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    police interceptors the pride of the Northeast Lo and Scourge of the criminal class where the [Music] now we’re up close and personal with Durham and Cleveland’s crime fighting Elite in Pursuit offro and in the air got a group of five Runners five Runners n road now with their crack Firearms team out and formidable dog unit stand still please do dog in the trenches for the war on crime strap in I am in Pursuit you’re riding with the interceptors they’ll be filling the puns do it we’ll be filling the sh coming up police with a dog Spark flies two burglar are caught in the act get on your knees now get on your knees both of you a van tries a reverse Ram V is now behind us reversing contact and a wrong on the run for don’t Where You Are [Music] [Music] it’s the early hours of the morning and interceptors Richie Gatland and Andrew AJ Terry are out on patrol in the marked X5 the roads are pretty quiet but the automatic number plate recognition cameras have picked up a suspect van a few miles away we’ve had an activation for no insurance which we have an idea where it might be heading and now it’s just a case of trying to figure out which way they’re going to go so we can intercept them Family Man Richie’s favorite subject at school was geography and tonight he and AJ are putting their navigation skills to work to hunt down the van and there’re soon behind it there we go that’s the one just pulled out of there did didn’t it the police database tells them the van doesn’t have insurance so Richie and AJ are going to give it a pull it’s just popped out of one of the kind of neighboring Estates which is a little bit suspicious for this time of night as to why they’ve been there but when Richie sticks on the blues the driver decides he doesn’t want to stick around from Tango 310 foxtrot urg vehicle failing to stop ampr Mark quied vehicle stop can have Authority for initial Pursuit please trained authorized suitable vehicle and currently lowrisk speed of 5 heading out of Dar in a straight up race the van would be no match for the Interceptor High spec X5 but as the Pursuits heading onto narrow country roads they have no choice but to follow and wait for other units to join them 4 five 316 313 we got air support I know they were in the DLo area yes yes on it speed 60 MPH still low risk potentially going towards the motorway vehicle is registered outside of the area speed is 6 5 mph still low risk if the van does go on the motorway the interceptors will have more room to maneuver but right now Richie and AJ are more worried about what the dri is doing vehicle wrong side of the road medium back to low risk wrong side of the carriageway for the right hand bend the Pursuits headed into a village where the roads are thankfully empty but the van carries on breaking the speed limit continuing through the 30s at 5 no other traffic on the road no pedestrians get Stinger ahead at shieldon potentially heading towards a shieldon area if we’ve got anyone with a stinger vehicle is committed right right right South a672 a672 towards Darlington The Runaway Van’s now heading back in the direction it came from now he’s on the main road the driver puts his foot down on the opposite side of the road thankfully it’s free of oncoming traffic vehicle is wrong side of the roundabout committed a68 Richie takes the legal way round and keeps his prey in sight they thought they were going to get away with that one the van’s now hammering it at more than 80 and continuing to make increasingly Reckless moves vehicle was temporarily wrong side of the road back to the right side of the road speed 990 mph staying on his side of the road speed is 100 mph with a driver smashing the speed limit and taking even more risks they need to end this Pursuit before someone gets hurt can we have Authority for tack please yes yesth all units are closing in once they arrive they’ll try to box the van in but then it turns off the main road vehicle’s turning left left left A6 279 towards Darlington the van driver has done everything he can to try and shift Advance driver Richie and failed so now he tries a different tactic vehicle is breaking breaking standby attempt to reverse Ram the van’s trying to disable the cop car but rich is too quick for him squeezing to the side to avoid getting smashed V is now behind us reversing the van’s now trying to spin round and get away contact but Richie blocked him get out the car get out the van decam DEC the passengers run off into a field with AJ hot on his heels on for St where you are interceptors Richie gathland and AJ have been in a highspeed Pursuit with a van speed 90 mph staying on his side of the road speed is 100 m an hour still after failing to lose the pursuing police car the van driver tried a different tactic vehicle is breaking breaking standby attempt to reverse Ram but Richie managed to dodge him before reversing himself V is now behind us reversing and blocking in the van contact after taking out the van’s windows get out the car get out the van decom decam one running over the fields Richie dealt with the driver and AJ leged it into a field in pursuit of the passenger all police stop where you are all police get on the floor now oh police get on the floor get on the floor now on the face now on the floor stay there do not move or you’ll be ped less than 50 yds into the field the runner has given up put your arms call you back AJ’s got his man both arms stay down on the floor put your arm out in front of you what you do yeah is scoot your knees up underneath here and stand up now listen don’t do our D I’m not going to run I’m all right well stranger things happened all right are you injured no I’m right just tired from running yeah me too you’re dafty you lost your shoe he’s not the healthiest of lads he’s run across a muddy field what can I say he lost his shoe he’s never going to run fast as he a Van’s come for the two suspects and Rich’s first in with the driver is that all the driver of the vehicle kind of I think he was more in shock than anything else who come around and shattered the window then basically dragged him out the vehicle quite quickly the passenger has decided to make off on foot so he’s not innocent if he’s running off like that colleagues have checked the vehicle over and there might be some items from a burglary so they’ve been locked up on suspicion of burglary failed to stop for police dangerous driving um and he’s admitted he hasn’t got a license but I doubt that’s the real reason for him not stopping the two arrested men will have to answer some questions about the contents of the van but they’re not the only ones under investigation as with all cases involving a police car in a collision a senior officer in this case Pete Tate has come to check everything’s been done by the book my rulle is is to investigate the Collision itself you make sure the officers have have carried out the procedure correctly that it’s been safe and what they’ve carried out authorized and within training so I mean one of the first things I’ll do obviously look around the scene get the vehicle details speak to the driver which case was p g probably 10 m in front of where that tree is it just hit the brakes and sto dead in the middle of the road AJ said attempt to reverse Ram at which point done our technique and gone down the side of him as soon as we gone down the outside looked at him he’s just whacked it in reverse and he’s tried to basically jurn the vehicle around I’ve had no option other than just to basically wedge him immediately cuz I didn’t want him to go any further contact as youve got him out you shot the window I’ve shot the window for the shock factor and then dragged him out get out the car get out the van while Pete gets the Van driver’s version of events Richie has a look at the damage he caused I knew he was going to wedge himself so I had to make more of a wedge that to be fair is probably the best place if we’re going to take any damage it’s on the rear bumper It’s not near the axle or the chassis or anything else like that it’s part and parcel of our job really unfortunately and collision investigator Pete’s happy that everything’s legit so he’s very determined to get away and so became quite dangerous so ultimately nobody’s injured both offenders have been arrested there might be stolen property in the back as well so I’m delighted with the result with you the only person who won’t be delighted is the police mechanic and now for a question how many interceptors does it take to fix a bumper it’s barely on the wheel all right the answer is five want to give it a kick just get the big bar out like want to use a pry bar AJ just don’t burst the tire there you go and three to stand around making helpful suggestions see minimal damage work and now the dust is settled AJ has a moment to reflect on the man he chased OH police