Tony Fleming & Todd Blaser ‘OZ TV Show’ 1988.

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    [Music] well I’ve taken out life insurance because these guys are going absolutely wild behind me at the moment we have been very lucky to get some International BMX stars to come and join us in the studio and uh guys who do we who do we have here hi my name is Todd Blazer I’m from America and I raced for Elf BMX Al BMX so how long have you been Racing for uh 8 years eight years so what attracted you to come to uh brisan for this great meet um fortunately I was invited from the club down here and Japan Airlines us over and also ESPN Motorsports great Todd so listen have you um had a chance to go on see Expo yet no not yet I think we’re going Tuesday fantastic well listen good luck next weekend have a great time and who else is uh oh dude this is dangerous here let me tell you hi who do we have here Marth and Jenner from New Zealand from New Zealand all the way from ID have you been to Expo not yet we’re going about Tuesday I think all of us all going together in a big group so how long have you been riding over in New Zealand about 7 years well listen it’s a very big sport here and and also in America how big is it over in New Zealand oh well at the National Finals that’s how we had about 800 people fantastic how did you all fit it into what a weekend it was a two-day meeting Heats one day the final on Sunday and how did you go about thir fantastic congratulations actually I’ll give you a bit of a scoop here they say the New Zealand pavilian is very very good at Expo I won’t say the best one partial I think the queen Zone one is but congratulations and good luck on the meeting next weekend and uh who else is riding around here they’re doing bunny Hops and all the uh BMX jargon hi and who do we have Tony Fleming from England good to have you out in Australia Tony all the way from England is BMX a big sport in England yeah very big very big so uh how many competitors would you have in a a semi big uh meeting on a weekend over in in England about 800 900 people 900 people fantastic do they have Pro meetings over there Rising for money like they do in Australia yeah they do they do well that makes it a little bit special doesn’t it and you’re off to Expo looking forward to it on Tuesday yeah it should be great fantastic congratulations on your actually number two is it number two in England fantastic number two how about that audience listen I think we should give our our guys here who are running around at the moment very mad doing all these sorts of tricks and a big congratulations um they’re all fantastic Riders and next weekend they’re going in for the great big West Morton Ipswich West Morton meeting is that correct next weekend that’s great great to have you out in from all the way from England Todd and I’ll let you get back and we’ll we’ll do a bit of writing and we’ll be back on okay after this oh thought it was Amon


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