I am walking past this yard on my way to another location, I spot an opportunity to film a forklift truck and it all seems to kick off. We are told the drone would be better if it fell out the sky and he has a contact for obtaining DVLA plate details illegally.

    Unit DC1, Prologis Park, Honywood Rd, Basildon SS14 3TS

    Google maps 360 degree drone photo – https://maps.app.goo.gl/zVFa4EqMRvaC33sz6

    EMAIL – Djemedia23@gmail.com

    Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@AUDITTHEDEALER
    TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@dje_mediaofficial
    X- https://twitter.com/DJEMEDIA_
    Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/DJEMEDIA88

    so you want to endanger my aircraft and you’re saying you can illegally obtain details from a brige is that right illegally obtain do you have a contact for that easily obtain stuff can you yeah send me adjust I’ll be around there later no [Music] no welcome back to another video everybody so we’re here today in bason EIC at the back of this place oh he up is he Finishing Line there we go look Finishing Line got some random stuff down here look a bike lock on there hello y mate hold on that’s a camera I what just filming the yard what just make a video for just show him what you’ve got for who for me for you see all this stuff here on the floor as well just just documenting it mate that’s all who are you documenting it who are you you know like a notepad I write it down I’m making a video of it instead who are you who am I yeah who are you what are you doing I’m filming what to make a video for who for me what to make a video we go ready circles mate you go back to work or let me crack [Music] on look at the mess of this yard here everything’s outside look look at that everything is outside really not good is it uh I think we’re going to go to the other gate oh it’s talking to his colleague look [Music] [Music] we got another for Cliff coming out here [Music] look hello no right cheers mate what we doing no I’m just filming all right that’s all is all right what for just for a video all right you see all the things down the back of your skip I was just wondering what they’re for that’s all rocking ah right rubbish or no just documenting things buddy on on the camera that’s all got permission to do that or no no no so I’ve just walked past and thought I’ll try and get away with it from here you know no Who’s Laughing Who’s Laughing there is that oh is that yours sorry I thought it was one of your colleagues laughing oh that’s cool isn’t it keeping an eye on your children that’s cool man please don’t video I was going to film from out here I’m not coming on right this is still prob property up that line so I can go back to the line if you want mate no wor probably going to go to that gate up there as well have a quick look at that gate and then yeah you can go to that gate yeah just not in here please all right no R mate yeah yeah [Music] de they’re all coming out now this choppy and happppy one therey I’m just filming buddy I’m just filming else say again F else unless you’re going to give me some documentation of what you’re doing I’m just filming this yard today give me some your company is then no no I’m not company just independent going to film somewhere else then I’ll filming here today it’s private property go around and film people’s yards and stuff can you you can be just sending it to Crooks I am just you can do that huh you can the first part I inan not the second part how do we know we’re not what saying is I can fillm private property mate of course I can I’ve got a drone in my bag I’m going to flow over as well huh got a I’m going to flow over yeah you can stop them as well can you stop what drones yeah what if you got a how you going do that I what you can yeah you can do them with technology you can stop them or you oh have you got that here huh have you got some here I don’t want to take it up if you have huh I don’t want to take it up if you have there there Our IT guy who’s just disappearing down the road so you’ll be all right if you’ll be all right if you did it right right now you won’t be able to turn it on what is I’m going to uh have you actually got it here yeah have you he’s the man has it work has it worked you know no I know nothing about technology that’s why we we should have some warning signs up because it’s quite dangerous if a person like myself was to just to take off and the Drone obviously however it works it comes down does yeah what’s that sorry it does yeah say you’re right we so you’re saying you hope that my drone yeah an aircraft comes down you do realize that endangering an aircraft is a crime right you stayed quiet mate doing the right thing until then they’re saying they’re going to take the Drone down it’s not good mate you go back to work let me do my job you do your job everyone’s happy well I’m going to fly my drone over nosy Parker what is your job could be yeah what it is Finishing Line it’s quite an interesting yard right the average person walking past so I’m just documenting it lorries skips workers deliveries coming in and out for Cliff trucks from above solar panels that kind of thing boring for you cuz you’re here every day but to people that watch the video idiots that look at Tik Tok it pays right though H yeah we going and find some else to pay it I’m doing it here doing it here today um I’ve seen it before to get have i’ done anything to get a rise out of you you came to me right I didn’t come in would come to you yeah yeah why are you filming yeah yeah that’s fine that’s normal so if I come R your house and start filming everything you wouldn’t come out and say what you’re doing mate I do apologize do you live here mate no yeah most of the time fair enough but no if you came to my business I’ll come out ask what you’re doing make a