    Subtitled/masked by
    Filmed, cut, color corrected & thumbnail by me.

    hi everybody I’m in the theater mountains in Slovakia I’m going to attempt to cross a portion of them only using the Peaks improvised path that I really want to try not to clue how long it’s going to take I have a couple days worth of supplies in the backpack and a lot of motivation so they’re near that tip is going to be the starting point show you more when I’m at the top it’s going to be more easily understood basically going to be at the top of those mountains for a while I do not know where I’m going to end up I have no clue how long it’s going to take me I have no experience going through these type of terrains long distance so I’ll see the mountains always relax me and I really just wanted to get lost in them for a bit where all the people are going is the cross that’s where I’ll start foreign religion I’m going to go a bit further there and give you a nice overview [Music] yeah that’s nice basically I see the path in front of me it’s going to be a bit better visible from the first Peak there but the initial idea was to go all the way around to the other side that Peak right there that one is going to be the deciding factor as long as it does not storm pretty good although I am prepared for that not so much for thunder and lightning though I assume I’m going to be dealing with these type of up and down Parts throughout the entire track [Music] well better than nothing [Music] progress basically doesn’t feel that bad I think it’s been like an hour and a half two hours so far let me show you what supplies I have and uh keep on trucking I’ve got a sleeping bag Matt tarp some water resistant clothes gloves water filter some sandwiches I’m gonna eat today a bunch of energy bars a little water I’m gonna have to refill but yeah basically [Music] okay that may be a bit of an issue it looks slippery but lots of footprints so it does not seem like a big deal for people to get up and then to the tippy top it has been raining past couple of days and really shows on these rocks hopefully that’s not going to be an issue further along look at this it’s all what I’ve never been skiing blood that looks like a sick slide yeah this isn’t that bad don’t even need to go on all fours it’s good hell yeah so there you go now you can have a better look I’m going to continue growing here up to there there to the top of that one then down right there I’m gonna have to go down refill my water beautiful and a bit of nerving seeing these clouds just sneaking up on the peaks of these mountains like five minutes ago I was looking at that now it’s invisible clouds coming up here that looks so sick old cam look at that finding Treasures these rocks do look pretty solid bud some just pop out like that so we need to test if they’re not gonna break like this I was about to like put my weight on it and uh yeah [Music] tip number two alrighty so I think so far that is the tallest peak it feels like things are going quite great this jig that I’m on now seemed quite far away when I was at the cross and well about an hour later I’m up here so interesting let’s see yeah I think I can descend here yeah I’m done so now get on that come on backpack just all right it’s a bit movie but it should be good all right managed to get down all of that nicely time to go up all of that big paranoid of mine is not to pull any of these rocks on myself as I’m climbing Peak number four it’s five six is the big one if I’m counting correct and that’s where I came from so 20 minutes or something not bad nice [Applause] [Music] huh more ropes all right break time legs are feeling in a bit that’s what I want to take on like a 10-15 minute break and the tallest point seems like it’s going to be a bit of a challenge foreign [Music] nice comes in very handy someone okay yeah that’s that’s pretty steep I have to go around as you can see this grass there’s a lot of my shoes are wet and uh there’s barely any grips here if I start sliding down I’m gonna be come down really fast this is what I’m dealing with it’s quite steep this will be a lot easier without a backpack Let’s Get Closer to the wall maybe I should drop it again [Music] okay yep all right you can stop now please sounds like soft [Music] I’m not spelling great let’s see the damage [Music] you’re good [Music] upwards got down from there went through there down into the valley and back up here it’s time to get up there okay come on that is like negative climbing okay [Music] The Rock’s actually kind of coming in huh okay I can see the path came all the way from there [Music] yes that’ll be a gnarly jump all right your plan worked pick number six I think that’s the halfway point by the way for reference that was intense now [Music] but I did it I did it [Music] rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks [Music] okay come on come on that is horrible [Applause] [Music] nope damn it all right Challenge number whatever needs to get down there all right so my idea is to just hang off with my leg there [Music] yeah this is good enough oh that was surprisingly easy still got a way to go but look at that clear Donald Dabble I cleared all of that all the way up and down up and down up and down up and down to here [Music] that looks a lot more doable it’s all connected up to there [Music] nice peeks baby let’s just figure it feels like I’m flying foreign [Music] I’m in the thick of it where is everything I said this was the highest peak [Music] while looking from somewhere there near