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    #RecoveryLabTV | #RecoveryLabUK

    [Music] hello everybody Welcome to recovery L TV my name is Chris I’m your coaching Sports Fist and it is officially day four of me doing seven Olympic triathlons in 7 days I’m here literally on my w bike making it happen and yeah in the preparation of building up to my continuous triple Iron Man I am doing little mini events like this if you want to call them events training weeks where trying to ramp up the training and then go back to normal couple weeks ramp up the training again and it’s ways where you can carefully and gradually build up that chronic load in the body so therefore on Race days should I say uh I’m able to deal with the load that’s in front of me um everything I’m doing this week is in zone two either zone two pace for my renss zone two heart rate for the bike and with the swim at the moment if you’ve been watching all my videos so far you’ll notice that my swims are all technique based at the moment to help improve the efficiency of my swimming so therefore I can reduce the energy expenditure if it’s your first time here or you haven’t already please can you hit that subscribe button become a part of the community I’d love to take you on this journey I’d love to help and support your training so if you have any questions by all means use the comment section for that or head over to the link head over to my Instagram if you want to message me privately if you want to make a donation the donation link is in my bio as well and yeah just kick back enjoy the video hope it’s a good one hope uh you’re okay and if you need anything by means ask away in the comment section right be more than happy to help you enjoy the video take care so bike is officially done uh average wattage was 140 um distance 14.3 Time 1 hour 21 and uh C is just all gone it’s just all gone um but yeah I’ll check up the the stats here and uh you can have a little check um cuz I know some of you like knowing all the information and uh yeah so literally time frame it is going to be super tight I pick my kids up uh at 3:00 and I’ve got a a bike and a I say bike a uh run and a swim to do so without fa you I uh see you in a beer all right keep uh enjoying the video and um yeah like And subscribe if you can jump in so Lally just parked up a c International pool got the pool behind me uh I’m going to do a loop at the bay so if you’re not from Wales then you won’t know uh but CED Bay has a beautiful barrage um it’s roughly a 10K Loop um so yeah I’m literally just going to zoom around there um I’ve literally got an hour to do this when BAS on recent times um it’s taking me just over then it’s literally straight in the pool uh do the fastest 1500 me swim of My Life um where I’ll literally just be swimming I won’t be doing any tailored workout or anything like that it’ll just be get a job done uh so I can then get out of the pool and pick the kids up um but yeah hope you having a good one [Applause] so literally just hit the 7K Mark 42 minutes on track um going to be heading back to the gym shortly and uh no beh hold headphones died so typical so way though had opinion they would just because it’s been a few days since I charged them as good as they are they not that great you so yeah get [Music] done so actually job done uh 10K in the bag AAG in 604 minute per ker then the running literally just over an hour uh I on a few seconds um bringing it to 3 minutes past two so literally in a ni of time I I to do the quickest swim of my life now get changed as quick as I can and then uh from there nip over pick my kids up so yeah feeling it last couple CL is purely because busting for a pee so one of those R plus cuz I ran in my uh Tri shorts and didn’t have any shammy the BM is s so yeah not the you want to know that yeah here I am so cool going it done right [Music] so Rush of my life uh literally in and out of the pool 29 minutes um swimming at a 149 per 100 m Pace um 1500 m in the bag and uh yeah man Lally chopped in uh was able to see uh one of my clients Loy in the pool um he’s doing his first Iron Man uh Iron Man Wales this year so uh I’ll check up his Instagram now um give him a little follow if uh if you canc see it on uh Instagram he’s a really good guy and um he’s doing brilliant like you know he could swim when he first started this joury and um there he was like doing 10 100s at uh spring Pace you know so um it’s really good to see really impressed so um if you’re watching this LD well done mate you know honestly like I said in the pool um proud of you and uh and you should be proud of yourself too like so yeah but po bike for Swim Bike and run are officially complete for today um Lally picking the kids up now home possibly jumping the Ice Bar straight away and then um I got two clients then tonight after that but um thing is cross on the ice par before they come and then it’s literally done and dusted at uh Half Heaven which would be nice see as um all week could be having super late night super early morning which um K you off not going to right um yeah is what it is is what it is anyway I hope you all are having a nice day and enjoying this video so far uh tomorrow’s agenda is um if everything goes to plan jump in uh the car with one of my clients uh we’re going to head down to uh the Iron Man Swansea bike route we’re going to um complete the bike route 56 mil so it’s a little bit longer than the 40K um and then hopefully do a 10k run there St straight after and then literally knit back jump in the pool um do uh the swim and then uh pick my kids up if I can do it all in time so that’s the plan anyway um if it all goes to plan then brilliant because it’s Friday night and I’ve got an evening chocolate Bo full of clients um it doesn’t got a plan then obviously it’s going to be a late night for me because I’m going to have to get to the pool uh much later than I wanted to um because ideally I want to be in our Bo past one so yeah and then weekend it’s pretty nice uh to be honest it’s um pretty chill weekend my partner’s working Sunday night which means um I can train early mornings get it all out the way done and dusted and then uh bit of time chilling out catch up with friends uh and see family Sundays as always uh I’ll be Open Water Swimming down Whitmore Bay so if you’re local and you fancy giving out a go then by all means um drop me a message head over to our straa page uh the recovery lab um page um it might be under recovery live trackon club and um give us a little follow all right see a bit take care [Music]

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