Tonight on Race To Power:

    – UK local polls: Tories suffer catastrophic loss
    – Pressure on Sunak after worst loss in 40 years
    – Sex abuse row: Revannas under the lens after fresh complaints filed
    – Rahul Gandhi abandons Amethi seat, to contest from Raebareli instead
    – Will trump pull another election overturn Manoeuvre?

    #uk #sunak #loksabhaelection2024

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    we tell you about a tick Tok School find out how AI models can help fashion brands promote diversity and inclusion and we bring you a wrap of all the latest tech [Music] breakthroughs this and more on Beyond world is one at these times [Music] [Music] is e secure [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome you’re watching race to power with me and Ana dat here’s what you can expect in the next 30 minutes we have been getting you poll after poll that suggests the end of Tory rule in the UK and Rishi sonak might have just tasted that defeat today Labor is flipping constituencies in local elections like it’s playing checkers over in India a sexual abuse case is prompting other survivors to come forward the accused is a sitting member of the parliament and BJP JD ‘s joint candidate from Karnataka in this year’s [Music] election the local elections in England were a litmus test for what could happen in the national elections especially for the ruling T party in the UK and early results indicate UK’s political landscape is poised for change in the near future been sent directly to the Prime Minister directly to the prime minister because this was a parliamentary vote this was directly to Rishi sunak to say we’re fed up with your decline your chaos and your Division and we want change richy needs to admit he’s failed and call a general election now and let’s get a labor government the opposition Labour party not only defended their seats it managed to flip three key constituencies the number is four now they’re now in power in rashm that is specifically important it is the home of the British Army and has never seen a labor majority before in Hartlepool labor gained eight seats and the Tories lost six seats this marks a major turnaround from 2021 when the loss led to starma considering resigning labor are in control of thoro by making eight gains they now have an overall major majority for the very first time in 10 long years but conservatives managed to retain a key labor Target in Hollow by a single seat Blackpool South was the only parliamentary seat up for grabs and labor swept the byelection in the constituency while the opposition party got over 10,000 votes the votes received by the rest of the parties even put together for far less conservative Ben hon won re-election as the mayor of t Valley this offered some comfort to sonak the prime minister is also hoping the Party’s meral candidate in the West Midlands will hold his seat vote counting is still underway in the UK some analysts are predicting the conservatives are at a risk of suffering losses of 500 Council seats they’re defending 1,000 by the way so that’s half it could be their worst performance in 40 long years the thumping Victory set the tone for what could happen in the months to come this is a national election year for the UK pollsters believe labor leader K stama could end the 14-year reign of the conservatives shifting Focus now we continue to track an alleged High filed sexual abuse case from India where a sitting member of the parliament and BJP jds’s joint candidate from Karnataka has been accused of sexual assault while pril RNA the major suspect left for Germany before the probe his father EDD Rea has been roped in we are warning beforehand some content of our next story could be overwhelming to some of the viewers we advise viewer discretion here’s what we know so far the alleged abuse came came to light after thousands of pen drives were circulated in public places in the state of Karnataka where Rana was seen in explicit videos with the women he had allegedly Abused Women some over 60 years old could be heard in the clips begging to be let go Reports say the women are government employees and domestic helps just last Sunday a former cook for the family launched a formal complaint against Ranna and his father rajal ranaa then fled to Germany after the videos became public while his father HD Rea remains in Karnataka as of now this week the state’s chief minister wrote to the Prime Minister asking to order the necessary institutions to get ranaa back to India so far RNA has skipped the summons to appear before the special investigation team and his father has sought a pre-arrest bail today HD rea the father has been booked for kidnapping an fi has been registered by a survivor 20-year-old son he has alleged three things one that his mother was kidnapped and taken to undisclosed locations two she was then raped by parliamentarian prajal Ranna and three the family was threatened to not approach the police what’s also important to note here is that Rea is the grandson of former prime minister and JDS patriarch HD dagor his uncle HD kumaraswami was the former chief minister of Karnataka