stop where you are and they’re nicked don’t do our D I’m not going to R all right well he seemed like a decent bloke he’s probably just shut up got time he’s hard time whatever seemed like a decent just you get cha to the thing is right you get cha to these people and you realize how much you got in like 30y old lad he got two kids he did the wrong thing didn’t he was naughty boy the driver was later convicted of dangerous driving and driving with no license or insurance he was banned from driving for 2 years and received 8 months behind bars the passenger was arrested for unlawful taking of a motor vehicle and the investigation continues no further action was taken in relation to the items in the back of the van boom brother yes man that was hellish you like that good driving mean [Music] it’s raining cats and dogs and Interceptor Liam Su is hoping for a peaceful night on patrol it’s nearly midnight now the weather’s coming really bad it’s like driving through a river to be honest with you so I’m kind of open we don’t get any jobs where I have to get help the cat dog handler Liam loves pizza Pursuits and the mighty middlesbor FC but he doesn’t like the rain nightmare weather working the dog to be honest with you cuz all the scent will be washed straight away you know even chasing cars in this it’s hard enough just keeping the car on the road as it is now without a vetal making off I’ve got all the weather gear but I’m a fair weather cop to be honest so I’m hoping I don’t have to get the car in this get me air wet thankfully for Liam and his luscious locks the storm soon passes but the wet roads are causing chaos for motorists as he approaches the end of his shift a call comes through about a hour n y smash two vehicle RDC involving a car of motorbike information is that the car’s on its roof the rider of the motorbikes ran off into the estate or we’re going there to um basically assist them try and locate the the motorbike rider there’s the car on its roof there’s going to be some serious injuries I would afford if it’s h a motorbike I can’t believe he’s run away people run for all sorts might be disqualified driver could be a Nick motorbike Lords of reasons for hopefully I’ll get the opportunity you ask him when I catch him as he gets closer to the crash site Liam receives an update Li go straight toward dri female but the only description is the females wearing white trousers the L stck me that teenage so now he’s looking for two people that have run from the car not the motorbike rider has first thought yeah it sounds like it’s the occupants of the car that have ran off a mail and female females described as wearing white trousers the male’s stocky teenager apparently meanwhile officers dealing with the motorcyclist have received some alarming information de from 47 of the opinion that this is deliberate act rather than a collision we’ve got to get these cars the motorbike driver saying that this car’s deliberately rammed him up the backside you know and if it has done that it’s quite serious isn’t it you know you’re going to cause someone some massive injuries coming off a motorbike lucky enough today he’s just walking wounded are search now see if we can find this lad on L who’s walking about they’re going to be scouting in and out this state somewhere it’s like a rabbit Warren or another unit is also on the lookout and they’ve picked up the male driver as Liam turns a corner he catches sight of a girl wearing white trousers fight assist hey that where you at thank you how you do help you left to see that car help you R from the car the car r there how around are you done I left car 49 I’ve got the female detained as well yeah look you’re covered in mud right so how you start talking to us otherwise you’re going to get locked up we’ve got the female detained we’ve got the driver detained so we’re going to bring them both in on suspicion of assault you know they’ve used a vetle and caused someone some injuries it’s a serious job that could have killed the lad he’s on a warad and he’s being rammed off she stinks her booze I bet the driver’s over the limit as well they’ll both come in and we’ll s out what’s going on in the morning the girl is taken off to middlesbor Nick and Liam goes to the scene of the crash to find out what’s happened the vehicle L on it roof’s been sat behind the mored he’s come down here on his mored he’s being hit just to the the side of where I’m standing now you can see the start of the de on the road come off his bike his helmet’s landed just there he’s slid onto the grass Verge cars hit the lamp hor flipped over and these Mor Peds continued all the way down the bottom and uh the first thing he said to the bobes is that they’ve done it on purpose some high speed and the guy’s looking to be alive he should be dead he should definitely be dead get rear ended like that Liams next stop is custody to book the girl in while her suspected partner in crime has to sit and wait his turn both seem to be denied being in the vetle so you know maybe it wasn’t them and there’s other people at Mat descriptions at 5:00 in the morning covered in mud running around F this lady’s nearly finished getting bucked in we’ve got the driver of the vehicles just waiting to come through in the uh the next one we won’t book them in at the same time cuz the link don’t know them shouting their excuses reasons across the cussy Center so he’ll be up next the girls quickly and quietly off to the cells next up is the driver and he’s nowhere near as compliant listen get off me listen you get off me you stupid excuse me did you tell you been arrested listen I’m not run it listen don’t try Hur me try no listen there’s not like that if you’s want to be the things don’t me like that make me look like R the reason why they’re surrounding you is because you’re volatile and aggressive what would you do if you’ve been wrongly accused you stupid little remind me just remind me man she’s in the cell we’re going to go and mcky mouth in probably going have to give these hand cuz he’s going to end up kicking off I think and you some mat but unfortunately the suspect goes from potty mouthed to actually needing a potty just a deadly filthy Beast isn’t he he’s just playing up being absolute pain I’m glad I got the girl cuz if that was me I’d have been devastated it’ll be all over your boots and your legs dirty dirty animal my name is scum Miss in the car I just took the car there no more yo what’s up I’ve been back on smashing in 2021 blue 99 on the road side bit of cannabis out there as well out his pocket he got some pills have you been in a car accident tonight yes or no you the nurse is trying to assess him to see if he needs hospital treatment but he’s not engaging so he’s going to get sent to hospital anywhere just as a precaution and we’ll have to do the blood procedures up thereal yeah unfortunately he’s going to be in amongst the general public up there probably shouting and balling now I know we’ve got to look after his welfare but he’s tried to kill someone tonight him driving that car and now he’s gone up a KN wasting more taxpayers money he’s nearly got the alphabe and drugs come out of his pockets and it’s attempted jbh and dangerous driving so you know he’s got a he’s got a big long list of charges there he’s likely to be remanded and as he said there I’ll see you in 2021 well awfully the driver was charged with Section 18 assault driving whilst disqual ified and under the influence of alcohol dangerous driving and having no insurance the female passenger was arrested for being concerned in the assault they were both released on bail whilst the investigation is ongoing get away you are now you tears you the interceptors love nicking villains it’s why they get up and go to work got one to te got the driver and getting drunk drivers off the road and B and is many Interceptor favorite part of the job the people that go out and and have a skin full and then get behind the wheel of a car I think it’s the ultimate neglect of Duty of of being a license holder keep going keep going keep going on you you’re not only putting your own life at risk but you’re putting other people’s lives at risk and we see it first hands you see Fallout from drink drivers or killing themselves or killing other people and we have to deal with the families we’re the ones that pick up the p so for me personally it’s always going to be Target and drink drivers cuz it’s it’s absolutely [Music] deplorable it’s Saturday night and Interceptor Chris Lambert is out on patrol when a call comes in of a m have into a house the front door M’s driven into the front of a house so whether it’s deliberate criminal damage or some that’s had an RTC we’re not sure at the minute possible section five all right we’re just getting updated that he’s probably going to be a drink driver the roads are really slippy tonight it’s been snowing for the