From a pristine 1920s motorcycle to the exploration of Fonmon Castle in Wales, what treasures will salvager Drew Pritchard uncover? 💎

    For more Salvage Hunters, watch here:

    00:00 From Salvage Hunters Season 5 Episode 7 – Drew Pritchard travels across Oxford, Essex, and other locations, seeking unique treasures to transform at his North Wales antiques showroom with the help of his wife and a team of renovators, preserving Britain’s heritage through his work.

    48:00 From Salvage Hunters Season 5 Episode 8 – Drew and Tee hunt for hidden treasure at a stately 400-year-old school in Cambridgeshire. Down the road in Herefordshire, the chaps tour one of the oldest paper mills in the UK.

    1:36:00 From Salvage Hunters Season 5 Episode 9 – At a medieval castle in Cumbria, Drew tries to seal the deal on the ultimate car accessory. Later, a meticulous motor museum offers Drew a blast from the past.

    2:24:00 From Salvage Hunters Season 5 Episode 10 – At a Welsh castle, Drew solves a centuries-old salvage mystery, but finding hidden treasure proves trickier than expected. In Somerset, a school is clearing out its storage areas.

    Salvage Hunters – Meet modern-day treasure hunter Drew Pritchard. With demanding customers, high turnover, and one of the biggest decorative salvage yards in the UK, Drew is constantly on the road, crisscrossing the country in search of derelict gems and forgotten remnants. Drew loves the thrill of the hunt and while he gets his hands dirty in the country’s architectural backwaters, his crack team of restorers is back at the shop giving old and rare finds a new lease on life.

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    #HousetoHome #FullEpisode #InteriorDesign #HomeRenovation #Property #Antiques #SalvageHunters #Salvage #DrewPritchard #FullEpisodes #ForSale #Auction

    [Music] on Salvage Drew visits the aisle of man where he gets nostalgic over a motorbike no way I haven’t seen one of these since I was a kid and makes a rare find oh that’s lovely I’ve never seen one I’ve only read about them he tests The Waters at a man salvage yard I mean is it cheaper out here to buy out here or not you’ll find out and you travel across the island to a remote Furniture Studio that turns up DRS Spud just two of the best things I’ve bought in ages W well that’s nice to hear Dre bridgeyard is one of Britain’s leading decorative Salvage dealers hello wow that’s unbelievable that’s an absolute gem he scour the country in search of weird and wonderful objects I really like that look at that statue there it’s over 2,000 years old no in his hunt for Treasure no I’m going to keep those everything has its price I’ll give you £500 for them yeah I’ll take that and there’s nothing he won’t buy you wouldn’t buy that would you just just watch us with help from his wife Rebecca you do what you do and I’ll do the selling here then and those Renovators transforms thousands of items from junk to [Music] jems this is sold isn’t it Salvage expert Drew Pritchard put Warehouse in North Wales full of fresh and interesting stock the polished radiators can go in there as well now got loads more room in here now this time he and T are heading into new territory on a week’s trip to the island M he’s taking a risk it’s a long journey it’s just over an hour’s Drive East to the Liverpool ferryport followed by a 2hour 45-minute ride on the Irish sea to the Island’s capital don’t what we actually going to find here I have no idea but I mean I can already see some really old housing stock there so you never know and it’s supporting two salvage yards on that island so there’s got to be something I’ve never been here but then again I’ve never known anybody else to ever be here said I’m just off to the island man buying antiques no never heard it so who knows the island man has 86,000 residents living in small towns and Villages that do the countryside the island is 33 M long and 13 M wide it’s a crown dependency with its own government thriving tourism industry and Rich cultural history the Kelts were among its first inhabitants and its name is said to come from the Celtic Sea God Manon who protected the island from Invaders by shrouding it in Mist today it’s famous for a particular [Music] event the TT is one of the most prestigious motorik races of the world a huge draw for the island attracting more than 30,000 tourists each year the top Riders cover 226 miles that’s six hair raising laps around the island on public roads crew will be traveling some of the courts in his search for Treasures Sun’s come out I know it’s nice isn’t it weekend after the TT still to bik us around yeah are you going to make me do some work you haven’t started yet to be perfectly honest with you just getting warmed up Drew’s first Port of coal is just 10 minutes south of Douglas in santon a Scenic area set in low Hills that slope towards the coast we’re off to museum which can prove problematic yeah they normally don’t want to part with the good stuff do they but it’s okay okay it’s motorbike Museum so it’s going to be fun we just going to play with motorbikes all day Murray’s motorcycle museum is right on the TT cour its owner beter Murray has lived on the island for over 60 years and it’s a lifelong motorcycle collector he took over the Museum from his dad who started the business in the 1950s it’s the way I dream of a motorcycle museum to be a bit of everything and it’s not polish you don’t smell polish here you smell oil it looks like a motorcycle shop rather than a museum I’ve got bits of furniture and stuff like that that I think he might be interested in we’ll have a go at that and see what we can do a deal here we go M’s motorbike Museum oh look at that got a little 50 cc kids bik little Crosser always wanted one of them ja you let me have a go hello hello how you doing Drew how are you fine thank you you all right fantastic I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this to be honest with you good man is this here to to play on this is to play on and the children and even adults have the photographs taken on that really I like that big fell like that can have a sit on really what could possibly go wrong it’s turning back with cl Kitty again put the cheeky bid in yeah come on I want to get inside and see the museum stop messing about come on in let’s have a look oh yes now you’re talking oh brings back a lot of memory scene these bikes oh Greaves no way I haven’t seen one of these since I was a kid I burnt my leg on there I’ve still got a mark on the inside of my leg do from there on the Scot there yeah God look at the wear on that oh that’s one of the old ones Murray’s motorcycle museum is fantastic it’s got barn finds through to race bikes from the 9s all the way back to probably 1900 some of the stuff in here now that that takes me back the in yeah yeah we had a few of these in the house when I was a child I was brought up around my father’s collection of motorbikes which was vast that I I remember sitting having my breakfast and there was one of those without the forks and the wheels on it sitting in front of me on the kitchen table while my dad was coach lining in this tank all of these bikes have got memories for me the smell the feel and just the whole jumble of it all I adore so how many bikes have you got total in the collection I never count honestly it’s probably best you don’t do you what’s your favorite if I was like sold up and the one I want I would keep would be the uh outfit really and I’ll tell you why uh dad and I bought that one a brand new 21 Triumph for £100 you’re joking the only thing that’s not original on this is tires tube air oil and petrol everything else is 100% the seat is look at there’s no wear or anything on it is there this thing was never used this was a brand new 1920s bike when they found it have a sit on it just please so what would it cost today it’s I know it’s Priceless to you and I you know but what do you reckon it’s worth 70 fantastic and this is the one I well after that story oh I keep it as well yeah yeah it’s quite a collection quite a collection what’s that that there’s something in here that I buy these chairs that chair is TTS stre is it they come out of the Old Town keeper box but they’ve got the maker Mark here yeah and they’re made by high Wickam there see this is what I would term a draftsman’s chair and I have at the moment four or five of these chairs in stock I love them but that was in a timekeeper booth therego it’s not for sale no sir all right fair enough a b v okay unfortunately you’ll come across that word no that’s all right that’s all right you as long as we have fun talking that’s okay buying from your Museum of any type particularly a private museum is difficult and if I don’t walk away with anything I don’t I’m having a great time anyway but we’ll just see how what happens so where’s next You’ got upstairs upstairs let’s go [Music] upstairs come on in here and let’s see what we got in here some of these pictures are brilliant aren’t they ah I can see bits already plenty of old Leathers I do love a good leather jacket if there’s an early one oh what’s that oh look at that that’s beautiful lovely piece of automobile clothing very nice this leather driving cat is from the early 20th century when British bicycle manufacturers first started making motorbikes and the new sport of motorcycle racing emerged despite its age it’s in excellent condition and could fetch about £400 cars and motorbikes that could be a l oh there they are f you f you perfect that’s lovely I’ve not seen this type before and it looks quite early and it’s got a really nice sort of double button breast Arrangement right all the way down the front very very Supple pale brown leather long and a nice Nick you interested possibly what sort of money you’ll have to guide me on this one make me do I want that it’s a nice early one yeah I do actually I think it’s really beautiful 60 quid it’s yours thank you for that’s a good that’s and thank you for being a gentleman cuz I wouldn’t have a clue oh I’m really pleased with that really as long as you’re happy I am happy with that Peter marvelous yeah got all sorts in here then what else have we got that’s of interest is it broken no is all right is it cuz the glass breaks on these and then they’re worth nothing no that’s not bad mirror back yes yeah quite a basic one still always ask for them good man rough the glass is there broken mirror uh that condition um that condition that condition that condition condition condition condition condition condition £75 hope we’re doing well here y that’s fine I’m being I’m being fair I’m being fair we’re having a good day the Sun’s shining and everybody’s happy right where’s next we got another one to look at yeah let’s have a look in here that was that was good we done well so far come on in boys oh dear oh now you’re talking so you don’t really get in here very often this isn’t open to the public obviously no no no museums are brilliant because you chaps always squirreling stuff well with squirrels you can’t help it can you you know what this is tea um something to do it’s compacts or something to do with shipping or Caravans shipping in the early 1900s wash stands like this were common in passenger ship’s Cabins this one made of tropical hardwood with bronze fittings still has its original mirror sink soap trays and Tin Wastewater canister restored it’s worth about £1,200 well it’s for sale if you if you’re interested I think it’s down to price go on then I think it’s down to price that’s all it is cuz I’m not mad Keen to Own It Go on [Music] then Architectural Salvage expert Richard is on a shopping trip to the aisle of B off the northwest coast of England in the Irish sea both Drew and T have been rebeling in its rich motorcycle history what could possibly go wrong they’re having a ball at Murray’s Motorcycle Museum griefs no way I haven’t seen one of these since I was a kid Burton an upstairs storage room Drew and owner Peter Murray have yet to agree to a prize for this antique wasand from a ship go on then all I see is work um breathe heavy um it’s a low bid go on 150 quid 60 160 yeah I’m not over you sure good man happy I’m happy cuz you’re Happ for that to be attractive to me it had to be the right price it is cuz there’s work to do it needs a full French polish all over the mirror’s got to come off and be reglued and just it’s and the bottoms come off it um apart from that that’s that’s ready to go and there’s profit in that super stuff that’s a nice piece that this 1930s military Spotlight is in excellent condition with original phosphor bronze frame copper fittings lens and reflector plate with a quick polish it could sell for about £600 and it’s complete and undamaged these were things that you’d use every day all day so there’s always like the Wingnuts are broken or the lens is broken it’s scratched or it’s been overpainted time and time again this one hasn’t this one’s had a really easy life and it’s in beautiful condition you’d make a bbba to on that I I I’d like to I’ll play the violin while you’re thinking about it what do you think three you’ll make money on three I was I was looking at a paying 250 but you’ve been fair with everything else good man the £300 will have that there’s still a profit in it cuz there’s very little work to do to it um but it’s been fair so let’s give him one back it’s always good to buy the best of something that’s pretty damn good there more old bikes down here as [Applause] well hang on hang on go to get that should let’s pick it [Music] up oh that’s lovely this cast iron sailor was a royal Navy donation box it’s a rare find dating to the late 19th century it needs extensive restoration but once repaired it could be worth around £1,000 and it’s just got it all it’s got history originality original paint I’ve never seen one I’ve only read about them I know I know they’re rare it’s just got it it couldn’t be more me I’ve got to ask what do you want for him you make me offer on that one I’m it’s I’m guessing go on 450 I’m guessing I’ve not owned one ever I’ve never owned one I’ve never been offered one I’ve only read about them six I mean you ain’t going to pick them up every day are you and you learn on that you know what I don’t know they are sex I made you way you did that I just every now and again you just I don’t I don’t want to think about it I just want to buy it you’re happy I’m very happy thank you very very happy that’s made my day that’s absolutely made the other stuff is making wages this has made my day there you are that’s just superb I walked past that when we were going I flicked it I thought that’s cast must why did Dre not seen that and then I thought well you must have seen it I didn’t say anything I was stud here I was stud here and I was looking and I only went back over cuz I thought oh that’s a lameta wheel Reas and went back over well and then I just saw his face sticking out thought you must have seen him I’m not going to say anything next time that’ll teach [Music] me be careful this little chat little chat yeah got he’s heavy the feeling of finding something like that it makes the job worth doing I might buy 30 or 40 things before I get that special oomph that feeling that Rush that you get when you find something that good I’m so lucky to do what I do for the very reason of finding that P give it a good airing I [Music] think not bad it’s not bad at all that [Music] up there are [ __ ] Co superb get a nice day great day really enjoy sun shining sun shining old bikes and a bit of antiques oh I’ve fully enjoyed it we’ve had great crack and uh done a bit of business nice day and everybody’s happy we need to pop that little motor bike in Peter thank you it’s been a pleasure really really enjoyed it thank you so much enjoyed it like the sunshine thank nice to meet you thank you very much but you still want to shave good luck jent see you thank you was that brilliant it was and I got Sur that little oh loved it I there’s nothing about today I didn’t like all of the pieces have got money in them I’m hoping the little cast iron fella has as well [Music] is it open to yeah after a good night’s rest at a hotel on the prom in Douglas it’s only a few minutes drive to a salvage yard on the edge of town today we’re off to uh Ms Architectural Salvage uh meet a couple of business partners two blos and they are going to show us around their yard they’ve just moved into very recently anley Mayers and I’m Richard Mish and we’re at Ms Architectural Salvage in P Road in Douglas we do a good selection of fireplaces um old cast IR radiators you bit of furniture anything that interests us and may interest the public as well I’ll be interested to see this it’s a salvage yard and an island I didn’t think was big enough to support a salvage yard what is it 30 m by 15 mil it’s not big is it hopefully Rich pickings the best thing about this is is the quality of the stock from the Century the housing stock is high so that means they’re going to filled all of these houses with good quality pieces in the day and it being an island it won have gone far perfect yeah that’s the place lovely [Music] job I’m looking for old topof the line that’s what I’m after hello hello h Hello Lee Richard yeah yeah I’m Richard I’m Lee Lee Drew nice to meet you hi nice to see you how you so this is uh M Architectural Salvage okay so you how long have you been here here since January the 10th but on the island and another yard since four or five years ago does everything have to get brought in or you salvaging from the island no it’s all from the island or most of it is occasionally we have to go across and get stuff but 95% is off the island on the island lot of it Victorian as well uh yeah there was a big building boom 1880s this is all the housing stock that we in the yeah all looks the same all built the same time all had the same sort of stuff in all been stripped out in the 60s and chucked away and people are now putting back well you’ve got a big mix of everything really from rare osses all the way through to Horns actually which I I quite like the look of those over there I buy a lot of these it’s a shame they’ve drilled the The Shield at the back yeah so I mean is it cheaper out here to buy out here or not you’ll find out I still got skin on it e it’s quite good though yeah it’s got sort of devilish looking it I tell you who really like it back in the yard Enzo Enzo would mounted skulls were popular decorative items in Victorian Country Homes this Goats Head circa 1900 is mounted on an oak Shield that is in excellent condition on the mainland it could fetch about £180 so it’s this one’s 50 Quid so that’s very good value to be honest with you guys yep yep there you go do you have a trade price or not go on I don’t know 40 quid yeah go on yeah there you go let’s see that’s that’s um that’s that’s a good buy just cuz that shape on the side there is quite good isn’t it first deal was good because I’ve started to know a few things are priced they’ve only just moved in so not everything’s priced they’re priced at 50 pound that’s a great price for those you know I can’t buy them for that on the mainland so immediately I’m finding things that are cheaper to buy out here that’s what I was hoping for the other thing I saw immediately was the earn there that one I also spot what I think is an original Andrew handy side of