judgment call on what I think and I’ll walk back in mate I can’t stop you filming so it’s you know what your find filming private number plates for starters how are they how are they private when they’re on Long the vehicle to be seen by the public or the police you’re going to publicize it to somebody else aren’t you to millions of people what does that registration do well who knows cuz who knows where you’re sending it what I mean is I can’t get information off a registration police can I can’t you want to endanger my aircraft and you’re saying you can illegally obtain details from a brige is that right legally obtain do you have a contact for that I might eily obtain stuff can you yeah send me adust I’ll be around there later no no right send me I’ll come around I’m get bit far for you to go M think that yeah oh sure I’ll do so you’re not even from the area you’re filming it I’ve came I traveled a long way today to film this yard not just this yard but just on a list of places to hit you know that’s all who said you nothing to worry about there’s nothing to worry about but what we just nothing to worry about it isn’t I’m outside filming I’m not coming on the site nothing wor about film that way then but I’m interested in what’s going on here you do you know what I don’t understand right now is why you two he hasn’t got involved fair enough mate you to and not going back to work I don’t get it why you why you I’m asking you not to film here okay but I’ve I’ve declined that request well then now what what happens I’ve declined that I’ve said I’m going to carry on up at that gate there going to come back here do a little video take a drone over 10 minutes I’ll be gone that’s it if you give me the details and then you can film me what details do you want Who You Are what you filming it for I’ve explained what I’m filming for with and I’ll log it with the owner and if he’s happy with it so you haven’t even spoke to the owner and you’re coming out telling me I can’t film it me I run the company okay so you’re in charge yeah right pher what’s have to do with you because if the owner came out and said oh crack on who are you then you’re going to look a little silly if that was the case right I can assure you the owner wouldn’t come out and say crack on without you giving him details some kind of comedian as well but the owner may come out and say it’s fine hang on sorry hand you want about put a hand in here you taking the piss mate no I’m not you’re saying if I did that on trespassing you are trespassing cuz you are doing it take up to that line up to that line is it you’ve got a serious issue mate I don’t mind you come ask him what I’m doing it’s normal I’ll explain what I’m doing it’s a video for the internet show people what you’ve got how you’re working in and out right however you’ve got an issue mate you want to endanger my aircraft so you’ve admitted that you’re willing to commit a crime to to to break my drone you admitted you’ve got a contact to illegally obtain details from registrations you asking for my name what’s your first name mate I’m so it’s a two-way street though is it if you give me your first name it’s not give my first name you I’ll give you first name if you give me your first name yeah yeah Russell I don’t believe you all right that’s show me show me half of your ID and I’ll tell you my first name yeah no like show me the Russell part no and I I give you my first name nothing to hide it’s just you’re going an awkward way about it mate and then number three you’re saying that cuz my hand came in as I was talking I’m trespassing taking the Mickey buddy yeah go back to work man please go back to work God go about to work he’s all right here is he yeah he’s getting involved in other people’s business it’s not good mate I’m not getting involved in what you’re doing I’m just filming the yard why should you be filming the yard I’m right in the yard and you’re filming the yard you’re filming what I’m doing well technically if you’re way over there maybe yeah don’t come over come over but he only need to get involved You’ asked me what I’m doing give me all that I’ll go film The come around and film your ass give me a dress I’ll come around and film your ass all I bet you would I would you’re not happy are you mate you don’t look impressed you look like annoyed just just chill like it’s just a video I’m not here for like a a bad motive sorry taking the M you are mate you do realize at the minute what you’re all on video Y and a lot of people do see the videos I’ll be honest do you know how many have said that and they’re the ones that do care when the video goes out because you’re talking unprofessionally mate I’m not your colleague is doing the right thing he’s making a phone call to check I’m not okay okay I’m going to crack on with my video CRA you crack on well you do what you want to do all right cool CRA are you willing to tell me anything about the company what what Finishing Line do no make it informative for the viewer yeah obviously it’s a delivery of some kind right but what’ you do what yeah not right now you’re not I you’re working right now mhm stood there come on mate I didn’t ask you mate I’m a supervisor can’t be busy can it guys no Friday Friday fair enough bu day so what’s down to that if I walk down to that gate I haven’t been there yet what’s down that gate I’m sure you have a look should be going sorry sure you going go a look if it’s ready to go I won’t go what is it is it any different than here you you know meant Steve is it or Ken yeah it’s normally a Steve or a Ken that has this kind of issues when this happens you know Steve and Ken the female is Karen or Catherine it’s normally Steve or a Ken that kick off you know Ki off you Haven been great mate Ki off you could have come out and gone what you’re doing cool okay can’t stop you what do you want