Bordeaux is a Fantastic City to visit, sadly leaving for Agen, Enjoy this Road Trip with me. Bordeaux to Agen France.

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    [Music] oh cold chilly start so another day and me wow driving it’s a grease 40 I think it says 48 sure it said 50 last night so anyway here is where I parked and where I kipped last night that’s not a great start is it battery just switched off now this little car park it’s got quite busy that is a pain I think I’m going to change the battery if it happens again but yeah a few little cars I just want you guys to see this car look look at that that’s an old Ford Cortina that ain’t a CA that’s a something else listen to that he is all 111 okay battery changed what an annoying start to the day ah oh I hope this will keep going I could do without camera issues today all right I’m being caught it looks like it’s going to hold it’s not going to turn off it’s pretty good it is chilly this morning it is this the air temperature is really cold blasty winds is is is hard work so my adventure today this is what is on the cards for the um our Vlogs I may be making well I say I got an itinerary for to today first stop Bordeaux then aen now I know aen I spent a little bit of time there and if I get to aen I’ll then see if I can go to a little village called Mont Pon where I spent a few weeks doing some carp fishing many moons ago and then after that to loose and then marsay that is my route for either today or today tomorrow and the next day I just don’t know but they’re they’re the main places on going to stop and be making some Vlogs as as I go along so you know um the Shan King Channel now is me basically a day in every life of me getting up doing what I’m doing and then the Vlogs I make will be on the other channels so just hopefully I’m informing you of what’s going on cuz you do need to be watching all channels if you if you want if you want the full extent of my French Journey if if you want to see as much of it depends on how much you’re enjoying it if you’re enjoying it as much as I am they’re awesome there there’s there’s some great stuff to watch impressed with France so far with what I’ve already seen last yesterday was was a great day managed to make some great Vlogs and see some fantastic stuff so uh I might have have to have uh maybe today or tomorrow I might bring it in early with a hotel just because the amount of of film making I need to do and uploading stuff to uh the internet that I need a strong internet signal to get on top of things cuz I’m Nast slagging a bit slagging lacking struggling and like I say it’s the internet that I need so uh I I’ll just wing it I’ll see how we go if I could just see how we go so hopefully we’re going to have a good day and no more interruptions oh man best laid plans and everything I told you there were two bulau well I thought I get to this one and they put in me G GPS bul out it tells me it’s 3 Hour 3 and 1 half hours away which I don’t [Music] mind so I just got that on the internet GPS a bit miffed [Music] right that’s better I’m not 3 and 1 half hours away no I’m not I’m 11 km 28 minutes away there’s two b o r d b o u r d for me that as a conundrum and then some nightmare but anyway I found it I’m not far off like I said I’m on the outskirts I want to get into the center I’ve got I’ve got me GPS working this little thing a little power bank work it working powering up the phone because I used that all day yesterday right let’s get on the road we are going in to this bord am I going the right way yeah yeah I’m going to have to come off it says Leon Bak in libon right is that what that says lior right come on mate we’re on so I’m off here at the first exit which is good no TOS today so just stay in this line now funny enough I I pulled in there is a sign b o r d e a u x this way hey man that’s good we will get to the right place like I say these Vlogs day in the life of me how what I go through what I put myself through where we going oh man let’s this watch a GPS right I’ll see you in town one per one green light that means going Mr King there’s a vehicle on the inside get in the gear right gear right gear right here we go I’m not liking this no I’m trapped in I in there look look man don’t vear off to the left or right you will smash into a wall Narrow Lane man this is the road into Bordeaux yes it is so I’ve got my BDI looking looking out I want to go too quick it’s like coming down from a great big hill it’s probably why it was really windy last night cuz it’s probably high up in the mountains wow okay is that a green light yeah it is that’s me I’m coming through as we’re going it we’re all slow up maybe hitting traffic we are crossing the tram lines is this is me all right I’ll see you in the center all righty look at that that is majestic as is that oh man I’ve got going and have a look at this thing under reconstruction oh man that is a wicked looking place they’re on my left sorry I can’t angle the camera I might have to work on that I may have a device that I can work on