I attempt to go sub 40 mins up Sa Calobra after missing out last year, will I do it this time?

    The 2nd part of the video I climb up to Cap de Formentor, partially closed roads and a much better experience that last year.

    Have you cycled up these iconic climbs? What was your experience? Leave a comment below and get involved!


    0:00 – 0:24 – Intro
    0:25 – 2:41 – Coll de Femenia
    2:42 – 5:06 – Sa Calobra
    5:07 – 5:59 – Day 2 Intro
    6:00 – 7:31 – Marco Pantani
    7:32 – 9:11 – Mi Amigas
    9:12 – 14:12 – To the lighthouse
    14:13 – 16:34 – 1st descent
    16:35 – 19:03 – Henrik the Strong Nord
    19:04 – 21:12 – Last descent

    Jasper Lab – Lo- Fi Hip Hop
    Shinogi Beats – Epiano Liquid D&B

    hey it’s Russ welcome to Myan series stick around for day two and three where I try to get sub 40 minutes up Sabra having missed out last year do you reckon I can do it this time well also the second part of the video sees me ride up close roads on the way to cap the fermentor surely one of the most iconic climbs in the island so I really hope you enjoy help me out like subscribe and comment and I’ll catch you soon I just see the Dogma crew up there mini P about 8 to 10 Riders all on like black hired dogmas like FS Pinella FS let’s go show what the pinell Rock from 10 years ago can do eh once I finish this banana after a nature break right so anyway enough of the as the accent And So It Begins Fantastico that’s me amigos amigos Mano oldo my younger older brother where you from guys England oh from Manchester my Spanish is did I convince you yeah you did see ad Amigos think that means strong you do SRA yeah Wicked you can give me a toe after I’ve blowed it up here 4 Hour Spanish benefit of not using the chest harness [Music] Migos keep going they little Ting Bo big so Chad I totally forgot you’ve got those little switchbacks H to get to the top uh most definitely spinning for the winning nice dude by a yogi from Switzerland a rim bre bike like me R breaks for the win [Music] we’re here again hola right let’s just going away in The Descent Migos around the bottom most things look s but I don’t want to catch any coaches so I’m going to have a coffee at the top I’m just going to get going now pretty cold on that descent and uh there’s quite a few dudes who’ve set up before so there’s something to attack but I’m sticking to the plan 260 the whole way up enjoy it first and for most but beat last year L Muchachos H I did it h Amigos H 37:51 provisional time 10 minutes off my PB it’d be interesting the power there were bits where I couldn’t hold 260 when it got flat and it was just difficult I think it’s definitely a climb that experience will help shave off a lot of time but I am buzzing with 3751 better than I thought I’d get all Migos mucho fantastic go ombre don’t know what accent that was just high on mejoran life right now because it’s hard not to be when you’re just cruising around like this in this weather on these roads amig go yeah just that view is breathtaking the GoPro won’t do it justice I sto back there for a few photos it’s phenomenal and totally now in just relax and enjoy mode for the rest of this ride because the target that was set out has been achieved and my legs are toast wait so freestyle P my legs are gone met strong Swiss France that’s not a country that’s his name but he’s very strong W day he brought me the seing route about 5 miles back from camp for say hola hola hola time can’t pick all but yeah what of you my legs are absolutely gone at this point but nearly home thankfully that’s go h on the way to the tramontana Monas I mean mosari remember the disclaimer on pronunciation I just thought I’d film a bit in these I’ve missed a few but was a city flag then hey uh is quite little town Villages I need to sneeze yeah very I could live here sure everyone says that it comes fast sver 3K s Amigos I thought this is where I met friends yesterday cuz I recognize if there’s a shop up there on the right aari that’s where met him voila never been up here before and I’m giving it beans I shouldn’t be doing this but I feel okay try and just hold 240 I’m over that let’s do it omre you can rest when you die unbelievable I need fuel I’ll pay whatever it costs 2347 unbelievable mucho Bic cyas oh that was I didn’t even mean to do that that was crazy Pani amig Pani sorry you look like pantani with you climb like he loal drivers it’s like be back in England mate hola Holo say hello for YouTube Amigos from Colombia I should have filmed all thatas the dude at the front hila 18K to the lighthouse 7 or 8K to formenta beach hola I remember this very much from last year that that view just took my breath away look at look at what your fantastic go I know a coach oh know should be all right trying not to breathe it’s got around the footage it’s hard Amigos 11:35 about minute 30 quicker than last year but no surprise no full gas tranqu tempo oh what view talking power Cur well mucho no there was like a a road check back there cuz this is the bit where it’s closed although a car has just gone past so I had to like wait a few seconds and I don’t know about two segments I’m riding away from but I do remember this slightly it’s why it’s called the famina cap the fermental good job Ros so just uh saw a group of very pretty Mo Bonita Spanish women I one them to take a picture of me in my bike Isabella very nice lady and then three dudes from a Cycling Club from shopshire we did CB yesterday around the 29 30 