The Murder of Connor Lyons – Killer in My Town – British Murder Documentary
    Connor Lyons was strangled and drowned on 18 January 2021 before his body was discovered on the banks of the River Hull, near Ennerdale, the next day.

    Cole Jarvis was jailed for a minimum of 25 years for his murder at Hull Crown Court in November.

    Three Court of Appeal judges quashed the original term and reduced it to 21 years.

    During the trial, the jury heard how Jarvis attacked the 17-year-old on the day of the killing but had bullied and assaulted him in the weeks and months prior to the fatal assault.
    #murderdocumentary #britishmurderdocumentary #crimedocumentary #murderdocumentaryUK

    [Music] I’ve gone in his room and he wanted his bed so thought maybe he slept out I’m Sor please watch your emergency and I think I found a dead body sorry dead body there a dead body yeah the report was received that there was a lifeless body of a young male that was at the water’s edge I was just feeling it wasn’t true I was just thinking no this is true like it’s someone else there were a lot of rumors regarding it has this individual accidentally come to fall into the water it looked like he’d been beat up he had like punch mats in his eyes has he been in a fight as whoever’s done this to him at him you don’t think that it’s going to happen till somebody you know everyone was just a bit confused really and like needed answers as to what had happened to Connor [Music] in the northern suburbs of Hull lies Orchard Park where popular 17-year-old Connor Lions grew up with his family when Conor was born I was with his mom Kelly when they took Connor out of his mom’s womb I actually cut the card so I was the first person to ever hold Connor it’s a lovely memory yeah hold it dear it was like a little designer baby be like I don’t know why cuz I had a million and one nieces and nephews but I was just always proud of the color it was like I wanted to show him off i’ be like I want to push his PR I want to do this I want to whatever it was just just such a cute little bab just always happy always full of life Connor’s Larger than Life personality Shone through at an early age it was one of the loudest kids and all the attention was always on him for all the silly things he was doing and putting smiles on people’s faces and making everyone laugh all the time he was just funny he played tricks on people whether he meant to or he didn’t he whether he was laughing at him or with him it it was just full of life it was very funny it was humorous he used to make me laugh a lot he was quite clever really he was quite sharp Comer and he also had a caring side to him he could be cheeky and a typical teenager I suppose but he always kept his heart and that’s what I loved about Connor he would do anything for you Connor was a loving caring boy he’d always care for people it was so loving it was just a lovely person to talk to when I was going through a hard time it was always there for me and supported me through things when other people didn’t really listen to me he was there to listen to me a typical teen Connor started to care about his image Conor was growing into a handsome kid he always had the best clothes the best jo like he loved nice things he loved to look nice smell nice you know look good he he likes took pride in his appearance and he took up a thrilling hobby he used to really enjoy messing about with motor bikes and doing whatever young boys do he used to absolutely love do love doing that yeah he got a lot of enjoyment out of it but this new found interest soon led to disaster he was involved in a MP crash sadly he almost died then he had internal bleeding from his liver kidney and spleen he had a broken arm he was tooking to hospital and he had a major operation he was said he was lucky to be alive it was his 16th birthday when he came out of hospital and he was in a lot of pain with his arm and he continued to be in a lot of pain with his arm yeah despite making some progress on his physical recovery the accident took a toll on Connor’s mental health he’d got anxiety he was upset obviously he couldn’t come out for a long while because of his injuries he’ break down and cry when he never used to that one Conner and I said to him you need to get help you know for the trauma that you’ve been through and I think he just chose the rout of smoking cannabis it helped calm him down it helped ease his pain Connor and his mom made a fresh start by moving to the Brans home housing estate in Hull and the Teen found himself a new companion Connor absolutely loved his dog C Conor would be out all the time with his dog Callie and he loved us bit and he’d never stopped talking about where he’d go everywhere with her and he enjoyed walking her all the time and just spending time with her really I think he got on with a dog and a lot more than what he did to other people [Music] really finally life seemed on a better track I think something clicked in his head and I think he thought right I can have a stay in this little circle smoking weed and roaming the streets and just getting into trouble or whatever or I can change now he was full of talk about the future what he wanted to do with his life you know where he wanted to go a lot more focused