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    well hello good morning good afternoon wherever you are and I fixed the audio so that’s great uh but it is the Jalia stage two finishing in Europa and we got 69.6 km still to go of the stage so I lot of climbing to go so we’ve had all the flat part and now the peleton they’re coming towards the the nitty-gritty of the race the the big expectation the big stage well the Big Mountain Stage already on stage two this is the the closest we or the the what do you say the the most immediate we’ve had a Mountain Stage in many years uh for the Jalia but uh nevertheless thank you for joining and we’ve got a breakaway up the road 3 minutes and 25 seconds I shall get you exactly who’s in that Breakaway um but we have got one Rider who we were familiar with yesterday and that is feli filipo feli is in here for VF group bani you’ve got Andrea Piccolo remember him from EF education easy post he was the red jersey wearer last year at the wel spia for a brief period Christian scaroni as well David bayis another Breakaway Rider in terms of um jalas and uh yeah it’s great to have so many people here already it’s very early on but uh the jirre 68.7 km still to go here of the stage will we see a TI of GATRA Victory today we were denied that yesterday Jonathan Navaya is taking the victory in your screen is having the Mal Rosa what an incredible day that was for the team potentially the best day for inos granders uh so far this season and uh they will hope for many more to come that’s for sure but right now it is a breakaway up in front they’re coming close to the points classif creation here in val valdean no actually let’s just do that right valo valon U whatever but foreli has got I think it’s the points classification Jersey the purple one um so yeah I think that that is something to do with the nature of the points how they’ve been skewed this year uh I’ll just get a confirmation as well obviously it’s not no it’s not that one I think it’s the intermediate classification because the points classification Jersey is sitting on nabay obviously after winning the stage yesterday the master Jersey is Sitting On LAN Kaman the youth classification is sitting on Alex Bodin and the team classification obviously is inos SC and Malia Rosa is sitting on Jonathan nayz and second place is not tacha it is maximam shakman so yeah a lot of things is going to happen in the stage today we hope uh the weather is looking terrible to be honest so we’ll wait and see if that changes for the Riders uh but going into the mountains in bad weather last year the Jalia had absolutely atrocious weather to say the least but right now is T gacha going to take this Victory uh he didn’t take it yesterday uh maybe UAE looked like they were a bit frail bit exposed a few people disagreed in in the recap race analysis but I think um there was definitely some there was definitely some uh weaknesses shown great to have paty here great to have John as well Allan Charles and uh yeah early on still so uh H what’s going to happen we’ve got plenty of climbing coming up as well and uh who’s yeah they come over into me Sprint and it is uh fipo feli who takes that uncontested uh of course nobody really cares about this jersey uh yeah not exactly the most coveted Jersey shall we say but uh yeah I mean that aside we got plenty of climbs coming up uh on the stage we’ve got two cat one climbs before we go up the Europa the Europa coming um with 11.8 km from the finish so still a fair bit to go here but fori the winner of the intermediate Sprint there just seeing that VF group barani doing their best to show themselves early on uh this is what they’re here for the pro Continental team but behind we are seeing the peleton getting in position here the team sprinters the ones going in for the team or the points classification in the overall classification for that um until we get to Paris we saw Jonathan Milan up there yesterday but it is quite interesting that many of these teams are already getting hyped for this competition so that’s good to see um and it just gives us a bit of indication of which teams are feeling a bit uh bullish about the sprinter’s chances of taking the maroi Camino by the time we get in Rome obviously Jonathan Milan taking a last year arguably has a better lead out team this year so maybe his chances of Defending that are quite high but Al kerning are driving the pace here into the corner and alerson a very strong team as we know when it comes to the lead outs are we’re going to see alerson little Trek and borans are they the three teams that are going to be challenging for this jersey obviously Bor hansar also have Daniel Martinez which is a bit of annoyance for Daniel Martinez and they have the second place finisher maximam shakman right now but right now it looks like Le Tre are just about out musling Alpin and this is fascinating stuff that we’re seeing them really go full out but this is this is the only action really for the sprinters today you’ve also got Christal laort and all of Coy that might be the kind of the duo we see for visma Lisa bike to try and get these points victories on the flat stages but Kaden Groves opens it up all of Koy looks like he’s going to challenge him will it be the Australian who takes the points it is and KY finishes um seventh yeah seventh by all accounts considering the Breakaway but yeah I think that’s quite fascinating to see that they’re so aggressive early on for these intermediate Sprints and Kaden looking very very good for this so any Australian fans any any uh fans of Kaden Groves this was a very very good opening for him but great to have so many people from America let us know where you’re watching from if you haven’t already and uh yeah in our poll right now 73% of you believe that Pacha is going to win the stage you guys were right in the poll everyone who voted no yesterday you were incredibly right I was wrong I thought it was patas to lose uh but the Pates lenan sensation finishing third but I mean taking bonus Sprints a bonus points on all his GC Rivals so uh not a bad day to say the least but UAE um yeah pretty good uh pretty good start from them and we’ll see the team did look a bit frail it very quickly boiled down to just Rafa Micah but but yeah out in front we still have a very Italian Breakaway to say the least are we potentially going to see a breakaway stage win today I don’t think so oropa obviously one of the canvases for the great Marco pantani and in terms of the points classification right now filipo feli has the virtual points classification Jersey taking that over from Jonathan berz uh leading with 30 points and 25 points down to nayas but is that going to change I think it very well will and I think we might see perhaps tacha leading that Jersey tacha ear 12 points so maybe tacha could lead that uh if he does take the win today um is he going to win who knows really uh do they want to win do they want to take the Malia Rosa so early on how’s he feeling you never know you never really know uh he’s never done a grand tour this early because he’s never done the jro so that’s by the by but still 64.7 kilm to go here they’ve got another points Sprint whatever I’m quite confused about the point Sprints I think they still have points allocated to them and then I think we have the bonus Sprint when we come to the Europa at the start of the Europa climb but yeah right now there’s five Italians out in front scaroni Picolo David bayis filipo feli and marcelus um two VF group Rider one one po to K EF education East post and aana Kazakhstan team so 64 km 2 minutes and 21 seconds so that’s come down quite a lot courtesy of that acceleration that we saw by the lead outs by the various teams UAE get taking up the front here with byin Victorious inos granders interesting that uh UAE are putting any Riders up front we know they have the red hot favorite for favorite for the race but it doesn’t mean that they should be doing all the work here uh because they haven’t got the Jersey they’re not defending it but we all know that Pat is probably the uh favorites for today so we’ll wait and see if he can repay that faith that the betting odds have towards him but 2 minutes and 20 seconds uh great to have Zara here as well I’m actually listening to Norwegian commentary so uh because I just find the English one not not as fun they don’t have the Danish so bit bit of a shame but 63 .8 km that’s what separates the rider Beno Conor is someone to look towards to today as well as we have this LOL in the Pelon we can talk through some of the favorites for the race or the overall the podium Etc did we see anything yesterday we saw TM and irman cracking that was a big shame that was kind of their Chief Lieutenant for garan Thomas you would think and uh yeah it’s it’s a shame really Tian arensman finishing in the top 10 last year obviously they had three riders in top 10 in scay with Garen Thomas dplo and Tian irman but him cracking is certainly not a great sign for inos and they Pride themselves of being so strong in the mountains they haven’t really brought the strongest Mountain team to be as fuss he’s here friend of his Channel with the Norwegian former world champion in the time trial former top 10 finisher in the Jalia so he certainly carries some some weight to uh to certainly has a reputation shall I say but right now it is u ms just controlling the bunch or the pace at the front here 2 minutes and 24 seconds so it’s just gone up a few seconds here just confirmation of the overall points classification there and foreli does lead it and if it is if we have got more points allocated to the next one as well so he’s going to grow his lead a bit more three ciz climbs left the two cat three climbs and then we got the Europa climb the cat one climb so a lot of points available interesting not seeing liilia Kaman up here trying to defend his points classification or his mountains classification then Mal adura obviously into mé what are they going to do they’ve got plenty of things that they need to do in order to uh satisfy themselves last year not the greatest jro uh after a bit of a hangover if you will from the year before with bam gay taking a stage win and also having uh who was it the rider who’s now in quickstep uh in top 10 and he even took a stage win um his his name I’m blank I’m blanked on his name check Rider oh we’ve have a crash crash crash crash there’s a crash uh between visma Lua bike who actually lost the rider Robert hessin didn’t start the stage today two Jake aula Riders and you have to hope that it’s not Eddie Dumba I think it might be yeah it’s Eddie dum Eddie dumbar has cracked or crashed uh so that’s that’s a big shame big shame he he’s hobbling a bit that he looks a bit sore uh that might be jco yul’s top 10 out of the way here let’s be honest that is not what you want to do on the Mountain Stage you don’t want to be yeah so sorry Patty in the comments we all know you’re Irish and it’s not great having your best Irish hope um yeah coming down here so that that is a big shame yeah the way he’s walking after that crash uh Eddie DBA that is not what you want to see 15th from the GC right now and we also have one of the visma Lisa bike riders here as well uh yeah Robert Hing is the first Rider to exit the Jalia this year already so that’s a great shame to see the veteran the road Captain such experience he could have lent to uh alter Brooks so yeah V Melissa bike already won ride it down the the bad luck continues of 2024 or this half first half of 2024 but in terms of other Raiders to challenge tyacha Ben Conor we talked about him esan Chavez former top well Podium finisher of the J Tire he’s kind of disappeared after having a bit of an illness in the last few years but at 174 that is the writer for V Melissa bike who came down and that’s Ola Koy Olaf Koy is the wrer who came down and this is not great this is their Chief Sprinter all of ko that is worrying signs for this Melisa