Don’t have nightmares, do sleep well” Crimewatch (formerly Crimewatch UK) is a British television programme produced by the BBC, that reconstructs major unsolved crimes in order to gain information from the public which may assist in solving the case.

    [Music] good evening tonight how two detectives stopped a car for careless driving and found themselves confronted with a shotgun the secret life in a of an economist from the bank of England whose body was found floating in a river and the bizarre case of the killer or possibly an accomplice who tried to contact the police and indeed he may even ring the program while we’re on the air well calls from viewers of last month’s program led to three arrests two of which happened within hours of calls to hear to the studio and now in three other cases new evidence from viewers has given investigations a new lease of life and developments are expected soon the detectives here tonight are hoping you’ll see something just as significant they’re waiting now for your call remember we have a new code here 081 so it’s 081 81855 and it’s the same code for the minicom supertel number for viewers who are hard of hearing remember 081 our first case is about the tragic death of a man described by almost everyone as pleasant Charming cultured and intelligent a slightly shy man apparently without an enemy in the world maray kkin sometime last December probably on the evening of Friday the 15th he was murdered the Royal opera house at Cent Garden sorry I was a bit late not to worry we’ve got plenty of time have a glass of wine first shall we where mariin came here frequently indeed back home he had a big collection of classical records he was also something of a wine buff back at his flat he had a store of almost 500 fine bottles we got sh crew sh s mus is the S the 87 it is indeed sir we’ll have a bottle of that one then please sir perfect he lived by himself in a basement in Norland Square in London’s Notting Hill he was regarded as a quiet and pleasant neighbor most of Murray’s friends knew that he was gay few knew that he also had a streak of Massac ISM that could well be connected to his death just around the corner is the Norland arms the Publican remembers Mari being there sometime in November P blow and brow please Mar used to come in to the pub two or three times a week not every week never at the weekends no it’s one 50 please there we are thank you very much cheers he often came in on his own and on occasions was joined by a young couple it’s l isn’t it thanks very much thanks very much cheers it was my impression that these meetings were pre-arranged the couple um well they looked like a professional couple on their way home from work they were uh both smarty dressed and would stay in chat with B for about half an hour short after the couple left another man would join Murray he would sit down and Murray would uh get up and uh get him a drink usually a half point of L uh I first saw this friend of uh M’s in October and the last time I saw him with muray was mid November last year well they used to stay for about half an hour and they they would leave together so two days before muray disappeared he invited a friend round to his for dinner well I’m dying to tell you you know my friend the risian oh yes is he still around as a matter of fact he is and he’s coming to see me on Friday night that Friday morning maray went to work as usual you could almost set the clock by him leaving for the city at 8:30 and returning home promptly at 6:45 it’s not known if mariin ever reached his home that night did the Rhian come to visit him did Murray come home to change and then go out again did you see him anywhere that Friday night the next day Murray’s access card and checkbooks were used in London’s West End someone who may have had a beard went into Austin K on the Strand [Music] afternoon afternoon uh can I help you at all yes can I look at that watch please yes certainly it’s quite a rare watch actually there are only 350 of those in the country and how much is it well it’s usually 225 but we’re selling it for2 200 okay that’ll be fine that’s what I’m looking for good do you take access yes you do I’ll just get this authorized one C moment okay okay the name’s kin it expires August 1990 thank you very much goodbye 2 days later just around the corner London’s chairing cross Hotel someone booked a High car under the name of Mari erskin he must have had to wait outside the hotel for an hour or so since the driver had first gone to the wrong Hotel hi I think this is for me you are from the sorry I’m so late theong question don’t worry um if you’d like to get in let’s throw out some paperwork I won’t keep you long right then um could I have your driving license please sir yeah certainly thank you and I can I have your access card please thank you very much right sir thank you Mr kin everything seems to be in order I hope you enjoy the car shouldn’t have any problems with it next time bye-bye thanks the delivery driver noticed the man sat in the car for about 5 minutes before driving off during that week before Christmas between Monday the 18th of December and Thursday the 21st Murray’s access card and checkbook were used frequently always in London’s West End the red Fiesta was dropped off as arranged on Thursday morning just behind King’s cross station from the mileage the car had clearly been driven outside London several days elapsed over