he was than what I’d seen him in a long time really Conor wanted to have a good career he wanted to be a plumber and like you know he wanted to like buy a house do his driving listens he wanted to do good in life for me as a moment I was really happy that Conor had made a career choice and it changed his life around he was ready to grow up and just do all the normal things that you do in life he was ready to do it at that very point but as Connor was finally ready to start aresh everything [Music] changed I’m police watch emergency so the report was received at around 18 minutes past 8 on Tuesday the 19th of January uh it was from a single female uh walking her dog along the bank of the river hell that runs adjacent to Thomas Clarks and way and I think I found a dead body sorry dead body there a dead body yeah can tell if it’s a male or a female male I think yes she initially thought that there had been some claws that had been discarded at the water’s edge uh but on getting closer she’d realized that uh there was a lifeless body of a young male that was at the water’s edge looks like a teenager looks like a teenager and you say you’ve actually touched him and there was no response was they I touched him with my foot yeah and there’s no chance I he asleep or anything there’s no breathing or anything like that that you can see as they no emergency services immediately make their way to the scene so we’re heading towards the site where the body was found he lying slightly on his left side uh fully closed inclusive with baseball hat gloves um trainers the zip up of the water jacket was worn externally uh was was tucked up underneath his chin the head was slightly submerged under the water it was high tide when officers attended but the body wasn’t completely submerged uh it was at the water’s side um but the head was under the water no visible external injuries that would have suggested anything unto and at that moment in time the death was unexplained you need to keep an open mind at the early stages of that investigation in relation to What scenario has led to the death of this individual and there are a number to consider initially has this individual accidentally come to fall into the water had third party involvement been involved has somebody forcefully put him into that water or have this individual taken himself into that water purposely for a reason with an unexplained death in front of them police quickly secure the scene was real real important on the discovery of the scene to preserve as much as we can so that any evidence that would be available to us at that location isn’t Disturbed in any way or rendered useless uh as we move forward there will be various cordons that will be put on an inner cordon and an outer Cordon in relation to keeping the area sterile the access route for our staff in and out is the least likely route that is taken to enable uh scene to be preserved evidentially in relation to that and obviously the crime scene manager and the forensic officers will obviously ensure that they are appropriately addressed prior to entering the scene prior to that body being recovered so as to not contaminate anything that might be present with the crime scene secured the body is recovered and finally police can identify the individual before them the crime scene manager was requested to seene they were able to take some fingerprints at the location for us to quickly identify uh who he was to enable his family and those closest to him to be updated in relation to the unfortunate circumstances there was an early identification that it was conance that’s who this unfortunate individual [Music] [Music] was when I arrived in the morning whaton he usually has his bike in the hallway but he wasn’t there but I didn’t think out of it you know so I’d gone upstairs gone in his room wanted his bed so I didn’t think out I thought maybe he slept out and then I’d gone to the neighbors because that morning she kept ringing me when I was like at my friends saying the dog was out um and she’s got it in her garden so I said to her would you be able to put it in your house you know till I get back Kelly finds it odd that Connor’s dog Cali is not with him as they are always together but when when she arrives at her neighbor’s home to collect the dog the neighbor explains that it was found in an odd State the dog was really mudy and wet and she had to Dy the dog off it looked it was acting a bit strange it was just laid on a couch you know like looking quite sad and the police turned up so our thought obviously is being Conor being arrested for something and they said no we need to talk to you in PR so that’s when they took me in my garden and told me we found a bed you know and we’ve checked his fig Prince and it matches to [Music] con I got a call of Conor’s mom Kelly and she’s screaming down the phone and she said that body on the River Bank is Conor it’s Conor and the head just exploded I was just praying it wasn’t true I was just thinking no this ain’t true like it’s someone else it’s not gone Ed in no it can’t be and no saying to me can he come and identify his body and it just didn’t see real all the way there I was just thinking it’s not going to be Conor it’s going to be someone else you know please say it’s not