and change the angle of the camera whilst it’s on here I may have a device device suspect device right guys this is me I have made it to bordo so I’ll get in bordo and make a vlog so guys I’ll see you on the way out on the exit Hang on we’re not going to go a little bit more up here you see a little bit more b b if I come back this way I’ll be out of okay so I’m now planning what I’m going to film and how I’m going to film it and what’s going on I am so that place with that huge scaffolding interesting that place been reconstructed interesting wow I’ll see if I can find this whole Terrace I think it opens up to a massive Terrace on on the actual river which is right next to me on the right so that’s me I’m happy I found some stuff I can Vlog about here in um bord so I’ll see you guys guys when I exit okay I’m still here I am not for much longer I managed to just find a parking space right here cheeky I know but I just had to see this building before I left I did that Tower so much scaffolding and rebuilding being done but it’s nice it’s a cool place that here it’s still a bit chilly P getting really up I am it’s been all day and what I really want I need a bit of Internet because I’ve lost the GPS I haven’t maybe one of these bars oh man look at that ah another one I see that’s 120 sorry buddy excuse me that’s 120 do you know what I mean I found the right Antiques Market right right there didn’t I getting them for 60 bucks I wonder how I wonder if I I see if I can sell them to that shop but that is an amazing looking Tower even though it is obscured by the scaffolder but it’s a part of Baux I just had to come and film before I leave and I am I’m on very limited battery so I am now off I want to try and find a way to aen on the way to toose and I can’t believe it there a flea market I se i s pricey or expensive they want their items for but it’s not going to stop me looking on the old flea market is it anything I can buy it don’t matter I’ve not brought me wallet with me I left me wallet in the motor that does that live in that pocket doesn’t it I’m still looking and no Indian M no it’s nothing of value not real value not not really the sort of stuff you’d buy if you like it but again let’s have a look at the tower and that church it’s a past 1 it is 130 it is so I’m looking there must be someone with some toys of some sort man it’s a proper proper proper flea market car boot type stuff that little hobby horse it’s worth a little bit of money I’m talking about that’s worth maybe 60 quid but I bet they want more money than that for it I do you all right mdy cool what else do we have we don’t have anything have any real value not really not really it is proper junk junk junk man I’m still looking it’s a bit more second hand trainers camera gear no oh that chers worth a little bit that is nice but no way will I get that in the motor right we got old Comics we have F man huge box of old Lego look oo that’s a stuffed toy stuff toys what we got in here ni old um oh man it is it’s all asteris stuff but not the right asteris stuff it is it’s just masses of asteris you sure that’s what it is that is as right there where’s G fix is he in there they are all asteris but they’re not they’re not the right ones they cool we still running where are I’m still on the yellow I’ll change the batteries and then I’ll get out I just want a little bit of Internet so I can get on the right B Road two that’s worth a little bit of money won’t get in the cardo old dolls no don’t know what you’re going to see at a flea market there lad more out there there is masses and masses and masses dmch is Market day here in France in Bordeaux s coming oh sft coming right got it back to the car hope it’s still there that’s all I do is hope that’s cuz I got precarious parking skills still having a last minute look right guys right so hopefully I will see you guys I said I said I’d see you back on the road but things keep appearing and materializing ah no I’m looking oh nice bit of B I forgot what that’s called H what is it it’s not ppcs is it what is it I’ll think of it in a minute oh what is it oh come on it’s quite collectible now if you got the ones with the multicolored flowers or fruit they don’t me braining man what a beautiful place Wick it to just see this that is all open could go in there oh man but time I told batteries and everything parking position is against me I still try to think what that stuff is called it come out in the 70s I used have loads of it but made good money on it picked up the car beat for next to nothing and then sold it took good profit oh it’s an old helmet but that is not no that’s an actual Pilot’s helmet it is but it’s not good enough for me wonder if I can get a little bit of Wi-Fi from one of these bars so I can get a GPS signal that make my day it would Pyrex yes I win I do I win Pyrex good stuff all right let’s just get a last glimpse of this beautiful city as I leave for aen I just asked a couple of ladies in one of the little bistros there if they had WiFi they go yeah sure so can I use for Just 