the beginning it seemed like it was the highest I am not sure at all now um I can kind of see a little bit of the way forward it seems durable but yeah Kenzie any more than like [Music] 30 meters ahead I’ve been in clouds before but it never gets tiring to see this out of here with the phone inside [Applause] it never gets old it’s just a surreal feeling it’s a bit spooky but these seem to be non-threatening light clouds but yeah in a thunderstorm being up here in the clouds recharge my phones but the clouds are clearing up foreign [Music] from there I thought that was it but no I think that’s it I’m heading there now [Music] [Music] I’m going there up to that top and then following those ridges I guess down down down and then back up to there this looks pretty steep again okay that was a I had to go around here I was like hanging negatively almost sweet well they don’t roll down the mountain so can blend on for looking like this don’t even know where to start Club chains arrows so I’m crossing a path here I assume this path leads all the way down to the water there Shrine and clouds so this is still not the tallest point [Music] wow that’s just the abyss I came from somewhere there is the highest tallest point of this Valley I think I’m gonna have to navigate this Purgatory somehow start going down hopefully it’s not too steep not as steep as this right now it is 1752. so I said I would be looking for a place to sleep around six [Applause] I will try to push it I will try to see how far I can get in the next hour and then from there head down to one of the ponds I need to refill my water supply and somewhere near the ponds I’ll probably look for a place to sleep because I’m just not sure about the weather these clouds seem very nice and fluffy puffy but not sure what’s gonna occur in the night yesterday was a thunderstorm so I want to be a bit down off the mountain so I don’t get zapped I started at about 12 I think it took me six hours to get to here what I think I’m going to do is push to the middle of the valley today to the halfway point try to get as close as I can to it before seven or before eight and around seven start looking for a place to sleep okay I can actually see the way down through the fog there through the cloud I guess [Music] so sick the clouds are clearing up you can actually see the valley beautiful [Music] okay that is steep some of it is moist some of it is dry so easy to slip but also kind of grippy in other places misleading do my best God impression got a small head down there and then climb up there you can actually see the other side and that is some steep stuff [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] so it looks like I’m halfway well imagines like I’m halfway to the big mountain which is down there all right those rocks wanna pass me okay 1853 so it’s seven right now it’s gonna get dark in an hour and a half I don’t think I’m getting down to the water through here still looks quite steep [Music] huh well [Music] oh it feels like it’s vibrating oh it’s kind of clearing up on that side kind of hard to tell I think the clouds are coming in foreign I can see the top of the other Mountain it’s far as hell okay new plan I think I’m gonna get on that side so it is a little bit after seven right now and that side is very steep to get down and the Mountaintop that I want to reach on that side the one that I said is the halfway point is I’d say at least a couple of hours away maybe an hour and a half at best but then I also need to get down from there which is going to take another hour and a half at least and by that time it’s going to be 10 I think I’m going to try to get down through here at least an hour maybe more to get down there but I will have water and I will have doable ground for shelter yeah foreign wasn’t the best idea [Music] it’s going to be a different kind of challenge I’m gonna let you pass [Applause] [Music] [Music] I came from somewhere there doesn’t seem that far but I love a way to get to here [Applause] yes here we are let’s see the water 2012. so yeah it took an hour to get down good because by this time I will be stuck up on the mountain if I didn’t see this option I’m gonna go a bit out here not far from the river and find a nice flat spot to set up and rest I am tired [Applause] so this is it I uh was setting up in quite of a rush because I heard thunder and it’s already raining so I saw lightning from that area dark clouds coming hopefully it’s not going to be a big storm this seems very very close to ground than it is but there’s space inside I’ve got my food here back back there my legs are covered right next to some blueberries what a coincidence I’m gonna snack a bit get sleeping bag out in try to wait it out okay new plan this guy seems to have cleared up for a bit I don’t really want to sleep on these blueberries plus the tarp setup is very very not great so I scattered around a bit actually got lost for a bit but I found my way so we’re gonna keep heading a bit forward to found a better spot [Music] I built a slow rock Tower as one Anchor Point and then the second one tied to here everything’s nice moisture is collecting though so I’m gonna have to clean this but yeah okay I’m all snuggle them right now it is 22.44 and I am ready to sleep now the Thunder and the lightning has moved away the sky is clear and beautiful I actually just chilling outside for a bit looking at the sky it’s amazing all the stars are there um the pre-downloaded forecast that I have says that the night should