bike now worrying signs all of coy we all thought this is his first ground tour for the team this looked like this was going to be a absolute we’ve just seen him do very well in the intermediate Sprint and then two seconds later this happens such a shame but at the front uat memor and Enos scers are still at the front of the peleton they’re trying to jle for control of this you even have ag2r citran doing something but if ol of Koy can’t make it through this stage it’s on a Mountain Stage as well so time cuts are very applicable here so this is worrying times but uat memat are controlling the front right now and we’ll wait and see if inos Grandes are really going to try and put pressure onto to tacha it’s it’s a interesting Dynamic we have with such a big favorite can you think the last time we had one big huge favorite where everyone else was lobbed in the third tier uh of favorites I can’t quite remember FR no we had Duman in the Jalia vingo obviously you have tacha in there so it’s it’s not fair to say that he was the allout favorite there but all of coy this is bad news for for this Melissa bike absolutely atrocious news here uh yeah but uh great to have so many people here I know it’s early on I appreciate every single one of you joining in from wherever you are around the world and what are we saying wait what DB Cooper saying that I’m a tacha hater I’m absolutely not a tacha hater I’m a yis vingal fan so I guess does that mean that you don’t like tacha no no no I’m a big fan of tacha don’t don’t let’s not let’s not do a a slander here I think tacha is a fantastic role model for the sport he does a lot of Charity supports a lot of cancer stuff as well and has his own Junior Team how many other other uh Riders have a junior team or support so much charity ask yourself that so I think tadaga is a fantastic role model for the sport of cycling uh but my my tacha whatever I side um we still have the race going on and right now they’re getting on to some Cobble streets there 60.2 km still to go here uat m still looking in yeah pretty good here in terms of controlling the Pelon but is this too soon wouldn’t you I don’t know I would be saving my guys as much as possible you know everyone knows you’re the big favorite I would put the pressure on everyone else and say well we have the favorite you chase it down you’ve got the Malia Rosa we don’t so respect the Jersey but um yeah they’re choosing not to do that and I think tacha is probably just eager to show that they’re here UAE are here they’re they were willing to race and yeah uh but woring times for Eddie Dumar woring times for ol of Koy not great but um we’ll Wai and see what happens here 59.4 km they’re just coming down this descent the five Italians out in front they are just making their way down here 2 minutes and 16 seconds I think it’s time for a new poll as well um will we have wait what should the poll be um no I don’t think K outter Brooks fell so uh that is good um I I I I’ve been a bit bullish and said that I want I Brooks on the podium but I mean that that is slowly disappearing with each teammate who’s crashing out but uh will will the break break away uh win the stage that is our next poll that is obviously a very easy poll if you’re looking at the five Italians none of them really the best of climbers so yeah we’ll wait and see um what are we saying uh great to have Katherine as well uh in the comments fold up Audi saying of course he’s amazing and what a cyclist but I am a yonas fan hope to see them race again soon yeah that that is true I mean yonas with that absolutely incredible the terrifying crash and uh he’s on the up fold up Audi great name I know you’ve been in the comment before but we can still appreciate the name again we’re almost 200 people in the chat great to have you all here um yeah 58.4 km left of this first Mountain Stage of the J tile first time with we’ve had it for quite a while um so soon that’s what I mean but the Europa we’ve had Marco pantani win up here there’s been plenty of incredible battles here but we are seeing all of koi and I think it might be Eddie Dumba it looks like Eddie Dumba Stater they’re just making their way through the cars here and I for one think that if youve comeone down in a crash you should be allowed to hold on to your car for as long as you want because coming down in a crash is a big big enough a big enough um what would you say disadvantage that it doesn’t really matter you not getting too much of a benefit the crash itself has been the big hamper but the four five Italians still out in front and 89% of you believe they’re not going to stay away it should okay when we’re down to four we’ll do bets on well bets we’ll we’ll do the poll on who’s going to stay out the longest but forelli is potentially the most interesting Rider right now in this group group uh because he’s so he’s got the virtual points classification and uh yeah I think we can just see the graphics as well they’ve lost about uh almost 40 minutes or 40 seconds not 40 minutes 40 seconds for every uh for every what are we saying for every 10 kmers we’ve had I think it’s going to go up a lot more when we come to the climbs the rule of 10 km for 1 minute does not apply on amount stage sometimes is one kilm equals 1 minute on these climbs uh given the climbers but it looks like I think Eddie Dumba is back in the bunch no it doesn’t look like Edy Dumba but jaula such a interesting box of Tricks having philipo Zan who took a stage win last year winner of the tour of Slovenia and then we also have um Caleb Yan in there Eddie Dumba no Yates no Simon Yates which is a shame always like to see Simon Yates in the J Tire remember how electrifying he was in the 2018 Edition remember how he finished on the podium as well in 2021 but yeah right now it’s uat memor guiding their team and in terms of uh GC Riders losing big time yesterday Roman bad uh he’s been on the extra Channel a few times he’s never been on the main channel on this the cycling D Channel but he’s been on the extra Channel a few times very nice guy uh and I think DSM will been a bit flustered by that they were definitely not expecting to see one of their crown jewels not being able to do something here but yeah we’ll wait and see here uh Fletcher bike Studio Channel saying pagach Jiro to Welter that’s never ever been done in history and I don’t think he’s going to be doing well I don’t know who knows I can’t put limits on Pacha I think he could be on for doing a triple crown maybe winning the World Championships in Sur later on 56.9 km still to go here 2 minutes and 17 seconds uh scaroni in there plenty of Italians only two World Tour Riders and the three other Riders two of which are bani and one ptia uh P Keta Dreadful Jersey I think I don’t know um yeah yeah it’s true Simon Yates was invincible until The Monto Sunan and then everything everything just flipped I I honestly well I think that is an an exclusive take here I think we were all gearing up uh S8 to win imagine if he had won the jiru and then won the Welter spard that year as well that would have been an absolutely incredible achievement and I think uh Simon Yates is always one of those not given enough credit I think uh him and his brother obviously his brother managed to finish on the podium of the Tour of France um last year so that was a good result but uh yeah we’ll wait and see uh what how history will depi depict Simon Yates but inos Grand is coming to the front here we’re just seeing the diminutive figure of domino poo he came down yesterday as well just struggling to hold the pace here the pace really just increasing a bit here Bastian TR ton uh struggling here one of the Riders who has also been down already yeah we we’ve had a fair few crashes is already it’s not being crash free so far so but Ghana is upping the pace now Ghana B the kathin ag2r uh UAE they’re all battling here and uh yeah a lot of riders struggling towards the back here what is going to happen that is the big question 56 km still to go of the stage today and Eduardo aini he’s struggling a bit here as well he’s looking towards that first time trial into peruja peruja such a interesting stage but right now Bor Hans up here with Danny Martinez Danny Martinez former top five finisher as we know in that 2021 Jud Tyre but hasn’t really ridden for himself in um in a GC capacity in a grand tour and finished high up that’s what I mean he’s won stages in the tour to France um I’m a big fan of Daniel Martinez a former winner of the Criterium dof back in 2020 also uh winner of to Walter alav um so many good things to say about Daniel Martinez uh which I can’t say about naido canana Nido canana very rude in real life to his fans I’m just saying that I’m not one of his fans but seeing how he reacted to fellow Colombians not that nice but right now we’re coming towards the intermediate Sprint uh the another one what’s up for grabs you ask 12 uh points in terms of the points classification three bonus seconds for the top prize 8/2 seconds in ter points seconds 61 and then all the way down to eighth place that is the people who can get points and who’s going to get it I think maybe feli might want to take this they’ve got about 800 meters until we get to that intermediate Sprint uh yeah bonus seconds would be great for any of these Riders maybe maybe not I don’t think it actually matters I thought saroni was up there yesterday today okay so the best place right in terms of the GC is Andrea Piccolo with 1 minute and 7 Seconds surprised he actually got led up the road but I think that’s more to do with the lack of climbing ability that he showed so far in his career but uh nonetheless Patia yeah Patia what is a good Jal for them a stage win obviously that would be something that I would absolutely adore and uh yeah we’ll wait and see here but right now 54.9 k is still to go here 500 M for these five Riders who’s going to win we could have done a poll I should have done that earlier but we won’t do that uh it’s a bit it’ll be a very quick poll 81% of you are thinking that it’s going to be a not a win but as Paul said as well traod uh kintana yeah he’s back he is in the jro the I think he might be the only champion in this race but right now paa they are the ones attacking here the attack is being followed by feli they’ve got about they’ve got less than 300 M I think to go now um feli definitely caught out by that acceleration there by by David bayis but feli coming back here taking that and I think feli is going to take the 12 seconds or the 12 points and the three bonus seconds um that are a bit Irrelevant for him but a good Sprint there by forell he is a sprinter and overwhelmingly takes that and uh yeah interesting little Dynam dnamic there by feli and Company but feli takes first place in that Andrea Piccolo second and then David bis takes the third place obviously there are more points available as well but uh yeah scaroni fourth place and the other Martin melus he takes the fifth place unfortunately so still some points up for grabs there’s still three places to chase for but I don’t know how many sprinters are still in this group by the time they come up to this intermediate Sprint Alin coming towards the front and so is interm interm Wy with friend of the channel B gay obviously I’m a b fan and yeah I know many people aren’t but uh when you met him in person the the story a Tran um symbol of ation BL y father husband exactly I I think it’s such a cool narrative and we don’t get many of them in cycling and black Africans don’t have the biggest pedigree in the sport of C which is is crazy when you think about it think about all those endurance athletes that they have in Ethiopia in atrea in Kenya uh it does translate V2 Max put them on a bike and I think with an amount of training they could do very well uh one of the best erran uh marathon runners in the world said he desperately wanted to cycle but he simply couldn’t afford it so he had to do running so but uh yeah the Sprint’s coming