As our exploration of the Sermon on the Mount continues, we consider Jesus’ teachings against accumulating anxiety and stress, reminding his disciples to “consider the lilies of the field.” Noelle Gaffka of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, will help us apply this gospel teaching in our hectic and stress-filled lives today. Andrew Bolton joins us from Leicester, England, to teach a peace lesson in response to the ongoing war in Gaza. We invite you to join seekers around the world as we share together in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. 🍞🍇

    Beyond the Walls – The Lilies of the Field. We invite you to share this hour of reflection, prayer, meditation, music, and fellowship with the Beyond the Walls global community on 📅 Sunday, May 5, 2024.


    Prelude: Fugue in G Minor by Gottlieb Muffat
    Greetings: John Hamer — Toronto Centre Place
    Call to Worship:
    Opening Hymn CCS 327 — Weave
    Peace Lesson: Andrew Bolton — Leicester, United Kingdom
    Global Welcome: Leandro Palacios — Toronto Centre Place
    Hymn CCS 521 — Let Us Break Bread Together
    Communion Message: Noelle Gaffka — Mt Pleasant, Michigan
    The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
    Closing Hymn 260 — Rain Down
    Sending Forth: John Hamer — Toronto Centre Place
    Postlude: II. Allegro from Suite in F Major (HWV 427) by George Frideric Handel

    A bulletin with the order of worship is available at

    All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. Late Edition Host: Noelle Gaffka

    Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm Eastern / 11:00 am Central / 10:00 am Mountain / 9:00 am Pacific Time.
    For those who missed the morning service while it was live, Late Edition is an opportunity to experience the ministry that was offered live earlier in the day while building community with friends from around the world. Join us at 6:00 pm Eastern / 5:00 pm Central / 4:00 pm Mountain / 3:00 pm Pacific Time.

    We are an international community of disciples and seekers facilitated by Community of Christ in Canada and the Toronto congregation. We are a non-dogmatic church open to interfaith and skeptical perspectives. We reject literal interpretations of scripture. We welcome and affirm all gender identities and expressions. On the first Sunday of each month, we invite online attendees of all religious affiliations and spiritual types to celebrate communion.

    [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to begin by acknowledging the passing of Don Bailey late last month at the age of 95 Don was a lifelong and devoted member of the Toronto congregation he and his wife Mary who had predeceased him were part of that small gathering of disciples at our old ba Street Church who discerned together our renewal plan in 2013 and then worked so hard to see its imple implementation and fulfillment Don and Mary were always ready to step in and help with whatever the congregation needed and they will always be with us in memory and spirit greetings one and all and welcome to beond the walls a Global Ministry of Centerplace and Community of Christ in Canada we live in a world filled with anxiety and the trend this Century has been toward ever increasing anxiety this spiked during the pandemic as the World Health Organization reported a 25% increase in global anxiety and depression while for most of us our lives have generally resumed a version of prepandemic normaly or at least we have achieved The New Normal anxiety has persisted and even when it’s experienced below clinical levels worries and stress are even more widely felt across Society the church is not immune we have long had realistic concerns for our congregations as generational social change has caused local community organizations to decline in membership across the board but the interruption of traditional inperson services and events acted as a wakeup call jostling groups that had been running on autopilot PR of their complacency many congregations here in Canada have responded to that wakeup call by innovating new ways to be church and I’m confident that the Ministries that are consistent in their programming and effective at invitation bringing new people into Community will prove successful at Mission in the meantime however stress and worries remain as offering the consistent Services necessary to attract new adherence requires significant work especially for ministers who are mostly all volunteers still other congregations worry that they lack a plan for the future or the resource capacity to achieve one one of the primary goals of beyond the walls is to produce resources that Aid local congregations and new expressions of the church in providing Ministry more effectively for example the choir recordings and other musical Ministry are shared freely and many congregations sing along with these videos at in-person services or use them in their own online Ministry many congregations use our sun worship as a supplement to their own worship calendar and reclaim the time that would have been spent preparing their own Sunday program to orchestrate the kind of service projects that they can more easily invite people especially young people and other community neighbors to share in and while I’m very gratified by the success of this ministry and bringing new people into sacred Community I’m not free from anxiety and worries so many volunteers are needed to make these services and these resources possible requiring continual invitation and deserving of substantially more thanks than are given and so I do thank all of you who are contributing in all the ways that you do how do we quell these worries how do we transcend these anxieties while some degree of worry can be effective at motivation this negative motivation can easily derail when we become over anxious and even Paralyzed by our concerns one way to transcend daily worry is to step back from the concerns and put ourselves within