last couple of days parts of the road are covered in black ice so that combined with the drink driving um element it’s never going to end well Chris arrives just as the the driver is being locked up can you the uh is that your car yeah that’s yeah is anyone injured no look like just H the front of there the driver swerved off the road and smashed into the front of this house and there’s a lot of damage but thankfully only to the building and the car and there’s no doubt how it’s happened guys Bel 118 at the roadside apparently he’s just been traveling up here at speed swerve to miss a taxi end up in this poor family’s hallway it’s being locked up durink driving idiots don’t take into consideration anyone else but themselves when they’re jumping in the car and driving them about there were two people inside the house when the car hit they’ve had a very close call my mom’s just seeing the headlights coming in towards the front of the house she’s jumped up out the chair for towards this and the car’s just gone straight in the front door took the door off its Ines it’s cracking inside the house so glasses all smashed all the way up the hway there part of his phont had slid underneath the door cuz he’s coming with that much F my mom’s dead shook up because obviously just not even a couple feet to the left and it wasn’t the dark with there you know what I mean in custody the driver blew more than three times over the limit he later pleaded guilty to drink driving and was ordered to pay £ 761 in fines and costs and was banned from driving for 28 months though given what he did he’s lucky to have avoided committing an even more serious crime thankfully you know no one’s been hurt but there’s people all over on the street around here and we could have been uh we could have been dealing with a fatality or you know multiple fatalities coming up Pastor nown Jacko tacks a suspected drug dealer we get it right they’ll be filling the pants and we’ll be filling the cells move out move out move out Liam hunts for a man armed with cs gas you under arrest all right been impression of their play around and Justin stops some angle grinding burglar stay there do not move I’ll deploy this [Applause] [Music] dog hello from 313 Fox urgent the interceptors have many different ways of stopping dodgy Motors Stinger he’s doing 90 mph we need to be like 120 plus to try and catch this vehicle and one of the most effective is the Tactical Pursuit and containment or teack where three police cars box in a vehicle and force it to come to a stop the teapac that’s a really good tool if you’ve got somebody that’s traveling along a dual carriageway and you want to get that vehicle stopped we’ll use the element of surprise we’ll just get them boxed straight away before they realize what’s happening to them it’s bringing a resolution to the incident without anybody getting injured or anything getting damaged it’s a really effective tool preemptive tack maneuver it’s Saturday night an Interceptor Paul Jacko Jackson has just started his shift he single crewed in the unmarked Beamer we’ve only been in the door 5 minutes and we’ve been past a job that’s actually ongo as we speak we’ve got some information about a male that’s traveled from the concert area down to Liverpool to collect a large quantity of drugs and the intelligence is that he’s of anfred because the amount he’s meant to be collecting is too big to fit in his car we’re fairly confident that there’s at least one pinch point he must go through so all of our cars are heading up there now with a view to doing a preemptive stop on the vehicle jacko’s nicked hundreds of villains and won numerous Awards and commendations in his two decades on the force he’s in his element tonight these are the sorts of jobs you relish being involved in we train hard for them so that when it happens in reality we bang on it and what we’re aing for is an element of shot and or they won’t know what’s hit them till it’s too late the hired van is believed to be driving on an a road and Jacko knows the perfect place to lie and wait and what to do when it turns up yes Hills you want me to sit in the garage four quarters and unmarked when he goes past that and pull out the KN be lead vehicle use can be around the corner on the 689 down to W Howen Roger we could all the back of the garage that works even better I’m probably going to have to go front AR it to hide you yeah I’ll go vehicle one got one marked and then we can hide the RV behind me yeah Jacko is going to be lead car using his unmarked Beamer to hide the marked cars behind him and moving in front of the high van when the teack takes place if he is going this route to go through stage up the next time we’re now looking to utilize a preemptive box the difficulty you’ve got is we’re in big vehicles sort about being tight and hiding bying each other and getting the Box tight but this is what we train for and if we get it right which we usually do they’ll be filling the pants and uh we’ll be filling the cells coming your way now there’s the Third vehicle I think own past us now move out move out move out [Music] the key is to get all three police cars in position without them being seen by the driver of the hired van can you just get bump to Bumper with me we might get it before the roundabout the vehicle ra has just gone past us so we’re hoping to try and get a box on [Music] imminently they’re now out of town and the roads clear of oncoming traffic it’s time to teack move out move out move out Jacko speeds past the vehicle before moving in front to block its path while his colleagues pull up behind and alongside it it’s a textbook teack the Interceptor plan has worked perfectly the driver knows he has nowhere to go [Music] nicking him is one thing but it’s what’s in the back of the hired van that’s more important to Jacko I got the gloves up until now all the information they’ve been given about the driver and Van is spoton and the same seems to be true about the amounts of drugs involved there are bags and bags of vacuum packed cannabis it’s a CNY H more than a bit that you like is there in both the blue plastic sack and the suitcase it’s a humongous haul of this class B drug a colossal amount could we request recovery this vehicle please the amount of drugs they found is surprising as is the price 5 P he’s not charging the G rate I wouldn’t suggest 5 P to be fair it might be own personal use not a chance jacko’s conf ated huge amounts of substances over the years but this Hall is a biggie even for a veteran Interceptor like him seized a lot of cannabis in me time but I personally have never seen it packed in this way that’s vacuum packed so you’re literally crumbing as much as you possibly can in there and there’s and it wears a fair amount it’s obviously a decent operation the driver’s been arrested for possession with intent to supply control drugs I believe he’s in the subject of being drug tested as well looks under the influence we need to download his phone gather as much evidence as we can the package will be prepared and c will be picking this one up in the morning I think they’ll relish getting this one cuz this isn’t your 10 of Penny drug dealer from start to finish this job couldn’t have gone smoother textbook stop no damage no injuries Happy Days and we’ve gotting a massive amount of drugs back I couldn’t begin to tell you how much that’s worth to be perfect be honest I would sit in the RMS of tens of thousands of pounds if not beyond that the driver of the van was arrested for possession with intent to supply and the investigation continues it’s been a fantastic job taking over 10 kilos of highgrade cannabis off the streets and disrupting the supply chain this is one of the biggest seizures for the team in the past 12 months somebody’s taken the call been switch on enough to pass it the appropriate person they’ve done enough with it so la we’ve gotten the the glory at the roadside it’s a massive team effort it’s a really really good [Applause] result it takes a lot of time and effort to fully train a police dog so for the handlers that put the hard work in good luck there’s no better feeling than when their dog is the difference between a criminal getting away get yourself on your knees don’t run or getting locked up don’t run stay still we spend a lot of time training our dogs and when they actually go out there and they catch someone that would have most definitely Escape had it not been for the dog it’s an Ultimate Buzz it’s it’s a great team effort between the both of us get on your knees just to see the look on the face when they’re confronted by the K9 teeth snarling at them they’ve got no option you know if they decide they’re going to run they’re going to get caught if they decide they’re going to fight they’re going to get bit so the only option they’ve got is to give up really and Just Surrender whereas when they’re face