no whoa whoa whoa whoa M today’s episode is brought to you by shuffling for all your shuffling craie needs go to shuffling not allowed on the pavement not allowed not allowed so yeah I’m bald now so we’re at the Crown Court on the Mell Street here in Manchester tried to get to leads there were issues with the charging of the electric car and also it’s a bit far away so there’s a trial on get this guys if you thought it couldn’t get more degenerate any more stabby we don’t know anything about the suspect because he’s 14 in leads outside school at the school Gates when parents were doing the school run a 14-year-old with a kitchen knife stabbed a young English boy Alfie Lewis in the heart in front of all his friends and family and the 14-year-old is on trial at leed’s Crown Court for murder welcome to Great Britain directly underneath me we have cottager Cove I’m very sad to announce that YouTube has demonetized the uh the catching the two bummers video but in true YouTube fashion because they like shekels as much as I do they only demonetized it once it already made 90% of its earnings so thanks uh YouTube in California I appreciate that at least so I can’t believe I didn’t do the usual R moot joke anyway that many cour houses in England are over a drawbridge someone’s got the cigarette butt fine so basically yeah you don’t want to get embarrassed for lering don’t Litter just doing a YouTube video don’t mind me I just public scenes in Manchester is a cigarette butt policeman isn’t he so I’m just I’m curious in that sort of is he is it okay I’m happy to listen um Al so you just want me to know he’s telling lies okay okay that’s fine don’t tell okay no no it’s it’s in public I’m I think this is interest it’s conflict so it’s interesting but um can I just ask you guys um would it not be preferable to not throw litter on the ground if you don’t want to get busted oh so you’re not disputing that you did break the law by littering all right he’s oh because the guy in the public is doing public filming okay I swear Donna Liam’s not guilty he’s not guilty he’s innocent he’s [ __ ] got the wrong man one moment you’re just a YouTuber in the year 2024 now what what since the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and uh my ammonite friend here he’s about half a billion years old he’s just uh spinning around using his golden ratio he’s like yeah I’m like a sea snail blah blah blah triller bite type thing woo and then now you’re on the side of a holiday in hotel in uh Manchester [ __ ] hotel by the way no hot water when I complained they got angry at me so I told them all to f off and I literally got kicked out okay it took too much inhal too deeply the concentrations were too high the parch per million were way too high travel safe oers welcome to afro house music ritual experience breaking news from stab Fest 1 also known as Great Britain in Wales as I make this video in a a school in Aman Valley in the Aman region of Wales three people have been stabbed one person’s been arrested and the police have locked down the school in a mass stabbing incident you see this Behavior doesn’t really work in Great Britain because uh the illusion she’s trying to sell the illusion that there aren’t at least 17 government agencies trying to help her but there are so bollocks to it in the Epic race between the 3141 a ace debur tram and the balancing man on his bike he’s not going to make you’re going to catch up with that tram go on use the use the jet stream or what you call it the suction stream there you go right right on it good man it’s getting sucked Along by the vacuum at the back I don’t know what it’s called they use it in NASCAR racing oh he’s still doing well Kowalski patn seeking part of the brain engage yep you’re right Skipper these tiny little backpacks are BPD borderline personality disorder personified look at them and uh yeah that’s all I have to say if you’re getting your kid a little satanic pentagram teddy bear something wrong with you but oh actually it’s Funko Pop stuff this is uh toys for men who should have their hard drives checked he’s going to give the crackhead money watch this based he didn’t give her money more patn seeking brain power when you find a girl dressed like this with these extreme indications of femininity it’s probably best to check her for a 5:00 shadow and a parabolics if you know what I mean hi my name is Matthew and you’re watching the Charlie Beach Channel thanks Matthew 5c Beauty breather just take it easy guys two more seconds well the future’s bright the future’s orange go on monk man make me one with everything everything yeah pepperoni anies [ __ ] everything put it all slap it all on so uh we’ve got a new tagger a new [ __ ] poster a new small testicled man who uh gets his name Howard Howard who tell that looks like the same smile people yep I would say so uh the government and the count they’ve done the wrong thing instead of ignoring it and the hope that the mosquito goes away the counselor Pat Carney says we want to