Derby earn just need to Asain whether or not it’s a real one or not certainly looks it in the torian era Andrew handyside and company made everything from small garden ornaments to public post boxes and bridges this earn dates to the late 19th century and with such quality casting could fetch about [Music] £500 okay what sort of money is he uh I for you I’ll do it the 120 Ace salvager Drew brard is on the sunny aisle of man where he’s made a successful visit to a motorbike Museum the other stuff is making wages this has made my day at a salvage yard in the capital Douglas he’s made a quick deal on this mounted goat skull it’s quite good though got sort of devilish looking and now is hoping to buy this 19th century earn worth about £500 120 120 so I have that okay ex much show me got the for them yeah it’s not a big one at all you know I’ve had them sort of this size they’re the ones I really like uh and there’s no pedestal but there’s no cracks there’s no welding and it’s complete and original quite a find that’s a good start isn’t it it is we got that far yeah excellent so what you’ve got you go upstairs and downstairs here yeah upstairs is a bit of lighting some uh we’ll do that later some some EXT glass up there was quite nice okay with two fantastic deals quickly sealed Drew is eager for more where did this come from it just happened to be in a shipment of yorkstone that arrived and there was no way we were going to lay it so it’s nice decided to use it as a tabletop five pce tablet that’s actually come from my house nicely good color what about this one here yes yeah that that’s nice juice mint and tiles in them yeah that’s come out of a house in um Alabama I’ve bought and sold thousands of fireplaces over the years this is Thomas J one of my absolute favorites his designs uh in the aesthetic movement taste and manner uh are something that really strike a cord with me and they’re just so beautiful and what this has the bonus of having is two things it’s called a guillotine grate it still has that in there intact and it also has all its original Minton tiles Thomas de was a renowned ironwork designer of the Victorian era this surround features ceramic tiles designed by British Artist John Moyer Smith and made by minons another notable name it’s in superb condition and could sell for about £2,000 I like that how much is that well mint and tiles three six 12 Minton tiles what are they 20 quid each 240 240 okay couple hundred quid by it me in the middle 220 yeah that’s deal okay cool great happy with that I’d like to have a look at the lighting up there yeah how did we get up there this [Music] way great building it is a fantastic building ah lighting one of my favorite [Music] things again this is all salvaged off the island then as well y yep Alabaster yeah cuz there’s another one here strange to find so many in one place you don’t usually see that many of them [Music] these ploner life fittings date to the 1920s and with a bulb in the center cast a lovely glow through the translucent Alabaster they’re worth about £300 each lighting is a very big part of my business they’ve got a lot of stuff up here and judging by what I’ve just seen I want to have a quick look around at everything before we start doing deals because I’m going to bundle a big pile of stuff together these are opalines yeah not the same we’ve spent hours and hours and hours doing these up that sounds expensive it well I’m coming to that yeah okay well we’ve we had them up for huge amount 395 originally I can’t get near it most I can pay 175 each so I’m happy to walk away I’d rather leave you to get your profit think we probably leave that it’s a shame isn’t it yeah thank okay not old the original 1960 glass ones yeah vitrite yeah that’s cool back to these Alabaster then really I’m excited about the alabaster because I’m always looking for them they don’t turn up often enough for me to to buy those what I’d like to take is that one with that that one and those two there so what I’m looking at is a collection of four ponier light fittings excellent because these never really went out of fashion but now I think that’s very very chic chandelier hook fittings with chain 55 quid £75 for that one so what’s the total 555 955 so so 220 I think so okay yeah yeah he says yes deal he did that deal without you then I know is that all right because I had that wages if you hear me shouting no it’s fine it’s fine just making sure there’s no cracks in there those are worth hundreds of pound not £55 um in the right place they will achieve extremely good money because they take all the boxes condition being number one I’ll come back leave we’ll come back and get them in a sec the lights we’ve had for a year or so Drew knows they’re fashionable fashion hasn’t quite got to the is of man so yes they’ve been sitting there waiting for him feels great that we’ve we’ve sold some items here we go it give people on the island a bit more of an Insight of what these things are actually worth and and a little bit of the history about them and Drew seems to know quite a [Music] lot near something being lifted then yeah yeah don’t know how you managed that I’ve bought some things with loads of meat on the bone if I can find the same quality but the same sort of money that’s retail prices in there um we’re going to have a great week might end up hiring another Vamp than very very nice to see you good luck guys have a good time on the island we’ll do we’ll do thank you take care see you later safe journey [Music] back I really like the island man yeah it’s great it’s very very good value it would appear you’re getting the pick of things that people haven’t look at well then making a profit on that cuz I’m paying the nearly ticket price if they can turn a profit on that I will I will buy that off them all day long Drew and T have one more stop to make on the northwest side of the island near the village of Kirk Michael nestled in the hills and surround [Music] my so another sunny day on the is of man yep and we’re off to meet a guy called Spud Murphy he’s a Furniture restorer he’s an antique dealer and they do bespoke joinery work as well for furniture and he works from home so he’s got a little Farmstead thing that uh he works from Alan spod Murphy came to the island from northern Island 30 years ago his father-in-law worked in furniture restoration and spuds soon joined the family business our Core Business is uh restored Country Furniture Pine Furniture Oaky that kind of thing but we make a lot of furniture from reclaim Timber and we recycle things find things and try and make them into something different so we still haven’t found anything specific to the island really have we no um I hold out a bit of Hope for today though but I’m not sure it could just be all strip PL furniture it’s quite traditional taste on the island there’s a limited number of people who are interested in the more unusual unrestored things they’re might well be stuff here that Drew will like then there’s the question of how much he wants to pay for it as well which will be an interesting moment that’s it there you go lower Bishop’s Court Farm Pinewood Furniture Studio oh it’s lovely isn’t it great spot hello hello he nice to meet you drew how are you how are you hi I’m t t to meet you what a brilliant setup thank you this is great there we have our showrooms and here and all our sheds for storage of all the unrestored stuff I need something like this it’s ideal Drew’s having showroom Envy I I have got perfect it’s perfect setup so where are we off to first I’d like to see sort of unrestored first if possible there’s unrestored stuff in there and uh these sheds over here are full of unrestored stuff as well what best start over here yeah possibly over there let’s have a look this is our Workshop area loads of mostly small chairs and stuff upstairs health and safety C of staircase but oh don’t worry we’re not that first this I like that’s interesting with the m symbol you’ve got another one of those there well I’ve got another one I was looking for that yeah there just two there yeah 1870s something like that yeah yeah there was there was loads of them you see them they pop up on the island from time to time okay they around the place interesting Cricket tables yeah I like have you got any with them old paint nothing complete no no we’re painted we’re Cricket tables three legs three legs do you know why they got three legs so they don’t W yeah so they got cuz they’re made for uneven floors These are nice tell us a bit more about these they k one of our very early house clearances Farm clearances in the north of the island and they came from an Old Farm and uh there’s a couple of these one in the museum the MS Museum I’ve never seen this before this style no it’s very uh localized I just fall in love with a pair of chairs I am just boted with these things I think they’re wonderful it’s got all the things that I like wrapped in one piece this style of open armchair with its distinctive x-shaped back is unique to the island these two date to about 1850 and still have the original painted finish they’re a rare find worth about 600 each they’ve got that sort of folk art feel to them as well haven’t they they have they’re very me so how much are those going to be SP Architectural Salvage expert Drew briard has found a little piece of heaven in this Furniture Studio on a Farmstead on the aisle of man perfect setup and he’s just discovered the perfect pair of chairs made on the island in the 19th century but he has no idea what Spud Murphy selling price will be how much are those going to be Spud ah yeah yeah yeah you know how much work is to do to those not the issue for me it’s um they’re not quite a pair they’re obviously just been knocked up aren’t they yeah yeah they journeyman Joiner stuff yeah um and slightly different color I couldn’t really let those go less than about 150 a piece cuz they’re just special on the local chairs you know for me that’s that’s the appeal God I I I absolutely adore them sold oh thank you they’re totally untouched they’re just exciting they’re interesting they’re different they are incredibly appealing to look at and they’ll restore well just blown away by them I think they’re absolutely wonderful they’re one of the nicest things I found for ages well that’s an incredibly Good Start you know I can put them in the van and go home now just PE right let’s carry on downstairs what a brilliant brilliant find just love those all right so where’s next Bud we’ll go across the all the unrestored stuffs across the way here this shed directly in front of us is just odds and sods and bits that we use for Restoration in here so knickknack you never know but there may be something that you see that I’ve forgotten about that that’s catching my eye there is that that is old when we had a we have we just got we used to have a shop and that was in the shop for years we sold glass wear out of it old glass yeah yeah the glass hasn’t been changed obviously it has been stripped but for me sort of stripped Pine was a fashion and we used to do it you know we used to sell this stuff but now I I I just can’t get near it anymore I I I don’t enjoy having it around me no no it’s just the the paint yeah all about the paint isn’t it it’s when they’ve been stripped as soon as I as soon as I wax something up it doesn’t fit in with my stuff yeah you know I’m liking what you’re buying though I’m liking what you’re buying a lot I’ve come here and I’ve found a guy who’s just buying with his eye and his heart and the head’s in there as well but I mean he’s buying what he likes she got a big shop counter or something yeah well this is an old shop unit from Douglas it’s part of it did have a base originally I was going to say have you got the rest of it I got the rest of it now that’s all I’ve got are these the shelves for it those are two of the shelves out of it yeah this mahogany shop fitting would have hung on a wall above a shop counter it dates to the mid 19th century and is missing the original mirrored back and some of the side shelves but with considerable restoration it’s worth about £1,000 I like the depth of it yeah it hasn’t got the bottom section which would be the drawers but still for retailing it’s great how much is that uh not uh Rough and Ready it’s it’s not the best thing in the world but it’ll make a nice thing 200 you can go for it’s a it’s a lot of my stuff is potential more than anything that’s got potential yeah sh hasn’t got the base for it isn’t it uh somebody bought somebody wanted the Bas didn’t want the top so you know is that your best on that one hey I could do 175 but not really cuz it is it just has potential potential all right well I’ll pay that for potential right thank you thank you I’m buying a project there it’s a sort of Kit of bits missing half the bits so we’ just got to put that back and then it will sell now you own it shall I fish that bit out yeah next shed please Spud H we’re moving into the storage finished off stuff oh here we go price is going up lck of Interest see Spud keeps telling me Oh we can’t sell sort of edgy stuff here it’s got to be you know pretty sanitized which is not what we do um so I I don’t hold out a great deal of Hope really for the show oh this is lovely Spud who puts this thingy this is my wife Marie she does the artistic side of things she makes it Beau nice nice nice shop Li me Charlie yeah yeah yeah oh well there you go Spud found this huge early 1920s art Novo mirror frame in an old Cinema in Douglas it would make an impressive statement piece even without the mirror and could sell for about £22,000 every now and again something just knocks you off your feet and you think well I’ve got to buy that I cannot leave here without buying that it is special it is different it is outstanding it is bigger better odder stranger and more original than any other one I’ve seen when I walked around I knew you were calling I said what’s he going to see what’s he going to see and that was top on my list uh and I’m just interest to see if very interesting God imagine if that had an old mirror in it old old decayed mirror you’d be talking 3 4,000 qu minimum for me to pay for it mhm you just needs somebody with the coonies to to take it on yeah MH or that’s really stupid it was just too much of a risk to buy a mirror for me to buy a mirror and put in that well I’m going to pay 6 800 and I’m going to be stuck for another three years yeah you’re way better off just selling that as it is can’t see a price on its butd I need to get 500 for it just just just because it’s so beautiful M but then you’re £1,000 before you start yep and then you’re moving on from there and then you’ve got to sell a vast mirror and it’s also missing its bottom yeah can put cheeky bid you can try 350 no um i’ I’d go to four four is the best I I wouldn’t go below that cuz it just it looks great there it’s a so thank you thanks bud definitely a hard cell but all I need is somebody with some imagination to take that on and I think my client base will oh buddy yeah I’ll tell you what Spud just two of the best things I’ve bought in ages oh that’s nice to hear t hello hurry [Music] up very Hefty isn’t it it [Music] is ah I brought you a chair so you can sit down properly look at the paint the pair of chairs I bought today from spur I’ve really made the trip over here and it’s the best thing I’ve got that’s it and his taste is interesting because he don’t touch stuff that’s got muched on to at all here it’s very hard for us to sell a lot of that that’s been a pleasure thank you so much really enjoyed it best find on the island great well that’s nice to know it’s been a great trip and those chairs have made it even better cheers but thanks very much yeah it’s been a really really good experience really enjoyable you enjoy that oh that has crowned this little trip over here just exciting interesting pieces three excellent buys yeah with money in them so we’ve we’ve done well on the island man then Island man’s been good surprised what I wanted to happen happened so I’m very very pleased very pleased before they say goodbye to the island there’s some unfinished business to complete [Music] here you go pair of bantom oh fantastic not quite TT speed this week on [Music] the hello come on so have you had a good week superb these are very very old they’re mid 19th century and they’re chairs that are only made in this style on the aisle of man aren’t they fabulous that’s so unusual so unusual they need some work but nothing too drastic they need conservation more than anything shop counter or back bar oh I see would have had mirrors in here yeah which I want you to replace so gav strip all this old paint off French polish it over what’s there yeah put the repairs on we’ve got all the pieces that have come off haven’t we love that I love selling into sort of retail and pubs and that’s definitely got Pub written on it 175 quid that’s superb thank you very much yeah well done thank you this a look at that that’s great isn’t that fantastic that’s lovely yeah I think it’s a donation box sailor box they did small ones right through to full size ones never seen one before put penny in your pocket cuz then we’ve got the pesta resistance as they say careful T this is so exciting wait to see this boys golly no wonder you said pesta resistor the original as what yeah g yes all original tiles not a crack nothing missing bang on 220 CR fantastic you’ve done so well it’s good isn’t it we haven’t spent a lot of money I like that a few days later back in conry the team are hard at work getting all the ISA man SE ready for sale the shop counter is the biggest job Javin starts with a power walk then the whole thing needs a Fresh coat and polish and major undertaking for an item of this size dusted at the bottom qu an inch at the top later it’s fitted with a new [Music] spirit that looks better meanwhile one of Drew’s purchases has quickly found a new hle at the tattoo parlor in Ro Mike Taylor is partial to mounting skulls took a to the island man I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time for the studio wall um I’ve not seen anything like this and then I spotted it on Drew’s website and it just ticked all the boxes so I had to have it it definitely had my name on it it’s not to everyone’s cup of tea but I love it as for the shop counter it’s been fitted with two new customer build shelves and also brackets to hold them in place it’s a very precise business good as new imagine that all lined up with with uh beautiful glasses fabulous thing the aisle of man trip it’s been expensive with hotels the ferry costs diesel but financially because the price points were lower over there than they are on the mainland here there’s some really really really good profit there on Salvage Hunters Drew visits a 400y old school in Cambridge show oh a green staircase daggering and finds a maab relic oh my word it’s a CH Bel CH Bel CH belt you could try that on T in Harford Shire he TOS a working paper mill guess what that’s made of really that’s poo but can he find anything to purchase we don’t use them anymore so if they’re interested no I just can’t sell things like that and it’s a mansion in Buckingham Shire literally a bit breathtaking isn’t it it’s tough negotiating when there’s a lady’s wardrobe at stake for the pair 500 quid doesn’t quite buy me a new Dr