the care of the Eternal Jesus reminds us this when he tells us do not worry about your life in a famous teaching that is our theme and our Focus today He suggests that we consider the lies of the field let us take this advice step back this hour from our word and remind ourselves that we’re in God’s care as we consider the bigger picture and this Timeless teaching together and we go now live to Newton Kansas where Mary ltis is here to read our call to worship Mary Lou we welcome you back to be on the walls thank you John it’s good to be here our call to worship is drawn from The Sermon on the Mount found in the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew verse 19- 21 and 24 where Jesus teaches do not store up for yourself Treasures on Earth where moth and rusts consume and where thieves break in and steal but store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is your heart will be also no one can serve two masters or a slave will either hate the one and love the other or be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve God and wealth [Music] we we we us together we us together in unity and love we we we together we must together together in love we many Tes we many col from the but we are in one great Tempest we we leave us together leave us together in unity and love we us together we us together together in [Music] love we are different instr our melies each one tuning to a different but we are all playing in Harmony in one great Sy we we we us together we us together in unity and love we us together we us together together in love [Music] ago we did not know our Unity only divers now the Christ in me BR Christ in me in one great family we we we us together we us together in unity and all we leave us together leave us together together in love and from Newton Kansas we come back to Toronto Ontario let us pray dear God you told us not to worry we know that you are looking after us we believe in your promise we know that your unconditional love and grace are always available do not worry you told us and yet we do is it like of Faith why do we hesitate why do we have so much doubt what is the purpose of worrying about everything as We Gather today from places around the world to look at the Lilies of the Field each one of us brings their worries to our shared communion table so we confess dear God that our worry has become a habit we feel cozy and at home with our worries we ask that you help us let go of this habit of the Mind help us feel comfortable in the vulnerability and the uncertainty of knowing we cannot control everything as we let go of our worries in that empty space left behind may your spirit enter bringing little glimpses of your Eternal creative power that brings light to the darkness darkest places of the deep and in the meantime on this day in this moment we ask for your blessing blessed is the one who worries about their health blessed is the one who worries about their financial situation blessed is the one who worries about their physical safety blessed is the one who worries about a loved one blessed is the one who worries about the victims of war and violence around the world blessed is the one who worries about the future of our planet and our fragile environment blessed is the one who worries about the future of the church as we welcome your body and your blood into our lives today may you bring light and comfort over our worries so that we may fully understand that the lies of the field are none other than ourselves when we bring forward your mission in this world Amen [Music] we head now live across the Atlantic to the United Kingdom to leester where Andrew Bolton is here to teach today’s peace lesson Andrew delighted to see you welcome back thank you John we feel helpless about Gaza we sense the tragedy and horror so many children killed what can we do one option for you is to join me Steve Kellogg and others on the Israel Palestine peace cqu this November Community of Christ we’re inviting you to sharing peace building in the land of Jesus and the prophets Community of Christ has history here we will tell you the story of how in 1841 Apostle aen Hyde prayed for a Jewish state to come on the Mount of Olives we will tell the story of how his friend GJ Adams tried to establish an American colony to help Jews gather to Palestine in 1866 we’re inviting you to join a peace colloquy on Wheels assisted by Churches from Middle East peace and Magi tours we will repeat the outstanding tour that three of us made some years ago we will have both Israeli and Palestinian guides so we hear both sides of the conflict over land water Sacred Space the occupation and the role of our Western governments we will remind ourselves every day of the enduring principle the equal worth of all persons we will go in hope we will walk where Jesus walked and Tau Capernaum Bethlehem the Mount of Beatitudes Jerusalem and see the empty tomb we will go in hope we will meet Jews and Arabs who refuse to be enemies we will meet courageous and skilled people and organizations Israelis and Palestinians working for peace we will learn from them we will meet people from parent Circle Israelis and Palestinians who’ve lost a child to the violence and together want to end the occupation we will read the words of Isaiah about all nations coming to Jerusalem beating swords into plowshares and tanks into tractors to learn war no more and we will pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Jalal our Palestinian guide told me Andrew all I want is to coexist with equal dignity you will meet Jalal he will be one of our guides again we will explore how we can advocate for equal dignity for all we will meet American Canadian and European diplomats towards the end of our tour and we will know better how to Lobby our Representatives senators and members of parliament when we return home so join us to walk where Jesus walked and know better how to work for peace Shalom Salam in the holy land for the