be okay there should be rain according to the forecast from eight I doubt I’m gonna be sleeping till late the sunrise is at 5 30. the reason I built that first Little Shelter that wasn’t that great was because I heard thunder I saw lightning I saw dark clouds coming and uh freaked out a bit thought it was going to rain in a very short while so I just saw the closest thing that’s possible and did it would have been better than nothing if it was storming but once I saw that the clouds passed looked around and uh built this I think it’s much better good night good morning barely slept they got uh cold in the night but not for long the moisture was a bit annoying but apart from that it’s all good 7 15. so good time to get out [Music] may not have gotten a great rest but it is amazing waking up in this place the calmness the view the mild wind and that was okay just clear the sky like right now so the storm really passed I built a little perimeter last night just for a psychological reason I guess I had leftover energy I think it looks pretty nice way better than the previous one way better [Applause] believe in my circle of safety I think yesterday I came down through somewhere there past that Landslide rubble leftward and then down through the green I went over all of these Peaks where I set up in fear of the thunderstorm that passed so what I mentioned a little bit but didn’t expand upon last time was that while I was in search of the second spot the one eye stayed at I lost this one and I was roaming around here back and forth because the GPS didn’t work I passed this rock quite a few times in retrospect but I couldn’t see the tarp because it was so low to the ground and so dark my flashlight kind of sucks and I did get a bit of a panicky feeling like I’m gonna have to do some real survival here if I want to stay the night wait till the morning and find it and the night it is risky to leave the campground without some kind of a knowledge of the way back even like five minutes out I was so tired confused [Applause] thank you [Applause] okay I’m definitely not climbing the landslide I think it will be doable bit by bit but even get enough here from the river to this hiking path I needed to catch my breath I think I pushed myself a bit a bit hard yesterday so what I’m going to do now is follow this path until the Peaks at the very end I’m gonna look around and see what are my options see how I feel and decide where I’m going from there [Music] [Music] I’m going to try to get to that Peak the smaller one and get a nice overview of the valley to both sides and see what I want to do from there [Music] foreign yeah I’m uh I’m a bit tired I’m a bit tired I pushed myself quite hard yesterday I did uh half of that Valley in about seven hours basically with minimal breaks and using the Peaks I’m quite proud of that it’s uh it’s amazing thinking about it and looking at these Peaks here that I was up there just going through I’m gonna get down through here I’m gonna get on the path and start walking out it is going to take me maybe three hours maybe four to get back to the starting point to the bottom of the lift but we’re gonna chill up here a bit enjoy The View eat some pepperoni and start getting down just straight behind me thank you [Music] very software so all of those Peaks is what I have left of the valley to do definitely don’t have energy for this today okay so I’ve got a few hours on this card now that’s a good view [Music] [Music] there’s something about water dropping that it’s just so pretty [Music] I’m very close to the town so for reference that scale up there the top is where I started then I went up to the Cross then down then up to that bigger Peak and then further all the way into the middle of the valley and just like that I am out some abandoned buildings I guess this was a unsuccessful hotel or something [Music] bunch of crap in here all right roof it is a nice place to sleep that’s so weird camping mobile oh looks like it holds [Applause] and this is where I quit foreign well this was very fun when I was first hiking through the valley and I looked at the Peaks I thought it might be doable but it looks so surreal just imagining myself going through the Dixon right it did it sweet [Music] good foreign [Music]


    1. I love it when he does more wholesome adventures (ironic because this is definitely one of the most dangerous things he has done) like this because you get to see that he's actually just a complete dork (in a good way).

    2. No matter how many times I would watch your videos, they're amazing, and giving amazingly feeling of being there's witch you while you exploring all these areas. They're do look kind of dangerous.
      Thank you for doing something like that – it's like part of my dreams beesee through you. Thank you .

    3. Man, you've just put all the avergae mountaineers into a coma, doing that crazy stuff! XD I'm just about to start my mountaineering adventures this summer, after years of postponing it, and all will be 100 times less extreme than what you did! Just breathtaking, and pumps my body up, wanna try the same stuff here in my mountains!

    4. Just revisiting some Shiey videos, still can not believe what I am seeing here 👀 I hope he will never do that again. Be safe Shiey🙏💚

    5. Just one advice. Tatras is full of bears. So if u decide to sleep there (i think is forbidden by law) never ever choose place near river and hide all food away from place you sleep.

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