Despre o motocicleta pastrata in vopsea originala de 70 ani gasita in Suedia. In Romania auf fost candva foarte multe si…inca mai exista!

    A few days ago a friend of mine came to me with this motorcycle IFA RT 125/1 from 1954 to ask me for help to look together why the engine is interrupting and not working well. It was no big deal, the fuse was loose in the ignition box. We fixed it and the bike runs great again. Because it is a very beautiful motorcycle in original condition I decided to show how it is to have such an original motorcycle. This is a very nice example and I find it very special. It was found in Sweden… Imagine that….in Romania it was full of them and still exists, but this one was found in Sweden and brought back to Germany …at this plate you can see the last time the street tax was payed in 1960 I find it is a nice detail and a think it should remain on the motorcycle so it can be seen because every motorcycle has its own history It is remarkable the motorcycle is in its original paint …completely…how it left the factory it is preserved it was built in 1954 and it was preserved in this condition since then I looked at it and very few things are not original At the end of the movie I’m going to show you what they are But you must see this Look at the original ornament lines Back in the time there was employees in the factory doing just this ….they were drawing lines all day long… ….freehand… ….that´s why the are never 100% perfect… they had special brushes as far as I heard out of badger hair the hair at the brush was very long so they could draw the line in one move ….look… the original emblem you cannot see it any more exactly what it is written it is…I…F…. the A is scratched away…. some people say IFA and MZ 125 motorcycles are DKW copies ….but this is wrong… ….in fact, they are the legitimate descendants of DKW because they were built in the GDR time in the original prewar DKW factories when the Russians came in 1945 and occupied this part of Germany a part of the DKW company stuff from Zschopau decided to flee near München to Ingolstadt and they created a new company under the same DKW brand while the others who remained in Zschopau continued to build motorcycles under the brand IFA which was actually imposed by the Russians IFA-DKW was named the first models later just IFA and I think in 1956 they changed the name to MZ which means Motorradwerke Zschopau It’s remarkable that even bellows are still original with 9 rings later there were 15 rings they are still preserved….it´s remarkable because it is rubber and they spoils over time the original lamp glass….IKA the reflector is nice….back in the time it was silvered has a specific yellowish color original levers I don´t know if you can see it….on the rubber is written MILA…so it is still the original one The speedometer with black dial….very nice…yes it is correct….it was so in that year the neutral lamp….the charging lamp the bike was not long in use….7584 km I believe that because of the condition it was preserved the chain bellows….still the original ones….later they were thicker….the early ones were thin ….yes….very nice when you own something like this….never…..never restore it ….because….you just ruin it…..

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