Welcome to Episode 2 in the 50 mile series! Relaxed and scenic trail riding giving way to all the hills you could ever wish for (shut up legs!).

    Hope you enjoy the video and do check out Episode 1 if you haven’t already – https://youtu.be/HvijU5weuiA

    Also mentioned in this ride, my solo bikepacking Trans Pennine Trail ride can be found here – https://youtu.be/z7i6XAvi4Zg

    Thanks as always for following along and happy cycling folks!

    hey folks very warm welcome to this 50m pointto point bicycle ride series here’s Ryan base just slightly Northeast of Manchester up in the wonderful penine Hills and this little series of videos I’m going to set a 50 m radius around home then travel out to the perimeter the very limits of that radius and do a point-to-point bicycle ride all the way back home and we’re going to work around the clock face or the compass points with a ride starting in the north the East the South and then a classic ride back home from the West Coast hope you really enjoy this series let’s get into today’s ride [Music] hi folks hope you’re doing really well welcome back to another little video and welcome to the rolling fields of South yorshire we’ve just made our way through and out of Doncaster and we’ve picked up trans penine Trail and and a little bit of a ride of two characteristics really today today it’s actually uh midaf afternoon already I need to get a shimy on but uh yeah we’ve got a few miles on the transpan on trail relatively flat and um it’s really nice kind of chilled out cycling and then we’ll be work our way uh towards well barnesley penstone that’s p Stone by the way stop sniggering at the back uh towards home fth and then finishing the ride with uh I don’t know how many ridiculously steep climbs I’m trying not to think about it bit later on in the ride and there may be some uh snacks there may be some waffle and there may be some stops on the way yeah come along for this ride it’s number two in the series of uh 50 m rides all point to point and uh they really do feel like mini tours all the logistics of the travel the start and whatever the root throws [Applause] up yeah let’s go [Music] we got time honey to make this whatever we [Music] want see the Days running stretching out just so I did the uh trans penon Trail uh last summer in fact from Southport to Hull and I remember this section even though I was going the other the opposite direction I think this was day two when I did it last year it’s so weird cuz some of the little Crossings and even some of the benches and the mile markers look so familiar it’s so strange how I think on the bike you’re so in the moment you’re so aware of your surroundings or you know I find you really take things in much much more than if you’re driving through an error in the car it’s uh crazy that I’ve only whoa sorry I’ve got into David aten mode there yeah it’s so crazy that I’ve only been here one once before going the opposite direction but it’s so familiar it’s fantastic stuff just coming up to uh silkstone common now I think I can’t do this holding a [Applause] camera West silon common let’s [Music] go fill them all with dreams I remember this from last time we’ve got slightly better tires today come on 37s do your [Music] magic be where you [Music] are m m in our lives the maybe things they try to come [Music] between that’s quite the climb up there and uh I can’t believe I did that on a road bike last year orbe it uh which probably marathons on Kos to those tires it’s a lot more enjoyable on the uh the gravel bike tires a little bit wet still but uh just have to be careful not to lose Traction in one or two places here’s where we are now if I can uh stop the bike with one hand we’ve gone way out of the uh that sort of flat South Yorkshire fields and we’re into uh just layers upon layers of kind of hilltops now with steep descents and climbs between them and uh very much the feature now of the rest of the ride I think uh I’m really trying not to think about all the climbing I’ve got to do for the next uh 25 30 miles but uh just about holding off the rain there’s a few spots here and there and we had some hailstones earlier I’m not sure if I’ll put that in in in the film but uh it is crazy it’s you know the 1st of May next week and uh we’ve got snow forast freezing temperatures in parts of the UK and uh rain could be could be hail at the moment so pretty interesting weather but uh yeah great to be out and I guess we’re heading over somewhere in that direction now whoa this is steep down that was a beast of a climb up to another song and uh yeah definitely in the Hills now it’s that kind of riding now where you’re either bombing down a hill or just grinding up C perent very little flat riding around these parts and we’re just heading down now towards melam and I’m still trying to not think about the hills to come just uh take it easy nice and steady but what a an amazing kind of ride these 50- m point to points are they throw up so many different kinds of vary terrain you know only what seems like 5 minutes ago I was in rush hour traffic before that I was in the canopy