2 minutes yeah so I’ve got my internet so I now have GPS avoiding TOS to aen but not also that I learned a new word bon jour enjoy the day bon jour I’m sure that’s what they said enjoy the day oh yeah Green Light I didn’t see that I’m sitting there sitting there Doling and I so we’re off from bord to aan aan aan not aen a ah Bon B funny stuff right red light see you in a bit guys okay detour I seen that thing up there this road may take me there may not wow it looks might have to go Wow might have to go back down there I’ll go up here first I love a detour to a castle these roads are incredible and it looks like oh man I’m at the entrance lorian that’s what it’s called right here a man so oh looks beautiful drive up there it does yo I cannot I a little cyclist coming I cannot drive past these places without going in it actually looks like the gate might be locked don’t know right I’ll park up all right it wen’t the best parking but I’m out of the way I’m off the rad but it’s going to have a look see if I can get in there I want to live in a place like this I do look how idilic this is the view trampolines seem to be quite popular as does these swimming pools what beautiful what full view you’ve got some steps look the curly old steps I and steps go down into this Garden area there’s steps right here gated off they go down there man I should have parked up here and camped last night stunning beautiful area beautiful and these houses all along here man which which absolutely are wonderful now if I run up here I didn’t want to bring the car too far left the car there you know I love a run but no all right so I probably could come up and do a little turn around up here that’s what I will I’ll let it do the 20 point turn I’ll find a way oh disappointing because I wanted to get in I want to see that castle or get around there but all it’s all locked up and shut off oh man what Wicked right I reckon I’ll do a 20 point turn just there I will I just want to show you our lovely neighborhood yeah laundry at trying lovely know I mean it’s lovely oh man everything about it the wood The Rock and of course I want to see if I can see the castle through through through along here oh there’s a wool another one of these Mason hses so wonderful man I retain every every bit of history of lovely dooro now look at these it’s the citan I I wonder if that is operational that is a proper French person’s motor that is and I’m liking I’m liking the summer version of it I am that’s like the anill mobed car you can probably cut hole there is there a hole in the bottom we can put your feet through do a bit of a run lovely Gates but look at the turret man that is the turret of the castle there’s a much bigger one man nice area beautiful area beautiful it don’t look like not going to see anymore than what I have already seen I’m hoping I will I’ll probably stay at aen but 2 hours away it’s about 2:00 half two 3 4 probably get there for 5 man see I find somewhere decent to sleep lovely lovely buildings man hello B you speak a little English the castle is is closed yes yes okay I stopped for the the castle looks incredible lovely city you have Mery thank you thank you ah so it is it’s all closed you can’t get in there that’s disappointing I think I could get in right I saw I could I think I could get in but the problem is I couldn’t see a way to get out a lovely young lady sitting there beautiful sunny day like this and that’s what I’m enjoying even though that cold wind has now dropped I think I’ve gone through the lair Valley now into the door area I think the weather now starting to feel it getting a bit better wa excuse me come through blue I can feel it it’s starting to feel like proper bit of sun on my skin now that is the old deal motor for Italy and France the F 500 above that is that’s the deal M it is not quite so good for camping I reckon enough we get on me gear in there plus a plus dead right let’s see where we find and stop in a bit got it’s all locked up it is a fallback climbing over the gate but there’s there’s a motor park in there so there’s someone in there I didn’t want to get into trouble and the road down to it was a one way so I’m just going to have a little look see down here if I make this turn wow well fantastic looking Castle oh man so work it at the front here like I say it is awesome riding around these Villages can I get up there no I can’t I think this is just a oneway road it’s a bit steep as well there’s a road to the right oh stoed it car and break getting that good not on this hill that is disappointing to find out so I’m going up this way oh there are cars parked it’s cuz it’s someone’s house people are living here oh man them citrons go it is just stunningly beautiful these these I’m going to have to go up to the top and see if I can turn around it is a man they have left just enough room I don’t feel right the wheels feel like they’re wobbling everywhere oh man hang on I’ll leave it in gear and in the end bre let me put the car up here all right I’ve got to have a little walk here just love