Drew Pritchard is one of Britain’s leading decorative Salvage dealers hello wow that’s unbelievable that’s an absolute gem he scours the country in search of weird and wonderful objects I really like that look at that statue there it’s over 2,000 years old no in his hunt for Treasure no I’m going to keep those everything has its price I give you £500 for them yeah I’ll take that and there’s nothing he won’t buy you wouldn’t buy that would you just just watch us with help from his wife Rebecca you do what you do and I’ll do the selling here then and a team of Renovators he transforms thousands of items from junk to gems in Conway North Wales Architectural Salvage expert Drew Pritchard is checking out the showroom before heading out on the road for a week very nice done finished these club together three very different locations which are all based further [Applause] south the first leg of the journey is a 3 and 1/2 hour drive to hunting in Cambridge we’re off to Kim Bolton school oh yeah could be a good one very large early Georgian period house been turned into a school for hundreds of years but any school like this anything that’s prestigious they do tend to buy good things we’ll have to see okay my name is Edward Veta I’m the bur of kimbolton school the school started off rather modestly back in the 1600s and the school outgrew our original buildings and we then moved into the castle in 1950 kimbolton Castle dates back to the Middle Ages and was rebuilt as a Tuda Manor House in the 16th century it’s best known as the final home of King Henry VII’s first queen Katherine of aragan Queen Katherine of aragan was imprisoned in kimbolton Castle um completely against her will and she described in her in her letters that it was a cold and damp and and miserable uh place and she in fact died in the castle in I think 1536 there you go Kim Bolton reduce your speed oh very nice isn’t there a famous vicker he was the chemistry teacher in the school and used to Tinker with fireworks and literally uh it all took off for him beautiful here’s our boy hi Drew hello edwarda Hello nice to meet you edwarda hello spectacular setting thank you very much indeed aming thank you for coming no no problem I can’t wait to see the inside it glows doesn’t it the building it is and at night it looks fantastic in the sunset really oh W look at that chimney piece wow isn’t that fantastic that’s a big one it’s huge Edward montigue Earl of Manchester the the monu turned into the manchesters um my history uh takes me into they were Earls and then they became the the Dukes well that’s a wonderful piece there so when was this sort of neoclassical renovation done to it this was the early 1700s Thomas VRA did the bulk of it okay the building is obviously incredibly impressive and and uh quite a place to come to school I think kids being in this environment is just good for them wondering around in it it can’t not be now this is the bit that we’re really famous for oh it’s the F green staircase daggering isn’t that just super what does this dat to now this is this is depicting um Caesar’s triumphant entry into Rome I love it I absolutely love it one of the statement pieces inside the building is the staircase with the large mural stroke Fresco that Pelini painted it is pretty breathtaking you’re not going to see that very often all in all that’s that’s worth coming today just to see that to be honest and of course from here you can see the the the courtyard with with the the lead down pipes which pev described as being the finest in England they are amazing I’ve never seen I’ve never seen anything like those look at the sort of a canthus going up supporting the hopper so good and that’s not a unicorn there a coat of arms above the the door it’s it did have two horns but I think a pupil in the 50s took the other horn some kid from the 50s has got somewhere in the world somewhere in the world carv Stone antler yeah so this is the staff common room uh and some lovely paintings depicting the Four Season and the Manchester Crest but this is what I want to show you the table is this table it’s a difficult seller is it well yes and no it’s quality very good quality the repair work it’s had just so much damage but it is remarkable I mean the quality of it is pretty damn good but you can see see the thickness and the depth of the veneer on here yes that denotes quality unfortunately the casters don’t it’s got sort of it’s fur coat no knickers [Laughter] this large English dining table with Walnut veneer top and solid Walnut legs was made in the late 19th century with major restoration it could fetch around £8,000 so what kind of figure do you have in mind for it well it would have to be quite a lot what sort of BP with the leaves and with a sideboard it would have to be 10 and up have you got any have you got valuation on it no somebody told me some time ago that probably it would be worth that sort of that sort of that sort of money some time ago yeah a decade ago uh probably was about a decade ago yeah I think if the common room lost it yeah for any less than that they would be a little bit miffed that it went for it’s not worth that much to me anymore right it needs about £4,000 spending on it to bring it back to perfect condition and I think it’s worth about 7 and a half thousand now well in a way that’s a relief it’s um it’s it’s a the quality is just superb but i’ would really suggest just if you possibly can get it out of the light right as much as you can I always have to ignore previous valuations and go on current market conditions and you’ll get a feeling current market conditions for that one I couldn’t achieve £10,000 um and I’d have to look at the restoration price would be steep to get that done properly um so unfortunately we will be walking away from it next Edward takes them across the campus to the science department we’re going to the Donson Laboratories um and going to chemistry lab to look at some stools okay this is C4 we’re going to look at some stools okay so this is what we’re the what we expect really mix of these this this is the type I’m after really that type the older one yes where as opposed these new ones there’s one there there’s one there is that old enough not quite not quite see this has got a nice shaped sort of bum seat yeah good color and we got chewing gum no chewing gum they’re all right those ones it’s that one really is the one them these are okay can’t really sell those the older ones with my ideal is that one yes with the hand hole yes they tend to sell the best really there’s just Maple and Beach see the wear that’s Lovely isn’t it lovely in the kitchen you know isn’t it nice yeah no it is but there’s just the one is there another lab with more of them in uh no no this type of stool there’s only one in the room is just better quality better looking better proportion and color than all of the other ones and Unfortunately today there’s just a one so there’s no point in taking one um we’ll just leave it here let’s see if we can find sort of something with a bit more meat on the bone I think well what about that okay I’m hoping this has got yes draws in yeah this is probably from the turn of the century from just not a little bit earlier they’re usually for eggs but eggs yeah they’re not allowed to be anymore they anymore no this is of Interest but you’d have to remove all this stuff this late 19th century ebonized fossil display cabinet is made of oak and has eight graduated drawers with some restoration it could fetch around [Music] £800 that’s not in bad Nick that will clean up really well 1 two 3 four five six seven eight graduated drawers D what would you like for it no you you give you give me you give me um £175 Salvage expert Drew Pritchard is at Kim Bolton School in Cambridge isn’t that just super he’s just made an offer of 175 on this 19th century display cabinet that’ll clean up really well but verser Ed Veta is Holding Out for a better offer now I’d thought a bit more than that okay about about 250 250 was going to be where I ended up so yeah let’s cut to the chase that’s fine I’ll buy it for that thank you okay um just got to find somewhere home for all the bits and all the gubbins in it now really an old fossils bought a case of old fossils thanks T cool well that’s that’s that’s good I’m pleased with that good well I’m glad you got something no that’s Fab should we um Carry On and then we’ll come back and we’ll empty that we need just get some trays to put all the bits Bobs in okay Che about the stools okay right this is the green room now watch that that bridge W red oh that’s nice little Chinese Bridge um this is what I thought you might be interested a little bit this a pair of them as well if they’re really sort of up to the I love the arm they’re a difficult one because they’re not quite ready for the market yet they’re sort of still regarded as a bit sort of cheap seats really even though they’ve got leather on them I really like them they’re cool they’re stylish yeah but they’re not quite good enough and and you say they’re not quite in they’re not quite in this bit’s great and then it all let it all goes wrong here for me maybe I’m wrong but hey you know that’s a I think the these are a chair that was designed to look like a much more expensive one in the day so if somebody wanted a really pricey one of those they couldn’t quite afford it they’d buy that type and now that type is desirable as well but it doesn’t quite hit the quality Market that I need they’re a real near Miss really like those um we got anything else in here what’s this thing over here uh I’m not sure actually let’s have a look oh my word what have you found it’s a it’s a ch ch belt chastity belt isn’t it it’s probably good God right they were they were copied by the victorians and that’s a copy right um you could try that on to I wouldn’t get a leg in there no you wouldn’t it’s forgive me the hearts that is that is surely so wrong yes that that no the hearts that’s not what thinking about no but that tells me that it’s not V the Victorian surely the victorians wouldn’t have had that sense of humor uh yeah yeah they were a bit odd that things like that this is a much much much later one the early chastity belts are very collectible and there’s not loads of but I think they were more popular in France I should give you that back yeah s of don’t really want to touch that no you don’t it doesn’t hold any interest for me whatsoever it’s it’s quite horrible actually but I should imagine it’s a good fun thing to have when they’re doing plays and whatever so we’ve been everywhere now have we we have uh okay that’s it well I think we just got a little cabinet then we need to get all the ammonites and the Bits And The Bobs out of there so we need some trays try we’re going have to try and keep them in the yeah in the on way so I think there’s eight eight drawers so we need eight eight trays hopefully we might will find some lab trays which will cool let’s let’s go and do that then and we’ll get out of your hair fantastic Dre thank you very much I’ve not filled the van today but what I did manage to buy was a turn of the century Ean eyes collector’s cabinet we’ll do some restoration work to it and it’ll sell quickly it’s ideal for somebody’s small flat or apartment you know or even a retail setting it’s a good piece fresh to the market and right up our street looks looks rougher out here doesn’t it yeah well I’m glad you didn’t notice the split down the side yeah oh dear that’s that’s quite that’s that’s all right we could we can live with that we can live with that it’s been a really good day and we’d be delighted to have him here again whether he would find something of interest uh I don’t know thank you very much fantastic pleasure thank many thanks indeed no problem at all come again and hopefully we can find something please yes of good quality when you find a room full of stools I’m your man all right thank you so much thank you very much see well done enough for you it’s nice and warm I’ll take my jacket off actually how was that experience for you then to be honest today was all about the the the school for me it was just beautiful you happy with your your single purchase though it’s a shame there wasn’t more there I I really did think we were going to clear up but unfortunately one piece anyway quick restoration it’ll be turn it around in 2 hours it’ll be back on the floor for sale fantastic let’s have the track home then yeah no we can’t go home with one we have to go home with a vanl so somewhere [Music] else the next day they drive 1 hour further south to the outskirts of haml Hemstead in arire to the 19th century miltown of apsley which is at the foot of the Chilton [Music] Hills we’re off to see the uh Ashley Paper Company it’s a paper mill and apparently we’re in paper Valley really my name is Paul Butcher and we’re at Frogmore paper mill in ABS ham Hemstead founded in 1700 Frogmore is one of the oldest paper mills in the UK [Music] it’s also home to the world’s oldest paper Machines which revolutionize the way paper is produced today the mill is now being conserved by the absolete paper trail charity and it’s still a working paper mill producing around a 100 tons of specialist grade paper every year we make paper from uh elephant dung banana skins uh Levi’s jeans you name it we can make paper of it it’s now a heritage TR and uh basically they they’re looking to raise money for their restoration of the buildings and keeping the place going there you go FR more cool lovely there we [Music] go hello morning hi D how are you how you doing to meet you this is not what we expected we were driving in here and I was like this is this is a housing complex’s something wrong here this what’s going on and then all of a sudden you’ve got a a canal and a factory absolutely do remember we were here first they all came later they’re just copying you are they they’re trying to I really have very little idea about what we’re going to see today I know it’s a paper mill but I don’t know any more than that so I mean really down to you guys can can we have a look around absolutely yeah welcome come this way to you thank you oh interesting yes okay so you got a shop then we do we sell all the papers that we make and papers that other people make um okay and we’ve got lots of stuff here and this is what we make on site guess what that’s made of really so not to put two final points on it that’s poo yes it’s probably straw straw straw yes what we like about elephants is that what goes in at the front and what comes out of the back is very similar we have a van that you put rubbish in and then expensive stock comes out the other end okay T you would we’ve been here 2 minutes and we’re already at that level if you walk straight in and you’re selling elephant D poo paper we sell a lot more I mean we make paper out of all sorts of things you know this for instance is made out of jeans it’s what that is made out of Jeans denim Den paper what else you making out of that’s as you can see um flower petals but also in that is seeds as well so uh this is a a new take on recycling because when you’ve uh had your greetings card yeah printed on this when you throw it away you don’t actually even put it into the recycling you take it out into the garden and plant it and you will grow meadow meadow yep really yeah that’s really good it is who invented that that’s clever I don’t know who invented it but we’ve been making it for quite a while that’s really I like that shall we go through the museum please really interesting this way please I’m I’m I’m surprised doesn’t happen often this is our Museum okay so this is more history of the place open to public children that type of thing this is where we try to educate people on how paper is made what the history it is and we have several outs showing various aspects of production or printing or whatever it may be here that very handsome bust this is Mr John Dickinson who is really the father of the paper industry he invested really in the uh the paper machine to make paper on a continuous web and that was just such a step change from 4 days to 20 minutes do you have one of those machines here we have the oldest one in the world here driven by a 57 steam engine now that I do want to see which you might be interested we thought about that right this is a production this is where we still make paper so what’s this then this is a traditional way of making paper this is how paper was made up until the machine was invented right so a man can make 50 sheets in an hour that will make 50 sheets in 15 minutes we have a roll cutter and our 1903 paper machine so this is the end result correct that’s the roll of paper that comes out and it starts over there with 95% water and 5% P fiber frog more paper mill is not what I expected it is different it’s a community-based um charity in part uh it’s also a working Paper Mill and uh I’ve never been to a paper mill before so it’s nice to see how it’s made lime me that’s huge well we call it the big machine but in fact it’s not that big how old is this thing this is uh was first built in 1895 um uh it was installed up in Scotland kinle and it worked from 1907 to 2009 so what you you need a steam Enthusiast or several come here several rich ones yeah to they love this is the ultimate steam powered thing it is it is pretty much isn’t it yeah wow and it still works and it’s still a working machine this is great that’s super impressive okay so which way now through here we’ll go there first all right with the tour completed it’s time to get down to the main business of the day and find something to buy take a right here okay so what’s this then just Warehouse or pulping or what’s that we call it the Bor room um that’s the B because that’s the Bor machine so it’s part of our waste handling here yeah I see I’m going to um skip off back to the um the visitor bit and leave you to all right we’ll catch you later on the negotiation see you later thank you cheers engines Motors these things well they’re quite big ones aren’t they that one had a bit of work done to it I think but yeah we don’t use them anymore so if they’re interested no I think they’re probably more use in your Museum really it’s the sort of thing again it’s up there with weighing machines that we get offered every day okay these These are are big size they’re unusually large um but unfortunately I just can’t sell things like that we go into another huge Warehouse on the side which sort of lost my bearings don’t know where it is now um and they’ve got a pair of sack trucks and these would have been used on Railway stations and factories everywhere they’re larger than normal but they’re a really common item it’s something to get offered all the time they’re just not exciting some massive letters there Dre yeah the John Dickson LS that is they should spell John Dickinson minus a j and minus the D so what are you doing with those well the J and the D are missing because we gave those to the pub down the road um the paper mill Pub um the rest is it’s complete we event eventually might want to put them back on the building but as all things who knows but it is is this is part of the unfortunately for you this is part of the Heritage so we want can’t sell those all right fair enough they’re nice font as well yeah yeah Times New Roman is it pass I think so yeah yeah okay sry