Stephen Grootes on #SAfmSunrise

    done that already because I know um what my election day will be like and so I’ve actually gone and registered it took I must say from going to the IC website so leaving the IC website I think it took me about 52 seconds roughly it was incredibly quick you need your ID number which you know you might well know of by heart if you don’t you should learn it like a telephone number really no one remembers telephone numbers anymore I suppose but go to the I website you can do it by SMS too um and just register very quickly and it does it does if you’re going to do that for a special vote uh you do need to have a reason but just don’t forget today is the last day you can register Lots going on around the elections of course because of the decision by thec to now formly discipline start a disciplinary process against former president Jacob Zumer and you know there’s been a a huge I mean it’s been a curious situation where Zuma from December has been saying he will not campaign for thec or as he puts at the ANC of s roposa but he would campaign forto withis he’s now formerly the leader of omto Isis of course according to the Electoral commission it’s his face on the ballot paper from quto seare and I wondered if the fact that he was now on the candidate list for Mk and I know that’s still going to court but the fact he was on the candidate list for Mk was what tipped the balance and basically forced or allowed the anc’s disciplinary committee to start this proceeding um and of course huge speculation will zum go I’ve seen a lot of people say he won’t in Cas say that he will we’re trying to get hold of his personal spokesperson man I think I think he’s still his personal spokesperson hey stanza that’s what I understand even though he’s an MP for the eff it’s very sort of interesting situation anyway and just to confirm that but my but MK says that Zuma will be there on Tuesday at Luli house and that they will send people to support him so you’ve heard me right uh you will have supporters of the leader ofto outside Luli house next week to support their leader who’s being disciplined by another party because he’s still a member there and the ANC has said for a long time that zum has suspended himself or expelled himself from the party but here we go it’s beginning to sort of get going um so yeah thec Youth League um yesterday Colin Malachi they leader they had a press conference they’re talking about various things and they said in fact that they agreed with former president mbei who said this week that Zuma had been a wolf and sheep’s clothing at SARS they said mbei was right uh to say that and I thought that was interesting they also spoke about the post office and you know the post office is seeing about five 5,000 people go it’s nearly half the workers at the post office and they’re saying the communications Ministry should stop those layoffs and you know you’ve heard me talk about going into the post office trying to get a license disc and things like that and you just leave in such frustration and I have huge sympathy and I’m really sorry for the people but the systems are broken and if the systems don’t work you can’t get the people to make them work the systems have to work first you see this across government by the way you know still so much paper rather than digital etc etc etc and anyway um so you know I do feel for them but something you know at the same time I’m sure the post office say we can’t keep people who unproductive they unproductive because of the system that goes on and on kellawanda the mayor of jobber yesterday from El Jamar he delivered his state of the city address yesterday quite a strange scene there had been that fire underground that cable fire underneath the M1 Highway in the jerg CBD if you’ve ever seen it if you’ve ever been there um and as a result of that a large area in joburg in the CBD was without electricity and in the middle of it sort of a sort of Beacon of light if you like was the state of the city address by the mayor um he said that the most important thing the city had to do was get on top of unmated water this is basically water leaks it’s such a huge project I mean we’re talking you know tens of billions of Rand and I don’t think the city of jig or anyone really has the money for it he also went on to say um that they are basically trying to be stable that there needs to be a sort of theme of stability and resilience which I thought was inter inter in and then City Power meanwhile telling us yesterday um and speaking to various people Isaac man their spokesperson so what happened was there was this fire they suspected vandalism after the fire they went down underground to go and find the cable and there was a shootout between City Power workers and the people trying to steal the cable and in the end they recovered 600 kg of copper that had been stolen it is the wild waste is the sort of phrase everybody uses down there and then the police from what Isaac manen has been saying that the police don’t seem to have been particularly helpful here I think they needed more police as a result of this so very difficult situation uh we’ve got a lot to talk about this morning we’ll talk about Sundowns we’ll talk about former president Zuma we’ll also talk later to the ifp um their turn of course put questions to them this morning uh around their campaign as you know we speaking to some of the bigger parties ahead of the elections we’ll speak to Naran Singh their head of campaigning uh for the elections you know the number 086 02032 SMS 4139 91 you Tre FM radio and at Steven cus send you WhatsApp voice notes to 0614 10417 good morning it’s aot pasic join us on afternoon Express Tuesday at 600 p.m. on S3 as we ask what makes a good friend with therapist Kim Abrahams social worker TOA Bazi shares how to move on from toxic friendships and gents get your buddies and make a delicious bacon and VOR pasta that’s afternoon Express Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. repeat Sundays at 8:30 a.m. only on S3 S3 the debate of universities will be witnessed on the field of play The Varsity Derby between amamax ladies and .j ladies who are the most intelligent students this is the Hollywood b super league catch the queens of the beautiful game University of Petoria ladies versus University of Johannesburg ladies on Sunday 5 May at 2:30 p.m. live on sabc sport on dtt Channel 4 also available on sabc plus and sabc # we love it here brought to you by sabc [Music] sport The Daily News diary on safm and M good morning how you doing I’m well thank you good morning yourself yeah all right all very busy at the moment I imagine the news desk is too yes it is today we’re looking at reaction and Analysis now that thec has formally notified the form for president Jacob Zuma of the upcoming disciplinary hearing the MK party saying that the party will be supporting its leader when he attends his disciplinary hearing next week Tuesday and it follows a notice document by the anc’s national disciplinary committee which revealed that Zuma is expected to attend a disciplinary hearing and has allegedly been charged with two counts thec intensifying its election campaign the former ANC Secretary General and deput president khala mutante will lead the party’s election campaign in Soo this morning and the former president tum is deployed at two townships inani harua and Shang that will be today and tomorrow it shows you how important is in these elections that you have and very important it is also the closing date for those wanting to apply for a special vote today because there’s a whole lot of messages fake messages that has been circulating on social media but today is the closing date for those who actually want to apply for a special vote the deputy president a mashati will be leading engagements with the Western Cape Faith leaders and the engagements form part of the national Interfaith dialogue to conduct provincial engagements that’s aimed at enhancing the relationship between the faith community and government and we’re also monitoring developments in the Eastern Cape where a meeting is scheduled to take place that’s between the transport department and the scholar transport operators there after they went on strike yesterday over non-payment by the department this meeting expected to give a Way Forward on whether the shutdown will continue or not the state is expected to begin its closing arguments in the bail application of the five men accused of excuse me the murder of musician Kenan AKA Forbes and his friends to tubs Mutan the Durban magistrates court this morning yesterday the defense concluded their closing arguments in the bail application and as the world marks World Press Freedom Day we’re looking at the business of news and how it has evolved also highlighting the importance of media Freedom the importance of Journalism and the fundamental principles of freedom of expression yeah there’s so much there isn’t there and Musa thank you very much indeed we’ll be listening on the radio it’s 18 minutes after 6 first in the morning sfm Sunrise with Steven cres have a look at your weather around the country this morning tan fine 13 and 29 Johannesburg fine 12 and 27 F fine 11 and 29 bombella morning farav partly cloudy 14 and 25 pwani fine 11 and 28 mahang fine 12 and 28 fryberg fine 10 and 29 Mong fine 9 and 29 Kimberly fine 11 and 29 upington fine 15 and 34 Cape Town fine to partly cloudy light souly wind 15 and 26 George fine a lighten variable wind 14 and 31 fine a light northeastly wind 17 and 33 East London fine a lighter moderate northeastly 18 and 31 aini fine a moderator fresh northeastly 19 and 27 Richards Bay partly cloudy fine by the late morning a moderator fresh northeastly wind 19 and 29 and Peter Marburg morning fog patches F by the late morning 14 and 31 support slipp day of the 31st of May and help children like me fighting life threatening illnesses to reach their dreams visit reach Ford and make a difference and don’t forget to step into your slippers on slipper day Reach For Dream inspiring hope this is an SBC supported [Music] initiative and we would bu 500 cars and we would buy 500 more so sell your car for the best price and we won’t think about it twice we car car we buy cars wey cars we buy cars the easiest way to sell your car by far EFC is live this Thursday Two grappling Wizards will battle it out for the vacant Welterweight Title at EFC 113 as jelson Souza and Zakir bat fight it out for Championship Glory plus fa Jacobs is out for revenge against the great Sylvester chipmu for number one contendership EFC 113 live this Thursday watch it on sabc sport channel on DT Channel 4 from 700 p.m. brought to you by sabc Sports World View update bringing you closer to International News 21 minutes after 6 good morning the United States has now formally accused Russia of using chemical weapons as a method of warfare against Ukraine saying this has become Russian policy and is in violation of international laws prohibiting the use of chemical weapons but in a letter to the business day newspaper here the Russian ambassador to South Africa Ilia rogachev has accused Ukraine of also using chemical weapons including a substance called white phosphorus under the chemical weapons convention it’s illegal to use weapons like this in any situation Dennis Reaver is a researcher and Maritime security expert at The Institute for security studies Dennis good morning thanks for your time good morning so we have a claim from the United States and a counter claim from Russia how difficult is it going to be to get to the truth of any of these claims here uh well on the one hand um I think it is a matter of having evidence um I think the fact that the US has went public with its claim means that they have sufficient evidence to to suggest this uh if Russia has uh similar similar evidence I think this evidence needs to be collected and uh uh submitted to appropriate authorities uh of course uh otherwise it it simply becomes a matter of pointing fingers I mean the risk is that this becomes a sort of fug of- War scenario no one really knows what happens is it really possible to get independent evidence while all of this is still a war zone uh it is it is indeed very challenging uh we have seen a number of um instances in the recent years in the recent months especially of of uh Russian soldiers posting uh videos of uh their drones dropping uh you know canisters with with what is tear gas which is prohibited uh by by the uh by the treaty so uh there is this evidence there is um evidence in the sense that soldiers that have suff suffered from the impact from these uh chemicals you know the kind of symptoms they have experienced uh that can be objectively verified but you’re right uh pointed out that in this moment in time especially since Russia is a permanent member of the un united nation Security Council it becomes extremely challenging uh it’s more challenging in this particular instance than uh other conflicts if One S if one side is sort of found guilty of using chemical weapons what happens I mean how does all of that work they’re International conventions this will be the UN but I mean as you’ve already pointed to everything goes to the security Council in the end doesn’t it uh precisely I mean it’s it’s it’s one of those things that that wasn’t hasn’t been a problem for the long time probably since uh the invasion of Iraq that when you have a member of P5 or permanent five violating these rules uh the response is really limited to what uh the International Community uh chooses to do so essentially if um Russia can get away let’s say if if the allegations are true and Russia is using chemical weap s if they can get away with it they will uh they will continue to use it um it is uh you know the International Community has a number of tools uh we’ve seen that the US has sanctioned a number of entities uh that they believe are responsible but uh generally speaking the the uh the the sort of the strengths of the response will determine how Russia uh perceives it uh the the cost benefit of of using chemical weapons and how they will respond to to that so it really it really is dependent on the response of the International Community I presume people wouldn’t use these weapons if they didn’t work and if it’s found out that one side is using them the accusation primarily is against Russia in this case would that be um any kind of indication that Russia is using them because they have no other option because they don’t have enough artillery shells or something like that for example not necessarily I mean we’ve seen according to the Ukrainian side we’ve seen the increase in the use of these weapons since the January since the start of this War uh this this year U and it is probably connected to the fact that Russia has gain the momentum on the battlefield uh they feel that they can make an advancement or or meaningful Investments um that something they haven’t been able to do uh for the past two years um you know a number of important dates are coming up the 7th of May is the inaguration date for for uh President Putin to to take the head of Russia again uh you know the NS of May is a very important date for Russians the Victory Day um so it it might be a number of of things really I mean essentially um any any sort of um you know the the trench Battlefield uh is is a very risky Affair for for the soldiers especially those attacking so if you can force the enemy out of the trenches without uh any any risks for your soldiers it’s a good strategy so of course um it it comes at a horrible cost to uh the defending side but strategy and and Dennis I mean we now need to prepare for this to be a long War five years or something like that or a sort of stasis like we’ve seen in Syria most likely um it doesn’t seem that uh Ukraine is willing to negotiate with Russia it doesn’t seem that Russia is willing to stop the war so we should prepare for a longer term engagement of course it cannot continue necessarily on the same sort of scale in the same uh Tempo that it is going it has been going for the past years uh I think the resources uh are are a big problem especially for Ukraine depending on the support the international support that Ukraine receives we may see perhaps these this conflict being frozen for a few years or sort of a ceasefire being reached but it is a long-term conflict certainly it will not be resolved in the near future Dennis re thank you researcher Maritime security expert at The Institute for security studies really appreciate the time 27 after 6 this is safm Sport with Z Khan Z good morning good morning well Sundowns hey what a thumping last night seven titles yes they really put Chiefs through their Pacers what a show uh they thumped 10 man Ka Chiefs 5-1 at FNB Stadium last night tashrique Matthews he had two goals Matias escal Lucas riro and tonosi La struck in the second half handing the Brazilians all three points ensuring that they they cannot be overhauled at the top of the log here’s mamaloi Sundown coach Rani MCA and I asked him to do what we trained and in the second half they did exactly that I I said to them don’t play for yourselves don’t play for the crowd just do what we practiced a couple of hour you could you can’t have forgotten what we have trained and uh and and they did that and that’s why I’ve got so much respect for this group because they are coachable you know I enjoy coaching them I enjoy working with them and as for the amaki this is their fourth defeat from their last five league matches it leaves them in eighth place with only goal difference keeping them in the top half of the division elsewhere Chelsea hammered a blow to tottenham’s hopes of qualifying for the Champions League with a tunal win against their London Rivals yesterday after losses to Arsenal and Newcastle fifth place tottenham’s third successive defeat leaves them seven points behind fourth place Aston Villa now in the meantime Ayub alabi scored a hattrick as Olympiacos stunned Aston Villa 4-2 to close in on the final of the Europa conference league on home soil in Athens later this month despite being in their first European semifinal for 42 years fellow were favorites to lift the trophy thanks in large part to manager unai emir’s record as a fortime Europa League winner we turn our attention now to the junior spring box their thrilling start at the under 20 rugby championships where they fought to a hard-earned 130 draw against New Zealand despite the heavy rain and swirling winds at queensland’s Sunshine Coast stadium and more rugby the blitz box they’ve called in the veterans to bolster their ranks in preparation for the Singapore sevens which begins today Dylan stage he wants another crack at the sevs format and Si so wapi a former Captain is back from that injury layoff Coach Philip San yeah it’s quite a bit of changes but really happened I think the the biggest thing we want to build on a squad towards the the top eight and the the qualifies for the Olympic Games but also um keep continuity and that’s always a difficult one to to master but I think with our starting lineup being the exact same players and then five players coming in with a lot of experience a lot of X Factor um coming back in so really happy with the combinations um some physicality that we brought back in um so happy I think we have a a very balanced Squad and I think the guys that can do the job and we’ll build towards the bigger picture more sport on Sunrise top of the hour I’m Z Khan Z thanks very much indeed we more on M Lordi Sundown their super 7even coming up in the next half hour you’re there FM leading the conversation good morning it’s Friday at 6:30 good morning in the headlines president SEL Raposa says thec disciplinary committee works independently of all other structures of thec former ANC president and now MK party leader Jacob Zuma is expected to appear before the disciplinary committee on Tuesday next week the state is expected to begin its closing arguments in the bail application of the five men accused of the murder of musician Kenan AKA Forbes and his friend tielo tibs Mutan at the Durban magistrates court today and media freedom is under siege according to the UN Secretary General Antonio gutes in His official message marking World Press Freedom day I’ll have details on these and Other Stories at 7 sfm guiding you through the rush hour traffic major backlogging going on on the way out of Durban to Peter Marburg this morning it all sort of stems from an earlier six truck crash near lynfield Park which closed the road for a while it has been open for a while but breakdowns in the cues that formed up in the construction area that’s just causing a while to clear the back so coming from Kato Ridge up to Amro there’s your first queue then sort of Linfield Park through to ashburton another que and then another breakdown of a truck at Market Road so three separate cues to work through uh on your way to Peter mburg that first one from K Ridge to um R is particularly heavy and then it heads up for anyone traveling up towards jber further Inland in K that and there’s a tanker that’s overturned near the toalla onetop north of the bergville exit at lady Smith so that’s a massive backlog of traffic heading through towards the fun reenen’s pass area both lanes of the N3 Northbound are currently closed so Motors and truckers being sort of shipped onto the hard shoulder and partially using some dirt to get past that scene very heavy backlogs jaber’s N1 North queuing up towards the Marburg exit in fact extending past out towards Gordon Road looks like an issue around the N1 North at Gordon row causing the backlog and Cape Town this morning a crash on the M1 into town before the N7 just causing a delay coming through from the pl Cliff Hillside Rob burn sfm traffic the business update on sfm in ch good morning how you doing morning Stephen happy Friday I’m well thanks and I hope you’re good good how are the markets this morning well Global markets seem to be on track to end the first week of trade for May on a high note in Wall Street it was green across the board with investors assessing the feds more dag than expected interest rate guidance while digesting a number of mixed earnings and economic data now the jobs print for April is being released today and it will give us Insight on how the US Labor Market is performing so investors are eyeing that in Asia stocks took a positive lead from Wall Street as we saw a rebound in tech stocks from steep losses this week now back at home we had a mixed session the old share closed pretty flat down 0.04% with the Industrials the only industry in the green up 0.8% now in currency action the local unit continues to strengthen trading at $1 1855 to the dollar from above the 1860 level we saw yesterday and then Amazon’s bet and artificial intelligence it’s paying off it really is and we’ve seen the AI boom um being very Central when it comes to the tech sector we’ve had a number of these companies deliver um stellor numbers on the back of the trend and Amazon as we’ve mentioned is one of those companies reporting bumper first quarter results revenues up 133% and its operating income more than tripled now the performance was due to cost cutting initi initiatives growth in advertising and cloud computing advertising revenues were under pressure over the past few years as companies started feeling the pinch of high interest rates and elevated inflation and spent less on Advertising now that market is starting to grow again we even saw upbeat Tings from meta and alphabet with strength on that end being boosted by increased advertising Amazon is quite positive about this Revenue source as it surpassed the retail and Cloud units the group expects a continued jump in profitability for the second quarter but at a more measured pace and then Apple’s Revenue it’s dipping because it’s struggling with increased competition it really is and it it it is decreasing right but it did top an analyst estimates um however those concern still remain as as you said reported a decline in its Top Line the revenue F 4% with iPhone sales sluming 10% now apple is positive that it will return return to sales growth in the current period as it invests in artificial intelligence features the current period was tough on Apple as it battled with increased competition with the likes of Samsung introducing competing devices with those AI features now things haven’t been easy on the regulatory front as well Apple Services business which contains its App Store um has been facing some pressure uh the pressure piling from a new law uh by the European Union and in the US the Department of Justice in March accused Apple of monopolizing the smartphone market and driving up prices this just another Factor just weighing on investor sentiment when it comes to the company despite these concerns Apple share price shot up yesterday as it launched its biggest yes uh share buyback program and plans to unveil its AI efforts later on in the year in Tang chup thanks very much indeed back of course in an hour more business news through the day here on FM Africa update on sfm Sunrise a continental overview of current African Affairs advocate C manula good morning refesh Jambo Africa to the listeners big elections in Chad on Monday what are we expecting Stephen when you look at CH jamaa we have challenges that yes there was a military change by from father to son coming of MMA Idris DE after his son was killed almost 3 years ago now what’s happening in this election we have almost eight candidates who will be even contesting out of 18 million people what is Waring stepen is that definitely Muhammad Idris deby might be turning from military leader to a civilian president the there is still a concern about the French influence on the politics of chart despite that we know that there were military CR in the S but for chat on Monday there’s nothing that we can expect rather than if they don’t have any winner they will have a runoff on the 22nd of June this year so we are looking forward to hear what will happen on Monday and after the election results have been Ted to see whether the same current leader Muhammad Idris deby will be back in into power we have a current prime minister also who is contesting success M master who is also a candidate but other candidates even have been U eliminated you can say one of them be Yaya Dow who was killed early this year so you have many challenges in chge but we are hoping it will be a peaceful and transparent elections and then in sa and Principe they’re asking for Portugal to repair the moral damages caused by colonialism Stephen this is coming out from sa princip also what you can say many Colonial countries that were occupied by Portugal Angola Mozambique Brazil Cape Verde uh they’ve been raising this issue of reparation around uh what happened in the past but this issue came forward Stephen when the Portugal president Marcelo rebello was questioned about crimes committed in the transatlantic slavery and that’s where the question of reparations came forward now sa principle yesterday saiding that they are going to be pushing for the reparation agenda to be back when they engaging with Portugal and that’s why I said Angola mmek K ver also St they entering this debate of what happened in the post Colonial matters also the UN SG Anon guz spoke about the issue of reparations to overcome generations of segregation that has happened in the past and then in North Sudan uh since the war broke out there between those two forces more than half a million people have moved into South Sudan that is worrying and that is in the upper Nile state of the South Sudan that is in the small town of rank H this small town of rank is 45 kilometers away but is also a a biggest entry and a Transit point for the refugees who are affected by the conflict in the North Sudan in Kum now this is also giving pressure to the government of South Sudan as they planning for their elections how to deal with this refugees coming from the north as well as the rapid support forces who have explored some of these areas when whenever you have refugees so you have what we call ranked Transit Center even where it is very hard for the people of North Sudan as well as South Sudan to manage this crisis of having more people crossing to the border of these two countries more so there a a conflict going on and at the same time like I said there’s an election process that the South sudanes had to undergo and then in Malawi the Malawi and pres Lazarus chakera challenging malawian media to help build the nation I always get a bit nervous about this kind of thing I mean what they’re really saying is don’t report on what’s happening in government but I think I think chak is saying that because it’s ahead of today being World Press Freedom Day to say that focus on telling a good story you’ll remember former president Zuma said the same thing at some point H but here it is all about saying that yes Malawi has been going through climate change there been going through corruption but it is important for them as the media to give a good picture about the country as part of what they will say a national branding of the country to the international H community and that’s where Chaka was also raising the issue of the oath that the media are taking when whenever they are engaging on their spaces and even raising the issue of access to Information Act that they have in Malawi so like you said it is quite true you might be having those challenges of that the the media is always been driven by the state but the media has to be independent and have the freedom of engaging as well but this year celebrations even is around Guardians for democracy advocating media Independence for credible elections that’s the theme in Malawi as they commemorating the World Press Freedom day all right and then obviously it was first observed in Namibia and V that is quite true as we going to our archive the 3D of May 1991 was in Vin hook where there was a meeting from the 29th of April to the 3D of May where they came out with the Press Freedom principles that put together by African journalist it was mostly from the print press SG but coming from the print media also the radio the audio visual is also Bound by this date you can observe what we call the Vint hook Declaration on what we know as World Press day very important as the UN the Au the sadc has been emphasizing of the role of the media in the society despite challenges that the media and the journalist have been facing this important can acknowledge this day was leading the conversation FM observing the Africa month R Advocate SEO mantilla thank you very much indeed back of course on Monday more news from our continent through the day you know the number 08620 32 any person grieved by any political advertisement or political election broadcast