the Christmas and New Year period and then here at London’s Liverpool Street Station Mar’s card and checkbook were used again can I have £50 worth of gildas please can I have a 5day return ticket to Holland please around now Marin’s bank had recognized his writing had been forged and soon after this his access card was blocked when someone tried to use it in the Netherlands it was seized the River cam in Cambridge near elely from 2 days before Christmas there had been several sightings of a large black plastic bag that was floating in the water near this new pub the 5 miles from anywhere at least three Witnesses thought it was a body but no one told the police until 3 months later these two were sailing on a day trip down the river is BL odd better have look at that when we get back if you saw Mari kin on Friday the 15th of December after you left work or anytime after that please do call us Lori vaner I I gather you’ve had a tremendous amount of Cooper a and particularly from the gay community that’s quite correct um the requir has taken us into a number of gay clubs pubs and bars and in fact we received nothing about the best of cooperation there we have to we do know that Mr erskin met this man as a result of an advert in a contact magazine here in London we know that the man was into SNM and CP both Expressions which members of the gay community will understand and we don’t believe that um Mr ersin is the only man which this rodian could have met I have to ask you this I mean how discreet are you going to be if somebody Rings up and what they call a closet gay family friends don’t know we understand that people may feel vulnerable and reluctant to come forward but we really do guarantee absolute discretion okay the couple in the pub who were meeting Mari sometime October or or November you need to find them obviously they’ve got nothing to do with the crime except that they might know who he was meeting later on it would certainly seem that their presence in the pub coincided with the visits of this other man uh they may have seen him Mr urki May well have spoken about him let’s see this other man what we about him we’ve he’s been described to us as being in his mid-30s about 6 fo tall slightly above average build um his hair is dark down to his collar and he’s got an indistinct accent okay now we also have a video fit of a man who was seen uh that’s a description in fact from The High car delivery driver it could well be the chap who who bought the watch as well not dissimilar it’s not dissimilar that man was described to us as being in his early 30s 5′ 11 tall about average build it’s a well-trimmed beard and mustache with nice curly dark brown hair and clearly we need to find anybody who knows someone who could be known as the redian that’s correct urkin referred to him as the rodian or my rodian friend we only know from things that Mr kin told his colleagues that um the man had served in the Rhian Army possibly in their version of the SAS coming back to England after Independence or at least he said he had cor don’t know whether he had or not presumably incidentally this is uh one of the SEO yacht Master watches uh there are only 350 of these in the country if you know someone who’s got one of those particularly in conjunction with one of these which is a watch cover case and in conjunction possibly with one of these too which is a euro belt pouch something might wear around his waist and then do give us a call particularly if any of the descriptions match for anything else seems odd to you here’s the number if you can help in any way 081 remember the new code 8185 081 8185 or you can try the instant room at kington which is greater London that’s 081 741 602 that’s 0817 41602 well are some progress reports on previous programs last December we reconstructed the last day in the life of Kristoff schlak who worked as a sub editor for Butterworth’s law Publishers and had for the past 11 years lived in Shepherd’s bush in West London he was a familiar figure in the area with his trilby hat gold fob watch and monore on the evening of Monday the 18th of September Kristoff was stabbed and killed at his flat a few days after the program a viewer called with information which is led directly now to one man’s arrest that man is now in custody awaiting formal charge last month on Photo call we showed a picture of a man who was sought in connection with a rape near King’s cross in North London 43 viewers thought they recognized the picture and two of them LED police to the south coast in fact one gave the name of a guest house there detectives went round on the Friday morning pretty early they were told the suspect was working at a nearby Hospital a man was subsequently arrested he’s been remanded charged with rape and there’ve been two more arrests also as a result of last month’s photoc call in one case we showed security videotape of robberies at two banks in the north London area police believed these were carried out by the same man and two callers to the program gave the same name one of them gave an address as well police called at that address and an arrest has now been made and the other case was in South London again we showed two pieces of security video this time the robberies were at building societies again police were convinced these were both carried out by the same man and 20 callers rang with the same name several callers gave addresses as well and on the