staying with India after days of speculations India’s opposition congress party has finally announced candidates for the Gandhi family bastions of Ry barel and amiti in the state of uttar Pradesh both seats are due to go to polls in the fifth phase of Loa elections the party’s former president Rahul Gandhi has filed his nomination from the Ry burel seat he is also contesting kerala’s vard seat where polling concluded in the second phase Rahul Gandhi’s mother Sonia Gandhi vacated the ryber seat recently when she moved to the rajas saaba the Congress is Fielding K sharmine amiti the other family Bastion that the BJP won in the last general election Sharma is a longtime loyalist of the Gandhi family Rahul Gandhi lost the 2019 loab elections from amiti to BJP leader and un Minister smti Irani ahead of Rahul Gandhi filing his nomination the congress party held a special prayer ceremony outside the venue the Congress announced its choices for the seats at the last minute after weeks of suspense now the Congress candidate KL Sharma will face smti Irani in ATI and Rahul Gandhi will contest against denesh Pratap Singh the bjp’s pick from ryber Danesh pratab Singh lost the 2019 Loa polls to the former Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi speaking of utar Pradesh the state is politically crucial for the ongoing elections in India voting in all the seven phases of the ongoing Loa polls in the third phase the home city of the Taj mahel is going to choose its leader our special correspondent Yan Castel traveled to our to know if BJP will maintain its winning streak this time around as well utar Pradesh state with 80 seats higher than any Indian state will be voting in all seven phases of India Lo Saba elections last time we got you the voting pulse of the city of matura our next stop is Agra the city of The Magnificent TSH Mahal the Taj was constructed between 1632 and 1648 by the Mughal Emperor sha yahan he built the iconic monument in memory of his wife mtas Mahal the ivory white mosum in Marble is a designated UNESCO world heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World we have reached Agra in utar Pradesh for a ground report from the streets of Agra to see what people think about the election and who they think are going to win we’re also going to have a look at some of the nice things to do while you’re in town and obviously what could be better than a view like this of the TSH Mahal at sunrise on the banks of the river yamuna we met John a bike tour guide and an informed voter from last 10 years I have seen a lot of changes like and now it’s a new generation people want new techn Technologies and new updates so the the government is doing good for for the country and and people like it that’s why like people choose our prime minister so what else is on the mind of Voters here in Agra let’s explore the bustling City engage the mood of the people I think development uh is the main thing which the government should focus on and I think they should support the business uh men uh around India or around our state UT Pradesh as per the current scenario and all the aspects which is there which is the work which has been done by this present government uh internal as well as the external both are uh they have they have done well and it is reflecting as well the baraa janata party has held the Agra seat for three consecutive terms having one in 2009 2014 and 2019 the vote share has also risen every time this time the BJP is Fielding as Singh Bagel who will be taking on Suresh Chandra kadam of the saswad party and bsp’s Puja Ami can the BJP make it a fourth win in a row 10 L SAA constituencies from utar Pradesh will be voting in the third phase of the elections apart from Agra there’s sambal hat fatur secri fad mria B bareli and going to polls as India moves into the second month of Elections campaigning in utar Pradesh show clear signs of becoming more intense after all it’s the state that is said to make or break the government in Center the road to power in New Delhi and with that we are slipping into a short break don’t go too far on the other side presidential hopeful Donald Trump from the US has warned that he may not accept the election result for Wisconsin in this year’s presidential election stay tuned [Music] your one health resort is unique the only one of its kind experience the four Paths of Natural Wellness yoga aeda acupuncture and naturopathy each uniquely customized program improves the whole person to make every person whole come to yoan health resort make your reservation at [Music] this week on Belt we raise a fundamental philosophical question how much plywood can a marketer Market if a marketer would like to Market plywood Yates Pand VP marketing green ply helps us with the answer to this question you see the earlier the capital was a denominator for the competition now it’s not it’s the time it’s the speed we we don’t sell product anymore we sell the prospective of experience of product with the speed of signs [Music] [Music] to S to s [Music] big good day [Music] [Music] is welcome back you’re watching Grace to power with me and Ana data not a day goes by