ConEd in know and obviously when I got there it was with no cause of death as yet confirmed the family have to consider whether Connor has accidentally drowned taken his own life or has something more Sinister happened when I went into the m and Conor was behind a glass screen he looked like he’d been beat up he had like punch marks in his eyes you could see marks around both sides of his neck and bruising around his nose and his eyes has he been in a fight as whoever’s done this to him at him I asked the police is that where he’d been punched and they said it could be from the water corrosion so I didn’t know what had happened obviously to Le dad’s postmortem well the family awaits postmortem results police take an initial look into Connor’s life to see if there might be anyone or anything that may have put him In Harm’s Way Connor was a a very Meek and Mild individual extremely well-liked by his friends he resided with his mother and siblings and formed an important part of their lives and that family setup um he wasn’t an individual that would engage in trouble or go looking for it he had had a criminal record um some minor offenses in relation to Pedal cycle theft and some some possession of cannabis he’s with the wrong crowd they got him to do the the stealing and then once he took the bike cuz it was a push bike they’ take it straight off him and ride off so Connor’s actually been seen taking it not them Conor basically trying to like fit in you know so obviously he was like copying what these people was doing but he never caused harm to anyone you know like he never did anything to harm anyone it was just stupid things but he he was always still like loving and caring he’d never harm anyone he wasn’t somebody that was highlighted uh certainly not to hesai police in relation to his background or offending history he was just a well-liked individual that had moved to the area and never sought out any trouble with no real clues in Connor’s background and an Unexpected death police attempt to piece together the hours leading up to Connor’s death so there are a number of things that I need to consider and obviously the most important thing is to to look at who the interactions are that he’s had what is the direction of travel where has he been prior to being found the way that we go about that is quickly identifying the last sighting that we have of Connor lead leaving the home address and look at capturing him on CCTV or by independent Witnesses and identifying the rote of Trav he may have taken we do the same in relation to the deposition site of where he was found we will work backwards and try and identify a route or individuals that he is with or if he has come out there on his own in relation to to to heading towards where he was found while police scour the local area for information it isn’t long before local media get involved there were murmurings quite early on on social media and on other channels that there was something that had happened in the area that there was a large emergency services presence one of the first things that we’d have done as a newsroom is dispatcher reporter to the area with a response of the size that there was that day cuz then we can have eyes on the ground and from there we start to build up a picture of what is happening and we make calls on what is the right information to report at certain times as the hours tick by police work with local media to glean any information into Connor’s death as a newspaper and a website we do actively help uh the police in investigations it’s something that we do quite regularly we li a with them to get the details of the appeal that they need to put out it is something that we try to do and there there are processes in place to make sure that that happens in a controlled way that get means the information reaches the right people and in the right ways and as the police appeal is shared across social media news of Connor’s death reaches the wider Community somebody had rang me on the phone and tell me have you heard what’s what’s happened to Conor I went no and I couldn’t believe it I really couldn’t believe it I went on my phone scrolling through Facebook and there was just a no end list of person saying God bless Conor and that’s really when it started to sink in it wasn’t a dream and it was really happening and that’s when it become more believable it just hit like straight away and I couldn’t do nothing about it it was just horrible but as the news spreads speculation begins to circulate across social media with Connor there wasn’t a cause of death there were a lot of rumors regarding it because of the location where the body was found you’re on the edge of a river for the circumstances that it was found in overnight we was hearing so much from everyone like we was hearing from Social Media is being stabbed this has happened that’s happen and we hav’t got a clue as a family we don’t we don’t have a clue there’s just a million things going through your mind it’s sickening it is sicking everyone was just a bit confused really and like needed answers as to what had happen to Connor when you’re reporting on these sort of cases very early on it’s important to try and avoid speculation yourself it’s very easy to get caught in the Trap of