with an officer they can take the chances they might decide to continue another runoff or they may decide to have a pop but doesn’t happen very often when they’ve got dog in front of them [Music] [Applause] it’s early evening and dog handler Justin Moffet has been called to a potential breaking it’s a report from a building site in Norton that there’s a male with a hoodie who’s trying to dismantle one of the CCTV cameras but I think the info has come from a monitoring company which is down south somewhere a man has been caught on CCTV in a building site pulling a camera off it Mount and hurling it to the floor they after to fuel out of the plant equipment and sometimes bigger stuff again you know construction stuff so we’ll keep an open till we get just joined the force way back in 1990 when England still had a decent football team and his vast experience means he knows his patch intimately even a building site on the edge of town it’s a bit of an awkward site to get to in so much it’s set back off the main road quite a bit we’ll turn our lights off when we get the bot of this road cuz people see us coming from a mile away um and there’s vast amount of land out the back so really it’s just to go to the site see if there’s anything un to see if the CCTV company and give us any more go ahead and go from there really as he approaches the site a woman Flags just in down yeah hello hello I just coming down to see if there was any security cuz I’ve just seen a blue van driving up there through one of the panels is missing from the fence and he’s gone in he’s up to no good got his Rob up with no lights right I’ll go and have a look there then yeah we’ve had a call to the site actually okay love thanks cheers the woman seen two men getting out of a van and going into the building site through a gap in the fence zero it’s fairly urgent the uh unit that’s going to the building site at Norton I’ve just been there’s a van when no lights have has driven into the car park near the doctor’s surgery and males have got out Justin and Elsa now have to find two men and a van in the pitch black sight they’ve not gone far when he hears something in the distance dogs I’ve got sounds of an angle grinder on site there a blue F uh there’s a male with an angle grinder he hasn’t seen me yet about 50 yards away someone appears to be using an angle grinder to cut into a container unit here urgently it’s time for Justin and his dog Elsa to make their move please for the dog stand still now get on your knees now get on your knees both of you choose your hands lie on the floor stay there do not move I’ll deploy this dog dogs I’ve got two detain I need an urgent unit here now yes on the Justin’s got two men but he isn’t able to make the arrest on his own got two detained I can’t approach him unless I go with the dog I’ve got a van that’ll need recovering if he can start jacking that up they’re trying to break into the cabin with an angle grinder stay where you are and you’ll be all right other officers are on their way but they’re finding it hard to locate just in in the middle of the pitch black field there’s three of us where we think the side is but we can’t see anything it’s just to climb a fence though not long after they do manage to find him good girl tried to break into the cabin so that’ll do for now the way find out exactly what the crack is be a t burglar old thought the two suspected burglars are continuing to behave themselves just as well for the two-legged cops as they did for Elsa the hardest part is getting them out of the site and back to a place where the van can and pick them up from a dog Handler’s point of view this job couldn’t have gone any better yes it’s brilliant when you turn up as a dog unit and get people that you would not normally catch if i’ had been on my own with no dog that I Leed it and would potentially would have missed one or both of them as it is she’s done a job brilliantly well she’s been vocal telling them that they’re there and they both surrendered straight away absolutely outstanding job nobody’s had to be bitten which is another bonus and they both been arrested for no in Ines I’ve obviously witnessed them trying to break into the cabin so we’ve got abs some fences there um brilliant job Sol solv of the crime is always uh a good feeling to well there’s been one downside to this otherwise textbook job Justin and the other officers going to have to do some laundry when they get home never polish your boots before you come on duty cuz I’m absolutely up the eyes but happy dog handler is a dirty dog handler while he colleagues take the two suspected burglar off to the Nick Justin has a rout around their van while he waits for the recovery truck maybe he’s got a particularly stubborn bolt on his garden shed he needs removing I don’t know even the outside of the van suggests nefarious activity they’ve obscured the number plates with mud front and back so that nobody’s been able to give a redge number if they’ve seen it going on the site if it hadn’t been for that nurse to be fair that told us they were there these lot had got away probably if I can find her again I’ll thank a very very much Justin’s colleagues have radioed through now they’ve confirmed the identity of the two men the father and son who were notorious criminals of the uh of the patch a little way off their beat tonight but um nevertheless their uh the normal standard is that they get caught and sure enough they’re being caught again so if it doesn’t make the interceptors it’ll make the world’s dumbest criminals so fantastic the two men were later convicted of attempted burglary and going equipped to steal the father received a 12 weeks suspended prison sentence a community order and a15 victim sirch charge his son received a six-month community order and a 20 victim sirch charge for the same offenses Justin’s had a good night but reckons it’s his dog Elsa who deserves the credit you know her presence alone has stopped them from fleeing they’ve seen her thought we’re not going to uh fight with her and and you saw they gave themselves up straight away so yeah full marks to her she she’s won the day to day still to come a night on the town turns nasty kind of people out and about in the town with cs as a Dorman gets attacked F try all over my face with a dodgy spray it’s an illegal weapon in the UK that [Music] it’s a busy Saturday night in Middlesboro and while the majority of revelers are having a good time and more importantly behaving themselves Interceptor Liam Su has received a call about a man in the town who’s carrying something very [Music] dangerous we’ve got a report a couple of Bobbies of they’re driving down Albert Road someone’s flagged them down quite disturbing reporting a male with a CS gas canister the Bobbies have seen this male expect run off SC grabed as a 5′ 7 slim build with short hair so it’s going to be a bit of a needle in the hair stack but we’ve got CCTV looking cuz you know we kind of people out and about in the town with cs gas as leam blue lights it towards the Town Center an alarming update comes through the suspects just attacked a doorman with the spray turned outside bar used it on has G inside [Music] t- at the the US in the street dogs on Liam’s first to get to the bar where the alleged attacker has gone and he’s being held by the door staff which one the CH gun in the P We Done Quick where with you mate quick where with you kid stick over there you got him d right mate listen you’re under arrest all right being impression of fire arm fire so let check you spreaded someone in the face with it mate all right what’s happening Satur night if late party the lad swiftly en cuffs and is given a quick pat down there will give him a full search back at the Nick list mate you don’t have to say anything defense don’t me question you any you do see May ging evidence all right the lad’s safely in the back of the van Liam now needs to find out what happened and gather some evidence got the canister so yeah M’s being locked up but we haven’t got the canister it’s being dropped outside the PO chances are another party go picked it up but you know we got this dangerous offender off the streets and then we’ll get fixed up with the Domino’s being spread inside there fight try all over my face yours what was he wearing that’s to see I know you can’t me cuz it might go ID procedures later on I tell you all right M you’ll start getting that burnt off then the CCTV and stuff and someone will be around to get a statement of you Liam se’s all sorts while at work but this one is a bit of a shocker he’s obviously on an night out you know where’s he got this CS gas from you know it’s class as a firearm he shouldn’t have possession of it and then they go and use it you know it’s really is taking it up a level you know people have scraps in the town Al if you’re going to go out causing trouble in the town the