The result in the Greater Manchester mayoral election is due shortly.

    The result in the race to become the mayor of Salford is also due in the next few hours.

    There are six candidates standing for Greater Manchester mayor this year. They are Jake Austin (Liberal Democrats), Dan Barker (Reform UK), Nick Buckley (Independent), Andy Burnham (Labour), Laura Evans (Conservative) and Hannah Spencer (Green).

    READ MORE: Local election 2024 results LIVE: Latest as Greater Manchester and Salford mayoral winners to be announced

    #uknews #greatermanchester #election2024 #politics

    spe e for e e that yeah good afternoon everybody and thank you for your patience um we’re now declar the results of the greater man combine Authority May election THS second of May 2024 I a board and combined Authority returning officer for great man combined Authority election held on 1 and second of May 2024 hereby certify and declare that the total number of verified ballot papers was 669 494 the total number of votes given for each candidate was as follows Austin Jake liberal Democrats 28195 barer Daniel commonly known as Dan Barker reform UK 49,53 Bley Brendan Nicholas commonly known as Nick Bley independent 5034 votes Andrew Murray commonly known as Andy burnam labor and Cooperative party 420,475 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] tell the number of V 63631 the number of ballot papers rejected was as follows one to mark four one voting for more than one candidate 751 writing or Mark by vo be identified 104 unmarked or void for uncertainty 54 the total number of rejected is 5,863 B is duly elected as the mayor of great man [Music] Authority thank you very much I could ask you to thank the staff of comity the district who very long hours to make uh this this result possible today my fellow candidates for a good straight election debate and of course my family all here today for putting up uh with me again in an election campaign when it comes to uh the decency and warmth of the people there is no better City region on Earth uh than uh this one that we live in and that is why being elected to representative for the third time means absolutely everything to me I can honestly say I have never given anything less than my all to this job and I’ve tried to be there for all communities and for everyone who lives here and I promise to do so again for centuries great Manchester has prided itself on the solidarity between its people I have tried to be true to that tradition rejecting the politics of division and culture wars and that will always remain my I know people who usually support other parties have lent me their support again in this election in return I will always respect that and I will continue to adopt a place first rather than party first approach which is the foundation of Greater Manchester’s success this is the New Politics we are pioneering and this result is an endorsement an emphatic endorsement of the change we are bringing I will take it as an instruction to complete the building of a public transport system that fixs a city region of our spatel and I will do it within this new maral term uniting bike bus tram and trade in a single integrated system it has been hard to keep greater Manchester moving forward when the country has been going backwards but we have managed it and our economy is grow faster than the UK’s yet we still need change and that is why it is so good to see the country voting for it at these elections Britain desperately needs a new government and a fresh start and from here we will work hard to bring that change about speaking to people in Greater Manchester over the last few weeks though I have also heard a call for more profound change from parents in harpa trapped in debt because of the pernicious combination of the housing and the benefit systems from communities suffering the after effects of Youth violence and struggling to make sense of it the Western’s the one siiz fits-all approach to policy hasn’t worked for them and the truth is this if you have an education system overly focused on the University route you will leave some young people growing up without hope if you have a benefit system overly focused on sanctions rather than support you will end up with a growing Mental Health crisis and if housing policy is exclusively focused on promoting home ownership you will leave Millions trapped in a housing crisis greater Manchester is ready to break out of this Devolution in England is working and these elections show voters are buying into it and it is time now to go much further my new Mission will be to give everyone growing up here an equal alternative to the university route so all our young people have a path in life and hope in their heart and my new plea to Westminster is to give us the powers to free ourselves from the grip of the housing crisis and let us build a benefit system that helps people move forward rather than holds them back after these elections and the what will stay with me are the words from one of those parents in the neighborhood center in Harper Hey Joe who spoke at a debt Justice a debt Justice event that Dan was at to she made the best speech that I heard in this election campaign we look to politicians she said to make difficult decisions which will ultimately benefit the whole of our country both now and in the future we need you speak as our voice and never give up challenging the inadequate benefit system and the punitive sanctions from the DWP fighting for better wages and fairer living costs this is your debt to us this is the price of your power those were Joe’s words and I recognize and accept that price Joe as I said to you I’m going to put your words on my office wall everyone who has stood in these elections around the country should do the same we all need to reconnect power with the promotion of the common good rather than what we have seen in recent times the association of Power with corruption and lies and with that nod to the great new order I will close uh by just uh saying this I am ready to fight harder than I have ever fought for anything before for a greater where people can live free from the fear of debt hunger and eviction and where everyone is set up to be a part of the growing success story that is our city region today greater Manchester will continue to lead the way and we will do it together thank you so much for your support I look forward to getting on with the job again immediately and I won’t let you down thank you very much everybody [Music] for [Applause] this looks awkward

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