has had quite a series for the Lakers ditto for LeBron James he’s been really good too despite being 39 I don’t think that should go unnoticed I think it’s also important for Den that they come out with a lot more aggressiveness you know they’ve kind of developed this habit from playing from behind but you never want to like count on that happening every game it can got kind of give you a false sense of hope so I think all eyes will be on this game tonight Dave look let’s look at the NFL the draft concluded on Saturday um one of the popular criticisms was direct directed at the Buffalo Bills for making a trade with their rival the Kansas City Chiefs what do you make of that yeah I don’t I don’t agree with the criticism like you said the criticism the bills might have helped out their Rivals by swapping their first round picks it was like their 28th for this the chief the third Chiefs at the 32nd but to do it they also swapped picks in the fourth rounds and the seventh rounds that allowed the bills to move up both times so it was give and take I mean they didn’t do it for free of course now also both Kansas City and buffalo needed receivers so both teams then took them with their first picks Kansas City took zavier worthy out of Texas Buffalo then took Keon Coleman out of Florida State five picks later but if the feels like you know wory better they they surely would not have made this deal I’m sure as a condition of this trade you have to ask all right who you taking with this pick and if it’s you’re their guy they’re going to say no for sure now maybe the Chiefs you know do get the better of this deal but you have to look at the trade in total before judging it you know I don’t think it matters who you trade with either even if you’re if it’s your bitter rival you really can’t be afraid of making another team better in order to make your own team better my opinion only all right Dave Martin thank you as always thanks guys thanks Dave and next up theater goers in Newark New Jersey discovered 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture and values over the weekend at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center inspired by China’s Rich Heritage the new york-based shenin Performing Arts showcases stories that span across ancient times to modern times one audience member shared that he took his daughter to the show so that she can understand the challenges that are faced in China and for her to be prepared for the future so that she can stand for Liberty and Divinity Shing Performing Arts hit the stage at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center with five performances over 3 days starting on April 25th the company tours the world with a mission to rekindle 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture and values from a time before communism I think that there’s a lot of value in traditional culture so I think it’s it’s a good Mission I think it’s important for it to maintain positivity the a mission like that the stories that were explained before each of the dances was just wonderful to to share the culture and to understand all of the things that happened before communism so it it’s very important for people to learn um you know about a culture and not just about the present but also all the history I think from their passion of of um showing you know making everybody understand the the past you know what China had um and what’s been destroyed yeah so that you can really tell that they are are looking to uh make everybody understand you know how beautiful um you know it was inspired by China’s vast history shun tells stories of myths and legends along with true stories concerning the Communist regime’s current persecution of faith I saw you know again like the spiritual practices are being uh you know persecuted over there um it’s hard for them to to live in total freedom you know so you know hopefully you know God willing these guys keep up the good work and you know just uh you make China uh you know more more prosperous and more free and able to live You Know Better Lives you know the message of uh Divinity and um the idea that my daughter needs to know that communism isn’t China and the spirit and the history survives despite uh the challenges we’re in today’s day and age it needs to be the message needs to be spread right and that’s why I need my daughter at 8 years old to start to understand in a small way uh that um the the challenges that are faced in China we need to understand it so she can be prepared for the future so she can can stand for Liberty and and Divinity through the medium of classical Chinese dance music and storytelling shing’s performances also Embrace themes of spirituality which is found at the core of traditional Chinese culture I guess I feel that the Creator’s always here offering salvation in all circumstances in a way like I say if we’re able to see it because this is um this is just the the physical form here but the spiritual form is always present it doesn’t matter whether you’re Christian or or anything honestly the spirituality comes through and it connects with people and um it’s a way to explain to the American people and and all people that um the value of Independence and freedom and and a belief in God Shing will next perform in Stanford Connecticut from May 9th to the 12th NTD News New York New [Applause] Jersey waiting through all that Health advice out there isn’t easy fortunately today we have Gina Marie to break down four essential factors that impact your long-term Health here’s strong mind and body a preventative health mindset can keep minor issues from becoming chronic health problems paying attention to the following four healthy practices can majorly affect your long-term Health let’s start with number one hydration dehydration occurs when we use more body fluids then we take in our bodies are then able to carry out normal functions dehydration can lead to many different problems including decreased kidney function and kidney damage skin problems infections increase severity of arthritis increased motivation and decreased overall living skills keep water handy at all times and even treat it like a prescription to ensure adequate consumption number two posture one issue is kyphosis or the forward rounding or curvature of the upper back muscular weakness and bad posture habits are common causes forhead postures can cause stiff muscles and back pain which could even require surgery exercises designed to strengthen postural muscles can help help to prevent it number three on the list sleep good sleep is essential but millions of people don’t get enough of it technology is ruining the Sleep patterns of many especially children going without enough sleep contributes to Chronic health problems including high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes metabolic syndrome kidney disease heart disease stroke obesity coloror cancer and depression and finally number four stress chronic stress is is a killer it can raise blood pressure and Trigger strokes and heart attacks it can undermine our base metabolism and overactivate the sympathetic nervous system to get a handle on stress consider counseling exercise and movement breathing outings practicing gratitude and workplace Employee Assistance programs take time to identify the causes of your stress and determine a course of action to deal with it on our next episode of strong mind and body we will look at four more ways to strengthen your health remember prevention is better than cure happy anniversary Godzilla Tokyo is marking Godzilla’s 70th anniversary with a special celebration a 100 met tall Godzilla was projected on a government building on Saturday the radioactive monster is also part of the tourism branding in Tokyo official started projecting Godzilla Saturday to attract more tourists to the Shinjuku Ward home to the the Tokyo Metropolitan government and one of the biggest NightLight spots in Tokyo Spectators can see the digital Godzilla three times a day on Japanese national holidays and weekends through early May in staying in Japan a unique form of sumo took part at an iconic temple in Tokyo yesterday sumo wrestlers from none University’s Sumo Club rocked babies they were competing to see which baby would cry first organizers wore colorful masks of foxes and demons and attempted to make the babies cry that is fascinating the traditional crying Sumo event began in 1991 to wish for the health and well-being of children around 100 babies joined the event this year all right and for Round the Clock original news coverage visit nd.com or download our ntid app and be sure to stick around for ntid Newsroom at 3 p.m. Eastern we’ll cover more stories from the US and around the world [Music]


    1. Columbia University needs to divest its professors from tenure, as they will not refrain from training ideological activists in the classroom instead of teaching subjects of value to students, businesses and society.

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