D are going to fling it out AR they as Liam arrives at middleb Nick one of his colleagues radios through saying that he may still have the gas on him yeah we’re going to search him cuz some suggesting it might be down his kegs so we’ll have a quick look at that when we get in as soon as he sits down the Gas canister is clear to see what’s that in your sock kid right so we’re going to seiz that up you mate all right party Peppers spr it’s an illegal weapon in the UK while that people buying off the Internet it’s just uh usually getting from the continent it’s just a quite a strong Port P what we use it’s classed as a firearm in UK so he’s being arrested for a possession of a a firearm that’s a serious charge but this lad doesn’t seem too bothered I’m 27 years you I’m from T side not the seide and I’m 5′ 11 was in the mid suspect’s in no fit state to give a statement so he’s put on a cell to sleep it off despite his inebriated State Li’s surprised by how lightly he’s taking it I mean the lad doesn’t really give a damn does he’s he’s just having a laugh he also seems under the impression he can order a takeaway from the cells yeah the chicken Karma y with egg fried rice Y and also I’m getting an all day breakfast with sausage beans mushrooms and potatoes like some watch you admit it it just shows you the measure of the person you know just doesn’t surprise you that he has committed this type of offense going to be looking at a serious charge you know possession of a fire on there and he’s used it he has out on the drink with his can of Cs gas you know that’s a measure of the man and this is a safest place for him you know the man later pleaded guilty to assault and possession of a weapon designed or adapted for the discharge of Cs gas He was ordered to pay £250 in compensation and received a 13-month suspended prison [Music] sentence catch more police interceptors over on five Spike next how did one lifechanging week change their lives forever we revisit previous swaps to find out in new rich house po housee at 9: first haggling for bargains and keeping this week’s food bill on budget get today’s deals in you shopmart save money next [Music] he police interceptors go go go police with a dog stop hunting down on your F and locking up the law Breakers that was close hand out hand out protecting the public in one of Britain’s toughest areas areas open the door we’re with Durham and Cleveland’s finest battling with the criminals get out he’ll do anything to evade the law oh take I’m to rers behind the wheel contact with their four-legged friends KCK my dog again P regret it and Firearms at the readying arm police when the interceptors are after you there’s nowhere to hide keep looking over your shoulders cuz the interceptors are coming coming up he’s on the wrong side of the carriageway we are 100 m an hour a death defying Pursuit he’s wrong way around the roundabout dangerous that there’s only so much you can do in it when they’re going like idiots turns into a full scale Manhunt he’s gone right there oh out unfortun pleas lead stand still or send the do [Applause] sh interceptors catch suspected drug dealers red-handed down there it’s in there all under the seat jackpot and a race to rescue reelers from the dangerous river on the right hand side there w [Music] [Music] show yourself now send the dog the dog unit Firearms traffic cops get out the Cleveland and Durham inter s have one thing in common their determination to catch the criminals who think they can Outfox the law every day is different you never know what job you’re going to go to next get on the deck you move I’m going to tears yeah get on the deck although I am a dog handler the dogs just W tool in the toolbx we’ve got to be multi-skilled and we’ve got to be able to turn our hand to anything I catch the bad guys Liam Su joined the force 15 years ago to become a dog handler he’s also Pursuit trained and his favorite crew car is the dog van affectionately known as the wagon it’s the early hours of the morning in Middlesboro and a sporty scoda full of young Lads in front is Raising Liam’s suspicions can you do us a moving check please on bur Avenue a black scor there’s no Intel on the car yeah Roger thank you but Liam’s instincts tell him the car is worth a tug a quick blue light hello and the car’s slowing down child but then the driver boots it yeah Littles fil stop ber Road any traffic nearby he’s calling in the traffic cops if the scoda reaches top speed Liam could struggle to keep open the door do van no vehicles on the road no pedestrians safe to continue the driver clearly has something to hide he’s so desperate to lose Liam he barrels straight through a red light yeah we’re through the red light um safely through approaching the roundabout with Trunk Road stand by yeah he’s gone the wrong way down the Trunk Road he’s dicing with death driving the wrong way round the roundabout he’s now speeding on the wrong side of the road he’s uh on the wrong side of the carriage we this driver is so reckless he’s risking his own life and anyone else’s who’s on the road approaching the roundabout with the 66 I believe and again he’s going the wrong way round the roundabout but this time head on with a [Music] lorri a few seconds earlier and this this could have been fatal dangerous that there’s only so much you can do in it when they’re going like idiots we’re going up the Mad mile up the Mad mile we’re on the correct side of the carriageway towards the a174 now the desperate driver is back in his own lane and he’s flooring it we are 100 m an hour Liam’s pushing all the horses in the dog van but the Gap is opening up with the sporty scoda we Go’s pulling away from us when he gets a roundabout he’s going to be pretty much out of sight the scoda is now so far ahead Liam’s only just managing to keep him in sight sh Breen kid we are left left a174 towards Len be he’s doing the a traffic cops are still a few miles away but Liam needs them fast any update on traffic and uh can we get air support two are you we’re 100 m hour approaching the next roundabout with kirkle from L he probably going to get away approaching the roundabout the lights are on green yep took the uh second left quickly from Lan suddenly the car is nowhere in sight Liam thinks the dri’s pulled up the main road think he’s gone down there sneaky Boer at first it seems his hunch hasn’t paid off yeah I’ve lost it now yeah it comes it to total loss sa unfortunately Liam’s dog Vans not the best vehicle in high-speed Pursuits it’s a nightmare cuz I I’ve got to fling this round try and keep it on the road it’s dead frustrating when they’re just spanking away from you and uh your only hope is them you know getting on the Qui roads where they’ve got to slow down but Liam’s instinct is telling him the scod is still around he’s joining the traffic units who are now lying in wait then suddenly the scod has been spotted by another unit Li I think it’s coming behind you on the front Road Liam was right and the sc’s heading back towards the interceptors the Traffic Unit is recording everything on dash cam now the scoda passes directly in front of them the persuit is back on it’s the Interceptor big chance to get this driver off the road and this time Liam’s got back up from the beefy BMW here we go here we go kid [Music] point9 Delta we are 100 mph approaching the roundabout with the a 174 on a death defying car Pursuit through Middlesboro again he’s wrong way around the roundabout we’re going up the Mad mile up the Mad mile a carload of young Lads in a sporty scoda got away from Liam in the dog van [Music] then the black scoda was spotted Liam I think it’s coming behind you on the tront road heading straight towards the traffic cops and the pursuit is back on leams behind the traffic car in his dog van here we go here we go kid and the interceptors up ahead are on the Scot’s tail yeah there’s a traffic unit in front now which I’m happy about cuz all the pressure’s on him and and uh I just do my bit keep in contact with the vehicle and hopefully be in a position to deploy the dog speed is 6 Z 60 stand by with other units joining the pursuit Liam’s still right behind the interceptors BMW I don’t think you’ll get away from the traffic car um he might lose us I don’t think he lose that traffic car and there’s another dog unit behind us so got up my carn’t pack in the traffic cops are keeping a safe distance from the dangerous driver when he makes a treacherous maneuver yeah he’s gone right right right the E side across the grass across the grass out of my side The Reckless runaway swung a right across a grass Verge and headed into an estate the traffic cops have lost the car but now Liam’s dog van is on their tail he’s following the scoda offroad he’s gone right there and bingo oh out on FL it looks like one of the suspects is making a run for it it’s a chance for Liam and dog Titan to put an end