2nd consecutive bike ride 2 days in a row.

    hello there another cycling video here um not quite as much as I did yesterday so this is Tuesday April the 30th so um in yesterday’s video I did uh 4 miles so today I think this was just 2 and 1/2 miles so just a little bike ride now so I decided to go a different way this time so we’re just coming up to sabes and um often times I turn right but this time I turned left and thought I’ll go along London Road this time somewhere a little different so yeah just a another leisurely bike ride um not doing any training at the gym this week until Thursday so at the moment I’m just resting and recovering for Thursday so not pushing these bike rides really just I say just an easy leisurely cycle this is actually the second consecutive day now that I’ve um gone cycling a lot of times I don’t always have the time but I’ve got week off work at the moment so on holiday so got a little bit of time on my hands and like I say not going to the gym until Thursday so I thought I’d get in another bike ride so um on Thursday I’m going to attempt to deadlift 700 so um unfortunately I got a little bit of stomach pain at the moment it’s um just a recurring issue that I’ve had really for the last four years um start in January 2020 and uh every now and they getting I get stomach pain it’s not as bad as it used to be four years ago it used to be very severe um I think I’m might be suffering from IBS irritable B syndrome but I’m not sure um I don’t not sure whether it’s certain foods that trigger it um I mean I’m quite boring when it comes to D I normally eat the same thing but on Sunday I ate these cookies not just one or two but eight of them and they were quite sweet so I’m blaming them I think that um it’s it’s just funny how I had them cookies and then the next thing I know I’ve got a lot of stomach pains so I mean it’s it’s not Agony but it’s um quite uncomfortable I’m just hoping it goes by Thursday because I want to pull 700 P okay so we and um har heading towards the SE F now I like it down here it’s downhill so you can get a lot of speed down here I always wear my Feit bit so that I know what my heartbeat is and um I don’t think it was giving falce readings this time either so that was all right downhill I think I must to be doing about 20 miles an hour going downhill so um and of course we go up here and this is where I slow down there just coming up to the Palace not the Palace Theater sorry the cliffs Pavilion I’ve only ever been in there once actually and that was 1995 I believe so nearly 30 years ago maybe I should go in there see a performance at some point here we are s FY front so this time I remember to bring my bottle of water with me I for the first time ever I bought some smart water so it’s um a 600 mL bottle and uh I don’t know what the difference is supposed to be between smart water and normal water but it was on offer so I got that I’ve not been doing too well on my water intake lately I’ve been getting a bit lazy i’ I been averaging about 1 and 1/2 lers a day and I need to do a lot better than that I need to make sure I’m getting free just stopped off a little water [Applause] bike 5 minute left now back to it this was actually quite sleep this bit there we go there we go bad bad my video’s now sped up to three times I think alog together this bike ride was about 25 minutes but I’ve tried to condense it into about 8 and 1/2 minutes so I usually speed it up a bit because there are Parts where I’m just literally cycling at like 5 m an hour and um it’s a bit boring to see that whereas if I speed it up three times it’s more like 15 M hour and I just find it makes these videos a bit easier to view I don’t know let me know in the comments what you think so just coming into here stopping off just to finish that water bottle just another quick little water break 5 minutes back at it again I really like this Garden this this is quite a nice beautiful garden and then to the right you got the Bowling Green over there don’t think I’ve been down this road for a while so I thought i’ just go some somewhere a little bit different try and uh mix it up a bit I just I just don’t like walking really I’m just um I prefer to just ride a bike and um as long as I write it in a leisurely way then I suppose it’s the equivalent of walking I say um heart rate’s normally about 100 with a leisurely bike ride give or take 10 beats in either direction so um yeah so so this was uh Tuesday the 30th so two more days to go until I lift my 700 hopefully just hoping to plan that nothing goes wrong the fact that I’ve got bad stomach pain is not good at the moment but I’m just hoping that I’ll be able to fight through it and hopefully the pain will drive me I mean it’s only probably about four 3 out of 10 4 out of 10 playing oh my C my battery died here so it cuts out now

    1 Comment

    1. I've been enjoying the cycling videos! Now that's it's a bit warmer over here, I've been popping on the bike a little more too.

      By the way, for these videos if you've got the spare money, you might want to look into a camera that has stabilization features. I have a GoPro which does this, and it helps smooth out things like when I walk it doesn't shake as much. I think it would help make these videos nicer still to watch. Either way though, I enjoy it.

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