of the trans transpan Trail and now I’m right out into the hills on these beautiful fast flowy roads and uh I need my hand back now I’m glad I changed the uh dis broke pad last night okay that’s the climb out of meam done absolute Beast onwards Rolling Hills fast desense okay we got Master Mo straight ahead it’s probably looks tiny on the camera big wall of the penines and we’re heading down into Marson now I think we’re going to sort of skirt and creep around the left side uh but we do need to go up and over that to get home I’ve got a little bit left in the legs but not a lot to be honest that’s a little bit of a residual episode one I think but uh slow and steady we’ll get there absolutely fantastic [Music] cycling cuz they can’t take away [Music] love l l am I ready for this downhill oh my [Music] God one more [Music] climb dreams m g and pretty things the pretest of all is your heart hold my breath pinch my skin can’t believe you living it where I want to be way you are well I’m pretty tired but I’ll have a bit of this any day of the week look at that oh yes but I know we’ll make it through cuz they care take away my [Music] love don’t take it take away my love all they can take away my love you see down into the castle Shore reservoirs not sure if you can see that on the camera and we’re heading down now towards saddleworth well one more climb I think famous last words absolutely stunning evening now wow last time of the day I think it’s called grain Bar grebar Road out saddleworth if you know the area on tid l legs feels hard but we’re making steady progress final little breather on the last climb I can see the Windy Hill transmitter in the Horizon so we’re close to home now the high road above Maron Maron Mo that’s a beautiful road to cycle on and all the way up on the horizon where we’ve come and this almost Alpine Alpine Esa scent here lovely dappled sunlight is it’s pretty cold I can see my breath now I can’t believe we’re getting into May and the temperature is still so low but uh yeah just got AC Crest the final Hill here and then we got a few miles lovely descending uh through Shore and back home oh what a ride well folks maybe not a bad spot to sign off today’s ride uh you can see the skyscrapers of Manchester in the distance they’ll be absolutely tiny on the GoPro you might not even see them and um that kind of cool Moody panine sky that uh you get quite partial to quite fond of when you live around these parts but yeah fantastic ride today uh very different ride to episode one which was like the northern leg or the northern section uh down from hson in ribblesdale uh today’s I guess been a ride of two halfes that sort of very civilized cycling brochure transpan trail start um and then an absolute hillfest suffer Fest for the the last half of the ride uh it’s only a suffer Fest CU I’m pretty out of shape at the moment um but I can’t complain with all those gears on the back of the bike um you know you just choose a spinny be spinny beer I’m thinking a beer already spinny gear uh take it easy and just enjoy the hills and the views and that’s what it’s all about it’s for me it’s not about the speed it’s not particularly about the distance um although the 50 mile is certainly throwing up um lots of challenges and it’s really nice to have these little adventures just in the space of a single day ride just means to say thank you so much again for following along please do consider liking and subscribing if you be so kind it really helps me out and um I really appreciate every single one of you that follows along and supports the channel I just want me to say stay safe take care and happy cycling bye [Music] [Music] oh


    1. Another good episode for the set. I like the way the landscape develops as the inevitable Pennine crossing draws closer.
      Mount Road & Grains Road to finish things off – you, Sir, are a man of taste!

    2. Lovely vid as always, and you seem like quite the affable chap! Got a few questions about your equipment 🙂 – hope you don't mind, as I seem to do things quite differently.
      – How do you get on with stem bags? Personally I could never use them, due to severe knee-strike, as I do a lot of standing and climbing.
      – What made you choose a backpack for rides? I only use them for the shortest of grocery shopping trips (<1 km) as I cannot handle a sweaty back while riding.
      – Do you use the seatpost mounted rear bag due to tyre-clearance issues?

    3. A special video for me since all my family are from Doncaster. In fact, my parents met socially as part of the Doncaster Wheelers cycling club in the late 1950s… thank God! My Dad used to ride the velodromes btw!

    4. Great vlog! Took to doing similar by catching a train to Wrexham I head west into Welsh hills or east in Shropshire. Tend to do around 100 loops back. If anything it takes out the familiar routes which are more local to me as living on a peninsula are very limited. I’m off work this week, may have spare day were I can take the car and do a loop around your patch. Any recommendations?

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