Tour de Romandie 2024 stage 5 sees Dorian Godon and Team Decathlon dominate again, this time over wet roads around Lake Geneva. Godon takes the final stage sprint and Carlos Rodriguez seals overall victory. #Romandie Get more race information here


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    TBO nice of Leal Tre is has been guided up as well and dare I say it we have ver as well just coming up on the inside Jani V from Al into kernik nice to see him going well number 31 bot denim colored at the bottom of your screen uh Tim van djk is being guided in here by Yan tratnik in the yellow van dijk is uh just in wheel two there and mvar making their move right now is there Carlos Rodriguez is the man that they of course want to work for and Here Comes Your Mountain Man as well yri hullman in the pale blue something of a surprise attackers then are caught 3.4 km to go so they’ll take this uh it’ll be a gentle kind of right-hander that they take right now and here it is blof and Bora are here seio agita I think we’ll probably be working for vas off today Lea Vitz will be helping out as well if they can possibly slingshot him up the road no sign of their numbers to help me out at the moment like this but nonetheless cofidis still getting involved M Star would like a piece of the day Aon Buu nice to see well Evo Oliva will be their chosen son today if he can possibly get any kind of margin and with 2.1 to go it’s very technical just after this with about one and a half to go in 600 me time we have a junction it’s a left-hander then we’ve got a 90° turn that will take us to the flam Rouge and then with only 350 minutes to go we’ve got a double Leander it’s horrible a double phaser that will take us to the straight line to the Finish but the straight line only is about 250 M maybe less than that to the line and there’s too many riders here who want something out of the day and all of a sudden we’ve got uh Patrick Eddie is there and he’ll be working for Emil’s leapin I don’t know where leapin is however and it might be Eddie himself that just decides to take it Aon bur from moar still there serel Bart of uh grou likewise and here we go well this one’s going to be a difficult call in all with this mosh I can tell you that much but nonetheless let’s see Bunch Sprints and with 1.3 km to go there the first of all the corners we are dealing with they scream down and have another one to deal with very very quickly it’s a left-hander in a few moments time it gently moves to the right but and that’s the side of the road you want to be on if you’re going to take this left hander there will be some dive bombing and that’s precisely what we’re seeing as they come up on the inside Andre vami is here he just sails up on the inside and TBO nice decides to stay with him this is great vami in a fantastic position right now being driven into that slot and Van thck is here likewise just on the uh riding the the center line as we speak Milan Menton picks it up for lotto Destiny he’s trying to find some room here and there’s none to be had and here’s that turn that will take us to the flam Rouge everyone needs to stay upright for goodness sake now they can stretch their legs just a little bit they’ll scream down past the flam Rouge the road will kink in a few moments time and when that happens it then straightens out for the big turn itself and in fact we’re almost there right now this is fantastic what a big pick up the cath on2 are in fact we’re already there wow what about that they know how to win and Dorian godal has just said frankly I’m too big for this place that was a piece of class and the cuddles start to rain down upon Him wow the road spattered face of ding goo bomo he says good work that means and there he is just look at the way he’s sailing around here there’s some Elbo going on here didn’t Panic at this point just backs off it and now he picks it up the drive absolutely fully invested Dion Smith from inter Mar was also getting leading up for a big finish here con son just piling into that Gap but godall had gone and others were just starting to flag ever so slightly it’s a tough game this and a tough day indeed as well Dorian godon gets his second stage win of the race and our congratulations to him and indeed his entire team that was phenomenal well a few complaints but how can there be any on a day like this it’s very very difficult as you can see there’s a plenty of their racing specs here steamed up doing it for his team confirmation of our results Doran godon takes it his second win of this race caros Rodriguez has won the Tour of romande blof couldn’t get up the road couldn’t find Space was


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