Saturday morning following the program a man was arrested at his home well now to this month’s photo call here with the faces and the stories behind them WDC Jackie hes and superintendent David Hatcher these two men Peter Meyer and SED Almanor may be able to help the company fraud department of the city of London Police who are investigating a £300,000 fraud you may know them as directors of international sellers the trading name for shop Dean limited operating between June 1988 and January 8899 PT mayor is a well-known figure in the wine trade in the United Kingdom and Germany and may still be in contact with many people in that business he’s sometimes known as Roger Cavendish if you had any dealings with him or Mr Almanor or have any information about their current where abouts please ring us now colleagues in West Mercier are looking for this man who they believe has carried out four armed robberies in three different counties getting away with over £7,000 he’s seen here on Monday the 5th of February at the Staffordshire Building Society in Broms grve wierer far away on the south coast in exitor 10 days later he was at the Nationwide Anglia Building Society on Thursday the 15th of February he couldn’t escape the security camera and showby either here he is in the Abbey National Building Society on Tuesday the 27th of March he’s described as 20 to 30 years old 5’4 to 5’9 and is Slim with a Pock marked face he always wears a cloth cap and an army style camouflage jacket but it hardly helps him to blend into his surroundings if you think you know who he is please call us next colleagues in Lancashire would like to speak to this man his name is Peter Preston or you may know him as David a or Peter rers he may have information about a number of frauds and deceptions carried out throughout the country involving electrical equipment and cars worth about £60,000 he was last seen on Friday the 5th of January in beam Cumbria when he left his rented home taking his wife and two young daughters with him he may still be driving a white Volvo estate car registration g392 gck Peter Preston is 45 years old 5′ 10 in tall and wellb built if you know where he is please ring us now colleagues in the metropolitan police flying Squad are looking for this man who’s committed five armed robberies at Banks and building Societies in central London since January the security film shows him in the Yorkshire Building Society in Mad Street London at 3:25 p.m. on Wednesday the 14th of March he handed the cashier a note saying he was carrying a gun the next day he did the same thing at Lloyd’s Bank in Picadilly but the security camera caught him again and at the same time too at 3:25 he’s a man in his early 20s about 5′ 10 tall with short brown hair and has always worn dark sunglasses in the raids if you have any information about this man or were in the vicinity of these building societies and Banks during the raids then please ring us now colleagues in heart for here would like to speak to this man Gary Thompson he was last seen at 2:30 a.m. on April 10th when he was dropped by a taxi in beckfield Road walthamstow East London he just discharged himself from wittington hospital and was still wearing his pajamas he was born in Scotland but his main base for many years has been Doner in South Yorkshire he may be able to help detectives in stevenage with an inquiry looking into cases of deception Gary Thompson or Gary tolber as he sometimes calls himself is 28 years old and usually wears army style clothes he’s damaged his right ankle which is often in a plaster cast and therefore sometimes uses crutches if you think you know him or any of our other photoc call faces please ring us now and here’s the number remember the new code 081 8185 that’s 081 8185 well more news now as a result of last month’s program first on the case of 16-year-old Michael Bolton who inexplicably disappeared without trace a year ago go while he was out jogging near his home in IEM darbishire we had more than 250 calls from people anxious to help but the results have been disappointing there are only 10 callers who said they thought they saw Michael in EM on the day he went missing and those are being followed up but many viewers rang to say that they’d seen Michael in or near the village of starport on seven and police have discovered that there is a boy living there who looks very much like Michael so again disappointment there but there would have been thousands of people in the EM area of the Peak District on that day and police feel there must be many more people who could have seen Michael out in his jogging gear on the afternoon or early evening of Sunday the 7th of May last year so if you think you did see Michael and you haven’t yet contacted the police you can either ring us here in the studio or this is the direct line to the police station in buckton it’s 0298 721 that’s 0298 the code for buckton 721 some intriguing developments on the murder in West London of the businessman Ander Gill if you recall he was hijacked in his distinctive blue Mercedes in South Hall High Street and later his car was seen being driven by someone wearing a motorcycle crash helmet Mr Gill then seemed to get away the next morning was found stabbed to death detectives now have two new sightings which might prove crucial one viewer rang to say she’d seen a white car waiting in a car park just off South Road half an hour before the hijack and someone