looking on social media and seeing the theories and start taking them as fat and it is not something that we do as journalists with no answer forthcoming police take into consideration that Connor’s dog was found wandering alone near to his home address that morning was clearly identified that Connor’s dog cie was the love of his life for one of a better word um they went everywhere together always would be on a lead so what led to Connor leaving his beloved C alone a closer look at the scene begins to uncover further Clues as to what may have happened to Connor we did not ever recover the mobile phone that belonged to Connor Lions nor did we ever recover a gold Bela bracelet that he had worn and hadn’t taken off his wrist since receiving it as a Christmas present from his mom that was valued at around £800 um and never recovered um and that was during the course of an extensive searching scene and additionally by the underwater search team at that location and I think if it had been at the location it would have been recovered and we would have found this evidence leads them to the theory that Conor may have been the victim of a robbery gone wrong there was a whole host of social media activity in relation to this investigation the chatter started with regards to sightings on social media of a quite specific mountain bike that belonged to Connor it was a black Scott mountain bike that had some luminous yellow writing and specific markings on it and everybody knew that that was Connor’s bike and quite quickly there are then attempts to sell that pedal cycle on social media but with Connor Dead who is trying to sell his bike within days police have a name 22-year-old cole Jarvis so I said to the place who’s called Jarvis you know why why the in’s got his [Music] bik just hours after being found dead in a river in the East Riding Countryside police have discovered someone has been trying to sell 17-year-old Conan’s bike on social media 22-year-old local man Cole Jarvis Cole Jarvis resides on the same estate as Conor Lions they’d probably been in a friendship and known each other for 6 to n months since Connor had moved on to the bransom state it appears Cole may have stolen Connor’s pedal bike but could he be in any way connected to Connor’s unexplained death Witnesses come forward to say that they had seen Cole on the bike the night before Connor was found dead in the early hours of the 20th of January an arrest was made of Cole Jarvis that arrest was in relation to the theft of Connor’s quite distinctive pedal cycle Cole is brought into the police station for questioning during that interview Cole identified that he was really really friendly with Connor and that he hadn’t seen him or been in his company for at least 2 weeks prior to the point of his arrest there was questions asked about why he was in possession of it the pedal cycle and an indication from Cole jab is that been sold in in exchange for some cannabis so he was quite happy to talk and made a poignant comment at the end of the interview that if he knew anything about what had happened or how Connor had come to be found deceased uh he wouldn’t hesitate to contact the police and let us know could Cole be telling the truth but while continue to question him postmortem results come [Music] in in the early stages in terms of Connor’s death there was an appearance that he may have just just drowned and it was only once there was engagement um by the uh forensic scci scientists and also the Pathologists in the case that there were aspects of the death which were not normal so there were injuries to his neck which were consistent to his neck being compressed strangled whether by a ligature or somebody’s arm so in relation to the petii around the eyes uh and the face and in the inside of the lips those are small blood vessels that when oxygen is restricted uh and the breathing is restricted uh it results in these blood vessels popping clearly identifies that at some stage um there was an obstruction of that Airway likely by force ultimately he did drown but but prior to that he had suffered an assault which involved somebody compressing his neck so whilst alive at the time he drowned it could have been that he was rendered unconscious and that taken together with the significant injury to the voice box clearly identified third party involvement the results of the postmortem immediately changed the course of the investigation we were now looking at a murder inquiry and I instructed that Cole Jarvis be arrested for murder at that point with a murder investigation underway the local community reacts to the shocking news I thought there was close to be honest like those friends but and then when I read about it it just turned me head straight away with him it was a shock to think that someone who would class each of us friends would do that to someone in custody Cole continues to tell police that the last time he saw Connor was 2 weeks ago but would the CCTV from the night before Connor was found dead suggest otherwise on the Brand’s own M it we quite quickly pick up some CCTV footage of two individuals traveling together on foot one of the individuals is seen with a dog on a leash and police think this might be Connor with his dog cie we then picked him up shortly