catch Howard we hate it it’s over the top we’re all really triggered can you imagine you are Howard you are a [ __ ] poster and your goal is to tag everything like some sort of insecure little dog pissing on every lamp post hello mate you okay and um it’s music to your ears it’s like reading your own personal Bible of [ __ ] posting when they do a news art fact I shouldn’t even be doing this video about Howard so Howard if you ever watch this they’re not going to have sex with you just because you put your name on the walls like that they’re not girls are not into that bro vodka time why is Santa Claus’s sack so full cuz he only comes once a year oh this must be about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is it it’s about Lord Jesus Christ wait I don’t know that looks Antichrist to [Music] me let smoke a newspaper just have a newspaper no problem smok a newspaper [Applause] oh look at the happy couple cheers going do the cheers going big one big one big big big cheers wait jeez that’s was a bit too big oh [ __ ] someone has got their bill at the Ivy and has had a cardiac arrest that’s it I think it’s a private ambulance I think it is private ambulance e how did I clock it well it says ambul Community Partners uls working in partnership with Northwest ambulance service so it’s like yeah the ambulance and you’re taking a video of the ambulance that’s why was I taking a picture of your mother so you’re all staring at me cuz I I was interested in the fact it was a private ambulance I had no idea your mother was in it I don’t I’m not sure you want to continue this argument do you no you don’t no I’m a YouTuber it’s what I do maybe uh consider how you stare at people if you don’t want to get someone challenging you that’s all I don’t care that’s one that that you guys assumed wrong I’m giving you the chance to apologize no all right doing nah no you were staring at me like I was some sort of freak wondering what you were doing okay well I’m wondering why you guys were staring at me so much that’s all filming an ambulance my grandma so just looking to see what you’re doing now you’re being rude being rude well how about this for rude how about you all goes go [ __ ] yourselves so ginger boy just squared up to me come on then come on big guy come on oh wait oh oh dwarf girl come on dwarf girl piss off come on dwarf girl anyway I hope your granny’s okay but this all started because you guys assumed wrong go on oh like like I would mind don’t come too close please I don’t no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa Madam piss off whoa my grandma’s in there it’s her birthday and you’re being rude to me now you guys started this by staring at me anyway taking a picture of an ambulance take videos of me do you guys think I would mind do you guys think I’d mind [ __ ] free look you little fat office beta piss off and go look after your family mate okay walk cut cut dude don’t come too close don’t come too close dude I will I will kick you I will kick you if you come too close bro I didn’t capture it but off camera you saw me I was interested in the private ambulance and the kind of partnership and I’m walking away from the scene and they’re all scowling at me the guy shaking his head softly muttering what a [ __ ] prick so I thought I’d question them about it and I do genuinely hope that the grandmother is okay I had no idea obviously there was someone in the ambulance just imagine the Charlie Vach of 1890 and the Antics he would get up to with his uh little twirly mustache uh bowler hat cane Free Speech even more free speech than we have now back in those days a man wouldn’t get thrown in jail for vibrations coming off his vocal cords just want to show you what they’ve done to Ryan Gosling’s head look at that that’s not normal is he got is he like a giant dwarf you know how dwarfs get that that giant head sometimes here we go afro beats for the Vach viewers high spring almost May and a little bird told me it’s going to snow on Friday snow in late April wait for the beat to drop here we go oh wait not yet just keep it going the beat wait it’s going to drop it’s going to drop it better drop for him he’s going to fall over there we go that is the best thing I’ve ever seen little ginger kid go on go on look at that all right well so I’m trying to I’m going to go right up to it I don’t care you’re just trying to get home got my amazing oh that that he’s reversing towards us that’s it I got to come out of that lane then so um every single day British motorways since lockdown there was something about a little Chinese home turned us all into slobbering idiots Waterhead pituary retards and look at this look at this look at this look at them look at them no no sorry I’m just getting my finger in the show oh God you can’t park there sir oh God uhoh she’s taking my license plate down there we go let’s see these crashies now I’m I’m going to rub her next them Laura so make sure you get them make sure you get them cat park there mate thank you [Music]