here I think that might be Sam wellsford opening up those three positions available for the bunch here uh Binum gay might be caught out here it looks like we’re going to get Caleb Yuan of all people Caleb Yuan of all people took that in terms of the mining position so vum unfortunately expended um yeah unfortunately that was wasted energy by the Air Tran sensation and I think how it went is that I’m just seeing it again Kaleb VI and took the what will be the sixth place seventh place for Sam wellsford and then the eighth place the last one with the final point was Kaden Groves so unfortunately bny denied a point on this occasion but I’m sure we’re going to see him deeper in we all remember how he unfortunately left the Jed Talia um I spoke with him in person as well here on the channel and uh yeah he said that was the worst moment of his life worst moment worst moment going from the happiest moment to the worst moment in the span of literally two hours that yeah that is not what you want to have anyone of us have but um yeah we’ll see what in Mar can do they very much put uh I think most of their faith in bie Lilia Kaman obviously could take a stage win as well but uh great Sprint here by Sam wellsford um opening it up but I think it was a bit too soon we know Caleb Yu has that pedigree in these uh false flat finishes so uh yeah it’s it’s not a surprise that we had Caleb buan doing well here but oropa is on the menu today and great to have over 200 people in the chat 51.3 km still to go here Andrea Piccolo has he just left the other guys I think he might have Andrea Piccolo I think we’ve just missed this he has gone off the front so um yeah the EF education easy post Rider has just left the for other Riders we didn’t actually see that happen so uh yeah that that was interesting it’s not like he was winning he he won the intermediate Sprint and then went up the road from that this is just him attacking uh yeah I think this is I think that’s a a great great little tactic by the EF education easy post Rider 50.6 km still to go here um in your granders it seems coming towards the front here with four Raiders they still have the Malia Rosa obviously with Jonathan navz well virtually they don’t but yeah great to have will as well from Michigan I’m not quite sure how many states we’ve got in the chat but uh it’ll be funny to find out can we get 50 states in the chat can we get it even Hawaii is that possible uh but yeah feli there confirmation he takes the 12 points ahead of Andrea Piccolo okay sorry he did yeah so he continued on after that six points for David biz chrisan scaroni taking the five points but what we can conclude from that is the virtual classification is well and truly on the shoulders of uh filipo feli who already has the intermediate Jersey whatever that classification is so uh yeah so we’ll wait and see great to have Tom as well in the chat from Wisconsin uh yeah I think we’re already on like five or six I think you guys have already said five or six Pennsylvania at Dallas Texas no yeah I think so Brian uh 49.4 km uh the four Riders chasing four Italians chasing one Italian Andrea Piccolo very young Rider Andrea Piccolo I hear you ask obviously we know he took the Welter espania Jersey for one day he finished second in the Japan cup cycle road race in 2022 he’s been a bit around the blocks in a way this is his second year or I think it’s his second year no third year wow okay second full season on the world tour he was part of the Drone Hopper project but that folded as we know uh he was also he had unlock a bad luck in 2022 actually rode for three teams in the in that year uh riding for gas prom we all know what happened there uh thank you Russia then drone Hopper yeah gas prom I like I really like gas prom I really like gas prom it was I I I’m a big fan of Russian cycling uh obviously Russian cycling has nothing to do with Russian politics but um yeah drone Hopper he so Andrea Piccolo that we were talking about this 23y old Italian in 2022 imagine this you had one season with aana Premier Tech you move then to gas prom um unfortunately not being able to hold it in aana then you go to drone Hopper because gamp F uh because of the war then drone Hopper Falls because of financial difficulties I thought I think it was and then he goes on to EFA education easy post so riding three teams in one season that’s quite impressive of bad luck for him but this is his third season well second Four Seasons third uh year riding in an EF education easy post Jersey so uh great to see him doing so well in being up there already uh today but he was second on a stage in the tour Colombia uh earlier this year as well he’s had a somewhat good season only 23 years old I know we are in a different era of Remco venol and uh yeah and all these Riders but right now uh he’s he’s not doing too bad he’s not doing too bad the wel Bia he wore the jersey last year cesy of that strange neutralization that we had um but yeah and Picolo can he do it if he takes this win this would be his first Victory ever he’s finished second in the Japan Cup Classic as we said he’s finished second in a a Spanish one day race second in the Cooper AUST austoni in 2022 behind B who was runting for upston de kernick I think he’s actually in this jro as well back and then uh in the CBO tour he’s been sixth overall and in lombardia he finished 11th here great year in 2022 despite the very abrupt change of teams but 46.5 km Italy desperately s searching for that next big star Ghana trying to carry them Antonio tieri is probably someone they’re looking towards at saying that he’s the next the next um yeah the next uh inen okay guys we have plenty plenty of State plenty of other countries as well great to have Costa Rica in the chat as well San Jose are you in San Jose Georgia we’ve got gladus great to have you back Washington State as well we’ve got Les in Canada we’ve got Singapore Richard and Virginia with Jay um and someone yeah DP Cooper just was it DP Cooper that reminded me that it’s no Brian Brian it’s actually 2: a.m. in Hawaii okay so if anyone is is listening in Hawaii wow well done you um a reminder that we have the competition as well on both the community chat and the supporters chat so get involved with that get your your entries in so one of you can win uh the bundle I’ll do a competition every week of the Jalia and then we’ll do it of the tour as well and uh yeah plenty of interesting things to come but right now Andrea Picolo he is 33 seconds ahead of these Riders we got 1.7 km for Andrea Piccolo to get to that c first categorize climb for him uh remember we have got three categorize climbs today 2 minutes and 16 seconds from Piccolo to the peleton so that will be very interesting great to Huga as well from Luxembourg uh great to have Eric Abraham from South Africa Rob from Malta and I’m going to try and do capitals because we all love seeing if I can do capitals uh Abraham are you in well I think South Africa have the free capitals uh I’m going to go Petoria is that where you or Johannesburg or Cape Town but uh yeah Mal Malta valeta easy been there that’s why it’s easy uh but yeah we’ll wait and see here great to have Cambodia oh Cambodia ah is it no I’m okay David you’ve stomped me Cambodia I’m I’m clueless 44.8 km 33 seconds still for Piccolo we still have plenty of climes coming up on the on the stage oropa is the big big climax of the stage today is tyacha going to win the stage that has been a question already in the polls but you guys have overwhelmingly said he might win the stage today Naas are we going to talk about Naas could Navas could nayas do a GC he’s 27 years old the Ecuadorian Ecuadorian national champion doesn’t really have any pedigree in terms of GC GC in h gr tour it’s highest GC position is 42nd back in 2002 no gr tours for him in 2023 quite strange that isn’t it um he managed to win the Pan-American games so he’s actually the Continental Champion for Pan America but um yeah we won’t see that because he’s wearing the jersey of Ecuador he had a great season last year to some respect uh not early on 13th and get well he is one of these Classics Riders and manag to absolutely dominate the the tour of Austria winning three stages along the way and winning the overall but um yeah nav is huge fan of him 17th in the tour tour of Jong kuang so I’m I don’t know I don’t know if he is a GC Rider I don’t think so we haven’t seen any GC Action Pro acting stats has given him minimal minimal points but right now in the break we have Andrea Picolo he’s increased his Gap to the four other Riders to 39 seconds and it looks like he might be challenging well is he going to be challenging for the points classication or the mountains classification this climb is 5.5 km long 310 M of elevation gain 5.6 uh uh gradient and a 12% Max gradient so nothing really too challenging but it will just soften the legs up a bit and if U memores or Enos Grandes are putting the hammer down on this climb to try and sofen up some of the other R other teams before we get to to the climb but the bunch how many are there 40 50 60 maybe uh it’s always quite hard to make a guesstimate uh from this but great to have so many people here Denmark as well uh fellow Dane Guyana great to have you here Quincy Guyana uh Guyana Guyana it’s not Georgetown is it uh but 43.3 km 43 seconds 2 minutes and 18 seconds so the bunch haven’t made too much of an inroad into Andrea Piccolo’s lead now he is on that catalized climb and uh yeah we’ll wait and see we’ve got plenty of States here Cape Town uh was where Abraham’s from so great to have you here Florida Paul um yeah what are we saying here John is saying at 27 Navas won’t suddenly start performing at the High altitudes yet that is true well you say that Chris FR Chris FR was not really renowned as a great clo before that Welter in 2011 so but feli he is dropping out now so feli is being dropped uh so the points virtual classification leader he has just been dropped they’re down to three Riders now to chase Andrea Piccolo and um yeah we’ll wait and see here so ah is p are going to be able to do something here that is the big question Quincy yeah Georgetown that’s great um Dylan from IA or iita however you want to call it so uh yeah that will be interesting to see 42.7 km still 46 seconds uh he’s built up even more of a lead 2 minutes oh problems problems uh AA valter atila valter and 147 for uh DSM feric I hope it’s not friend of the channel I mean AA valter has appear on the channel as well so I guess he’s a friend of the channel uh very nice guy Hungarian um yeah crash here towards the back uh sudal quickstep Rider uh who is that we’ll try and figure out who that Rider is for uh DSM I hope it’s not to be as Lon uh 147 I mean 147 Kevin ver marks so many of you Americans uh unfortunately one of your guys was involved in that uh little crash but everyone seems okay Eddie dumai is going to be fascinating to see Vis Malisa B up towards the front here in the p on so is uat memor in your grand very uh populated towards the front borans not too far as well but the pace isn’t too high the pace isn’t too high great to have lord of the ocean from a Tre great name uh maybe Asmara are we guessing from that so uh yeah we’ll wait to see uh uat memor is pushing on here inos Grandes let’s do that who has the strongest Mountain train then you guys can uh make well cuz I don’t think it’s UAE uh who has who has the strongest Mountain team and it doesn’t mean the singular Rider so I mean overall overall team so we’re going to say inos inos UAE Bahrain or other so we can say other so if you want you can say VF group uh I mean they’ve got poo and pelari they’re pretty good so ryers going out the back Jonathan Milan just going out the back here but that’s not too surprising I mean if you are a sprinter why would you expend so much energy here on these stages but uh yeah right now it’s it’s a pretty good situation that everyone’s in uh most people here saying in your SC is early