Hi friends!!! 🌼

    We’re off for one annual bike trip! We’ll be cycling for 8 days from Avignon, France to Barcelona, Spain so come pack with me for this one-week bike trip!

    See you next week for another video!

    IG: @chamjamiezann
    Email: jamiezann.cham@gmail.com

    hello everyone and welcome to this week’s video uh for this week we are going to be packing uh for a one week bike trip um so de and I try to do this bike trip every year and this year we will be making the trip from aen uh in France all the way down to Barcelona in Spain and we’re actually leaving tomorrow morning so I really need to get packing so that’s what we’re going to go ahead and do together today um so Damian and I got these bike bags they’re really big and waterproof um so we’ve got six of these to put on our bikes um they’re going to be really useful for us to pick all the things that we need to pack um so yeah let’s go ahead and start filling this up um so for this first bag I will be putting in my clothing items so let’s go and gather that okay for my sports clothes for the bottoms I’m bringing along one two three four bottoms and the last one actually a special one cuz it’s uh shorts especially for cycling and it has a little pad for my butt so yeah bringing along five bottoms for the tops I have one 2 3 4 5 6 and seven tops and then once we get to Barcelona I want to be dressing a little bit nicer um so I have a pair of linen trousers these will go really well with some of the tops that I just showed earlier um and then I’ve got one long flowy beige dress as well as another long flowy polka dot dress and because it’s going to be a little bit chilly um even when we’re in Barcelona I think the highest temperature is going to be like 20° C um so just in case I’m just going to bring a little jacket to wear over and I know I just said it’s going to be a little bit chilly but just in case just in case the weather gets nice enough I’m bringing along also my bathing suits oh and I almost forgot my pajama set and otherwise I won’t go into the details but I have in here um my underwear 14 pairs of socks for diamond and eye um my brass and some nipple tape I’m going to put all of my clothing items into a huge bag okay so now that we’ve got this um huge back together all of our clothing items let’s go ahead and try to put this into the bike bag Okay so we’ve still got quite a bit of space so let’s go ahead and pack our toiletries in here as well how cute is my little toilet tree bag I love this cute little flower print first off very important sunblock learned this from past experiences so we’ve got one bottle that’s almost finish so we also have a second bottle let going in there and then I also have some sun block for the face especially also very important some insect repellent very necessary for myself um also I have some deodorant I’ve switched to using my glossy deodoran but I have just a little bit of this left so I’m hoping to finish this up on the trip then I’ve got some moisturizers these are from the Advent calendar that Damian got me for Christmas that I used that up and otherwise for skin care I have this little face wash that I also got in the Advent calendar that that got me and it’s very interesting because it looks like this actually so I’m supposed to use a pesel for each wash going in there I’ve got some moisturizer and my serum I use this every single day and this is actually a new bottle so I’m very excited to crack this open and otherwise I’ve got some travel size toothpaste I’ll pack our toothbrushes in tomorrow I’ve got a little travel siiz comb a little bottle of perfume and I have also got some Band-Aids is that going to fit got it oh and I forgot this it’s just a little nail file nail accidents always happen when you don’t want them to happen so I’ve got that just just in case and then of course I’ve got my little um travel size shampoo conditioner and body soap and we’ll just pop our towels in here as well these are some quite quick drying towels which will be really nice to have since we’ll be on the move a lot so we are going to go and buckle this up and that is our first bag done so on our past bike trips we realized we kind of had the tendency to eat a lot of fast food uh while we were on the trip because it’s what’s easy and we didn’t necessarily have any cooking supplies with us so we decided that this time we are going to put in more effort to cook more meals ourselves um so let’s go and get together our cooking supplies Z and I got this really cool set from decathlon if you open it up this way it becomes a little pot how cute and in there we have two sets of Cutlery as well as one and two plates so we can just be cooking our dishes and then serving it in these plates and then enjoying it with our cutlery very handy dandy and to do our cooking we have our gas canisters as well as this thing aop that you attach to the top of the canisters and then you can balance your pot on there for cooking oh Diamond also got this cute Muk from our friend um in Norway I believe so we use that and some very other important things um I’ve packed in here