that is broadcast by safm May Lodge a complaint within 5 days from broadcast with the independent Communications authority of South Africa iasa to Lodge your complaint please contact aasa’s compliance Department via telephone number on 012568 323 that’s 012568 323 or email broadcasting compliance at Doza that’s broadcasting compliance at . Za alternatively complaints CCC at Doza that’s complaints CCC at Doza come test drive the new Ford territory the family SUV with a 1.8 L ecoboost engine that is both powerful and fuel efficient get yours at launch prices from only 590,000 Rand including an optional service plan for a limited time only get your nearest Ford dealer and test drive the new Ford territory today tncs apply sabc Sports is proud to bring you the best polo match on television screens watch the South African National Polo teams take on the best from around the world first on the annual fixture is the eagerly awaited International battle at the netbank international polo on Saturday 11 May 2024 from 1:30 p.m. watch live on sabc Sport AS Argentina the best of the Americas face off with South Africa the best of Africa catch the buildup the international match and the prizegiving ceremony on sabc sport on D Channel 4 also available on sabc plus and sabc proudly brought to you by Sac sport [Music] for sfm prime time all day long 16 minutes to 7 one more glory for mamaloi Sundowns last night they beat Kaiser Chiefs 51 in the process winning the the PSL for the seventh consecutive time 14th time Sundowns have won the league they’ve gone 24 matches without being beaten and K is the co-founder ofis media K good morning an amazing performance last night absolutely absolutely morning Stephen morning to your listeners as well um there was a red card for against Kaiser Chiefs on the side of Kaiser Chiefs so um that explains why the 51 although um all money was on myel Sundowns they are of course better than Ka Chiefs there are 30 points that separates mam Sundowns and Kaiser Chiefs in fact it could be more if M Sundowns play the same number of matches as Kaiser Chief so that explains the gulf indifference between those two teams one experiencing the Seven League title in a row another not winning any trophy for over nine years um it was a good game for M Suns of course once they had the oneman advantage um they really turned their Style on especially in the second half and I think that this is the first time in the PSL era in the history of the PSL era that Kaa Chiefs have considered five goals because they are a big team although um the points don’t reflect that I mean people were going back to I think 1986 and 1990 to find the last time Chiefs had conceded so many goals so many of us grew up in an era dominated by theam makosi I mean how have Sundowns been able to just completely turn that around and I mean it’s like complete dominance absolutely absolutely um 2002 2003 is very pivotal um over 21 22 years ago when M Sundowns are bought by Dr patri MPE that was very pivotal although it was not instant in terms of them winning immediately after he came in it was around 2012 when they were almost relegated not necessarily but they were number 13 number 14 in the league um when M Sundowns hired Coach P musan that was the first uh period or indicator that they were turning around and they were becoming they’ve always been a serious club really they were the first team in the PSL era since 96 that won the league three times in a row and they are now the first team to win it’s more than that seven times consecutively around 2012 they hired Coach P musan and they are becoming now a serious proposition in South African football because they are no longer um hiring um people with names from Europe but they don’t really do anything and they also change their transfer strategy at some point when Biz is there they they stop buying 12 players um at the same time every transfer window um in the last five six years they usually just buy two players to strengthen the core players that they have the money of course is important but there was a change in strategy by hiring the right people and even the players that they Scout from South America are so good and and they indicate that they they have a good scouting department they are able to recruit the best players the best coaches and they’re buying it they’re buying them sensibly and then in 2016 they become African Champions and then from 2018 onwards they’ve won the league backto back for seven times in fact the last team that ever won the league in South African football no longer exists and that was bit ver ver um which won the league in 2017 that’s wonderful way to look at it sort of um um are they going to be able to so so Money Matters obviously they’ve made the right choices so they got the right people that’s crucial yeah um at some point this kind of dominance has to end I mean again to go back in sort of footballing History Manchester United I mean no one ever dreamed Manchester City would be able to take on Manu and now look at how things have changed I mean it doesn’t last forever anywhere does it yeah Bayern Munich uh for the first time in 11 years did not win the league in Germany and they were unseated by Bayer lusen who’s coached by shabi Alonzo so the dominance doesn’t last forever my fear um is that it doesn’t look like there’s anyone who’s going to stop that domination anytime soon so I suspect that they could go for the 10th consecutive time um it might be that one team could win once just to break the consecutive League titles but they’re so strong they have the com they have the the best combination of money plus recruitment plus the right coaches around and plus treating the players decently that when you look at the landscape of South African football it doesn’t look like there’s anyone else who can break that orando pirates of course they’re the they are the closest um competitors but Orlando Pirates are usually preoccupied by domestic um trophies because South Africa has three other trophies besides the league and that perhaps is a distraction if we can win the MTN age or the NB cup or the Carling black La b cup your fans actually can be pacified into thinking that you are um you know you are a serious club whereas if you look at them orando pirates in Continental football that is usually the gauge where we can see whether or not Sundowns has competition Continental football and the league Sundowns won The League last year by 16 points that means they could have played they could have not played five matches and they would have still won the League this year they will win it by a margin meaning they could have not played maybe seven or eight games whilst everyone else plays 30 games they played 22 games or 23 games they still would have won the league and that is the extent of the dominance yes someone could break it like once um because maybe there was a lapse in that season but they will still come back again because they have this vicious combination of money and recruiting the right coaches the right players and the right people around the players all of their Legends their former players are around the team as well which really helps a lot in K K thank you so much co-founder of idisi media I know it would have been a late night for you last night Sir really appreciate the time so early the Magnificent mamaloi Sundowns super seventh Tri trophy League trophy for them someone ever going to dominate come on I’m M you know the number 08620 32 10 minutes to 7 sfm guiding you through the rush hour traffic still very heavy traffic on the N3 from Durban up to Peter Marburg and then further challenges up around the lady Smith area so we’ve got major cues between Kato Rion camperdown that’s on your way towards Peter mburg possibly a breakdown around camper down by the looks of things it’s a really heavy backlog and then once you get through there there’s another stationary truck stuck around ashur and so you’ll join a very significant secondary queue from lynfield Parks you put those two together it’s a major backlog early this Friday morning on your way into Peter Marburg after that as you trundle up through the Midlands and onwards there’s a tanker that’s overturned at north of the bergville ex up by TOA Services before the plaza now this tank is carrying a load of paraffin which is spilled and it’s overturn blocking both the Northbound Lanes so major backlog alert there as well as motorist and truckers have to take the emergency Lane and probably a bit of dirt and gravel on the side to get past it it’s a it’s a massive cure of course all that traffic stuck around Peter marburg’s eventually going to arrive up into that as well a lot of it will in terms of the truck so it is going to be a very busy day on that run between if you like sort of Lady Smith and and fun Ran’s pass it’s going to take some TR to clear the truck in to clear that’s Village I would think uh gerberg side not looking too bad this morning uh there is a vehicle fire incident ent3 North at the Rand airport interchange if you’re going up from Sprite view the left lane is closed there uh Cape toown earlier crash on the M1 intert at Monte Vista been cleared away traffic a little bit lighter this morning on the N1 than you might normally expect and no traffic lights on the M7 Jake Scoville and r300 Junction they were down last night they’re still out this morning qes out of Mitchell’s plane Rob burn sfm traffic M I heard ran water talking on the radio about how dangerous it is for people to encroach on their pipeline servitude yes those High Press R waterer pipelines are under the ground Distributing megaliters of water when people build on top of the pipeline rwat is unable to conduct maintenance on the pipeline which has a negative impact on water provision pipelines can burst without warning people could get seriously injured or Worse yes people can die from a bursting pipe that is why people need to understand that Rand waterer servitude is where a Rand waterer pipeline is located if we build our houses or businesses on a rwater servitude then we are encroaching on that servitude they say if communities want to know whether they’ve encroached over servitudes they should look for the rwater beacons the beacons indicate the presence of rwater pipelines under the ground they rectangular made of concrete are painted either white or blue and have the rwater logo on them let’s take a walk around our area to see if there are any rwater beacons so that we can also tell the neighbors rwater celebrating 120 years of existence and still finding new ways to provide clean portable bulk water so a lady from airini just turned 55 and although I’m still spring chicken there’s AP party that envies her especially since she now qualifies for a nedbank electronic Optimum Plus account with capital guaranteed talk about Foy huh voiceman if you mean fomo then definitely boss man and she can earn up to 12.85% in interest anyone over 55 can open theirs via the netbank money app in less than 2 minutes see money differently netbank we’re a licensed fsp and registered credits provider TASC apply vfb stot loves it when their fans are happy and they want to impress them against the Giants of German Football meanwhile Bayern munchin are still not impressed they lost in their title race they want to Triumph in this battle this is the Bundesliga football as it’s meant to be catch vfb St versus ban munchin this Saturday 4 May at 300 p.m. live on Sac 3 also available on sabc plus and Sac # we love it you proudly brought to you by sabc sport For the Love of [Music] the at sfm radio and at Steven crus on Twitter 6 minutes to 7 good morning an organization called democracy in action says it’ll take the electoral commission to court if it doesn’t publish the minutes of its meeting with the US ambassador Ruben bridgy the I met with bridgy earlier this week it says it meets with diplomats regularly before elections and that it will be meeting with diplomats from the EU and other countries as well the spokesperson for durko the Department of international relations and cooperation clayon Monella tweeted this week that it’s normal for the I to meet with diplomats that it’s convening a meeting of the Diplomatic Corp for a briefing by the IEC on the Readiness for the elections and then he said quote throw the conspiracy theories away end quote T sweny is the chairperson of democracy in Africa in in action excuse me Tabo good morning good morning s good morning to your listeners this morning why are you so worried about this one particular meeting with the US ambassador well firstly let’s start here um Steven um Jason M does not speak on behalf of the I the I must speak on behal of itself secondly that the Mee the way the meeting was presented to us especially from the US Embassy it seems as if there was a secret meeting that was held as a country we’re not in the known so we’ve written to the IEC to ask specific questions specifically we the minutes of the meeting if the meeting ever took place what was the agenda and what were the decisions that were taken during that uh that uh meeting and lastly because there also rumors that the I receiving funding especially from the US Embassy or from the US government so we wanted that so that’s why we asking the to respond to those allegation okay there’s an image I’m looking at it right now of the I and the meeting with Ruben bridgy they hardly kept it a secret come on well it’s not in the image that where the problem lies the problem lies that the IEC itself did not send this this this or were not did not oppose this image which is also which was only from what you call the the US Embassy so as an because there was an out also on X there was an outcry even on radio shows even on your show you spoken about this so we are mely taking Clarity from the Independent electoral Commission of South Africa is it just the fact that it’s the American ambassador if it was the Ambassador from Russia would you still have a problem with that yes we still a problem independent electoral commission is an independent body it’s a it’s a chapter institution that deals with elections in this country so they should not be a meeting with anyone especially someone anyone that would want to uh play a role in in in our election coming up so that’s why we’re saying whether it’s the US Embassy the Russian Embassy the China embassy anyone so we don’t want any external interfer okay Tabo it’s entirely likely that our diplomats in other countries meet with their electoral commissions or their electoral authorities before an election as well would it be wrong for our diplomats to do that and then it should not be wrong for them to send us the agenda the minutes of the meeting and if there was any decision that were taken there so that should also be normal it should okay these these are not long meetings I don’t think people are behind closed doors they’re shaking hands and taking a photograph and maybe having a cup of coffee aren’t you I mean maybe I know you don’t want to take you you know you say clay monel isn’t speaking for the Electoral commission sure but maybe it is time to throw the conspiracy theories away here well see then what we need to do in this country we we need an New Media all the coming up because are not concerned only from democracy in 18 but discuss issue with you T tble we’re we’re losing you a little bit on the line there but you’re suggesting that we should investigate as the media what people say on X on Twitter yes on all all because now you see the country is moving in into a different direction X is one of the communication tools that we are currently using and the out mostly from X so as the African media we should also all of us be involved in saying that if there if an outcry from South African from South Africans from all works of life in different media platforms us as media we should come up and say no let’s investigate and find out Tabo I mean do you spend much time on X do you see the claims that are made there I mean if we had to investigate everything we’d be investigating all sorts of crazy stuff we can’t just go about what you know people say on X can you imagine but that’s that’s what is happening in media most most things stand from today every news that we receive today access available information s in the country it’s also full of disinformation do you accept that but the photo from the US Embassy is not disinformation so what you made the I an independent electoral commission to say that is it true that they are receiving funds from the US Embassy or from the US government did they meet with the US Embassy why did they meet why but they meet with every other country trouble I mean this is the point but we don’t have any information they saying that they meeting with every other country don’t have that information we don’t have any photos that depict the meeting with any other country so for now it’s just placing L that they are meeting with the Diplomatic Cs and everyone else but we have not images we have okay well the Electoral commission say it’s not just CL mon the IC has said they’re going to have those meetings too and then if it’s normal for them to meet with them then it should not be a problem for us for them to finish the South African with minutes of those meetings and if there’s any that were taken with that decision but specifically we also ask that is the US government the US Embassy finding elections or finding the a so that should also be responded to and all of us concern with that allegation T 20 losing you on the line there but thank you for the time chairperson of democracy and action you there FM leading the ation it’s 7:00 outsurance will go out of their way to try and save you money on your car insurance if they can’t ask for 500 R SMS out to 30754 now that’s good [Music] [Applause] news in our top stories ramama paa reacts to Zuma facing anc’s disciplinary committee and positivity for new vehicle sales in April good morning ANC president s ramapa says thec disciplinary committee works independently of all the other structures of thec this after former ANC president and now MK party leader Jacob Zuma is expected to appear before the disciplinary committee on Tuesday next week Zuma is facing two counts of contravening thec constitution Raposa reacted to the latest developments on the sidelines of the anc’s campaign Trail in the Western Cape ahead of the May 2024 polls he will go through a disciplinary process and he will go and argue his case there and uh it’s up to the disciplinary committee to make a finding it’s not up to anyone of us uh to preempt that and pronounce a finding uh so the disciplinary committee works independently of all the other functioning or executive structures of thec the state is expected to begin its closing arguments in the bail application of the five men accused of the murder of musician Kenan AKA Forbes and his friend tielo tubs Mutan at the Durban magistrates court today the PE were shot and killed outside a Durban restaurant last year yesterday the defense concluded the closing arguments in the bail application a further two suspects are in custody in istini awaiting an extradition application the six men arrested in connection with the hijacking and murder of Kaiser Chief’s Defender Luke fers have admitted to being in possession of his vehicle before stripping it and selling the pots Witnesses told police they spotted the suspects driving around the Squan plus and slal areas in a red VW polo GTI match ing the description of the victim’s vehicle a text message was found in accuse number four Frankie claba cell phone saying if they get arrested they should confess to the crime fers was shot and robbed of his vehicle while at a filling station in Honey dun Johannesburg last month the NPA spokesperson Pim J well investigations are ongoing we are trying to trace where that message came from so we cannot rule out the possib ility of more people being added or the possibility of more charges being added so we’ll be guided by what the investigation will uncover new vehicle sales recorded an increase of 1,493 cars in April this year this after eight consecutive months of a decline in sales the automotive Business Council namsa says the positive performance in the new vehicle Market segment in April is welcomed all thanks to a full month of no load shading notando Maga reports n says economic factors such as high interest rates unemployment and GDP growth rates continue to negatively affect new vehicle sales it says the increase in interest rates impact on consumers affordability which in turn impacts on their vehicle choices the council says the composition of the South African vehicle Market has changed with the customers leaning more towards less expensive and smaller cars it further says post the national elections when the interest rate cutting cycle is anticipated to commence the new vehicle Market is expected to improve and finally media freedom is under siege according to the UN Secretary General Antonio GES in His official message marking World Press Freedom Day the UN General Assembly in 1993 proclaimed the day observe to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and remind governments of the duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Shen Bryce Beast reports the UN Chief also lamented the high casualty toll of journalists in Gaza gutterz said it came as no surprise that powerful people companies and institutions would stop at nothing to prevent environmental journalists from doing their jobs warning that it was increasing ly a dangerous profession he pointed to dozens of journalists covering illegal mining logging poaching and other issues who have been killed in recent decades while UNESCO has documented some 750 attacks on journalists and news outlets reporting on environmental issues in the past 15 years gutterz also expressed shock at the high number of journalists killed in the Israeli military operations in Gaza as he affirmed their invaluable work to ensure the public is informed and engaged recapping the top story ANC president sidel Raposa says thec disciplinary committee works independently of all other structures of thec former ANC president and now MK party leader Jacob Zuma is expected to appear before the disciplinary committee at Luli house on Tuesday next week for sfm news I am an Musa and thank you those were the top stories for this hour don’t miss out on a possible car insurance saving smms out to 30754 for a quote outsurance where you always get something out 36-year-old Jackie could tell you a story or two about getting the best deal on her insurance she called outsurance for a car insurance quote and got a premium that’s tailor to her needs for her gray 2022 Ford ecosport 1.0 Trend she pays just 691 round a month smsr to 30754 for a quote that’s out to 30754 license insur and fsp T and C’s online a very good morning to you in your sfm sports headlines soccer action mamod Sundowns clenching their seventh title with a dominant 51 win over Kaiser Chiefs and the blitz bocker they are to face Spain this morning around 8:00 a.m. don’t miss the updates right here on Sunrise sfm guiding you through the rush hour traffic just staring in panga this morning there’s a truck busy burning on the um ilan’s Valley section of the N4 it’s out by elon’s hook so that’s between godwana and montro there’s some very heavy standstill traffic on that section of the N4 if you moving between Mador and bombell you might want to look for the signs to take you along scoan clof as the alternative routing around that truck over turning between Clayville and irini on the M57 if that’s your route to work expect some delays there major challenges out of Durban through to jber got two big cues south of Peter Marburg going into Peter Marburg one is the backlog between K Ridge and camper down another between lynfield Park and Market Road all of that around some breakdowns and then trucker tanker in fact carrying a load of paraffin is overturned just north of the bergville ex in fact up by TOA services on your way towards toel Plaza that’s a major queue trucks and vehicles stacked in the queue for kilometers at truck and spillage blocking both lanes of the N3 Northbound Cape toown no lights coming out of Mitchell’s plane M7 r300 both of those routs out towards some more Michelle side queuing reasonably heavily Rob bur sfm traffic s FM Sunrise a vivid start to your day 9 after 7 good morning you with sfm sfm Sunrise I’m stepen CR so glad you’re with us this morning plenty to come the latest on former president Jacob Zuma indeed again back in the news this morning after thatc decision we’ll get a view on that in just a moment more on the issue around Codine can rarely lead to dependency if you’re not careful if you take too much of it if you take it for too long if it’s too available particularly for young people talk about that in the next few minutes as well after around 7:30 or so we’re expecting to hear also from the mayor of jber Cabell guanda and then just a reminder today is the last day that you can register for a special vote on the IEC website the Electoral commission website so that you can have your voice being heard in the elections if you need to vote the the Monday or the Tuesday before the elections on the Wednesday or if you need a home visit uh that will be very very important you need to go to the IC website and R it’s very by the way it takes a very very quick process you can do it by SMS too but just go and register there and you’ll be able to do it and I did it it took literally under a minute you just need your ID number really 10 minutes after 7 good morning first in the morning sfm Sunrise with Steven KES well the political party kto says its leader the former president Jacob Zumer will be at the ANC headquarters Lully house on Tuesday next week to appear before a disciplinary hearing Zuma’s now been given two formal charges and that he said that he would not campaign for the ANC in these elections and that he was working for another party and that he officially joined another party as you know thec first said Zuma was suspended back in January after he said in December he would campaigned for Mk and against what he’s consistently called aresc Professor Susan Boon’s a visiting professor at Vitz University and a political analyst Professor boyon good morning good morning Steven it’s taken a long time for thec to start these proceedings and there’s been lots of speculation around why the ANC would consistently say he’s been suspended but wouldn’t say he had been expelled could the Tipping Point have been that Zumer is now officially on the candidate list for Mk was that maybe the legal Smoking Gun in a way yes stepen because anc’s nose was continuously being rugged and is continuously being rugged into this reality that this is a person who regards himself as member of a real ANC standing against thec and there’s a lot of factionalism that is being reinvented in this decision by zumar the St that he took to contest as member of and leader of in body so I guess it is a continuous reminder to the ANC that they may be perceived as weak and indecisive and I think there is a lot of ambiguity in ANC rules in the Constitution even if the Constitution is loaded with disciplinary action rules but it was suspended in terms of role 2560 which allows for the summary this suspension but it was always turned a temporary suspension that step that the ANC took in late January also about four months ago and in that if something is temporary it has to be made final and then I guess the NC against SE it as a sign of Their Own Strength and internal fairness etc etc if they actually conclude this process formally although I think it would have been much better much more decisive and indeed stronger and they just turned that as I think the rules do allow to turn that temporary suspension into a permanent one because there is no ambiguity in the nature of what Zuma actually did so I mean there different things that could happen here it could turn into a protracted legal thing you know I can just imagine the sort of phone call to Advocate Dar and Paul fui you know consistently supported and and represented Zuma and Julius mmer in another disciplinary hearing many years ago or it could just be very quick and decisive now technically there’s a legal process thec is supposed to follow and I noticed that sort of charges come from the person who led the you know the the he was the sort of Prof err of the charges in the MMA case and that was a very long technical process there’s a benefit to that in that it could drag things out it could show the anc’s being fair but as you point to there’s also a sort of you know there’s a problem with that and that it allows Zuma to stay in the news forever um you know what’s the best political choice for thec here sure it would thec will probably go this route of if it needs to be protected it will be protected they will take solace in the fact that they are actually taking the legal steps and seeing due process going through typical s Posas president approach to mat is legal and I I think he a he would really try like to try to make it short and decisive but knowing Zuma it will probably not be unless they ANC can really step in and say they obviously seeing from different him sheets that um the that Zuma clearly obeyed these two rules of thec about cooperating with and promoting another party and standing as candidate against say seizing those candidate so I I cannot imagine that they is an ambiguity in that but being Zuma it’s probably going to be drawn out and yes and and forever or for a long time to come to be on that public agenda because as we also know former president Zuma he will get a lot of mileage and a lot of media interviews exposure out of this and through all we can we know the kind text that he’s using now that he doesn’t recognize so quote unquote Roma Boza ANC that and that is really a factional matter and that he is actually the proprietor of the realc he is the holder of the values Etc that type of narrative we’re going to see a lot of that in in the next while and The crucial thing is it’s going to be in a runup to this election even if it’s if it’s going to be drawn out and indecisive in the short term there is going to be a lot of ventilation as Zuma people also see a lot of oxygen on available for this matter to be taken forward so on Tuesday we’ll probably see as MK says we’ll see their supporters so Zuma supporters outside Luli house um and as you point to it could sort of help MK in the election but can thec use this to to energize its supporters look we’re under attack from Luli house there MK people outside this could go in a couple of different directions maybe it could potentially yes but I think the symbolism of anti Raposa anti- quote unquote again and ranc outside headquarters Inc house I do not think