Today we take a look at AEROSERVE, 159-160, Slough Trading Estate, 159 Edinburgh Ave, Slough SL1 4UE.

    We speak to many people including a bloke from the previous video who finds us down the road.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    sorry camera wa camera what you camera video camera video camera yeah video camera white [Music] camera sorry youing now AOS serve do you know what they do there just yeah go for it so where do we where do we find our footage I can’t tell you because of the hostility um that I’ve received unfortunately but no offense to you you were fine at the start you were fine but the the one was out the workforce was just getting a bit perturbed as as you can understand you know by been deed half an hour I was there for yeah my videos normally take about half an hour all right same format every place this place this building yeah it’s not on you see how it’s got not got a tag yeah AOS serve it’s not got a tag on Google all right so it’s a bit suspicious it’s a bit like they’re hiding yeah so so where am I going to see my footage that’s what I’m interested in I’m not telling you okay cuz if I do yeah I think I’m going to get a few complaints from number one your manager is her name is Susan uh yeah yeah Susan’s not very happy at all um Gentleman on the forlift who’s swearing he’s not going to be happy when people hear him um his foul language all right and there’s a few things that that happened in my visit my experience to PMI that wasn’t pleasant so I’d rather not help you find it and help you put a complaint in to get it removed to help your reputation you know cuz it’s not going to look good the PMI I’m just visit I’m just visiting businesses I’m keeping off your land half an hour and I’m going to film do you know what happens here uh I have no idea when IED for a long time when I arrived at your place I didn’t know what you did but now I leave knowing everything that you do and more recently you’re doing um prefabricated pip workor for data centers and you’re very well placed aren’t you with all the data centers being built around here yeah we’ve been fortunate for that there but in my opinion once they’re all built around here you’ve then got a supply fa field haven’t you but you’ve proven yourself at that point and you’re the the most reliable supplier of that type of thing a word spreads yeah exactly yeah yeah so you’re doing great things for your reputation your stuff aren’t now that little road down there there’s no barriers you’ve got open gates at the houses anybody could walk in there walk the dog yeah yeah understand there free movement there yeah the free movement and it’s actually a public highway so to drive a car down there you need a license insurance tax andot so but if it was private property that’s a different Cas you don’t need license that’s I didn’t take the conversation any further but well I’ll have to find you you’ll find it eventually but by that time a lot of people will have watched it I would have made my financial reward yeah so you YouTuber or a Tik tocker or something something along those lines a YouTuber yeah and eventually if you do manage to get the video taken down because it looked bad I would have already made my financial benefit you know so I just don’t want to help you find it that’s all no offense no no fair enough I’m sure have a good search for all right best of luck mate yeah thank you cheers quite useful aren’t they then sorry quite useful aren’t they then oh there talk about the charcoal that’s for the barbecue they move very L large logs don’t they around uh pipe yeah pipe all right yeah take care so that brings us to AOS serve just here and as I said on Google Maps it doesn’t say what they do we just come out of the uh the entrance but through the glass you can see some sort of what is it bundles of [Music] plastic I think it is that’s the logo what is it saying to you sort of water environment positive sort of environment message maybe next door looks unusual as well look look at that but yes focusing on this they got lots of bottles of water down there that’s irrelevant and in there what have we got just some seats nothing to help us really other than those bales of plastic got this vehicle here for in is he he was hovering around for a while so I think it’s time to get on the website and uh do some digging on this place so it looks like it’s laundry services Aeros serve laundry so that’s bales of laundry then linen probably vacuum packed so lots of washing machines in there is there ah I don’t know where that gentleman went down there whether this is a link road that takes you to the other Road so you’ll notice that the glass is frosted quite high up making it difficult to actually see inside and upstairs we’ve just got desks the offices up there lots of lighting downstairs in a row look they can just imagine it can’t you lots and lots of washing machines who would have thought it the things that you find on an industrial estate are you Council no [Music] private are you Council or private oh Sero oh cont so all these people pay into a park to help keep the place look nice yeah but the roads nobody can restrict flow of traffic can there um no I mean segro I know can’t yeah but so like if I was on serro land like grass wise yeah they could tell me to get off that couldn’t they cuz what it is had a bit of an incident down here I’m doing some filming on the estate right and I was in a Sero bit do you know pm oh yeah yeah yeah I we down there and they says oh you’ve got to get permission from segro to come down here anybody can go up and down here can’t they yeah oh dear thank you I was going to say key ring yeah there you go thanks watching but it’s nice to get your opinion on it mate yeah as long as you’re on the the path or the road it’s nothing to do with segro is it once you start going on the individual plots there’s there’s about four or five rods that are con rods all right not right which is where McDonald’s is behind me there one up UE that’s about three or four this one we’re on now this is C a’t it no actually it’s got It’s Council okay Council where comes down here and speed it right be but any sort of road around here even if it says uh cro yeah free movement all day long dog walkers for photographers even people going to businesses to hand their CV in yeah stuff like that everyone out but you know that when you’ve got docks where you’ve got barriers and turn Styles you obviously can’t go and 90 CV in that’s restricted is it so you’re not allowed on there but as long as there’s no restriction free movement yeah thank you mate appreciate that so there we go somebody else’s opinion on it and he works here so Aeros serve now will we be able to have a look at the washing machines now just down here I can see XO so I’m not sure what other businesses are down here but the fact that it is shared means they do not have the final say where can I see the washing machines washing washes yeah laundry yeah inside camera Why YouTube what different Ain it it’s different don’t get many industrial units full of washing machines do you have a look through the window uh just there I don’t know if can I you we need to ask our manager I don’t want to put you out is there any window that can see them not really all right okay not from this side it’s inside actually I don’t want to get you in trouble cuz if you say who told you we could do that you know so I might leave you out of it plus this is security security area we do Airlines Airlines