sake of all the children and if you want more information please do email me AB Bolton digit 2 so AB Bolton 2 at thank you [Music] hello hello hello and happy day to you all around the world we are here together and it is amazing absolutely amazing over the four different platforms that we are streaming live right now this is just a sensational thank you for being here thank you for taking time out of your very very busy schedules to come and to worship and to build community together if we have not had the chance to worship together before my name is Noel gafka and you are here with me in central Michigan where I just love this time together before I get to say hello to you by name for those who said hi in our chats if you are just joining please make sure that you throw a a little hi there in your name so that we can say hi to you I do want to let you know a couple different things one as always make sure that you stay after the post salude for our time together so don’t go anywhere as much as we have to disconnect and run away stay for just a few moments and let the community keep building also for those joining live for this worship we will have the chance to share in communion together whatever you have is absolutely perfect I think I might have mentioned this before on another late edition an earlier one so sorry for the repeat but I once had to use a gummy [Laughter] vitamin the body of Christ I mean that’s poetic and enough you think you know vitamins in the body of Christ very nourishing anyway so what you have is absolutely perfect you do not have to have grape juice water is fine coffee diet soda Jesus is to us what it is so have that at the ready and also I’m going to share this again we’re going to talk about this a little bit more during our after chats but tomorrow is another edition of Monday mingle or Tuesday Morning Mingle for some of you it is a great time to come together on Zoom so that we can actually see each other’s faces and share together it is at 800 PM Eastern Time 7 central 6 Mountain 5 Pacific and 14 hours ahead for our friends in Australia so I think that’s about what 9:30 10:30 I can count some days just not today anyway if you go to Centerplace doca soal you will find us we’ll put this in the chat so we’ll talk about it again after the service but we have some names to say hi to Tim deas hello it is Sensational to have you here Barb Compton in Wisconsin hello to you Barb we’ve got Daniel Leon and hura good to be with you Nicola in Alberta hello friend we’ve got Katie Mueller in Florida hi Katie we’ve got endless Kev back again from Scotland hello friend we’ve got Pamela loose in Michigan we’ve got Jeanie we’ve got sh sh from South Dakota it is amazing to be with you today Char thank you for being here and Georgia from Lamar Missouri Georgia hello it’s good to be with you and we have Mary Welton in Su St Marie hi Mary and we have Rick and MJ in Australia yay it is good to be with you we also have our Toronto friends we have Leandro John HR and Mike you’re gonna get a two-and wave right there because I don’t have three hands to wave to you I’m gonna pop in real quick we have Phyllis from Ohio hello Phyllis it’s good to have you here and let’s see if anyone has popped into our chats here oh geez oh but you know what we have a great group joining us on X right now and one on Twitch I see you it is amazing to be with you we’re gonna keep going on in our worship experience Diggs btw1 what’s up to you too hi I’m so happy you’re here so so happy anyway we’re going to keep going with our worship experience don’t forget to have something at the ready for the chance to do live communion together and I’ll see you again very very soon and I cannot wait and now we go live to Provo Utah where Alan Young is here to read today’s lectionary scripture Alan we’re so happy to have you back with us today on beond the walls thank you John our scripture reading continues the teachings from The Sermon on the Mount from chapter six of Matthew’s gospel continuing now with verses 25-34 where Jesus says therefore I will tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink or about your body or what you will wear is not life more than food and the body more than clothing look at the birds of the air they neither sew nor reap nor gather into Barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not of more value than they and and which of You by worrying can add a single hour to your lifespan and why do you worry about clothing consider the lies of the field how they grow they neither toil nor spin yet I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these but if God so clothes the grass of the field which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven will he not much more clothe you you of little faith therefore do not worry saying what will we eat or what will we drink or what will we wear for it is the Gentiles who seek all these things and indeed your heavenly father knows that you need all these things but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and know all these things will be given to you as well so do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring worries of its own today’s Trouble Is Enough For Today amen and from Utah we head now to Michigan to Mount Pleasant where Noel gafka is here to preach our sermon Noel it’s always wonderful to see you on the Early Edition as well as the late edition welcome welcome thank you it is such a joy to be with you and to be with you around the world wherever you are therefore do not worry now anytime I have come across this part of scripture my response is typically something snarky and sarcastic I don’t know if I was built with the capability to not worry it’s a part of our human process to worry we live in a world filled with cares and concerns that create enormous amounts of worry and anxiety I don’t even know where to begin at times when the suggestion to not worry is in front of me but I want to do something a