Our very first outing in the new caravan sees us visit Moreton-In-Marsh. A nice weekend away in January, to test out the new caravan and wander around the local area. We also took a quick look at the Experience Freedom Glamping pods that are available on site.

    ▶ Details of Experience Freedom can be found here. https://www.experiencefreedom.co.uk/

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    [Music] is [Music] go [Music] smashed avocado cherry tomatoes crispy bacon and a fried egg cuz we couldn’t poach the eggs today well good morning everybody we finally made it here and last night was a bit interesting let’s have a chat to you about what happened last night uh so we arrived yesterday we got here and time uh the trip up here was fine um all including all 7,813 potholes um lots of slow moving traffic idiots on the fossway which needed to get in front of the Caravan because you know that’s the law if you ever see a caravan you must overtake it clearly no matter the consequence there plenty of that didn’t we yeah our first night last night how did you get on in the bed fine but it’s usually night three that I have an issue so usually what happens is by night three Angela is aching with her hips and her back um because the beds were always in the Caravan always a bit stiff yeah and it doesn’t matter the Caravan that we’ve had it’s always been that case so by night three Angela is moaning um and struggling to walk around CU she’s you know seized up um you suffer from satica for many many years since Tom that’s 25 years now that’s true and also other compounded back problems as well slip discs uh prolapse disc so I’ve had the first four slit discs from the base of the spine upwards yeah yeah yeah so she’s an absolute Delight to live with um meanwhile on my side of the camp I’m absolutely physically fine aren’t I yeah right I damaged my ankled whil filling up the water yesterday so compensating for the damaged knee cuz I’ve cracked my knee I damag my knee somehow it’s just really aching bad um I got that from my father I think thanks Dad and and whilst I was hobbling yesterday with my knee I twisted my ankle whil filling up the aquar rall so I look like well I look like a zombie like walking like in a really stupid way but uh so that was yesterday last night was absolutely fine although we did have a little bit of a disaster now in our washroom we have this lovely thing we have a heated Tower rail let’s just take the towel off so you can see it and it’s lovely except yesterday I noticed it was cold on the top hot on the bottom no problem I thought I’ll just bleed the air out of the system using this bleed key which I did and a heck of a lot of air came out a good chunk of air came out and then the pink juice then started to flow lovely and sure was egg’s eggs that then started to fill up um and it was very hot on the top problems solved on the way back through to the living room I thought I’d just check in on the fluid and that fluid level was gone you could barely see it just at about this level here to which I thought oh dear oh dear indeed and that was a big problem because the next thing that happened was this the furnace which is under there and the pump for the uh the outer heating then started gurgling and was sucking in air what happened is whil I had bled the radiator out and got rid of a lot of air all the glyco had basically filled up the extra void where all the air was and had dropped it to a very dangerously low area to the point where the pumps were now sucking in air into the system so we thought we weren’t going to have any heating or hot water last night because we can’t obviously run the pump whil it’s not pumping glycol around the system but thankfully a quick Google around online I found a local caravan service engineer and I basically explained the problem I said do you have any glycol that I can buy off of you he said yes but you need to come to me so we settled for a journey down to Gloucester about 6:30 last night set off down to see him and indeed he was an absolute star and he sold us a bottle of glycol 50/50 mix he told us how to build it up and so I made up a liter of that stuff poured it in and it took the entire lot and as you can see from there it’s only halfway up so by the time we got got back it was a good 9:00 at night we were both absolutely shattered we sorted that out we bled the system again cuz there was more air in it because obviously the pump been sucking in air we bled the system out we went through all the radiators and it’s absolutely fine thankfully and last night it kept us toasty warm and and it’s been great um that’s the disaster over and done with so that was last night and today we’re now going to head off up to uh Marsh in the town have a mooch about maybe get ourselves a cup of tea or coffee or a pint and uh and that’ll be us today I think I’ll give you a quick tour around this site because it’s really lovely we’ve been here once before a long time ago very long time ago did we work it out was it 2016 it was around that sort of time Chloe was still small yeah I’ll put up some pictures from that now because something quite unusual happened to us when we were here before uh somebody was walking around with a bird of prey round sight really odd and I managed to get some photos of him um and it was a really odd thing we were camped over the other side of this site and this has changed quite a bit since we were last here um in fact on our way out let’s go walk by them and I’ll show you what I mean what bloody idiot par like that massive pitch there as you can see but because we’re on the corner people like to kick in here a little bit so that’s why I put the car like that but uh very nice nice view this morning of a very frosty field must have met for the end of January and for the weather we’ve had recently this is lovely you know this campsite was completely full last night and again tonight I believe so you can just see there through the trees all The Lodges here for experience freedom and I’m not going to have a closer look at these because the last time we were here that was the dog walking area I think or playground or a Playfield there was none of this here so I want to go have a closer look at these things cuz I personally think these are a fantastic addition so I’m guessing these are yurs must be and then we’ve got Safari tents yeah and then we’ve got the kids Adventure Playground kids Adventure Playground that’s a good playground nothing like the playgrounds I had when I was a kid can you remember the slides that were 4,000 ft tall and that that cone of death the witch’s hat was it called it roundabout oh oh my God lethal on bare concrete and broken [Laughter] glass now I don’t know what you guys think I think these are a great addition to the Great Outdoors it means that people who don’t own a caravan or a motor home can experience The Great Outdoors it means that if you want to go on holiday with a member of the family who want to be with you but there’s not enough room in the Caravan or the motor home then you can hire out one of these I think these are fantastic so the reason why I’ve been switched on to these recently is a couple of weeks ago I got an email through from the Caravan mot home Club basically saying that they’ve now got a new membership for experience Freedom only which means that they get all the benefits that the Caravan motor home club members get it’s the same price per year but it’s not tuned towards um Caravans and motor homes which you know if if you haven’t got one you’re not inclined to be really that interested so an experience Freedom membership gives you all the benefits of getting one of these things at discounted price tent pitch at discounted price hiring of vehicles it’s really tuned for people who haven’t got an outfit themselves but want to experience the Great Outdoors well as luck would have it