The London Marathon has now been and gone, the body has been recovering nicely, determination and motivation are ever present and I am looking forward towards achieving my next goals in running. I do have a 2:24.35 to beat. However mindful not to do too much, too soon!

    Tonight around 10 days post marathon, I am making the return to some speedier running. Awakening my legs from the post marathon blues and hibernation ready to kick on and ignite something special over the shorter distance stuff throughout the summer period of training.

    Take a watch to see just what my session entails, understand mine and Naomi’s different approaches to training and whether banking a session was a good idea or not! Keeping it simple is always the key.

    The session made a whole world easier by training in a brilliant group of people, like-minded people who are willing to meet up and get the job done together.


    hello so tonight you’re joining me um on what is my first session back after um the London Marathon I don’t know if you can see in the background hi guys we I’ve got Naomi on the bike who’s uh joining us and cycling down um and she’ll probably be doing a spot of filming think my whilst we’re doing the session uh she’s on my old mountain bike so it is a little bit big for her but she’ll C so it’s tonight’s session anyway um is some 400 met efforts just down on the trail near us it’s perfectly flat and timey it’s not like this stuff that I’m running on now um I’m just doing six of them which is about a mile and a half um off one minute recoveries um which is nice and easy just getting the legs spinning over [Music] for the history Buffs this is the old uh banza Canal uh from Years Gone by it’s obviously um a bit derilict overgrown and uh burst its banks in a few places but yeah that’s where it is down here [Music] [Music] Mak me a look fast uh yeah I’ll let you sunet yeah I can’t really me now I’m scared I’m going to crash smooth transitional Handover perfect bird is M there trail out with um a measuring wheel today for us so it’s measured in 100 m increments all the way up to 1K we’ve used it before it is quite a nice flat section that’s shielded as well by the trees in a country Park so and it helps it’s in the bottom of the D Valley so it is pancake flat n problem for us it’s all downhill to get there so it means it’s all uphill on the way back [Music] [Music] hey [Music] she’s here Lookers videographer just chilling just chilling not doing a good job she’s not um a live action videographer I’m scared allegedly so we need to get a mount front of bike so that she feels a bit more comfortable so yeah that’s me 6X 400 done of 60 seconds recovery uh the gang’s just gone out to do four more yeah they’re just in the distance to do four more cuz they prescrib 10 tonight but we’ve got a 5 Mile Road League tomorrow so I wanted to get the legs spinning crucially uh before I try some at fast tomorrow um Bird’s measured these there’s a lot of tree coverage and I think everyone came up short but we’ll trust his measurement it does work for a a telecom engineering company so yeah we expect him to get it right did have one in around 70 seconds is which is 440 Pace sound like R uh yeah she says 69 um and then the last one wearing 67 so yeah I didn’t realize I could see you down the bottom yeah so it’s not too have you not picked R up no as you can tell she’s an Engaged video um yeah so that’s his little session done now just letting her legs recover instead of spinning them tonight cuz that’s a different training philosophy to mine I’ve dropped right down to build back up again in a couple of weeks I don’t know if you heard that she says that she’s dropped dropped right down to build back up again um so I did 20 last week a 30 this week and then it’ll be 40 back up to 50 and then put some build the speed sessions back in once I’m sitting comfortably at 50 again and go from there yeah so it’s like 3 or 4 weeks off speed is it for you yeah and just some for my next race is Miles Away I’ve got months till my next air race so I’m just taking it steady and enjoying sleeping she does a lot of that so yeah we’re going to ride back home now anyway before we get bit to death by midges on the massive Cals down not Trail so yeah cheers for watching we’ll probably get some footage on way back up these are just finishing the eight fret B look right now [Music] yeah talking about tea while on his way home you could buy make it if I leave outside it’s further for me to run oh you a running I hope you can tell by the gradient of this hill that we’re running up at the back end of this session got little lights wait for me [Music] like to say I drop na but she can’t C me back up Pitch session done then and uh nice to get the legs spinning over after the marathon see if we can get into some fast stuff now so yeah hope you enjoyed the session tonight or what you saw of the session anyway um nothing too pretty nothing too extravagant or overly complicated just keeping it simple and getting the job done and so it has to be really is it so yeah don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel cuz it helps the channel out and yeah give us a a comment if you feel necessary and it’s yeah it’s all all positive stuff so yeah thank you um and I’ll see whenever your next tuning into us uh and whatever we’re doing that’s uh running related so yeah bye for now [Music]

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