Tri Motor Cybertruck crawling up Hell’s Gate on the Hell’s Revenge trail in Moab, Utah — on stock tires.


    1. This is meaningless. This is not practical to haul cargo or travel meaningful distances. Likely, this would run out of energy and require a generator to charge.

    2. Fresh set of bfg ko 2's and some sturdy upper lower ball joints and of ya still trust your tie rod ends I'd say if ya got a 4×4 …… go for it 😎💁‍♂️

    3. I love the cybertruk as a truck, but it's ruined with the internet connectivity, software locked features and subscriptions I will never buy a Tesla till they put the ownership back in the buyers' hands.

    4. What is the percentage of concerned buyers who would not consider the truck if it cannot do this? Better yet, why are people obsessed with buying essentially tanks. The electric Hummer, this, all the other big giant trucks? I respect people actually living in the country. I get it, you need a truck even just to handle the winds, especially in the Southwest desserts, but come on, most of the population living in urban centers or even its peripheries do not truly need these vehicles. In reality, they become hazards for pedestrians. Most people are not the best drivers. Ahhh I don't even know what I bother, take a look at the kind of crowd leaving comments here…

    5. Now if you could fix the steering failures, give it mechanical backup steering, make it look like the prototype again, beef up the paper thin upper control arms, give it good looking rims again, and make stainless steel that doesn't rust or at least wash it before you deliver it, and drop the price to at least reasonably near the reservation price, that would be great. Oh yeah, and actually test them before you launch them and deliver them with features that are done and you can actually turn on. I'm sure I missed a few things.

    6. How much is the "Hell's Gate offroad" driving feature"? If not, is there an option to pay it in full at the start and wait (or hope) for the software update to come out later?

    7. I been bouncing back and 4th on buying one but the only problem is after so many charges it starts losing power but I still haven't decided yet

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