little different today each week after the late edition we have a moment of after chats and we spend time together and sometimes we pray together sometimes we discern together and sometimes we spend a little more time reflecting on the scripture and the message that was just presented but last week I invited the late edition Community to be a part of our message today by going deeper into a sermon that had yet to be created we used the time to talk about our own worries and what we do to get past the extreme anxiety as inspiration to share with others and as a part of our message today I’m going to share some of those things that we came up with but I will not be sharing names of those who offered their thoughts out of resp respect for their privacy but one of the reasons I wanted to do this is that sometimes we need to hear what someone else says not only for inspiration or Insight but as reassurance and affirmation that we are not alone in our struggles in an environment where we sometimes only get to see see another person’s name or social media handle in the chats when we open ourselves up and become a little vulnerable the beauty and strength of our community is shown so as we explore this scripture and theme together you will hear responses from the late edition Community plugged in now the first question I asked them was how many times a day do you recognize yourself pausing to worry about something and they answered countless several 10 to 12 times I am worrying about stuff right now I’m very deliberate to pause the constant worrying now it’s interesting to think how it is that we come to be a bunch of worriors it’s a learned trait based on the world that we live in I mean we don’t pop out of the womb filled with worry we’re actually cold and angry but we live in a world that is constantly preparing for the what if there are numerous professions that are based on helping people to prepare for when something goes wrong we have to have a tremendous amount of liability insurance risk management and there’s a whole Market of resources to make sure that we have planned for a rainy day now it it is smart to prepare and to plan ahead but with that comes the fuel to trigger the wha ifs what if my child doesn’t get into the school of their choice what if something breaks down in my car what if we don’t have enough money to survive the next winter how much longer do I have on this Earth and how will my family eat next week I asked our late edition Community what types of things they worry about and here are some of their answers I worry about Job finances family and friends money Health danger or harm to my son usually over money or missed opportunities retroactive worrying I worry about my family and how we’re going to pull off our plans but the summer lack of rain bread Rising work conditions income climate change jobs for children education cutbacks food born illnesses and sick children I worry about having enough finances to retire I worry about the surviving ability of sea of sea I worry about my grandchildren and the daily struggles they face I worry about the progress of workplace production if we can become a people who has learned how to worry can we become a people who learn learns how not to our scripture in Matthew as a part of The Sermon on the Mount is very specific in what we are not to worry about now Jesus says in verse 25 therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the body more than clothing now to look at this scripture from the surface the stubborn part of me says I would love to only have to worry about what I will eat or drink or what I would wear but we need to look beyond the surface to the levels of inspiration that invites us to question where is our true Focus now looking back in this chapter at verses 19- 21 it shares specifically about where our treasure should be stored and states where our treasure is there our heart will be also and then in verse 24 It Ends by saying you cannot serve God and wealth so here we have this passage of scripture for today that is advising us not to worry as a continued reflection on changing our perspective if it is not centered on God what are we missing if we are spending so much time focusing inward on those cares concerns and anxieties but not only what are we missing but who are we overlooking often in Community of Christ we pray together a mission prayer and we ask the spirit to guide and to lead us in Mission but can we truly know where God is calling us to go if we cannot see outward Beyond ourselves but it’s hard to see when our worries are blinding during a time of my life when my worries continued to stack one upon another I realized that I had never felt more Closs to full from being Boxed In by all of my stress and I kept asking God where are you in the midst of this I couldn’t see God all I could see was my fear and anxiety and all I could hear was my brain cycling the what if but God was very much present I can look back and see that now but it’s in these times when we are blinded by our worries that we are reminded as shared in verse 28 to consider the Lilies of the Field and how they grow God clothed the grass of the field with the lies and made it come alive and we see how God is at work in the field and are invited to see how much God is working to clothe us and to make us come alive a part of discipleship is making the commitment to continually grow and to strengthen the ways in which we honor our relationship with Jesus and with God and this includes working within ourselves to discover and to practice ways of changing our perspectives from inward to outward and to strive for this God is going to change Us in the process a discipline of living without worry or with the ability to reduce as much as we can is an opportunity for God to enter and to authentically change us and our desire to live out our faith but to do that we need to release control when we worry even if we can’t change anything there’s a sense of control