that will benefit thec in any significant way because there’s a symbolism of Zuma former president challenging for what he sees as what he projects as the battle for the real ANC right against the background of Luli house I cannot see thec winning but I noticed also in their statements that they say it is a confirmation of their process of internal renewal decisive disciplinary action so that narrative will also fly sick and fly high but I think the real battle is already won but thec seems to think that it needs to be dusted off again Professor Susan Boon thanks very much indeed visiting professor at Vitz University as you know a well-known political analyst 17 minutes after 7 and we will be now playing on Mondays at halfast 4 the day has changed but the time slot hasn’t so if you’re interested in news that’s happening with us kids and our peers around the world don’t forget to tune in see you [Music] there hello your choice hotline hi I need you to help me make a choice well for you get to make your own choices like on brand new Ford Ranger XL XLT or wild track super cabs from only 79 per month with no deposit needed there’s a flexible deal for every Super Cab at your nearest Ford dealership today your Ford your choice tnc’s apply the debate of universities will be witnessed on the field of play The Varsity Derby between amamax ladies and UJ ladies who are the most intelligent students this is the Hollywood be super league catch the queens of the beautiful game University of Petoria ladies versus University of Johannesburg ladies on Sunday 5 May at 2:30 p.m. live on Sac SW on DT Channel 4 also available on sabc plus and sabc # we love it here brought to you by sabc sport for the [Music] love Steven cres on sfm good morning you with sfm 19 minutes now after 7 the sa Health Products regulatory Authority sepa now looking at forcing pharmacies and other bodies that dispense drugs or medicines to digitally record the ID numbers of people who’ve been given medications including that include Codine as you know Codine can be addictive you can use it to get high we’re seeing particularly large numbers of young people using this people are buying it for that rather than for any of the medical effects Madi fafi is the inspectorate Regulatory Compliance manager at the sa Health Products regulatory Authority M good morning thanks for your time morning Sten in listeners what are you actually looking at what kind of proposals are you looking at following here because of the sched of this problem uh Stephen and knowing that we’ve got a stringent pharmaceutical supply chain which is highly uh regulated and monitored so and this problem still exist so we had to a stakeholders meet in the industry to see where are the loopholes why are these going into into the elastic Market why are supplies going into the wrong uh issued incorrectly when there are loss when they are professionals to safeguard this but still we are seeing this problem and growing and this is also going uh through our borders so that’s what prompted us to create um to establish this platform uh where there is multi-disciplinary stakeholders to say okay now we need a centralized database where we will be collecting data so that we can prevent we can detect and respond immediately when we we detect that there is a misuse overuse and abuse wasn’t there a plan I mean I remember doing an interview about this about 10 years ago pharmacies were supposed to keep records of people who are buying codine in other words if you went to you know a pharmacy in one place they would keep a record that you had bought Codine you went to the pharmacy in another place they would know that you had bought Codine and they shouldn’t sell you anymore what happened to that remember Stephen this was not centralized so a centralized databas will help that if a patient or a client moves from Pharmacy a uh to Pharmacy B Pharmacy B will be able to see that oh this patient was actually on another Pharmacy and they got so much of this substance so it will alert them entral daate will alert them okay I mean so that I mean it seems the the entire system system before then failed almost by design it was never going to work without a centralized system yes that is correct because remember uh there are so many things that you needed to take into consideration so it was the legal Frameworks that were in place to make sure that data collection uh is within the law because remember uh in terms of poia and other uh information protection of people’s information you need to ensure that the public will be safe their data will not be misused for other things so as the regulator we needed to also make sure that we protect the consumers there’s so many aspects to this um do you as sapra do you get to make the decision yourself can you uh Force pharmacies other people who sell these medicines can you issue a regulation do you have that kind of power to say this is how things need to move from here or does it need to go through another process maybe through the health department to do that this is uh this is within the medicines and and related Substances Act which SE existing terms of so we we do have the right because remember our our is to ensure that the public is safe so the public Rees quality and eous N so this is our mandate we need to ensure that the public is safe and also we are because codin is a substance that is internation controlled in terms of the UN conventions so we need to to demonstrate that we are making means to ensure that there’s no misuse there’s no abuse and harm that is done to the public indirectly so we have the right to establish laws however we collaborate with other statutary bodies other um health professionals um civil society and uh uh professionals like manufacturers wholesalers uh practicing uh professionals to ensure that the laws that we come with together with the public the laws that we come with will be um fair and transparent to implement okay and then um so so you would be able to say Pharmacists and pharmacies have to comply with us um would you run the register who would run that register and what information would be on it so this is still in um it’s a process that we are still developing to ensure that legally in terms of our mandate we will be able to enforce all that we are still Consulting so there are various legs and F that we are bringing into this so we will make sure that because we are the regulator as the regulator and the reporting organization uh remember we are an entity of health so we work closely with the Department of Health and we will be Consulting and we’ll make sure that we protect the public uh best way that we can when we implement this so we are still in the consultative uh processes um I’m you would know this better than me and I may be wrong but I wonder if this is the first process like this that’s been started since the introduction of the protection of personal information act the poppy act and this would be a register of a type of drug or types of medications that people have actually uh used and this register would have to be available to a huge number of people because otherwise there’s no point to it so each Pharmacy each pharmacist would have to have access to this are you going to have s under poppy um is this going to raise some issues that maybe we haven’t seen before around how this kind of information is actually managed uh as the regulator we will always make sure that we we protect people’s identity that is why the system um will be in the information will belong to the regulator and it will be unique identifying um character it will not necessarily so what we are saying is that the system or the tool that be used the software that will be used it will not be given Steven’s name or ID number the phist or whoever that will be assisting they will not be able to access the information the information will be uh held by the regulator what they will be um they will not have that uh unique identifying that speaks uh to you as a person to say that you are misusing the substance how ever that information it it sort of goes into a black hole but only the regulator will be able to um to to to to H have that data but nobody else will know uh that this is the they will not be able to use their identity against you that’s what we are striving to achieve div okay I was just wondering thank you M for fi really appreciate the time inspectorate and Regulatory Compliance manager at Thea Health Products regul Authority you know how big a problem Codine has been in so many communities you may well have a story for us just how bad it can be also how you help a young person who’s in the grip of this thing 086 02032 good morning 27 minutes after 7 this is safm Sport with Z Khan Z good morning it really is all Sundowns I mean do I need to say it seven times I know yes indeed Sundowns teaching Kaiser Chiefs to dance the dis way all the way to that trophy yes seven times but the score line 5-1 yesterday highlighting the Gap and the skill and strategy of Sundowns but there is a growing gap between them and other teams in the league their consistent performance season after season cementing Sundown status as a Powerhouse in South African football coming up we have an exclusive clip Steven spoke to in Kul qu of aisy media um all money was on M Sundowns they are of course better than Kaiser Chiefs there are 30 points that separates M Sundowns and Kaiser Chiefs in fact it could be more if M Sundowns play the same number of matches as kaisa Chu so that explains the gulf indifference between those two teams one experiencing the Seven League title in a row another not winning any trophy for over nine years meanwhile bana bufana will host their 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier against Zimbabwe at the Free State stadium in bloom fantin on the 11th of June Safa acting CEO Dr taniua confirmed that the South African senior Men’s National Team will return to bloom ftin for the first time since the 2010 FIFA World Cup they last played in the city when they beat France 2-1 at the Fifa tournament 14 years ago now coach Hugo bruises charges they in group C they resume the qualifiers for the tournament to be played in the United States of America Canada and Mexico with the mouthwatering away Clash against Nigeria and that’s on the 7th of June now the junior spring box they had a thrilling start at the under 20 rugby Championship they earned a 130 draw against New Zealand coach bufano was all prais and Happy for his team this is why we’re here so they can learn uh you know they can take certain things forward uh you know and we always spoke to them about the pressure of playing at this level uh and they need to go through it we just great grateful that as important a game as it is it’s not you know it’s not a you know if you lose you die kind of thing but I think we’ll you very very happy with the effort of the guys now the Bliss box are ready for the Singapore sevens which begins today they face Spain this morning around 8: a.m. Samoa later and France in their pool three teams Coach Philip snan feels are capable of beating the best as they have proved during this very competitive 2024 series yes France a very good team um obviously for now we only focus on the first game against Spain um with our previews we we managed to to put up um the preview of Spain the preview of France and Samoa so there’s glimpses of it but we only focus on on the game against Spain and we played Spain and I think three of the last four tournaments we played Samoa and two of the last four tournaments and we only played France one so um but I do believe if we can lay solid foundation g day one against Spain and then Samoa then we’ll take some confidence playing France first game day two um and the guys are up for it I’m pretty sure we can top our pool and go into the quarterfinals and then semi-finals that’s the BL Bo Coach Philip snan here on Sunrise more sport top of the hour I’m Z Khan Z thanks in the next half hour the mayor of the city of D Cabello guanda you with sfm leading the conversation 7:30 good morning in the headlines thec says its decision to charge its former president Jacob Zuma has nothing to do with the anc’s election campaign ahead of the upcoming national elections a notice by the anc’s national disciplinary committee reveals Zuma is expected to appear before hearing on Tuesday next week on two counts of contravening thec constitution the road accident fund has launched a campaign to deal with a backlog of claims submitted before April 2021 it’s currently facing a backlog of over 300,000 applications that do not have the required documents for the claims to be processed to move to the next stage and UNESCO the UN educational scientific and cultural organization has awarded Palestinian journalists covering the war in Gaza the 2024 World Press Freedom prize I’ll have details on these and Other Stories at 8 sfm guiding you through the rush hour traffic some delays on jaber’s Mike one Highway this morning in the Park toown area uh coming southbound has been a crash just before hton drive so that’s quite heavy from Melrose on your way down into Central Jedburg and park toown and big enough crash SE to be causing some on looking on the Northbound sides coming up from Crown interchange through that Park toown area passing sort of hon drive and Oxford Road it’s all very heavily backed up there as well so heavy traffic both directions this morning over in panga the N4 Anan Valley section if it’s not closed it may well be looks like a multiple truck crash and some of those trucks have caught fire uh this is at anan’s Hawk that’s between godwana and Monro so anyone that needs to travel from masara Dorp to bombella in either direction the simple thing to do there is look for the signs it’ll direct you onto Schuman clu Schuman clu is the sort of Northern section of the N4 it’s the southern section the anons valley section that is under some real queuing pressure at the moment major tanker crash up after the bergville exit on your way through towards fen’s pass this tank is overturned blocking both lanes paraffin Village as well going to take a while to get this scene completely sorted out uh the traffic is stuck at a major major bind you’ve got the option of bergville and olant talk if you want to take the r74 and just sort of keep yourself moving on that alternative R it’s a lot better shape than it used to be as an alternative roote option as well that crashing between bergville and around TOA Services just to give you a better location on that scene and cap to fairly gentle sort of Friday uh the N2 inbound probably the heaviest Highway backing up from bnga you L up through the hospital Ben the M5 coming out very slow from sort of Cliff Fontaine cromor Road on your way into join that N2 inbound Rob burn sfm traffic the business update on sfm in morning again how the markets looking Asian stocks are continuing their advance but it is thin trading on that front with markets in Tokyo and Shanghai closed for holidays now we have the Asia da up 0.9% and Hong Kong’s hang sing gaining 1.2% % the Hang saying being boosted by a rally we saw in the tech sector over in the US futures are in the green poised for an upbeat open as investors await the crucial jobs data due later today on the local front the JC closed trade yesterday pretty flat down 0.04% with investors digesting manufacturing and new vehicle sales daa in currency moves the Rand has been making gains strengthening to 1850 before against the green back and then Factory activity bouncing back a little bit now in April the epsa PMI index Rose to 54 points from 42.9 in March sentiment is uh backed above the 50 point mark that separates contraction to expansion now this is the best print this uh far for the year and shows that the manufacturing industry is growing which is good for the economy senior Economist at ABS meani Mal said that the rebound comes from improved business activity and better domestic demand which filtered through to higher new sales orders and the fact that we didn’t have load shedding in April also boosted the sector meanwhile the employment index fell back below 50 this move according to Oxford economics in Economist y felinda suggests that the growing optimism that we’re seeing has not led to any significant job Creation in the sector and then new vehicle sales also surprising on the upside yes um yes Ste now in April total industry retail sales reached 38,1 72 units reflecting a rise of 2.2% the passenger car market experienced the most growth um coming in at 6% and we also saw improvements in the sales of medium and heavy trucks but there was a 9% decline in volume of Light commercial vehicle this print is quite important because it’s the first upturn we’ve seen in sales um in about 8 months however concerns still remain with many questioning whether the momentum is sustainable as South Africans continue to be hit by high prices and higher for longer interest rates in ch thanks very much indeed have a good weekend chat again on Monday and of course a lot more business news coming through the day here for you on sfm at sfm radio and at Steven KES on Twitter catch the taste Master sa this Tuesday at 7 on sabc 2 it’s elimination week and contestants must make big things happen as they fight to stay in the competition their task to create an impressive Tower of baked items in a test of skill and creativity who will survive to bake another day find out on the taste Master essay Tuesday dayss at 7:00 repeat Wednesdays at 1: and Sundays at 4:00 p.m. on sabc 2 [Music] where sabc sport is proud to bring you the best polo match on television screens watch the South African National Polo teams take on the best from around the world first on the annual fixture is the eagerly awaited International battle at the netbank international polo on Saturday 11 May 2024 from 1:30 p.m. watch live on sabc Sport AS Argentina the best of the Americas face off with South Africa the best of Africa catch the buildup the international match and the prize giving ceremony on sabc sport on DT Channel 4 also available on sabc plus and sabc proudly brought to you by sabc sport [Music] for across South Africa online and on radio sfm let’s talk 23 minutes now to 8 the time all right this is a good Moment by the way for you to book your spot with stanza and Amanda standing by uh to take your spot for 8:30 your story of the week we’ll speak to the ifp from 8:00 their turn uh to sort of talk a little bit about the election campaign talking to some of the major parties ahead of the elections the number of course 086 02032 well yesterday a big set of promises by the mayor of jobber El Jam Mar Cabell guanda talking about he says uh you know making sure that the city has stability is resilient talking about the big problems with water that the city has had and particularly what’s called unmated water in other words water that’s lost through leaks and other problems and I’m pleased to tell you that the mayor is actually on the line for you now Mr Mayor good morning and thank you for your time on sfm Sunrise good morning Stephen and good morning to your listeners and thank you for having me on the show you’re saying that the city will get better and I try not to get personal in my conversations but I live here um and the city’s been getting worse for the last few years we got water problems electricity problems potholes really everywhere Mr Mayor what are you going to do to make it better um uh look Stephen I’m I’m also a a resident of the city I I was born and bred in the city of Johannesburg in fact if it was up to me I’d be confined to the city of Johannesburg not because of its Perfection but because of my sense of responsibility towards making a contribution in fixing our city we have witnessed um the degeneration of um our city in the areas of dilapidating buildings as you have alluded that we have put holes and now we are exper experiencing um infrastructure failure in terms of Water Systems um as well as electricity but but for me as as as the executive mayor um I’ve taken it upon myself to to focus on the areas that that would have been neglected at some point in trying to roll out services to previously disadvantaged area because that came with a um a certain level of neglect to the already existing infrastructure which then posed the threat that is coming into existence now with with all the the water failures so the city of Johannesburg especially when it comes to its capital expenditure is directing it into our water and electricity uh sustainability so that we can ensure that um we we we no longer face these constant disruptions in the city okay um so you say for example if I heard you correctly yesterday that the biggest problem jerg faces is the huge amount of unmated water I mean it’s it’s over 40% of the water is lost right now every water system in the world loses some water about 15 20% but jobber loses a huge amount it’s going to cost an absolute Fortune billions and billions to do how are you going to tackle that so um stepen it’s it’s it’s twofold in terms of non-revenue water um as you know the city of Johannesburg um distributees 600 kilol L every month free water to to each and every resident in the city of Johannesburg that is not being built including yourself there is a point where you open the tap and the glass of water you drink is free um that is partly a contribution to why it’s so high in terms of uh 40% and and the likes but equally the the the water leaks that the city of Johannesburg continues to experience are an additional factor that causes our non-revenue water to be on the levels in which they are in so um um Johannesburg water as well as uh the Johannesburg Road agency are collaborating in a uh service level agreement not only on the reinstatement of Pavements and roads where construction has happened but the Johannesburg Road agency will also assist in identifying areas where these leaks are so that there is a collaboration between the two departments and ensure that they are efficient in their resp responds to then uh closing the the leaking pipes reinstating and ensuring that we decrease the the non-revenue water that is so high in the city of Johannesburg they used to have an agreement to do that and then the durber grades agency either the agreement ended or they pulled out I mean it seems in a way that that okay they may work together but I don’t think that that’s enough frankly there are so many leaky pipes in so many different parts of the city and it’s going to require it’s a big job I’m not blaming you for it Mr Mayor you weren’t the mayor for all of these years only recently but the fact is it needs to almost be recapitalized where’s that money going to come from I I I totally agree with you and it’s not only a concern that is um that is bearing a strain on the city but R water is also feeling the brand of the um of the high volume of non-revenue waters associated with the city of Johannesburg so we are collaborating in um a capital budget where they are going to assist us in in rolling out these plans for addressing the issue um over and above the the the agreement that I had alluded to and I I wouldn’t understand why two interde departmental um two departments within the same city would then decide to abandon such a critical function that is uh directly affecting Service delivery but we have uh given R water our commitment as well as the the minister of water and sanitation and saying that uh we will collaborate with them and we will find mechanisms that will ensure that we reduce the non-revenue water that is um high in the city of Johannesburg and electricity I mean quite a strange scene yesterday you were speaking of the state of the city address um in the jber CBD half of that area was without electricity uh because of that underground fire underneath the M1 that was caused by vandalism um and I know that it’s you know City Power have told us that their infrastructure is under attack they say that yesterday the police weren’t helping them another big job I’m afraid Mr Mayor um how are you going to be able to deal with that again a huge amount of money is needed correct and and Stephen um we must have an appreciation that is a general issue of lawlessness in the city of Johannesburg and we need to ensure and we are doing so with the MMC of Public Safety to ensure that uh by by law enforcement is consistent in the city of Johannesburg but also in as much as we are we are preventing crime we are also establishing units that are going to assist in the combating of crime our biggest challenge in the city has been in fact in relation to jmpd the tools of trade and you are correct when you say it it’s it requires huge amounts of budget whereby we have to buy um uh weapons that are that that equally match those that these criminal syndicates are using in their present uh violent and and criminal activities so that we ensure that uh our department is fully capacitated to be able to respond efficiently to those issues uh infrastructure vandalism uh in the city of Johannesburg is is worse than anywhere else I think in the country um these criminals perceive uh government infrastructure as a free for all and and that is a problem of the government not those that identify an opportunity because we have to be the ones that are setting the tone as the government of the day on the consequences that would befall anyone and every one that vandalizes the infrastructure of the of the of our government so um jmpd is get up we are continuously capacitating it so that we ensure that we enforce bylaws at its maximum is the saps doing what it should do I mean are the South African is the South African Police Service are you disappointed that they’re not helping you here um look they there are certain um like said that there are certain limitations that would Al would uh come into a discussion in terms of the roles that need to be to be played by both departments jmpd is crime prevention and crime prevention uh entails visibility uh detering of crime and then the police are the ones that have to actually um come in and address or tackle crime headon I’m I’m I’m not going to say that the police are not doing what they are doing because I see the police everywhere um responding to to certain um crimes that may have occurred we just need to strengthen the relationships um politically um and we are doing so through our intergovernmental relations to ensure that the cooperation on on the ground level is solid enough for us to be a unified force that would eradicate ultimately the challenges of crime that we are facing in our city um I’m I’m not going to bother into the into the contradictions between um which department is effective and which department is not effective but I think at this juncture uh taking into account the impact that uh these contradictions have on Service delivery and the safety of our residents these departments need to put their differences aside and take up their mandate as as as officers of the law and ensure that we are able to keep our communities safe um you talk about you know how things are going to get better so electricity water all of them as we’ve discussed need a lot more money and yet your Revenue collection rates don’t seem to be as high as they should be and one of the major sources of revenue for the city of jobber is City Power and we know because City Power have told us that their revenue is going down because more and more people and more and more companies in Jo are generating their own electricity solar rooftops and all the rest um isn’t that really the weakness in the city of cherberg at the moment you’re not getting enough Revenue to actually fund everything that needs to be sorted out and I don’t see how you solve that problem um so um partially that that is that is correct uh Stephen however you need to take into account that the infrastructure required to move electricity from one source to the other still belongs to this um and you need to understand that energy generation is different you cannot rely on solar for for other um machinery and equipment within uh the private sector that uh that is generated from solar you need a baseline that is generated from coal and now the gas tabin that we’ve turned on that would contribute another 50 megaw into the into our grid um we need to have a robust and constructive conversation with the business Community because they are a stakeholder in the city and um the functionality of the city and the stable um electricity Supply is not only in their best interest but in the in the interest of the city as an economic Hub in in South Africa so City par power is uh is introducing additional like I said additional uh megawatts into the grid and we are going to engage with them on uh how we we assist them to utilize our infrastructure to be able to move electricity from um one branch that they have to another branch that they have so that we can be able to then identify alternative revenue streams that the city can be able to generate electricity would always be a requirement for business and we need to then find a way on how we collaborate with them in terms of the mix use model that we are introducing Mr Mayor I think that um people have in joerg I mean there’s just a sense I can’t speak for everyone in jber but I think people are very frustrated by what they’ve seen I think they’re very angry in some cases by what they’ve seen I think disappointed actually maybe is the right word um with Services we’ve spoken about water and electricity that don’t work all the time the potholes that are just absolutely everywhere I think people need to see action and we can talk about arrangements and we can talk about relationships and stakehold of this but they need to see action can you promise US that in a year the city of jobber will be better than it is now that there will be action um Stephen I I think at this point I can say that uh the city of Johannesburg is better than it was when we came in um in in February because um the there there was bigger problems the only difference was that they were not um publicized as they are now with this Administration um the the I don’t know there was a sense of um comfort in the in the previous regime enough for it to be given an opportunity to First work and then demonstrate the outcomes um the partnership Steven that I’m talking about right now um we are reinstating the Mandela bridge that has been vandalized for years and has been neglected that’s just one area that uh we are collaborating with the private sector on but in terms of the basic services that the people require for them to have um comfort like you had alluded to is an ongoing process and I think a year is too long for me to say that’s how long it would take for them to realize the changes that are taking place in the city of Johannesburg we are going to intensify um the mayoral