On our 14th and final day of Bikepacking across the Czech Republic, we leave Otrokovice and ride to Zlín to visit the famous Bat’a Company Head Quarters and an interesting office inside an elevator. Then we grab a transfer to visit try on hats in Nový Jičín and eat ears in Štramberk, before arriving in Příbor to ride to our endpoint of Ostrava.

    We rode along #471 – Prague Vienna Greenways bike path – Eurovelo 4

    Biking distance and duration: 56 km, 3 hours 10 minutes
    Map – https://goo.gl/NJpoQi , https://goo.gl/xtjRRr

    Lunch – http://relaxvpodhuri.cz/en/catering/stramberk-town-brewery
    Transfer service – http://www.autojanous.cz/
    Hotel – http://www.villaostrava.cz/

    Bike Rental – https://youtu.be/pJ1fw6FBylg

    Biking Tips Czech Republic – https://youtu.be/c_4tXQYxH8U

    Train Info – https://youtu.be/ipKEx9i0tew

    For more information visit the Czech Tourism website:

    This video was sponsored by Czech Tourism


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    Cameraman – Garrett Dan Galvan (TheTravelHuman)

    My name is Brian Cox, but most people know me as the Travel Vlogger. I’m always in search of extraordinary experiences, and on this adventure I’ll be biking over 700 kilometers across the Czech Republic. Come with me to see what makes this destination so special Dobrý den and welcome to day 14. Our final day, and on our final day it decided to rain. Good thing I got this sweet rain jacket. So right now we are leaving Otrokovice, in the direction of Zlín, which will be a total of about 13 kilometers. So hopefully we do not get too wet. We did get wet…real wet! But in no time we made it to Zlín. Here we would stop at the famous Bat’a Skyscraper, also known as building #21. Built under the instruction of Jan Bata, the king of shoes. An interesting and important figure in Czech culture. Perhaps the most interesting thing was his office, which was actually inside an elevator. So that he could efficiently oversee the entire business. A giant elevator with space for two secretaries, a sink and phone lines. Now that is an office with a view. But now we had to say good bye to Zdeněk. Na shledanou! As you just noticed we picked up a transfer service from Zlín, and we are going to be taking it 100 kilometers, all the way to Příbor before we start biking the rest of the way to Ostrava. On this journey, we are going to stop in the town of Nový Jičín, for some brief siteseeing, and then we are going to go to Štramberk. Where we are going to have lunch, and then finally to Příbor, where we have about 35 kilometers left of riding. Fingers crossed it will not be raining anymore, and then we will be at our final destination, of Ostrava and the trip will be done. Oh my god, I can taste victory. Oh! And if you want to do transfer services, which by the way, sometimes you are not going to be able to get a good train ride to the destinations you want to go to. These transfer services are a great way to go between the two cities. I will leave their contact information below, in the description. In no time we made it to Nový Jičín. We took a quick walk around the town center, before stopping at the hat museum, since this was the “town of hats”. Here you could see the whole hat making process. Alright the best part of the exhibit, is the place where you can try on 300-400 different hats. I think this is my favorite, it brings out my inner Jamiroquai. Garret was less enthusiastic than I was. I did not sign up for this. After trying on many hats, it was time to head to our next stop. Alright we just got to the mountainous, tiny town of Štramberk. I think I am pronouncing that correctly. We are going to have some lunch. Maybe do a little bit of light exploring, and then we are off to our final destination, where we will start…well… where we will finish the remaining of our bike ride. We have 35 more kilometers till we get to the end destination of the entire trip, Ostrava. I can taste the victory right now, it is just around the corner, but first we need to eat and pivo up! We had a delicious lunch as well as time to try the town speciality, Štramberk ears. A sweet pastry made of honey-spiced dough, and shaped like ears. Now it was time to burn off lunch by climbing to the castle. Here we would get a great view of the entire area. We jumped back in the transfer, and were eager to start riding. Once we arrived to Příbor we met a new rider, Jana. Ok, we just left Příbor and we are headed to Ostrava. We have a total of about 35 kilometers. The rain clouds, they are bunching up around us, so I do not know if we are going to make it, but fingers crossed. We would really like to get there dry. It only took a couple kilometers, and then the rain came. So here we go, back on the road again in the rain. We rode for about an hour before decided to stop, to take a beer break and warm up. We only had an hour left of riding, before we would arrive to our endpoint of a 14 day cycle trip across the Czech Republic. Oh my goodness! So we just made it to Ostrava. The rain tried to stop us twice, but not me. I just kept on pedaling through it. Unfortunately, the trip is now over. We biked probably about 700 kilometers across the Czech Republic. Saw some stunning scenery, met some amazing people. This is a trip I will remember for the rest of my life, and I promise you If you come do this you will not be disappointed. So I want to thank Czech Tourism for giving me this opportunity, also if you have any questions, leave them in the comment box below. Also, in the description you will find a kinds of helpful links so that you can recreate this trip, or create your own trip. So until next time, See you later, or as they say in the Czech… Na sheldanou. To see tons of great photos from the journey or to post your own shots be sure to check out these hashtags on Instagram Don’t leave yet! there’s tons of great videos to keep watching! More importantly, did you subscribe yet?


    1. Shame such beer lovers didn't go to the mothertown of all pils lager beers (which was probably the majority of what ypou drank during the trip) – Plzeň. Great series otherwise.

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