after 8:00 on John Newton Way that is near to an Asda Supermarket the CCTV clearly picks both of those individuals up uh together with the dog as they head through a cut through cut through heads in the general direction uh of Thomas Clarks and way and the river Hull directly towards where the deposition site was the two individuals with the dog disappeared here from CCTV but 2 hours later one of them reappears we had a witness that was traveling this road Thomas Clarkson way heading home after uh working for the evening at around 40 minutes P 10 at the night he sees a male figure coming from the opposite side of the road from the area of the deposition site really of Conor’s body and also in company with him running loose is a silver uh Goldy colored silver retriever dog that we believe was actually the dog of Connor lions that individual was wearing quite a distinctive Green Jacket it was described as a Parker without the fur and that witness uh kept that individual in sight as he walked in front of his vehicle before driving off home that individual is then picked up less than a minute later from CCTV footage at the bottom of this Lane where he then heads back in towards the housing estate could this individual on CCTV be Cole Jarvis and is he seen taking Connor’s dog Cali after murdering him by the river hole police obtain a warrant to search Cole’s home address for evidence there were the recovery of clothing from the home address so the trainers with the distinctive flashes that were recovered that are captured on CCTV at various points from an individual away from the deposition site were also caked in mud Not only was Co ja’s clothes wet and mudded as might be consistent with with somebody who was in the area where Conor Lions was discovered but also the soil samples in the area matched soil samples found on some of the clothing of of cvis the distinctive cord that was worn that was recovered again mud samples from that matching those from the deposition site matching the descriptions of what Witnesses tell us an individual was wearing and also the CCTV footage in relation to it so that was recovered also and further digging leads police to a key item belonging to Connor the pedal cycle that was offered for sale that pedal cycle during the course of our inquiries was recovered from the guard lock garden shed but when forensics carry out tests there really is a breakthrough you had scientific evidence which looked at DNA findings there was a a piece of rope which was found at one of the places or addresses connected to co Javis that rope when submitted in relation to forensic examination yielded DNA that was uh able to be related to both conion and Co jabas might that have been the piece of rope that was used during the course of any incident that occurred between them with the mountain of evidence stacked against him Cole Jarvis is charged with the murder of Conor lions at a hearing Cole pleads not guilty to murder which means a trial will ultimately take place his defense was he was not responsible for causing injury and ultimately therefore causing death to to to conr Alliance while the CPS prepares a case for trial Connor’s family and friends have the agonizing task of saying goodbye to their loved one Connor’s funeral it was a really big turn out a lot of people from the community turned up there was hundreds and hundreds of people around the streets the full of Hall I can say the full of hle was Bean Conor every every single person down from making banners balloons to the lads on the motorbikes to the lads on the quads people come out in in the cars was and the mot bikes and the Mur bikes sto the buses so the convoys could all go to to the church even the old house that they used to live in where we grew up there come out with that house and put banner up for Connor and everything honestly it was like a bloody royal wedding or something he had like a celebrity you random strangers didn’t have to love Connor but they did because that’s who Connor was everybody loved him I’ve never ever seen a funeral like in my days I’ve been alive it’s one I’ll never ever forget till the day I die it was absolutely beautiful he got the most amazing send off you pH and you only could have seen [Music] that despite a beautiful sendoff for Connor the upcoming trial continues to loom over his family and with Connor’s own friend accused of committing the most horrific crime against him there’s one question on everyone’s lips I want to know the truth I want to actually know what happened to him [Music] 22-year-old Cole Jarvis has been charged with the murder of his friend Conor lions and a trial is set to begin in a matter of months in many respects for a complicated case and this had its complications it’s quite a compressed time scale so a lot of um energy and resources have to go into then making sure the case is ready and by by the time it’s tried any good prosecutor will say there his or her role isn’t just to get a conviction it’s to make sure if there is a conviction it’s fair to make sure there’s a proper outcome so at every stage every decision you make you you really have to look at it from both sides and the key thing is keeping an open mind uh throughout [Music] 9 months after Connor’s murder the trial begins at