If you are used to take your bicycle to get from A to B you do so every time. Not only for commuting but also in your free time for leisure activities. That is exactly what all these people in the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch (a.k.a. Den Bosch) are doing on one of the first really nice and warm days of 2011. They use their bicycles to get to one of the city beaches. These beaches are more easily reached by bike than by private car.


    1. I was just thinking… if this were in Australia, you might attract the police's attention filming people on the beach. Sad but true.

    2. If this was Australia you would have to walk a long way to the beach because of all the SUV's parked there. I do think our beaches are nicer though. However, I would still prefer to be able to have the great cycling of the Netherlands, over the better beaches here.

    3. This is the most relaxing video I've ever seen. I'm planning to bike here on my next trip to Holland, with a picnic lunch, just to live the experience myself.

    4. Very interesting videos about cycling in the netherlands.
      Where exactly is this beach in den bosch ? Can't find it, to go and pay a visit 🙂

    5. This isnt a beach that isnt even the sea you see here. Its just a lake with some sand next to it. Taking the bike to go to the beach from Den Bosch would be a 150km bike ride. So i was kinda amazed when i saw the title wonder if there would be ppl realy ride all the way to the sea if you have lakes like these close to home.

    6. Your understanding of 'beach' is too narrow. "A beach is a landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake or river." In this case a lake.

    7. It may be oosterplas. If you look at Google Earth, and switch between arial view and street view, you can see most of the sights contained in the video. The bridge at 1:48 is not seen, however, although it may not actually be at this lake (you don't see the back of the 3 girls after they pass, so its not known where they are).

    8. Yes, it is Oosterplas. The (cycling) bridge you mention is over the Aa, to the north of the Oosterplas, filmed from the direction of the Oosterplas.

    9. What you see are two different lakes. The one in the beginning is the “Zuiderplas”, located in the “Bossche Broek”. That’s were the bridge is. On the other side of the bridge you see the “Sint Jans Lyceum”. The second lake (from 2.00 on) is the “Oosterplas.

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