on having the best team I think inos are in the shout to have one of the best teams two to Pro cycling here with four Riders so um yeah 181 was the rider that they’re kind of grouping around rolling around I’m not sure if they’re actually thinking that was Mato ttin to the procycling we’re we’re not going to talk too much about them today because I don’t think they’re going to be featuring at all but um yeah they’ve got a very Sprint focused team into some respect but right now Rafa Micah is looking around trying to move tacha up here tacha just sitting comfortably next to nayas to beas Foster I mean when you look at it inos Grand great team you would have wanted maybe one more mountain climber in there instead of the likes of Ben Swift instead of the likes of Co well maybe not Ben Swift maybe more Connor Swift um yeah I would have wanted to see Egan bnal in here I know the the the sponsor goal is to put your biggest names in in the Toral France obviously because it’s the biggest race in the world but it would have been good just to have seen Egan Bernell um in here cuz he’s carrying a bit form was on the podium in the welia but yeah just a bit of confusion there by Rafa Micah and tacha there so who who knows what’s going to happen with UAE but uh who knows how pagat is feeling as well is he feeling all out is he feeling ready for battle stage two here is a Mountain Stage as we said the earliest Mountain Stage that we’ve had for was it 30 years uh in terms of the Galia so this is getting uh it will be interesting to see how they do here and great to have mark from New Mexico as well Robert from New Hampshire uh Richard from the Philippines Manila potentially um lord of the ocean asking if I kicked Yan out I did not kick you out y got a job as a professional cycling journalist uh he’s still a part of the echelon cycling podcast so uh if you want to see more of him we have our new episode tomorrow episode 67 so um yeah he’s just in a different different uh company if you will this isn’t really a company this is a YouTube channel uh but yeah right now we’re seeing Bor hansar towards the back uh great to have Louisiana in the house as well uh cadis ctis cadis um 40 40.6 kilm UAE inos Grand towards the front here how do you crack Ty batcha that is the big question how do you crack T Pacha having y spingle is how you crack T Pacha but uh none of these teams have that luxury uh yeah okay that we’ll we’ll okay thank you for that correction but we will check um we should do uh what are we saying here the jro opens as last year’s ended a victory for a national champion Nas won this opening stage and marish won in Rome last year as the uh British uh Road champion on the road but um yeah out in front we still have Mark no not Mark we have uh we have Andrea Piccolo he still has 45 seconds of an advantage 1.9 km left of this climb so it looks like he is going to take the mountains Jersey or the mountains Point here on this climb and 2 minutes and 40 seconds down to the peleton here 40 kilm maybe is he going to hold out I I mean Everyone likes to see EF education easy post winning remember we had a stage a few years ago that was quite early on up was that um where was that was it Mount edner where I don’t think it was the one where who was it that one it was the Ecuadorian ah his name slips my mind right now um I’ll get back to that one but it wasn’t AAS it was Rubio as well but I’ll get back to that what was his name he was in he was in kopia B he’s not on the world tour anymore unfortunately but that aside cofidis choosing to do a bit of a move here as well it seems um who’s this Rider so we’ve got cofes what are cofes doing in this race as well Stefano Alani potentially their best Rider they have a former toal Lair winner as well Ruben Fernandez the winner of the 2013 edition of the race um benam man Tomar a very prolific track Rider you’ve got Simon geska best bet in the pelaton um he could definitely be up there in some of the breakaways later on but right now uh Kisa trying to get some exposure here they what would a good good race be for them not quite sure to be honest they would definitely want want a stage win get a jersey some Jersey time maybe but uh no GC I think for sure and uh yeah we’ll wait and see what happens there but uh yeah no it’s Harrison wood Harrison wood the British Rider within the team and he just did a bit of attack he’s attacked the the group here so uh no the Pelon yeah attack the Pelon so uh a debutant of the jir Talia like tab gacha just showing his colors towards the front of the race and yeah let’s just get to know him a bit as well uh but yeah less than 39 km still to go here of the race but yeah a little bit of acceleration just showing himself just showing that the UAE Pace wasn’t that hard and nobody really going with the British youngster here so that’s a shame for him but yeah a good little acceleration and you always hear me complaining moaning about them just settling into this train that we’ve come accustomed to since the 2012 toor France uh that was instigated by team Sky obviously the discovery team also did it back in the day but um yeah but right now Harrison wood what a little acceleration there that could put some pressure could it put pressure on anyone do they really care 23 years old uh British Rider he’s been on the world tour this is his second full season he was a traine with with kofidis in 2022 part of the SE the seg Racing Academy that’s well renowned he’s he’s got kind of a French route into the professional scene as well being part of the axe on provance um down in the South uh south of France club team so he has a pedigree of racing abroad so not not really a British Rider but right now we’re coming up to the finish of this uh cized climb and the points are going to or the top points are going to be taken by Andrea Piccolo so a good a good move by him is the manest Jersey something that he’s thinking about by the time we come to Rome that is a big question um what do we say do you think Vinnie will recover enough to ride the to France I do not think v v vingo will do that unfortunately great to have Brazil in the house as well and um yeah UAE are your your favorite team right now in terms of the mountains we’ve got the res residual Breakaway Chase as well wood is somewhere 30 seconds already on the Pelon the youngster from from kofidis a 30 second margin already being built up here 1 minute and 4 seconds between the front Rider of Andrea Piccolo to these Free Riders 2 minutes and 26 seconds down to Wood and then 3 minutes and 1 second down to the Pelon and there’s going to be a bit of a uh aaji for the second place for the mountains points here and I think it’s going to be the VF group Rider uh David bis was it David bis I think I’m putting him in the wrong team here uh sorry I I should respect the pro Continental team Riders they’re not all the same or Italian Pro Continental team Riders no it was Martin marcelus who took that so good writing by him obviously he was there with ferelli ferelli did did the um did the job um took the intermediate Sprint uh has the virtual virtual one so um yeah but great to have 300 people in the chat let me know where you’re watching from get involved in the chat we are a very friendly bunch of people here and we all United with our love of cycling of course but right now 36.9 km and we’re just seeing pictures of the cof East Rider Harrison wood who we’ve just all become a bit more acquaint or bit more knowledgeable about the kof this Rider and he’s actually born in t so if anyone knows your geography of England that’s quite far south uh quite far down south uh he was 10th in the road race last year in the Great British Road Race he was he hasn’t really got the best results in terms of a palarz there’s nothing really shining out to me um he was yeah there’s nothing there’s no big result really but uh they they’ll probably know something that we don’t um and he’s still only 23 we know Remco Veno and Pat have kind of ruined that but 23 years old is certainly very young and he still has a lot of time to develop maybe has a really good V2 Max maybe has some really good power data numbers that we don’t know but right now he’s showing himself and that’s good to see he’s got a gap of 1 minute and 25 seconds up to that Trio so he really needs to keep this going and uh but he’s only got an 18sec Gap now to the pelaton so the Pelon have increased the pace a bit is he going to is he thinking of the oh no he’s let up he’s let up so that graphic was wrong so wood has just been brought back um that didn’t last very long unfortunately inos Grand is just sweeping back their countrymen for some of them cuz it is still a British team um yeah they’ve got a lot of British Riders this year as well but right now uh it’s still 1 minute and 8 seconds they’ve got the next ciz climb coming up as well the N NVA and then we got they drop down uh into a descent or they drop down a descent and then we get uh the last points classification or bonus seconds or whatever they I think it is a bonus second Sprint and then we have the Europa 11.8 km a very t a tough Prospect for anyone and these guys are some of the best bike riders in the world and they are going to be going absolutely crazy on this climb you would think hopefully hopefully they don’t neutralize it but Andrea Piccolo this is a great opportunity for him to get some exposure for himself 35 km until we are to at the end of the stage but uh 6 km until we are at the foot of the NVA 5 km long 5.4% the cap 3 climb and it will be maybe where we can see someone second tier favorite or someone like that launch up the road that would be great to see to say the least but yeah we’ll wait and see here we’ll Wai and see um yeah I I would love to see maybe not tacha winning today maybe see someone else I mean if Ty Bacha does win the stage by maybe a minute or two today I think we might see a lot of breakaway wins in the second and third week because he can’t can just control the race really but um yeah it certainly is a very interesting Prospect 34 kilm still to go here for Andrea Picolo 1 minute and 16 seconds to that PR Trio and 2 minutes and 31 seconds so it’s still like it’s stagnated a bit he he’s probably lost like 40 seconds oh not 40 seconds 10 seconds uh but the trio behind him are working very well of scaroni marcelos and David bayis but they’re not any inroads to their fellow countrymen so quite interesting to say the least but 49% of you believe u mem have the strongest Mountain team I do disagree with that because I I don’t know do I disagree with that I think ah no okay it’s it’s a pretty level field between them and inot um and many of the other teams have split their their roles or their their what would you say their ERS but right now uh when we read out the team gar Thomas Ironman fana Ben Swift Mark MOS Sheffield Naz Connor Swift it’s a pretty strong team but it’s just missing that sparkle Ed Egan berell that is who I wanted to see here um but Piccolo is he going to stay out in front that is the big question here I am not too sure that he’s going to stay out in in front but great to have 300 people in the chat and let us know who you think is going to win the stage is Piccolo going to stay away that is maybe going to be our next our next I don’t think he is so let’s not do that what was the other we were going to do another poll but right now it is in your screen there is driving this UA memat um Pace but yeah okay that’s the one navz is naay going to stay in yellow not yellow uh is Will Will um who will be in pink today who will be in pink at the end of the stage of the stage there you go and Piccolo is definitely in contention for that he’s 1 minute and 7 seconds on that Pacha and then Naas all other so that’s a bit more interesting um but we’ll we’ll shift the chat onto the Europa very soon but inos granden days are well and truly putting the hood on here not quite sure why they’re doing this if as we’ve all said already in