where’s next this way [Music] please there’s a lamp there you might want but it’s too far up oh no that’s not that we just need about 80 of them although the paper mill is packed with his and artifacts Drew’s found nothing so far is this going to be another long trip for little return right this is our boardroom okay and there a few items that you might want to have a look at yeah some nice uh little cabinets on pedestals there’s no no doors in any of them they’re of Interest that’s of Interest well don’t know why I’d have it here um well you have it here because as you see from the museum it’s a quite a different style of display that we have it’s good retail thing various people might have an attachment to this oh really which you may um you know might get into trouble it’s one of those things where I just don’t know I’m not too first about leaving that no but those I like these display cases are made of mahogany and were manufactured in Britain around the turn of the 20th century with cleaning and polishing they could fetch around £1,800 happy to let these go the right price yeah no it’s fine could I give you a bid on them of 500 for the pair G out Salvage Hunter Drew Pritchard is at Frogmore paper mill in hartfordshire he’s just bid £500 on this pair of mahogany display cases happy to let these go yeah no it’s fine but but is it enough for manager Paul botche to part with them same height it’s good yes come up 10% 50 Quid yeah no problem yeah yeah it all goes through a good course keeps us happy 550 happy with it you can make some money on it I’m going to make some money on these and there’s not much money to spend really just a Polish and some silly little repairs to do in here where they’ve cut the Interiors apart and any other problems we find with them well they’re my problem think that’s fine thank you very much no thank you they’re going to be difficult to get out going to be fun well we’ got tea haven’t we we’ve got yeah exactly I’ll carry that one you just stra the other on to my back you got broad back broad shoulders no they’re good interesting the best thing about these cabinets is I’ve got a buyer or good potential buyer and uh we’re doing 50 shop Interiors for them and they want unusual Cabinetry um try saying that it’s and these are right up their street because they sell fashion they’re going to look brilliant you know with like an old head in there with some hats on or some gloves laid out really cool no they’re super okay well look uh we’ll go and get the van out is there anything else no I think that’s it that’s it you cleaned me out that’s great I’m really pleased now these are super they’re different I’ve never seen these before cool no let’s go and get the van then thank you so you’re forgetting something yeah I’ll come back for them now yeah all right frog Ball’s been uh surprising actually um it’s not what I expected as usual I went looking for one thing we found something completely different today I managed to buy two Museum cabinets they’re good quality and they’ll sell well it would have been nice to buy some you know big pile of printing blocks or some large industrial Cabinetry or something like that it just wasn’t here that’s all been gone years ago very much can we pleased I got the L to do some work doesn’t happen very often no rare than L stuff on they’re really nice BLS I really enjoyed taking them around he bought two bits of me and I’m really pleased with what he managed to give me for them good stuff all right we done thank you so much it’s been a pleasure thank you fantastic to see you with Adventure yeah amazing yeah good luck you we’ll give it a go thank you very much have a good J Home cheers bye bye happy ecstatic there we go that was unexpected purchase it was this is weird the trip though surprising paper mill well it’s not what I expected I thought we’d Come Away with industrial Furniture is what I was hoping for unfortunately not interesting place though [Music] yeah the next day it’s Drew and T’s final visit down [Music] south their last port of course is only a short 45-minute drive from the paper mill to the ancient town of Winslow near Alsbury in buckinghamshire we’re going to Winslow Hall to meet Mary Gilmore uhhuh what’s happened is they’ve downsized and when you see the house you’re going to find that odd okay right from a serious pad down in the west country right and it’s all been piled in one house they’ve moved in they’ve not unpacked most of the boxes and basically they want to get rid of furniture they’ve got too much furniture with Hall was originally built in 1700 by one of England’s greatest architects Sir Christopher Ren the Gilmore family purchased this estate in 2010 and two years later they converted Winslow Hall and its Gardens into a venue for annual operatic festivals my husband has a great love of Opera his sister worked for the Royal opera house and um he grew up with this love of Opera the first year we did marriage of Figo which was fabulous last year we did Carmen and this year we’re doing Luchia de LaMore this is Winslow there you go this place I thought it’d be out of town I thought it be in the country I suppose it was once that’s got to be the place isn’t it w that’s amazing how you talking we’ll take it easy today T can have a rest all right do you want a hat no a sure yeah do you want some water hello hi hi Marty Drew how you doing nice to meet you hi how you doing hello hello hi how you doing nice to meet you hello gra great well love the house great it’s gorgeous this is my particular favorite period of house building in the UK I just think it was just they just got it absolutely right well I love all the lights with window so I believe you got a bit of stuff you’d like us to look at I’d love to have a look around the house as well go through here that’s lovely some great great stuff in here this is beautiful isn’t it almost later what’s interesting is Christopher’s family is to own Temple Bar really wow it was getting dilapitated on some land of my father and uh so he offered it back to the city of London and um and they took it back and it’s now back in patter NOA Square I remember reading about a few years ago yes and it’s by Christopher Ren which would look perfect at the end of our garden yeah not everybody has bits of Christopher Ren AR you’re lying around today super okay love to see some more I see Harry poor feet that’s you so you like empire style I do I love it and Christopher likes classic Regency exactly I think at this stage I might go back to my office I’ve got producing an opera in September so oh right yeah we’ll leave you to it thank you byebye goes on on I know oh it’s this beautiful though love love it right into the paneled room here wow literally a bit breathtaking isn’t it it’s wonderful wonderful room where did you get these from they’re nice well funny enough I got these in Paris yeah but I’m a bit sad my daughter used to climb no her little buckles from her shoes when she was two God I love them they are pretty amazing aren’t they gorgeous can I have a sit down in one go for it typically French uncomfortable really uncomfortable they’re English aren’t they there’s a little silver a gold thing inside really Medallion can I tip them up and have a yeah have a look I I immediately thought they were they were French take it to you a bit well I bought them in Paris cuz they look French or they look sort of Scandinavian that way yeah no it’s underneath there look all right okay see in there can you see it it’s somewhere in there this pair of late 20th century Walnut and leather open armchairs were made by British cabinet maker senior and car Michael they have built-in adjustable reading lamps and chrome drink coasters with minor repair they could sell for around £3,000 well I don’t know if these were something you’d think of parting with I’d be interested I think they’re just got a great look I think they’re really cool but they don’t necessarily go in this room anymore so um could be something do you want to think about the price ah you’re the you’re the boy all right okay we’ll carry on round yes we’ll come back to these okay really like them yeah I’m surprised they’re English but still M who know who knew who knew okay so just carry on through right I wanted to show you this shell mirror it’s um we could pull it out it’s got um amethyst around it yeah oh wow there’s one bit missing that I yeah it’s coming that bit’s come off yeah I got some of the bits and it’s got a big abalone shell on the top of it it’s lovely it’s got some real good pieces on it actually he’s gone to town on this hasn’t he yeah lots of bits come off actually the whole tops come off now what it’s been there see there look have to get it restored that’s come off it’s been wrapped up yeah it’s interesting maybe want to watch for the future yeah you know yeah yeah yeah wow don’t know anything about it but it’s cool the only problem with that is I’d take it home my wife would go while we keep that yeah okay so where’s next weo doy okay so what’s this place um this is the Coach House okay um this was from my mother-in-law’s house it’s really pretty isn’t it later the plaster one yeah and that was the cut yeah but it’s in a sorry shape it’s got lead roof and still nice though some lead Planters they look like they’ve been run over by the LA they usually have these and they’ve collapsed under their own weight which is quite normal there are maybe do you know where these ones came from they just came from mother-in-law’s house they’re a bit battered but they’re still good looking aren’t they I kind of like those my husband um grew up at the ferry house which was next door to cion Park well that that’s the connection with the lead right yeah I don’t think these have got a great deal of age to them because of the color is almost impossible to age the color of lead convincingly these small lead Planters were made in England and a replicas based on a design by 18th century English sculptor John cheer with cleaning and polishing they could fetch around £600 for the pair but there’re still a nice little pair of lead tazers and they’re worth to me a couple hundred quid no more than that in that condition worth about 350 to 450 and really nice condition that’s a bit they’re a bit battered still Charming but they are what they are can those go on the list could do yeah okay well let’s let’s carry on in here shall we they can stay there this is all the hats for these all yours yeah wow that’s so 80s isn’t it that yeah that was ‘ 80s yeah um um and I I got two of those they’re cute where did you pick these up then um they came they were in the house I bought in pimer 30 years ago they were just left in it really interesting this elegant painted faux bamboo chair was made in the early 19th century if it’s one of a pair the two together could be worth around £1,000 do you have the other one yeah I do yeah yeah yeah definitely are they for sale yeah what would you like for them as much as possible for the pair 500 quid doesn’t quite buy me a new dress nearly get your good night out get you a good hat new hat yeah that that that’s and that’s I’ve gone straight in that maximum bid okay well cuz I like them okay let me just think have a think about it have a think about it go on the list and then the pair of chairs the sort of the English ones up there what can I I don’t think they’re very old you see 800 each no okay I don’t I don’t think so top Salvage expert Drew Pritchard is at Winslow Hall in buckshire a bit breathtaking isn’t it it’s wonderful wonderful room he’s just debating whether to buy a pair of 1820s faux bamboo chairs but it’s the late 20th century armchairs seen earlier that he’s really Keen to buy give me a figure you’d like what would you be happy with um just say I mean I can I can say yes I can say yes or suit you yeah um would um would, 1400 buy them 1500 so i, 1500 quid there could be thousands of them out there I’ve never seen any I think they’re really stylish they’re clearly well made they’ve got nice marks on them they’re cool if nothing else I I priced them in the end I thought how much would I buy them for myself yeah good design shouts so and they’re great design okay yeah there you go and they’re not even heavy so you’re interested in these possibly those right now that Mar’s got one sail under her belt she’s Keen to pursue Drew’s interest in the pair of bamboo chairs yeah they’re not quite a pair yeah these are slightly larger this is just a just still cute doesn’t matter I’d sell them as a pair a near pair what do you think you don’t have to you’re the b well I can pay 500 for them I can’t pay anymore and I’d like to buy them but on the other side you don’t have to sell it to of course but bearing in mind I gave you such a good price on those other ones yeah what about 600 for the pair cuz I’m a bit sad about the other ones are you yeah I mean I I do want to sell them but okay yeah that’s a good will I’ll do that for you yeah lovely that’s nice you’re happy happy happy girl I’m happy happy girl boy feels good now doesn’t everyone’s everyone’s happy right let’s get them in the van in the van thank you we’ll come back where are the other chairs are they on the first second floor floor first floor we come back and get we’ll come back and get those okay thank you Winslow Hall has been better than I expected and the collection of stuff I’ve managed to buy is really eclectic and really strange and uh very me that was great fun I learned a lot I wish I had all that knowledge it’ be wonderful to know all those things and I like the way he appreciates everything it just feels like I should do this all the time it’s great feel like Davos break I very much like to go to the shop and see all these things he’s got because it’s quite my taste I think we have we done a deal on these yet not yet no just do it now we just putting them in the van well just get them out really to see what we can do okay happy we’ve got everything loaded I’ve put those on did we finalize a deal on them we nearly there okay yeah what is it it was £200 for those ones for the pair of yeah very damaged ears but I think they’re quite pretty they’re very pretty look very nice inside with flowers that’s what I think that’s what I going put them on a little console table in the shop and sell them from there I think that would be the easiest thing to so say so like 250 oh really um oh can we meet in the middle 225 230 you 230 deal there you go thank you and the other things is great it’s just such a strange mix of things I love it thank you very much much appreci love to me so much you Che thank you bye bye what a p and you can’t even when you’re in it you don’t even know this road here fabulous and we brought well Sunshine again always I’m like a little Ray of sun you’re not like a cloud what do you think of that lot uh those chairs are very special aren’t they are they yeah exceptional have to be honest I couldn’t believe it when they said oh we were going to sell them I didn’t think she why would why would you ever sell these no they’re just cool like just Uber ridiculously cool overall very successful day I’m very pleased but yeah I have to say also today uhhuh that’s my dream house it was exceptional wasn’t it that’s it everything I couldn’t see anything I didn’t like about it other than the fact it’s not mine so we uh going fight the m6 on the way home got you in this heat still at least we’re coming back with stuff [Music] yeah back in Conway the team gathers together to see Drew’s purchases from the week H hello hello you’re going to like these unfortunately there’s no work for you here no oh actually there is there is there’s always work for car we went to Winslow hall yesterday a spectacular private house okay so a small pair of sort of lead castled Tazza line Mass decoration aren’t they lovely cute decorative yeah they were lovely then we got these yes these are a pair of faux bamboo painted Regency side chairs in remarkably original condition nothing to do quick dust straighten the shop right to the Ed let me get round these are remarkably good look at the design sideways on look at that absolutely have clear going over get these on I want these online today okay they’re just dead right just so right yeah we went to Frogmore paper milk and there’s a pair of these oh fantastic got a buyer for them already yes I know somebody straight away straight away so let’s get these off straight quickly put them together photograph them straight away whiz them over to our guy and they they’ll be sold these are perfect these could actually go in a person’s house with perhaps a lovely bust inside or just some memorabilia last item off the van is the cabinet from Kim Bolton school but turn of the century Ean ni collector’s cabinet I think yeah pull the doors off go um and then nice simple bead down the front there hand polish to these cuz these are all working really well just get it really really clean Gavin sets to work on the cabinet this is going to be quite straightforward 2 hours 3 hours working he starts by removing the doors then he fills in the Gap with a new wooden trim and gives the cabinet a fresh colat of paint soon is ready for Drew to inspect gav’s just finished it so it didn’t look like that that’s going to be going down to Liberty and I should imagine they will sell it the first weekend that hits the floor the next day there’s a special delivery the 1956 Volkswagen Beetle that Drew bought at type two detectives a few weeks ago has finally arrived the modifications have been carried out ready for its proud [Music] owner superb cool made it you’ve Haven done oh yes yes now you talk you you done the back brakes yeah yep all sorted little bit lower at the front that stance is driving beautifully just perfection Now isn’t it so over to you it’s mine can’t believe it so you’s taken 25 years yeah you got it let’s hope uh let’s hope Rebecca likes it I think she will I think I’m going to end up losing it I think she’s going to end up driving the thing yeah is this it what do you think that’s what I’ve been going on about for the last 20 years what you’ve banged and banged on about and you you’re the fault I am sorry wow I’ve really really fallen for this car um I never do usually with Drew’s cars but this I can see myself driving it I can’t wait look at [Music] this oh that’s nice oh that’s [Music] yes it’s exactly what I wanted they built my dream car it’s fantastic on Salvage Hunter Drew visits a medieval castle in Cumbria and finds the ultimate car accessory that’s off the radiat car that is going on my Land Rover at a Carriage Museum in darbishire with a slip of the fingers he has an embarrassing accident so until you pull that [Music] out and it’s a mul Museum in the Lake District he takes a trip down memory lane I had one of them it’s just got I love those cars Drew Pritchard is one of Britain’s leading decorative Salvage dealers hello wow that’s unbelievable that’s an absolute gem he scours the country in search of weird and wonderful objects I really like that look at that statue there it’s over 2,000 years old no in his hunt for treasure NOP I’m going to keep those everything has its price I give you £500 for them yeah I’ll take that and there’s nothing he won’t buy you wouldn’t buy that would you just just watch us with help from his wife Rebecca you do what you do and I’ll do the selling here then