accelerated Service delivery program because what that does is that it brings together all the departments in the city in one particular region focused specifically on critical areas of Service delivery so that we are able to address to all of them at one goal and then we move to the next region it’s a program that I started um last year in October and it has been progressing very well we are that’s that’s why we were able to close all those 47 portoles that we had but we we are 47,000 you mean 47,000 yes okay all right Mr Mayor thank you I appreciate the time the executive mayor of the city of Johannesburg Cabella guanda from the political party El Jamar your thoughts 086 02032 7 minutes to 8 safm guiding you through the rush hour traffic update on the Puma situation on the N4 elans Valley the road is now closed we’ve been suggesting that you move on to schuman’s clue but that is going to be in forc now so this Collision scene is on the Eland Valley section between godwana and montos it’s around the anons hwk it’s a major multiple truck crash and multiple truck fire incident so anons Valley on that section closed Motors going between melador and bombella in either direction are going to be routed across onto the top end of the N4 schuman’s clu section uh now the m and jaber’s Under Pressure this morning a crash going Southbound driving towards jber at hton Drive the backlog fairly severe all the way back towards greyston Drive Motors driving north having a look at it getting caught in the backlog there from Crown interchange up towards the hton drive area uh coming through midrand there’s now a breakdown on the N1 South it’s a stationary truck at oi fans Fon this a pretty gentle Friday in terms of low volumes but uh things are just starting to slow up and pushing back towards the samr it’s in a major crash on Hamilton Street coming into Arcadia this morning part of that road between Francis Bard and Park Street is currently closed so if you come off Steve beo y on haes onto Hamilton uh you will be hitting some traffic backlogging situations through there the N3 north of bergville exit towards fun Rin currently blocked off completely by a tanker that overturned and spiled a load of paraffin it’s an enormous backlog of truck and vehicle of traffic and just keep in mind it’s a queue that continues to grow and we saw a a major backlog of truck traffic being caught this morning in an early crash half of Peter Marburg Run lynfield Park that scene has been cleared but all of that truck volume that’s on its way up towards gerberg will arrive into this bergville scene shortly you’ve got the option to come off at bergville use the r74 olier hook pass it’ll take you up through to the N5 at Harry Smith where you can get across and rejoin the N3 I’m not going to take that route just to sort of keep yourself moving uh through the area uh Cape Town today traffic volumes again noticeably lighter in terms of Highway volumes the biggest queue around Cape toown is the M2 inbound from longa through the hospital Ben behind that the M5 queuing from round about cromor Road I’m to join the N2 inbound the rest of the highway is looking okay Rob burn sfm traffic stellies believe they know how to deal with giants like mamori swns whereas masandawana remains confident that Baba style understands all strategies to make it to the final this is the emotional Encounter of the netbank cup semi-final stellin Bosch FC clashes with Mami sown FC this Sunday 5 May at 2:30 p.m. live on Sac 1 and Sac radio stations also available on sabc plus and sabc # we love it you proudly brought to you by sabc [Music] sport call us on 08620 32 don’t forget your story of the week Matthew in Cape Town Matthew high water problems yes Stephen um um I believe that the minister come from a political party called um Al Jamar what yeah the mayor of J from Al Jamar yeah yes okay you know you phoned me and you asked questions quite a while back with regards to would Coalition governments work it won’t work Stephen you know I have a feeling you get something like um Municipal sabotage where the government that was supposed to be responsible to invest in the infrastructure of the gurani or the city of Johannesburg has failed to do so and now they will sabotage the mayor just so that they could make sure that they are not the ones that are fixing Johannesburg you understand yeah all right let me tell you something let me tell you something there are government state buildings or or or structures around the country that are being neglected by these guys who said they will get it right the city of Johannesburg Y no they can collaborate how much they want to they’re collaborating on one thing only and that’s corruption all right corruption corruption it will never work St never all right Matthew in Cape Town strong view thank you Z in Cape Town also the South African Health Products regulatory Authority we were talking about Codine earlier Z hi yeah yeah Z it’s steo um Act of Public Service as a translator if I can’t translate properly at least try and make you and the listeners laugh so uh first of all uh patients including uh people like me pharmacists other consumers they’ve just woken up to breaking news that uh their their medication is going to cost more so they’re going to be swallowing on their coffee or last night’s clippies and Coke second point is that uh yeah we we can’t fix bottles we can’t police violent crime but we want to move straight into a digitally integrated highly managed thought Industrial Revolution solution and then we talk about black holes when it comes to the servicing and sharing of information I think the grass Tyson Einstein and Steven Hawkings are going to be rolling their eyes about black holes and then thirdly and almost close to the end now um so yeah we didn’t plan properly the last time 10 years ago right no systems no oversight no cost management so I suppose the model of the story is if at first you don’t succeed there’s always a second chance to fail again and then finally look it’s that time of the year right so why don’t we just resurrect an old an old problem we call it a crisis because it’s election time look we also need to work after the 29th of May so there is good news it’s Friday guys if you’re drowning your SS at least you can drink and be grateful man you’re not a Mor swall support Mor swall Chiefs you mean z do I need to give you a Bells man I don’t do St you could have fooled me Z on the line from Cape Town thank you all right not being entirely serious if you know what I mean but I think I think his point is well made all right coming up in the next little while the incarta Freedom Party their chance ahead of the elections here on sfm Sunrise we’ll speak to naron Singh he is their Treasurer General and the chair of their National Campaign Committee you with FM in the conversation good morning it’s uh [Music] [Applause] 8:00 in our top stories ANC Deni decision to charge Zuma election related and UNESCO Awards World Press Freedom prize to Palestinian journalists good morning thec says it’s decision to charge its former president Jacob Zuma has nothing to do with the anc’s election campaign ahead of the upcoming national elections a notice by the anc’s national disciplinary committee revealed Zuma’s expected to appear before a yearing on Tuesday next week on two counts of contravening thec constitution ANC National spokesperson Matangi benu mui says there are no politics involved in the latest developments surrounding the former ANC president for the fact that the national dis committee has made a determination to take this forward has nothing to do with our election campaign our election campaign is running it’s in full stream it cannot be affected by the fact that the NC is doing its work beautifully so I I there is no politics involved in this thing meanwhile ANC president s Raposa says thec disciplinary committee Works independent ly of all the other structures of thec he was reacting to Zuma’s expected disciplinary hearing he will go through a disciplinary process and he will go and argue his case there and uh it’s up to the disciplinary committee to make a finding it’s not up to anyone of us uh to preempt that and pronounce a finding uh so the disciplinary committee works independently of all the other functioning or executive structures of thec the road accident fund is currently facing a backlog of over 300,000 applications that do not have the required documents for their claims to be processed to move to the next stage the fund has launched the drive your claim forward campaign aimed to reduce claims dating back 3 years and older by 20% each year it previously had this aim in sight but struggled to achieve it the road accident fund CEO Colin lito the anticipated outcome of this campaign is that the raap will process and finalize more claims that’s significant a waiting period for some of the clment that to enjoy these long periods rasi Rasmus the former director of sa rugby and the current coach of the spring box has received an honorary doctorate from the University of the Northwest in pestr it received the honorary doctorate for recognition of his Innovative and exceptional management of the spring box during the Victoria 2019 and 2023 Rugby World Cup campaigns Erasmus secured two consecutive Rugby World Cup wins he says this was a historic moment that cemented his journey told me about this I thought it was a bit of a joke and they were just teasing me and then you got to understand that they’re serious and and when the talks got going and then the more we got close closer to it you know the more you understand what it means and and why you getting it as all the people the wonderful people here has explained to me and then it gets emotional and finally UNESCO the UN educational scientific and cultural organization has awarded Palestinian journalists covering the war in Gaza the 2024 World Press Freedom prize an award ceremony took place on the margins of the World Press Freedom conference in Santiago yesterday sh and Bry be reports from the UN headquarters in New York chair of the jury morito wble said They wish to share a strong message of solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering the Gaza crisis in such dramatic circumstances he said that as Humanity we owed them a huge debt for their courage and commitment to freedom of expression the committee to protect journalists says at least 97 media workers are among the 35,000 killed in Gaza recapping the prop story this hour thec says its decision to charge its former president Jacob Zuma has nothing to do with the ele the anc’s election campaign ahead of the upcoming national elections for sfm news I am an mus a very good morning to you in your sfm sports headlines plenty of action the blitz box they’ve opened their Singapore sevens campaign against Spain in pool B they are currently leading 12 to nil and we’ve also bring you some tennis action where igian will take on Arena Seena at the Madrid Open Masters final all this and more just before 8:30 sfm guiding you through the rush hour traffic heavy pack logs on jg’s Mikan Highway going south from Sant very slow down towards Central jber this morning a crash on the highway near hton Drive traffic backlogging through to gryon that’s southbound North getting caught just having a look at it so Brant T through park down on your way to S and quite heavy as well and then two major roote closures the N3 toll concession just confirming that all lanes are blocked and effectively traffic being stacked at north of bergville there a really massive delay of truck and vehicular traffic stuck going through towards a tank of fire it’s effectively between the bergville exit and the bottom of f reena’s past did I say tank of fire it’s a tanker that’s overturned and spil a load of paraffin probably will be a while on recovery of this one so the option would be if you heading to jber come off at the bergville exit go out through bergville r74 ol of here took pass up to Harry Smith N5 back to N3 rejoin the N3 and do your completed trip that way use the oliv hook pass this morning it’s in a lot better condition than it used to be the other big closure is the N4 in P Malanga closed at elon’s Valley between godwana and montro due to a massive truck crash and truck fire incident all traffic that needs to go through between Mador and bombella being roted over schuman’s clof Rob burn sfm traffic sfm Sunrise a vivid start to your day 6 minutes after 8 good morning you with sfm sfm Sunrise I’m Steven CR is glad you’re with us this Friday morning don’t forget your story of the week good time to call actually for that 0860 2032 lots more to come uh lots more conversations I think to come there may well be issues around for example the Codine story which I think is very important just how that how we manage that as a society issues as well around um with s and former president Jacob Zimmer is always a sort of big issue this morning and then into the election campaigns how the different parties are doing you heard from the mayor of jobber Cabell guanda from El Jamar your view on that as well I mean it’s been very interesting to sort of see how the city plays out what happens with sort of minority politics if I can call it that by which I mean U you know cabel Kanda comes from a party that has only three seats in the council and then let me just remind you again please today the last day to register for special votes at the Electoral commission uh and this is the IC you go to the website it’s very quick by the way took me less than a minute to actually do and what you do then is that you just register for that special vote if you need to vote on the Monday or the Tuesday at your polling station so behead of the Wednesday if you can’t be there for the Wednesday and then also for the home visit uh that as well so I think all of those things very very important you know the number 086 02032 it’s 10 after 8 the university regist and secretary to convocation Dr Joel baloy cordially invites all members of the University of vent the convocation to attend the AGM on Saturday 11 May 2024 in poan merupa hotel at half 10 the AGM will consider the vice Chancellor state of Campus report the president of convocation report and amendments to the Constitution of the convocation to RSVP and confirm attendance please visit www. univ. ac. announcements or contact Mr Mash on 060 9061 1902 the chili boys want to fight with all they have to get to the final however are saying the final spot is reserved for this is the 10th Battle of the net Bank cup semi-final chipa United FC versus Orlando Pirates FC this Saturday 4 May at 2:30 p.m. live on sabc1 and sabc radio stations also available on sabc plus and sabc # we love it you proudly brought to you by sabc Sports for the love of the Steven cres on sfm 9 after 8 good morning well as you know we’re trying to speak to some of the major parties leaders from the major parties ahead of this year’s elections we’ve already heard from the da we heard from the eff last week try and get the parties into the studio if we can we can’t always do that people are out and about people are sometimes caught away at the last minute but I’m pleased to tell you that Naran Singh who is the treasurer General and national campaign committee chair of the incarta freedom parties agreed to be with you for the next 20 minutes or so he’s not in the studio we tried to recreate it as close as possible with the zoom link so I can actually see him and we can see each other in fact I can wave at him and uh you know and you know have him as part of the thing he’s waving back he’s got his Parliament Republic of South Africa background on it I noticed Nar Singh good morning and thank you for joining us on sfm sunrise this morning good morning Stephen it’s nend sorry um how’s it been on the campaign Trail it’s your first campaign without M that must make it very different for you and for the party absolutely absolutely I think his memory still lingers on his legacy his legacy lives his legacy still lives with us and uh you know a lot of people ask about him and and then pray for him wherever we go to meetings but uh you know we we we we have learned a lot from him we’ve learned his values that he’s taught us and uh we are moving on in the campaign and our campaign says do it for shanga and that’s what we are doing and many people are very pleased that we are dedicating this election to uh principal tesi it was interesting at the very start of the Year there were conversations around turnout in this election and my own sense was that this would be a low turnout election people were dissatisfied with all politicians we started to see him quto we suddenly um you know making a big impact we saw particularly in quaz tellum cont isra and MK making a big impact um John stenen told us two weeks ago that he thought this would be an election with a very high turnout how do you see it are you expecting a sort of energized electorate on Election Day yes I agree with John and and and from what we see on the ground and I think with more political parties there’s more interest and and that’s good for democracy uh because you know as as as we’ve seen and from analysis we’ve done there are about 14 million registered voters that uh do not vote at all and uh this is not good for democracy and hopefully you know a large chunk of those people would come out and and vote in this coming election you went through a little bit of a Resurgence after former president Jacob Zumer left the presidency you know the ifp had had a bit of a rough time while he was a leader of thec you came back a bit I get the sense you’re under pressure now are you going to lose some votes to MK maybe quite a big chunk of votes to MK not really not really we we we uh respect the fact that the MK are on the scene as well but as we see it and as our analysis shows uh the MK is going to draw a lot of votes from thec because after all they are a splinter of thec so we expect them to draw a lot of votes from thec not necessarily votes from us but at the same time we are also increasing uh our our vote Base by moving out to newer areas not only in quaz nutel but outside of quaz nutel do you think you’re going to do well outside of quaz nutel I mean for Generations you know since the party started in 1975 it’s really been a quaz Nel and a little bit of Ken even in certain geographical areas around Soto and Ken for example I mean do you really think you’re going to do well outside of those areas this time around yes yes we’re going to increase our votes considerably and possibly even win seats in for Malanga and Northwest uh and and and we uh and and this is evident from the political Ries that we’ve been having in these areas I was in panga secunda on on on on workers day with with the leader of our party and uh I must tell you that it was uh uh extremely uh gratifying to know that so many people had turned out and post this rally there are so many people calling us and we moving to Northwest next week and Limpopo the week after we even contesting in Cape Town so uh we are certainly going to increase our footprint outside of quona tal and cting and uh the 29th of May or the 30th of May will show that uh when the results are announced okay it’s interesting to watch people going to different places and doing different things because we see a sort of regionalization of our politics the udm in the Eastern Cape you inqu Nal MK inul Nel the ANC in most places battles in the western cap are you trying to move against the idea of a sort of identity based language based regional-based politics are you trying to make the ifp more of a national party than it’s been in the past a party for the whole country well absolutely uh it it has been a national party except that our reach now I think you would know more than anybody else that money is the milk of politics and if you have money you can reach throughout the country and we don’t have incumbency and and government departments to back Us in the other provinces but uh uh we are getting calls from people outside of our provinces because they fed up with 30 years of misrule and they’re looking for Alternatives and they see us as an alternative but in any case quulo Nal is the is is the seat of democracy it all it has always been uh very very uh uh hotly contested uh and and it is one of the major provinces if one can win Quilla Nal Western Cape and Ken then you take away the heart of the ruling party the andc so whilst our focus is in quason Nel uh and then the majority of our voters come from here we also spreading our wings um quel is a big hot spot and people are a bit worried about violence we saw the incident with the microphone and the traditional prime minister to the Zulu Kingdom to but Lai are you worried about more incidents like that I mean I think everyone’s a little concerned that things might get I’m not going to say the phrase out of control but very heated let me say that no certainly certainly is going to get heated the more players you have on the field uh the more heat uh is generated and and then what we’ve seen even during uh uh the voter registration period is that there were sort of quote unquote heated clashes between mainly MK and thec where even their gazebos were removed the party gazebos and there were fist fights so if there’s any kind of tension that would emerge here in Nal one assumes that it’s going to be tension between thec and the MK rather than tension between any of the other political parties because we haven’t had a problem so far we’ve been campaigning uh and other parties have been campaigning in our areas and we haven’t really seen evidence of uh violence or violence being the order of the day uh during election day okay so you’re not worried you think these elections will be peaceful in Kad in specifically well I won’t say peaceful but are not uh overly concerned that it’s going to you know become a violent election or that the election could be disrupted in any way because of Any violent tendencies and we’ve been assured by the independent electoral commission working with the security forces uh that that they are taking extra precautions in certain hot spots uh in and around quison atal to ensure that uh peace prevails you there at 17 minutes after 8 part of our continuing series of speaking to political leaders ahead of the elections naren sings the ifp treasurer General and also national campaign committee chair of the incar Freedom Party um Nar you’re also uh campaigning as part of the multi-party charter and this is also something new in our politics we’ve never seen a sort of pre-election Coalition before if you like and yes the da is the bigger party um other parties are involved actiona Etc you’re campaigning sort of against these parties but campaigning with them at the same time and you sort of have had a pack with quaz with the da and Kaden for at least a couple of years what’s it been like to do that to campaign against parties but with parties at the same time well I think it’s you know we’ve made it abundantly clear with all the other parties and our electorate that the ifp will remain the ifp and we will go out there to try and get the biggest market share of votes but post the elections we’ve made it abundantly clear that our our our uh priority is to reduce the anc’s power to get thec below 50% and to try and be the majority as the multi-party charter and if that works out after the election then obviously those that belong to the multiparty chter will form the government at whichever level either provincial or national level so that is the arrangement and we respect each other we respect each other’s identity and we will continue doing that uh doing that but I think there’s a lot of resonance amongst voters that at least there is a plan some sort of plan post the because as you know we only have 14 days in terms of the Constitution to finalize the government and in other countries I mean if you look at Germany and other countries they take months uh to put a government into place so these discussions have to take place well before the election without us firmly committing until the results are announced so that’s the way we are approaching a multi-party charter but we are exposing thec for the failures in governance um it seems very unlikely that the multiparty charter all the parties together will get anywhere near enough votes to go into national government together but certainly in quaz Nel you and the da and maybe a few others maybe it might be possible um so I presume then automatically You’ go into a coalition with the da and Quan Nel if it came to that well it seems very unlikely I mean uh uh two years ago that a president of thec in the form of Jacob Zuma uh who was you know in the struggle he was in in the trenches would would break away from thec well I think on Tuesday that’s going to be confirmed would break away from thec and form his own party so you know uh things can happen and uh only the results will determine you know uh how we move uh post uh uh post the results being announced but but funnier things have happened in elections and like I say one of the examples is the Jacob Zuma Breakaway well let’s talk about a funny thing that could happen in the election thec could get in national government 46% of the vote you could get five or 6% and thec could phone you up and say Mr kabisa Sir um would you like to join us in national government would the ifp accept that offer from thec if it came well I think mrisa has made it very clear that our responsibility as political parties is to be part of a responsible government and I think you find this even in in in other uh developed countries around the world you have what is called Grand coalitions uh I’ll give you a funny thing as well that the uh the majority party in in Germany and the second biggest party have come together to rule uh to control provinces because they have a responsibility to the electorate if the electorate wanted a party uh to to govern and form government they would have given that party uh the majority but they they they advisedly and they think about it very carefully and and I think the would want Coalition so that there are checks and balances uh you know which is not the case at the moment and that your executive is under checked because uh you would also know and many of your listeners would have said this that as Parliament I don’t think we are very very uh proactive uh and doing very well in keeping the executive to account when you look at the number of unanswered questions etc etc and some of the flippant answers that we receive so let’s let’s see what happens after coalitions if we get that poll we’ll we’ll we’ll take it from there but we’ll have to go back to our electorate and our partners in the multi party Charter to decide what happens but there has to be a government and uh we want to see a government that can take the country forward rather than the government that takes the country uh back into the doldrums okay as a member of the multi-party charter movement if do you think the da would take that offer from the ANC um if thec got to say 42 or whatever and they said come John come and be Deputy president what would happen well unfortunately I cannot speak Steven for the uh da you might have to put that question directly to John but I think all of us uh realize all political parties realize that we cannot have a type of government that is going to be uh social in nature that’s going to take us backwards that’s going to have elements that are unruly uh elements of corruption so we I think South Africans would want us or political parties to form a government that will ensure that there’s uh economic Prosperity that 1994 means something to people not only uh political emancipation but economic emancipation and we deal with all the woes that uh currently that thec are failing to deal with in our country um I think a lot of people went into this election thinking this election is going to change everything and the polling data has been very interesting and I know we’ve got to be very careful with polls as well um and I know no you know you’re allowed to say it you know that the the only poll that matters is the election um but um it seems in a way that what we’re starting to see is um more and more people thinking of ANC kind of coming to just under 50% and that suggests that the real change in our politics might only come in 2029 so long-term strategy starts to become more important could this in a way just be a dress rehearsal for 2029 well I would think so because uh we have no doubt our mind and and we agree with the analysts in this respect that thec are going to be below 50% uh there’s no doubt about it uh they are going to lose support and I think the reason that they are going to lose support mainly is because they they they are a fractured uh political party and the biggest fracture comes from their own former leader and when you hear some of the things that the former presidents have said about the way thec has been governing in the past few years I mean it leaves a lot to be desired that uh uh thec could be over 50% we would be very surprised I think South Africans would be very surprised if thec can achieve 50% plus one and even if they do that think that they can form the government on their own and have stability within that government okay so you know election day is going to come and go are you expecting chaos afterwards Coalition negotiations no one sure no one will be sure it’ll happen for a couple of weeks yeah yeah well you see like I said ear on Stephen it’s two weeks uh and and and that’s the unfortunate part that it’s only two the Constitution uh in terms of the Constitution you have to form a government within two weeks you have to elect a president so it’s very little time but uh talks are going on between different political parties which is a good thing uh without committing but it’s a good thing that talks are going on and if we had more time post the elections I think talks would have lasted longer uh but by now I think every party knows what the other party can and can’t do they know the values of the party they know about issues that are non-negotiable for example if you take the issue of land and us and the eff I mean for us it’s not negotiable that there could be expropriation of land without compensation we’ve always said expropriation with reasonable compensation and expropriation you know of of land where you can’t find land owners Etc so I think there will be differences that we will have uh but we’ll have to deal with it and there’s going to be sleepless nights I think after uh the 29th of May when political leaders come together to form government of South Africa nin Singh thank you very much indeed I really appreciate the time on sfm Sunrise the ifp treasurer General and national campaign committee chair of the