to know about the company we do XY Z crack on and then you be You’ be back on your forklift now doing what you’re doing I’d probably be getting the Drone up and in about 10 minutes I’ll be gone let see unpacking over there he’s got the right or do that chappie get back to work very good all right guys I’m going to crack on anyway all right so I’m not going to not coming on be about 15 20 minutes what we got oh where’s all this stuff coming from in the air look look at that got a random blue rope down there look at that or can we take this drone over there should we walk over to the other side the the gate I think we should go there quite far down that gate though oh straight in this one parcel [Music] Force oh dear nearly got run over that one did [Music] one’s filming me right get a nice photo I want to see you here that’s not very nice is it [Music] [Music] oh this man’s in the way kind of back to work mate back to work back to work finally back to work Lowry driver is quite amused as well [Music] [Music] [Music] back to work guys back to work can we get in the workshop in the warehouse no yes just about [Music] but if we look at this site look here got some registrations lb21 got some rubbish it’s not a great image do we reckon that’s off one of their vans in here or Lis maybe is got another Muppet on the for Cliff truck DJ no no no oh no DJ you do yeah yeah I just told him about did you oh you told me told them I’m DJ audits yeah yeah that’s fine keep it that way yeah I told him about DJ I said I said to him I was like um it can be on the public I watch him time I met him the other day actually he’s at the protest we all met up there yeah no cuz I said to him you can be on this public yeah yeah that’s it a it that’s it hello want to get a picture of that’s okay uh just know to get a copy of it if you don’t mind data control’s email address or something send a copy to us as well doesn’t work like that mate do you want to pick your registrations up that are on the land here no you may not please can you get outside our premises I’m not on your premises mate I’m going to flow the drone over now I’ll be flying about 10 minutes okay do you want to take these back on I found them on your uh grass [Music] here taking his coat off this one [Music] what a drama man Jesus I think it’s time to get the drone [Music] over yeah the reason I said let them believe I’m DJ audits so that if they think they’ve got the channel it will just take them longer to find the video that’s why I said that not to get him in trouble or anything like that he’s looking at his phone oh that one he’s realizing he’s looking at DJ audit’s Channel this one look he’s looking at his phone he keeps looking at me looking at his phone look he’s just realizing he’s [ __ ] up this one he’s made a big mistake back to work mate he’s just realized the pennies dropped on the long hair guy he’s just been looking at DJ ait’s Channel and he’s seen DJ AIT views and subscribers and he’s now regretting his actions yeah well fortunately for you mate I’m not dj audit I’m not going to be getting as many views as him but the video will do quite well it will expose you [Music] I can’t anyar bu I said I’m not sure what the deal is all right we’re not trying to betic we’re just a logistics operation there’s a lot of lores and Machinery operating so it’s a bit disconcerting for the drivers and with the drones and stuff it’s a bit of a safety risk so I know you’re probably saying you’re well and you’re right to do it but you’re putting people’s lives in in Risk so I’d ask you kindly if you could you know you were doing well until that comment the last bit no not anyone’s live at risk am I technically are because if if if they’re disconcerted they’re driving and they’re looking at you filming and they’re then they’re trying to do their job so it’s subjective if me standing out there filming the backyard is is a distraction mate they shouldn’t be on a for Clift truck with all due respect right I’m I’m not here to argue with you I’m just saying no no no it’s disconcerting for the drivers and especially we’ve got lores coming in and out all the time and even if a drone flies you know you never know if it drops out of battery or whatever we’re just ask we’re just out politely yeah if you could please just move on you know I’m not sure what your game is or what you’re doing if you I film industrial odds I talk to stuff find out what you do contact how did you came out first it may have been different the guy with the sweep back long hair The Parting guy he said that he wants the Drone to fall he said he wants it to fall that’s not professional mate he said he has a contact to illegally obtain people’s details from car registrations not good yeah I’m not sure what conversations were happen but what I was saying is if you wanted to come and have a you can have a site visit if you want contact us can I come around now I would say on this occasion no right just because of everything that’s happened and you know people we can start again um no I just say like it it just it’s not it’s not worth it you know but I would would have in hindsight if you contacted us and said look I’d love to have a look in your facility we could have shown you around but I think turning up unannounced it does spook a lot of people some people have got anxiety and we work a lot with them in our company so to have somebody yeah I’m not coming around in their face with the camera I’m right I guess even that’s quite disconcerting and even with the Drone as well some people you can’t tell people how to feel is what I’m saying my name is Josh by the way nice to meet you but it’s just politely I get what you’re trying to do you want to have to well I I you obviously want to look at facility part of it is the natural reaction to somebody filming from public some people respect that