and a team of Renovators he transforms thousands of items from junk to [Music] gems in Conway North Wales it’s a busy day at Architectural Salvage jackb Drew pritchard’s Warehouse just give it a general wipe and then we can photograph it no more bits on the counters take the fisherman off while Gavin and Carl sort out the display cabinets Drew hits the road with tea they’re traveling 3 hours North from Conway to the Village of Raven glass in the Lake District in [Music] combria brought me to the Lakes today this hopefully not to drown me we are going to meet a guy called Peter Frost Pennington and he is one of the owners of monaster castle monaster castle is believed to stand on Roman remains but the current Castle on an estate of 1800 Acres was built for the Pennington family in the 13th century and they’ve lived here ever since Peter Frost Pennington took up residence when his wife inherited the property 18 years ago my mother-in-law used to say there’s no space here when you’ve got 80 odd rooms that’s a bit strange thing to say but you build up junk and we have some large items which we might like to send Drew’s way other than that I’m sure he’ll find some small interesting things easier to tuck in his pocket and take away with him oh there we go that’s a castle wow that’s just showing off isn’t it it is look at the view Drew welcome to monaster nice to meet nice to get you here at last te welcome just marveling at that when we came around the corner well the view is quite stunning we’re very lucky to live here rusin described it as Gateway To Paradise which means you’re not in heaven yet but you’re almost there anyway like to come in and uh I’m sure we’ll find something to interest you in here sir just the three steps to Heaven three step four actually so welcome to Castle itself coming to the medieval Great Hall so this is actually the the biggest room in the the castle and one of the oldest it’ses we think from around 1300 the whole Community would eat in here and of course there only be one chair in those days and that would be the lord of the cast be sitting on it and it would be boards and Trestle tables so he was the chairman of the board which is where we get the express today he put in an offer for that chair turn it upside down check the leg it’s wonderful what an astounding place just literally and Blown Away you’ve got medieval Furniture you’ve got jackob beine you’ve got georgean Victorian Modern Art uh it’s just like a sort of whole sort of Riot on the senses you don’t know what’s going to come in the Next Room it’s incredible just turn some lights on over here lovely there’s some phenomenal Furniture in here there some seats made for you ad there’s some I can’t believe you can the public able to get so close to all of this well we do we’ve just taken the ropes down so it’s easier you to wander around we have have ropes up but they there’s a guide in this room and there’s some yeah there’s some lovely stuff in here uh well yeah we have a nice collection of of chairs of various forms I don’t know that that’s that’s a nice one an early Victorian is it or or slightly earlier than that well georan is unfortunately Drew all the stuff in the public rooms we we have on public display and it’s not for sale I’m afraid it’s like being sort of bashed over the head with Antiquity G well look at that and look at this and look at that and that sort of some of it’s so old that I haven’t experienced Furniture of this age and this mass that is so accessible from what I’m seeing now if there’s a junk room I I I can’t wait to get there but also I’m enjoying just wandering around the building it’s uh it’s astonishing building okay so I come up this way and then must come up here and introduce you to one of the main personalities of the place CU we have this quite extraordinary great painting portrait of Thomas Skelton the of moner and he looks right through you if you’re brave enough to look him in the eye um God yeah that his eyes literally followly around the room it looks slightly mad actually well he he’s meant to have murdered a carpenter and and you know some many people think his Spirit still here playing tricks and us and he’s one of the ghosts but you know the expression all over the English speaking world stop playing the Tom fool or stop this Tom Foolery comes from this gentleman Thomas Skelton the fool of moner there were many other famous fools King Henry VII had a famous fool called will Ritson but we don’t call it will Foolery it’s Tom Foolery and it’s known the world over and we think it’s from this chap who’s reminding us we’re all human and bringing us down to sze when we get too big for our boots I think we’re too important we have t Foolery T Foolery well there you are so you make sure his head doesn’t get too big I’m the brains you’re the brain you sort him out mind prick pumos he is my Black Adder to the stupid Prince exactly it’s good that ying and that Yang you know so uh when I find him wandering the more having stabbed his eyes out bring him up well it’s true let’s go we’ll end that conversation and move on but uh of lovely RS on the side but I think we better get you to the attics like most places in monaster this room has to have a variety of uses so this we’ve converted you’ll be pleased to he into what we call the Fool’s Paradise it’s a bar it’s a bar yes um favorite place and this is only used when we have big festivals on and people are outside and they can come in we’ve got a few uh strange things well you could could do with getting rid of that if you wanted that could you probably you could throw it in my direction uh well need to talk to the misses about that but I think that’s that could could get out the way quite happily this sofa dates to the turn of the 20th century it’s classic English country house design has appeal and although three cushions have been recovered the original floral fabric is still underneath unrestored it’s worth about £1,200 do you have any idea what you’d want for it I don’t um I think I’d better as as as I’m just the the man who does a lot of stuff I think you need to defer to my boss well let’s let’s talk to the let’s talk to the boss she she’s the one who holds the pur strings and it’s it’s her castle it’s her stuff so the building is so massive it could take ages to locate the lady of the castle fortunately Peter has a solution hello scary monsters are you receiving can you if you are can you please report to Fool’s Paradise please we might have a deal we want to make uh she she often doesn’t talk to me she’ll tell me I’m not listening I call my wife a scary monster she won’t talk to me hello even just coming while they wait for scary monster whose real name is Iona Frost Pennington Drew keeps looking for potential purchases we’ve got some Museum cabinets so I’ve got strangely at the moment I’ve got three of these in stock already have you these two mahogany Museum cabinets are also early 20th century because of their large size and excellent condition they could sell for about £1,500 each they’ve been stucked up in here for but all sorts of weird and wonderful things like have you do you want to I think a walk T walk I want that hog tusk for the radiator of your of your car and you’re not allowed to put these things on car radiators anymore but uh that’s that’s off the radiat car that is going on my Land Rover that’s superb I think it’s illegal now in case you kill anyone not in North Wales not nor it’s compulsory compulsory yeah I’m a car Enthusiast and I just love it it’s something that you know any car Enthusiast is going to want that’s such a cool item the warthog Tusk radiator cap is a rare antique dating to the 1920s when hunting was a popular Pastime among English colonialists in Africa today it’s worth about 700 I don’t want to put this down this is something I really really I can’t this is I’ve completely lost it now I’m resisting saying I’ve got the horn jokes as well but is that you taking it off me now I’m taking it off you lucky I think it cause a funny bulge if you put in your pocket what a thing amazing it’s what this job’s about really I mean what you know where on Earth really would you find one of those there’s something in there I really like as well and what’s that I can’t I couldn’t possibly tell you I’ll pull it out there’s something I really really really really like here is that the old lamp yes yes this Victorian pillared lamp base would originally have held an oil lamp on top and can easily be converted to Electric rewired is worth about £450 they look really good uh when they’re converted um very Charming again quintessentially British countryhouse interior pieces that I do have a market for and I actually have a client for that lamp and I know he’s got one that matches it hello how’d you do Drew hi hi I believe I’ve got to talk to you you’re the boss y right that’s that yes I am um the Castle’s wonderful I believe there’s some bits you might want to get rid of here I’ll just say what I’m interested in you say yay nay on how much right okay this like that right this I love I want to put this on my land rover that that was my grandfathers or great grandfathers great grandfathers in Kenya really what car was it on do you know Rolls-Royce I think of course why wouldn’t it be tell silver ladies that would be of interest if available I think that’s pretty expensive yeah it is um be expensive in my shop hopefully it’s cheaper that’s that’s that’s a just a wonderful thing and that so do you have any clue on prices where you’d want to be how much would you give us for that because of the rips on the arms which is a shame 400 six no in the Lake District in Cumbria Architectural Salvage expert Drew Pritchard is visiting 13th century moncaster castle that’s wonderful in the Fool’s Paradise Bar he’s found several antiques he wants to buy including two Museum cabinets a lamp a rare car accessory and a sofa but he must convince Iona Frost Pennington to part with them um 400 six no five five um it’s very special material that it’s not I wish it was just a oh yeah that’s everything in my parents house in the 70s looked like that you got as well you know that’s for so what horn would this be Peter I think it’s a warthog warthog Tusk if you prepared to get rid of that if I’d pay the same for the so I’d pay 400 for that as well yeah the only thing about that we I think we have some photographs with car on the car yeah so it makes it a bit more important to us yeah okay fair enough well that really should stay here then it should really on the front sorry about that this then look can we meet in the middle 500 quid yeah and that’s that’s too much really but I’ll buy it the museum cases if you could give me a price what you’d want for them 350 each um can we get them out of here though they’ll take we can get them we got some well we’ got two sons who can help man handle them but some um those two if all the glass is okay in all of them yeah it is there was also that lamp base I was interested in open Line grass okay how much that one um 250 for that one 275 yep so um these at 350 each I’ll take them right I have a lot of these at the moment they were selling well now they’re not so I’m reticent to spend a lot of money on one but what I’m thinking is the more I get maybe somebody can do more of a project and eventually when they do sell they should hopefully go as a big bunch the bar has been a huge success but there’s still one more room to INSP fact oh now you’re talking oh what oh with or without the Hat no I don’t think the Hat’s not for sale so is that a relative I don’t quite know we found it in the cupboard somewhere this plaster of Paris death mask was made in the early 19th century of a person unknown possibly one of iona’s relatives used for centuries as a way of honoring the dead death mask’s rather ghoulish attractions faded in the late 19 Century this mask could sell for about £800 is he for sale I don’t think he’s a relation but he might be what do you think don’t recognize him yeah um £350 for him really really I I’m fascinated with them death’s masks hold a real interest for me some things that make you feel uncomfortable I like I just think think it looks as a a beautiful object just set in a simple case or with a collection of Death Masks right can I um think about that for a bit no that’s fine think about that and uh do you think there’s a do you think he looks quite like you I think if you close your eyes there’s a yeah there’s a looking in the mirror is it different nose you know at the moment with the desk mask I don’t know whether I’m going to be able to buy it if I can I definitely will if it’s original to the house it must stay here and if not I want it while Iona goes to do a little research on the mask the others head outdoors to The Sheds there’s sort of few interesting kitchen implements and old bits of paneling there’s I don’t think there’s anything of any great interest no there isn’t no it’s just bits there handy bits of paneling I mean there’s nice sort of little things like wicker but you know what can you do with that these days it’s a nice decorative piece but but would have there’s other I think few we have a look around some more M there’s um a few chairs and things in here and rather dirty and dusty I’m afraid but to but I think this is mainly chairs that had their day been I we’ll put them in the out house there’s nothing of real no they’re ro no no nothing in here yeah nothing in here as the out buildings have nothing to offer everyone reconvenes in the castle billiard’s room to here I owner’s verdict on the death mask have you found out is he a member of the family or was he was he a m he wasn’t a member of the family uh nobody seems to know anything about him so I guess he can go depending on the price what what did you say I said 350 I thought he said 450 I didn’t say 450 no um you can’t go to four 400 quids fine that’s fine so I think we’re done are we right if that’ll do you that’ll do I’m happy you happy yeah with the deals done it’s back to the bar to move the heavy cabinets but there’s a snag not out of the room we can’t get the museum cabinets out of the door now they must have got into that room so they’ve gone through that door I thought they’d gone through that door a big door an inch and a half it’s uh well you measure it have a look an inch and a half short half short that’s the only way we be take the if the door frame wasn’t there they’d go out well Drew obviously Tom fool is playing his tricks on us again he’s he’s he’s laughing his head off now cuz we did the deal we thought we were sorted and he’s come up to uh bring us back down to earth with a bump he Shrunk the door or has he enlarged he’s probably yes he’s probably swollen the cabinet I would think an inch and a half by an inch and a half so we’re just going to have to leave them where they are it’s a shame but that’s the way it is maybe it is Tom F paying a trick on us okay py [Music] there you are set have fun with him prepared the box which is probably where he already is today great day good items some new stock what we do bought new stock bought fresh stock and a great place I didn’t even know this place existed it’s spectacular done yeah well in thank you so much sir thank you very much it’s an incredible house stunning thank you Journey watch the speed bumps look at that look at that not designed for Transit Lut this uh 13th century Castle is it ye oldie Transit that a loopen cart yes designed to carry e oldi 8×4 Drew heads home to Conway for a quick unload starting with the sofa it’s not a really good sofa it’s not at all okay and I know that but I just liked it it’s just classic English country house isn’t it our house we haven’t got any room for it what did I say t uh that it would end up in your house as soon as Rebecca saw it pretty much it’s lovely isn’t it just got a great country house to it yeah I love that little two-seater sofa loved it it just shouted come home to me good little find that one car’s passport photos that’s uncanny a I don’t like you anymore no separated at BIR no markings on it nothing nothing at all what we going to call it car is it IGN nor them death mask it’s a new day in Conway North Wales as Architectural Salvage expert Drew Pritchard sets off on his next Expedition this time he’s traveling 2 and 1/2 hours East to Matlock the county town of darbishire in the 19th century Matlock was a well-known Spa town and although the spa has since closed it remains a popular tourist destination so so A beautiful day today Drew and you’re going to make me do some work somewhere are you well yeah um it’s a bit of an odd one it’s somewhere I’ve never been before we’re going to a Carriage Museum best thing about today museums tend to have the best pieces so we’ll have a look the working Carriage Museum is almost 70 years old and the largest of its kind in England it was opened by Caroline Dale leech’s father and she’s made it her life’s work I was born and bred here my father was always into horses uh I can remember having my very very first Pony when I was 10 that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do T Carriage driving and horse riding all my life oh here we go working Carriage Museum oh it’s bigger than I thought good morning Drew how you doing very good good morning thanks very much for having us here thank you thank you for being the sunshine it follows us wherever we go we keep it in the bandage the boxes yeah um you know why we’re here yeah should we go have a look should we have a look around fine oh lovely where we came too so um this is looks looks fairly sizable Museum so where did you get all this collection from where did it sort of how did how did it happen uh just always collected okay so what else we got through here then it’s good I really like it oh that’s beautiful isn’t itong to the basille family basille’s yeah the Hound of basille we’ve been there we’ve been to the house I bought them a mirror out of their living room B bille Hall yeah we’re having a look at all the frankly beautiful carriages they’ve got in here and just transported me into another whole area and the standard of the stuff they’ve got here is amazing I love the colors and this is all sort of enamel paints as well which makes it enamel and nickel and just so much nicer the carriages aren’t for sale but there is one antique a display cabinet that Caroline is Keen to part with um do you have the key for it yes do do yeah what do you want for it as much as possible of course and I want to give you as little as I can get away with so we have to find it somewhere in the middle um give us a clue don’t you you tell me this museum display cabinet with Oak base and phosphor Bronze Top dates to the 1930s with considerable restoration it could sell for about [Music] £1,000 if it was in perfect Nick yeah we’d give you5 to 800 for it in perfect condition it’s nearly perfect condition I have the key it does a lot so we’ll say five no because this every all of the joints underneath well I’ll hold it while you do it then it won’t that one’s not going to work all the joints see that see how bad that is um my best price for it will be 350 little bit more 370 uh I know I’m doing pick I’ll meet you halfway 360 and I’m done all right yeah okay happy y deal thank you it’ll repair okay it’s going to spend some money on it but it repair well and it should sell quickly