in that car was wearing a crash helmet then later that same afternoon another viewer saw what seemed to be a car chase a car just like surrender girls racing and swerving on the wrong side of the road pursued by another car again a white one we’ll keep you in touch with what develops our Aladdin’s cave last month actually prompted more calls than we could count police are still working following up some of the claims but three items have already been reunited with their owners a house Master at Trent College in Long Ethan in Nottinghamshire recognized his old cigarette lighter that was the one inscribed with the name Lang he’d give it to a friend when he gave up smoking a few years ago he obviously doesn’t want to start smoking again so every effort is being made to trace the friend the lady’s watch we showed with the inscription from Bill to Peg on the back has been restored to a grateful Peg and as often happens on Aladdin’s cave a sharp eyed viewer noticed a long lost item in the background in this case it was a vase and that is now back where it belongs we’re already getting quite a number of calls in on photocal cases and also I’m Happ to say on the maray ersin murder so please if you haven’t been being able to get through and I’m told that occasionally people are finding the lines jammed please keep trying there are detectives and researchers not just in the studio but with many more who are answering phones downstairs and uh you can see pictures there of the downstairs room where another a whole stack of lines being taken as always your calls will be treated with the utmost discretion and let me remind you again of the new code 081 8185 the lines if you can’t get through at the moment they’re open until midnight but do keep trying now it’s measure of the seriousness of our next case that 5 Weeks Later the two police officers who became involved are still suffering from the shock of what happened one of them an experienced officer with 12 years service in the metropolitan police force behind him is not yet able to return to duty he was very nearly killed their colleagues from the flying Squad in North London are now hunting two or maybe three volatile and highly dangerous armed robbers in the film you’re about to see is there anything you recognize that jugs your memory our reconstruction begins in Palmer’s Green in North London at a spot known locally as the triangle it’s the junction between Alderman’s Hill and green Lanes which is a main route to and from London and it’s busy day and night about 100 yards away is Palmer’s green railway station and just across the road the Nationwide Anglia Building Society it’s Thursday the 5th of April at about 10 minutes to midnight a security van arrived to deliver cash at the same time the last train from King’s cross calls at Palmer’s green passengers emerging from the station May well have seen something of what happened next remember it’s 10 minutes to midnight on Thursday the 5th of April for obvious reasons we’ve left out some of the security details here drop it uh okay the stolen cream Sierra drove off along Alderman’s Hill unaware that a raid had taken place two plain clothed policemen were just resuming their patrol well that seemed to go okay uh not looking fall to the plate right then I think it’s going to be a slow one tonight yeah yeah my ja do with it quite FR yeah the two unarmed officers had been placed on night patrol all that week to tackle a recent Spate of car thefts well did you fancy something to eat what time is it it’s just coming up to midnight uh wait we get rid of station eh what the hell’s he doing worth were you driving one of the vehicles which were forced to pull in as the two cars sped down Broomfield Avenue hey wait there police run you you the man back up com you I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going you [Music] bastard yes go go you right yeah yeah the men disappeared into pitch dark waste ground at the back of a sports club I’m not going in there assistance yeah Yankee Echo 172 require urgent assistance uh Broomfield Avenue Cranford Avenue shots fired at police yet received [Applause] [Music] moments later two men sprinted in front of the traffic across pis lane from the direction of the waste ground an alert motorist who’ noticed a lot of police activity in the area flagged down a police van to report the incident way my colleague in the car was shot at twice from virtually Point Blank Range it was terrifying thinking that he might any time be killed he’s still very shocked he’s off work and he’s seeing a doctor to get over the traum of the incident well DCI Albert Patrick of the flying Squad is heading the is Mr Patrick when is the Senior officer likely to be able to resume his post well Mark is off sick at the moment obviously he’s not well he’s he’s still suffering from shock you’ll get better both were extremely Brave officers uh that night and very basically the the rubbers were extremely dangerous it could have been a member of the public a very difficult uh position they were in cuz he really did come very close to death he was literally 2 Ines away from being dead this could easily have been a murder inquiry and and thank God it wasn’t now we are looking for three men do you have any descriptions at all three men yes they’re vague uh best described as the gunman who shot at the police officer 6ot goatey beard uh the rest is quite big one white and another