right you don’t seem to have too much of an issue you’ve asked me nicely not to those guys saying it’s illegal and saying you know when I’m talking my hands move forward and my hands now trespassing so ridiculous comment to make it really is but I think silly from my perspective yeah they’ve got the best intentions but everybody feels differently and not everybody you know knows the laws and knows the rules but they’re just trying to do their job and you coming is a bit disconcerting I’m not going to stop them my friend I’m going to be over there now I know but it’s just a bit it’s just a bit distracting I’ve got the Drone out ready to go I’ll put it away in case you were going to come over and be hostile you never know what happens right I’m not like that I’m just trying to do a job I’m trying to make sure that they’re okay I I just keep telling them just go back to work leave me leave me be I know I know but from them they’re just they’re very you know like anybody we’re in such a digital world that it’s it should be normal right in a way yes and no but I just say look I don’t want to you know I’d love to start again and stuff but it’s yeah I just if you can I get a feeling that the attitude’s changed because the parcel Force guy mentioned a channel name to you guys no I mean I’m not aware of any channel I know people come and film stuff all the time and everyone has Tik Tok and instagrram even one of your colleagues said that oh it’s a Tik Tok video for reaction he said yeah but look I’m not I’m not here to They carried on I’m not here to just just do anything I’m just here to introduce myself and say look yeah you’ve been respectful mate apart from the the photo was a bit like I don’t mind the photo for security reasons carry on yeah that’s it just it was just for security because we did I’m going to be honest we F the police cuz of yeah because we’re just trying to we’re trying to Dos no no just the number one say look we’re not sure what to do asking for advice so we’re not saying what did they say um they said they’d be in touch so might be an officer come or whatever I’m not sure I’m sure but look at the end had they not got involved the way they did i’ probably been finished one now yeah or another way if you come and just knocked on a door and said look I want to do some filming I want to have a look ask for consent I know you legally don’t need to but it’s just being polite and being a decent human being not everybody sometimes I’ll walk in and say look this is my plan then if they say no it’s kind of the same thing I’m still going to go out on the pathway and film and because it’s like flexing the right that we have to film from public and yeah we don’t want that right to be taken away from us do you understand what I mean about that I do yeah but not everybody you know is is as say people suff from different you know anxiety mental health and they’re not comfortable with being filmed you know so I know it’s your your legal right but until they came over they weren’t on the movie you know I know now they’re the of the show part of our yeah but part of our thing is health and safety they’re like for them they’re trained everyone needs to have a high Vis you know everyone needs to be accounted for in the yard so you haven’t got one on the the long hair yeah you can see it has he got one on is he yeah it’s a Navy one cuz it’s depending on depending on um your your job it’s not high is if it’s Navy right oh the silver part right fair enough mate but look I’m not going to spend any more time that’s fine mate I’m going to go over there I’m going to I’m going to I am going to fly over can’t stop you from doing that I just advise I would just ask you kindly just because in case it does cuz you can’t control the Drone if it for all you know it could drop out cuz it loses battery hits a bird God knows whatever when it when it gets to 20% it it will it will want to come back to me and at 10% I have no choice it will return I can’t stop you I can just ask you politely I’m trying to reassure you that no I know that yeah if a bird does hit it that’s a problem I’m going to stay away from Birds okay well look you you’re entitled long you’re entit to do um I’m trying to L your concern a little bit that it won’t drop it won’t be super low it won’t be it won’t be like here or nothing like that okay well look we obviously don’t want you to do it but you know as I say we’re not going to you know what’s that guy’s first name with the long hair cuz I’m not too happy the way you dealt with that mate um like I’m not I don’t need how how would I Iden if I put a complaint in how would I identify that guy is he a driver no he’s got he’s got long hair look if you want to make a formal complaint you can make a formal complaint I won’t but probably some viewers they they always complain about people that overstep the mark they might do it I just I can’t be H with that you know I don’t agree with what you do I think it is quite invasive I know you’ll agree otherwise but and I’m on camera right now and you know how is it invasive because not just because you have legal right to film somebody doesn’t mean that the person you’re filming them is want you to do that but can you understand I haven’t got my camera out and been like right you’re going to be on film no but you came to me knowing I’m filming right yeah because and they came out the had the big camera they know I had a camera right but look I’m not here to discuss it I don’t agree with it fair enough I understand it but again politely if you could just not do it but I get you’re probably going to but should I’ll be honest with you mate right I parked up there to go and to go to another place today to film I walk past here saw you guys out on the for Cliff right and I thought let’s just put the camera up and film The for for Cliff moving right had