without Donald Trump issuing shocking comments or statements that make headlines we are back with another one and this is serious the former US president has warned that he will not accept the election results in Wisconsin this year in in an interview on Wednesday the returning presidential hopeful said that if everything is fair and honest in the election process only then he will accept the results in Wisconsin he said and I’m quoting if I do not believe that the results in November’s election is legitimate you have to fight for the right of the country his comments bring the case of Georgia election overturn back in the spotlight Trump is currently facing criminal charges on several counts for alleged election interference in the southeastern state during 2020 presidential polls Trump is Accused to have pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffine spurger to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential elections when it comes to Wisconsin 2 the former US president claims he is in fact won the election in the Midwestern State in 2020 Trump lost to Biden by about 21,000 votes the Republican leader claims that election was tainted by fraud he also tried to disqualify almost 240,000 ballots cast for Biden but was unsuccessful now this is just one quote from a single interview in a separate interview with Time Magazine a week ago Donald Trump took it up a notch the Republican leader did not rule out the possibility of political violence around the election you saw it last night because said and I’m quoting again that it depends on the fairness of the process Trump’s comments bring back the memories of the infamous Capital Hill rights by Republican supporters who stormed the official building on January 6th 2021 in order to disrupt the Congress session to certify the results of the presidential election which Joe Biden won a mob of trump supporters stormed the chambers of Congress and several buildings in the complex causing damage worth roughly $1.5 million the two remarks in a span of one week beg the question is Donald Trump hinting that he will resort to pressure tactics and political violence if the Mandate does not go his way in the upcoming November presidential elections in the United States [Music] now all of this comes in the middle of a court trial that is currently underway against Donald Trump that is the hush money trial just yesterday we saw Donald Trump returning to the campaign Trail and he very strategically chose the two states of Wisconsin [Music] now to take this further we are being joined by our correspondent Susan terani live from New York Susan good to see you what do you make of these new statements coming in from Donald Trump I think even Trump supporters are concerned that we’re going to see a repeat of all of the drama that we saw in 2020 because of uh the questioning of Elections going to court and all of that but I just want to say that it was only until Donald Trump became president that this issue became quote election denial past presidents almost through every election even local ones you can think of Hillary Clinton Stacy Abrams and Alabama to become governor and others have often questioned the result of Elections before and it’s everyone’s right it’s not a crime uh but I think first of all to the extent that the former president went to when they weren’t able to find anything and whatnot and also because it’s Trump again and he makes headlines you know something like this has become so vast and so big and tied to January 6th that it becomes the issue of election denial uh so you know he was saying that if it’s fair I’ll accept it if it’s not then we have to save the country it is what he believes but I think the majority of Americans really don’t want to see even if Donald Trump is elected H that kind of rhetoric and that path going forward about you know just election integrity and whatnot but I do want to say you know the problem is during the pandemic there were just a lot of rule and Law changes uh that had not just Trump but a lot of people questioning you know whether or not there should just be more monitoring or maybe different kind of uh you know U set of rules for elections all right Susan thank you so much for getting us all those updates from New York all right moving on now as the elections in South Africa inch closes troubles increased between the African National Congress party and former South African president Jacob Zuma in the latest the South Africa’s ruling party formerly notified former president Jacob Zuma of a disciplinary hearing against him the hearing is scheduled for Tuesday at the party’s headquarters thec issued a statement that said that this critical step underscores the party’s dedication to its constitutional principles the ANC suspended Zuma last year after he announced that he will be campaigning for the the newly formed MK party which was the military wing of thec during apath the letter sent to Zuma states that he contravened the party’s Rules by appearing on the Parliamentary list of the MK party that is not affiliated with thec absolutely [Music] F now our correspondent Kalin omu gets us more from