to this Pursuit ch right there me dog stand still I send the dog to you last sh Liam and Titan are on the suspect’s heels and Interceptor spike is rushing to join the hunt we’ve had a car being pursued around middlesbor quite high speed it’s just recently gone Offroad taser train Spike’s been a cop for 20 years and is well equipped to deal with runaway suspects now got an update that the vehicle’s been found abandoned I believe there was four people in it at one point um and it’s now been abandoned and people have run through Gardens uh so we’re now making our way to that area uh to certainly assist that’s back at the scene Liam’s chasing the suspect around the back alley but the suspects bolted an 8ft fence into a garden I can’t shut him over there we just missed him there getting over there but still he looks well for it and uh I’m so tempted to put him over that fence but at the end of the days my little boy and you know can’t have his legs breaking from a drop just cuz I want him to get some you know Drive was made off but the Hunt is far from over interceptors have the exits covered and they’re convinced the suspects may still be hiding somewhere on the estate we a house alarm down here as well yeah just going off spikes joining the search as well as Justin Muffet with police dog Elsa think the bad guys wherever they are they’ll be close or they’re in a house and if they are close they’re been as quiet as a mouse quiet as a mouse cuz look who’s hunting for them a team of interceptors is on the scene but now it’s up to police dogs Elsa and Titan to sniff out the Suspects Justin and police dog Elsa are searching every Garden on the street where the suspect was last seen while Liam is widening the search with Titan so we need to be searching these Gardens here there’s no sign of the suspects but the interceptors are not giving up he went over that fence there just wondering if he come straight across and manag to get over these fences before I got all the way around it’s possible could be in this hedgeline Liam and Titan are searching the Wasteland on the edge of the estate I’ve come right down there Liam and there’s no mortar down there I’m not going to let him off the Leake cuz there’s too many bobes going to go in sit T that you in the bushes police your dog come up now I’ll send the dog to last chards here suddenly Liam hear shouting but it’s from a back Garden across the street sounds like we got someone spikes rushing to the scene with his Taser Taser coming away get in there get in there do SC in there in there but Liam needs to hang back with Titan police dog Elsa’s already in there and Elsa’s hit the jackpot KCK my dog again P you regret it but the dog got kicked when she tried to detain the suspect it’s unclear if the man is the driver of the car or a passenger but he’s going down the nck there might be more in here then right anyone else in here show yourselves now these Gs are going to be searched the dog’s already found one she will find the rest of you show yourselves now after a thorough search of the estate it appears that the three other people in the car managed to get away but thanks to police dog Elsa one of the runners is on his way to custody she’s gone around the corner to a dead part of the garden and uh I’ve just heard this Almighty commotion way and I run round and the lad’s kicking trying to kick Elsa so she’s just bit him on the foot or grabbed all of him by the foot uh and wouldn’t let go so he’s obviously shouting and balling for the to get the dog off which I’ve done straight away don’t think he’s injured he’s maybe he’s got a puncture in his clothing or something like that but we don’t you know kick a police dog the dog’s going to um protect itself you know so I’m chuffed a [ __ ] that she’s found him she’s been out and had a bit of action and she’s just social as you know she dead friendly if you don’t no one kicks you you w bite them will you pu it HH nasty man that nasty man kick you the man was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving car theft and failing to stop but there was no evidence that he was driving the car and was released without charge the scoda was seized and the owner was issued with a section 172 notice instructing him to tell the police who was driving [Applause] ah mate po knad yeah so we’ve got one um unfortunately with El just coming and sort of Nick the show but you know long as he’s in that’s the main thing and it’s a good result across Britain thousands of anpr or automatic number plate recognition cameras are scalling our roads every second as Vehicles pass registration numbers are read and instantly checked against the police database if the car has been associated with any dodgy dealings warnings will be flagged up to the interceptors I think if you were to take a snippet of of cars that are on the road 99.9% of people just law-abiding citizens you know they’re doing nothing wrong Vehicles known for drugs weapons and no insurance ping straight through to Cops on the road and the Cleveland and Durham interceptors are always is lying in weight all these arguments about people getting stopped in search for drugs none of none of that happens out of guess we we’re intelligence L we actively look to Target those people that are looking to commit offenses whilst in our area whilst using our [Music] roads in Middlesboro a car with Intel for drugs has just pinged the APR cameras the cops in the area have received the info and are on the lookout off to report of a drugs car sighting on Martin Road South towards Stewart’s Park Stewarts park at the junction here right in the corner so we’re in a prime position to uh get this vehicle stopped PC Paul Falkner is also known to his fellow interceptors as FCO because of his track record of swooping in and making arrests his unmarked motor gives him the extra Edge for catching criminals by surprise some indication as well that the driver may be disqualified as well so we’ll uh within seconds eagley Falco clocks the car he’s hunting in a garage for court in the garage another unit who is also hunting for the car arrived to assist hand out it’s in there the occupants are clearly taken by surprise you disqualified sure the passenger’s nervous behavior is Raising Paul’s suspicions any drugs on you sure all that falling out there he’s dropped what Paul suspects are bags of drugs Lord gear in here come out locked up possession with intent to supply class here right defense mention one question the driver wants the passenger to take the blame for the drugs what’s your name it but fal’s not buying it they’re both getting nicked you should have all the gear in the footw more on you or not pockets in your jacket mate there a bit tight it seems Falco’s lived up to his nickname yeah the U obviously the S was that was coming up here we were just right place right time and it’s happened to be parked up in the petrol station like rabbit and headlights when we pulled off I really really nervous obviously clus as the cops coming straight in several bags of white powder fall down by his right leg the foot well the seat can’t get any smart that do one ony result a search of the car reveals more than just a few bags of the suspicious white powder so not only we got the deal bags we also got little Kinder Egg as well half a dozen bags there white powder probably cool and it’s not just the egg that’s throwing up a surprise all under the seat jackpot Falco’s found several more bags locked up as easy as that looked absolutely startled they still startled when we turned up yeah I think they thought they were getting taxed cuz it was a my car when Falco’s unmarked Beamer pulled up the suspects May have mistaken him for a hostile drug dealer like rabbit and headlights when we pulled up more likely thought unmark vle big car they potentially going to get taxed which is what my probably says but it wasn’t the Inland Revenue these suspects may have been AF afid of so taxed is basically another set of drug dealers um or criminals coming to take the drugs and the money off them the suspects have still lost their stash but it’s in the hands of the interceptors being as sharp as he were probably being off in the tours there we probably would have had a Pursuit the gear probably would have been dumped um out of the window would have lost evidence of what’s exactly what’s going on both will be winging their way to custody I’m not going to go anywhere am I why you don’t know do you got a nice per go fast the trainers I watch your back watch my back yeah why going to hurt yourself no I’m not it’s only been a matter of minutes from the Intel first pinging through to Falco bagging himself a brace of suspects awesome awesome cracking result it’s always uh it’s always nice to have a full van with a prisoner board isn’t it so couple of drug dealers off the street more than happy both men were arrested for possession of