and we hold it close to us and when we turn it over to God or become vulnerable enough to let someone assist us we release some of that control and rely on our ability to trust another and at times that becomes another worry to add to the pile how can we free up space within our minds to see where God is already at work and this passage from Matthew goes beyond a personal challenge of not worrying into a communal element verse 26 displays that at it as it reads look at the birds of the air and again in verse 28 consider the lilies of the field now the plural reference is a reminder that discipleship is not lived in isolation but in a compass passionate community that is cared for by a loving and sustaining Creator this communal element is essential in trusting others to help take care of the community as a whole this models Jewish law in which it is not about individual inward Focus when one cares about the community the community in turn cares for them and when one worries the community helps to ease the suffering and blindness that accompanies the worry the communal element is important in the understanding that we simply can not fulfill the challenge of this scripture alone no amount of stubbornness or self-determination can truly help us in this thing that we call life we need each other so how do we do this how do we evolve to not worry and to embrace our place as lies of the field when the late edition Community was asked how do you work through deal and cope with your times of worrying they answered I work through worrying by reaching out to friends I usually work through worrying Times by increasing my worth work ethic to agree that I should have done beforehand I work through worrying by prayer meditation affirmations and reaching out to friends turn it into something beautiful a meal a phone call with someone you haven’t talked to in a while or Just Dance it cycle it or nap it I talk to you and do a lot of praying and singing if I can find something that I can solve do accomplish complete that helps getting through the blame brain locked up time I pray a lot go for a walk and practice holy attention talking to a friend talking to my mother talking to God and I think use that fear straight and say I am going to conquer you living a life without worry is a continual practice every hour of every day we will be gifted with an opportunity to become blinded by worry to release its grasp we start by making the choice and commitment to work through the Stress and Anxiety seek ways to practice changing your perspective with resources and tools designed to not bury the concern but to work through all of the layers that invoke the what if find spiritual practices that work best for you and if you do not care for an exercise or WorryFree practice try another our brains are also very different and what works for one person may not work for another and that does not mean that there is something wrong with you it simply means that that method does not fit you share openly in a journal or with a with trusted loved ones who will listen and share compassionate feedback pause and spend time recognizing where God is at work and to when able visualize yourself as one of those lies in the field we have the opportunity to share in a meal together and it is a meal that promotes healing and wholeness of our Spirits it is an opportunity to break down any wall that separ se separates us from the fullness of God’s love and from knowing God’s plan for us it is a chance to recognize the need to release the worries that blind us in our mission and in our purpose on this Earth may we eat together ready to be clothed in the spirit and may we allow ourselves to release those worries that we hold close as we take upon us the body and blood that was shed for us may we remember Christ’s promise I Am With You Always to the end of the age [Music] you satisfy the Hungry Heart with of the finest come give to us oh saing Lord a bread of life to eat as when the sheer calls his sheep they know and he his voice so when you call your family Lord we follow and [Music] rejoice you satisfy the Hungry Heart with of the finest whe come give to us saing bread of life to eat with joyful Li sing to you our praise and gratitude [Music] that you should count us worthy Lord to share this heav fuit you satisfy the Hungry Heart with finest wheat come give to us oh saing Lord bread of life to eat is not the bless and sh the blood of Christ outp do not one one love declare our in the Lord you sfy the Hungry Heart with the finest s come give to us oh saving the bread of life to E the mystery of your presence Lord no can tell whom all the world cannot contain come see our hearts to dwell you satisfy the Hungry Heart with GI of finest wheat come give to us oh saing bread of life to eat you give yourself to to us Lord then let us be to serve each other in your name in truth and charity you satisfy the Hungry Heart with GI of finest wheat come give to us oh saving the bread of life to when I talked at the top of the hour of the many people who devote their time and talents in order to make this ministry possible at the top of that list is the choir thank thank you all so much for your gift of Ministry of Music in Community of Christ the Lord’s Supper is a Sacrament in which we remember the life death and living presence of Jesus Christ through partaking of the emblems we renew the Covenant we made through baptism reconcile and strengthen relationships and commit ourselves to Christ’s mission in the world others have different or added understandings within their faith traditions we invite all who participate in the Lord’s Supper to do so as an expression of the love and peace of Jesus Christ in whose name we worship all our welcome at Christ’s table if you’re joining us live from beyond our walls and have emblems prepared in your location we invite you to partake alongside the disciples gathered here if you are watching the service recorded we ask that you