one black so and the third one you don’t know well yes exactly now these men could have been in the area of the triangle in Palmer’s green for some hours before midnight before the raid happened that’s correct obviously the to plan of Robie like that they had to be there for some time beforehand or information that the were the timing was right so we’re appealing for anybody who saw two men three men hanging about the car could it been parked there for some time did did any you notice it what is vital is that the man who saw the motorist saw the two men running across Paris Lane comes forward he hasn’t come forward at all or he didn’t give the police officer his name and address he is a vital witness so please come forward don’t have to say who you are as you said in the night pick up the phone and just tell us what you saw and he was driving a four-door dark colored Ford Escort that’s correct and talking of cars the gunman used a light colored Sierra as a getaway car which had been to stolen three weeks earlier in Kilburn so somebody might have seen that during that time yes they may but one of the The crucial points there is where were the plates made up uh that’s a good point point I think and we appeal to anyone who actually made the plates up and there’s a number b329 a a correct there are two other stolen cars which are anxious to eliminate from your inquiries or include I’m relatively happy that we can eliminate them but we just want to be sure the Maestro from Tamworth was abandoned in Palmer’s green now this was a maestro stolen in Tamworth and driven down to Palmer’s green and abandoned that’s correct and on the night of the robbery a Montego was stolen shortly after robbery or thereabouts and abandoned Tambour so it looks like a straight Swap and the areas tally yes they do tally but we’re not sure if they were the robbers how much hope are you holding out at the moment for this so can I say that uh we are struggling we need help uh it could easily have been a murder inquiry and I do need just a little clue as to who the robbers are point me in the right direction and hopefully I’ll be able to do the rest with my men let’s hope so if you can help Albert Patrick and his colleagues to trace these gunmen please do ring us now this could well be a matter of urgency as we’ve said the are dangerous men now the number to ring here is 0181 8055 or you can ring the police direct at the Flying Squad headquarters and the number there is 071 23 02061 that’s 0712 02061 we are getting uh a tremendous response let me tell you on the Mario kkin case um we’ve had large numbers of people and I’m delighted to say most of them been prepared to give their names on a confidential basis who’ve given us names of people they think could be the Rodan that detectives are seeking we’ll let you know more as uh we hear more well now to incident desk with direct appeals on cases all over the UK here are detective Constable Jackie haes and superintendent David Hatcher in our first case one of the robbers or an associate has left a significant clue for crime watch viewers on Monday the 26th of February four men broke into Heaton’s removals in Baxter’s Lane St Helen’s it was 8:20 p.m. and they were to be there for nearly 3 hours wearing balac clavas and brandishing sticks they locked up the night Watchmen and stole 12 of these nef microwaves they also took 147 cartons of clothing mainly children’s destined for Market stalls about enough to fill a small Lorry they left at 11:30 p.m. but just after midnight merys side police received a 999 call from a phone box in Prescott Road St Helens it’s pretty hard to hear so we’re giving subtitles so you can can concentrate on whose voice it is hello can I help you hello yeah you listen to me very please I’m listening The Watchman transport yeah toar yeah yeah we think the man has a local accent could it be anybody you know the night Watchman had in fact freed himself shortly after the raid so he knew about it by that stage if You’ have any idea who the the caller might be or know where the microwaves or clothing are now please call us next police in Essex are trying to trace a man who’s indecently assaulted three girls in the space of one week the first attack took place on Monday the 19th of March at about 3:30 in the afternoon two teenage girls were walking along the road known locally as Road 50 near stainway in the langon Hills area of Basildon it’s a fairly new stretch that hasn’t yet been linked to any other Road so there was no traffic a man followed the girls then grabbed one of them pulling her into the bushes he threatened both girls with a standing knife and indecently assaulted one of them then he ran off towards Lon link the girls only 15 years old were obviously frightened and couldn’t identify him since he wore a stocking mask the second attack happened on the Tuesday the 27th of March this time in the early evening two girls walking along Lee Chapel Lane in the same area Langdon Hills were forced behind bushes during the assault they were threatened with a Stanley knife and he was again wearing a stocking mask the day before the girls had noticed the man acting suspiciously in Lee Chapel Lane this time of course they were able to see his face clearly without his stocking mask they say he’s between 5′ 10 and 6t stocky build with a beer belly about 25 to 30 years old with collar length dark brown hair and has a lighter mustache he speaks with