this little road where you see the vehicles them citrons just there superb little Villages amazing places we to live right and this is a oneway street so I’ve got to go up and around I could have parked in there again oh man oh do I it’s daunting oh no it’s be oh whoa oh man oh that does look incredible the castle there’s no getting away from this guys there really isn’t another not even 5 km down the road that is the chat the Cadillac it is as I think Cadillac I’m now approaching it’s just oh man it’s just wonderful on these b-rock D I’m on the d10 and that shat there and that Village it’s just like Village after Village after Village Castle turrets shats oh M Cathedrals churches you know you get the lot driving along now the river in Bordeaux is the door but I know when I get to aen it’s the Geron Another Castle turret look it’s littered another a another city oh that looks equally idelic as to the next it is just incredible oh man am I going to stop now I’m going to go home cuz otherwise it’s all going to get a bit syy and we don’t want that oh no it’s too much of a good thing ah man so I got 1 hour 45 just more Castle turrets beautiful cities that one like I say I I’ll miss this one out it’s a big city as well we’ll go on to the next one [Music] France is just littered with castles literally 5 kilm 5 minutes down the road I saw this to my right it’s a castle turret but I also saw what looks like a whole city in there now you can drive up through here yeah you can oh man wicked wicked spot you speak English no oh you you you live here yes this is an old city yes yes yes do you know the name Rons yes the city it’s very old okay super cool thank you oh what oh wow so there you go a very old city thought it was just look so look all these old Lanes oh man dogs laying there in the sun this looks very much all original don’t it it’s just an old city what they said it was called that par there no Sunny there’s a little cafe bar there which is cool if I need oh man more parking in there perhaps the center I just parked on the outside I didn’t know what to expect this battery is now on yellow got three batteries I know tomorrow but that’s why I charged them all up man I really feel the sun coming through so yeah it’s got this street cuz that looks like the old Bell Tower it does man look at that old Bell Tower is a church it’s a monastery I don’t know look though oh man but this whole village oh man Del it’s lovely it’s like it’s all been kept like everywhere this is just a whole village like it and I’m still in the door d area I am is it cool though so bull out beautiful little city man yes to you good day bon bon bon wow another a Gateway leading to a sh or comment that was a building of comments comms I think what place what spot just traveling on these Bros D D Rose you’re going to find all these places that is cities that time is forgotten yet time stand still amazing amazing little city Wicked 1909 that was built new have you this whole village great place to cycle great place and there’s M wellow that is a got time we running again MH on I saw I saw a little sign post there but this looks interesting I’m running cuz I’m on the yellow I we’ll get this oh man just get this on camera there is another turret with a flag at the top they look like there may be Mason gorgees I thought there might be a great big lake or a moat or something now when I was in in B BAU the river that runs through there is the Doone it is and oh my look I’ll come that way back well see if I I’m in a castle that’s all I wanted to do 10 minutes ago I want to get in a castle and now I’m in a castle you can see man the arrow [ __ ] holes for the arrow guys wow I I’m in a castle oh man there’s tables in ch there’s a God oh mate oh this is the castle that’s never going to be open but wow I wanted to be in a castle and I am there’s more steps out there the battlements beautiful beautiful so the river the Doone River there in Bordeaux and now I’m followed the river that River to the right of me so I’ve been driving along here on the road to aan aan the road to Aran and it’s just lovely walking about it man and I think it’s amazing that people still live around these these parts all part of the history and these houses that wouldn’t happen in the UK would it of course it wouldn’t be proper tourist and now when you see that Spire up there when you walk around it’s like an old medieval city it is it is it’s like I say every city I go to it’s got very much the same a peel batteries running of just a step back in time being in a movie set may be great for film re enactments and stuff around these cities it really would so you can it got little lines there and this one and now walking back there incredible be just to do this weed spot J right back here to where I just began okay ladies having a bear with a py it is to be able to live right in these areas is that the area I come from I think it is yeah yeah I got go to the castle gate through there oh man beautiful man well actually I think I’m about go this way man off the to this m