warden’s just come around to clean one of the units and he’s opened this one up for us so we can actually have a look inside so this have a look side how many people do these hold is it four four so this is a four birth four birth these hold four occupants so we’ got TV over here these make up into the double beds is that right yeah yeah I’ll show you oh thank you what I got to get it down then you wait yeah oh my word that’s legendary that’s fantastic thank God there was a dead body in there right yeah exactly you know you never know what you find do you so that’s a double bed that’s fantastic you got USB points all the way around yeah yeah got single bed up the top there and that one obviously converts into a bed down here yeah this one is is it just a pull out job right yeah yep yeah that’s neat we’ve got small kitchen we’ve got a couple of boilers rators yeah that’s couple of boilers in the sink okay it’s not huge but is there a microwave down here uh just behind you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so there is a microwave behind me so Compact and beu but look everything that you need to make a quick meal I mean really you going to be doing this outside aren’t you and then you’ve got a shower here oh yeah huge shower storage for luggage and bits and Bobs a full l and a sink I think is a fantastic I really do oh that was lovely that was nice to have a look around wasn’t it let’s get you in the shop there we are yeah so so um so yeah so I got an email about all of this yes and I’ve looked into that Chloe is joining because she wants to come and spend time in a pod up here obviously we’re going away in a pod with her later on in the year yeah but she wants to come up here and uh spend some time with us on another site so this would be perfect for us so she gets her own space yeah I’m going to put details of experience Freedom down below because I think if you’re away and you want members of family or friends to come with you yeah perfect absolutely perfect um and they offer a specific membership just for people who want to go glamping yeah perfect right let’s car and walk into town then shall we yep parched could do with a cup of tea there are countless videos of people walking into Mort Marsh from the campsite I don’t think I’ll bother but we’ll pick up when we’re in town I think yeah yeah yeah right we’ve just been in here we picked up some pillow spray lavender pillow spray for the Caravan yes that would make it smell a bit nicer in the bed area we used to have one in the old one didn’t we yes God know where that went used never got around to anyway let’s go and find ourselves something to eat drink I should say not eat drink right I think we’re going to try this place simply because I’ve seen the L cake so we’ve gone in for the um hot ly Cake Cup tea you’ve had a coffee yeah but also ly cake yeah I’ve had one little bit and it is glorious glorious I’ve got boxes full of those yeah and I’ve got box boxes full of these where are those upstairs and the Box brownie you B that one M yeah I know what you do need something you haven’t got what do I need right there you haven’t got one of them no yeah not yet not yet not yet oh I got my grandp one of those somewhere as well can’t remember where I’ve put that oh yeah the waves my mom had loads of those stuff boxes the pencils the bridge oh yeah [Music] yeah pill box ideal for your aspirin and parac yeah bre beef mix C and the fruit and [Music] soon this is the stuff that attracts me one vehicle in particular I’m after it’s not there and it’s not here it’s a lesny dtype green that means a hold with a lot of memories for me and I don’t know where that car is that little toy I had that when I was a boy that’s the one I’d really like to get back [Music] again just went into the cotw cheese uh shop and all I can say is thank God I’m skin because I would have spent a fortune in there there are some lovely things and they had stinking Bishop in there as well yeah that wouldn’t have gone well in the Caravan yes because we would have bought what loads of meat a lot of meat yeah some of the chuckes chuckes cuz we had some nice ones there the toasts yeah oh that had a pot of Gentleman’s Relish there as well oh yeah oh that would have been beautiful and then they have some nice Pork yeah well you drink pork I don’t well no I don’t drink pork I’m given the drgs of the bottle of the very expensive pork by my friends and they make me neck it and it’s literally like a red powder James and then they sit there laughing at me because I’m going this is gross yes so I know thank God for poverty just save my waistline a bit more yeah so anyway we’re going back to the van now and uh you’re going to read yeah I might play some games yeah we’re just going to chill [Music] out here we are back once again [Music] after you [Music] sweet so whil I was shopping an Audi for all the other bits and Bobs I bought myself a bottle of wine uh chili on Mero uh very nice it’s going down super well and because I don’t drink anymore I’ve had one glass and I’m feeling a little bit fru like a pro I’ve cut up some cheese so it look like grated cheese to go on top of the Las and we’re having a bag of salad with tomatoes tonight right yes that’ be fine yeah I got some bossam vinegar yeah I know we’ve already okay am I repeating myself you are did I tell you I got some shut up perfect we did this before didn’t we we did this in um was it lady Margaret’s we did this yeah yeah we did this before and it worked out so well that I just pre-made a lasagna Bolognese a few days before but what we did is we actually made it at home yeah yeah yeah and then just brought it with us yeah so I made it at home I made a big batch of it so that the kids at home could literally have something to eat well what you’ve done is you gave them the bolog B and they’re actually going to turn it into a spag Bowl I think yeah or a pasta bake or something like that yeah yeah and then we’re having Las there we go and in the oven it goes beautiful I’m not sure that’s I’m just getting out the edges first can I ask you what’s your first impressions of the oven actually it’s not bad it’s a lot better it has taken a bit of time to cook this yeah okay it’s taken us a good hour an hour yeah was I really on the phone to Mac that long no cuz it was in the oven before then remember okay come on that looks fantastic doesn’t it homade lasagna Bago salad with a bit of balsamic from Ali little wherever Cy what a dinner and that’s the last of the bottle of wine and I can’t go so I go like that okay okay I can’t go so I have to do that okay I’ll go again mhm okay mhm okay mhm mhm still can’t get okay okay but the cards did did you not Shuffle properly again right then I’ll go okay M okay I can’t go cuz I’m find seriously this is going of a big deck okay can you go yet green green that’s fine I can do green okay pick up two I cheated that round didn’t I yeah I’m probably not playing the rules to the best of my ability I probably miss there’s a card on the floor just there I thought so I’m probably not doing as the best I could but you know what a win’s a win a win’s a win you know a win’s a win see is you couldn’t take it when I won the first listen Argentina won the World Cup back in whatever it was with maradon and the hand of God I that was the hand of God right there yeah yeah right and I think we’re going to call it a night here then it is now almost 8:30 um Angela’s going to watch her casualty much to the Delight of everybody else such a Wonder ful program that isn’t it so Andre’s going to watch casual T I’m going to put my headphones on and I’m going to play some racing games on my steam deck yeah and uh and then we’ll probably go and turn in for the evening so that’ll be us done today I don’t know if I’m going to film much tomorrow probably not but if I do well you’ll see us in the morning anyway not night from us bye-bye for


