Wednesday: Cloudy morning. Rain this afternoon and evening. Highs in the low 40s.
    Overnight Tonight: Downpours with snow west. Gusty to damaging winds: 40-50mph. Lows in the upper 30s.
    Thursday: Windy. Gusts near 40mph. Rain and sleet taper mid-morning. Highs in the 40s.
    Friday: Cloudy and overcast. Isolated and scattered rain. Highs near 45 degrees.

    we’re not going to see the severe weather in terms of tornadoes or or some big squalls or anything like that but we will see some pretty significant winds and we’re on the Northern edge of this whole big giant storm system that’s all across the second the uh eastern half of at least the United States here so as we see that as we have some slightly stable air and also the cooler temps that’s going to keep away any tornadic storms but we have Heavy Rain to deal with up to 2 Ines possible over the next couple of days strong wind gusts once we get a coastal low to evolve later today 40 to 60 MPH from the Northeast especially at the coast minor snow accumulation Southern New Hampshire and the Worcester Hills that sleep that’s falling right now not expected to accumulate until you go higher in elevation about, 1500 fet in elevation or higher than that so that’s around the birkar Worcester Hills areas a coastal flooding minor moderate for that Thursday morning high tide cycle more about that in a minute First Alert live radar right now shows that the rain is heading into Boston and yep there’s some little ice pellets sleep mixing in with some areas here that rain across Berry Gardener lemonster boilen and even some sleep in Worcester at this time too the radar looks changeable with the different colors but what it’s tracking is that radar beam is a little bit higher off the ground and it’s picking up on the ice in some of the clouds but more picking up the rain here around Boston wal they am Needum at this moment Southshore to the NorthShore more of those ice crystals and snowflakes picked up by the radar now as you head towards Keane and Jeffrey and so you have a mix of a little bit of everything Southern Vermont New Hampshire the big picture shows this large circulation this is the parent area of low pressure off of it down about here the Delmarva Coast is where we expect a little Coastal low to develop what we don’t have with this storm to avoid a blockbuster big nor Easter situation is we don’t have the cold air enough for Southern New England to get snow change over and we don’t have a bombogenesis type storm where it goes under uh rapid intensification 24 bar drop in pressure in 24 hours no we’re not tracking something like that it will strengthen enough though as we get this little area of low pressure to our South to swing in some of the Winds and flip our wind direction funneling in cold air to the north as that does so then around Boston north and west and some higher elevations yeah you do change over to a mix and some messy sleet could see some light accumulations just outside of greater Boston around Worcester even Fitchburg and then the farther north you go you rapidly increase your chance for snow accumulation and some sleep mixing in south and east haven’t really mentioned you across Plymouth or even Cape Cotter the islands because it’s an all rain event we will see wind we will see a coastal flood aspect to this too and I’ll address that in a sec okay 34 in Bedford by tomorrow morning that’s it so it’s mixing it’s not going to be a cut and dry you get snow you get rain we have mixing still ongoing Thursday afternoon ski country it’s snowing and it’s still snowing through Thursday through Friday even as we do see a CH chance for this storm system to linger just offshore in the Gulf of Maine so rainfall potential 1 to 2 in widespread as we go throughout Thursday and that includes Boston the snow potential is going to be to the north and west up to an inch outside of 128 1 to 3 as you head towards Worcester 3 to five Worcester Hills 5 to8 around southern parts of New Hampshire and then 8 to 12 plus as you go farther to the north but over a foot of snow possible in central parts of New Hampshire winds are Gusty right now 20 to 30 mph coming in onto the coast 50 to 60 will be expected through this evening into tomorrow morning and that’s going to be the highest wind speeds about 50 in Boston possible as we look at the winds that’s going to help to turn up the wave heights 10 to 20 Footers off our Coastline by tomorrow morning and so minor to pockets of moderate coastal flooding likely along those Northern and Eastern facing beaches beach erosion may actually continue day after day as we still have some very rough Seas the next several days some of those tide times though it’s going to be tomorrow morning around Boston where we had that minor tide and a flood stage will be in minor flood stage Thursday morning Thursday afternoon not anticipating too much issues with the flooding we’ll see erosion and rough surf but it’s an offshore Wind by then okay the storm lingers Friday with a light witry mix from time to time then just in time for the eclipse next Monday it’s spring all of a sudden 60 degrees with sunshine

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