encara Freedom Party as I said part of our continuing series of conversations with people ahead of the elections Mr Singh thank you very much indeed you this FM 26 minutes update business owners don’t waste your time searching for an employee that has it all they do not exist but I will tell you what does exist the Kia k2700 Workhorse it’s versatile powerful and reliable it also arrives on time every day save your cash with no deposit and only pay 5,799 Rand per month it’s the business partner you’ve been waiting for up your game with the Kia k2700 Workhorse visit k.c. Za for more teas andc Supply Kia movement that inspires the chili boys want to fight with all they have to get to the final however baners are saying the final spot is reserved for this is the 10th Battle of the netbank cup semi-final chipa United FC versus Orlando Pirates FC this Saturday 4 May at 2:30 p.m. live on sabc 1 and Sac radio stations also available on sabc plus and sabc # we love it you proudly brought to you by sabc sport for the of the this is safm Sport with Z Khan Z good morning some rugby yes what a classy way for the bloodz box to start their campaign at the Singapore sevens they beat Spain 317 and that was their opener in pool B took place at the National Stadium Selvin Davids opened the scoring for the blitz box with a skip and a hop through the Spanish defense from a kickoff with Deval hman converting the blitz box asserting the M elves on the match early at halftime the South Africans held the upper hand with a 12 12 nil lead and it was wonderful to see the South African team they’ve had quite an up and down season the blitz box finish outside the top six in the series but the South Africans will be playing the long game with an eye to Madrid and the Olympic qualifications in Monaco the next play Samoa that’s around 18 minutes past 1:00 later today now the springbar women’s sevens team kicked off their campaign in Singapore with a strong performance defeating the USA 1412 despite trailing early after s Sarah Levi scored for the USA Nadin Roose brought the spring box back into the game with a crucial try and conversion leveling the score 7 all and that was in the second half there were mistakes by the USA which allowed the box to capitalize further with Simon K number crossing the line for a late try clinched by another R conversion and that secured a memorable 1412 victory for the springb women team now this win marks only their second victory over the USA in the tournament’s history soccer last night mamaloi Sundowns showcasing their sheer dominance in the DStv Premiership cruising to their seventh title with a spectacular 5-1 victory over Kaiser Chiefs tennis action Arena sabalenka fought back from one set down to defeat Elina riina and advance to the Madrid Open final the result results end rina’s run of 16 consecutive wins on Clay as sabalenka eventually secured a 1675 76 Victory the second seed at sabalenka will face the number SE one seed eiga Shian and that’s in the final tomorrow with the Beller Russian having won just three of their previous nine meetings and golf Louie Alberta Rose to the four in the field of Champions as he opened with a bogy free 7 underp pass 65 leading the sunshine tours new waterfall City Tournament of Champions by Two Strokes at the Royal johannesburg’s East course as one of the select Professionals in a 34 player field that has brought together champions from the sunshine tour Sunshine ladies tour and the elite amateur ranks of golf RSA albera got off to the perfect start in the chase of the 1 million Rand first place check come Sunday and finally Cricket the sunrises Hyderabad pulling off a sensational one-run win off the final ball to upstage the table toppers the Rajasthan Royals and break into the top four of the Indian Premier League that’s your sport on Sunrise we’ll bring you more on sfm that’s around halfast 12 I’m Zan Z thanks very much indeed all right your story of the week what for you is the big story of the week might be the conversation we just had with the encara Freedom Party might be uh around former president Jacob Zumer might well be around codin or something entirely different M Lordi Sundowns of course a big story 08620 32 it’s 8:00 it’s just gone 8:30 good morning in the headlines the ANC says its decision to charge its former president Jacob Zuma has nothing to do with the anc’s election campaign ahead of the upcoming national elections a notice by the anc’s national disciplinary committee revealed zumas expected to appear before a heing on Tuesday next week on two counts of contravening thec Constitution the Eastern K Premier Oscar Mambu has welcomed the suspension of the taxi shutdown that led to several road closures across the province and also disrupting different services and UNESCO the UN educational scientific and cultural organization has awarded Palestinian journalists covering the war in Gaza the 2024 World Press Freedom prize I’ll have details on these and Other Stories at 9: [Music] sfm guiding you through the rush hour traffic well if it wasn’t for a stationary truck on the M1 South through midrand near oans Fontaine you’d be getting through between Petoria and jur in pretty record time there’s a real noticeable drop off of traffic volumes across the country uh this Friday morning where there is traffic it is literally around some incidents so the N1 going south Sam ran down to o f slow because of that stationary trucker crash on the Mike One South going to H Drive traffic is heavy from gryon so from santon all the way down into Central jber towards Parktown very heavy might want to think about routs like Louis bter or ronia Oxford as your alternatives to beat the Mike one the soul just been a crash going up into gulis on the N3 there’s a little bit of a backlog through the Bedford de area N3 technically closed between bergville and funden and pass this morning nothing getting through and a whole pile of truck traffic just arriving into the back of that que to extend it so tanker crash between bergville and the TOA toll plaza the road closed to joerg boat lades obstructed paraffin to be cleared up from a spillage bergville r74 olier hook probably your best option to get through that uh God one through the Montrose on the Anan Valley section of the N4 out in P manga still closed a major truck crash and truck fire incident all traffic there through for through through traffic if your like between masad dor and bombella now officially being directed over Schuman clu cap looks all right again just noticeably a lot lighter traffic just a bit of worry as you come into the CBD over the elevated freeway and as jez f all weekend so there are some closures in place around the CTI IC uh from now across the weekend Rob burn sfm traffic stes on sfm 27 minutes now to 9 the time time for your story of the week what for you is the biggest story of the week what happened to you uh this week 08620 32 don’t forget to go and register for your special vote at the Electoral commission if you need to all right let’s start this morning with Gilbert in chulel Gilbert hi it says here you want to talk about workers was it workers day for you uh Sten how are you yeah I’m well Gilbert as loud as you can please uh not too bad no stepen I’m ex worker yeah yes but I want to talk to the issue of uh workers and the baining council yeah that is being undermined by the current government that workers they negotiate and they come to an agreement even the government itself but I’m more of the metal industry you know in the metal industry sometime they take time to sign the agreements the cooporation you know when when the there’s an agreement then they’re supposed to sign it especially the motor sector and also in the engineering sector they take time to do that yeah and also then the workers in the Public Service public service same story they negotiate even with the government they reach an agreement then the government take that to court instead of complying with it yeah this was this was the 2020 agreement I remember when it happened so so so why are you bringing it up now kilber no no no I’m raising it because Kat is saying workers must vote for the ANC the one that is undermining the Bing the Bing councel you know is not is not assisting workers because uh my theory is that if you pay workers well automatically they support the economy internally you know yeah they they take money they pay to the CEOs the CEOs are spending money inia all over you know instead of paying workers and making workers permanent like in other you know there are certain shops that are not uh having workers getting proper benefits yeah yeah all right now Gilbert I hear you I mean obviously there’s a lot of work to do there in the law is the law and people must stick to agreements as well I think you must stick to an agreement whether there’s a law or not you know otherwise what what is the agreement worth and sort of what are you worth but I hear the point that you’re making and the labor appeal court did sort of give quite a detailed reason reason as to why government did that um but Gilbert I do hear you on the line from quel thank you uh John on the line from Margate John you heard errol’s call yesterday and errel if I understood errol’s Point correctly he was saying that the West did more to Ender part8 than um countries like Russia um I think I remember responding to him and suggesting that that wasn’t necessarily the case anyway you want to respond to that yeah no no I’m John for Margaret you know we you recovering from the flood yes I’m unbelievable what the damage you did anyway yeah I just want to say every was correct we did infect heavy heavy losses on the Cubans my two of my best best friends were there they were like Brothers to me and they they they told me that they actually pushed up cross Ro carner and they were about to go into Wanda and when Jimmy Carter who was prison stopped Sal on their trcks right just John John John just hold on a second you’re talking now about the Battle of K Carnaval the Battle of kuto Carnaval if you if you’re not aware was um just fought right in the sort of north of Angola um what happened was was of not quite in the north but in the sort of middle of Angola it was one of the biggest battles that Africa had seen at the time it was between sort of South African apartate forces if I can call it that forces of the apartate government and then people including Cuban uh soldiers very complicated battle in the conversations I’ve had with people from both sides of this um there’s a big argument about who won and who lost anyway John you’re talking a very personal Story by the way two people you knew who who were in that battle Yeah Yeah they they were they were there and um they had inflict they told me they had inflicted heavy losses on the Cubans and they worked their way they were about to invade um Luanda which uh yeah the capital of the capital of Angola yeah that’s right they were actually supported by the one of the young Guardian forces for Lio who were like a rebel yeah but they Jimmy cter stopped him told him to I don’t know for what reason and yeah um that’s but I think it was quite correct I I think that U personally that that uh uh the West did probably much more than the Cuba and uh what was the other one and Russia to to stop the uh to to end a par sanctions had an enormous effect on them but but but but the argument the argument and J I don’t want to take anything away from your personal story um although the argumento konoval will go on but but in terms of the West I think the argument would go that um the West took a very long time to impose sanctions if those sanctions were going to be so successful why didn’t they impose them 20 years before I mean it was in the 1960s that India said we refused to play sport with apartate South Africa why didn’t England’s cricket team do that in the 1960s and they didn’t you know why why did the why did sort of apartate South Africa play famously the 1981 test Series in New Zealand for example I mean if New Zealand should have done what India did in the 1960s would go the argument well that 81 T was was a was a FL because most of the pictures were invaded by um demonstrators I’m I’m aware I’m I’m aware of the history in it divided New Zealand Society the the point I’m making though is that the West could have if if sanctions from the West were going to be so important the West could have imposed those sanctions much earlier would be the argument no absolutely but still they did help sanctions hurt you know no sure you know afans love their Sport and to be isolated yeah anyway that’s all I want to say Stephen all right John and Margate thank you it’s a very complex conversation as I said yesterday in the conversations I’ve had about cut coroval um the conversation goes on for quite some time and I can understand why it really means a lot to people have spoken to people who fought there and I’ve also heard people say it was the Americans that stopped the sadf in the end very complicated sandil quaz Nel you heard the incarta Freedom Party this morning go for it yes morning morning Steve morning Steve um actually sorry you’re there with me I’m going down with flow no I’m sorry yes um yes I wanted to ask naring Sing a a question in fact I wanted him to tell us um how is this ifp and um the ifp that they are talking about today different from the old ifp that assisted the upate government in the implementation of its um upper um policies um you will recall that we had um a group areas act and ifp had no issues with those kind of laws or act um the building of schools in rural areas by the ifp assisted by the upper government it was actually in pursuance of um the segregation policies in our country because they were actually trying to keep H black people away from the white people and the ifp assisted the upper government in doing so now I wanted to know how is this ifp different from that old ifp because they had no issues whatsoever even at schools we were taught that the the thec were Rebels who who were actually coming to um um um introduce a different laws um but um to to to um our um surprise when the ifp when the ANC came into the country thec was actually coming to liberate a a a black child in in South Africa so but the things that we actually taught even at schools they were the under the the leadership of the ifp we were taught to stop thec from entering the country we calling them the rebels now I want to know because I don’t know what is actually going on in our heads as black people because we know the the the the political parties or the organizations who liberate us not the ifp not the da now which is actually the former what you call this um old um da National party but S I mean look at you know and I’ve made this point many times and we’ll continue to make it it’s different for everybody people are allowed to vote for who they want to vote um I hear you I mean look look the ifp you know has to answer its own questions around whether it was the right decision to claim sort of Independence to accept the you know the homeland of of quu um and you know this is all history political parties do change um sometimes they don’t but sometimes they do so you know people are just going to have a different view but I mean it’s a good question to ask yeah but I’m not sure about that given because I haven’t actually had them saying that they’ve changed their policies right well look I’m sure that the issue has been policies yeah but the issue has been put to Prince mongi many times then and later I’m sure before he passed yeah Steve he person wasn’t he I mean he was the person yeah he was actually the person yes but but some of them were actually there during that time because most of many of were a long time ago it was a long I think he was the only one really yeah but the policies we’re talking about the policies because when you are talking about the political formations you are talking about the policies not the individuals the policies of the organization the ifp had those policies that were actually support and the upper regime so I’m asking myself how is thisp of today different from the old ifp that’s what I want to know because I see no difference okay sand thank you um your Point’s been made and I think we’ve heard you person poo do you agree with sandil or not no no thanks very much I think I agreed with him to a larg extent H but also indicate that it would be unfortunate for the national National campaigner of the to come on air and described the government as a misrule that we were under thec Miss rule for almost 30 years that is very not the only not the only opposition party to say that yes but but I think the reference is TOC that is the narrative that has been brought forward and I think we should be able to to clarify that narrative uh there are many things that this government has achieved which is Sayed and and people are not prepared they would want to use their campaign Trail to Mad the African National Congress and I think it’s high time that we should be able to also provide the narrative that says in this 30 year of democracy we could be able to speak about things that had happened which people are able to see and if others will not be able to see that it is on their own but I think much more has been done and we should be able to appreciate that right but also so so for you the ANC has a good story to tell yes it has of course it has not everyone agrees with you pery I’m sure you’ve listened to the radio over the last few years hell know not everyone agrees with you I’m sure you’ve heard on the radio over the last few years that not everyone agrees with you yes I I I don’t dispute that but I’m saying the narrative that for this 30 years there’s been a misrule it’s it’s wrong there are a lot of things that had happened and we must be able to put them in a proper perspective all right per lopo we’ve heard you thank you Dena and Peter maritzburg Dina hi good morning the elections how are you feeling about it I’m feeling good uh Stephen a very good morning to you stepen and good morning to the scfm listeners my point that I’d like to raise this morning is I think the IEC which is a very credible organization that has monitored our past six elections they should invite the Au committee and the international observers to come and monitor our 2024 elections well they come the Au is coming already the former um president of Kenya I forget his name off the top of my head but he’s coming he’ll be the chair of that committee perfect perfect what about our International observers from the European countries and from America I I presume they’re being invited to I’m not sure but I presume there are there’ll be nothing stopping them as far as I know as they’ve been in the past fine thank you very much you know I just want to say because it will give more credibility to our election and also the participating political parties will feel more at ease this will be a turning point I think in my view uh in South African politics after 30 years of democracy and the ANC in rule there’ll be a turning point and and well you know I mean let’s see what the outcome would be and with the international observers I think everybody will be at ease that is the point I mean if they definitely coming and they confirmed that they would be here I think it will give our elections credibility also to the international markets also you know in terms of investment in terms of investment and sou Africa being a global player all right Dina thank you all right thank you on the line from Peter they look just to reiterate in terms of observers I need to go and check who’s coming and who isn’t as far as I know there hasn’t been any controversy about it but even if there was um and there shouldn’t be um but under our system the system is incredibly transparent when you go and vote you’ll see this you’ll see two people sitting bored in the corner and they’ll be the party agents right and each party has party agents there lots of party agents they watch the voting they watch the counting they watch all of it and that’s why we have a transparent process so you know all of that helps um let’s go to now is it hebby hebby good morning good morning how are you I’m well thanks you want to talk about the ifp yeah you know I just I wish that the the spokesperson could be there you know I I want him I wanted him to you know say to those voters you know especially the black voters who would say no they cannot really forget the brutality and the terror of the you party in the 80s MH you know the what was D then you know the Killing Fields of the Midlands of Nal you know all Chronicles in the in the newspapers of the day you know the Mercury The Daily News and the Sunday tribunes and you know those people were you know either UDF or you know members of the of the um trade unions know that they being mared and uh you know the Massac of student ATA university university of zand who were just innocently demonstrating in you know at a graduation they Massac their parents had to go and fetch them in body bags yeah you know from from the university the massacres that used to happen here in in toza in you know kumalo Street people people many people cannot forget those kind of the massacres that happened in B the massacr that happened in Netherlands from the hospital what do they say to those people that say we cannot forget that brutality and the terror that you that you brought upon you know our black people and and and those organizations were not fighting in G they were fighting the government but he they G leaders stood up against those organizations and and uh and and and and you know he he he never apologized yeah you’re talking about principi now who never apologized yes for the kind of things that happened sure and some of some of some of us black people you know when he was given a state funeral we we were all AUST about what what what goes on there are many black people who not forget what happened no sure hey I mean many people can’t forget what happened of course not um I mean I was growing up during that time and I just remember reading about it very far removed from it but yeah very scary yeah all right hey I hear you look you know long memories and we should not forget what happened absolutely we should not forget uh what happened I think it’s absolutely vital to remember what happened and and to remember you know the truth about things as well is very important your story of the week 086 02032 9 minutes to9 [Music] sfm guiding you through the rush hour traffic on a pretty gentle Friday still a big cure traffic on the mik one heading from santon down into Central jerber that’s an earlier crash at Halton Drive traffic back through to coret drive at this Stage Collision on the N3 going north at guli backlogs from the M2 helden a interchange I just saw a tweet from someone about 30 minutes ago celebrating the Gul was so clear and so open and so free flowing and then it’s amazing how quickly things can change not anymore N3 North and Dei stays heavy two major rout CL closures one the N3 between bergville and toala Plaza that’s likely to be pretty severely restricted for some time it’s a tank of Crash and a spillage of paraffin so big qes that just continue to grow uh into that particular scene if you need a rout option bergville exit the r74 oliv hook pass up to the N5 and Harry Smith and then back towards the N3 should work and the N4 elans Valley section remains closed uh to traffic between godwana and montro all traffic now being diverted across schuman’s CL so it’s that route through between M dorbin and bombella instead of the El Valley section and Cape Town looking pretty easy there are some closures swinging into place across the course of the day around the city IC and that’s for the return of the cape toown jazz festival first time I think since 2019 that that event has been hold held routs Like Walter culu will be closed down and well part partially closed this morning more closures of that route in from about 1:00 this afternoon Rob s FM traffic it’s time to commemorate isas a game the ones with greatness Beyond limits and boundaries the incredible class on the field court ring bench and boardroom this is the 17th annual sa sport Awards celebrating 30 years of Freedom through sporting Excellence experience the sa sport Awards on Sunday 5 May on Sac sport on DT Channel 4 and Sac 1 at 7:30 p.m. proudly brought to you by the department of sport art and culture Sac Sports is the official broadcast of the sa sport Awards # is game # Sasa 17th Edition for weekday nights on S3 are about to get lit BBC prime time will give you access to a handpicked selection of BBC Studios award-winning dramas documentaries and factual entertainment with titles such as Luther critical cheaters Top Gear live at the Apollo Louis theu forbidden America and more you simply don’t want to miss out tune in S3 from the 1st of May from 9:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. to Channel The Best of British entertainment with BBC Prime Time only on S3 open up Steven cres on sfm all right all sorts of conversations coming through this morning your story of the week plenty of people calling in about the ifp I do want to go to Harry Smith and toolo is there around former president Zuma Taco good morning good morning Sten how are it yeah I’m well go for it yeah good morning you know uh uh H I don’t understand these people when they say they they want to take Jacob zum to to to disciplinary I don’t know why can they they leave that guy because he’s gone not is not not going to help anything to to take the guy the guy is gone we must forget about the guy and go and vote forc leave that guy alone because but that guy is it’s nearly it’s to infect sick that guy no why they they they they they still busy following that that guy is is cor is his what old cor cor 15 minutes left to that guy it’s old almost dead no but I mean can someone get away with just breaking the rules I mean can you just allow someone to break the rules because of that no no no no Stephen you see even if he it’s like that he know that guy he know he know exactly what he did so why why why we are still confusing our with the guy let’s give the guy go go that guy is gone understand voting and leave that guy alone all right T and Harry Smith thank you and V in the Eastern Cape do you agree with Taco I I don’t and this is my reason anyone who signs up membership AMC commit to ad to the constitution of and the responsibility of anyu in this the to invol thatal when someone ising what you see here a tra lack of discipline by person should be upholding more than any other person like a normal person but but for me the importance of that the AMC shows everyone that it can be able to take decision action against any it doesn’t way for for after election because if you look at how we’ve lost how many people have lost we’re just losing you loudly please just just make your point quickly yeah I just don’t want to lose your point quickly theal that suffered the decline you could attribute phenomen and those are the people that need to see have taken action against because they G wrong and they need to be disciplined all righta thank you he says it’s a good decision uh it’s interesting to see how people see all of this Steven and Soto workers day your story of the week huh yes my thought of the week is how actually FM your show started the uh the day for me it reminded me of qu right of what time and you you started the show by saying really unions played a very big part to ensuring that we get we are in this democracy right yes yes and if we can remember remember Ronald rean when the Americans were actually reluctant to impose sanctions actually between Ronald M he tried he tried to veto it and then the Senate overrode The veto yeah ex and then he said no but with the unions the unions can literally I know I didn’t know when why but later on I realized that he were talking about that if the union are ex then the economy will actually get a knock somehow you understand yeah and it’s painful that now the union are still using you know that against own government right so the other story I think was when the sabc under you actually you know spoke about sh the new driver app that is Excell having having entered this this industry right and it’s going to bring I guess about peace in the inhaling industry because most of the people are now using this apps not really for a good CA because if you look at the money off where the J of the money where is it going to it’s living this shes yeah is there any any school that you can with a Bo that maybe this I mean this other you know alien companies have have contributed for social you know activities it haven’t they haven’t done anything yeah sure they they may be giving people jobs but really it’s actually from hand to mouth but anything social nothing else thanks for the time all right Stephen thank you on the line from SOA very interesting and then um Alfred and panga last word from you can you keep it short if you can please the ifp no no no thank you uh mine is to on on atrocities committed in the past uh I’m concerned because not that only ISP was involved in those atrocities I mean the AMC too there’s lot of atrocities they committed so in other words we want to continue the propaganda of the past where Eng which aenc will will be projected as the Messiah while other people will be projected as David that kind of politics must be put on end yes you see because H it will F mislead us and these people they’ll keep on doing their corruption because they know PR exercises very PR exercises that speaks in a way of defending their Satanism sort of approaches to the masses of our people you see I remember in 1986 during the Wonder Uprising at that Uprising they were involved as thec kids were killing their their fathers with tires most of the of the shops were bur down by by Chiefs who who are getting an evil influence from thec we must talk this still FR are we all right no Alfred thank you uh in a way correct we shouldn’t sort of say one is the Angel and one is the devil doesn’t matter which way you look at it well thank you for being with me uh today thank you for being with us today um busy show as always we will see you on Monday from MDU from Melissa from amand from and from STS of myself look after yourself you with sfm leading the conversation Kathy’s next [Music] [Applause] :00 in our top stories ANC denies decision to charge Zuma election related and Eastern K Premier welcomes suspension of Taxi shutdown good morning we start with election related news [Music] thec says its decision to charge its former president Jacob Zuma has nothing to do with the anc’s election campaign ahead of the upcoming national elections a notice by the anc’s national disciplinary committee revealed zumas expected to appear before a