wait to participate until you can be with us in real time all are welcome at this table however you feel best to form a POS Ure for prayer whether it is kneeling if you have the space in the area that you’re at I invite you to kneel or to Simply bow your head or even to just close your eyes as I offer the combined blessing on the Bread and Wine shall we pray together Eternal God we ask you in the name of your son Jesus Christ to bless and sanctify this Bread and Wine to The Souls of all those who receive them that they may eat and drink in remembrance of the body and blood of your son and witness to you oh God that they are willing to take upon them the name of your son and always remember him and keep the Commandments which he has given them that they may always have his Spirit to be with them amen let us continue in worship once more and then I will see you again in just a few moments after the postlude but before we get to the postlude I invite you to sing as joyously as you can this is one of those hymns that just came can’t help but move a little bit so move with me sing with me and I’ll see you [Music] soon rain down rain down bring down your love on your rain down down R down your love God [Music] Al faithful and true is the word of our God all of God’s works are so worthy of trust God’s mercy falls on the just and un all of the love is the earth down great down wa down your love on your [Music] people down bring down ring down your love God [Music] Al God of creation we long for your TR you are the Water of Life that we first gr that your love and your peace touch our heart all of our hope lies in you down R down we down your love on [Music] your down bring down bring down your love God [Music] as we seek to quell our worries and overcome anxieties this day and throughout the week bring to mind the Divine Assurance given to the poet in the 46th Psalm verse 10 be still and know that I am God Amen [Music] we invite you to stay with us after the postlude uh whichever service you are in you’ll get to chat with Noel uh if you’re the late edition she’ll be there with you and if you’re here in the early edition I will also be chatting with her among the other ministers [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m always over here jiving a little bit during the postlude and that one was just Sensational they’re all Sensational but I was over here doing one of these I think I probably burned like 10 calories but still [Laughter] it was amazing I love love love the music that we have to share so hi hey thanks for staying around thanks for hanging out with us we’re GNA do a little community building today so sometimes if you are familiar with what we do sometimes we have prayer nights we might have a super secret special guests which we do have one coming up uh we might go deeper into the sermon but since you helped to create the sermon we’ve already gone deeper this sermon so we won’t be doing that today sometimes we have spiritual practice moments and community building is one of those spiritual practices so sometimes we can think it’s just time to socialize or get to know each other but when we invite each other into Our Lives thus we are inviting the spirit to wrap around us a little bit more and sometimes we have to practice letting each other in or opening ourselves up to others and especially in settings like this where we have a screen that separates us it can be a little bit hard but it also can be a confidence boost because we’re not not looking at anybody we’re just seeing names in the chats so before we get into our community building spiritual practice for today I am going to talk a little bit more about Monday mingle and I am going to I don’t know if we have already thrown the link into the chats I’m going to do that with Facebook right now and and I think Adam’s going to do that on the YouTube side friends on X and twitch I’m going to put that there in our chat space too but anyways what we are going to do tomorrow is we’re going to have a show and tell if you will so something that is important to you from around your house I’m going to invite you to bring it to Monday mingle or Tuesday Morning mingle and we’re going to share it with each other where it came from why it’s important to you and it can be an object it could be a food Lord knows we like our food around here it could be a pet a family member whatever it may be a picture if you have a picture of something or it might even be a memory so maybe you have something that that you used to hold so near and dear to you and and maybe it got lost or or broke or misplaced somewhere but still that might be your object that you want to bring so bring the memory and share with us why that that item is so special to you so we’re going to do that tomorrow and what Nicolai I just saw your note you have to miss Monday mingle well fine okay we’ll just see you next time then I guess no still share with us what uh what item you might have brought but it is going to be and I already said this once but in case you are just popping in it is 800 PM Eastern Time 700 p.m. central 6 Mountain 5 Pacific 14 hour ahead of time for our Australian friends and what was really neat about last time was that we had multiple countries representing and it’s just a chance to relax for a little bit and to laugh and to just have a tremendous amount of fun Dan Anderson hello to you I see your note right there hello hello so come and it this is a safe space for everyone so I want to make sure that I stress this as well you may not know this or you may because I’ve talked about this before but I’m an introvert and I renew energy alone but also sometimes I don’t feel like being recognized or uh having my camera on and social settings like Monday Mingle can sometimes make me feel just like I’d rather skip it than the fear or worry see what I did there the worry of having to be Spotlight and having to unmute so that I had to share we’re not going to do that in Monday