class A drugs with intent to supply the driver was charged for driving whilst disqualified drug driving and driving without insurance he was out of prison on license and as a result of this arrest is now back to residing at Her Majesty’s pleasure coming up we believe that the silver Rena is a drink driver who’s waiting for us to leave interceptors out Fox a suspicious driver so I think we’ll put a stop in now before I can do anyone any harm a race to rescue two people from the dangerous river we down there there’s a real risk that they’re going to get dragged along with the current he’s breathing and it’s a knockout in Darlington your head injury there a clar you under arrest yeah yeah it’s fair enough man yeah it’s me W up [Music] weekends are the busiest time of the week for the interceptors with the nighttime economy booming across the county an average of 80% of arrests are alcohol related stretching the interceptors to the limits do not you’re not going to kick him let him it’s Saturday night in Durham city center an emergency calls coming through coming and all units available to do the squad signat got one me in the water a man has fallen into the river we yeah I’m there now all interceptors are on Urgent Response 10 years ago PC Steve ad swapped his job in a call center to join the interceptors in a bid to help his community before he reaches the river Steve’s flagged down by an eyewitness he’s just there just underneath Bridge FL still the man was spotted falling 30 ft from the bridge into the fast flowing river Weir below the bridge first Steve needs to find out where the man is where this stretch of the river is notoriously dangerous and has claimed many lives in the past he’s down there on the right hand side and there’s Steve spotted the man’s friends trying but failing to pull him out of the river to make matters worse a woman jumps in and desperately tries to help the struggling man with two people now in the river it’s vital the cops take control of the [Music] rescue me on they want to try and get the woman out first come hello he’s on he’s on it becomes clear that the man’s had a skinful right me I you don’t see it [Music] who’s your hand hand yeah both nighttime Dippers are unharmed and only appear to be suffering from the effects of having too much booze down down down this wrong with me the fire and ambulance services have responded but thank this time they’re not needed they’ve been very lucky if we probably had a bit more re in the river that’s been gone through with any decent speed then there’s a real risk that they’re going to get kind of uh dragged along with the current get pulled under from the current and it could have been a lot worse obviously when we’ve arrived initially been flagged down by members of the public pointing below the bridge became clear that he was being dragged out of the river at that point there’s a female in the river as well and she is his partner by the looks of it he’s fallen in from the bridge and as a result out of love She’s decided to follow him in to try and save them so they’re both fine they’re both a little bit wet they’re both a little bit cold and a bit drunk but we’re not looking at any offenses just glad that they’re all right Steve’s updating HQ about this couple’s lucky escape from the dangerous river Weir neither of them are present any injuries I think she’s gone in after him um I think the boyfriend and girlfriend but it’s more Romeo and Juliet at the minute isn’t it she’s been a very very L lady yeah 24 mil South in Darlington it’s the most challenging part of the night for the interceptors chucking out time at the pubs and clubs alcohol fueled violence is common and CCTV operators are keeping a watchful eye [Music] they’ve just spotted a punch up outside a pub the victim is lying unconscious they contact Steve directly who’s now double crewed with dooown street please going to be on the ground and the suspect is still on the scene Defender wearing a vest possibly tattoos yes lots of tattoos on his arm he’s wearing a vest short 312 Fox ready literally on this R D’s got 22 years as a cop under his belt and as well as being Firearms trained he’s also a qualified [Music] medic the mes just knocked someone unconscious interceptors already on the scene are trying to resuscitate the [Music] victim he’s breathing in he’s like is he is he coming around steing there we’re not sure how serious he is we’ve got two Medics looking after him there now um he’s been hit quite hard and he’s hit he’s Hit the Floor quite hard Steve spotted the suspect in the white vest first you’re under arrest yeah yeah it’s fair enough mate but yeah it’s me he’s admitting the assault so he’s arrested so just it’s this guy really that we’re concerned about now the victim’s been out cold for 5 minutes come up come on you got head injury you clar no no all right wake up whilst waiting for the ambulance the interceptors are still trying but failing to wake the man up W up give another SE fell well steady in the block for for the last the suspect’s claiming he knocked the victim out because he hit a woman just officer say you’re going to take you the Nick car right after 10 minutes out cold fortunately the victim is coming round sit on against this wall sit on against the [Music] wall the man doesn’t appear to have any injuries but he does appear to be very drunk you Pard who what you doing right trying to help you appreciate appreciate appreciate who you been fighting with you know figh the come you been some just chin you what someone’s the man has no recollection of being knocked out fell how have you end up on the deck SC you haven’t got a clue what’s the last thing you remember it’s now 1:00 in the morning i a p about 6:00 do you know what time it is now yeah about right if you had about five five hours onto that you’d be yeah you’d be sorted the man’s bladed and he’s lost all track of time across the road his friends mouthing off under Doo’s [Music] nose he starting as well are you after are you after a fight doing that of a police car what you what’s wrong I’m from man from there from down going to B me from where I can see there you’re following him around I’m not going to walk away from Mama so what are you doing now are you leaving now yeah I’m I’m going away right that’s well that’s a great idea isn’t it pretended when you attending the site I was on floor where you going and the mouthy man’s mate can’t believe anything’s happened so when you attending site I was on the floor yes so I’ve been on the floor yes I I’ll tell you now I wasn’t on the floor I’m not going to argue with you okay half it is MHM yeah you going to jump in a taxi no I’m going to walk you’re going to walk are you right the man’s friend who D’s already told to go home is pushing his luck with the interceptors we got cameras on from the far cuz you’re performing cuz you’re performing what you do wrong go away see you later good night bye we sh your miss you this is behind you and now Mr forgetful is also becoming a nuisance get over off thead he’s just a drunken idiots I mean as drunk as you can get um you know he’s being punched and you think what has he done to get punched cuz we can see what kind of attitude he’s got yeah oh here we go the pair of you have made fools yourselves to night so why don’t you just leave the area our well yeah look at you stumbling about we don’t just deal with Road things and vehicles it’s uh just drunken idiots that spoil everybody’s night and take up all our time the lad who knocked out the drunk man was cautioned for assault it’s now nearly 2: a.m. and Doo and Steve are about to lead the scene when an eagle-eyed CCTV operator radio through there’s a second job come to light as we’ve been here we believe that the silver Rena up the street is a drink driver who’s waiting for us to leave obviously he hasn’t committed any offenses yet um so Our intention is to park around the corner we don’t need to let him drive very far for obvious safety reasons going to try and be sneaky going to try and just catch him in the act the CCTV operator is tracking the suspected drink driver and is in direct contact with doo puts on he’s in the vehicle in the driver’s seat vehicle his lights on vehicle’s moving off the suspected drink driver is on the move and Amo and Steve are now directly behind him this is the target vehicle the guy was actually waiting around the corner for us to leave the previous disturbance he’s been Brazen enough to wait about 30 seconds before he’s got in the car and driven away they need to wait until there’s a safe place to pull over before they blew light the driver so I think we’ll put a stop in now before I can do anyone any [Music] harm another Traffic Unit arrives to assist watch Bobby hello mate how are you all right how you doing is it your car yeah have you had a drink tonight yeah I’ve had a few got a few all right how long is it