the chat if Naas isn’t this super Elite climber that uh maybe they’ve uh kept him maybe this was the time they unveiled him but I I don’t think so I think he’s more the classics Rider the puncher kind of Rider um yeah good on the medium mountains maybe not on this kind of big cized climb I don’t think so so but 55% of you believe it’s going to be Pacha so not overwhelmingly in the Pacha corner for you guys but yeah great to have you here if it’s your first time joining why not hit the like button subscribe to the channel let’s try and get to 100 likes but right now we’re seeing inos Grand driving the pace or driving the bunch with none other than Italians the Italian’s favorite Rider right now filipo Ghana such a esteemed Olympic World EUR no I think don’t I’m well European champion on the track anyway such an accomplished Rider him and Garen Thomas both have a medal a gold medal in the team pursuit of old places but right now 2.4 km until the next climb starts so we’ll wait and see but right now Andrea Picolo he’s just coming down this descent 2.4 km until that penultimate climb 2 minutes and 4 24 seconds so yeah it’s come down a bit but it’s extended 1 minute 25 to this Freeman group behind so I’m not quite sure what they’ve done here it’s uh yeah they they just don’t have it they don’t have it to match Andrea Piccolo 30.7 km the kmers are ticking down remember 11.8 km is a crucial part but uh if if T catch is let loose I don’t think anyone is going to be able to handle the sheer Pace the ferocity whatever you call it and uh yeah we’ll wait and see what happens but it’s certainly explosive scenes uh for Piccolo right now EF education easy post willing on their solo Italian Rider in terms of this there is no Beto in the team and this could be a big result if he does take the stage win I don’t think he will I don’t think he will but 1 minute and 27 seconds that’s a big margin for one Rider to extend to these other Riders and uh yeah Piccolo I’d love to see him take the first win it would be it would be very good to say the least and uh yeah it it could it oh oh okay there was a bungee jump going on on one of the bridges with someone um yeah with someone uh bungee jumping off a bridge so uh yeah we’ll we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see um yeah 29.2 km and we still have Piccolo out in front 600 M and uh yeah until the start of the climb 2 minutes and 22 seconds still to the bunch it’s pretty good going to say the least and uh what is going to happen that is the big question 400 m is he going to be able to get to it oer that is the big question as well I think Piccolo just had almost came off the bike here in in The Descent yeah he just overcooked the corner a bit uh yeah it’s very very daring on these clim or these descents to easy to overcook a corner there um but uh yeah great to have suep uh subscribing anyone who does subscribe your name does Flash up on the stream and you are forever immortalized so uh yeah that’s always fun um yeah 28.6 km it’s all still happening here at the Jalia we’ll wait and see if Navas is going to stay in that Malia Rosa um yeah CR Le advocating for the thumbs up as well but right now Andrea Piccolo is getting towards the next climb and the next climb as you can see on the graphic is 700 m in well 285 m in elevation game seven uh 5.7 uh gradient average gradient 5 kilometers long it’s not as tough as it was on the last one so uh yeah we’ll wait and see foreli there almost getting caught out by uh pothole uh you would have thought if the jir was coming through your area that uh you would do all the potholes especially on The Descent did they not learn from the tour of B country do we need to say anymore but yeah right now uh still well it’s gone up now 2 minutes and 45 seconds so Andrea Piccolo he’s certainly taking some time back here it’s it’s uh fascinating that he’s doing so well here but 27.9 km 1 minute 35 seconds for Piccolo still to enjoy in front of the group behind the Freeman group 2 minutes and 35 seconds it’s going up and down I don’t think they quite know it I think it’s yeah it’s gone down to 2 minutes and 28 we it was up at 2 minutes and 43 now it’s down to 2 minutes and 24 seconds in the span of a few seconds obviously that’s not true uh so I think the 2 minutes and 43 was maybe not accurate but inos Grand driving down the Pelon taking them down this descent and uh they’re going to hope that they can put some pressure on tat and maybe crack the Slovenian like they saw yonus wiing got cracking but don’t hold your breath I don’t think tacha is cracking anytime soon in this race maybe deeper end to the race but yeah are they going to be anywhere near him in the GC standings UA are lining up behind inos Grandes what is inos doing guys nayz is not a favorite he’s got the Malia Rosa yes but he’s not a favorite for the allout race so don’t work it’s like inos gradas want to just give hand the race on a plate to tacha um yeah their tactic have been a bit weird in many situations especially when they don’t have The All Out favorite but yeah I don’t I don’t know what they what they’re trying to do here they’re not are they trying to burn out uae’s domestics I think we’re we agree that UAE is probably a bit stronger than inos Grandes uh but yeah we’ll wait and see 1 minute and 36 seconds still for this Trio behind and 27 kilom still to go here we’re getting ever closer to the Europa and this climb that they’re on 5 km long 5.4% as we said and they tops out at 787 M and uh yeah not bad not bad indeed it will be interesting if if he takes the 2 minutes into the bottom of the climb ahead of uh ahead of the GC Riders but 2 minutes is not a long of time for a man who’s been in the break out in front for the GC riders with their teams with their Dom seeks so I think if he were to like finish up the top of the climb he would have needed four or five minutes but that’s not the case and um yeah I don’t think we’re going to see him winning today unfortunately um yeah interesting Joe Pitcock the brother of Tom Pitcock has actually taken a stage win today in a race um but we’ll talk about that more on the echelon cycling podcast tomorrow I’m sure uh yeah what are we going to see here that is the big question are we going to see I don’t know are we going to see H what do I think do I think T pach is going to launch today we got 2.7 Kum still of that penultimate categorized climb before the Europa we get we drop down after that and then we got The Descent so yeah H it should be an fascinating one to say the least to see just how willing taracha might be to go activate the wal Cataluna taracha we saw him absolutely run r with the whole race there and no one could really do anything about it and uh yeah I don’t know we’ll wait and see but 26 km still to go here 1 minute and 42 seconds so he’s increased the Gap to the three other Riders by 6 seconds 2 minutes and 18 seconds cof this towards the back um yeah Andrea p just watching his power meter I wonder what power he’s trying to hit 400 wats do we think it’s 400 wats probably not but yeah right now in our poll plenty of you have voted and you think that pagat is going to be wearing the mly Rosa at the end of the stage I tend to agree with that only 5% going for Piccolo so there is a bit of Hope Piccolo if you’re listening while while you’re racing I don’t think you are um yeah there is a chance that the young Italian could potentially get they well I’m saying that like our poll has any influence on the race of course doesn’t uh Navaya 20% of you so a fifth of you believing that he might take it or keep it 6% think other so not a lot of uh not a lot of faith in maximiliam shakman and garon Thomas and all these people but 2.2 km still to go here of that climb and yeah Picolo is he going to be able to do anything here his lead 10 km ago was 2 minutes and 46 seconds so he’s only lost 22 seconds in the last 10 km it’s all still to play for here and that Trio behind him haven’t been able to make any inroads they’re about 500 meters behind their countrymen here and who’s going to drop out first out of scaroni David bayis and marelus um yeah I don’t know but they they’re not really part of the picture anymore they’re out of the picture it is all about Piccolo versus the break well not the break the pelaton right now break versus Pelon are we going to see this iconic battle as we all know are we going to see an iconic battle on the Europa we’re going to have a bit like we had a few years ago in the Jalia where it fizzled out it was they all looked at each other but yeah group fdj towards the back inos grandz still controlling things towards the front Danny Martinez and Bora trying to get yeah marcelus and scaroni that trying to get up the road and uh it’s all still to play for here towards the front scaroni a great aana Rider aana Kazakhstan such a formidable team in the history of the sport but yeah going through a bit of a rebuild to some extent the mark Hamish project they put a lot behind that last year getting a stage win with him but Ali lenko finally getting here but scaroni he’s attacked the two the Riders so the St Rider trying to being the best of the rest and uh yeah if he had that energy why wasn’t he using it before but he has been joined by Marcelo so all that happened there was that they got rid of David bayis here uh 25 km to go here for Andrea Piccolo so Piccolo is he going to be able to do something here but I mean he’s absolutely just elevating his status as a writer here we’re all talking about him we’re all thinking about him and uh yeah we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see what’s going to happen but scaroni doing his best marcelus are they going to make any inroads here 1 minute and 23 seconds they’ve taken a bit of time out out of that advantage that Piccolo had 1 minute 1.2 Clump is still to go here and we’ll wait and see what happens can are we going to see a GC Rider go all out before the Europa I don’t think so and um yeah we’ll we’ll wait and see what happens uh to say the least uh Pro Pro cycling stats is the page that we’re using Pro cycling stats great website imagine a world without that but inos Grandes pushing on here doing their best to control the Pelon despite not having their leader with the Jersey so um we’ll wait and see here but garan Thomas just riding in front of his Ecuadorian teammate and in front of them is Tobias fos and then we have got philipo Gana Tobias fos I wonder how he’s dealing with this role of uh having to work uh work for other Riders but a crash towards the back a crash uphill yes it sounds very peculiar but seems like that’s happened we’ve got vlosi Vasco and 77 as well we’ve got um Domino poovo with a huge uh I think is deria com off there so that’s a big uh shock there not a great advert for the component um yeah quite a mess there to be honest he needs a new bike Domino poto Vio has had a terrible Jalia start to be honest uh crashed yesterday and now more AI stuff going on so yeah we’ll wait and see what happens uh deeper into this race but Dominico poo doing his best to try and yeah yeah get back in the race before it goes silly um yeah this race is for many people tar gatches to lose and I mean he has a lot he knows how to deal with pressure obviously being a two-time winner of the total France but I mean being being your race to lose is not a great situation to be in to some respect but David Bayes is the next Rider to be brought back here so it looks like bayis is day is over in terms of the camera time and uh yeah but we still have Piccolo out in front he’s got yeah how much has he got now left he’s got 23.8 km he’s got 150 M until to get to the top nine points available in the maners Jersey classification so it looks like he’s going to sweep up some more points uh we’ll get the virtual mountains Jersey classification by the time this this mountains points have been divided out so uh yeah it’s going to be a a good result for him if he can take the mountains Jersey and hold