hearing on Tuesday next week on two counts of contravening thec constitution ANC National spokes person M says there are no politics involved in the latest developments surrounding the former ANC president for the fact that the national dis committee has made a determination to take this forward there’s nothing to do with our election campaign our election campaign is running it’s in full stream it cannot be affected by the fact that the N is doing its work beautifully so I I there is no politics involved in this thing ANC youth league president Colin Malachi says the league is not happy with a representation of young people on the anc’s provincial lists Malachi made the comment during the youth League’s press briefing yesterday where it unpacked the party’s election Manifesto relating to the youth ahead of the elections he says they will be engaging the Secretary General fig balula on a solution to include more young people on the provincial party list why we negotiating is in provinces provinal list we’re not happy with majority of provincial lists a lot of young people are not fully there there’s only one or two young people in those areas we’ve demanded a full representation and we’ve told them that post elections that must be attended to of the pro the provincial list they just Mery a lot of young people are not appearing the way they should appear and we’re saying as the youth will attend to it through our SG who’s engaging with the SG of the NC and other provincial secretaries in other news the Eastern K Premier Oscar Mau has welcomed the suspension of the taxi shutdown that led to several road closures across the province the shutdown also disrupted health services at almost 60 healthc care facilities mainly in the Buffalo City metro the shutdown was due to non-payment of funds by the provincial transport Department to scholar transport operators the provincial government has committed to settle all the outstanding verified invoices dating back from January to March this year cusil ranki is the Eastern Cape government spokesperson to fastra this process command centers have been established in district offices of the do to improve efficiencies especially in districts where there are high volumes of invoices this is to ensure that the department concludes the payment process in line with the set deadline the engagements have been able to prevent a prolonged and possibly economic crippling Pro protest action the body of a woman who may have been fishing has been recovered near Bader on the Nisa Lagoon in the southern Cape National sea rescue Institute spokesperson Craig lambinon says the Nisa Duty Crew were activated following reports from eyewitnesses of a body in the water n rescue swimmers in the South African Police Services responded directly to the scene while the NS nna boat crew launched the NS res C jt4 accompanied by a water policing and diving services police diver Western C government he the EMS was alerted on arrival on the scene the body of a female race colored wearing a maroon top and dark in color long pants was located and recovered from the water onto the NS rescue CFT by the police dver assisted by NS nner crew and finally UNESCO the UN educational scientific and cultural organization has awarded Palestinian journalists covering the war in Gaza the 2024 World Press Freedom prize an award ceremony took place on the margins of the World Press Freedom conference yesterday Shen Bryce Beast reports from the UN headquarters in New York chair of the jury morito wble said They wish to share a strong message of solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering the Gaza crisis in such dramatic circumstances he said that as Humanity we owed them a huge debt for their courage and commitment to freedom of expression the committee to protect journalist says at least 97 media workers are among the 35,000 killed in Gaza recapping the top story thec says its decision to charge its former president Jacob Zuma has nothing to do with the anc’s election campaign ahead of the upcoming national elections a notice by the anc’s national disciplinary committee revealed Zuma’s expected to appear before a Ying on Tuesday next week on two counts of contravening thec constitution for sfm news I am an Musa I’m concerned for my children’s future our country is in a state of chaos the government has failed the people of South Africa and other parties cannot bring us together we need real change hon mashaba is South Africa’s Mr fixer he’s a patriotic businessman who knows how jobs are created he cleaned up Johannesburg and had a Caring Heart for people of all Races on 29 may vote for South Africa and our Collective future vote for Action sa because only action will fix South Africa this political election broadcast was brought to you in terms of the casa regulation governing the election period the views expressed in this political election broadcast are those of the political party and not of the sabbc and we will buy 500 cars and we will buy 500 more just to be the one who buys your car will come to you and offer more we buy car car we buy car car we buy cars we buy cars car we buy cars the easiest way to sell your car by far Ste believe they know how to deal with giants like Mami sown whereas masandawana remains confident that Baba style understands all strategies to make it to the final this is the emotional Encounter of the netbank cup semi-final stellin Bosch FC clashes with mam Lordi swns FC this Sunday 5 May at 2:30 p.m. live on sabc1 and sabc radio stations also available on sabc plus and sabc # we love you proudly brought to you by sabc sport For the Love of [Music] the the talking point with Kathy mosana weekdays 9:00 a.m. till midday providing a job for someone is really really important it gives them dignity and in communities that are poor it actually has a way of reducing crime because now people have a productive means for solving many of their problems it’s a fundamentally different strategy than going into a community and pushing what we believe is the right solution now just look at all the things that providing a simple pack of noodles has been able to pull in to the Nigerian economy over the past 30 years they’ve invested close to half a billion dollars in the economy provided upwards of 50,000 jobs they’ve actually invested in education because whenever they need someone to do something in the company and the schools don’t provide the skills they invest in education and so what we find is that there’s a fundamental difference between these two strategies one where we go into a community with the best of intentions and we push what we believe the right solution is versus another another where we try to solve a particular Problem by making a product simple and affordable and then creating a market for people and by virtue of doing that that market pulls in so many things into the economy that the society needs in doing this I’ve learned two things one even with the best of intentions when we push what we believe people need it often doesn’t create permanent Solutions and the second is if we figure out a way to make products simple and affordable and create a new market for people in societies where they don’t have access we’re going to be able to pull in so many things that the society needs eosa Ojo is a director at the global Prosperity research group at the Clayton Christensen Institute for disruptive innovation just listen listening to that kind of um solution thinking what kind of an impact would that have on so many communities in a country like South Africa because often it’s not necessarily that people don’t know or don’t have what it takes to solve their own problems but they need to be supported in that they need to um have opportunities markets created in which they can function and just a simple thing like making products cheaper so that they’re more accessible uh two more people is you know it’s such a it’s such a game changer uh so yeah a great way to kick off the show there uh with some of those those thoughts of Osa Ojo you’re listening to the talking point welcome to the show I’m K I’m with you until midday uh coming up on the show today it is a Friday we’re going to kick it off with the open line I’m taking your calls it is your national round table 086 0203 to that’s the number to dial on the WhatsApp voice note line 0 6141 04107 coming up on the show today in the second hour of the show we’re going to be in conversation with the leader of the aljama party that is khif Hendrick uh it’s a party that has been contesting elections from 2009 and the party has seen marginal grow growth marginal you know now they now officially have just one seat in Parliament and uh when you look at some of the things that um kif Hendricks has been saying uh as he’s been talking about his party different media interviews it doesn’t seem that um he’s you know one of those Party leaders that has all of these big dreams about governing South Africa I think you know he’s quite realistic in his approach over the fact that it’s unlikely that his party will um be coming into governance after the 29th of May but what then is is their positioning how do they see themselves as players um within this political environment I guess Al Jamar also in the last two years has made a punched way above its weight when you look at what has been happening in um the Metros of course we had two Al Jamar Mayors in the city of Johannesburg gabo guanda uh is also an a member of the aljama party he remains the mayor of Johannesburg so uh there’ll be quite a bit for us to talk about with khif Hendrick in the second hour of the show and then H I must tell you I am looking forward to this interview okay the disclaimer is that I look forward to the Friday wind down any on any week so let’s get that out of the way um but I’m also looking forward to our guests today I’m really excited that they’re going to be able to join us in studio if you’re wondering who they might be well a very talented group of musicians [Music] my name is I’m going with please catch us onm on Friday 11 [Music] a.m. ah beautiful beautiful beautiful sound so it’s the joy it’s the joy coming up on the show the final hour of the show um and of course the group recently made International headlines they were uh headlining the stage the Coachella stage alongside uh the Grammy awardwinning rapper DOA cat and really that has put them right into the spotlight so uh we’ll be speaking with them in the final hour of this show I hope you’re going to tune in it’s one you certainly don’t want to miss okay so I’m taking your calls it is the Open Line your national round table I’m ready to take um calls on whatever issue you may want to put on the agenda I guess you know one of the big stories going into next week is going to be uh what happens now what must thec do now yeah it looks like the anc’s does thec have a Zuma headache is it is it fair to say that the party has a Zuma headache that they don’t really know what to do with or or how to deal with it um yeah conflicting reactions right to the decision by thec to hold uh Zuma before a disciplinary committee um the party says it needs to follow its own due processes uh those in the MK party believe that well it’s clear that Zuma is no longer a member so why is thec doing this now why couldn’t they just see to it after the elections one of the stories of this election is absolutely going to be about Jacob Zuma thec and just this is it a divorce is it a separation what is it because he’s still a member of thec it’s all really so confusing sometimes because one does wonder why did the why does zuma not just resign from the ANC why doesn’t he just leave the party wouldn’t that make life easier for everyone but I guess it’s not something he’s intent on doing I’ll be taking your calls on 862032 on the WhatsApp voice note line 0 6141 04107 sfm supports a letterfree South Africa Play Your Part in keeping our surroundings and environment clean safm leading the conversation call us on 08620 32 all right we kick it off this morning in valal uh RAM Pisa good morning good morning sis KY and good morning to our producers and listeners you see sis K let me I want to comment about the moon Tech but before that I want to try and answer some of the issues just you just raised but wait why do you sound familiar Risa yes I’m that’s [Laughter] my why why are you lying why are you lying we just call you miss thanks anyway for taking my call so so you so so you you are not you usually come on as as Li but today you decided to be Risa yes it’s my same name then I oh okay well your voice is quite distinctly so that’s why I was able to pick it up so so where is V now where is District but in the same [Music] Province you see I don’t think necessarily former president is an heada to African National Congress because anyhow you would wi we know that in the last two weeks we had the byelections in s where ccel of was arrested for carrying guns involved in K Transit and we went for by elections and we took that word from the EF what turn in where we are coming from that this party contested election and got only 28 votes when they he was running around close to 2,000 so it’s it’s not going to be a head to the African National Congress but what I want to put it to you in the interest of justice and in the interest of the Constitution and the Dignity of the party former president must go through the process like any other person because they were even yourself you raising issues about Mandi who just committed a crime late after Zuma and he was taken through disciplinary process was suspended and it’s about to be and even the case is finished it’s going to 73 years suspension so this one the aenc is just trying to show that no one is bigger than the party and they’re not going to be emotional about but but L does it benefit the party at the height of an election right um we are just about 3 and a half weeks away from the elections does it benefit the party to be involved in this versus maybe dealing with it after the elections no no no no everybody will be this case to be dealt after the elections we’ve got the many cases that the process that are under way then it become what about Zuma what is so special about this old man did so they must put a St to say no one is of the Constitution of thec and he will be taken through that and he want to part ways with Zuma we don’t even want him to lose the elections and say we are now rejecting him because he lost the elections we want to leave Zuma alone already S as with the divorce payers we accepting signing those and I can tell you s it’s going to be very painful for J after this election we we will allow him to go his trials eventually be sign to jail and there will never be a presidential part so that’s what are preparing for Zuma just to go and think about the Optics what do you think is going to happen next week when um the former president has to appear before the disciplinary committee I mean it’s likely that the CBD will come to a standstill do you not foresee crowds of MK supporters gathered outside Luli house so in that regard we ask thec youth leag also to mobilize in defend of our structure in defend of the M do we do that not the first time we’ll be doing we’ll be organizing in defend of the Revolutionary house that we have in Johannesburg man my second Point say and we must assist as in this one not only myself because I I I was hoping to hear from you can you give us the manifesto of the coalition government can you give us the manifesto of the Moon because all of us as voters we V we voting based on the track record the background and the manifesto that the political party has being sh the list that the coalition government submitted to I so that we can know that when Coalition win this is going to be the president possibly this is going to be Deputy president and these are the possible cabinet ministers we don’t want to vote for something that we don’t know Assist us so that we must because at know that but but but that is that is public um LBA the the the agreements and the negotiations that the The moonshot moonshot Pact has been part of have been by and larg public you should look it up online and who’s going to be the leader of that M the president of the voters want to know that comes 20 24 29 May elections after accounting has been done we be go to Union building to say this is our president going to observe the inauguration with thec then with this one we want to know who is going to lead the country because we can’t just put our vote for something that we don’t know okay all right find find find from C and then we’ll hear from because I know I don’t want to say to say you say because the black majority in this country who suffered under they will never forgive you let it not come from you let come themselves okay Lia let’s leave it there for this morning out in tber you’re in Norwood good morning morning how are you I’m well thank you tber go for it I’m good I hope get allal time like previous one the previous call I just hope so but okay my point I want to speak about thec and Zuma you know what going to happen my sister it’s a p because these guys they know what what is the true and the truth is you also ask the question why Zuma don’t just resign from thec I must answer that question I want to answer you now why first we must go and check we’ve got the right to D register thec in thec in the whole entire like any other any political party whereby the the person who register that authority to register it and as zum you will find that is the one of the official thatc who has power to D register thec so if they keep pushing him like that we might there’s a situation like that my sister and we must prepare because he knows he got them by everything there’s nothing they can do for them at least they must just leave him because they also want to mobilize I think that guy who’s the one who fired from MK he also have the to do that in MK so we might we might havec out of the election and also MK as well yeah tber highly unlikely highly unlikely remember political parties don’t just Center on a single individual um you know and it’s it’s not that easy to re deregister uh a party but yeah but it’s one of them and you’ve got all the poers to do that so that is why you see they won’t do nothing with Z my advice if want peace they must just forget about the case of MK and forget about zor then we go for the election the people on the ground will choose who will win the election who will ruin our country not what they doing why they taking him remember last time Bala was answering the question from the journalist say why do you have to care with someone who just expell himself Z expell it Wasa and it’s on the record but now they going after him then what it means they know if they go with that old madala on the ballot there’s no way they will win which one which one is the old madal Z they know they go there on the on the 29 of this month there’s no way they can win they know that is why there’s a court now you must wait for that that the results from the court and that one for forc they cooking something big and if they’re cooking something big I don’t think we’ll see election as they told us before that’s where it started okay for the sake of the peace they must just leave everything and let us vote we’ll choose we’ll decide on the ground there’s no way thank you my sister okay all right tber tber out in Norwood yeah uh a lot of conspiracy theories in the midst of it all tber uh but you know some do believe that thec should just let elections come and go I think former president tabi also alluded to thatana in MAF good morning good morning yes yeah you seec she she do not charge she do not exp she do not sustain because he’s too old to be charged for Exel he is himself is that’s why he never resign yeah but he’s not too old to be charged Moana if he’s old enough to be contesting the elections surely he’s old enough to go through whatever processes the the ANC feels he needs feels he needs to go through I don’t think he’s serious of of that is us we not understanding what he’s doing he is teaching us politics he’s teaching us but we are not understanding because what we must tell the all the MK supporters is to come back home because himself will come back home do you believe that bana that is where we going that’s why he’s not so all this noising and fighting supposed not to be existing among us we must just wa with caution that’s oh imagine imagine now he did not resign then MK people voted and thenc claim those vot because he is not resign what’s going to happen well thec can’t claim the votes of the MK party ban that’s that’s not how it works that’s not how the system works because since the leader not resign from his organization they can CL those no they can’t bana that’s not how the system works these are the the two parties that have been registered separately with the I so so now how can a leader be leader in both two different parties if he’s a leader of another party and not to resign from another party how that can be possible well he’s he is a leader of thec by virtue of the position he’s held previously in bana uh but nothing more than that yeah but it is too old to be sustainable child that’s why we are in this m of what we have we not can’t we talk to him to ask him what exactly he’s trying to do okay bana let’s leave it there bana out in mafang it’s 9:30 time for the latest news headlines good morning I’m an mus in the headlines the where party spokesperson says the party is ready to come out in their numbers to support its leader Jacob Zuma when he attends his disciplinary heing next week Tuesday the N sprit Regional Court in panga is expected to hand down judgment in the rape charges against a former MEC for finance Economic Development and Tourism he allegedly raped his two daughters and a senior un official has told the BBC the situation in and around the Sudanese city of Al fascia in North dafur is catastrophic as fighting escalates in the year-long civil war between the Army and the rapid support forces I’ll have details on these and Other Stories at 10 across South Africa online and on radio sfm let’s talk good morning KY it’s Brian maay from Pro yes we can near this PO political party which are the opposition campaigning against the NC they are just campaigning against the NC they are not campaigning for themselves if they want to defeat the NC they must use a different strategy for example the multi- party let’s say for example if the ifp is dominating Nal all this opposition they must let their voters vote for FP if certain parties dominating Nan province they must do the same this is the only way which will which which will make them take the NC out of power the only problem why they won’t do that is because they are greedy the NC will remain in power brma by pro thank you good morning Kathy uh your producers and my fellow FM listeners uh you know KY I don’t know why people are making a hola Balo or F about thec um dragging Zuma to the uh hearing you know ANC Zuma is no ordinary member of thec he was not an ordinary member of thec so we need to be official we need to fire this guy he must go there even if he doesn’t go we need to officially cut ties with Zuma we cannot say simply because he walked away then we work on assumptions you understand as thec member we want Zuma to be officially fired and that’s what the ANC NEC or AWC is doing thank you Kathy morning ala is basically part ofc they have a different name but they they are part of thec I mean he himself said ANC light Jamal ISC light so yeah that is why he’s not you know like all the others as you say wanting to govern hi K and the listeners I’m telling you I’m guaranteeing you that I mean just after this election the forthcoming election now of this year we will having the TX drivers you know the into the parliament where by the people will just entertaining Us by fighting each other to show that I’m in Parliament also like any other people there’s not there there will be no peace anymore into the parliament started with the E and then it will be forever the other parties will just fighting to show off sfm talking point business owners don’t waste your time searching for an employee that has it all they do not exist but I will tell you what does exist the Kia k2700 Workhorse it’s versatile powerful and reliable it also arrives on time every day save your cash with no deposit and only pay 5,799 Rand per month it’s the business partner you’ve been waiting for up your game with the Kia k2700 Workhorse visit k.c. for more teas andc Supply Kia movement that inspires stellies believe they know how to deal with giants like mamori swns whereas masandawana remains confident that Baba style understands all strategies to make it to the final this is the emotional Encounter of the net Bank cup semifinal stellin Bosch FC clashes with Mami swns FC this Sunday 5 May at 2:30 p.m. live on sabc1 and sabc radio stations also available on sabc plus and sabc # we love it you proudly brought to you by sabc [Music] Sports the talking point with Kathy M weekdays 9:00 a.m. till midday you’re listening to the talking point it is the Open Line your national round table I’m taking your calls on 086 0232 that’s the number to dial 086 02032 on the WhatsApp voice note line 0614 1041 07 MAA good morning you know I want to about this political parties which come in this platforms say that they going to create many jobs but I want to know what type of those jobs are they going to create but they going to create SL job like da on thday I think they Shadow Minister of Finance or of Da to this say that this minimum W of 3,500 is too much so for them to create jobs they must cut that minimum job to 2,000 we going to work for that 2000 this in South Africa I think that’s why that some black people are very stupid when someone comes to you and that I’m create jobs for you I’m to 2,000 a month they when he comes to you and that going to privatize so that you can get electricity how how can you get that electricity from a privati company which is going to charge you more when you are failing to take your your child to a private school because of M so I want you to when they come to those must ask them what type of jobs are they going to create how much are they going to pay those people who are going to employ because these people are taking black people for granted and some black people are stupid thing for themselves yeah you know I I I Dida I did see that picket um uh by the da uh that they they held outside the KATU headquarters you know against the the minimum wage and I just yeah yeah look I I I don’t know you know I I looked at it and I thought well can we look at how many people in this country actually are earning above the minimum wage um read the room you know what is going on in this country right now that of all the things you’re going to choose as an issue of protest this becomes one of those issues um yeah I’ve got lots of questions about okay thank you all right all right MAA yeah MAA is out in in in limo people are are barely are barely able to survive um on a on a minimum wage barely able to survive and what we know that even in Industries where uh you know there’s the benchmarking of of the minimum wage whether it’s an agriculture domestic work and and other parts of of what is considered to be informal work um it’s just not adhered to so there’s a a disregard of that policy by and large but to to see a party actually protest against minimum wage and saying that um you know that they they they don’t think that it’s a viable policy well yeah it it does you know it does raise questions you’re out in Harry Smith good [Music] morning K this wasting our time K this guy this guy I don’t know why they said they want to take this guy to to to to to disciplinary they must remove this guy because this guy already is gone he’s gone why why now they want to take this guy to to disciplinary for what because he’s gone already Alo if he was gone he wouldn’t need to be taken to disciplinary the point is that he’s gone but he’s not gone K is gone K what what what what more we we we need from this guy because he he got a new party now and he even told the ANC street that he’s not going to to to to to to to to vote for ANC and is not going to to to to advise people to vote for MC so what what more do we need let’s forget about the guy and vote for a andc then that guy is it’s it’s only 15 minutes left to that guy then that guy is gone why are we wasting our time okay too out in Harry Smith let’s leave it there KY thank you all right V in Park toown North good morning morning Kathy how are you I’m all right V long time no chat I was brutally attacked I I I at this to kg and uh with a someone I grew up with in Exile in the US and my phones were taken I’m recovering I’m going voice I’m sorry to hear that yeah I’ve been a victim of crime and the car was taken and phon and you know once you lose those things life becomes like you’re starting you know sorry I’m covering pains all over the body yeah I’m getting this V I’m so sorry to hear about your oal I wasn’t aware yes well it’s great to have you back on the radio with us thank you so much uh yes two things that I want to talk about the political parties you know that just mushrooms and the LI you know concerning and with the da leading the the whole deception uh I read the Jewish report while I was in hospital three weeks ago and you know the way they actually wrote about the rise this song is how they’ve been finding to them and they got disappointed because right now he supporting the NC on the icj Palestinians and you know for me like where we come from people have forgotten I don’t know if political parties that have been formed are mushrooming they suffering from Amnesia after this whole you know losing our parents like there brothers and sisters into the extrem and you come and take money there’s no way you’re going to deliver to the African people who are suffering you’re not going to deliver cuz you’re already captured and they were actually threatening some of them were pulling their monies out they have a photo of him there and telling how much theyve actually who has a photo of who I don’t think I’m following the story report okay you were reading in the Jewish report yeah they had an article about disappointment in those who are funding him you know how given him money and now they withing they don’t trust him anymore because he he he’s now stand to the NC against I but the the iron of it is that why would you go and take that money you know from those people that are going to control you yet you are preaching you’re going to Free People we we don’t need this kind of political party that going and sell us out you know 55 million or over 55 million South Africans don’t need this don’t need people go behind the behind them and go and take