This is day 8 of my bike tour from Greece to England. This cycling vlog covers the day’s cycling from Kanali Beach to Parga. It was a more challenging day due to the hills on the west coast. This was more than rewarded though, when I arrived at Hotel Acrothea in Parga. A beautiful hotel in a great location!
    Here’s some blog posts you might find useful related to this section of the bike tour:
    Cycling in Greece | Cycling from Messolonghi to Albania –
    Acrothea Hotel in Parga – Explore Parga From Acrothea Hotel –

    This day’s cycling in Greece was part of my longer bike tour of cycling from Greece to England. Check out the rest of my journey via my playlist or take a look at my blog here –

    [Music] thank you good morning how’s it going so I’m packed and I’m ready to go although I do need to put some lube on the chain of my bike and that’s not a euphemism I do actually mean I’m going to put some lube on my chain I also check the tire pressure every day as well before I leave and when I do leave I’m going to go in that direction and that’s going to paga and Parker’s about 50 kilometers away I think it’s going to be a little bit hilly along the way and that’s a feature that is probably going to come up quite often in the next couple of weeks because I think Albania is a bit lumpy as well and it should be in Albania for two or three days time so have I got anything else to say no I think that about covers it really yeah I’ll talk to you in a bit bye [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there’s just so much Beauty here look at the color of that water just on a roadside stop here I thought I’d take in The View but with the beauty why why why people do you do this let me come and show you something this is a lovely rest stop at the top of the hill lovely view as you can see great place to have a picnic so why the rubbish guys why the rubbish let me explain why the rubbish because here’s the bin and no one thought to themselves oh look the bins full I think I’ll just take my rubbish home with me I bought it out here I can just put it in the car and take it back home no no no no keep trying to put it in the bin not very clever guys come on you’ve got all this beautiful stuff treat you with a bit of respect anyway enough of me nonsensing on I’m gonna walk out back over to the bike and cycle downhill and then uphill and then downhill again and eventually I will reach paga so I will be talking to you from paga see you later [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] the end of another day cycling and the kibo is locked up but where is it locked up where is Dave well let’s go and check it out that’s for all you stalkers out there I’m staying in hotel at krithia and the hotel Accra theater is in paga on the west coast of Greece so it was about 50 kilometers cycling from Canali Beach and I’d pre-arrange to stay in this hotel they’re kindly hosting me through travel bloggers Greece and this is a pretty good hotel let’s go and check the bedroom out which is awesome yeah how good is that what have we got on the bed oh they’ve even left me some slippers thank you very much there’s something about that corner that reminds me of a van Gogh painting perhaps it’s because the painting reminds me of the van Gogh painting I don’t know but something about the way that’s arranged that appeals to me oh let’s go and check the kitchenette out I found something that will make me very very happy not the bananas I brought those with me yes that’s that kettle you don’t know how rare they are in Greek kitchens I’m gonna get some milk I’m gonna put it in that fridge there and then I’m going to use that kettle to make myself a cup of tea and another cup of tea and another one yeah tea Frenzy but perhaps to me the pieste resistance is the bathroom and we can finally see each other at last so we have a very big mirror just in case you haven’t noticed we have the toilet there we have a hair dryer although for some of us it’s just not needed you know there’s a basin and over here there is the shower I think that has to be one of the best bathrooms I’ve seen in a hotel easily and this is a little living area I’ve got a I’ve already got my uh belongings spread around it kind of makes the place looking tidy I think my stuff doesn’t it um let’s take you to the bedroom while I finish talking so I am staying in hotel acrithia for a couple of nights thank you very much guys and while I’m here I’m going to check out the castle tomorrow and check out some views but mainly I’m going to do some work and then tomorrow oh sorry the day after tomorrow I’m going to head to Albania not sure if I can cycle there all in one day but I’m gonna give it a good go and Northwoods here we go so thank you very much that’s the end of this one for now speak to you later


    1. Nice day Dave, shame about the litter hé , it seems that people would rather rubbish a pristine bit of nature than , God forbid, have it in the car till you get home !! Happens a lot in Oz too. You have been lucky with the weather so far. I am enjoying your ride.☺

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