Lord Alice that’s what they said oh you can sleep here no I that’ be goodare for the night lalis is the is the village that’s what that young man said look it is it’s like sleepy town it’s so cool I have a huge turret on there man love turrets yeah and this little Street where I try bypass like I say with the dogs were laying it’s just awesome I walk past this week she’s French a wicked place to live sitting there having a [ __ ] chilling with a dog and that’s me come back out there already incredible little city Mery hello hello oh oh goodbye thank you that was a great spot man right our car is up there right guys back on the road all righty Mr GPS and half took me on some funny routes I’m about 40 minutes 40 km away from aen and I will I think that’ll be it for me today I’m getting tired but I’m on this I’ve been now going through this for about 10 km this forest and it’s now starting to get thicker and thicker I just thought man the roads that I’ve been on didn’t expect to be on right this is what you get when you’re avoiding all the TOs and all the motorways and everything else man but wow what a wicked way to see the country driving through this Woods it’s massive thick forest it’s awesome it is nice and sunny and it’s fairly hot but there’s still a very chilly wind there is um so I’m I haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to Camp up somewhere near aen or get a B&B hotel for the night I really don’t know there’s Stacks man this wood there’s stacks of it all the way through here that’s a little stack that’s a little bit of wood all the other stuff is just massive great like a red kind of wood I’ve seen load of it no man coming for a clear spot I just hope I don’t meet someone coming the other way be a bit awkward who in there right yep okay right turn Clyde we’re going right here don’t know what I’m indicating there’s no one about oh man I may it gets even thinner there a proper back street road which is all well and good as long as no one’s coming the other way Wicked loads of Holly look not Holly M toe right there wow Fields fields of all these hops I believe they’re hops I I don’t know what they are don’t know if it’s for the The Vineyards for the wine or champagne or oh man I just don’t know definitely something v v yeah Veno man a wicked castle like everywhere you go not a castle it’s a church a it but it looks like a man with the bell tower there kind the half in ruin that’s what I me it’s awesome and I’m in no hurry I really AR and you never know what you’re going to see look at that church oh man it’s beautiful to see another little ruin and we’re going we’re actually going in here it’s the road it’s on a road it’s part of the road it’s a tiny little village of that’s it that man wow so this is where the little rows of GPS Tak you which is all right it’s pretty good man look at that great big thing where here comes another car and that’s good that’s where we needed to meet that other car where there was a bit of a wide road now look at that that great big turret I don’t know you can see it there’s two there’s a pointy thing oh man and a round thing a great another thing so you know what it is a mega long day but like I say is it’s awesome I’m really enjoying myself so I’ll be stopping at that next little place I just saw [Music] hopefully wow shat The Brute was closed but both ends gated and padlocked so I didn’t go in there but I have made it to aen aan I’m here it is nice sunny City so I’m pleased but time is against me I did just find a hotel for just €29 for the night that had good internet but I could not find it my GPS the only one I could find was in Spain I was like no right I was having a hard time that was in McDonald’s I stopped at McDonald’s to go into the GPS now I have stopped and put the O there I have cuz I need to go in I need ice to get me Provisions I need to go this a spar look a little Spar shop here so one going in there it’s a bit crazy around here it’s bit everywhere you go it’s getting a bit different more south you go the more downhill is going now there is a crazy Market going on over there I’m not sure oh man this is good news the 12th of July the to of France is coming through a Yen oh man I want m one of them the to of France billboard that’ be pretty good wouldn’t it I’d like one of them I know someone I could sell one of them too for a lot of money I bit big get in the car I got me antlers in there right how are you mate you’re good yeah I’m very good yourself you’re good yeah you yeah I’m all right how is you live in a aan yes how is it good yeah it’s good it’s good it’s good City yeah good city for the rugby for oh you have good rugby here Shan yeah I think I I’ve heard of the rugby for yeah it’s uh it’s a like it’s like what second league second league rugby okay okay Rugby’s not my you play rugby yeah me too okay me no no I like I like uh this this to of France yeah that’s my sport man come here in July what I’ll be gone by then I’m I’m off to to loose tomorrow okay I’m I’m going to shop for the visions and then go and find somewhere