a little bottle of dish detergent laundry detergent some olive oil for cooking and just a little sponge I just cut this out from a little regular sponge so these are kind of our cleaning supplies except for this and along with that I have a little tea towel to dry anything that we might need to dry and just to get us started for our first meal we have some pasta along with our favorite pesto and we also saw these in the cathlon um so one is a raspberry crumble the other is a mole o sha um so these are going to be quite easy to prepare we’ve never tried things like this so thought we would give that a go so these are some of the meals that we have already planned to have and we’ll do the groceries um as we go along the trip so I’ve gathered all of that into a another zop bag we’re going to pop that into a new [Music] bag we also have some other miscellaneous stuff so this one’s just a little lamp for us to use in the tent at night Damian also picked up a little cable adapter thing um because the plug in the camping sites are usually this which is quite unusual so we just got us a little adapter so that we can use the electricity from the camping sites we also have another headlight for going out and about in the evenings or at night if we need to go to the toilet and I’ve also packed some laundry Clips just in case we need to get stuff to dry um after washing so I’ve put all of those miscellaneous items into another little bag for electronics we are bringing along some portable chargers um just because we don’t know if we’ll have any issues getting electricity at the campsite and then we’ve also got my camera battery charger along with two extra batteries an extra SD card my phone cable and some plug to share between Dam and I [Music] and that is another bag pack and I also wanted to have another bag um that was filled with items that we need to assess more easily um so we’ve got another empty bag that we’re going to fill with these kind of things so in there I’m going to be putting a bag of bitee tools um don’t ask me anything about these These are more Diamond EXP for Te I also have our little first eight supplies that I’m going to be putting in here as well as some wet wies and some tissues and now it’s time for the snacks um so D and I make a lot of little stops uh throughout the day to have a little snack because we’re using a lot of energy so we are packing quite some with us first off we have these little fruit pouches um these fruit pouches are just really great because they’re really easy to consume and they’re delicious and without any added sugars so it’s really nice we also are going to be bringing some cereal brers again really quick and easy convenient sck and otherwise we this have some packets of nuts so we have an assortment of nuts that we will be bringing with us and I’m sure we will be running out of these as the days go on and we will definitely be making some stops to pick up more snacks along the way um but yeah otherwise I just have some foot Clips uh as well as a Swiss army knife packed in here uh Swiss army knife is going to be really useful cuz it has like a lot of different things it’s got a knife it’s got a beer bottle opener going to be very useful um so I just have that in a little bag and also it is unfortunately going to be raining for a part of the bike trip um so we just wanted to make sure that we are ready for that we’ll be wearing our rain jackets tomorrow but we also picked up some trousers rain uh waterproof trousers and these are really cool because they have like flaps that go over your shoes so it keeps your shoes dry as well so I also be packing that in here because I just don’t want us to be fr ially looking through all the bags looking for these when it will start raining and that is another backpacked um so um damond and I will most probably be sleeping in some camping sites so we are bringing our tent along with us uh that’s going to go on the back of our bikes uh um but with that we need to bring our sleeping bag so just packing this one into a b that D already filled with his sleeping bag and we also have this little air mattress uh that we’re going to put underneath sleeping bed this is just going to isolate us from the ground which is going to be quite cold at night and now I just have my shoes to pack I’m bringing along this pair of fake Burgen socks from O show and these cute little ballerina flats from viva I don’t know if I’m pronouncing that right but um these will be more for Barcelona but they are so so comfortable I love them and those are going in a cute little bag for my shoes so I’m going to pop my shoes into the back that Damian has already filled with his clothes and then the back then and I guess that’s it for this week’s video um next week’s video is going to be a really exciting one I’m going to be filming a what I eat in a week video um bike trip Edition I’m going to be showing you everything I eat during my one week bik trip which is going to be so fun um so yeah I will catch you guys in next week’s video thank you for watching bye

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