minute Mark ouch nice guys and then just descending then during the traffic chat to a French dude who’s just over 50 don’t know exactly how old but he said he was first wasn’t bragging we were just chatting uh he did the H route the dolomites finished eighth overall and first for over 50 it’s called Frank uh FR Frank Lon or something Meson like the house so I have to try and track him down online check out his route it’s times dead nice guy sound he’s like I am withing for my wife missing all the views I’m sure you go in between the the Rocks pretty soon and it mate go on he’s like yeah bet around this corner around the corner we go through in between the Rocks hila all right around this corner Bo down there loving life come on surely here it is yeah I remembered something all right remember the first time I’ve already been down it once coming through this there’s a similar one on the way to Sol on that or loop I did with Alexis bet you can’t see [Applause] recognize this just on that corner I got dropped by some dude from Swindon and I tried to live with it not like emotionally just like the pace and I could e hack it man I had to let him go but I remember that H you good good via Maya just different levels different levels Mana amigos amigos we made it hola so the road there is closed s Bueno but they work before then but yeah Fantastico compared to last year anyway unbelievably all dudes so I’ll put it on the chest harness on the way back mix and blend the views see what we get but yeah last year I remember that was queuing all the way there got pan around and get a better angle all on the road on that bit was just cars chucker you could not all this was full of cars everywhere I can’t believe how quiet it is but views people camera shy pull out a GoPro like anyway so here for Mentor Madness doing this after yesterday but went in Rome and absolutely fantastic so I’m not hanging around going to put this on the chest harness bit of food and then time TR it back and then trano we go all right let’s be the buses hola it’s get let’s get going son recording yeah B jungle on the way down no buses let’s go oh it’s Frank there he is the hot route hola there my [Applause] dude but again no Arrow cuz if I get Arrow you ain’t going to see and I can’t get this chest Dr any higher [Applause] but if anyone jumps in this this video Midway and thinks I’m I do take it like lunatic the road is closed apart from buses and likea and Walkers so I’m not going to be a dick anyways pretty windy up here huh might help if I resume the ride oh mate turn to this end oh the arrow oh should have given the hand signal but I didn’t have time looks s there and he’s had a little back twice I don’t want to catch him cuz if he’s up for talking and he’s going my way he’ll probably gun it and that that’s what happened yesterday that’ll me UPA WI po perro per dog hola nice got strong oh Rim breakes nice H it’s got Rim breakes got Nails don’t too talk first impression then I thought that about friend yesterday and he’s dead chat he dead sound uh but this guy doesn’t look like he’s going to go easy up this hill so I’m going to it’s not you take the draft it’s rude you got to cont all talk I think going to be a big CH being on the right side is uh last year yeah this this year I’ve managed to remember maybe two times I forgot I’m like Russ you look all red side ombre but uh yeah you used normally I’m okay this week I’ve been fine uh but I have found when I’ve routed some oneway streets uh which is no one now I’m taking some shots with my GoPro you mind no no no no do you want to say hello Henrik hello Henrik I knew it’s a strong F day man from Norway Nordic strength so we could be ancestors yeah well I’m half Irish so the Nords were in irland quite a bit but not totally cuz Irish are crazy as I know from my mom so yeah we could be long lost Brothers em you never know you never know I’ll just go in front to be safe [Applause] [Music] didn’t know coach was there lot going down there what what view though unbelievable care what this Co [Music] thought wh on my eyes then I thought coaches there I’m still did it though didn’t I Lo man yes traffico [Music] hello h


    1. Have you been lucky enough to cycle up two of the most iconic and well known climbs in Mallorca? How did you get on, any goals for Sa Calobra?

      Leave a comment below and I hope that you enjoy the video! Gracias 🙂

    2. Great video Russ. 👍 Sa Calobra and cap formentor are fantastic. Cycling paradise. Nice to be in this vlog with my brother. Funny that we saw eachother before we met.

    3. Great to see you releasing videos on a regular basis Russ, sound and video quality were excellent, congratulations on improving your PB, determination mate! Really liked the scenery it was very beautiful, the climbs do not look too easy either, good workout there! Nice that you make an effort to say hi to all you meet, but hey that has always been you:-) Keep the videos coming my friend!

    4. Well done that fellow Blighty man 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 and I'm not jealous of the fine weather there, as i ride around liverpool and the surrounding area's in multiple layers because it's still sodding cold, and we are at the end of April 😜😜😜

    5. Great work on the PBs! Also have you done the Talaia d'Albercutx on the Fermentor road? I want to add it to my lighthouse ride but don't know if best to do on the way out or back

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