    1. Insulting a man about taking care of his family while not been left near your son for abusing him oh the ironie . Ya he used to be chasing the crackheads around with his son the pram starting fights .

    2. Watched a few out of curiosity thinking maybe people got you wrong but nope charlie you're a prick.. stay there in Russia you wouldn't last an hour 💪🇷🇺👊

    3. I wish you would be taken down from YouTube for this vide…. at least you’ve been demonetised. If you wanted a shred of credibility to your channel, you would man up and make an apology for this video.

    4. A sad cowardly, desperate lonely little man making his kids ashamed of him and probably putting them at risk, a target for bullies having a father like you.

    5. What’s Charlie done wrong ???? Just filmed an ambulance 🤷🏻‍♂️…..these are entitled people ,again because they have a relative in the ambulance,, doesn’t give them the right to tell Charlie don’t film 🤷🏻‍♂️

    6. Veitch I wish you'd go back to where you're from constantly disrespecting the UK… YouTuber goofy, old balding man knob.
      It's time public privacy was back as Law in this country.
      Look at your own country of origin(s). It's all the similar samey … bunch of problems wherever you go. These videos are sick. YouTube …. TAKE him down!!!!!

    7. Lost a lot of respect for you here man, its a shame cos I like your content but if I was a member of that family I'd be absolutely livid – insulting members of my family like that, never mind the fact that it's in the middle of a family emergency… I get that you deal with shit daily but some things require compassion, you know?

    8. This guy is pure autism (hence still filming the ambulance after he knew who was in it), but full contont! Keep it comin', boodeh!

    9. only subscribed yesterday and generally had a good laugh binge watching your videos; but mate, you leave me with no choice but unsubscribing after this one… I think what makes it worse is you failing to realise how pathetic you end up looking when you're pushing your agenda…

      we're worlds apart sorry mate… goodbye (bitch)

    10. this is horrible to watch, starting on a family waiting on their nan in an ambulance? Guy is starting to completely to lose the plot. Iv unsubed as have many after watching this one.

    11. The phrase "ambulance enthusiast" alone flags up something is wrong here, trying to hide behind something as if it is remotely acceptable. Baiting people in a time of distress and concern, and then trying to hide behind it like it's remotely okay behaviour. You do realise that the day you finally get an absolute kicking, nobody's gonna particularly care…. but everyone's gonna want to watch the video? (So make sure you film it – ironically it might be the only way to get your views back up after you've lost so many followers).

    12. Consider how you stare into an ambulance when there could be people inside you antagonistic freak. Reported for "Harassment or Bullying".

    13. This channel is the most frustrating on YT. You expertly chronicle the ensuing madness and corrosion of Britain with some excellent commentary… and then the next thing you're antagonising a bunch of folk who are upset over the poor health of a relative. Ffs!

      I noticed there's another video too of a man protecting the identity of a woman that had fallen over and you verbally decimate him too. Is this some sort of sick fetish??

    14. Veitch is in the wrong here. A normal person would have realised the family were in distress and just left it there.

    15. Got to say what I've watched the guy maybe suffering a mentel health condition as the behaviour is somewhat all over the place.

      Now I've seen the family bit I really feel confident he as a mentel health condition wow
      That was hard to watch crackheads are lot more respectful undefendable

    16. What a prick!!!! Yes you are Charlie how can you speak so bad of people in addiction who wouldn't dare speak to people like you did to that family

      Guys please unsubscribe until this guy has a massive rethink

    17. You're unhinged. No surprise that Danny distanced himself from you years ago. Clearly you need some professional psychiatric help.

    18. Some of you guys are writing that his behaviour changed recently. Well, I don't think this is the case. It more seems like he's always confronted people just for the sake of the confrontation itself. And situations like this with the family reveals that. Arguments with bad people or with any people who are not overall appreciated by communities or the population can easily mask his real personality, because those situations always seem like he wants to highlight certain issues and he is on the right. But after all, if you pay attention you can read his mentality, he likes judging people for anything he doesn't like. Haircut, clothes, way of walking, way of talking, anything, you name it. Sometimes he expresses what he thinks is wrong with the country, lots of political overtone, but after going through a bunch of videos it seems like he doesn't even care what's wrong, he just wants someone's attention and someone to argue with, mostly on filming in public places. (Charles, the fact that you can by law doesn't mean that you should by any means.) On one day his main problem is the growing Pakistani population, then on another day he stands up against a homeless in favour of a Pakistani-like man, then on this particular day with no Pakistanis or homeless people in sight, he just effortlessly taunts a random British family which has a family member fighting for her life. Just imagine having your grandmother being in an ambulance car while randomly being called a "ginger dwarf" by someone who you don't want to have any business with. I mean, if he keeps creating this kind of situations, one day he will run into someone who won't bother knocking the fuck him out. Also, there is always a bigger bully out there…
      In a certain sense he is worse than so-called "bad people". Because at least you always know what to expect from them. But this guy always thinks he is right with a clear intention of making others look bad if they dare to tell him that he may be on the wrong. Well, that's not exactly a sign of being a "bad person". That is more of a sign of a person with a mental disorder. Or at least just simply a bully. And the reason why caution should be exercised with this kind of people is that they are capable of protecting themselves, unlike those clumsy "bad people" in his videos.

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