Hull Crown Court and his family recall seeing their loved one’s alleged killer in the dog I’d seen photos of called Javis and I’d seen like stuff on Facebook I’d seen videos but I’d never seen call Javis myself like ey to ey when we walked in and I first seen him I felt physically sick and I felt like I could have killed him with my bare hands like I’ve never felt anger I was checking from head to I was I was checking Javis when I looked up at him he stood there he had no remorse he was shaking his neck from side to side you know like clicking his neck and just like staring at me and things like that just no remorse whatsoever the way he looks at you his eyes are so cold I’ve never seen anyone look so cold ever as the trial sets off the court hears details about Cole’s circle of friends that included Connor Cole Jarvis’s peer group and a circle of friends ranged from 14 years of age to about 17 so there was certainly a group that were a lot younger than him and probably a group of individuals he could hold influence over and perhaps lead I couldn’t understand that I I couldn’t understand that and I thought did he do this hang about with these young boys to make him feel sort of he was in control he was Top Dog didn’t make sense Witnesses describe to the court how Connor initially looked up to Cole at the start of their friendship but it wasn’t long before things drastically changed Connor had a motor bike it was Connor’s motorbike Connor PA for it co Jarvis apparently fixed people’s bikes Connor’s trusted Co Jarvis to fix his motor bike so he took the bike and then when it’s come to can I have my bike back please it’s not he was supposed to be fixing his mot bike and he wouldn’t giving him back so in the end Connor’s got really upset and he’s thought well I’ll just have to go you know and try to stand up for myself and get it back and when he’s got to call driis his house called Jarvis has come outside and he’s laughing at Connor saying you’re not having it there was one particular piece of footage which short the two of them have a physical dispute um which involved the the the two of them in in essence ramming their bikes against one another one interpretation was that Co Jarvis got the upper hand in that another is that it was evenly matched that was something the jury had to to consider but the key thing was it it just showed friction between them and then it was videoing con riding off but then he struck Conor he started grabbing him by the neck and things like that and you could see in the video video that Conor was a bit weary and scared of Javis and their friendship soon deteriorated further there was a pattern of bullying on behalf of Cole there was cases of harassment in terms of verbal harassment Communications uh physical assault I used to get him in choke locks and knock his cap off his head and grab him on the neck all the time there was one time before when there was out fishing and it said to Conor or um he’ grabbed him on the neck and said you want me to kill you out you know you’re lucky I don’t kill your out despite Cole’s aggressive behavior the court hears how Connor did not always take the abuse lying down although he was treated in such a cruel way uh by Cole we know that he did stand up for himself using his words he couldn’t physically go and fight call so he had to try and defend himself verbally as much as he could and try and make cole think that hang on a minute I am going to stick up for myself you know without having to we saw Communications between Cole and Connor that indicated that there was a level of two back and forth between the two there was Connor answering back to Cole’s abuse and the demands that Cole made ja didn’t like the way that Connor could give as much Fai back there had been some text messages that got read out in CT call saying to Connor watch what’s going to happen H keep keep running your mouth and you watch why you end up and stuff like that it could be something that led to Cole going further than he had ever before the constant threat eventually took a toll on Connor CIS control Connor and he manipulated him like when you have a domestic violence with a against a woman this is what Co JVS did to Connor he manipulating him on a daily basis he made him lose his confidence his selfworth his trust to not go out the house it it took everything away from Connor stripped him Connor used to come home like Angry all the time shouting at me and things like that and I didn’t know like the reason why and obviously it’s because of what Jarvis was doing to him but he didn’t want to tell me he was screaming up for help like for one of us to work up I wish that he had have opened up to us the rest of his family because we could have helped him but we didn’t know the court hears how Connor took back control of his life by enrolling at college and working out a plan to get away from Bran’s home but in January 2021 Cole refused to let this happen the 18th of January probably at around 700 p.m. Connor leaves his home address he leaves on his pedal cycle the distinctive Scott Mountain cycle and he also takes his dog C on a lead as he always does Connor meets Cole and phone evidence suggests Connor was lured by his former friend to try to sort out their differences I believe that