because it’s a good size desirable it’s lock able it’s you know it’s it’s a good retail piece with one deal under their belt they move on to the tack room I call this a heart of my stable oh that’s wow okay so that’s gorgeous that’s not what I expected I expected sort of straw everywhere and feed buckets and Salt Lick and this that and the other line around very smart it’s got all the horses tack it’s got bridles and bits and rains and all that type of thing in there and it’s actually very [Music] beautiful what’s what’s that an apoc’s box apocy box a doctor’s box oh should let you do that too yeah I was going to say you should let me do that this small folding Apothecary case is Victorian and still contains the original glass bottles with some restoration it could fetch about £600 that the poison compartments in the back so until you pull that out oh well that’s one of the original bottles gone oh dear how did how did that happen fell out when we out the door oh bger oh dear I hate breaking original things is that one of the square ones as well yes there’s the stopper look yeah D I can’t remember the last time I broke something original I really can’t I absolutely detest it um mistakes happen that was mistake and I’m going to pay for it is it something you wanting to part with well I will you will yeah okay what um obviously you’re in a position now of power over me because I’ve broken it don’t just like being in control what would you want for it I don’t know you make me an offer I have seen go in other sales anything from 1,000 to 3,000 and then the when they’re absolutely perfect ah okay you know I’ve seen them go think I’m going to find you a new bottle um yeah I can’t get anywhere near that I I value it finished at somewhere around 600 to 750 that’s finished as well yeah so I think we’re we’re very very far apart we are I was hoping for nearer a thousand so we’ll leave that at the end anyway let’s leave that to there I’m going to give you some money for that I don’t know how it happened but we’ll give you something for it Caroline has a set view of what what she’s prepared to take for it and what she values it at that’s mine I don’t concur as they say I don’t agree I can’t pay that much if it was worth 1,000 quid or 2,000 quid I’d pay way more but it isn’t um pit Pony pit Pony Bluff what do you call Pit Pony what a bluff a bluff and you he the nursery name you know Blind Man’s Bluff yeah because they Bluff their way along the pits and so if you put a mask you know a scarf around with the children and whistle them around they have to feel their way so it’s called bluffing ah okay how many times do we say you bluffed your way through that all the well there you go a lot an awful lot that’s where the thing came from this pit Pony mask or Bluff would have been worn by ponies in the coal pit to protect their heads it’s made from heavy gauge leather and hand stitched made in darbishire in the early 1800s it remains in perfect original condition and is worth about £200 so you’ve got another one of these you yeah one not here on this top want that one down well mind actually are these something you part with yes yes they’re a little bit dark you know they’ve got a slight Edge to them that’s a bit Moody and I really like that and I think they’re also incredibly original totally unrestored as found and there’s two okay give us a clue for the pair CU I think they’re lovely I’d sell them as a pair as well I wouldn’t sell them singly no £50 each what do you think oh yeah oh yeah well tell you what as I broke that and we’re too far apart on that I’ll give you 150 for the pair 150 for those yes yeah okay deal yeah there you go is that fair 150 for those two 150 for those two okay so I’m giving you 50 Quid cuz I feel terrible about breaking the bottle today ended quite well actually um as usual totally unexpected purchases nice area great people got some good bits and it’s only a couple of hours away from where we live I’m going uh you going out on that yeah and whil this is happening well there’s no point in me hanging around I can’t do any of the work we all right don’t let him have a go on the whip want I’ll be back in a bit hurry up T right are we ready for let’s go don’t good love it’s very relaxing actually long as you go at this speed I don’t like going too fast I do but when only when I’m when I’m driving it was lovely to meet drew it was nice that he appreciates all my objects and uh he uh had a great feeling for them which I think was very [Music] nice all right how was that it it was very good actually you put a vult wagon badge on it would you get one yeah four-wheel drive ban on the back it’s great well look thank you very much thank you very much indeed I enjoyed it I really really enjoyed the museum I did actually I really did thank you thank you Carol thank you right let’s get finished off loading [Music] up oh can you hear me all right yeah I’m feeling the little horse trot on so is that you’re you’re going to treat me like a horse now yes Trot on yeah yeah as soon as we get back I’m going to put you in the field and give you a bail of draw promotion to running around you didn’t think you’d get there did you see you have I did people laughed when I said I I life’s ambition as we run round and round and around on the bit stre as lck would have it Drew’s next call takes him all the way back to Cumbria it’s 140 M drive to olston a market town so old it’s written in the Doomsday Book of 1086 we’re off to you love this actually you might not love it uh the Lakeland motor museum oh excellent and they want to get rid of some stuff in their store room brilliant Lakeland motor museum was started by a private collector in 1978 and Now features over 30,000 display items it’s run by Bill buy and Chris low we have an interest in vintage cars and motorcycles and we wanted to maintain the collection for future Generations um there’s nothing for Drew to buy here in the motor museum today uh but we have another storage area with um well nice old cabinets I think there’s a Fri chocolate one some other shop sale stuff um some other bits and pieces you’re going to find of Interest here we go like them hello there hello good morning nice to meet you I’m Bill welcome to the Lakeland munity thanks just this way love to get inside5 I think we’re going to love lot of things today D there’s a lot of things I like good hope so thank you very much so we start with our earliest vehicle 1899 gu day tricycle big single cylinder 800 CC thing and they were the world’s largest car manufacturer and especially engine manufacturer in the first part of the year the Dion BH oh God look at all this yeah oh look at that that’s a fellon the mo on your right this is the only one here with a clutch apart from this Douglas all these others are belt drive clutchless yeah oh it’s really good isn’t it it’s really good today I’m doing my job somewhere I’ve come for free it’s just wonderful this is full on this is good it goes from the earliest days of Motoring literally so a guy had a cart and strapped an engine to it and on a push bike all the way through and that what they’ve done is they’re they’ve not gone for Mega high-end cars they’ve gone for the cars that everybody recognizes 2C Triumph Heralds minis Ford pops it’s the stuff you grew up with the common stuff which is now becoming rare these this is something we’ve had in our family for years uh we’ve got a 52 TD right um but various this the TF obviously but the the TDS and the TFS went through our hands I even remember as a child I think we’ got scrapped one you know they were there was uh but my father still got it and my brother uses it on a every every summer and there’s another this is one of my favorite looking cars just did the Monte Carlo R this one did the Monte Carlo in period yeah it’s one of the few 140s with a much racing pedigree it’s such a great just that shape in it that curve at the back of the roof line XK is again huge part of my childhood can’t remember how many xks went through the house and used to get taken to school in one you know but they were they when there were no money they were for nothing they weren’t expensive then in the’ 70s they were they were cheap cars now you look at them and you think that’s an utter work of art so William Lions the guy who designed the car was a genius and he went right through from the ss00 through C’s D’s E’s he did everything the guy who designed the E type designed that car that’s how good it is so this is the late’ 60s early ’70s room so I had one of them yes that’s at that that’s the Mexico and it’s got the rare proper RS Alloys on it as well this was like the car to have the as we nicknamed it that was a rare car when I was a boy we all wanted one when I was 17 in glan you either had you either wanted a mini a 3 l Capri or a mark One Max I have to say all of these cars here if I had to take one home being really honest it would be that you know it’s the feeling that that car gave me I saw it I just went I want that car a salvager Drew Pritchard is loving every minute of his visit to Lakeland motor museum in Cumbria oh God look at all this yeah and there’s nothing he loves More Than This 1972 Mark 1 Ford Escort Max yeah real one yeah nice for sale no it’s actually kindly loan To Us by a local chap so no look at this this get out the way no it’s just God I love those cars go on I’m going to tease you away from it you can’t buy it what’s over there fizzy no have you got a fizzy yeah it’s hiding at the back of it oh what really that’s got to be for sale no un loan to us again there was another uh Blast from the Past from T and I um if you were in school and you had a fizzy you were the man and everybody used to say oh it’s really fast mine does 100 or mine does 95 up pill with six of us on it they didn’t they did about 45 mph oh God that though that’s there going to be one of them in my garage by the end of the year I’m having one of those now as had enough frustration for one day they head to an area at the back where there is one item for sale you’re always wanting to buy something I’m always want to buy actually have two of those there the uh Little James aor cycle oh really okay it’s no uh no racer but no 99 cc is that one for sale or is it another one well we’ve got two identical ones so they’re both very similar what sort of condition is the other one in exactly the same exactly the same I’d like to see the other one as well usually you go into Museum and you just know like you can’t have anything in here cuz it’s in a museum it’s in there for a very good reason it’s rare or desirable or the best of um and they said well we’ve got one of these bikes for sale cuz we’ve got another autocycle we’ve got two James would you would you want one of them yeah why not if it’s good enough to me be in a museum it’s certainly good enough for me to sell Drew can only buy one bike but Bill and Chris pull out both so he can choose between them autocycles have small motors that kick in when a rider starts starts pedaling these two date to 1939 and were made by James cycle company of Birmingham they’re worth about 1200 each it’s really there’s sort of pluses and minuses for both of them isn’t there that you found your bike now have you I do oh yeah it’s this one no competition which one’s the oldest both the same year 39 well what I’m looking at is the I think this is the more original bike okay but for my clients they’re going to want the one that’s the shiniest yeah for this type of thing cuz this will go into fashion display I think yeah but that’s a well I can swap them I don’t think it’s got a it hasn’t got has got a haven’t got a PE you’ll swap the horns over all right okay 600 Quid put another 50 Quid on and it’s yours and swap the horn over I will swap the horn all thanks okay that’s great that’s great it’s a nice piece to have around the shop it’s an interesting piece for my clients to look at and think well actually I can put that in a shop window I think that’s more what it’s going to end up as cuz it’s a goodlooking thing the Museum Store room holds the promise of more excellent finds yeah so our store room’s just up here uh all sorts of bits and pieces tucked away this is not under this is not public display no the public never through this way so yeah it’s just through this doorway here oh yes after you to and this what this lot you can get rid of um the motoring related things we’ll have to think about but the non-motoring stuff there’s some cabinets up here these are shot F cabinets ah now yes some at the other end is always desirable those ones and you’ve got these as well yeah these are fries your glass Christopher fries chocolate so that one unfortunately the glass is gone but there’s a very similar one there it’s that got fries chocolate on it as well the glass I can fix because it’s worth it to have that display on it there um I can’t get them down Chris you definitely be able to get them down for me but I’m interested in that one yep and those two yeah there’s two more down there right well there’s definitely one there might be two it’s way better than I thought there an awful lot of habashi counters tabletop display counters counter displays fries mark pieces um it’s all good stuff it’s all in condition where it’s a bit battered and there’s work to do which is a shame but it exists it’s here there’s multiples and if I can buy the lot I will do cuz that type of little display case we’ve always done well with them I’ve got a lot of them in at the moment so a lot to many can be good good for sales the best of the many cabinets that Drew’s picked out are the ones made for JS fryan Sons once Britain’s largest chocolate producer all of them are early 20th Century but they’re in varying degrees of disrepair the entire collection is worth roughly £2,800 are you happy with any any prices wise on these you me to fire prices at you I’ll you go you go qu you1 for that one that one um those brass fittings are original too they’ve been put on to hold it together well should we say 50 on that right so we come we come back won’t be 100 again yeah let’s go to um let’s go to 150 on these two for the pair that’s very good of you I know I know um 150 okay and should we do 100 on that one right and we’ll do 100 on that one right okay this is really simple then 850 um 850 for the lot right um uh yeah okay yeah that’s fair that’s fine today I’ve spent a little and got a lot I’ve got a bike I can sell straight away um and then everything else needs restoration bit of a pain but that’s the way it is my job is to go and buy things and spend money to sell them to make money but the only problem is now I have to go and buy a mark on Ford Esco and that’s going to really cost me with the van loaded Bill and Chris have one more treat for Drew a ride in this classic 1925 Humber automobile have you been in one of these before I have I have a long time ago I’ve been converted to a pickup going all right yeah this side okay as you see there’s no door on this side no you got the spare of you there you go all we got to do is hope we can get a start start it oh that’s very that’s very good slip the coach window we can flip it up but they’ got to see our uh that’s not too bad amazing the ride out in the Humber was uh was nice it’s not a sort of thing I’d buy but it was beautifully put together and once you got it into the Top Gear it was smooth and quiet you could feel a good pull on the engine that was really comfortable as well I learned to drive the first time I drove something I was 11 and it was in something just like that and uh maybe that started the addiction could you you gentleman in the front make with the port please sorry we’re lacking port in the back te was fine in the back at one point he asked me for some Port very comfortable he could stay there all day just fed him crisps and alcohol he’d be fine thank you very much for a really really good good day great to meet you to come in thank you so much it’s been great for real pleasure thank you it’s been a joy really great thanks again we’ll see you again see you there [Music] byebye you like playing with cars and bikes as normal I had a great time I got you something what did you buy me it’s something you need is it the extra bit for my tries improve your driving by George is Chief examiner of The Institute of advanced motorists okay you need this okay seriously there’s that one right yes than and another essential one how to pass your driving test there you go guide will improve invaluable to the learner driver be a great Money Saver to the owner driver enabling him to do so many repairs himself there you go do you know how that quid was worth spending I’m not going to have a single garage bill after you’ve read that how simply I can improve my right driving yeah it’s not by reading whilst driving true one quick gear changing go then gear changes the person of a gearbox can be described briefly one to maintain revolutions two to provide neutral positions and three by the means of reversing the vehicle two and three are obvious two and three are so obvious as to require no further explanation fantastic chapter seven bends and Corners bends and corners experts sum up their coing techniques with the saying in slow out fast in fast out feet first that’ll be you then this book is brilliant you know who will be happy with our hul from a motoring Museum who Rebecca oh I cuz normally we go to motor museums and don’t buy anything just play with bikes or cars all day Yeah we actually did some work this [Music] time [Music] hello hello hello how you doing I’m all right are we smiling Close Your Eyes Open Your Eyes trouble bought a bike we’ve been to a motor museum I had no choice yeah it was brilliant it was so good you’ve bought that yeah cool it’s for sale I’m not keeping it it’s for sale selling it set your pants on no no seriously that’s for sale I’m not that interested I think it’s stylistically interesting as a shop thing look great on the website just get it gone but what they had in the the stores was low to these ah perfect 150 quid at the moment that’s all I’m being asked for display cases display cases so I was absolutely thrilled Carl’s job is to get the autocycle up and running but he’s never worked on one before you don’t put the oil in there where does the oil actually go [Music] in that could well be it but how on Earth you put the oil in there cuz that tube’s not going to fit in there is it where the Dickens do you put the oil meanwhile the rest of the team gets started on the cabinets the whole taste of it wobbly so all we’re going to do to save actually pulling it apart and risk breaking the glass we counter sunk some holes through with a drill we’ll pop some screws in and that’ll pull it together then and by the end of the day Carl is hoping the bike is good to go you have to do one shot Push It Forward Push It Forward off the you ready yeah you ready yep he’s off the [Music] acceler ah what do you think [Music] [Laughter] Ed on Salvage Hunters Drew visits a Welsh Castle in Glamorgan so this is our old kitchen look at this yes this is a special my word and is tempted by a rare antique can we get this in the van at a girl school in Somerset there’s a huge difference of opinion on price ,000 definitely not give you 500 quid for it and no more and it’s a slate mine in gwened this you’ll see here is the angle of the Slate bed