Johan B the ANC has set down the date for a disciplinary hearing against former president Jacob Zuma but it is not known whether he will attend the hearing on Tuesday it’s a normal process for an ANC to summon members to a disciplinary hearing if they breach the party line the hearing comes after Zuma declared his support for the umun CES party late last year Zuma remains a member of thec even though the party had suspended him for cont Ving a number of its rules including collaborating with another party recently president s Raposa during his party’s campaign said that Zuma will go through a disciplinary process he will be given an opportunity to argue his case and it is up to the disciplinary committee to make a finding and emphasize that the committee works independently this is Ceno from Johannesburg South Africa for we on world is one now another news Serbia has a new government on Thursday lawmakers voted for a new Coalition after two days of heated debates prime minister Milos vich government was backed by 152 to 61 votes in the 250 member Parliament 37 lawmakers were absent from the voting it’s clear these individuals shouldn’t be part of the government not just because they’re blacklisted but because their harmful Behavior has hurt the citizens of Serbia that is the key if we take Wulan that man doesn’t deserve this he isn’t worthy of being a cabinet minister and having a leadership position on 17th December 2023 that’s last year Serbia held snap parliamentary elections just 20 months after the previous polls alleged electoral irregularities had sparked a protest led by a coalition of opposition parties Serbia against violence the new coalition reinstated two pro-russian officials sanctioned by the United States the growing political uncertainty between the ruling party and the opposition comes at a time when Serbia is seeking to join the European Union but the ruling party has continued to strengthen ties with [Applause] Moscow and with that we are wrapping up this s of Race To Power thanks for watching with me Ana data [Music] [Music] this week on take it out [Music] we tell you about a tick Tok School find out how AI models can help fashion brands promote diversity and inclusion and we bring you a wrap of all the latest tech [Music] breakthroughs this and more on Beyond world is one at these times in this episode of makers of New India we are featuring a brand that has changed the entire handwoven carpet industry I took 5,000 rupes from my father as a loan and started this business I thought that I will start this business with those Artisans because they are rejected by the society right now we are a global brand we ship to 85 Plus countries around the globe there are 18 different processes that goes into making the final product that you see at the showroom or the retail stores in [Music] India over 200 people die following flash floods that rocked Kenya and Tanzania concurrently with authorities announcing forceful evacuations of vulnerable residents there’s a new warfront in Sudan brutal attacks by the Arab dominated rapid support forces on ethnic African civilians in darur has claimed thousands of lives the United Nations sounds the alarm and a former Kenyon rugby player turns into a roaming Chef as he acquires Tik Tok Fame Dennis omachi will be featured on wild of Africa at these times on weon wild is one as the diamond Bazar starts streaming online we tell you about its creator Sanjaya bansali and explain his love for Larger than Life film making get a Roundup of the best Met Gala looks of all time you know you have to tell him sometime right and meet American actor Sendel ramam morti as he talks about his recent release though or do PI all this and much more with me Isa hanspal on weon E Club at these times know more understand better think ahead hello and a very warm welcome you are watching gravitas with me Molly gamir [Applause] get the facts not the bombass on the 26th of March Dynamic pricing below [Music] separatist gravitas cuts out the Clutter gravitas keeps calm when others scream decided gravitas brings news to life weekdays 9:00 p.m. IST 3:30 p.m. GMT gravitas seeing is believing over 200 people die following flash flats that rocked Kenya and Tanzania concurrently with authorities announcing forceful evacuations of vulnerable residents there’s a new warfront in Sudan brutal attacks by the Arab dominated rapid support forces on ethnic African civilians in darur has claimed thousands of lives the United Nations sounds the alarm and a former Kenyan rugby player turns into a roaming Chef as he acquires tick Tok Fame Dennis omachi will be featured on wild of Africa at these times on weon world is one Israel opens Aras Crossing to Gaza aid for the first time we on reports from Ground Zero at the Israel Gaza border so I’m at the ARs Crossing this is in southern Israel right on the border with Gaza

    1 Comment

    1. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. What is the UK doing about the potential of "TMD" mind control implants being used by criminals?? Its splashed all over the nottingham evening post!!

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