to stay what you are doing Vlogs yeah YouTuber YouTuber yes yes my channel Sean King Sean King s e a n how many followers are uh not that many about 6,000 oh but I have 20,000 on my other channel Chanel okay but you Sean s e hang on hang on I put my main channel in my main channel are you in live uh not live no BL get a dead horse and where you from that’s me man England from the UK and which is it Norwich okay you know nor yeah I know nor you know nor no City yeah okay because you know Nelson you must know Nelson Nelson Lord Nelson Hornblower I know they he come from my city I don’t know I know Lord Nelson Nelson defeated Napoleon you know Napoleon we all know Napoleon okay and I think yeah I think we we don’t call don’t call Nelson you don’t call what do you call him you call him something different I I I think I Horatio Hornblower maybe okay guys have a good evening good day good day all the best see you see you have a good night thank you Mercy ju yes maybe July I’ll come back brilliant cool people man David Beckham yeah yeah yeah cool cool David Beckham a man cool always man cool people Wherever I Go funny that is so heavy that little B going to do a little shopping wrap this Vlog up and then oh man no I still got more to do I’ve got beverages I need ice is it ice I want an ice excuse me yeah have ice ice huh glass ah I he knows man cool that’s all I need I’ll get back here in a bit I need some ice and something to cook it’s hard long day I’ve been into spar I got with some ice was it it’s expensive it’s €4 for the ice bit of steak was €9 I left it where it was but I couldn’t resist oh I am I need this I really do so I’m now I don’t know what I’m going to do I hit the wall I need internet to get a vlog up for T night it’s already on vlogging a dead or so I just need need to hit it as public don’t know where I’m going to do that so I am oh man I don’t know about drinking and driving in France I think you’re allowed to do it just as long as you have some food now it did say the motorways are this way worst case scenario I do need petrol I got about 20 I’m down to 20 clicks petrol I think just up this big roundabout where I was earlier I might have to go back in McDonald’s and just see if I can get my my YouTube up I couldn’t get it earlier it’s difficult that internet is pretty poor when I come up to this big roundabout I actually did find hotel but it wouldn’t give me the W tell me where it was and I couldn’t make out where it was oh it’s all a bit like that people so and I’m coming so all I want to do that’s why I’ve got ice from the beer all I want to do I was like like last night get some ice have a decent Mercury Hotel there I’ll go and see how much that is um there were a few hotels in this area but they’re a little bit out my budget oh man Mercury Hotel let’s see how that is if I come around McDonald’s is just there look right opposite Mercury might be 5060 I’ll go I think this is the entrance I’m right now where I am glad I got me little bearings R aen I’d like to go to m Pon I would there’s so many things I’d like to do man is this the entrance oh man bear there is it the entrance oh what they’re so nippy some of these entrances some place I can go there I just spilled me be just tipped upside down a man oh man right guys I’m going to end this Vlog cheers with a very uh unhappy ending I’m going just park on the disabled bit I don’t think I’ll be long I reckon I’ll be over in UMD Donald’s man hard work so cheers appreciate you watching the day in a life which isn’t over yet wow man I might want to make a vlog about as yet I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m I’m just tired so guys appreciate you’re [Music] watching right till the end can’t believe I TI that on the floor until next time oh far


    1. You are so funny Sean I love watching you, don't visit London mate with your parking habits 😂, it will cost you a Kings ransom in parking fines.

    2. Sean try and stop in a place called “Arles” it’s on the way to Marseille .i stayed there many years ago but it was a cool place! Plenty to entertain you and great architecture

    3. Plenty to see and do out on the road buddy. Surprised that more haven't subscribed to this channel to get a daily dose of your good self. One day they will wake up. I assume what you said on this channel you have also conveyed on the Dead Horse channel where the main stream of viewers seem to hibernate . Great work as always buddy 🤩

    4. Hey .From Beautiful sunny ☀️ day here in Norwich .Well another great vlog Sean in gorgeous France .Nice old building I love to visit myself when abroad in another country .I have to say your vlogs are absolutely amazing and always pleasure to watch .until the next time 👋🏻👍🏻😊🫶🏻stay safe

    5. Is anyone running a book on when you get your first gendarme ticket? Illegal parking, no seat belt, Driving without due care and attention, drink driving. Hopefully not the quadrella. Entertaining, yes, but don't posh your luck. Innocent bystander in Bali.

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