mingle some people don’t even turn their cameras on and that’s absolutely okay but we also encourage sharing in the chat like we we do here so that you can still be a part of it if you don’t want to have to use verbal words you can type it so come even if you don’t want to be recognized you will still be noticed and you will still be there and still part of the community I can’t wait and then the next one if you can’t make it Nicola like tomorrow then the next one’s going to be the first Monday of of June so right now we’re doing the first Monday of June the only reason that we had one so recent uh was that we did our special kickoff on April 22nd so the next one will be Monday June 3 that seems like a long time from now but gosh time’s going to go by quick so Monday June 3 will be our next one after this okay oh yeah thanks for the reassurance Nicola says yeah there were people with their video off absolutely it is absolutely okay to do that are you ready for some Community Building spiritual practice time good news you don’t have to think hard about this in fact I don’t want you to think hard about what we’re going to do I’m G to ask you a question and the very first answer that comes to mind I would like you to put it in the chat and if you end up in a situation where I ask a question for an example what color do you like more red or blue this is just an example question and your mine first went to Blue but then you went wait no red do I like red do I like red more than blue don’t worry about it don’t worry about it which one came to mind first and then quickly just type it into the chat last time we did this we actually created a prayer together that was amazing absolutely amazing sorry we’re not doing that today we are just getting to know each other a little bit more but there might also be a question or two from the message even though we’re not going to go deeper into the sermon as a whole there might be a question or two just to throw out there from our message today to see what you think Nicholas says blue I I I’m I’m a blue too for sure okay now that we know what to do here we go what type of animal would you be don’t think too hard what type of animal would you be mine is it an otter I would be an otter we got lots of Blues popping up in our chat Indigo yes cobalt blue is actually my favorite color of all times all right animals what do we got here any any other otter fans of course we already heard what the fox said earlier in our [Music] chat if you if you are not on the YouTube chat we are celebrating about every color of blue in there yay answers are coming in oh my goodness I love this we have jeie says big fat cat Tan Anderson says dog Adam says the dodo bird Barb says cat Aries says bear Tim says lion we’ve got sh with a panda Sandra says tiger Steph says elephant hey Steph how are you it’s good to have you here let me pop over and see in our other areas Facebook what animal would you be let us know let us know awesome we’ve got another bear Andre has a bear listed Leandro says a Jaguar of course of course I love this oh you’re right I did I don’t even know if I can pronounce this Nicola it’s the best animal and should not be missed you’re absolutely right and it’s so great that I don’t know if I can pronounce it um it’s a x o l o TL I don’t what is that can you put into the chat a little description as to what in the world this blessed animal is Adam says I’m bringing the dodo back yes bring back the dodo Steph says purple is great I I like purple too maybe because it’s part of the blue family I like it oxil oxil oxalato is that am I close anywhere near there I feel like if I keep trying to uh pronounce this animal we might might need a moment of prayer I’m so curious what the we’re gonna be Googling this here in just a second what this wonderful creature is okay Facebook what do you got for me you like being human so you’re not going to be an animal okay there we are next question what was your favorite moment from this past week don’t think too hard on it first thing that comes to mind what was your favorite moment from this past week I’m actually pausing to think about this myself course okay I might be a little biased but this is definitely my favorite moment now next week if uh if you had asked this question or rather if I had asked this question next week I’d probably say Monday mingle there oh here come our answers Adam says picking rhubarb Absol absolutely that is a great thing and especially because you got to make pie even though none of us got to have it that sounds good so Adam had a picking rhubarb Jeanie said got a new job I think we’re gonna pause for a moment to celebrate Genie getting a new job woohoo I feel like our friend Jerry Dale Jr right there with the uh the Applause I love that Tim says nap woohoo Sandra says visiting with Steve vzy I think my invitation must have got lost somewhere that’s Sensational I’m so glad that you got to do that Nicholas says my brand new Viking cookbook arrived in the mail and it makes me silly happy yes yes Steph says eating rhubarb pie okay why is everyone having rhubarb and rhubarb but it’s not happening over here this is just I’m in distress right now Tan Anderson says Mom’s eye is recovering on time yay so good so good to hear that uh aleandro says Maple Leafs beating Boston even if we lost in the end yay oh goodness what else do we have here oh sh says walking with my friend I love that I absolutely love that Facebook hey there what you got what you got for me I think I’m gonna go over friends on Twitch or X I still see you there Nicholas says that she is still several weeks away from Harvest with rhubarb but I’m sure that you’ll probably be having some rhubarb pie soon and then we’ll be having this entire discussion again and I’ll still not have any rhubarb by all right wonderful okay next question so this is one that is coming from our message a little bit you might have remembered that I talked about how God clothed the grass with