that for a few days uh but right now it looks like he’s coming over the line and yeah um I’m not sure he’s he’s actually taken it or taken taking the Jersey away from Lilian Kaman we don’t know how he’s feeling either the Frenchman I was a bit shocked that he wasn’t in the break today uh to try and take these cap free climbs but uh maybe yesterday was take took too much out of him it is a very long road a very long competition uh but yeah we’ll wait and see who who takes we well we wait and see the virtual classification by the time everyone has swept up the points there’s quite a lot of points up for grabs scaroni he has managed the distance um cus so it is scaroni versus Andrea Piccolo I wonder if these two were teammates back at aana cuz uh Piccolo has been in aana for a few years he was in gas prom as well part of that predicament so I think in 2022 these two were actually teammates they were they were Andrea Piccolo and and scaroni were teammates in Rosell back in 2022 so um yeah he takes the second second uh place in that Ms Jersey classification but yeah a good result here and we’ll see what he can do later on Marcelo is taking third place in that mantis Jersey and 1 minute and 51 seconds between Piccolo and the peleton right now so they’ve taken about a 30 second chunk out of his lead since we last spoke about them GH is the man responsible for this loss of time as he’s absolutely muring at the front and I think he’s going to be taking some man points himself here Ghana so he’s going to register some points I remember Ghana won in was it 2020 when he took a stage win not in the time trial that first Jalia was an absolutely incredible Jalia for him and thank you Robbie as well uh for Marcel Lucy marceli okay apologies about that um what are we saying here as well James the other category is too vague after seeing names of big hitters it is easy to forget the other potential hitters kind of yes very true uh 21.6 kilm 1 minute and 12 seconds between scaroni and his former teammate Andrea Piccolo and are we going to see these two potentially get reunited again on this stage I do not think that’s going to be the case but great to have 300 people in the chat and we are four likes four likes away from 100 so if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button great to have German uh joining us from New Jersey USA plenty of you watching from across the pond reminder that we have our recap race analysis later on with Patrick Blake and uh we also have the echelon cycling podcast um tomorrow episode 67 so plenty of things to talk about there as well so uh yeah great to have Rob in the chat as well and get involved in the competition as well on the community tab there’s two available one for everyone who’s a subscriber and everyone who’s also a supporter of the channel or however member of the channel but right now uh yeah Piccolo is doing his best super tog impersonation so we’ll wait and see uh do I think Garen Thomas will finish on the podium I think no I think absolutely no that might be an unpopular take but uh he’s not had the best of luck in the juralia pop from last year 20.4 km still to go here 1 minute and 17 seconds still for Piccolo and his former teammate he’s only got a 20- second Gap to the the bunch so that is getting quite tight between uh scaroni and and the Pelon here led by inos Grandes why are they doing this inos Grandes are they just thinking that they might as well use G whilst they have him but right now we’re seeing a replay of aopa when Tom Duman of all people took the win in that incredible Cobble finish getting past ILO sakarin and taking the win that was an incredible win for Tom Duman in the Malia Rosa and that iconic celebration Shake of the Fist big happy face and uh yeah what a what a day that was for Duman and everyone watching 19.5 km still to go here and scaroni doing absolutely everything he can to get some kind of Advantage he was the Chaser he has now become the chasee and uh yeah 2019 uh Egan banal apparently attacked here as well I think that was not in the Jalia I think that might have been in Tero adriatico um no the grand Pon oh okay Grand P Monte okay but 1 minute and 12 seconds here 1 minute and 44 seconds and scaroni has been caught by mer Lui marel Lucy uh so marel Lucy the bani VF group Rider just making sure to get up to scaroni once again these two 1 minute and 24 seconds down on Piccolo 1 minute and 44 42 seconds between Piccolo and the bunch 18.3 km still to go we still have the aopa climb and I think it is time to talk about that climb uh we haven’t really mentioned that climb if you watch the stage uh the recap race oh no wait let’s get it right the Stage Preview on the cycling Daye extra you will of course know exactly the context of the aopa climb but it is uh very historic climb 11.8 km at 6.1% so who’s going to be the man uh getting iconic Victory here I think it might be TI OFA inos granders riding into the palm of um UAE and a Pacha great to have 400 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from and if you think if you think pagat is going to be wearing the mly Rosa at the end of today that is the big question but confirmation there Andrea Piccolo taking nine points in that man Jersey classification and four points going to scaroni and that does mean let’s just see if we can get a virtual Mountain classification for you guys um it does mean Kaman still has it so Kaman still has it with 20 points Andrea Picolo moves up into second place with 18 points courtesy of today and amanuel gab Saia moves down into third place unfortunately but yeah L Kaman he is gonna hold it for another day and uh yeah that that’s going to be a good good result for for him saving some energy potentially today and doing his best great to have Jay from Hong Kong and Craig from Berlin as well and we’ll wait to see what’s going to happen here 16.7 km we’re getting very very close to the start of the Europa within 5 km almost and this is tantalizingly interesting well is it if Pacha just disappears up the road I hope someone can match him not because I have anything against T Pacha but it’s just we want to see some interesting battles that’s the thing we love to see 16.4 km and it’s very very tight here um scaroni and his countrymen I don’t think they’re going to catch their other countrymen here they’ve got 10 seconds before they’re going to be swept up by the Pelon but oropa this will be maybe uh yeah I don’t know one for the ages potentially one for the race um what are we saying Patrick D asking why do other teams pull Pacha to the Finish Line into yeah I have no idea in your screen is definitely the W of the day great to have so outrages as well from Philly and uh it will be a fascinating stage finish potentially if pachu doesn’t just solo up the front so uh yeah the clumps are ticking down they’re coming down this brief descent before we get into the Europa there is a bonus second Sprint I think I think it’s bonus seconds it’s definitely a Sprint of some kind um but Pro cycling stats haven’t put a b instead of an s on the graphics but yeah who’s who’s got something in here there’s plenty of riders still in here mistar has an interesting team uh nider kintana in there it’s it’s interesting stuff but the two Riders know that their day is over now the two from the Breakaway early on in your grand are the ones doing something um but Piccolo he is the last man standing from that fiveman group the five Italians is he going to win the stage probably not H could could he win the stage yeah but it’s not that likely I think uh it’s going to be fascinating to say see say the least and we’ll wait and see what happens here but the two Riders being swept up by inos Gres as you’ve all said Knuckleheads walles of the day whatever you want to call it not sure what they’re doing unless inos wins the stage today this is a stupid t tic I don’t care if you have the Malia Rosa you have to play this tactically James joining us from San Antonio Texas great to have you here as always or most of the time which is always great great to have so many regulars in the comments and uh yeah we are in for our very long juralia this is second stage so we only have 19 stages left and in the third week I have a very big surprise for everyone and uh it might blow everyone’s mind and myself included but um yeah we’re going to have an interview from Tobias Lon as well um maybe tomorrow and uh that was just me talking about his chances before the juralia so that’s an interesting little snippet but yeah right now Andrea Picolo is in the front of uh his first J retire not bad not bad indeed I think the Welter last year was his first gr tour let me just double check that but he did of course wear it yeah it is his first J retire 23 years old and uh he can certainly do something interesting here you would think and if he could get if he could get the win that would be incredible 13.3 kilers still to go here his margin is 1 minute and 42 seconds inos granders versus Andrea Piccolo I’m surprised EF education easy post isn’t trying to get in the just get in in the mix just try and annoy them a bit he’s still in the virtual Mar Rosa as well at 2 km before he gets to the foot of the Europa so yeah 6.1% average the first 5 kmers are fairly straightforward and then it really kicks up to 9% 8% 10.6% and it will be a sensational climb for these Riders and I might we might see some big hitters crack here I think that could be on the cards but great to have so many people here and uh it’s always great to have familiar names in the comments cycling is a lot more fun this way for me and uh I really do enjoy the banter that we have in the chat but right now uh I think it’s time for a new poll as well um I don’t know what the poll is sure you guys should probably um yeah wait should we say is the inos tactic stupid uh are inos being silly with their tactic oh inos being silly pulling the pelaton so that yes or no pretty quick and great to have Michael from Michigan as well but 12 KET to go here one kilometer away from the Sprint but I think that’s not the start but inos gr is really pushing on here they know that this is uh yeah guys really unless Garen Thomas is on banging form here I think this is a big big mistake by inos scenes I don’t know if this is a good move I don’t think it is and 73% of you agree with me great to have Patty as well what are we saying there must be a great Danish saying that better is than noad yeah okay uh but the problem with Danish is it’s quite strange to pronounce um yeah we’ll try I’ll try I I’ll put it we’ll think about that um yeah okay um we’ll think of our own our own silliness or whatever so if any suggestions what would you call someone doing silly tactics and I’ll use it with Patrick Leon in the recap race analysis 11.3 km still to go here 300 M until we get to that bonus Sprint so there are two bonus Sprints up for grabs here remember if Piccolo takes the 3 seconds then we still have the two seconds and 1 seconds oh Pacha Pacha Pacha flat Pacha has oh Pacha crashes Pacha crashes oh Pacha just crashed paga just crashed oh that was not what we were expecting Pacha just had a front flat and cracked crashed that was oh my goodness this is not good oh Pacha okay it was a soft crash so it wasn’t it wasn’t uh too bad um but yeah he just hit the Tomac there and Pacha this is uh yeah oh I mean if you’re inos now you have to throw the gaunlet down this needs to put the gauntlet down you need to use this opportunity I know it’s unfair play but Pacha is oh this is not good this is not good any Pacha fans Look Away now and Pacha crashing there that is that is yeah front puner there and then just crashing uh that was that was uh Comedy of Errors if you will but yeah this was quite peculiar I’ve never seen anyone have a front puncture and then yeah that was that was something that was something but Pacha that is alarm Bells alarm but let’s be honest he’ll probably just do something here um yeah is he trying to emulate Mar