Day three sees us setting off from Blackburn expecting to do 40/50 miles but somehow we just kept going till we reached Leeds.
    We encounter some of the worst tow paths on this whole ride, very energy sapping and how we never ended up in the canal, god knows.
    Filmed 19th April 2024

    Music used from the YouTube audio library

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    #bicycletouring #bikepacking #bikecamping

    okay start of day three so I’m expected stop in a hotel last night in Blackburn but wo it was the right decision it was beautiful you know hot showers food you know just dry um we weren’t expecting to do this we wanted to Wild camp but you know sometimes the D for fun yeah we’re not we’re not here to endure we wanted to enjoy you know we could have continued another 20 m to get an absolute so and then slipped in the freeing cold Woods you not no sensible you got to be sensible sometimes you got to make a call and you know yesterday we did it was a good call yeah you you made you made the decision in well I wasn’t feeling it I was feeling absolutely crap um yesterday afternoon just wasn’t feeling it was you were right it was the right decision yeah you know maybe not while camping yeah it’s not but we we’ll give it a go today but it’s certainly the TRU we’re going to head to the local go outd doors because um the trail will be wet because it puts so much rain down from well cuz I look at water over there so I’m going to get a fresh pair of leggings and go Outdoors um and then we’ll pick up the trail and uh we’ll bring you back further along see you later got yeah ear days early days once you get your momentum we’ll get cracking on oh leads Liverpool Blackburn wle Daisy field Mill jet ski for the canal here we go flooding on the top off we’re not doing too bad it’s uh staying dry for us this section so far is not too wet not too bad probably about 5 and 1 half mil from Blackburn now but uh we keep encountering a few wet spots like here but all in all not too by cuz the forecast this morning was for heavy showers so we’re still expecting it but for now always good on the Hills nice yeah yeah going over the main road can you see out see wet section here off Rod section is a bit slippy [Music] okay 63 and 58 to Liverpool 63 and 5/8 to lead the halfway point and it hasn’t been as plain ceiling as it should be some of these top paths are heavy heavy going very wet another really bad section of the canal it it’s very chilled up here oh my word don’t end up in the canal though do we keep going lad oh my word that was pretty bad that is more mountain bike territory another section coming up here as well a this would yeah the banks collaps yeah God this is an absolute nightmare oh my word this is like 4 before territory keep going L cave going sunk this is terrible isn’t it oh my it’s flooded here look oh that is pretty brutal conditions what a Messi e is off now yeah that that section there was a b Fest that was the worst we oh my word that is really really bad I mean that was state of the bikes yeah that was over the wheels that was I can hear my chin mine’s grinding grinding away so I’ve got a I’ve got a cloth I mightbe give it a a little wipe down but it’s probably just going to encounter just the same favor up yes as we get more Ro roads I can smell pies I think there’s a pie shop near here let’s follow our nose just taking shelter for a few minutes just a little rain shower coming through yeah we’ll just keep out of that let it blow through yeah hopefully sunshine and showers today shineing showers with the bikes yeah definitely taking a pound them yeah this section’s energy sapping is my finally a decent surface for us to ride on another nightmare section oh God this was what slows you down and this is an absolute nightmare [Music] oh yeah we’re just h coming in on Burnley um as a Greg’s not far off the Top PA so we’re going to head there and get up a well earned coffee and a pasty or something refuel keep our energy levels up yeah fuel of the Gods here we go coffee chicken bake and a cake keep us going look at the state look at the state yeah not for the F hearted this Trail not in these conditions anyway what do you say Ian is absolutely sand right we’re just leaving Burnley now and thankfully this uh topa is lovely flat surface all the hills all around us looking very nice [Music] reallyy Marina must have had a breach you right we just stopped for 5 just get off the bikes and give ourselves a stretch we’re in Nelson so a little bit out of burnly now but yet weather’s quite Sunny now it’s quite nice turned into a nice afternoon has it is it yeah so it’s not looking like that we’ll get to leads tonight but you know we’re not in a race um so what we’ll plan we’ll just cycle as far as we can and maybe leave 20 m in the morning 15 M and hopefully I can get a train back Ian’s continuing back home cuz he’s insane but uh yeah but uh yeah sun is out all is good lovely perfect timing water barford water point on locks all right okay is the c County border marker Lancashire to my left Yorkshire to my right and onwards and it looks like where we’re heading the sun is out Burnley 11 9 Mile for gargrave showers just a quick photo stop oh back end Just Wind yeah found another bad bit oh my half sidewards again oh this isn’t fun oh my God God that is heavy he you going back end just we want to step out big knobbly mountain bike tires is what you need yeah just stop for five take the waterproofs back off this last section was oh gruesome probably about four or 5 miles from gag grave so this section’s really tough going just so heavy claggy yeah plastered the bikes again 38 and a quarter to leads yeah it’s a beautiful afternoon now even though it’s an absolute Nightmare on the tour paths so we’re not too far off G grave now someone’s back out under the railway and I think we Bear right and be looking for the cafe okay we’ve arrived in Gag grave sun is out so we’re going to try and find a a watering hle to pass a lot better now is it is H yeah smooth yeah that last bit was pretty gruesome P9 where malum Skipton 4D and 3/4 leads 33 and 3/4 beautiful quick stop at gar gra for a coffee and a cake donuts donuts and back on the cut so finally we have a a great riding surface perfect really couldn’t ask for better for what we’ve had it’s been pretty Grim in sections today but uh you know you got to take the off with this move we still with is again yep no I don’t know how the STS I don’t know we need a push comes to like a dead end of a Warf sort of thing in a branch yeah come across this Memorial a flying Vicor Wellington I’m sure it come out of uh Sil airport and it was full of Polish Airman 23rd of September 1943 lest we forget y y so we back on the top PS From Hell from all them lovely paps out of gar grave and Skipton it’s just returned to the Mudfest oh civilization and the land of decent Puffs yeah it’s been there a while [Music] backck on the point SAA [Music] [Music] come on [Music] lad he [Music] gone and the Bloody Sun’s come out yeah we’ve arrived leads that was a massive push 74 miles on this final day it’s killed us with the head wind out and a head wind in yeah it was brutal yeah it was a tough day after yesterday when it lots of top offs that were just not top offs and then the last bit was not too bad but uh the problem is now is getting trains back I can’t get one back Ian can possibly but uh maybe we’ll see but yeah thanks for watching and we’ll see it out sometime soon see you


    1. Brilliant end to the video series mate, was a tough 3rd day, but lovely to look back on, thanks for making the videos, see you on the next one!😁⛺️🚲👍🏻

    2. Epic ride in those conditions. I'm very familiar with the section from Blackburn to Gargrave, Its not always that bad but we had a very wet winter.

    3. Think I'll leave it a couple of months before I do it! Steeton to Leeds section is generally OK though in all weather, but that's as far out as I really know. Looks like it's dependant on a nice period of weather a bit further out! Well done though, a great ride!

    4. Hi Dave, Dad grew up in Sutton in Craven just across the valley from Kildwick. He was 13 and rushed out of school to watch the aeroplane circling and sadly finally crashing into the canal bank. A few days later with some of his pals they rode over on their bikes and like kids do searched about when the guards had their backs turned…he found some .303 bullets which he took home!!😲 His father (ex RN WW1) gave him a real bollocking…he taught Dad a lesson which I won't go into here!
      Sorry to go on, boring I'm sure!
      Great adventure TFS cheers Alistair 👍

    5. Cracking effort lads well done. Really enjoyed that set of videos. Those tow paths looked woeful. Great achievement in those conditions👍

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