the lies and made it come alive so the question is what helps to make you feel alive what helps to make you feel alive laughing helps me to feel alive definitely what helps you or what helps to make you feel alive Adam says Sunshine yes I’m in I’m in the same boat as you probably because we’re in the same state together and sunshine is a treat because we do not have it often so whenever the sun makes an appearance by golly I I definitely feel more motivated than on cloudy days oh what else do we have here jeie says music with a good Groove absolutely Sandra says music yes Steph says music and Rain hey rain brings life yes sh says music I’m seeing a trend here woohoo Jeanie says the giggle of a small child Sandra says singing Aries says children laughing and creating and yes silly laughs silly laughs are good Adam is concurring that Michigan is a Drury Place sometimes Nicholas says definitely singing Harmony is amazing oo yeah yes for sure in that moment when you reach that cord and you all of a sudden have Goosebumps that go up the arms and in the back of your neck that definitely definitely makes me feel alive all right what else helps to make you feel alive let me pop over to Facebook okay all right here is our next question and oh there’s still an answer coming in deep breath of fresh clean air after a good rain yes would you believe I’m going to go on a on a slight little tangent here just in case more answers are coming in would you believe that that not too long ago I had a conversation with someone and this celebrates diversity but it it wasn’t a part of of my beliefs and understandings so I actually had to to pause and reflect on this a little bit but this person shared that they did not like the smell of the earth after the rain like they they thought that when it was raining it uh it was a stunk outside I had never considered that before and it it really kind of took me a back there oh gosh oh Adam’s waiting for strawberry season to add to the rhubarb I’m still jealous over here of all of this rhubarb all right next question again don’t think too hard on this uh what did you eat for breakfast today what’ you eat for breakfast today whether it was just a couple moments ago or a couple hours ago what’ you have I had to look over what did I have I had some almonds and peans with some fruit and some blueberry blackberries the banana oh Genie I see your note there that you missed the question the question was just what did you have for breakfast oh Adam had a strawberry cream cheese danish right on Nikolai had white tea with habiscus and Elderberry sounds amazing Sandra had a breakfast burrito it is Cinco de Mayo isn’t it it kind of fits the theme of the day over here awesome what else even if you didn’t have breakfast you can just put nothing Shad cereal right on what kind of cereal do you have you know I have not bought cereal in a while and I’ve been been wanting cereal might have to get some Nicholas said yesterday’s breakfast of green tea Well my screen with kuch kombucha was surprisingly good right on Leandro says I had communion bread for breakfast absolutely Tan Anderson says nothing yet jeie had yogurt and part of my communion granola bar yes that’s you know Sundays are are so incredibly busy for many of us and we’re lucky if if we get to pause for just a moment to have something other than uh than our emblems Tim had a cup of coffee I like the way you think and work I like that oh sh thanks hey Frosted Mini Wheats those are good I like it good choice very good choice last question and then we will break until we see each other again hopefully during Monday mingle but if not during Monday mingle then I’ll see you next week last question how are you going to bring joy into your week how are you going to bring joy into your week what things can you do that are joyful we’ve got a fresh week before us lots of opportunity to bring a lot of joy to it so how you going to do it Genie says Monday mingle yes we’re definitely gonna bring some joy into the week with Monday Mingle for sure Nicholas says I’m packing my tea cattle with me so I will have tea when I travel for my chorus contest this week well yay and lots of luck to you have so much fun with this chorus contest Adam says sleeping in on days off bring me much joy during the week yes Tim says talk to my daughter I love it wonderful Sandra says just be me of course you radiate Joy just by breathing you do you do Tan Anderson says relax and enjoy whatever comes along I like it Nicholas says all the tea all of the tea jeie says get a daily giggle with you and Adam Dan Anderson says remind myself to be grounded and grateful I like that absolutely that’s a wonderful spiritual practice right there pausing in moments of gratitude and allowing that to be a foundation I really like that all right friends on Facebook okay anyone else how else do you plan to bring some joy into your week okay well thank you thank you so much for this time together to be able to expand our community and like I mentioned before things like this even though questions might be a little silly they don’t really have a lot of depth to them is what invites the spirit to come and to hug us and embrace this community that was our spiritual practice for this month oop sh I see you say planting something in my garden I love this time of year for that very reason in fact just before we came together to worship I might have been outside watering new things that were just planted oh Nicholas says also I’ll be recoloring my hair so it’ll be bright blue in time for the contest love my blue hair I love your blue hair too that brings me joy for sure no thank you for participating and for staying and I cannot wait until we get to be together again whether it is tomorrow or next Sunday I’m so looking forward to it have a wonderful week and as always never ever forget how much you are loved I will see you again so very soon goodbye family

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