they ignored me at that point which many places do I’d have cared on walking because he straight away came over in the for Clift and kicked off I stayed honestly that’s the truth okay so if you have anybody come back and film and it’s probably going to be the same thing just ignore them for 5 minutes cuz the chances are if it is for that reason if they’re doing the same as me and you completely ignore them they’ll just move on yeah I know I appreciate that but cuz we like informative videos so whether it’s whether it’s kicking off or whether they come over and go oh yeah we do all this stuff come and have a look we like that but if nothing happens at all it’s boring yeah I mean for my I think it’s a bit provocative but um I don’t disagree with that yeah you know you want to treat people how you want to be treated there’s a lot worse people other people that do what I do would walk in and refuse to leave and film and that reaction would be a lot a lot more heated but in my my opinion would be it’s then their fault for going in there trespassing causing the scene whereas I try stres passing is against health and safety CU you need to have I on I try and stay off land where possible and just film and just bear in mind there there are L articulated lores coming in and out of here on a daily basis or an hourly I’ll go over there on the path yeah I’ll launch from there okay I’ll only be like 5 minutes in the air mate maybe 7 or 8 minutes in the air I’ll be done yeah okay well I found those on the grass I don’t know if they’re yours or they’ve just been dumbed to be fair I have a look probably but oh they could be from your colleague that knows a contact about plates I mean why would say is yeah just look I understand what you’re doing mate you’re doing your job I get that yeah I’m here to obviously do what I do we’re both getting paid at the same you know at the moment yeah so I try and do what I I’m getting paid to be head of commercial not not to get rid of people filming my staff you know so it’s do you have security here or is it generally down to whoever’s working we have security here right how come they haven’t dealt with it what’s it to deal with you’re saying you’re not making any you’re not making no I just wondered why you would have to deal with it when really you probably better doing whatever you do best and Security deal my responsibility and right the company’s my responsibility so you know I have to do things you’ve been very polite mate if you would have come out first it would have probably been different you know good to meet you yeah good to meet mate just 5 minutes I’ll be gone all right all right thank you yeah so guys we’re here in bason today at this place and um it’s all kicked off here today we’re going to take the Drone up uh there’s not going to be a lot to see but we’ll take the Drone up anyway and uh do a little flight and then we’ll going to go and we’re going to move on let’s do it let’s get drone up let’s get nosey Nick over the place and uh film from above take off the home updated please check it on the map yeah they they prolonged that didn’t they didn’t need to go on that long four disabled bits very good yeah that last guy no issues at all with him but unfortunately he didn’t come out first did he plenty of pallets lined up isn’t there yeah there’s a fence and there’s a separate business there right there couldn’t find it the fence is there look little look in the Skip and as I say when the paral force guy said uh DJ Audits and he’s told them that’s me it’s good to keep it that way because then they’ll be watching DJ aits Channel looking for the video to come out and of course they see the video they’ll see the video weird that goes through to that yard there there’s the fence there look lots and lots of do we think the police are going to attend I don’t think they will [Music] distracting for the drivers apparently poor drivers let’s go up and have a look at the roof absolutely nothing at the back other than a thought small walkway what a Place full of Muppets here wow do the photo we’re going to go thanks for watching guys here in Basildon drop a subscribe like the video and I’ll catch you soon


    1. Not sure what I’m more confused about, is it the people in the comments who think it’s okay to just randomly film people or the pure arrogance coming from the bloke filming 🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. 12:38 "Are you willing to tell anything about the company? What finishing line do?"

      If you don't ask that question, I'd still believe they are "doing" Fishing lines 😀
      (I just had an eye test, I got to go and complain at SpecSavers) 😀

    3. Trio of clueless operatives !, and the more immature one is the baby boy fork lifter with the funny faces he pulls when he is asked questions that his immature age can not answer , bit like his boss along side him who wont listen to what he is being told , only leaves the quiet one and you all know what they say about the quiet ones !! now you 3 , get ready for take off .

    4. The more they talk, the more they make themselves look stupid. There's always a common theme with the guys who approach the camera. They feel like they are acting really smart and cocky and cool, but in reality, they look like complete fools

    5. 29:10 lol, mental health, and anxiety

      Maybe if theyre unable to be around public, they shouldnt be working around public.

      It must be weird hiring these type of people, i know i wouldnt.

      Its a high risk, if they end up doing something violent or end up claiming some funny mental injury against the employer. Itll just be a problem. When in fact you can hire a normal person without silly exaggerated mental issues and not have any problems.

      Just a big laugh as far as im concerned

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