Airlines yeah so oh he he yeah he Manchester ging Birmingham Manchester from here yeah ho okay wow see there’s not one of these closer so they have to use you that’s how unusual it is for me to see this yeah so I go around industrial Estates and anything unusual like this I do a video on fly the Drone and show people what’s still on Industrial Estates in the UK today yeah that’s nice yeah thank you anyway I have a look around all right so down here now we can’t see through the windows I think he was temped there but so like if a helpful member of staff goes out of his way to show you inside I think he’ll get told off and I don’t really want to be putting people in that position now I’m walking further away from the my rider here I just have a quite look what’s behind a very very quick look what’s behind because I can still see the my rider behind me is this the delivery area oh yeah we’ve got some linen at least we’ve got something relevant and I can still see the my rider airports this type of thing there we go different colors as well cushions I’m surprised to see these outside it’s good job it’s not raining the this don’t look very good down here does it look at that a big puddle does look like it’s pure water bit of uh discoloration but H and what else do we have we got a big water tank of course the washing machines do need lots of water and possibly that leak has spread out here I think this is classed as private land yeah the discoloration has leaked this far possibly bits of the the new concrete base and then in the backyard the vehicles Aeros serve laundry services for hotels airports and vessels there we have it couple of tents obviously they ran out of space didn’t they and we can even see a little bit deeper into this one look at that they’ve got a mezzanin making good use of every bit of space possible up there aren’t [Music] they so nice guys here at Aros serve so far shall we take the Drone up of course we shall but we’ll return back out there before we launch it it’s a bit different is it to encourage the uh the bugs the wildlife yeah I like that lots of grass wild grass on the top smart and I think that a commercial building with just washing machines in the expectation of privacy is very low there’s no Gates no barriers we’re having a look around and it do happens the glass that can be reached can be seen through so there’s no washing machines is there it’s just trolleys so Aeros serve all Pleasants so far I’ve got the Drone ready on the floor just there and the my rider has not been nicked no padlock on it look we had a quick look through the window and if there is any washing machines it must be on the back half so one last thing to do is get David up and see what Aros looks like from above take off so there it is nothing special and we have not walked very far at all had a little chat with those guys just down here and everybody seems to be using this entrance washing machines are possibly over here then with the tumble dryers and then the backyard where we’ve now got some movement all the dirty linen looks like it’s being stored in the yard first they must be very full not being able to take it straight in a few more businesses down at the back including a parts supplier there it’s a uh IPS or something like [Music] that there we go something that we’ve not seen before a laundry warehouse and not many people that work here is there if you look at the uh staff car park some of them of course will use public transport or whatever but yeah doesn’t require many stuff this operation so not much to see let’s get a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and move on that was Aeros serve here at slow no issues here at Aeros serve in slow is there they’re very happy is that because they’ve got a KFC right next door I’m sure it helps if you like KFC that is the location of the DJ aits key ring on this one it’s just there look underneath that rock so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good look with that wa camera what you camera video camera video camera yeah video camera white camera it’s my company your company yeah my company x-ray operator a i huh I yeah it’s not your company you just work here don’t you you’re just an operator okay what do you do x-ray the the linen for security uhhuh so that you don’t hide um weapons and stuff to get into the uh airports okay is that right one second look at all the plates on the dashboard yeah it said on his badge x-ray operator so these must be able to access some very very secure areas then why so many plates okay Emirates airide vehicle pass yeah air side vehicle pass not many vehicles have got them have they so I guess this is a way where you could get into the network the wrongin and it also happens that the gentleman there who’s actually concerned for security does the X-ray in who would have fought it eh we’ve got some very interesting recycling facilities at the back as well the biffer bins lift up compact directly into the Skip and that will be some sort of bailing machine there cardboard possibly I think I did see cardboard on one of these trailers at the back here yeah cardboard at the back there look so they are doing good things and in the corner got some chemicals we’ve got Neutra sour we’ve got Pure sand Ultra oh Asheville Aggregates hey look at that we even got security lot business watch segro security hello so much I want to see let’s just do all the chemicals quickly sodium [Music] hyper right [Music] that one what’s that one can’t read that one so serro business watch security are waiting down there he doesn’t fancy getting involved does he and where did Asheville go Asheville Aggregates they must be nearby I’m so tempted to go and film their yard theyve moved next door onto the network rail site there’s his vehicle so we’ll leave that one there guys there was no further escalation since the chat with the X-ray guy uh you can see why they are concerned they don’t want anything uh entering the chain and them getting the blame they want to keep that contract and make sure the linen as is free of any foreign bodies yes so we’ll leave it there if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now [Music]


    1. β€œWhy camera?β€πŸ™„
      Because Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot
      Simples πŸ‘€πŸ§πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜œ

    2. I would tell Nathan nothing, he was the one that told Suzy screwball that you were outside. He came behind her and smirked and then walked on. The first man was great in the PMI audit. The rest i wouldn't trust

    3. I wonder howany migrant workers there actually is in the uk. And i also wonder if other EU countries are flooded with British and irish workers. I know many will be employed in seaside resort abroad. I was one myself, but many foreign workers worked the same as i did. I never actually met a Brit working abroad who wasnt in the tourist trade or time shares.
      Can it really be beneficial for those m n to travel from Europe and live in the UK. Slough is not a cheap area to live.

    4. 4:26 Hey DJ You can use Google lens on this logo
      Which will let you know in a matter of seconds that they do laundry for airlines etc
      Google lens is built into android phones by default

    5. "they were invaded and conquered without firing a shot" > that is how people will look back on the last days of Britain when they research fallen empires in history classes a century from now.

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