since you last drink about an hour all right we’re going to um give you a breath lier have a word with me in in the back of this car have you had quite a bit tonight your eyes look quite glared like quite okay just to come over a seat in the back of this car for us the man’s admitted to having a few drinks but as every Interceptor knows even one drink can be enough to push you over the limit Danny there’s obviously a strong smell of drink on you okay right uh and you’ve obviously admitted to haven’t had a drink tonight that gives me a power under Section Five of the autograph to request a breath test all right failing to provide a breath test is an offense I Tak a big deep breath and just blow into last air stop keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going stop that’s it good man if the man fails the test he’ll be taken to custody to provide a sample which can be used as evidence as you can see that’s a fail all right you may have been expecting that it is 0 to 15 hours by my watch and I am arresting you on suspicion of driving with alcohol under Section Five Road tra CU been transport to place we have a coffee mate we knew he was sculpting around the corner waiting the camera people told us he was actually in the shadows waiting for us to pull away 30 seconds later we get this sh so all on camera he’s a bit Shell Shocked so that’s a result isn’t it back at the station the calibrated bre calyer will determine if this remorseful suspect’s over the limit you know you you know you shouldn’t have him the car just leave it’s not like you got far to walk is it stupid over 200 people a year are killed on British roads as a result of drink drivers so hold the black part and then just blow until I say stop keep going keep going stop that’s it we’ll know in about 20 seconds the legal limit is 35 you under the man blew 33 that’s why I got I been I didn’t well I thought that was uh guaranteed is all the Hallmarks of a a drink driver who’s going to be over the limit the legal limit according to the road traffic act for breath is 35 mics in 100 milliters of breath he’s been so close to that is is 33 Sergeant Danny’s provided two samples of 33 and 33 EXC happy if you be leaving us dny below the legal thank you very much don’t come back it’s been a wakeup call for the man man none for the road is much safer than one you know it’s it’s given him a hell of a shock as much of a shock probably as losing his license in court you know he was resigned to losing everything heart racing I knew we had a drink and I know I shouldn’t have gone in the car but I felt okay idiot blue lights you know pulled over thought that’s it I’m lost me license his face in that kamic room was uh sheia Terror Lessing isn’t it leave the car at home simple as that you know doesn’t cost a lot for a taxi does it something or there’s always someone that can give you a lift or pick you up so so you know he’s a he’s a barber so he can guarantee everyone who’s sat in the chair tomorrow is going to get that story coming up right what was in your hand there you just put something down there haven’t you Sam’s got instinct leads to finding more than just a stash of cannabis I’m just going to do a quick check on you just to make sure that you haven’t had any offenses okay in the last [Music] yeah interceptors don’t rely purely on intelligence they’re watching for anything out of the ordinary and their gut instincts tell them when to pass out you see something it just doesn’t look right you know you get a sense that you you know you need to maybe stop the car stop the person and just have a chat with them um dig a little bit deeper and for me that’s part of placing it’s a great feeling when you’ve caught them out but it’s even better when you end up um when your no you know bobb’s nose or your six sense and you just thought something isn’t right and you prove [Music] right it’s 10 p.m. in the rural area of Bishop or Oakland so far all’s quiet on acting Sergeant Sam Turner’s patch then he spots a Works van parked in a remote dead end that’s raising his suspicions as Sam approaches he suspects the driver is trying to hide something what was in your hand there what was in your hand there you just put it something down there haven’t you no well you did you something only I’ve been doing the driver is denying it but Sam’s not buying it just put your hands out in front of you you’re not under arrest bot them deter you for the purposes of a search all right yeah cuz you’re in a very remote location yeah you buy yourself in the van and when I pulled up you had something in in your hand all right it looked like a tube or something like that so I don’t know whether you’ve um been using drugs but that’s what I’m going to search you under okay section 23 of the misuse of drugs act because I believe you might have been about to do something with relation to cannabis or something like that smoking he’s protesting his innocence then the penny drops that Sam is going to do a full search what are you looking for what was it I was making um a joint a joint yeah he’s fessing up to having cannabis step out the van I’ll search I’ll search you first that’s all have you got anything on you that you shouldn’t have at the moment what you doing down Ean roll the Dr have you taken anything tonight no no no you sure yeah you’ve been arrested for any drugs offenses before yeah you have yeah how long goes that um Can well so not within the last 12 months yeah oh no no no Sam is still suspicious and has a quick look for The Joint the man says he was rolling so would that be the one all that’s the joint there right so it’s nowhere near where you told me ah I thought I did thought I dropped it down there that was allit behind the seat here like a little jar I’ll get it if you just keep back for me please yeah that’s brilliant it’s a little baby jar it’s only a small little one it’s about that big full of cannabis well not full dropped it down the side and you pulled in Sam’s now suspicious of why the man’s so Keen for him to find his stash can see take the the car I say you’re not under arrest but I do need to um interview you very quickly just with regards to possession of the Cannabis all right but he’s identified that there’s potentially um some more cannabis in the car and just looking there I can actually see a glass jar with like an apple print on the top and that’s potentially the jar that he’s talking about which has got the can ofis in and there we are like I said that orange lid so that’s what the gentan had I thought he had a container of some sort on his hand well fness it his personal use so we’ll do some check see when his last drugs offense was um if it was over 12 months ago then he’d be eligible for a cannabis Street caution but Sam suspects the man could still be hiding something else finally got it it’s well hidden down there mind so why have you stopped here then I been look and you haven’t taken any tonight no test me St test me anything I have nothing I’m just going to do a quick check on you just to make sure that you haven’t had any offenses okay in the last year before Sam lets the man go with a roadside caution he checks in with HQ to make sure the driver’s got no outstanding offenses the is sh disqualified until the 26th of this month expired substantive disqualified it seems this van driver doesn’t have a valid license right police national computer confirms that your substantive driving license is expired therefore you’ve been disqualified from driving until the 26th of this month okay are you aware of any offenes no you’re aware of anything just tell you that you’ve been arrested for the offens of disqualified driving okay and also possession of cannabis just from a suspicious vehicle parked up a dark Lan like this um we’ve prevented someone driving who’s disqualified and also who is about to small cannabis and then potentially drive home the number of people that use vehicles on the road at the moment who have um consume drugs whether it’s cannabis or cocaine um certainly on the increase so we’ve prevented that that offense tonight and he’ll go to custody now when be interviewed regarding his actions for tonight the driver of the van will now be spending the night with the team at Bishop ockland police station the van driver was cautioned for the possession of cannabis and found guilty of driving whilst disqualified and having no insurance he got a further six penalty points on his license and ordered to pay £492 in fines and [Music] costs new police interceptors continues next week Thursday at 8 for one week only when it comes to the Paranormal that the only agents you’ll want to call molder and scall are delving into the X Files new next on Channel 5 last on five USA five copycat killings and two Ex-Wives that’s some serious drama for Gibbs in new NCIS over there next yeah foree d

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