pantani with that incredible comeback but right now anyos need to take this opportunity tacha in the cars doing his best to keep up with this and this is is alarm this is really alarm Bells paga has crashed that is the big headline here paga has crashed and this is alarm Bells right now paga has crashed paga has crashed uh he is in the Chase and uh yeah we’ll yeah wow wow wow wow that was unexpected 10 km to go here not a hard crack so I think we’re fine um you guys are saying how many seconds will I lose 11.8 km this climb 700 meter elevation game I think tacha might still uh do this to be honest he’s great Rider and we we seeing him win oh I think he’s back I think he’s back but Pacha that was uh very worrying times but I think he’s back in the Pelon he’s back in the Pelon here so great recovery here by uat Merit and uh paga and of course you don’t want to see him lose the the stage like this you don’t want to see any Rider uh lose it because of a mechanical and crash here not just a crash but yeah uh that was uh strange episode to say the least but Pacha back in it good recovery there and uh yeah alarm Bells there and a great great team effort to get Pacha back one minute and 13 seconds um yeah 1 minute and 12 seconds 9.6 km still to go will that have helped Andrea Piccolo that is the big question as well maybe maybe maybe maybe but uh yeah this is this is interesting stuff he moves up the bunch here very quickly wants to get himself up towards the front here Enos Grandes did inos just do something I don’t know did they just take the pace out to wait for him I don’t know I mean he is kind of a patron of the pelaton he has a great reputation despite only being 25 years old merian uh effort or however you want to label him he certainly is in the same but gar Tomas takes two bonus seconds Philip takes one so uh they did take something here but yeah that was that was a bit of excitement there going on at the point that we weren’t thinking about it uh yeah I think he’s going to be a bit angry now a bit of adrenaline and as Caleb said he’s going to annihilate every absolutely everyone um yeah UAE coming to the front saying thank you thank you Andis grenadiers for taking up the work all that time throughout the day but now we’re going to take over and going to drop your whole team so yeah silliness behold here but 9.2 km still to go 58 seconds is the margin and this climb remember about 5 km into the climb that’s when it starts to really hit up really starts to drive up in in gradient and that is what we’re looking towards the last 5 kmers is the real challenging part h b is he up here that is the big question right now uh 212 is dropping at the back 212 dropping at the back I’ll get you the numbers obviously I don’t know all these off by heart uh but yeah ua2 memor driving the paac is 52 seconds they’re just he’s hemorrhaging time now at the front but yeah great great recovery there by uat mems what a recovery by them but EF education easy post getting to the front as well themselves 212 that is the name we were looking for dropping at the back and that was Rina Kiplinger um the Austrian Rider um out the back but uat m is doing their best here to just control their fair at the front four riders for them four Rider Velasco who crashed early on he’s going at the back of the Italian national champion 9% now the climb 8.5 km still to go of the stage 45 seconds and uh thank you to everyone who has hit the like button and subscribed to the channel here uh really do uh not take you for granted and let us know where you’re watching from and of course we’re going to be doing this every single day of the Jalia where time permits it uat memor pushing on now and I think it might be Philip Felix grak now the other Austrian Rider of the race the cathan ag2 they’re up towards the front as well of the group 42 seconds remember we were talking about a 50c lead as well and now it’s gone down to 42 seconds granta doing 450 480 Watts I mean I would love to see the wats per kilogram as well that’s a better indicator guys but right now uat mem doing their best to push on doing their best to just rattle down these teams and then we might see tadat absolutely annihilate explode this race whatever you want to call it but 75 for EF education easy post going towards the back here as well obviously they had one of their writers crash and 75 is friend of the channel Migel hon um actually the first guy I ever interviewed uh very very nice guy and Andrea Piccolo his teammate still out in front has a 34 second lead I don’t think this is enough guys we’re not even into the the hard five second the 5 kilm so I think this might be curtains for for the youngster from Italy I don’t think he’s going to be able to do this 7.6 km is a long way on a mountain anyone who has been on a mountain know just how long mountains can feel excruciating I hate mountains I just want Hills I prefer the hills but yeah uat memor pushing on here with Migel be riding second wheel the Dane toward Wards the back we’ve got Lilian Kaman number 92 uh the Manson Jersey win wearer is he going to be wearing that Jersey by the end of the day I don’t think he will 7.3 km 25 seconds now they have about 100 m between themselves and the pluy piccolo up towards the front whatever Piccolo happens here it’s certainly has elevated his profile even more after that um Welter Spano where he managed to get the Jersey uh yeah great to have uh Dwayne as well from Knoxville great to have Tiki as well saying hello from Japan so many people and let us know uh who you think is going to win today but yeah the big story being Ty Bacha crashing uh but he has recovered so um yeah what are we saying uh chicolo oh Picolo Picolo Picolo p is not very close to C so uh yeah Gary Piccolo not chicolo uh but yeah we’ll wait and see here we still have grat at the front interesting that it was GNA instead of Migel I would think that grat is a better climber than Migel be but yeah Migel be very good climber himself and this is very interesting 6.7 km still to go here of the race up the legendary Europa we have had Tom Duman winning here Egan beral and Marco Pantano of course with that legendary uh win where he had a mechanical at the bottom and then won by the time we came to the top and great to have Malaysia in the house as well and we’re waiting and see here 9 seconds now 9 seconds 6.6 km and Piccolo is in the sights of the of the pelaton now so it’s curtains now any Piccolo fans look away it’s not your man’s day and unfortunately it was not meant to be it was not meant to be so Piccolo unfortunately isn’t going to be able to win the stage not going to be able to take the maners Jersey by the end of the stage but yeah had a good good um good what are we saying day in the break but Julian Philip getting dropped here but Migel Migel not Migel hon the other Migel Migel B coming to watch the front the man whose surname means mountain in Danish and uh yeah we’ll see if he can do anything um for just annihilating inos granders and the other Raiders but uh yeah what a what a weird weird uh happening here to see inos scers do all the work and now they’re disappearing up the front towards the front and yeah we’ll wait and see what happens here but right now uat memor have absolutely dis carved out the bunch they’ve gotten rid of a lot of teams but migler really putting on the after Bur now and what is he going to be able to do it is the front of the race now that we’re seeing there is no Breakaway out towards the front we’re seeing uh a RK samik losing Riders towards the back here and this is going to be a fascinating finish to say the least and I mean Christian and Gary are you two related CU you have the same surname we’re seeing shakman the second overall struggling um 147 struggling towards the back and migle beow absolutely drilling pain into the other Riders towards the back they’re relenting pain here six km still to go 12% is what the Riders are feeling 12% is a big big ask and Nao kintana the 2014 champion of the race is dropped we didn’t think he was going to contest for the wins here but Nido canana is dropped the moar Rider not very nice to his fans he has been dro drop but at the front Migel ba pushing on the pace H domma Novak Rafa m in front of him Magnus Sheffield doing a good ride here as well 5.8 km still to go and this will be a very very interesting race uh Christian saying Gary’s his uncle great to have you both here and uh why not do like the chems and invite your family onto the stream great to have you all here and Migel B still putting in a ferocious Pace here that got of Nidra kintana but Magnus Sheffield American still up there right now so that’s good to see as well Nidra kintana out the back that is a bit of a headline well is it probably not um but Rafa Micah they’re ready to deploy their big guns here soon Dom Novak I think just felt the pressure there so we’re down to Migel no migle flicks the elbow so now it’s down to Rafa Mah Rafa Mah this Sensational Rider as we know he’s one of the best uh mountains uh Lieutenant super domestics he’s in the same class of sep cus adam8 this kind of bracket 5.4 km we’re seeing the damage 175 I think that might be yannik struggling towards the back here the rider linked with Bor hansra 157 that is Yan tratnik Yan tratnik out the back uh 198 that is Migel Migel out the back oh Dom Novak out the back actually so um yeah a lot of a lot of excitement here 5.3 km still to go oh is anyone going to hit out uh Luke pla up there Danny Martinez any Danny Martinez fans look away he’s rocking and rolling it looks like he’s in the hurt loer and myself included I am a Danny Martinez fan I think this is not a good situation for the Colombian another Colombian might feel the full force here and all we’re going to see are what kind of be employed by tyacha but yeah at letti lenko is up there any lenko fans he is up here lenko a good good Rider not really being employed too much and yeah we’ll wait and see here are we’re going to see a famous famous attack by tacha we’re inside that last five kilometers as we said that is the painful time this is where we’ll see this is where we’ll see The Hurt Locker really come on Rafa tacha they’ve been instrumental as a Duo they were up there in the 2022 Tour of France they were up there in the tour of Slovenia a few years ago doing rock paper scissors and it looks like now they could be on here but Magnus Sheffield is up here naay is up here so Navas could be the best South American by the time we finish here good RI by him they’re doing about 330 Watts that’s not a a lot um yeah but uh the pressure not really being put on too much here I think they’re just waiting for that last kicker here and an alerson Rider is up there I didn’t think you were going to see an alerson Rider here but yeah Rafa M almost knocked taracha into the fans but yeah what a result here this is going to happen this is going to be an incredible ride any Americans I will be watching the form one later on as well in Miami so I thought we’d get that in but right now Rafa m is putting on the pressure so they were just waiting on that for that flat pot and now he’s pumping in the Watts here 12% can we see the Watts please oh RAF M he goes off and now tacha he lifts the pace here Beno Conor answering the Slovenian uh gar Thomas Navas of allop trying to hold on to that Mal Rosa Ty Pacha just injecting a bit of pace here and Ben o Conor looks to be the best Rider to hold on to them Navaya dropped gon Thomas dropped and Ben o Conor looks like he is losing touch as well to the Slovenian 4.3 km still to go this is exactly what we thought that was going to happen T Bacha attacks the bunch after having that small crash looks behind and thinks guys where are you but uh yeah we’ll wait and see what happens here here this is instrumental stuff tacha attacks nobody able to rival him 4 km still to go here and inot graders with egg on their face what were they thinking they took inot graders or they took UAE team