on the Night Calls kind of s to Conor come on let’s go for a walk and have a chat and whatever else and we’ll just sort it out and I think Connor’s being under the influence that I’m going to go and I don’t have to worry about this anymore tonight let’s get it squashed and then I can concentrate on my college and all that Connor and Cole are then seen on CCTV heading towards the river Hull Connor on the last bit of CCTV you know that he walking to his death with Co Jarvis and you know that’s last time anybody will ever see Connor P from Cole Jarvis alive again at some point after this moment Cole attacks Connor the evidence points to Connor having been strangled at some point during the evening we don’t know if this was with a ligature or with hands it appears to have been done over clothing Paul Jarvis has then and like drag Connor’s body unconscious down to like to try and get him into the water so at this point he took it upon himself to like you know obviously like drown Conor but I believe that Connor’s dog Callie has tried to save Connor because cie was absolutely wet for un covered in mud cie was soing wet she’d witnessed something something horrendous if only dogs could talk after murdering Connor Cole brings C back towards the bransome estate and then steals Conor’s bike the following morning Cole takes to social media to try to sell the bike while also expressing his condolences over Connor’s death when it was singing about Connor that had been found on the river bank and that Chavis had actually commented on the photo of Connor on his push bite saying rip Connor which is [Music] disgusting after a short but grueling twoe trial at Hull Crown Court the jury retires to deliberate a verdict such a big fear thinking right when I walk in this room now or I going to get Justice for Connor or not that’s it it was hard because we had to stick up for Connor so if if it had got our guilt would have failed him you know on the 6th of October 2021 the jury returns its verdict Cole Jarvis is found guilty of murder and is sentenced to 25 years in prison 25 years is a long time but really in my eyes it should be a life for life he should never get Paro he’s going to be still young when he comes out I still could go out there and live a life and have a family whereas Conor cat which is disgusting life should mean life but even with Connor’s killer Behind Bars nothing will bring back the teenager who had his whole life ahead of him it’s impacted all our lives tremendously and especially his mother it Kelly it’s changed Connor’s mother Kelly beyond recognition my life will never be the same again I struggle every day I can’t sleep I just I don’t like to go out dark places everywhere I go there’s like I I can’t go where like water is and my day-to-day things I can’t even go shopping my anxiet I’ve got really bad anxiety at the [Music] minute Co Jarvis not not only took Conor he took Kelly as well this is what he’s [Music] done one year on family and friends continue to keep Connor’s memory alive at his grave I try to come like most days I come about two or three times a week to try and spend as much time as I can with Connor I’m glad I picked this SWOT because it’s really easy to find and have been able to get his bench put next to his resting place me and Connor’s Dad have got him a headstone it’s going to be a black marble granite one and it’s going to have like a moate design on the top of it and then once his headstones here it be all complete it’s a a real big fitting tribute to him it’s just what he he was and it just shows how much we all love him and we miss him [Music] and ask no foree the new [Music] so na [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] spee fore foree I sent it when I [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] fore you for [Music] [Music] youee fore sh foreign spee spee spee [Music] spee foreign foreign foree [Music] spee foreign [Music] foree speee spe fore fore [Music] fun look l [Music] this


    1. 43:15 WHAT THE PUCK is thissssssssssssssss⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️So disrespectful to have this inaudible issue at the final parts of Conor's story. Disgusted

    2. Laughable justice in the UK 😂such a lenient sentence for a bullying monster sheesh 🙄🙄🙄🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 rip Connor 😢😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

    3. Any bloke who is hanging around with kids quite a bit younger than him has issues. At the age of 22, if ur knocking about with kids aged 14-17? Yea, he's a problem. It's not healthy and he obviously can't relate 2 people his own age and wants control of younger people. Basically, he's a wrong 'un so steer well clear of anybody like that.

    4. There's something about killers who use ligature strangulation that seems to have an adverse reaction in their psychological defects. If it is the power over life and death or something else that makes a lot of perps want more. I fear for the community when he's released back into society.

    5. The audio went backwards at the end and reminded me of one of the best red dwarf episodes. But good effort with putting music over but didn't feel it captured the tone of the episode

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