money from these people because they’re going to control he’s already controlled from day one so how is he going to actually deliver to the South African that was my question and number two is Sophie M yesterday she was so optimistic reporting on that tury teia is now supporting souan government in the IC case against Palestinian I don’t trust turkey at all and if I recall very well visited mfi before everybody else TR playing them day that ended up with us losing madfi being killed because that’s that’s what take it does it goes certain countries and does all this dirty work I’ll actually conclude with who formed the Kenyan and Tanzanian embassies that the US has not sorted that that which all this intelligence they claim to have and this is the very country that goes sing after other country so there is an agenda for to to join the okay and you cannot actually Rejoice on it okay all right we saw out in park town north um thanks thanks for calling in those are her views uh I’ve just pulled up the Jewish report um that voo is talking about and it does in fact look like there’s an article there um and the headline says Jewish supporters of ryam zanzi betrayed by anti-israel agenda um and the report goes on to say that um you those that had supported the parties uh at least prominent backers Jewish Beckers of of the party were angry uh after it was seen after they saw um high ranking party members of uh rym zanzi posting anti-semitic and anti-israel disinformation online uh since the 7 October Hamas attacks in Israel okay so yeah if you want to read more about that you can check it up pull it up online it is available and that’s just something um that uh VOA was Raising I guess at the end of the day uh Mo a lot of political parties will go wherever they might they feel they might have uh funding available but um it’s really the onus is is on them and I don’t think that uh it’s necessarily wrong for once people have received funding to take a stance on issues um that they feel morally obligated to uh and I guess in the end it’s about whether they can justify that to whoever is supporting them SP you’re out in Springs good morning hi good morning good morning KY um so KY you know um what thec is doing uh by by calling um the former president to a to a DC is um you know exposing themselves again you know um their corruption basically uh of conducting this kangaro court you know we’ve seen it with um the the the former public protector they they purported to be having an inquiry or something in ad hoc committee and all that where else they already had a forone conclusion that already knew what they were doing uh they already had a plan to to to kick except the two are different um what happened with the former public protector was as was coming out of the work of government whereas this is a political party matter no KY you see if you if you say government uh it’s it’s political parties that form government and the majority is thec so it was thec process in government so even it wasn’t it wasn’t solely ANC process PE um it it it it went through the National Assembly there were other parties that had the opportunity you know that expressed either agreement or disagreement I’m just saying that she’s the head she’s the former head of a chapter 9 Institution this current process is against the former president of thec in his capacity as a member of thec you see you see KY my point is that um they are having they are holding a kangaro court they they are they are they um it’s like it’s like calling people for interview which they do in government department where else they already know who who are they going to employ in those positions so they just do like a formality thing so what I’m saying is they are just doing a formality they already going to expandion on on on Tuesday right but um what they don’t know is that um um there are many of us who arec but who who who who are who are campaigning with the MK and going to be voting for The NK right and the reasons are valid reasons so if it was a kangaru court Zuma could actually win the the case on Tuesday if if if if there was there was going to be you know a neutral panel that is would be objective but how how how would this process be different to any other process that members of thec have faced before no the only difference with this one is that um the there’s already forone conclusion they’ve already there’s already an outcome they already know a forone conclusion because of the extent which has violated the constitution of thec maybe no no they’re not even going to listen to you because I I say to you that reason of saving thec in fact of how is he saving thec so um right now the ANC has been infiltrated by people like the current president who are um working to destroy the ANC by by by all their decisions that they make who are reversing all the gains of the ANC who are deployed there by the the rets and you know the the irony the iron is that that’s that’s what that’s what some of the leaders are saying about about the former president Zuma so no no no no no you see what Zuma is doing is showing leadership and braver in fact to try and and and and Flash out all these agents that are inside the AMC right now okay right by forming this this party which is not actually a party it’s a it’s some controverses it’s a military Wing you know of thec so H he he he trying to use that military Wing to to to take out these agents let’s leave it there let’s leave it there SP P out in Springs yeah July in malam good morning morning my sister how are you well thank you July go for it yeah actually I want to reflect on whatc of ra is doing to the president of the nation president Zuma it’s unfair why a first reason around 2016 there was a local ER government elections members of sap who are also members ofc they protested against African National Congress but no one was just secondly president he once said he won’t contest for he was referring to the samec of rst but well then then under former president Jacob Zuma I’m talking about ANC yes I’m just saying let’s not be economical with the truth yeah I talk about organization not individuals now allow me to to talk Dan interject if you want I’m still giving you the reasons why I’m saying a of RAM is being unfair on pres Z the third one president he once said ANC must lose first it’s then that it will renew itself but it was not charged and lastly the Integrity committee he has done a very good report Integrity report against this R but up to so far no one is talking about it no one is charging him so it seems as Ser is bigger thanc and now they want to touch our president so I’m saying to them they must listen of RAM is MK party legal Co I hope you know this KY there was a case this month last month they are owing MK so if they invite president Zuma to the house it’s fine we’re going there there’s a possibility that we will repossess our house because they owing us because I don’t understand why they should call possess your house jly are you referring to Luli house it’s our house I mean how is it your house Luli was a a freedom fighter president Zuma is still a a fighter seral is just a puppet a St of white Monopoly who ran away around 1996 and left the books ofc to Lear me so I’m surprised if now is the one who want to charge the Freedom Fighters knowingly that is not a a freedom fighter he never been in Exile he never been a Branch Secretary so July July are you a freedom fighter yes okay okay we be there we will be there we thank Bal for campaigning for us because we’ll stage a a very good stage there after president has visited our house he will come and address US hey July you’re okay July out oh gosh D you’re in good morning yes D how are you KY I’m well go for it yeah know you see I think what jly is saying I’m with him by saying that the aenc should leave Zuma because now the ANC we are giving Zuma a platform to campaign and what July saying that is going to be a scandalous situation for thec so figa said Zuma has already expelled himself why can’t we leave it as such that now we are promoting Zuma we are giving Zuma a platform so I don’t know even if we discipline him what are we going to benefit what are we going to gain out of that let thec leave Zuma alone and do whatever he’s doing he has defied the organization he has defied the law of this country I don’t know who else can do anything to Zuma that’s my contribution K that thec if leadership listens let them leave zum alone that Z not go to the truly house you see you listen what jly say is going to occupy their building thank you K yeah look whichever way you look at it didn’t right now it looks like the stage is already set and of course uh the MK party has confirmed that the former president will be attending that disciplinary hearing so um I doubt that between now and then we’ll see some kind of cancellation of that meeting going ahead but you never know let’s take a couple of your WhatsApp voice notes that’ll take us into the 10:00 news good morning Kathy it’s Daniel from Durban the the issue about minimum wage from the da I I think um allow them to speak on that because I did hear the clip but I think there there is more to that in explaining why they have come to that conclusion thanks KY Daniel from Durban bye-bye good morning KY jasine here in upington KY the ANC must let Zuma go so that we can go on with the elections uh we have nothing to lose as thec um um we know we have people we can we can vote the ANC is going to win the elections people must stop panicking and let us do the work on the ground bye # sfm talking point so a lady from aini just turned 55 and although I’m still a spring chicken there’s AP part ofy that envies her especially since she now qualifies for a nedbank electronic Optimum Plus account with capital guaranteed talk about Foy huh voem man if you mean fomo then definitely Bossman and she can earn up to 12.85% interest anyone over 55 can open theirs via the netbank money app in less than 2 minutes see money differently netbank we’re a licensed fsp and registered credit provider teas andc apply [Music] [Applause] in our top story is MK party to accompany Zuma facing ANC disciplinary committee and judgment in for panga MC rape case good morning the party spokesperson says the party is ready to come out in their numbers to support its leader Jacob Zuma when he attends his disciplinary hearing next week Tuesday this follows a notice document by the anc’s national disciplinary committee that Zuma is expected to attend a disciplinary hearing Zuma is facing two counts of contravening thec constitution he’s accused of contravening the Constitution when he publicly endorsed the newly formed party and when he appeared on the candidate list for the party the MK party spokesperson lulo we don’t understand you know what what this whole f is about and that’s why we’ve won all these cases and we continue to win and that’s just a clear demonstration that it’s a desperate act on their end you know um and if I were them I would have listened to their leader in the form of president inaki who would have for the first time given them wise words which are what is what is the rush and why the desperation meanwhile thec says its decision to charge its former president Jacob Zuma has nothing to do with the anc’s election campaign ahead of the upcoming national elections party spokesperson for the fact that the National Committee has made a determination to take this forward has nothing to do with our election campaign our elections campaign is running it’s in full stream it cannot be affected by the fact that the NC is doing its work beautifully so I I there is no politics involved in this thing the nil spray Regional Court inam panga is expected to hand down judgment in the rape charges against a former MEC for finance Economic Development and Tourism he allegedly raped his two daughters the accused was arrested alongside his stepson in 2020 since the start of the trial the media was bed from attending the proceeding to protect the minor children the high court in buan lopo will this morning hear the matter between the legal practice Council and a prominent lawyer toi Muka the council wants muena to be removed from the attorney’s role the council argues it has received several complaints against mukena including the alleged misuse of trust accounts of his clients klei reports the law F under the name t m Incorporated was placed under Liquidation in 2019 several years later in March this year Muka was suspended from practicing as an attorney he’s also accused of violating the regulations governing attorneys before then Muka had handled prominent cases including representing some politicians facing legal battles as well as prominent businessmen police Minister bees expected to open a new police station at monguzzi in Northern in Northern qu natal the area has been plagued by crossborder crimes for years will be joined by the national commissioner general f masima n Mak reports the police Ministry says it wants to increase police visibility in rural areas crossb crime has been a thorny issue in the OM with the district for years the area located on the mosambi border has experienced high levels of crossb crime with reports of theft and hijacking of vehicles last year tensions in the area heightened following the killing of two community policing Forum members and finally a senior un official has told the BBC the situation in and around the Sudan city of alfasa in North tfur is catastrophic as fighting escalates in the year-long civil war between the Army and the rapid support forces Toby Howard described the increasing killings the burning of entire Villages and intensifying a bomb departments he says people are struggling to get out there are a few corridors left many of the corridors that the land corridors are blocked because of rising insecurity and the converging of forces we have some national staff who were able to flee a couple of days ago but certainly the options for people to get out are very limited and people simply don’t have the money to buy tickets on uh transport I mean the cost of fuel amongst other very basic products has soared recently recapping the top story the party spokesperson says the party is ready to come out in their numbers to support its leader Jacob Zuma when he attends his disciplinary hearing next week Tuesday for sfm news I am an Musa in 2006 the Democratic Alliance won Cape Town by just one seat with just 42 votes he recently won bringing remarkable progress to rural quisel because people voted for change da Run Mall is now the best ran municipality ining and a new story was written for the Western Cape when people voted da but if you want a new government that works then you have to vote for it in this election every single vote will count your vote can rescue South Africa vote da this political election broadcast was brought to you in terms of the casa regulation governing the election period the views expressed in this political election broadcast are those of the political party and not of the sabc EFC is live this Thursday Two grappling Wizards will battle it out for the vacant Welterweight Title at efc3 as jelson Souza and Zakir bat fighted out for Championship Glory plus fiz Jacobs is out for revenge against the great Sylvester chipmu for number one contendership EFC 113 live this Thursday watch it on Sac sport channel on DT Channel 4 from 700 p.m. brought to you by sabc Sports real savings real benefits here’s what real clients say about outsurance my name is Adan I’m 71 years of age and I live in Douglas Dale I’m paying 554 r a month for my 2022 nisson magnite want a car insurance premium that will blow your mind SMS out to 30754 now for a quote it’s quick it’s easy and it could save you hundreds of Rands every month here’s Amy to anyone who has not reached out to urance what are you doing reach out today blow your mind not your paycheck SMS out to 30754 and see for yourself why outsurance was voted best car insurer 2023 by the star and petoran news readers here’s 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on they should not be allowed it’s Zuma who is coming in there for disciplinary hearing so MKC structures should Cordon those areas that’s disres respect for Mk you can’t have your cake and eat it and we cannot be afraid of MK to say if Zuma is charged by thec in disciplinary C then there will be chaos in the country no otherwise he will not go to court in the legal court for his arms deal because people will be afraid set a president deal with him once and for all and those MKS should be dealt with heavily good morning sis KY and the listeners this is Anthony Peter sis Kathy I want to talk about this thing of Zuma I don’t know why thec is following Zuma because they even said that Zuma has expelled himself so now why are they following him why are are they doing this H disciplinary hearing they wasting their time they should focus they should focus on their campaign and stop for following Zuma because if ever it was somebody else they should have explain expelled that person long long time ago so now you can see even in thec not everyone is equal before the law some they are more than hi sis KY they are wasting our time on thanks sis KY bye-bye good morning Kathy this is GS Mo spacing Kathy Jacob Zuma when he was the leader of the country he held the country at Ransom he’s now holding the ANC at Ransom what’s so special about Jacob Zuma that you know what everyone should bow down before him and people are saying no he’s a political masterm mind and all that no man as should just get rid of Jacob Zuma and that’s it thank you GS most spacy good uh morning Al this is na from Cape Town in Del I thinkc this is just an electioneering from their side you remember that former PM Parliament member Marvin Dex from Peter Marb his case was dealt in so fast why Zuma now unless maybe they feared that should they have acted in earlier on maybe most people would have gone with Zuma to join the m K but it’s still a blunder because them expelling him or suspending him it is always going to work in his favor as he knows how to how to work the croot years and then yeah basically they just handed a like a lot of support to the MK thank you conversations that you connect with and react to safm all right we continue the conversation on the talking point Li me welcome onto the show khif Hendrick leader of the aljama party Mr Hendrick good morning to you thank you for your time this morning oh thank you it’s an honor to be on the best show on radio well thank you for that compliment I see you wanted to start the interview off on a good note yes I wanted to St I wanted to I wanted to soften you up well Mr Hind I think you know one of the things that um I was talking about in the first hour of the show that I had picked up um just from looking at some of the interviews you’ve done already reading some of the interviews you’ve done um when you position Al Jamar you’re not really saying you’re contesting elections to govern you’re you’re not talking about being a government in waiting I’m I’m quite fascinated by that why why not you seem to be contesting just to to be in the space but uh no clear intentions of taking power look we want to stabilize uh we know we are in the city of Jobo for 18 months now we’ve stabilized that Metro the wealthiest Metro in Africa all the money is in jobber Al just hopes we can get our hands on some of the money for our campaigning but that’s not easy you know uh we have now moved into a new phase uh we are uh as you know I got my one seat in Parliament with 37 votes in 2021 we went to 61,000 votes and we landed the position of executive mayor in the city of toook so uh we are taking it step by step over the last 17 years the party grew 7% every year so we a political party that started off with 4,000 votes we now 61,000 votes and guess what the 224 elections we are aiming for 5 million votes now ask me how I’m going to get that 5 million votes we launched a campaign a four we campaign on Mayday and we went to our ancestral land our ancestral land is where the resistance started where the fight against aparty started where King buet in the 1880 uh fought against a British and was jailed on Robin Island together with his son and in 1962 from CTI in kuum vaba uh 75 of his subjects were hanged uh because they were fighting a party that has inspired aljama because we need to remember the our resistance Fighters so we in the Eastern Cape the struggle started in the Eastern Cape and the Eastern Cape is the last Province uh to benefit uh from our freedom so we went to the Eastern Cape over the weekend to get inspired we slaughtered a cow we met with the chief the king of the village we met with the families uh whose Sons were hanged in 1962 uh because they came to Cape Town on the operation they returned to Queenstown and were caught on Queenstown station so we all fired up and alar he has now done the number crunching and we have put in place a campaign to get 5 million voters in South Africa Mr Hendrick I I want you just to explain something clearly for me so you said that uh you know talking about the city of Johannesburg there’s a lot of money in Johannesburg and that’s money that you’re hoping to get your hands on for campaigning what do you mean by that no we’re not saying for campaigning what we’re saying is that all the business people are in Johannesburg and they are giving money to political parties uh are funding political parties but none of them are funding alar so seeing that jber is the wealth Metro secondly uh that alar has stabilized the city of Johannesburg for the past 18 months the officials are stable permanent city manager over 100 African graduates in Full Employment surely when they start the businessmen in jobber when they start giving donations for the sake of multi-party democracy uh to different political parties why they’re not giving alar a sent and uh so that’s what I refer to I didn’t mean that we want to lay our hands on the r payers money we want to lay our hands on some of the profits these businesses are making because alar is creating a very stable uh city of Johannesburg political parties need fund for campaigning and we need money for posters for flyers for t-shirts we have 5 million people that want you alar t-shirts and the City of joob book uh I think they need to also when they uh the crumbs that they have left they given thec money they given a sa money they given the da money they given the eff money to campaign and not to send to Al that’s what I meant but we don’t want to attou a shent of R payers money so Mr Hendricks when we look at what has happened in the city of joelberg so in January 2023 we had tabelo Ahmed who was um one of your members elected as mayor uh he was in office for Less Than 3 months 87 days to be exact um it was soon followed in May by the uh appointment of cabelo guanda as the Johannesburg mayor when you say the city has stabilized I’m assuming you mean that there has not been more changes in the position of um mayor in Johannesburg but certainly there’s nothing stable about the city of Johannesburg all you have to do is take a drive around town to see just what a terrible state the city is in you are quite correct I have been traveling around Johannesburg and I was so upset with the State the cleanliness the dir uh the dilapidation that thec and the da and action saay has caused uh over the last 10 years and uh uh we have even gone overseas and spoken to another mayor in another town which is very clean and they’ve offered to help us clean up the city of jobber I’ve seen the uh executive mayor he went to uh uh turkey uh he has is about to ask the council to send him to tan and all these cities has offered to solve the mess that thec the da and action AA has left uh Johannesburg in which will take 50 years to fix but we’re going to fix it before the end of our term uh as you know you rightfully pointed out that we’ve stabilized City we got a clean audit uh no findings in the market the market is the economy uh and I already told you that economy is growing well because there’s so many wealthy people in jobber and people are moaning about uh the uh mess that other political parties has left in and they expect our mayor uh to run around and and be whenever someone opens a Val who steals of wealth and messes up the water to be all over the place he can’t be all over the place and as you know uh the way a municipal government work and I have been a counselor for seven years that you go you have IDP you IDP then translates into a budget the budget translates into a line items and the mayor can’t deviate from those line items he’s got to go back to council to ask them to do an adjust budget so what the mayor is doing he identified 50 projects uh I spoke to the premier and I told him please I don’t want any delays from Treasury and in December they gave a report on the city projects of the IDP that the mayor committed to and it was sums up clean audits has never ever had a clean order with no findings Mr Hendrick let’s take a couple of steps backward you spoke to the premier in what capacity telling the premier that you want know our problems from treasury yes remember that the premier uh approached me and asked me that the agency has been asked by the uh smaller parties to throw their weight behind them and we needed their numbers we already had PhD we already had the eff at that time and thec agreed that they won’t contest for the position of mayor uh when uh we removed the whop and then we the small parties removed the speaker so uh at the funeral commemoration funeral of guinon Wala the premier of the of the sa came to me and said alar honorable hendri we have all agreed you must lead give us a mayor now I only had three counselors and uh I strategically appointed councelor too uh to cause havoc in the city of jobber by appointing a 100 young African people African graduates who are hanging on temporary contracts for a year and I told him appoint him permanently and appoint the city manager permanently I know he’s from from the eff or sympathies there appoint them permanently we can saiz and they said after that they will go for your throat and then you just step down and then I’ll appoint another May and I appointed cabalo quanda who was a advisor a Senor advisor introduced the fourth Industrial Revolution in the city of jobber and he is doing in alamar’s view an excellent job when we judge him according to the IDP the ID is a wishes of the city resident of city of jobber it wasn’t that Alama drafted it was drafted by the citizen of Joe book so we’re doing an excellent job we’re going to stay our term nine political parties some of the major respected parties in the country they have confidence in aljama so and I am watching the executive mayor like a Hulk to make sure he performs well so so so we a first class mayor that’s going to produce a first class City so so basically Mr also yes so basically Mr Hendrick you are like the Puppet Master you’re the one that’s pulling the strings behind the scenes no I’m not the sounds like we want to covern uh we uh we have a history in the struggle we uh respect our ancestors we respect our resistance Fighters that’s how went to kuaba to build a commemoration wall for the 75 uh comrades that were hanged by a parte but that’s by the side we want to show that we can run J Johannesburg well so that we can run the metro in Cape Town well we’re going to remove the da we put in plans I have a cabinet in the Western Cab can take over in fact we have a cabinet that can take over South Africa if I’m asked to govern remember we were asked to govern the city of jber I won’t be surprised after the elections if I’m asked uh to govern the country and appoint a cabinet to do so but this time I will play a more active role directly not just sitting but but but how can how can we trust you with governance when you so boldly say that you had put up a candidate to become mayor in Johannesburg strategically to cause chaos in the city to create instability in the city so just because you knew kind no no no to create chaos in thec and in the da and action sa and remove uh the attempts to make the city ungovernable so we went in and we fought them and the city is now table there’s no chaos those 120 African young graduates are running a well Oil City in the city of Johannesburg we have we’ve got a mayor they tried three times in court to remove him they try to I don’t know harm him they haven’t succeeded the city of jobber has not had a change of officials you know when the da was there official lasted three weeks a andc was there not even one month action SA caus the worst Havoc ever so so we we ask the fell cause Havoc among them not the not not not in uh in the administration put in place a stable Administration to prevent a Havoc that thec and act an in the D course so so Mr Henri you must twist our words no no I’m I’m not twisting your words which is why I give you an opportunity to clarify what you mean no thank you very much for that so so so when we when we look at the likes of your current mayor um gabo guanda of course he’s he’s had a received a lot of skepticism he not many people um believe that he’s a leader that inspires confidence in fact there was you know a particular point in his journey soon after he was appointed where it seemed that he was deliberately being kept out of the spot Spotlight um you know only in the last couple of months would you say that we’re seeing gabo guanda more and more in the public taking on more and more interviews sometimes it it my question goes to the issue of you know organizational capacity uh Mr Hendrick do you believe that you have the capacity organizationally of individuals that can be trusted and and that can lead at at the scale that you’ve been given the responsibility right now certainly in the in the city of jobber we’ve shown what we’ve done but remember there’s a separation of powers between a political party and a municipality so the municipality has a HR department they do all the appointments alar is not involved we don’t have a single member of our party deployed in the city of jobber only the three counselors other like thec they must have have must have 80% of the officials the DA has about 10% and action sa 10% there’s not a single alar person there so we depend on the HR department to bring the the the the the the brains the professionals and I have engaged with many of the senior officials of the city of jobber and they’ve told them since Alamar has given them two Mayors there has been stability they’ve got job security they are permanent they are putting their shoulder to the wheel uh they are turning Johannesburg into a iconic City the officials of the city of jobber are so motivated uh that they’re going to surprise the country and uh so you must understand that Al is a difficult job if one of the nine political