    1. We have the same sleeping issues with my wife Katie, we have a motorhome and purchesed a mattress topper from “Custom made Mattresses”
      It’s not cheep but has made a hell of a difference.
      With you on the bottle of red added that sit to go to as it’s only 1 hour or so from us
      Gary & Katie 👍🏻

    2. Been there got the T shirt were Alde heating is concerned.. just a thought did you use deionised water? Not straight from the tap I hope as you never said. Lovely caravan hope the bed is all ok for you.

    3. Forgot to add that the good people of Alde technical line told me not to use tap water in the system as you will get bacteria and mould spores in the system.

    4. We take pre-prep dinners too. Shepherds pie is very good as well in a foil container. One suggestion. Line your tray with cheap tin foil so if your food spills over just throw it away rather than wash it.

    5. Having just visited the Scottish Caravan & Motorhome Show at the SECC and poked around both the Phoenix GT75 640 and the Alicanto Grande Evora, I can completely see the appeal of the change. The Evora layout is so spacious and airy.

      As an aside, of all the caravans we looked at, I'm sorry to say the Baileys were the ones exhibiting far and away the largest number of build quality issues, a common theme being detaching furniture and ill-fitting doors. The swing door on the 640 bathroom was so badly out of true that it actually would not close, and another one of the vans was exactly the same 😮I appreciate, as you've said before, that show vans are subject to a significant amount of abuse – but that's the same for all makes; and while it might be forgivable by the time October's NEC swings round, this is just the start of the show season! I hope your new baby doesn't suffer too many of these…

    6. Hi Dan another excellent video thanks, how did you get on with the 8' caravan on your journey to and from the site? Been wondering about upgrading to an 8 foot wide one.

    7. When you come to Brecon I recommend Hills Restaurant, The Gurkha Corner and The International Welsh Rarebit Centre
      For travels Elan Valley, Llyn Brianne, Llangorse lake, Brecon Mountain railway, Talybont reservoir, Brecon canal, Craig-Y-Nos, Llangynidr mountain viewing point on the "Top Gear road".

    8. Did you not have a PDI on your caravan when you purchased it ? Only I think I would be right on to the dealer obviously they fell short not making sure your fluid was not full

    9. I have just bought an old 2003 van, I find your channel very relevant, although I don’t have a tv, air con or much electronics. I have camped most of my life and your experiences are very helpful. I found your channel from ‘Caravantastic’ wishing you lots of fun in your van 😃

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