he hits the jackpot with a huge Victorian collection this is an entire CH this is [Laughter] great Drew Pritchard is one of Britain’s leading decorative Salvage dealers hello wow that’s unbelievable that’s an Absolut gem he scours the country in search of weird and wonderful objects I really like that look at that statue there it’s over 2,000 years old no in his hunt for Treasure no I’m going to keep those everything has its price I give you £500 for them yeah I’ll tell that and there’s nothing he won’t buy you wouldn’t buy that would you just just watch us with help from his wife Rebecca you do what you do and I’ll do the selling here then and a team of Renovators he transforms thousands of items from junk to [Music] gems in Conway North Wales top Salvage expert Drew Pritchard is heading out on the road in search of new stop first on the agenda is a visit to a medieval Welsh Castle it’s a 200m Drive South to the veil of Glamorgan and the seaside town of Barry just outside Cardiff right t uh and we’re off to see fonmon Castle it’s a ancient castellated building that was sort of a grand ised I think mainly in the early Georgian period sort of turned from a castle to a residence we are going to meet sir Brook boothby okay and his daughter aliki well I’m Brook Booth I’m now retired having handed over the Castle to my daughter I’m n kimji um Brook’s daughter and I’m recently taking out the rains here at fman fman Castle was first directed in the 12th century most of the present day Castle was rebuilt and converted into a Georgian mansion in the 1700s but a fortified Tower erected in the 13th century Still Remains today in its 800 year existance the castle has only been owned by two families things go into this house they disappear for a generation and then they perk up and somebody goes what’s that and then we all have to have a sort of family country hunt to work out what it was now today could be good exciting fantastic there you go fonmon private castle and grounds by appointment only no drw uh no Hawkers I’ll just turn reverse out it’s really chunky that’s in your face isn’t it that one I like it that’s the courtyard suitably fluttered hello hello there welcome hi Drew nice to meet you you hi I’m hello to meet you fabulous place thank you very much very nice very nice well we’ve got a beautiful day for it so that’s a start yeah okay let’s go have a look [Music] you oh it’s lovely so this these all the ancestors yes they are this is uh Philip Jones who originally bought the castle and then uh through the ancestors to Robert Jones who actually was the one who opened everything up and turned it into a sort of Georgian gentleman’s residence rather than a a gloomy old fortress is that s by Sir Joshua Reynolds yeah it is yes sir Joshua Reynolds was a leading Portrait Painter in the 18th century and as one of the founders and first presidents of the Royal Academy he completed over 3,000 works of art in his lifetime we’ve got reynolds’s here that are good like that one yeah we’ve got reynolds’s which are not quite so good we got reynolds’s which are copies and we’ve got one which we think may be a fake all together so we’re not quite sure all interesting yeah but everybody I bet everybody goes can I see the fake yeah that’s what they usually do don’t they well it looks great I’d love to see some more of it absolutely where where to next why don’t we go and take a look at um the Li I think would be interesting to see and maybe the old kitchen yes please follow us this is our old kitchen um which you can see we use as a dining room now ooh um look at this yes this is rather special my word it’s a single slab of elm U dating from uh around 1660 it was all put together when the room was built God that’s amazing and we believe that the feet are actually Oak this is fantastic it’s gracious mat God can we get this in the van not without being arrested yes of course I’m not sure that one opens all doesn’t the rest do these open yeah what a thing an incredible one single slab of Timber put there for that just for that purpose and then with those incredible tripod bases you’re not going to see those you might wander around the country for a couple of years before you see one of those what more please love to see some more all right some more what some more building please I thought we said more police definitely not after this only when we try and steal your your Elm oh wow look at this gorgeous wow what a wonderful room but this plaster Works phenomenal I tell you what I really like in the plas see this sort of very uh the foliage there with that looks so natural when they were doing that they even used to put pieces of branch in there and they put natural pieces inside them I didn’t know that when we went into the library that was two rooms that have been knocked through into one to create a very airy and light room because remember no electric lights in this period would have been candles uh and the fire that would have been it and then the natural light coming through the windows what a wonderful thing down here in Barry and South Wales next they head to the attic where a leaky hopes some of the items cast aside in the long history of the castle might be hiding wow oh look at this but you can see I mean there’s you know there’s there’s cast work and and paneling up here so evidence thank you wow look at this T um so in there there’s a pile of all sorts of of stuff of stuff I don’t know if any of it of interest to watch God this is amazing it’s a proper old castle isn’t it incredible um there’s two chanels I have no idea what they are where they yes and there’s one behind you and nobody seems to really know they’re proor so you probably have don’t anything in the building no nothing at all no which is why they’re stuffed up here these are really nice these are carved and gilded and painted Gothic as in pure Gothic pilasters in Oak English oo nice dating from these looking like they are 18th century gosh there’s nothing nothing Gothic in the house that’s what’s so odd so whether they were an acquisition that Robert Jones made and abandoned who knows they look ecclesiastical but also in this period they could have did he did he have a church you pulled we had a chapel the gent’s toilet was a chapel that’s oh interesting that will be where they came from they’re really beautiful as well it was a chapel been just flat on a wall look at that wow fantastic this look at the intricacy of the carving yeah this is the real deal and very very nicely done as well interesting God they’re beautiful they’re complete and they’re untouched I want to buy them I don’t think you should sell them to me all right no well I think what you’ve just told me means I probably shouldn’t and I wouldn’t I wouldn’t if if you think these are original to the house well that seems to me The Logical conclusion because I know that the that rather UNP poetically the gent’s toilet was the uh was the chapel so I can only presume that they came from there they go to test out their theory that the gothic panels belong to the old chapel right now the exciting bit fingers crossed this fits I think it’s upside down we got it upside down but be very careful it’s trying to come apart from the mle this F right so we’re in the L of the Tower yeah we’re in a tower toilet here but I think that’s pretty good oh you Beauty look at that look at that so it’s just missing a tiny piece tin if we could find marks in the wall they’re probably behind that secondary game you got another piece there too now we’ll see if there’s any more of it missing cuz I think off one of them there’s a section missing off the side as well but there would have been a frame do you know what they’re absolutely dead on aren’t they aren’t they yeah yeah that’s super these old bits of panel have turned out to be something really remarkable and I think that’s what interests me so much about the Antiques world is I was able to go in and recognize them having returned the panels to their right rightful home but without a purchase it’s off to see if the Stables might elicit something for Drew to buy so there’s various BS of produ from here full of unloved furniture and afraid that’s okay one the recycling bins I don’t know if there’s anything in here let’s just do room by ah you’ve got a null sofa ah yes I like those unfortunately it being out here is not going to have done it the Wilder good oh yes that sort of sofa was this snar sof far no I don’t like it I people like them or loathe them don’t they I like them I really do like them see if you’ve got yeah got decent cushions with it as well aliki and I go and have a look through some of the other out buildings and these are full of furniture that is way past it cell by date and now damp and none of it was really any good when it went in there anyway that’s the reason it’s in there um nothing that I can do anything with conditions not great nothing I really want no none of this I did think this was the sort of this is the bit the bottom next door one p I’m afraid we haven’t done very well have you oh no does it matter my day was made by finding those panels oh my day was made by you finding those panels I’m afraid I like this where did this come from no idea do you know been there for a long it’s not a hasn’t got a great deal of age to it but it’s probably a 100 years old Max Little Oak Spanish sco quite like it this oak table with handcarved detailing was made in England in the early 20th century with major restoration it could fetch around £700 that’s a really difficult one needs about 300 quids spending on it to get it right mhm uh and it’s worth then it’s worth 250 it’s worth about six maximum so it’s a it’s a tricky one really see whe there’s a margin in it um it’s 100 it’s 100 quid to Ace Salvage Hunter Drew Pritchard is at fman Castle in Glamorgan oh it’s lovely he’s just offered 100 on this 20th century oak table but is it enough to tempt a leaky to part with [Music] it I was going to say it was 150 gr I can’t even go that far on it I mean in all honesty for quid I think I’ll probably keep it yeah yeah sorry I just think found quid I’d rather keep it yeah it it is what it is so far today we haven’t found anything uh thought it was going to fairly easily Lots Big House been there forever loads of out buildings thought going to you know game on just this is the last bit there’s not a lot in here the only things I thought you might be interested were now this is a personal matter of taste I quite like these I think they’re quite sweet yes but I have not got the energy to do anything with them so you might have the energy to do something with them I think they’re quite sweet too oh good I do do you want to get them out and have a place look where did these come from though they’ been here forever no no they appeared from somewhere they’re French yes I think they came from my grandmother they’re in a bit of a state aren’t they they are a bit that’s why I thought they were more than you than me because I you know how to sort M them back together again take them out this French painted iron patio set featur has four open armchairs a large dining table and small side table it dates back to the early 20th century with major restoration it could fetch around £900 these are quite cute they’re a bit girly for me yeah color for a small London type Garden yeah I could just sell these I’ve got a shop in the top floor of Liberty and these would go oh right okay these would go well there the color good and they’re commercial that’s what they are they’re very sailable so I’m thinking right we got four chairs side table outdoor dining table rock and roll we can sell these all day long easy what would you want for them whose are they what do you well they are actually my mothers okay um that’s all right flug them tenner no no we’ll have to ask we’ll have to ask have to ask her I will have to ask her okay well I’ll I’ll throw out a bid so uh um uh uh 225 the set do you want to have a word to see yes I will need to call mom if that’s all right right good news the mother she say yes great but but knew there was a but coming the mother being Greek yeah would like a little more than 225 what would you like 250 yes we’ll have a deal there you go thank you very good there you go that’s easy right very good we bought one thing it will pay for the diesel for the hotel for our time bit of profit that’s it but again good connection they’ll tell their friends I’ll get called into another house eventually you know I’m not going to stop doing this it’s a it’s a walk not a race way I’m for one absolutely delighted about the discovery uh Drew made of of the uh shutters as we’ve now worked out them to be um that’s for us a major find it’s part of the collection we’ve obviously mislaid and overlooked over the years well thank you so much and have a safe journey to the next place thank you so much much appreciate pleasure to meet you love to meet you I would have auctioned her off to you as well but she’s got my granddaughter on I don’t know what you is I’ve got three girls in my life I don’t need any thank you see you a safe [Music] drive [Music] oh a lovely day super day those panels were something special though weren’t they yeah I mean they were they were a strange one right they really were a strange one but they belong there but yeah it doesn’t matter value doesn’t matter when it’s that that’s important to the history of that place and then them saying it just all literally went click click click and just fell into place didn’t it so yeah it is what it is and I have to go well actually that’s really genuinely interesting and I do believe in the whole antique Karma thing I do think it works mhm works for me well we we going to head home or we going to I think basically we’ll head south side of country and uh we’ve got a couple of bits to see down there and we’ll do [Music] that the next morning Drew and T had 85 M Southeast to brutin in Somerset Bruton is situated on the river brew and is home to the 12th century Church of St Mary It’s a Long Way South today yeah we are down in the beautiful County of Somerset and we’re off to brutin school for girls and uh it’s just coming to the end of term now and they’re having a bit of a a clear out so we’ll see brutin School for Girls is a day in boarding school first established in 1900 it’s set in 40 acres of grounds with 17 buildings and has 300 pupils in attendance I’m Alan Wells and I’m the estate’s first here at brute School for Girls and it’s my job to make sure the facilities are in place for the teacher to do their job we have many items here um which are redundant and they’ve no longer got a use in the school and and this is an ideal opportunity for someone like Drew to come and have a look see what we’ve got see if there’s anything he can do with the items that we’ve got and upcycle them or sell them on hello Alan hello hi Drew nice to meet you than you you hi T please to meet you well thank you very much for having us it’s frankly boiling and beautiful down here yeah I know brought some hope everywhere we go like a little I brought my little ray of sunshine with me is that R Sunshine well yeah for Wales yeah um right I’d love to have a look around yeah well let’s go this way shall we yes please God it’s going to be hot isn’t it yeah first stop is the School’s art Department as you can see on the walls very big on Art yeah they’re good aren’t they yeah not bad the students work obviously when you think some of his only 13y olds doing this art very good this is one got a great room one of our art class rooms but I brought you in here cuz I thought you might be interested in some of our old wooden stools and chairs yes most definitely this type these I’m always after how many have you got how many can you take as many as you’ve got I’ll buy these solid Maple laboratory stools were made in England in the 1960s and come in a variety of heights and shapes they’re very handy in restaurants and bars and if they’re bought in bulk they will be much more salable each one is worth around 70 old school labster they’re hugely popular they sell quickly there’s never generally a massive amount of restoration work to them and we’ve usually got customers waiting for batches pricewise um we need to talk really these this type here y least attractive y tricky to sell y they are what they are 15 quid of stool right through to this type here 25 quid of stool and the other stuff other stuff is Middle Ground right is what we pay which is where I thought you would come in at and it’s going to be where I stick at as well because these are not items that we’re not going to get offered again we will get offered another couple of batches this [Music] year and we keep things easy yeah i’ say 18 quid of sto across the board yes that’s the deal then let’s do that Che the lot no that’s fine are you happy with that I’m happy with that that’s going to work really well for both of us he’s going to clear the lot I’ll do better on some than others but across the for will both do well and in the next Corridor something else catches Drew’s eye these I like you like these yeah well they are for sale if you’re interested the art Master is prepared to release some of them I know he wants to keep about five okay I have to move a couple OFW certainly obviously I’m going to try and find being honest with you the the most original ones which are clearly this one these ones down here y these are Fab these are really good little things they are enigmatic they’re interesting you look at them and you think oh yeah I just want to paint or I just want to lean my painting I’ve got against that it’s different to an easel it’s more artistic than hanging something on a wall they look cool and they’re in lovely condition untouched few paint splatters on them apart from that absolutely F these Oak are Trestle easels were made in England circa 1900 with little restoration they could fetch around £250 each what sort of Market would you have for these um these would go to somebody Fashion retail I think would probably be best for these well I’m I’m looking at them and thinking right great instead of an artwork a mirror right yes I see yeah um yeah something like that but also they’re just nice little objects aren’t they oh they are yeah I will take some of them with with with paint on it happily so just say those five there so you want five yeah so what we looking at pricewise um how how uh I was going to say 45 quid each well I was going to say 50 that’s fine 50 that’s 50 Quid there you go that’s what I was hoping you were going to say I was I was going to say yeah I was thinking of 45 but I’ll give you 50 so we’re on the button i’ already written down £50 on my piece of paper and uh yeah spot on the money Alan is very good on his prices he’s sort of on the nail every time he knows what everything’s worth I know what I can pay fine grownup proper guy who’s doing his job very professionally yeah down here Drew is um our under stage um you have to mind your head it’s quite low in here luckily the lights are working today um oh God we’re right under the stage aren’t we we are right this is actually the floor of the main hall above us ah so these lamps yeah yes these are are sort of standard with us like okay lamps we do get off them because obviously you’ve upgraded yes so these come out and they usually come out in sort of 10 20 30 and 