parties feel that we favoring thec or the eff or the executive mayor is signing uh uh because he’s under pressure from from thec or the eff they will resign and the da will take over and that is what we’re not going to allow in the city of jobber in fact we’re trying to remove the da from the Western Cape because they want to turn it into into a zus province and a zus city we’ll continue our conversation with the leader of the aljama party khif Hendricks it’s 10:30 catch the taste Master essay this Tuesday at 7: on sabc 2 it’s elimination week and contestants must make big things happen as they fight to stay in the competition their task to create an impressive Tower of baked items in a test of skill and creativity who will survive to bake another day find out on the tast master sa Tuesdays at 7:00 repeat Wednesdays at 1: and Sundays at 4:00 p.m. on SA ABC 2 where you [Music] belong this is the sound of Michelle’s heartbeat when we asked her if she had Insurance in place for her sweet new hatchback this is the sound of Michelle’s heartbeat when we told her if she switched her car insurance to FNB she could earn up to 15% of her premium back in ebucks whether she claimed or not and get up to 8 R per liter back in ebucks when filling up an engine switch your car insurance to FNB that help in one t season earn rules apply insured by first Rand short-term Insurance Limited a licensed non-life insurer EFC is live this Thursday Two grappling Wizards will battle it out for the vacant Welterweight Title at EFC 113 as Jon Souza and Zakir bat fight it out for Championship Glory plus fiz Jacobs is out for revenge against the great Sylvester chumu for number one contendership efc3 live this Thursday watch it on sabc sport channel on DT Channel 4 from 700 p.m. brought to you by sabc [Music] Sports a very good morning to you with the news headlines the MK party says its members are ready to come out in their numbers to support its leader Jacob Zuma when he attends hisc disciplinary hearing next week the Civil Society organization democracy in action has threatened to take legal action against the ie see if it fails to make public the minutes of a meeting with US ambassador Ruben briged within 7 days and Apple boss Tim Cook has tried to beat back doubts about the future of the tech giant after it reported its biggest sales fall in more than a year details of these and Other Stories coming up at 11: taking a look at your markets this morning the Rand is currently trading at 18 Rand 54 to the dollar 23 Rand 29 to the pound and 19 r92 to the euro markets in Asia were mixed at the closing bell the JSC green across the board in midm morning trade markets in Europe are higher This Hour Gold is trading at $231 plattinum $964 per ounce the price of brain C oil is at $842 a barrel safm 104 to 107 Nationwide join us on afternoon Express Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. on S3 as we ask what makes a good friend with therapist Kim Abrahams social worker TOA Bazi shares how to move on from toxic friendships and gents get your buddies and make a delicious bacon and VOR pasta that’s afternoon Express Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. repeat Sundays at 8:30 a.m. only on S3 S3 any person agrees d by any political advertisement or political election broadcast that is broadcast by safm May large a complaint within 5 days from broadcast with the independent Communications authority of South Africa iasa to Lodge your complaint please contact aasa’s compliance Department via telephone number on 012568 323 that’s 012568 323 or email broadcasting compliance at Doza that’s broadcasting compliance alternatively complaints CCC Doza that’s complaints CCC at Doza the talking point with Kathy Moana weekdays 9:00 a.m. till midday all right we continue the conversation on the talking point we speaking to khif Hendrick the leader of the AL Jamar party I’ll of course be taking your call on 862032 that’s the number to dial on the WhatsApp voice note line your voice notes on 0614 1041 07 so Mr Hendrick it it it seems pretty clear to me when we look at the pattern of voting that aljama has followed um whether it’s in area such uh as the city of Johannesburg but most importantly when we look at what has happened in Parliament in the National assembly um you seem to be quite a strong Ally of thec look as you know that thec is the governing party it is the only political party with strong roots in The Liberation movement many of us you know I’m 74 years old many of my senior colleagues we come from that time my mom had safe houses in district 6 uh we were very active uh uh uh since uh 11 years old I’ve got a long history in the struggle so obviously uh I will continue to support political parties with roots in The Liberation Movement we have MK we have e those are parties we can work with the only party we could really work with in government was thec there wasn’t an MK party to work with uh the eff you know they were they we had a cordial relationship with them uh they were not governing uh but now the Pana African Congress under the leadership of the king Mushi family and Nas boto they are now members of alar they are our party list they’re campaigning for us they’re wearing Alamar t-shirts so uh the image that we had in my first term yes that uh you know we when we could we supported thec my the last message in in Parliament that I got from the chairman of thec gu manasi is Honorable end what’s wrong with you you voted against us for the last three motions and I said yes we’ll vote against you when we feel we don’t support your your bella ball we have problems with your intelligence bll where you promoting torture so there are there were issues that we differed with thec and we strongly oppose them so going forward it’s uh the the doors are it it is now we will continue to work with maybe more than one political party with roots in The Liberation movement because they may all be in a coalition and if they asking ask us to lead uh we like the in jobber we will lead uh we also have uh some charismatic churches many of our members are C cutting members of the Church of uh the the nation of uh Jesus and and you know Prophet bushiri uh is their spiritual leader in Malawi I went to visit him last week in Malawi and told him your members has asked me to come to you uh to to bless them not to bless me uh I’m a Muslim you know I I’m blessed by others uh and I went to prophet busuri and he told me look we we need leaders and uh we feel that you are right to play a more leadership role in the country and I told him no we still working the ground and he said no uh thec came to see him to come and apologize in Malawi he didn’t want to see them uh because you know the media it was media by trial for him but we’re not interested you know we don’t have a relationship with the church where we many of their members are members of the C carrying members of the party so we are a a a Muslim party a stor Sunni Muslim party a platform for all communities we now have the panafrican Congress on board at least one of the strongest factions uh we now have the members of the nation of uh Jesus on board a a a a very respectable Christian church and they have 3 million members in South Africa we visited half of their leadership so far and the three million are going to vote for aljama so alar is going to go from a 51,000 member party to a five million member party but I much sure whether I’m going to reach them before the end of the month but certainly in the next election and the future election Alama will do better will be the at least the official opposition in Parliament so and I’ll be Deputy president so so so so you you you have um in Prophet bushiri an indiv idual that um has been accused of you know by the media yes and by the NPA yes but they have uh uh there was a guy Mr kza I spoke to him last week he said that he was part of the negotiating team uh to settle the matter uh but B’s people wanted to litigate because they were wrongly accused and the fact thatc ANC members went to visit them last month and they were turned away whichc senior members are these we didn’t disclose the names they came to him and said look you know it’s very we’re very sorry that your members have stopped voting uh since 221 they were nearly 3 four million we want them to start voting again and we hope they’ll vote for thec and he didn’t want to see them that’s a message that got to him and he feels that you know they it was trial by media he was set up now they want to come and settle so that that isic this is still I was going to say that this is still but remember don’t have relationship we don’t have a relationship with we are he members any person can join alj they are C carrying members of the party if they tell me go to see our spiritual leader if the Roman Catholics who are members of a party ask me to go and see the poke uh uh uh and I have the opportunity to do so I respect my members I do what my members ask me to do if I can so we didn’t go there so so it doesn’t bother you we went there to support our members okay so it it doesn’t bother you that as things stand there is a process to try and get bushiri back into South Africa um so that he can answer to the charges that the NPA say they have against him he’s also accused of having skipped the country illegally so does that not bother you look obviously you know we believe in the rule of law we also know that they want to settle he wants to litigate because they was wrongly charged who who wants who wants to who wants to settle who wants to settle the uh the uh uh uh uh look I I I didn’t want to go into the detail with him but he told me that uh in fact I spoke to one of the people involved in the settlement Mr kza Mr kza is a respected uh activist he has uh for example being appointed uh to be administrator of municipalities when they were closed down I met him last week and he told me that he was involved in the Buri matter when I told him look I went to Malawi I most peoplea get a a lot of flck for it but I don’t want I don’t mind going to see the pope if my Roman Catholic members ask me to do so I I I that doesn’t mean you know that uh I support what the pope does or what busuri does uh in fact I bu I admire the charitable work of busuri he’s just given a million bag of marage to the people of Malawi and I saw Yes a person that could become the president of Malawi so but I’m not going to judge him uh the matter is for the authorities to decide and uh I I was given firstand information uh that the Buri matter we haven’t learn the L of it he was framed he was unlawfully charged they wanted to settle he said well well did as of as of this last month we still had the Justice uh Minister Ronald lamula talking about how the South African government was still very involved in processes of extraditing bushiri back to South Africa so he can come and and answer to the case against him part part part of part of that part of that process is to settle the matter because three million people are not voting and we want them to vote it doesn’t matter which party they they got a they have stayed away from the polls and that’s why the anc’s numbers went down they used to vote for thec they’re all now going to vote for Al so so Mr Hendrick did you encourage him at all to come back to the country come back to South Africa I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t discuss his religious beliefs I didn’t discuss his problems he is he has got a degree in political science and he gave me some lessons in politics which I appreciate well you must have discussed it because clearly um for him to tell you that thec was there does say something so so Mr Jamal then what is your you remember I’m in I’m in a church environment you’re standing behind a a person who has uh you know millions of followers who pray with him every day I’ve got to uh respect him I I I wasn’t there to engage him and question him I was there to tell him my members C carrying members has asked me to come with him uh they are engaging you I’m just sitting here as a guest thank you very much for inviting me to your studio okay so so so what is the value proposition that you as Al Jamar have for um South Africans our value proposition is nation building that’s why we went back to kuum vaba uh because uh that uh Chief ship they were the first to provide the resistance Fighters to fight South Africa and they the first community and they the last Community to get water to get any benefits uh you know we took them a a JoJo we are building a a community all for them we’re doing a commemoration wall and we feel that this nation building we can’t have people who started virtually who who Who’s a community whose people were hanged and they received no recognition uh we need to uh you know uh start and by the way alas also assisting the Winnie Mandela family to restore uh her house in Orlando but that’s another story we also assisting t with his library in jobber so nation building is very important for us then land uh the king M uh went to Robin island in the 18 late 18 century uh to fight the British and we still fighting for our land land so the land is very important and uh but more important is what we call decent jobs president Mandela signed the convention on decent jobs which is a triple whammy it means that when you get work uh so not convention on decent work it means when you get decent work it must have all the social benefits medical a pension housing buies transport for the kids then it must have for skills training Management training supervisory training okay and then employes must ident now I want to tell you that every political party is offering jobs as if we in South Africa are slaves it’s not they’re not offering decent work alar is the only political party with a new proposition South Africa you signed a convention on decent work now put your money where your mouth is give the people decent work don’t give them these jobs that the premier of jber is G giving you that the premier of the Western Cape promises the Eastern Cape 2 million jobs those are jobs that want to continue making us as slaves we wanton decent work president Mandela got the first annual award winning Mandela the second annual award for promoting decent work and all political parties our government is doing nothing about decent work they giving jobs because all of us must be their slaves all right Mr Hendrick I’m going to go to our phone lines now I’m going to ask all of our listeners please keep it as short uh and to the point as possible I’m also going to ask you Mr Hendrick to please please keep uh your responses as succinct as possible too okay I well thank you very much all right we’re going to take a quick break and I’m back with your calls after this hi guys your favorite mom vlogger here talking all things family entertainment with deal or o deal now on sabc 2 weekdays at 6:30 p.m. oh my um is trying to make it onto the show and have his life changed quick Amanda malum mama and I are the number one mubanga fans at 9:00 p.m. all week cuz the story lines stay hot and my two little people can’t wait for me when raid the cage kicks off with sabc 2 see La Familia keeping those family bonds strong until next time [Music] M I heard Rand water talking on the radio about how dangerous it is for people to encroach on their pipeline servitude yes those High Press rwater pipelines are under the ground Distributing megaliters of water when people build on top of the pipeline rwat is unable to conduct maintenance on the pipeline which has a negative impact on water provision pipelines can burst without warning people could get seriously injured or Worse yes people can die from a bursting pipe that is why people need to understand that rwater servitude is where a Rand water pipeline is located if we build our houses or businesses on a ran waterer servitude then we are encroaching on that servitude they say if communities want to know whether they have encroached over servitudes they should look for the rwater beacons the beacons indicate the presence of rwater pipelines under the ground their rectangular made of concrete are painted either white or blue and have the Rand waterer logo on them let’s take a walk around our area to see if there are any rwater beacons so that we can also tell the neighbors rwater celebrating 20 years of existence and still finding new ways to provide clean portable bulk water it’s time to commemorate isas a game the ones with greatness Beyond limits and boundaries the incredible class on the field court ring bench and boardroom this is the 17th annual sa sport Awards celebrating 30 years of Freedom through sporting Excellence experience the sa sport Awards on Sunday 5 May on sabc Sports on DT Channel 4 and sabc 1 at 7:30 p.m. proudly brought to you by the department of sport art and culture sabc sport is the official broadcaster of the sa sport Awards # is as a game # Sasa 17th Edition for of the call us on 08620 32 khif Hendricks leader of the alar party is our guest for this Friday I’m taking your calls for him Patrick and Peter Marburg good morning Kathy sorry Kathy I don’t trust this guy man how is he saying that all these Christian guys must must vote for a Muslim party that doesn’t make sense to me Kathy and also on the point of employment these Muslim people here in Peter Marburg they employ the malawians they paid him peanuts sister Kathy so I don’t trust this man at all sister Kathy all right Patrick let’s leave it there Mand inata good morning yeah good morning and thanks for the for the opportunity the first question Mr HRI said that out of the officials of Johannesburg 60% of the officials are members of thec 30% are members of The Da and 10% are members of the ESF is it not unfair to the people who are not politically aligned if in that in that City they have only appointed officials from these political parties then the second question you said that Floyd Flo Floyd brck who who a municipal manage is a member of EF and the EF demanded them to appoint him because their numbers were were short from the officials that have been appointed why are they practicing such a kid deployment thank you okay M thank you you’re in pedy good morning it’s a waste of time he’s wasting your energy and his political parties I don’t know what are they going to contribute in building South Africa uh he he said he went to meet bush because of his supporters if the supporters today say he must go to meet and say happy birthday would he go you’re supposed to have a stance as a leader you know what kind of person is p is but is going there to meet up the waste of time about okay thanks all right thank you Mike newans uh KY always very entertaining Mr B I don’t know understand how you can disregard the law in our country so badly the man is on the run from the law he’s a criminal perer is wanted by our law you obviously don’t have any faith in our law and didn’t even try to bring it back to the country I thank you for the Western cap country the state that was very entertaining but I do want to know what happened to your your accusation that the acdp you accus them of getting money from America along with many other parties including the da uh AC DP took this very badly and demanded proof have you not got the proof that they were getting money from the US because you just seem to say crazy things and you can’t justify them my question is what will you do with ewc will you scrap ewc because we don’t even want decent wood we just definitely want work and with expropriation without compensation we have no investors in our country thanks Kathy all right Mike we’ll leave it there Mr hendrickx look we have many investors lining up to come to South Africa president Rapa has done great work in that regard and people have confidence they want to invest in South Africa I have at least been approached and I engage with Minister Patel who’s assisting me with five countries uh that want to invest president Rosa for example I won’t mention the name of the company signed a two billion uh dollar agreement uh to improve trade uh uh Al I has been asked uh to uh uh to host them next week we’re hosting them they’re bringing uh billions of uh investment in South Africa so there’s no shortage of investors we just have to open the doors for them uh a lot of red tape has been removed uh the dco and the minister of trade uh they have uh they encourage investment so um I don’t have a quarrel South Africa well everyone all over the world wants to invest in South Africa uh we are very we in the Forefront of the internal Africa Continental trade uh Africa is going to have seven years of prosperity as soon as that kicks in Africa is going to be much better than the European Union so I don’t I want to debunk this issue of investors those investors who are storing their cash in their bank accounts they must go back to Europe they must go back to America they must go back to Israel we don’t want them here we want people here that will unleash their cash and create decent work not jobs we are not slaves anymore so these political parties andc X and sa promising jobs they just want to they just want slaves we want decent work a convention president Mandela sign with regard to bushiri aljama is convinced uh that that the L hasn’t been heard of what actually happened the trial by media uh also that many of many in thec had hidden agendas they now trying to make amends they want to settle he doesn’t want to settle he wants to litigate because his name has been damaged and destroyed but we’re not getting involved in that we’re not interested in that at all all we are interested it is that we were quite happy that his members that we could satisfy a request from his members and we have thousands of members were also aligned to that particular Church no I won’t go to Israel to wish H happy birthday we don’t have members that will ask me to go to Israel uh and uh so uh uh we uh uh uh I have to make a DEC seon and because we have so many members uh that uh that he is their spiritual father they call him Papa I went when I spoke to him I told him Papa I thought you elderly but you look like a teenager but any case that’s a different matter so uh he I spoke to him about political he’s got a degree in political science we talked politics I didn’t talk religion because we come from two different religions I told him we a faith-based party our EX Ive mayor a devout Christian there’s nothing about Islam we are not a religious organization or a fatwa or a body we a political party in terms of sou Africa’s Constitution all right your other listeners were were a bit hard uh they need to understand that we’re doing well in jobber we’re going to remove the da from the Western Cape I am looking at leov Union buildings piso we already occupy the PO in the city of J okay has big plans for 224 and your listeners we want to encourage them to relook at our party and vote for alah all right I’m going to play just uh two voice notes I think that’s all we can squeeze in in the time remaining to the team not forgetting the loyalness across the country Mr Hendrix welcome my question to you is if let’s say you become the president of South Africa in 20125 what should Muslims in the country and traditionalists expect from you I when Christians are celebrating Christmas New Year Etc Easter it becomes a national holidays but when Muslims are celebrating their two Eid it is not a holiday likewise the traditionalist what do you have to say on that is Bru in Blom F so Mr hris is telling us South Africans that he went to Malawi to go there and visit a fugitive that’s what is telling us and he expecting South Africans to vote for a party that supports fugitives come on now I mean I think that’s an on goal thank you this is cave all right Mr Hendricks I’ve got 30 seconds for you yeah he speaks about an on goal B buana midfielder is a very important member of the church in jber we going to visit him we’re not going to score on goals Al going to score goals we’re GNA get seats uh with regard to eat president Mandela I said that we that itat must be a a paid public holiday not for Muslims but for all South Africans when I went to the crl I told them there’s no way that you’re going to take away any Christian holidays if you’re are going to make UL fitter a paid public holiday uh we have to not all we must increase public holidays but there must be flexibility that we can exchange uh religious public holidays uh for for other public holidays on the calendar all right so so uh so so that is my response and thank you very much for the questions uh Mr Hendricks we’re going to have to leave it there for today thank you for your time kif Hendricks the leader of the Altima party it’s 11:00 time for the latest news update [Music] [Applause] thank you very much Kathy the top story is aawa the MK to accompany Zuma to the ANC disciplinary hearing and apple tries to reassure its customers a very good morning the MK party says its members are ready to come out in their numbers to support its leader Jacob Zuma when he attends his A&C disciplinary hearing next week Tuesday this follows a notice document by the ANC which revealed that Zuma has allegedly been charged with two offenses he’s accused of contravening thec constitution when he publicly endorsed the newly formed MK party and when he appeared on the candidate list for the MK MK party spokesperson we don’t understand you know what what this whole fuss is about and that’s why we’ve won all these cases and we continue to win and that’s just a clear demonstration that it’s a desperate act on their end you know um and if I were them I would have listened to their in the form of president inbe who would have for the first time given them wise words which are what is what is the rush and why the desperation legal expert says the disciplinary hearing is long overdue it was about time in which they were going to remind the former president and say to him either you resign as being a member of the NC you not going to do that then we’re going to assist you by bringing you in front of the disciplinary process you know what the Constitution is you’ve been at the helm of this party you know exactly what the rules are if you look at your rule your rule four and your rule five they clearly State what the duties are and the oath that you have taken if you break that Oath by making or by joining other parties or publicly endorsing [Music] them looking at election news now the Civil Society organization democracy in action has to take legal action against the IEC if it fails to make public the minutes of a meeting with US ambassador Ruben briged within 7 Days the IEC came under scrutiny after it emerged that some of its Commissioners sat down with briged in Pretoria earlier this week the meeting fueled concerns that the US would interfere with South Africa’s electoral processes however the commission says there’s nothing wrong meeting up with ambassadors democracy in action chairperson tabom D the way the meeting was presented to us especially from the US Embassy it seems as if there was a secret meeting that was held as a country were not in the known so we’ve return to the I to ask specific questions specifically we ask for the minutes of the meeting if the meeting ever took place what was the agenda and what were the decisions that were taken during that uh that meeting and lastly because they also rumors that the IEC is receiving funding especially from the US Embassy or from the US government jber City Power says it is considering alternative options to restore power supply to the affected customers following the damage caused by fire along the M1 Highway tunnel near bramon Dan this week last night technicians managed to restore Supply to some Office Buildings in the brundan area City Power spokesperson Isaac mangana says the Joba grads agency needs to assess the structural Integrity of the tunnel to ascertain that it will not collapse and harm technicians while on duty when these two safety aspects have been addressed City Power will then start clearing the rubbles and assessing the extent of the of the damage caused by the fire on the electricity infrastructure and this will basically determine the scope of the work the amount of material whether to repair or to replace um that is needed around the area um and the estimated time of restoration after the repairs are after the repair are concluded trade and Industry Minister Ibrahim Patel says there’s been a significant increase in locally produced and procured goods since the implementation of the retail clothing footwear and leather master plan he was briefing the media at one of the manufacturing factories in Cape Town on the gains made in the industry efforts to revive and Revitalize South Africa’s clothing textile and Footwear industry are bearing fruit after Decades of a decline Patel says the plan has helped to create about 20,000 jobs I’m standing here on a factory floor this company this Factory itself employs 1500 workers just 3 years ago it had less than 750 workers so we’ve seen a doubling of employment with large numbers of of additional jobs created and over this period we’ve seen a 20,000 rise in the number of jobs created in the sector as a whole and Apple boss Tim Cook has tried to beat back doubts about the future of the tech giant after it reported its biggest sales fall in more than a year sales slumped 4% year onye in the first three months of 2024 to 90.8 billion billion dollar weighed down by a sharp drop in demand for iPhones Executives say that the results were distorted by covid related Supply disruptions which led to unusually strong sales during the same period last year the top story at 11:00 the MK party says its members are ready to come out in their numbers to support its leader Jacob Zuma when he attends his ANC disciplinary hearing on Tuesday next week for sfm news gim [Applause] [Music] I’m concerned for my children’s future our country is in a state of chaos the government has failed the people of South Africa and other parties cannot bring us together we need real change hon mashaba is South Africa’s Mr fixer he’s a patriotic businessman who knows how jobs are created he cleaned up Johannesburg and had a Caring Heart for people of all Races on 29 may vote for South Africa and our Collective future vote for actiona because only action will fix South Africa this political election broadcast was brought to you in terms of the ca regulation governing the election period the views expressed in this political election broadcast are those of the political party and not of the sabc catch the taste Master essay this Tuesday at 7: on sabc 2 it’s elimination week and contestants must make big things happen as they fight to stay in the competition their task to create an impressive Tower of baked items in a test of skill and cre

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