a local accent and wears an earring in his left ear if you recognize this man please call us now my colleagues in Staffordshire are looking for this man who together with an accomplice stole antiques worth over 122,000 from a stately home in Shropshire Western Park in schiffel the ancestral home of Lord Bradford was burgled on Friday the 6th of April that’s the week before Easter two men drove up to the main hall and got away with three valuable antiques these two Bronze Statues of Venus instructing Cupid a 10 1/2 in high and are worth £10,000 this Chinese ginger jar made about 1660 and worth over £22,000 has the stately homes Mark 105 st4 on its base the car they used a beige Ford Escort a282 Dr was hired from Shard n service station in Birmingham a week earlier on Friday the 30th of March it was later found abandoned in the rural area of redit close to the young offenders Institute in hu Lane perhaps you saw the car somewhere that week remember that’s March the 30th to April the 8th and officers in Staffordshire think these men may have tried to burgle another stately home just half an hour before the Western Park burglary a similar crime was attempted at attingham Park in schury where a similar vehicle was used this man is described as about 20 years old 5′ 10 slim with a glazed expression his accomplice is the same age 6 tall slim with light short straight hair and a pale complexion so if you have any information about the high car the burglary or the two men please get in touch my colleagues in Essex need your help to find this man he carries a knife and isn’t worried about using it on Friday the 9th of February he went into the sub post office in the Ridgeway at Leon sea threatening the owner’s wife with the knife he tried to make a fill plastic bag with money from the safe but at that moment her husband came back to the shop and grabbed the robber in the struggle he was knifed in the leg and the attacker ran off empty-handed he drove away in a blue Ford Sierra perhaps you remember seeing it driving very fast down this road or perhaps you saw it being abandoned a mile away in Satan Road Westcliff on sea detectives now know that the getaway car had been stolen earlier that morning from this car park at Southend East railway station did you take a train from here to Liverpool Street that day you might have seen this man at the station he’s described as white 6 feet tall 25 years old with dark brown fuzzy hair which was possibly permed he was wearing a blue jacket with white or yellow stripes so if you think you recognize him or remember anything that may help on this or any of our incident desk cases please call us and here once again is the number to call if you can can help it’s 081 81855 that’s 081 81855 our next case is a murder in which the killer or an accomplice seems to have tried to contact the police detectives have a tape recording of a man’s voice they have samples of handwriting and they have an insight into the suspect’s personality which it must be said seems slightly weird indeed the police think that there’s a real chance the murderer might call Crime watch while we’re on the air if so there are details that only he knows which will prove that he was at the scene of the killing the police now want to see if you can help make the pieces fit together and maybe fit someone that you know the victim was an eminent doctor a skin specialist who lived in Middlesboro David Burkett was consultant dermatologist at the Carter bequest Hospital though he also held surgeries in four other hospitals in South Cleveland much for coming to see he was a dedicated NHS doctor who’ specialized in skin disorders for nearly 30 years it will take some time to clear up but anyway I’m going to describe some David was also one of the UK’s half dozen figures in the field of paleopathology the study of ancient human bones and he was a consultant to the government come on then tell us all about it about what operation thing of me rally your weekend of Adventure in The Great Outdoors when we got back he was modest about his achievements and very popular in lenthor even though many of his friends didn’t feel they really knew him David from what I know of him um was a very private person I think that was the most outstanding facet of his personality he was a very kind man he’d frequently sto to talk to people that nobody else would bother with over the last few years we’ve got to know David a little bit better because he started to come out with several of the neighbors my husband and myself on a regular basis on the Wednesday before David died we all had arranged to go to the bowling club and David had gone to Durham that evening and as normal he came in about 2 minutes just before the quiz started he must have driven very fast to get down from Durham my goodness it’s cold out there too is it really good evening ladies and gentlemen we’re going to start the quiz now the first question is how do frogs breathe underwater we know the answer to second question where are the heights of Abraham oh I know that one in the group he had the best intellect out of all of us really he had an outstanding intellect general knowledge and ability it’s the day of his death Saturday the 3rd of February David was divorced and lived alone and his routine on Saturdays was to go down to the shops or Virgin Flight brocher please right s there you go thank you business a pleasure this time a bit of both