memores with a carpet ride to the start of the Europa and this is absolutely incredible stuff by Ty bagach his first year Italia 4 kilm still to go and he’s riding up his first Mountain stage uh yeah wow wow wow we thought this was coming how many minutes is he going to take on his Rivals that is the big question Ben OK Conor and garan Thomas trying to salvage something and in your grenad is what on Earth were they doing silly season for them but Garen Thomas and uh Beno Conor trying to mount a comeback here I just don’t think they’re in the same pass as this man the Slovenian Champion the man of the moment tatcha doing his best to just ramp up the pressure and an Argentinian flag on the side of the road you don’t see them too many times in cycling but tacha he hasn’t completely gone kabu here Ben o Conor and Garen Thomas have just limited their losses here a bit Garen Thomas not quite that accelerating guy but yes yes K Al Brooks the man I have I put Faith in for the podium he is very strong here the winner of the total avanir in 2022 The Ninth Place finisher of the wel espia is trying to mount a counter move here it’s such a shame that we’re not having a Remco or rug glitch in here but uh yeah mil has 53 saying my prediction on your channel came 100% true well done to that and uh get your predictions in on the stage previews as well and get involved in the uh competitions available on the on available on the community chat but right now Pacha is just calmly getting up this climb and looking so calm to say the least is this race going to come back together Ben o Conor and G Thomas looking a lot more like they’re hurting Kean alter Brooks looks like he might close the gap here and this is probably how we’re going to see the race now we’re going to have the first tacha and then everyone else scrambling for that second third place here um yeah it reminds you of Formula One to some extent here with Max ven but Alti lenko up towards here we got estan Chavez in that second third group here as well Mar van I think is here and Yan H was the man that I forgot a few uh few minutes ago when we’re talking about interm Wy but right now Beno Conor and garan Thomas they are the best of the rest um and we’ll Wai and see what happens here and Kean alter Brook’s doing his best to do something here we got a treack rider I think that’s Juan Pedro Lopez I think Michael store is up there as well Daniel Martinez Al let lenko dropping a bit so that’s a shame but paga is absolutely just ramping up the pressure here Luke pla getting dropped Domino pivo towards the back end as well great great riding here by the Riders and unfortunately nayz looks like he is going to be losing that Jersey at the end of the day the Ecuadorian a great effort to try and follow tacha but just not able to do so great to have 700 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from as well and Pacha running absolute riot with 2.8 km still to go and this is a good opportunity to plug the new channel the cycling Dane action if you haven’t seen that already uh help us out by subscribing to the channel and check it out uh I’ll I’ll send you the link with where Tobias L andreon who’s actually in the race him and I Tred to Sprint against each other but right now Pacha what a comeback after hitting the TAC early on on this or at the bottom of the climb and now he’s just absolutely running away with the race but Ben o Conor and Garen Thomas 25 seconds down on the Slovenian 36 seconds down the third group and Kon alter Brooks doing his best to to get on the wheel of these two Kon alter Brooks I said he was going to be challenging for the podium potentially but he will certainly be wearing that white jersey by the time he we get to the Finishing Line what a ride by the young Belgian here in his first GE Italia his second ground tour of his young career and it looks like out of Brooks is he going to be the best of the rest we’ve even got Li ofit I think but it looks like this group behind them have just um yeah managed to get up uh to this so we’ve got about a 10-man group behind chasing down T paga so they have a 31 second Gap but are they going to be able to catch paga I don’t think that is going to happen unfortunately I don’t think any of us think that’s going to happen uh check out uh the new channel uh And subscribe please that is what we going to say but 2 km still to go here and it’s all still to play for in this Danny Martinez of all people is leading the charge now in this second Chase group 32 seconds uh yeah t Bacha doing his best and uh yeah who is going to win this stage who is going to win this stage 1.9 km I think we know tat is going to win the stage now and uh in the pole we had are Enos being silly yes we had that but is is tyacha going to win the jro Italia great to have 700 people in the chat and let us all know where you’re watching from Bor hro doing the best Chase here they are the ones chasing now with lepovitz and Danny Martinez trying to get some kind of structure to that second group and Bor H hanc if they just brought rage why are they oh actually no don’t bring rogl um because he’s injured but uh yeah K Al Brook’s doing his best here leovit pushing on the pace ALU lenko dropped and looks like Ben o Conor Ben o Conor has been dropped Ben o Conor has been dropped so uh yeah a shame there Ben o Conor has been dropped but uh yeah Ben o Conor looked like he was going to be the best challenge to tacha and it just shows that pace being put on here just not able to get up to that and yeah what a shame what a shame but tacha lighting up the climb 1.6 km still to go from him and great to have Elvis in the building as well from cap Capo Vera apologies for that and um yeah do check out the new channel the cycl day action and help us get to a th000 subscribers we would really appreciate that but right now 1.5 km leovit doesn’t care about anything other than this the borans Ry doing his best to limit the damage being put on by the Slovenian um yeah this is absolutely incredible ible stuff going on absolutely incredible stuff 1.3 km Ben o Conor out the back alenko out the back with him and so is estan Chavez so these three that we were thinking about unfortunately not happening and we will wait and see where is bade yeah Gary great question where is Roman bade but right now it’s Bor hansu putting on the pace and great to have Southampton in the house as well 32 seconds is the gap between tarach and the other Riders as he comes inside the last kilometer of the race what an incredible ride by tacha we knew this was going to happen but maybe they’ve just managed to limit his big Advantage a bit we were thinking maybe minutes if we were looked at the Welter Catalonia but it looks like the Malia Rosa is going to be on the shoulders of another slan the other Slovenia was pry much rug who won the race outright 800 met to go here this second group is very big Michael stora up here and lepovitz is the man pushing on the pace here they cracked Ben o Conner that was a big shock and it looks like we’ve got another St Rider that isn’t Ali Leno so Ali Leno fans myself included this is a big disappointment for us but yeah this is incredible stuff by tacha 600 meters between him and another Grand Tour stage victory this is incredible stuff he will have done the jro well tour and Welter um stage Victory today so that will be an very elite club he does join so yeah great to have so many people in the chat really do appreciate it we’re going to do it every single day of the Jalia and it really is great to have so many people we’re all United in our love of cycling Pro cycling Tad patcha one of the big heroes of of the sport the man of the moment he’s going to take his first Jalia stage win we thought he might have come yesterday but yeah doesn’t matter doesn’t matter a stage today he looks behind nobody behind him clean air and this is exciting times to say the least um yeah t Bacha 300 meters to go can anyone do anything and maybe we’ll see a more aggressive race potentially now that uh UAE team MERS have got the Mal Rosa on their shoulders and yeah tyacha coming into that iconic Cobblestone where we’ve seen Tom Duman win we’ve seen Egan Bernal win and now we’re going to see another grand tour winner and that is T Bacha coming around the clouds in in the mountains tacha the Slovenian National Champion looks like he’s not even bothered of this and yeah what an incredible victory that has this has been for him and what more can we say than Chao at absolutely clean air and the clock stops now and he salutes the crowd and what a victory by him and the clock will stop when we get well it won’t stop until the last Rider comes over but yeah who is going to be the second place Ridder who’s going to pick up the bonus seconds the fight for second place opens up Danny Martinez has a kick on him are we going to get a bit of a quick finish here Don Martinez G Thomas who’s going to get that second place they have just maybe limited a bit of the losses Danny Martinez is second place ahead of his former teammate of gon Thomas and then we got Ken alab Brooks in that top 10 as well a little track Rider I think that’s Juan Pedro Lopez also just finishing behind this group but remember we are doing the recap race analysis on the cycling Dane podcast and the cycling Dane extra channel so be sure to check that out as well but I will just yeah thank you to every single one of you who have joined today absolutely incredible to have so many people here so early on as well but Chavez and ATL lenko coming over the line and Ben o Conor with those two so that’s going to be a big loss to the ag2 citan campaign as well such pressure on Ben o Conor’s shoulders but yeah we’ll wait and see I’ll get you the top 10 as well before we head off and uh just a bit of a plead for me help us get to a th000 subscribers on the cycling Dane action Channel it is the new project uh already had two professionals on that channel primy much Ro glit of all people he was the first video uh he happened to get onto my trading ride and I happened to have the camera on so that was a good little uh nogget there but uh yeah I will of course be streaming tomorrow as well so um make sure to check in tomorrow uh of course no no yeah I really do appreciate every single one of you tuning in and uh yeah if you can just head over on the cycling day action Channel and uh hit the Subscribe button that would be great and check out the videos as well cuz they’re quite interesting but Navas the Malia Rosa he looks like he’s going to come in here with about 2 minutes two minutes um of a disadvantage or loss to taracha so that’s a big big loss and uh yeah anyone myself included that was hoping that we’re going to have a bit of a Navaya nav uh GC run that was well and truly crashed the tour of Austria is certainly not the tour of um tour of not the king of um yeah but uh we’ll waai and see we waai to see uh uh yeah we’ll wait and see what happens here but yeah I’ll hurry up and do the recap race analysis


    1. I can’t take this seriously, he’s riding on his upper chain ring the smaller sprocket in the back and his legs are spinning up a hill, what motor does he have? This is all fake this is bullshit and nobody’s talking about it. He finishes and he could have a conversation right or you OK with us this entertainment only this is fake. He has a motor or. Or drugs that’s not detectable anymore or the federation don’t want to know this is a pure lie

    2. I’ve been Cycling since the 70s and I love it but it’s getting to the point, this is becoming a farce I would like to watch all the great races but I’m going to stop because I know it’s all fake it’s motors or drugs if not drugs, I don’t know what it is, but don’t tell me that the bike some more made better that’s crap. The bikes are lighter or aerodynamic. Sure you’re not. People should just stop , And just look go back to all the records and the timing this is fake

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