40 was the most I ever bought from one place um cuz they just changed the whole lot over they’re actually quite attractive though on the uh yeah which model are these they The Strand which one t 23s 23 23s we went underneath the stage area and then there there was some theater lights and that is something that we offered constantly ly used to really like buying them wish I could buy those ones they’re a great example but I’d just be putting them in a pool with thousands of others for sale in the country now and unfortunately I would not be able to sell them so great item perfect condition probably get them for the right price can’t sell them these unfortunately are going to be a no today okay that’s fine thanks maybe four or five years ago when we were buying them and nobody else was really doing on mass but now they’re just everywhere everyone’s copying you well no no no nothing’s new when I was doing it it wasn’t new right you know so it’s a it’s um it’s a shame cuz they’re in really good condition well should we go find somewhere else to look yeah please oh that’s better the rest next Alan takes them across the school campus to see if there’s more Salvage in the garages uh number three we’ve got a couple of items that might be of interest to you drew a novel hinged G oh hello that you’re not talking about this are you right does that interest you yeah yeah even in the state it’s in it’s in a bad way yeah it’s in a bad way it’s had a hard life um we acquired a boarding house uh around about 1940s and it was on top of the boarding house right on the Gable end and when they converted to a boarding accommodation it was thought it was a bit dangerous up there somebody so it was taken down and it was thrown in the bushes behind the garage interesting this late 19th century Weather Vein is made of cast and R iron it features a full bodied rooster complete with ball and directional arrow and could fetch around £ 1,200 the condition’s not great that will really affect it head missing a major pain go on then right you’ve been very good at your prices so far what do you want for this one it’s got to be wor top end which is ,000 definitely not definitely not no Salvage supro Drew Pritchard is at brutin school in Somerset oh hello look at that he’s Keen to buy a 19th century Weather Vein but berser Alan Wells has started the bid at £1,000 I think it’s worth repaired yep 1,200 quid y Max yep Max this condition I’m going to bid you really quite hard on this okay I’m going to give you 500 quid for it and no more I know I know you think it’s worth a lot more but because of the manufacturing method it’s just cast yep uh it’s not as exciting no it’s also had some period repairs over here with lead solder joints so that means structurally it’s got some issues that’s broken and the head so it’s got all those things which The Collector is going to look at and go I’ll wait and get a better one yeah that’s that’s being honest with you would you go to six meet you halfway 550 and that would be it 550 okay thank you very much we have a good home the cockroll is an unusual item fresh to the market that we could get lucky on or we might not it’s one of those but it’s different that will go its own way we’ll see what happens with that that’s going to be an unknown ah cool they are the right size oh you’re happy with them then yeah you can see there’s a few different sizes but that’s great yeah 70 in total it was definitely worth coming down here today I’ve got bulk what you want from the school a big stack of things that will sell well and doing deals with Alan was perfect because I think he had a very good idea of what things were worth beforehand and done his homework and knew what I was going to spend on everything uh so it became a fairly straightforward business well we’re done thank you so much yeah appreciate it thanks for the business no anytime great thank you see you by see bye super perfect exactly what I wanted from a school clearance the best things there I think to be honest was those superb little artist eel stands well Rebecca will be happy cuz good full van that is that is not bad at all actually is it it’s not bad at all hello hello hello how you doing where have you been we’ve been down the West country yeah suet sumet and it was very very nice absolutely fantastic and we went to the brutin School for Girls School for Girls and we did very well thank you very much uhoh our first exhibit for the day painting easels oh yes how nice are these These are fastic early 20th century 19 1910 somewhere around there beautiful construction how like that uh oh five did you put your painting on there put your pot in there off you go how nice 50 Quid a pop how nice and then we got 73 School stools these are the sort of yeah oh and better brilliant we’ve none left we no right size we haven’t got any haven’t got any left no you sold them all yeah yeah brilliant I can sell these sort of lab stools day in day out and actually um a majority of them had lovely shaped seats which is quite unusual last item off the van is the 19th century Weather Vein I love it do you really I really do really yeah I’m surprised it look nice on top of Pritchard Towers actually no no that means I’ve got to put it up yeah love it before long Drew is back on the road but for a change it’s a short journey and only a 20-minute drive from Conway to Gwinett near the industrial town of blindow festin which was built in 1750 to house the workers from the local slave mines it’s it’s kind of a man-made landscape isn’t it really that’s what I like about blind inor a lot of people do it down and say oh it’s horrible it’s ugly it’s not it’s not it’s the product of a of man we’ve created it look at it everywhere you look is slate I mean is that a mountain or is that slate my name is Michael Buick and I’m a director of JW Graves and Suns limited the company that’s been working here since 1836 Leed slate Cavs has been an active slate mine since Victorian times and at its peak It produced almost 24,000 tons of slate per year when the demand for slate declined the owners opened the mine as a tourist attraction in the 1970s today visitors can tour the underground mine go mountain biking and even take zip lining tours through the Quarry but not every tourist venture has been successful one of the general managers who was here came up with the idea of why don’t we use these little buildings that we’ve got here and create a sort of Victorian Village for people to experience erience and I think it might be fair to say that he was a bit of a collector so he started this process and then went off and did something else and so what we ended up with was some Victorian Village and an awful lot of stuff in some rooms I’ve got a call from a guy called Michael he’s a friend of a friend right and uh they came to see me at the shop and said um we’ve got a shopping tier we want to get rid of it just sounded great shop interior on the doorstep I don’t know what it is shop interior so here we go the signs for zip World se s cins stay come boy hello morning gentlemen how you doing hello there Michael Michael nice to meet you hello there good to see you you’ve got the full compliment today fantastic Enzo hello Enzo oh there go lious it’s up to you to decide which smells the worst who’s what’s got the worst manners so far he’s behaving really well I promise I won’t pee on the building he he will um what we’re going to do is I’m just going to take you for a quick look at the mine because as you know we’ve got a sort of slate mine here um have a look at that and then and then get stuck in I guess yes please love to I’ve never I’ve lived here for 40 odd years and you’ve never been never been down the M extraordinary that’s really nor hello so we’re now about to travel on the cp’s passenger Railway in Britain which is going to take us over 100 ft down into the mine where we can see how the Victorian slate mine has worked underground here we go oh cozy she certainly is there you go you can fit in there nice and snug so how far down we go about 150 ft and then there’s another level below that and then below that there are five levels all of which submerged going down in the mine I couldn’t say no to Michael I forgot to tell him was I really don’t like going down in things like that yeah you feel feel there you cold and damp that was some commute that wasn’t it once I got down there I got to the bottom and I all I kept doing was looking up to see the light behind me all the time and just before I went into the mine I had to walk back and look back up at the light to sort of make myself all right about it it was really odd steep I have walked down it before now so welcome to the Mind gentlemen where you are here would have been being um dug out in the 1850s and 60s by men working with hand tools and gunpowder this you’ll see here is the angle of the Slate bed through the mine so throughout the mine you’ll see the seam of slate same angle going at that angle exactly so beneath us here there’s one more level for the visitors men with shovels look at that here we are so here’s one of the chambers dug out by hand in the 19th century oh my God the noise you’re hearing is the noise that you would have heard if you were here of all the strling of the wheels and the sound of the Hammers and that sort of thing we’ve got that running as a backdrop so they did it this all by hand all of this was dug by hand I think it does bring the reality home that he was telling his entire families would spend 20 or 30 years working in one Cavern Grim tough and I’m glad I don’t have to do it I’ve been down here what 10 minutes yeah quite Keen to get out of it safely back above ground it’s time to get down to business if if you follow me up here we’re going to go and look in one of the stores that we’ve got this one’s over the old miners arms Pub I think you’re going to get quite excited ooh where did this lot come from one of my predecessors had the idea of creating a sort of Victorian Village here which um they sort of half started and we put a few bits on display but to be honest um this stuff is all all Surplus to what we need so this is an entire chemist shop this is an entire chemist shop this is great I’m very pleased excellent and you want rid of it yeah no well because you see our our plan is to keep hold of all of the Slate related stuff so anything that’s to do with the history of slate mining or quarrying that we want to hold on to but you know we we’re not a history of chemist shops there’s some great pieces in here we’ve got a shop counter there two verticals this which is the till which I absolutely love oh that was a till yeah look oh wow oh God isn’t that amazing yeah fantastic well if not if not the till it’s the uh very exciting stuff this I’ve only actually been in here once before this just this is epic stuff here nice oh dear so it’s not worth me spending five or six hours going through every single box here yeah cuz everything is interesting acid oh oh put that back there are hundreds of items secreted in this pile of shop fittings some good they’re worth money these okay AR and some not it will be a tall order to price the contents cuz there’s a lot of junk and then there’s Little Gems will Drew take a chance and buy the lot this is this is a super fine it would be a crime to break this up a salvager Drew Pritchard is at lewed slate Cavern in Gwinett I think you’re going to get quite excited o he’s just discovered a massive collection of Victorian chemist shop fittings this is great I’m very pleased excellent and it keeps getting better there’s there’s more through more through here actually I think there’s a few more bits in in here what watch watch your feet there’s a bit of glass this is some old bits of sort of wood and this that it’s a cute thing isn’t it yeah it’s just people love this pieces the would these would have just sat on the counters right super even the door oh really yep and then you got all more back bar here yeah this is this is more of the back bar the back fittings and then you’ve even got the sign jay Lloyd Jones Jay Lloyd Jones Jayy Jones excellent it’s complete complete chemist shop fantastic well you’ve got a client called Jones that would be very no but I’ve got somebody will want all this you could put this into a museum you really could and the best thing is we’ve got bottles with Jay Lloyd Jones on it and now we’ve got the sign with Jay Lloyd Jones and we’ve even got the front door that says chemists it’s incredibly complete next Michael takes them to the warehouse where there’s even more stored this is also an original 19th century splitting Mill um where the men would have worked splitting the slates right now as you can see this is this is a big old mill building are you still using this uh yes this this area is used to make slates flooring slabs bar so big bar there again big sort of counter area yeah okay another glass display um that’s a rather intriguing thing Vanessa Williams book seller Williams Alis um shop in London I think it was um the family are still involved in the in the Quarry and I think I think this came from a a member of the Williams Ellis family and they don’t want it no I mean I I did I to be honest I did I did check it with them because I I I wondered but you know so it seems like it’s quite a special thing in a way it is it’s a super thing to Second it’s it’s an original sign right to be to be designed as a book this has got a lot of age to it there is a wonderful Timber English folk art book sellers sign it’s got a extremely simple steel work gallery to the top it’s all part of the collection so that that can go if you’re no I’d like that can we tip it for I want see if there’s actually if it shows anything underneath it cuz you’d walked underneath it oh of course yes oh look yeah Pages that’s good that makes it for me it is nice isn’t it cuz you can really see the book shape there’s um later paintwork on that an original sign right with later painting still okay very interesting we’ve got another couple of bars this one is been this has been made up see it’s an old chapel Pew panel there and then an old top and then they put some skirting in it that’s quite decent though mhm so that one you think is possibly a real one is it that’s a real one that’s made up but it’s made up well enough that it can be sold coming up to the sort of top Warehouse where the old splitting shed and they’ve got more of the same but the bigger pieces that wouldn’t fit in that shed it’s an almost impossible task to Value the chemist shop as a bulk buy but amongst the brick ofra items of note include several mahogany display cabinets four shop counters a number of shelving units a shop till and the original shop door Drew has to take all this into account when making a bid so uh we need to start talking money mhm um I think I’m about the for absolutely everything so this that that the bits of carcasses which are use that these two bars um the back bar thing here all of the pieces down there everything the whole lot 3,000 quid okay um I think that’s a decent start but I mean I know what I’m trying to do with the money and you know I was h hoping for you know I was hoping for near a four cuz that would actually get me sorted with what I need to do I can’t come out much can’t come no purely because I’m going to have to send two my get two more guys here and another couple of Vans to get everything out it’s going to take two trips there’s 400 quid okay um and then it’s a little bit of an unknown quantity right just a bit because um I can’t see everything out and there’s an awful lot of rot in some of it right I’ll go to 3250 and we’ll buy it all and we’ll take the lot okay yeah if you’re taking it all fantastic wonderful BR thank you thanks a lot right who’s taking it all well you know obviously there’s a cafe on site so it’s going to be you and Gavin whoever else is on and the Cavalry is called upon in the lone shape of Gavin to help pack up the enormous [Music] Hall today fabulous I am 20 minutes from home I’m in a beautiful stunning industrial area of North Wales um and we have found something extraordinary right on my doorstep couldn’t be much better it’s been fascinating I have to say I mean it’s been really nice to actually find out what some of the things were um and I’m really pleased that we’ve managed to clear out a couple of rooms so we can get on with the things we need to get on [Music] with right there’s the other van going there you go cool well we’ve filled two Vans sort of that one’s not completely full that one’s absolutely rammed fantastic so we’ve got plenty of stuff um thank you very much real pleasure and you thank you Lely to meet good to meet you too cheers we shall see you again yeah thank very much byebye come on oh I didn’t realize the site was so vast it’s massive isn’t it absolutely huge amazing what they’ve done with it are you happy with your small purchases of the day I I am that is a great haul it’s been a long time since we went right with have everything two van loads later they’re back in Conway there’s a lot in there who’s driving te wait till me see this hello hello oh that looks brace yourself though it’s not empty you like this Gabby one of the best yeah oh my and this one I thought you were joking no a complete Victorian chemist shop from a mine from The High Street in Blinder all of it everything right down to the T tablet the tills unopened bottles of Lucas A and L roll you name it we’ve got it so there’s some gems actually this is my particular favorite pieces is this little thing here look at that this is unbelievable really this is a George pigeon hole love that isn’t that fabulous it’s still got all of the receipts and the stamps and everything in it yeah right okay okay oh yeah going to go okay step step on to the tail Lifter on the floor on the floor FL mind fingers down for a minute pair of a PA yeah we good yeah okay and down there down and down excellent right that LS look closed unbelievable it’s just like Time Capture got a little Museum here yeah do we sell it as a complete unit or do we break it up it’s worth a hell of a lot more money it’s broken up as a complete un oh do you think yep it’s a big unload for the team but Drew has some good news and I mentioned it to a very well-known Chef that we do a lot with and uh he’s interested in the entire thing the whole thing so we’re just going to put it roughly together and and then fire him off a couple of photographs see if there’s any interest go back to this one’s level with that one a bit so can sort of right now see if those units will go together somehow on the top there there have been an infill piece between it so that’s the end yeah is that every single bit no there’s more bits everywhere I love the counters see there’s another door I love this I love this this just give it a general wipe and then we can photograph it this is good because I couldn’t see it when it was in situe was just there was nothing there so to see what we’ve got it’s not bad at all and it adds up to quite a lot so I’ll whiz these photographs off to our guy see if he wants it if he does we’ll do a deal and ideally sell it as it is and just spin it get rid of it on to the next one shut the way for a second guys just want to um just get a quick photograph of the whole [Music] thing when


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