really I’m taking my daughter with me on a trip to America oh very good when you got your dat sorted give us a ring will do Che byebye Dr Burkett was seen in several other shops in Lin Thorp and in Middlesboro Town Center before returning home to cornfield Road he lived here for 13 years three of them alone though he saw a good deal of his former wife and children he began to prepare his evening meal and at about 20 5 one of his neighbors cycling down the lane adjoining David’s house saw him sitting alone in his kitchen it was the last time David burkit is known to have been seen alive nearly an hour later at about 10 6 this witness a local farman noticed someone sitting on David’s next door neighbor’s Garden Wall David usually went out with friends on Saturday night but by 6:30 he’d still not been in touch to make arrangements I telephoned but there was no reply at 20 7 there was nearly an accident near David’s house what a bloody stupid thing to do about 10 to 8 I ran to David’s house and dropped a note in the door asking him would he let me know by 9:00 what he was going to do that night and then I went down the side of the house where I noticed that the kitchen windows were all steamed up I was a little bit concerned cuz I felt I could smell burning potatoes an hour later a witness waiting for a bus saw someone in the phone box in Union Street at the junction of parliament Road it’s some 15 minutes walk from David’s house someone from this phone box dialed 999 and implied there’d Been a Murder the witness saw a man use the phone box three times but only saw him speak once he remembers the man walked away down Parliament Road hello it’s Frank I’m tried to get David two or three times on the phone as no answer what do you want to do this evening well I think we should do our normal and stick to our normal plan in that we go along to the theater club and David may come along at qu 10 David never did join his friends at the Little Theater club that Saturday night and the next day Sunday the 4th of February his body was discovered in his home he’d been beaten to death found in the house could you ask Studio to attend Brian Leonard obviously you need to eliminate that man who was seen by the phone boxes from where the 999 call was made yes we do indeed he’s 35 to 45 years of age he’s medium buil 6 feet tall and he was dressed in the dark an aack okay fairly distinctive features you want him to call it could be the man who D 999 of course but there’s no way of telling that’s right he may well not be connected with the murder okay but obviously we need to Chase and eliminate him from the inquiry no not not only did someone ring the police but someone uh wrote this letter to you now this is the the first page of it which is stencil and I I gather people who know about stencil say it’s fairly well done that’s right this next page is more interesting it’s got a verse here which seems about martial arts Heaven and Earth are my parents psycho Tandon is my home stoicm is my body very interesting this line here I can throw my life away at an instant can you yes we’ve received many letters but because of the the content of this particular letter we’re rather interested in finding the author of it it’s very important that we found details in this that suggested he really knew inside that house that he knew something about the indeed he did and about the activities of the doctor himself and you think that the murderer or the accomplice might actually ring the program now that is always a strong possibility we cannot discount that okay obviously whoever Rings up they’ll be asked if they can give us details which will prove they are what they say they are uh a skull is missing one of the the skulls that the doctor was working on at the time yes this is a skull he had in the house for some considerable time it had damage to the left eye and to the rear of the skull and obviously we need to find that skull he was he used it for lecturing purposes he may have loarn it out but of course the killer may have taken it from the house okay and this bag was found uh this was found in the house near to the body it was left by the murder we’ve checked and with the occupants of the house the cleaner it certainly wasn’t there before Dr burket was killed okay in itself not of course very useful but if you can link it together with other things remember this killing is is a very brutal and very weird one and the killer might strike again please help if you can 081818 05 that’s 081 81 805 or if you want to ring the middlesbor local inent room try 0642 300200 that’s 0642 the code for Middlesboro 300200 well we’ll be back at 11:15 after question time and there’ll be more news on what’s developed by tomorrow on daytime live shortly after midday cax on page 618 has all the local numbers for the police but the lines here will be staying open until midnight so if you know anything about tonight’s cases please do call don’t forget we have a new dialing code now 8181 8055 how could you forget it we’ve uh compiled a handful of extraordinary and very ugly crimes tonight do please bear in mind just how extraordinary how unusual offenses like these are on the whole our society really is a caring and supportive one and witness the huge volume of helpful calls that have been coming in tonight so don’t have nightmares do please sleep well good night good night [Music]

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