Welcome to Compilation #37 – 2024!

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    1. I do hope Luke sent that clip in to their local constabulary so the driver of the VW could be considered for prosecution for using their phone held in their hand whilst driving…

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the "didn't give way at roundabout" clips were because the driver wasn't indicating to take the next exit…

    3. Has there ever been a dirt bike/scrambler rider on a public road that ISN'T a complete and utter c**k womble? (Rhetorical question)

    4. Very first clip, this is what happens when you're on your mobile while driving. One things for sure though, it won't stop people using their mobiles whilst driving.

    5. 3:35 The Merc was already committed and in the carriageway before either of you became visible to eachother.

      Classic case study for needing to be able to stop in half the space you can see is free.

    6. 0:06 guarantee that driver is part of the "I only use ny phone whilst stationary so it's safe" brigade. If you lack the ability to keep off your phone, chances are that you also lack the control of "only using it whilst stationary". How about, just leave it?

    7. at 6:05, not surprised at all, Carl is among the 10000 or so of the population who just love to straight line roundabouts, just like the people they record doing the same thing….

    8. If someone pulls out of a junction and blocks you suddenly where you have to emergency brake, that's a problem. If someone pulls out to join the opposite side traffic but you are able to slow down safely and wait for them to join, to me this is not a problem or unsafe. If there was a car wanting to turn into a junction in front of you, you wouldn't beep at them if you had to wait behind them.

    9. I hope the organ doner in the last clip is nice and fit, wouldn't want anybody getting any low quality organs. I don't normally subscribe to the "Youngsters these days" kind of attitude, but the kids with motorbikes nowadays are way dumber than me and my mates when we were the "kids with motorbikes" and i can't claim that we were exactly the brightest bunch. We at least did aim for some semblance of legality and wouldn't have gone around pulling wheelies with other vehicles about.

    10. Every. Single. Use. Of. Horn – incorrect (almost)…

      For those ignorant drivers who submitted clips of your horn use with the exception of PS Ireland – it's to let people know you're there.

      Not to tell people off 😡 😡 😡

    11. the offroad bike right at the end i would just break check and if he falls of ill just drive off, cause this makes the legit bikers feel like arses

    12. Scunthorpe David's motorbike clip definetly feels like a setup for a clip. That bike wouldn't stay behind for so long unless they knew a camera was there for it to be sent in.

    13. 6:15 Guy switches from a left turn lane to another left turn lane crossing hatched markings. Then pulls out onto main road nearly causing a collision. All the lanes turn left and nowhere else.

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